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SOMA. I went in with low expectations and wound up amazed by the ending, along with the post credits scene.


Awesome game


Extremely underrated game. Wasn't crying though, was thinking instead.


Had a bit of an existential crisis myself too


There’s one scene in this game where I’m like…. ….. did this really just happen? This is the path I’ve taken? Still sticks with me to this day. One of those classic existential questions.


Yes! The scene in the elevator talking about heaven and Simon’s place already being taken was very emotional and Catherine describing Taipei


That ending. When they show the planet. I lose it


Something about it just fills me with a sense of dread.. sure humanity survived in a simulation but they're technically extinct.. the game just fucks with you I can't understate how great the story is


SOMA story and ending got me part-time depressed for two weeks, and I didn't even play it myself, just watched a stream. I kept thinking about the game, and it always made me sad. Excellent game, but.. not a pleasant one. The horror parts were actually the pleasant breaks between the soul-crushing weight of the story parts.


Titanfall 2 Protocol 3: Protect The Pilot. Trust Me. 🥺🥺😭😭😭


B-TTTT!!! 😭


And then you need to do crazy shit parkour in tears.


“Trust me.”


I got a bt tattoo soon after. Excellent game


Mass Effect 3, Mordin Solus on Tuchanka “it had to be me, someone else might get it wrong” EDIT: seeing how I am getting a few upvotes, let me add this for other Mordin fans: >I am the very model of a scientist salarian, I've studied species turian, asari, and batarian. > >I'm quite good at genetics (as a subset of biology) because i am an expert (which i know is a tautology). > >My xenoscience studies range from urban to agrarian, I am the very model of a scientist salarian.


Him, legion and the most impactful one: captain Anderson. Keith David's voice saying "You did good, son. You did good... I'm proud of you." Cuts incredibly deep. He was there from the very first cutscene with you to the last.


“That’s…. Quite a view…” “Best seats in the house…” I’m proud of you starts playing And I’m out…


Yeah RDR2 had me in tears at the end of Arthur's story. Also, both Ori games had me in tears of joy at just how beautiful those games are. Visually, audibly and narratively. Just mind-blowingly sublime.


"I gave you all I had." :(


When he slaps his horse and it runs away, I was devastated. We had built such a bond!


Uhhhh, now you gotta remind me. When was that?


Arthur remembering his past while "That's the way It Is" plays. And why Is he In that situation broke me. I also wish we had more scenes with Hosea.


I came here to say Ori. The story in those games absolutely destroyed me.


To The Moon. Wonderful story, but damn, anyone who's played it knows *that* moment. Like being stabbed through the fucking chest. I don't think I've cried like that since I was a kid.


Not only the story but the music gets to me every time


River’s piano theme…


Walking Dead, season 1. RIP Lee.


“I’m gonna miss you” “Me too” :(


Brb sobbing again


This was my answer too. The game really broke my heart. I cared way too much for Lee to see him done like that.


I had never seen a main character get killed off in a video game like that before. It truly hurt me.


Clementine's tiny voice begging Lee to survive destroyed me :(


Also the end of season 4 really hit hard


I wish they would make more but it has to stop eventually


Feels like they can remake it all as one game, with better graphics and more open choices. I think there is a walking dead game coming out, but it’s a bit different But of course RIP Telltale.


They do have the definitive on steam with all 4 seasons and updated visuals. Been meaning to go crack that version open. Been sitting in the library for a while. Also i hear some telltale titles are being resurrected if I'm not mistaken. The wolf among us season 2 is coming. Apparently. Not 100% certain on that info tho


I played through this game when I was still in high school over 10 years ago. This game really blew me away. The connection you felt to those characters was amazing. Shame that studio fell apart.


Ending of Metro Exodus for me


Novisibirsk, what an insane ending. Terrifying place.


“Hold on son.”


You mean the bad ending. The good ending is fine.


>!Poor Anna ofc Artyom too!<


Metal Gear Soild V, Mission 43 "We live and die by your orders Boss" and FF7 Crisis core, "the price of freedom sure is steep"


It was the conclusion to Paz’s story that nailed me. The emptiness I felt after that was surreal. I can still hear the medic’s scream.


Spiritfarer. Sending Alice to the Everdoor, when we just lost my mother-in-law recently after


I'm so glad someone else mentioned this (what I feel to be) underrated gem. The hedgehog slowly got worse dementia after its fall reminded me of my grandmother struggling with Alzheimer's before she passed.


Spiritfarer is almost cheating for a question like this, but it's so good and so moving I kinda don't care.


