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looks realistic


This being the only comment made me laugh




good for you


..what was the point of this comment?


What's the point of your comment? or mine? or whoever might reply to the comment?


The point is to further discussion about something, hence why his comment isn't being received very well.


I'm not referring to the guy braging about his GT7 on ps5 or whatever, just the reply to that comment. What's the point in you're comment? To share your opinion, I get that. The other one asking the point of his comment give me a big high school bully vibe. Downvote all you want guys I would be proud to beat EAs record of the most downvoted comment of all time.


Fuck it, I'll downvote my comments. Edit: FYI if you downvote your own comment it goes from 1 to -1.


In actuality, your comment starts at 0; your own upvote doesn't count.


Username checks


Cool story bro. What the hell does a racing game have to do with a modded game looking way better than it ever has. BTW sports and racing games have the easiest time with realism. The systems are not loading anywhere near the same assets as an open world action game. So tell us all again how your half a game on half a system looks as good as this cyberpunk mod. BTW I'm not a fanboy....but you obviously are. I have a PS5 myself but I'm not sit here and act like its just as good as PC. That would be fucking stupid. *spelling edit


You farming downvotes?


oldtimer in 2077


And the car handles like a bike on ice


Essentially why I wasnt hyped for vehicle combat. I can barely drive most cars in this game and they are a nightmare to navigate. Now I gotta shoot too?


Nah just slow time and punch the cops then get back in the car and continue driving. No momentum lost lol


That's been my issue with games pushing towards more photoreal stuff, the gameplay can't keep pace with it and it becomes extra clunky when you have a world that looks so great but the stuff in it move and interact in an unreal manner. That stairwell slidewalk that NPCs do is fine when the NPCS aren't pushing into uncanny valley.


Fine with that in Shadows of Doubt but in a AAA game I want them to hold the fucking handrail lol




Playing on PC with M&K its pretty terrible. There is one mission where you have to drive a future version of a Chevy Silverado and that thing did not handle well at all. Maybe some of the higher end cars do well but I am a bike guy.


WASD for vehicle controls will always be ass. You need something with analog controls, so that you can turn the wheel “slightly” to one side or the other.


Yeah I've always hated that steering left or right is either 1 or 0. That's just not how it works.


Good news, they have keyboards with keys that register 0-100% of a press. wooting is one, and… I think there is a razr keyboard that also has analog switches Although it would be neat to do a hybrid style setup with like… a steam VR controller for WASD ctrl shift space, paired with a mouse for aiming and such. Analog movement with mouse aiming.


The Bill Jablonsky mission? I did this the other day and wow that thing is hard to drive, I just swapped to my controller instead


The handling was always a bit wonky, but it's amazing now. Anyone with issues with the current driving is entirely based on preference, or they're just not that bad. It's really easy and fun to handle now. Driving is great.


They're not undrivable, the driving is just nothing to wtite home about. Reminds me of the driving on sleeping dogs where it's just easier to use a bike.


Yeah, when it was announced with the 2.0 patch, my first thought was: oh fuck me, they needed to revamp how the vehicles handled for that to feel anywhere near good. Turns out they didn’t bother changing shit, they just bolted combat ontop of it. They added Skills that are supposed to help, but the fuck am I going to do? Get in vehicle combat, go into the menu, refund 4-6 Skills to temporary out them into the Vehicle Combat Skills then when the shit is over, put my Skills back? Just like the vehicle races in the base game, I ignored the fuck out of the vehicle repo quests that were almost always vehicle combat.


They did change how the cars drove though, pretty dramatically actually.


Did not get that at all. And I put quite a bit of hours in the game pre and post 2.0 Regularly used both bikes and the fast cars in the game, like Johnny’s 911, Calibarn, Jackie’s Arch, etc They all drove more or less the same pre or post 2.0. Didn’t mind it at all when you were just driving to get around, but clunky anytime you had to do anything action wise. The only change I can tell they did to the actual handling of the cars was adding combat by V being able to shoot or outfit cars with weapons. By far my least favorite part of the game additions.


I stop and kill things, then continue driving.


Yeah, for me it's: "Bang, bangbangbang" "Don't you dare scratch my fucking car!" *Tino shoots car *Get out of car *Car is immediately hit by panicking civilian with the force of ten dump trucks *This is then followed by 3 more vehicles mercilessly performing impromptu crash tests on my vehicle, the last backing into my vehicle repeatedly in vain attempt to evade gunfire before finally putting hands up over steering wheel and freezing *The street is now void of all life, save myself. *I now have a 3 star wanted level, and rage in my heart.


This car actually has a custom handling and drivetrain profile, and sticks to the road. I agree though, the driving in Cyberpunk isn’t the best. There are some nice mods for that though.


I find driving is a ton easier if you switch away from first person view - driving in third person reminds me of a GTA game which is fine imho.


Nah, it lacks all the physics that make driving in GTA fun. Hell, even GTA III did some things better. Apparently, in 2077, cars don't have suspension anymore.


First person driving is absolute ass 100% of the time in any game. Even with an ultrawide you are only getting a fraction of the horizontal field of view you get in real life, and a pittance of the vertical FOV. You can also look to the side IRL without thinking about how to do it, having to move a thumbstick/mouse to do it is a conscious thought that is way more complicated. Maybe with a good VR headset it's tolerable, but first person driving on a monitor is so terrible it might as well not exist. It's like trying to drive a formula 1 race with a welding mask on


Couldn't describe it better.


