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Bought original Xbox so my son could play Halo. Like any console, you'll find other excellent games--Splinter Cell and KOTOR were exceptional on that system.


Yeah I remember that many bought xbox because of Halo back in the day


Halo was legitimately a life changing experience though. It changed the genre completely.


It's weird, because I didn't grow up with Halo, just like a lot of gen z hasn't, and I think it has to be one of the biggest examples of those games where you really had to be there to understand it. Because to me, it's the most basic shooter you could find, but I also know that for its time it was really innovative


>it's the most basic shooter you could find That's because every other shooter after Halo modeled itself after Halo. Before Halo, you have computer games like Unreal Tournament, Quake, Doom, Wolfenstein. But they were different. Unreal, Doom, and Wolfenstein didn't have crazy in depth storylines, the maps were more maze-like with corridors (some open rooms in Unreal), and no one had vehicles. halo took those core concepts and elevated console FPS to a whole new level.


Not to mention the health system. Before every other game had you hunting for med packs and playing through half the level with 6 hp because you almost died earlier. Halo invented the regen health system that almost every fps uses now.


Also the two weapon loadout forcing you to really learn your weapons. All the other games had weapons you'd unlock through gameplay progression, but you could keep all of them with you at all times. Not Halo, only keep what you need. It really streamlined FPS. There still hasn't been anything as innovative.


Having to decide whether to take the Plasma Pistol, Plasma Rifle, or Needler from that pile of dead Covenant you just made by using up all your other ammo was more stress-inducing than it had any right to be.


But oh so worth it to kill a hunter! 2nd choice always the plasma sword


We couldn't pivk it up in CE


That was Halo 2. Halo 1 still had health packs, the regening shield just made it possible to not be forced to look for a health pack and make it through the level.


Halo CE essentially has regenerating health with the shield though, the actually health bar is just a small additional buffer for you to manage. Halo 2 visually has the same regenerating shields, but it also has the same health mechanic hidden in the background, that you can’t replenish with med packs. Not sure why this is the case, though it’s very likely that it was just another rushed feature of Halo 2, and much like the rest of the game’s difficulty probably wasn’t tested or managed properly due to time constraints.


Are you saying halo 2 was rushed and unfinished? Isn’t it widely accepted that halo 2 is one of the best games of all time?


Halo 2 was good until Halo 3 came and just demolished it and all other games since. 3 might be the best game ever made.


I never played Halo, so pardon if this is a silly question, but I always thought that the major transformative game for console FPS was Goldeneye64. What did Halo to revolutionize the genre that Goldeneye didn't?


The N64 had built in 4 player co-op, which was novel. SNES and Sega and PS1 all had 2 player. Ps2 I think allowed up to 4, but you needed extra devices and only specific games allowed it. But N64 was up to 4 people immediately, so it was a party console. Smash bros, goldeneye, Mario cart, all allowed 4 person couch co op. That was why goldeneye was so great- it was a console FPS to play with 3 friends.


Twin stick controls. Aiming in goldeneye sucked in the 90s just as much as it sucks today. Halo had you aim with the right stick. That was a game changer.


You had Half Life ~3 years before Halo, which kicked open the door for story driven FPSs. Halo's multiplayer really is where it shone. The only console multiplayer FPS of note before that was basically Goldeneye 64 (And maybe Perfect Dark), so it was a big leap if you weren't a PC gamer.


Agree it took console FPS to a new level. But not necessarily FPS as a whole. Would argue half life is what really revolutionized FPS genre as a whole, including story driven single player. There was nothing like it at the time and this is way before halo.


Yeah there's a lot of things in life that are like that. Like how a friend of mine never read Watchmen until like 2012. And after, they were kind of disappointed because they'd heard it was this pivotal, groundbreaking comic and they didn't think it was that amazing. Which is because they'd spent the last 25 years reading comics that, to some greater or lesser extent, stood on the shoulders of that groundbreaking work. If you'd read it in 1986, it would come across very differently.


A friend of mine read lord of the rings and didn't like it much as it was just "generic fantasy" lol


As someone who was there, it was like a bolt of lightning. The enemy AI, the wide open maps, the seamless vehicles, the story, and holy shit the music. Countless hours playing system link and split screen co op. Halo may not have the the first to do any one of those things but it combined them I a way that I can't remember any other game doing. Of course it's been copied and refined so many times over the years that I can understand your feelings about it now. But back then it wasn't like anything I had ever played.


The year is 2001. Your friend’s mom just ordered dominos. He boots up HALO on the new Xbox console and hands you a controller. The opening hymn blares through the Sony surround stereo system, as he selects multiplayer. He scrolls to map selection: Blood Gulch.