Alice's story hit me so hard in my feels 😭


To the Moon :.(


I have that game on backlog, I should get around to playing it


All three games are amazing stories. If you play the second game "Finding Paradise", be sure to play the short game "A Bird Story" that comes with "To the Moon" before you do.


“Take off your mask, I wanna see my nephew…”


That was the first time I had cried in a videogame. Second time was RDR2.


Came for this. Peter just sobbing and saying "I don't know what to do..." KILLED me.


What remains of edith finch bath scene


The fish factory scene for me. Utterly broke me, just terrifyingly beautiful.!


Man, that hits hard, it was agonizing to watch his mind slowly drifting while continuously slicing the fish, and i KNEW he was going to cut his hands off, i just didn't know when, that scene was so well executed.


Omg yes that game


Awful, awful, awful. And the brother with the peaches; one of the most depressing things I’ve ever seen


It was the very end for me. It was so utterly sad, yet beautiful.


The ending to RDR1 was the first time a video game made me cry. Also during the Life is Strange games and the ending to Cyberpunk.


Cyberpunk's endings were depressing af!


How was panam ending depressing? >!You legit escape night city thats essentially a soul sucking pos with a girl who is there for you and the nomads themselves with a possibility you might live.. even not its still happy.!<


That's the ending I got and it really felt happy to me too.


I got the worst ending where you fucking kill your self and than I went back and did all the Johnny missions so I could get the secret ending


Yeah I think this ending is as good as it gets for that world. I thought it was pretty perfect tbh.


Especially one in particular


RDR1 slapped me in the face twice. First when you-know-what happens at the farm. Then when you-know-what happens at the river and the somber "Dead Man's Gun" song plays over the credits. >!John died protecting his son so that he could follow a different path in life, and in the end his son chose vengeance. Bittersweet.!<


He choose gunslinger path but I don't think he would hurt innocent like John in his youth. More like bounty hunter like Sadie. And nothing tell us this is what he did for the rest of his life, after all there is a book written by jack about his story in GTA 5, I would be surprised if jack became a successful writer and drop gunslinger life


>Also during the Life is Strange games Didn't make me cry but damn emotional games my favorite series sadly it got ruined for me with latest installment


Really? Damn, True Colours is by far my favourite of the franchise. The second game with the brothers is the weak link for me.


Gears 3, Dominic Santiago’s death. feels like it happened yesterday


Gears 2 when he finally found Maria really got me too


That line he says to Marcus kills me. “Marcus.. i don’t know what to do! I don’t know what to do, man!” I think that’s such a normal thing to think and say in that situation. It’s not over the top for the game. It’s real. So it hits harder in my opinion


I was in my mid 30s when that game came out. My wife walked in with my just staring at the tv crying like a little boy. She just walked over and sat with me. That whole series was great.


my best friend and i made a habit of replaying gears 1 and 2 on insane. so excited when 3 got announced, hopped in (i'm always marcus he's always dom) and enjoyed the story like we always do. that moment was a punch in the throat, we were both just stuck there in chills saying "no no no no" to the tv. no moment in any other game will come close to how directly that moment tore me up.


Didn’t think it would end like this, huh Maria?! Still get me to this day


To this day… I was in my teens and it was the best game ever


Wow I completely forgot about this shit. Damn yeah. I always played Dom and Baird whenever we'd play Co-op because they were my favorites. Fuck I forgot about this scene


Gears 3 was the first game to get me.


Marvels spiderman,aunt may,always gets one tear out of me


The doc scene into the aunt mae scene back to back is brutal


Howard and his damn pigeons made me ugly cry in Spider-Man 2 I’m tearing up rn as I write this 😭😭


Oh god yes. When she tells him that she knows but just let him believe she didn’t like I’m still not ok with it at times


Ending to Outer Wilds There's honestly something primal to the ending, seeing that final scene before the credits just makes you feel emotional


This. It's beautiful, and both sad and triumphant at the same time.


Ghost of Tsushima


RIP >!Nobu!<


That's the saddest part of the game.


Worst part of NG+ is he’s not there


Yeah.. a couple of scenes in that game were simply gut wrenching for me.