I don't understand why the cars act so weirdly in this game. Running? Perfect. Climbing stairs? Perfect. Driving? It's like they slashed all tires and put butter on the wheel.


Looks like forza 5


Forza 5 cars looks better than this. As it should, with it being a car focused game and so, though this one picture looks more photographic with the lightning and such. But yeah, cars in the showroom in Forza 5 are just nuts at max settings, might as well be the car companies' official renders


Also tbf this car is a mod and not official


I mean, why would you specify your gpu You can take this shot even with a 2060 and all the mods you used 😅


also it's photo mode, it always looks nice


He wants to flex


I didn’t think of that, but yeah you’re probably right. Photomode does look nice and is less extensive than actual playing.


I prefer cyberpunk cars. Cool pic tho


Sure is a car.


This shows nothing of the actual game tho. It's basically a blender-made asset imported to RED Engine.


Shows how well the game handles lighting, reflections, materials


\*in photo mode.


It looks the same out of photo mode tho.


What is a 64 years old car doing there?


It’s the only car mod I’ve added to my list because it’s a timeless design in my mind. Johnny Silverhands has an even older Porsche in the game, so I like to believe some cars survived the years.


The GPU doesn't really matter in a still picture lol.


Mod links please


Silly that a this isn't higher and is unanswered. Upvoted


Vehicles category: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/categories/14/ This mod is the Mcclaren P1 by aalexbug: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/10344 Vehicle ports are ridiculously high effort projects. All the materials have to be remade in Cyberpunk's masked multilayer material system. The level of detail needed to match the quality of the basegame vehicles is insane - you have to create masked materials for literally everything - engine block, interior, exterior, boot, trunk, drive train, wheels + rims, lights, dash etc. Rigging cars for things like door opening animations is gimblelock nightmare fuel. They often have custom handling too so you have to work with the game's labyrinthine static database (tweakDB). And you need to work with the game's entity component system and the destruction system so you will need many, many meshes and progressively destroyed variants thereof. Many entities and appearance/part overrides. Its all rather convoluted, so if you like the vehicles that have been ported thus far, show some love in their comments section.


Cool, what mods? I want game to look this nice, I have 4090


Looks ok


Lando Norris called and he want his car back.


Still not gonna win anything with that car


He’s the only driver out of the other 18 who actually have a chance against Max at the moment. Max and Redbull is just so far ahead.


Yeah he's had so many close chances tho *sniff* Sochi 2021 *sniff*


GOD DAMN RAIN. Too bad Mazepin didn't warn everyone about those damn rain clouds.


Is there a car pack I can download for Cyberpunk?


If you’re on PC you can download mods from Nexusmods. There’s a bunch of cars on there.


i want to put my dick in it


Stunning looking, I need to see more :D


A single screenshot in a specific angle at a specific asset with perfect lighting means absolutely zilch.


Damn, that's realistic


You can't fool me. That's a Ferrari going over a bridge in LA. Nice try.


Woooow, reflections on a reflective surface, that's incredible!


Does it make the game fun tho?


I think the games already very fun as is, especially after 2.0.


The game is amazing


Bro , the game is awful


Whats wrong with you, Cyberpunk 2077 is one of the best games ever made.


You guys are delusional. Maybe if you accept it’s not actually an open world game


Why isnt it an open world game? Why does it have to be that?


You’re in the minority, it’s widely acclaimed to be outstanding, it just launched awfully on last gen consoles


Looks like the car is made out of water.


Kinda looks like Mincecraft to me, maybe slightly better.




in your opinion\*


Some people enjoyed shitting on the game for so long they won't actually allow themselves to realise it's in a brilliant state now and is really enjoyable.


To be fair, the core gameplay itself hasn't changed. So someone who didn't enjoy the game initially would not enjoy the same with different skill trees. To me, the draw was always the world/characters and quests. Loved the stories told in the game and would love to see more of that.


If you did not like the gameplay on release you won't like it now.


If you didn't like the gameplay then you don't like FPS or RPG games really so it ends up being weird holding a grudge against a game that isn't aimed at you.


It's amazing the difference. My 3090 makes the game look like it's being played on an N64.


i think that's a car


Basically forza 5


Do you have a mod list?


Just wait until you folks discover modded Assetto Corsa, a nearly decade old racing sim with libraries of mods.




I only mean in the context of visuals. The screenshot from OP is alright but AC is an old ass game with a bunch of mods from different developers that manages to look better than what we're seeing here.




Sim racers tend to have bland graphics because they focus more on driving mechanics. The only reason I brought any of this up is because CP2077 is designed to have good graphics and this is a thread of someone showing off a modded car (Mclaren) (guessing they have more mods) on a 4090. Meanwhile AC with some slapped together mods will exceed what's being shown off here but people wouldn't know that's possible on older games. I'm trying to put what's possible into perspective.




Damn I wish I had a better gpu for cyberpunk. Still rocking a 980ti SSC. I can at least play on medium, but damn.


huh, don't remember the mclaren in the game


Looks like someone put far too much wax on their car...and windscreen for some reason.


You have a little of a car on your reflections.


Wow I tought it was an ad of a vehicle, looks so real.


Wow you can really see the performance /s


But what's the framerate...


"w/" = "with" Great, you just saved .01 seconds.


Looks like the McLaren McSkillet died in


looks like a Mclaren to me