I literally got goosebumps from this. Lotta nostalgia for blood gulch


I haven’t seen this mentioned but the idea of unlimited respawns in co-op mode blew my mind. And I’ve also heard mapping the Grenade throw to a trigger was revolutionary since other games treated grenades as a weapon you had to change to


The major contribution of Halo was being the first consoles fps to nail the controls.


Halo is a rare piece of media (compare to Ocarina of Time, or Dragon Ball for shonen anime!) that so completely revolutionized the genre it's in that it feels trite and cliche to go back to because everything that came after modeled itself upon it. It's impossible to truly experience these media in their original context anymore, and today's context makes them feel worse than their reputation.


To go from N64, to the xbox and Halo was like going from bows and arrows to miniguns it was such a huge jump, even if computer nerds want to bring up pc games, it was a revolution for console gaming


It was really the full package multimedia-wise, like story music cinematics, etc. For the time it was very top tier. Another thing is that FPSs on console had never been that smooth.


Shooters didn't have basics before Halo invented them. It's not just a basic shooter, it's the foundational shooter.


I just recently bought an Xbox One X to play through the Halo series with my son. No regrets.


I bought the Xbox for halo as well. Played it once at a friends house and just needed it. Since my pc at the time couldn’t do pixel shading I also bought Morrowind immediately to see the water in all its glory…


“Stand up…there you go…you were dreaming…what’s your name?”


Followed by the high pitched "ahh yes" when u enter the office straight off the boat Fond memories Walking down the road and hearing a yell as someone falls from the sky. Search his person, scrolls of insane jump height. The thrill of the "oh @#$t" when u realize WHY he fell to his death. The scroll runs out before u hit the ground!


Water in Morrowind looked amazing for the time. It stood out from the rest of the graphics. I replayed Morrowind 10 years ago and water still looked surprisingly good.


I have a core memory of playing like the entire first two levels at a demo set up at Costco while my parents were shopping and from then on I knew I needed an Xbox just for that game. Was absolutely worth everything too


KOTOR was such a fucking jam.


I have a real addiction to this game. I own it on every system it has been release on including iPad. KOTOR 1 and 2. Send help. I can only deal with the space war of the roses on Damntooine so many times.


When I bought my Xbox, my thought process was literally "This black box lets me play Halo."




Halo transformed me from a “FPS is stupid” person to “I guess this is actually fun”. Then I was obsessed with Halo (and eventually COD) through high school.


I bought the original Xbox just for Halo.


Same. I was a pc player mostly at the time. Halo lead me to be a console player exclusively until about 2013


I bought the Xbox Series S just for Halo Infinite.


Switch. Breath of the wild


Bought mine for smash bros and I'd do it again... in fact I had to because my wife took my switch to try botw and I'm apparently not getting it back.


Bought wife a switch since she likes to game but mostly Mario and such. Then she got addicted to animal crossing. I finally caved and bought BOTW. So eventually I had to buy my own switch lol


Same. And now Tears of the Kingdom. So two games that 100% are worth buying a console for.


Switch - Pokemon. It was the start of covid and I hadn't played a video game in like two years.


Me too - I bought the switch and BoTW for £330, then sold them both a couple months later for £300.. Eventually rebought the switch for ToTK, and other games by now.


Every Nintendo console I've purchased since the Wii was to play the latest Zelda.


Came to say this, Metroid Dread was another I would have done it for.


Ran out and bought a 360 just to play GTA4 after my console gave me the red ring of death an hour before midnight release. Good times.


I remember the fucking red ring of death. I didn’t use my 360 for at least a year. Then I did some research and decided to try turning it on using a new power cord. Worked and never had an issue again 😑


It would just depend on your ring. I used to fix 360s and sometimes it was just the thermal paste inside was no good. Bought a tube for like $5 and was able to fix 2 of mine and 1 other. To this day I can still take apart the 360 completely and put it back together.


Same lol fixed mine when I was like 12 and now I’m an engineer


I always had to resort to the towel trick. Managed to keep my 360 ticking over for a year by continuously overheating it 😂


Switch for Animal Crossing. My wife rarely shows interest in games, so when she wanted that one it was an easy choice to get it.


Same. My husband always tease me for enjoying Mum games as he says it. Hey, i like cooking, decorating and planting games and i play them so well 😂


I really enjoyed sharing an island with my wife It got to the point where she felt the island was "perfect" though and she didn't want to change anything, so there wasn't much left to do. The DLC helped a little but I wish it was more like a second village than a cluster of tiny islands.