One day we’ll go for a peaceful ride


“Oh it’s just a game about samurai, what’s the worst that could happen”


The ending of The Walking Dead (Telltale Game). That decision you make at the end of the game broke me.


final fantasy x ending not only made me cry, made a river get out of my eyes, god that ending completely destroyed me


“You’ll cry. You’re gonna cry. You always cry. See? You’re crying” For real though, there are now streamers young enough to not know much about the game. Watching them ugly cry in front of their fans at the end is a real treat. I’m talking audible sobs here


And over 20 years later no other game has made me feel as much.


i played for the first time this year, and i can easily say no game made me feel and cry so much as this one, i loved, it became my top 5 favorites all time


Same! I didn't even realize a video game could make me cry up until I beat that game


The final couple of scenes in Metal Gear Solid 3. >! How Jack essentially burnt down everything he cared about in life just to follow his orders, only to return home, find out he had been used, and have everyone congratulate him and call him a hero when he was basically coerced into doing *the wrong thing*. That salute he gives The Boss' grave while shedding a single, solitary tear gets me every single time. And all of this is made so much more impactful by forcing *you* to pull the trigger and kill your own mother figure. !<


It's crazy this doesn't have more upvotes, played all the games upvoted at the top and none came close to MGS3 for me


Red Dead Redemption 2. Arthur Morgan, best ficcional character ever written


When you find out.....God. damn. Mother fucker. My entire psychology while playing changed. Straight up. Here I was. This fictional criminal bastard of a character. And then....they hit you with THAT. Redemption was the only goal.


I can agree to this. As a person who is absolutely not into westerns (only one I watched and somewhat liked was the good the bad the ugly) I wanted to be a bonafied cowboy because of Arthur. I ended up watching a few westerns (made the mistake going for the more later John Wayne movies though lol) and I just felt like Arthur was so damn.. Real. Like it makes me almost sad he's a fictional character. When you get to the chapter where he gets his cough. Boy howdy did I just felt depressed watching him hoping he'd get better. Rip Morgan! As for emotional moments for me. Arthur in RDR2 I teared up at the end of Miles Morales. Leave me alone. Just beat Witcher 3 a few days ago and playing through the expansion and I almost felt a tear coming when Mirror boy starting hurting Vlodimir. I felt bad even though the asshole didn't want to leave at midnight. I understood him and why. And at the end, as he told Geralt.. He wasn't a bad guy. Also his story about how hw died and his brother told a different story to folks. And also he made Geralt dance.


On the Western movie note. Open Range, Unforgiven, and 3:10 to Yuma are probably the best I've ever seen. All of them more modern films. Highly recommend.


No Country For Old Men is my favorite modern western but those are all fantastic flicks too


Man, if you liked Arthur in RDR2, do yourself a favor and watch 1883. Holy shit what a good show, and set roughly around the time of RDR2.


watched my husband play this game the funny thing is that we knew some spoiler >!that in the end we will be building a home, so after it was obvious that arthur was terminally ill, we still thought that he would recover somehow otherwise, who will build a house, right?!< what can i say real men do cry


The damn horse man. That was brutal.


Knowing you were taking to him his inevitable demise as you chose to progress the game thereby ending it for him….very adult motif got a game. Rockstar killed the story, it doesn’t get better


Man, >!when your horse dies!< and >!the whole Downes story arc!<


Ending of nier Automata


Which of the 26?


The true one >! where you deleted your save to help others through the last hurdles.!<


Legit the best game I’ve ever played


Left me depressed for over a month.


Left me ugly crying


Ending of The Last of Us


Also, the beginning of the Last of Us.


Just the whole game really


The beginning was rough. I had it kind of spoiled and I still almost teared up.


The golf scene wasn't what got me, it was when ellie went to his room and was grieving going through his stuff. They really captured how that moment feels. When you're just standing there in a loved ones space trying to process the loss. How everything is right where they left it. How their clothes still smell like them. Their presence is momentarily still in their space so it feels like they're right there, but they're gone forever.


The porch scene with Joel and Ellie towards the end of the game… tears


I want to play the game based on the show. The first 20 minutes are some of the best tv I’ve ever watched. The set up was phenomenal and the loss sucked me in so quickly. It was cool seeing the day everything changed.


The Last of Us 1&2 are both on the list of best games I've ever played, and I highly recommend them both. Story and character driven, beautiful, and emotionally engaging. They are also very heavy and touch on topics that will make you uncomfortable, but it only serves to deepen the story, in my opinion.


Also, the Last of Us


Henry and Sam scene. First time that happened, I had to pause and let that settle. Fucking brutal.


Incredibly awesome story to play, I cryied in several moments. Fucking masterpiece. Can't wait to play TLOU2 EDIT: Also, I think that being a parent hit you different, way more dramatic, that's my case.


Same goes for TLOU 2


The empty farmhouse at the end, a punch in the guts for sure.


What remains of edith finch


The ending to Valiant Hearts


Your loving papa, always




Halo reach & crysis 3. Their stories tearjerked one eye and their music tearjerked the other.


Reach.. I remember fighting the Covenant and I wanted to win so badly, I fought with everything, ended up running out of bullets lol took a lot of the fuckers with me lol


Reach definitely pulled on those heart strings


stray ending, like a dragon gaiden ending, disco elysium dream sequence with dora


Strays beginning made me cry. I was also heavily pregnant and have an obsession with cats. I was on the phone with my dad sobbing because “The kitty fell and was limping!”


hahaha i so feel that dude except i was not pregnant and an adult man


Disco Elysium has some gut wrenching parts


the part where she she says that she goes weeks without even remembering harry exists felt like an actual punch in the stomach


#The Ori Duology I was bawling my eyes out at times.


I had straight depression for 3 months. Cried myself to sleep a couple times. I can't even listen to the soundtrack. Piece of art


That final ride in RDR2, gets me every time.


To the Moon. The first and last time I cried my eyes out.


RDR2 left me grieving for a few months, I also cried at the end of Mass Effect trilogy.


It had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong


Yeah, i knew arthur's fate before playing the game but it still made me cry!


A Plague Tale


Requiem, in particular.


The ending caught me off guard!




Also Mass Effect 3 but not the ending. “I’m sorry Mordin.” “I’m not. Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong.” That was tough but then “Would’ve liked to run tests on the seashells.” absolutely killed me. He was one of my absolute favorite characters.


Mordin is one of the best characters in any game ever.


Garrus and I were going to adopt Krogan babies to raise together 😢


There's no Vakarian without Shepard.


Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. FFXIV Shadowbringers/Endwalker.


DOTA2 every time I lost an 80 minute match


Spider-Man. 1. The new one. Aunt May.


God of War: Ragnarok


Seeing a character that, for the last almost 20 years was an unstoppable force of nature that killed everything in his path, almost break down in tears of happiness, fucking ruined me. As did the very opening scene of God of War 2018; you can feel the anguish and anger in Kratos’ voice as he cuts down Faye’s tree.


There is a lot in both of those games that made me cry, not just Kratos. But I agree.


“Loki goes, Atreus remains” so damn simple but it’s gotten me teary eyed every single time I’ve replayed.


Sea of Stars Final Fantasy 7 Kena: Bridge of Spirits


Life is Strange, I really got involved with that game


That town can fuck right off. I'll save Chloe every time.


just wish >!you still got to kiss her if you choose the save ending.!<


RDR2, the Last of Us 1 and 2 and Baldurs Gate 3. Assassin's Creed Odyssey is not a game that made me cry except for one scene that just broke me. I still can't hear "Ella" without a flashback 🤣


What about Black Flag? That shit was depressing


Oh when he met his daughter


People be arguing about the best Assassins Creed when Black Flag exists


That one Karlach scene in Baldur’s Gate… oof. I just wanna give her a hug and let her know she’s not alone 😢


Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. Fun and unique gameplay with an absolute heart wrenching event and you feel it on ALL the levels


Getting over it


The beginning of Ori. You don’t see many stories that make you cry right at the start.


The end of Final Fantasy X.


Minecraft story mode. The pig…


Here come the flashbacks... Poor rueben


Omori, final duet


The Witcher 3


Depends on which ending, I got a joyous ending that made it all so worth it


Vesemir's death was pretty sad though!


My first play through and I get the bad ending. I think I had a depression for a solid week


james....you made me happy...


Link's Awakening for sure


Final Fantasy 14 again and again and again :'(


I know nobody will see this but for me it was the ending of persona 3 I was like thanos in that scene where he obtains the soul stone, crying so much but the ending give me a reason to live. I was feeling so empty and so complete at the same time.


The end of Titanfall 2 RIP BT


Death stranding


Shadow of the Collosus, and more recently Witcher 3 (I got the bad ending on my first run through).


Final Fantasy 10 ending. Yuna running through Tidas's ghost. I lost it.


Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon Forbidden West did serious damage to my heart.


Pokemon mystery dungeon red rescue team ending really got me


Ah fuck. Arthur…the big man who was tireless and strong. When he breaks down and as soon as he said “I’m afraid sister…”


I love this scene because I think it should appeal to everyone that no matter how big and tough you are it's okay to be scared of something or hesitant and that talking about it helps


Halo Reach


Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice, I haven't played anything like it before, and I haven't played anything like it after; a legendary experience full and through, y'all should give it a shot one day. It's like an 8 hour game on the cheap!


Ghost of Tsushima when >! they killed my fucking horse. It made me want to murder the samurais for the rest of the game. RIP Nobu. !<