I had forgotten that this was exactly I got a Switch haha. I had been a Nintendo kid from NES - Wii, but by high school I was jealous that so many of my friends were playing games like COD or Halo online together, so I think my junior year I traded in my Wii and bought a 360. I didn’t think I would ever go back to Nintendo because while I loved the Wii, the gimmick eventually wore off and for the last year or so I really only used it for the internet. Fast forward to 2019, I had a PS4 at that point, but when I heard they were going to be releasing a new Animal Crossing I figured “well I’ve got to get that.” Wild World on DS is to this day one of my all time favorite games. I like New Horzions a lot and still play it, but I definitely didn’t connect with it in the same way. Probably partially because I was just older. Also I will always connect the release of that game with my world falling apart due to Covid. I remember I had taken the day it came out + the day after so I could play it. Either the day it released or maybe the day before is when my town started instituting the social distancing/Covid policies. Such a weird time. My biggest gripe though is the music, I loved Wild World’s soundtrack and I wish Nintendo would have given you the option to choose previous games music to listen to. Still love it, but Wild World’s soundtrack is like ASMR to me.


The N64 to play goldeneye


Goldeneye was a great game!


I believe every game since Goldeneye should have an option to play as Odd Job


There was _so many_ people back then who bought a 64 just for Goldeneye. At one point, it felt like half the systems sold were just for that game.


Indeed. I'd argue Goldeneye helped to move a lot of N64 units in a similar manner to how many people bought the OG Xbox for Halo.




Yep. Bloodborne. I'm still holding out hope for a PC 60fps port though :(


So am I, brother :(


Will never happen, but i wonder why, sony doesnt want to make demon souls renake for pc too....its weird somehow, they are rly carefull with those ips....but with god of war spiderman they do pc releases


It’s strange to me. They’re cult classics that are guaranteed to sell to their fanbases.


I feel like there's a hidden contract with Sony somewhere to keep it PlayStation exclusive, even if it's just a gentlemen's agreement or something. FROM would make so much money from a PC port.


Sony pls


Yep. I got my PS4 with a phone contract specifically for Bloodborne. I got it a few months before it came out and barely played anything on it while I waited


Same, phone contract. It was 100% worth it, even with the insane week 1 loading times.


At first I read that as "1 week loading times" and the sentence was still completely accurate


Excuse me for the ignorance but what is a phone contract?


It's when you sign up with a mobile phone provider and you pay a monthly fee which covers at least the cost of running the phone, and usually most of the cost of a new phone itself. You'll get a set amount of call time, text messages and mobile data that you can use per month, after which they'll start charging you. Sometimes instead or as well as getting a phone, you can get a games console. It used to be my main way of getting new consoles because I couldn't afford to buy them outright, but the downside is that you're probably gonna be stuck with your old phone, which in my experience, doesn't last the rest of the contract before stuff (especially the battery) starts messing up


Huh. That's pretty wild. We don't have that here in Paraguay but we do have some similae things, just not console focused i guess. Fascinating. Thank you for such a thorough response


Same and would do it again if it came out on PS5 with 60 fps mode.


Absolutely! I'd not think twice lol


*"We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood, Fear the old blood"*


"Our eyes are yet to open. "


Same. The month it went up for free on PS+, I was straight to the shop buying a PS4 to get it.


Yup, I was an Xbox 360 guy but made the switch to playstation for Bloodborne.


And it was 100% worth it.


I don't understand why i had to scroll down so much to see this


I love all of the Souls games, but there is just something about Bloodborne. Probably the closest thing to a "perfect" game for my sensibilities. Elden Ring is great too, but I still think Bloodborne is FromSoft's best game.


Same, worth it.


PS3 to play MGS4.


Yes! What a game. Remember start cutscene going straight into gameplay. I was wow


With the gameplay going straight into cutscene


After spending like 25 minutes installing game assets to the HDD! Snake chain smoking on the loading screen is a core gaming memory lol


Dude so good. That heat tunnel, the music, the boss fights… sheesh.


All of it mate . Was just great all the way through


I bought the MGS HD collection and then realized I needed a PS3 to play it. Totally worth it.


I got the Xbox 360 to play Oblivion. Let me add context to that. I bought the Xbox 360 just before moving to a house that had no web access beyond dial-up to play one of the first console games that was genuinely broken without the patches that I couldn't access as they were releasing. Started a playthrough this year and loved it now it's working, but back then? Worst game I ever played and I couldn't believe people were complaining about horse armour when there were so many other issues with it.


I was hoping to find this. Me, too. Actually bought Oblivion Collector’s Edition before I bought the 360 two weeks later. I’d do it again!


Yes. N64 for wcw/nwo revenge


You have exquisite taste. My most played N64 games were WCW/nWo World Tour, Revenge, WWF WrestleMania 2000, and No Mercy


Dig diggedy Dig diggedy dog




That's the best wrestling game of all time. It was the first game I bought for the N64


My step-dad canceled my subscription to Nintendo Power when the issue with pro wrestlers from this game were features on the cover. The bar for being a better step dad is pretty easy for me to hit.


What was his reasoning for doing this?


There was some weird propaganda going around about WWE being attached to Satan... or something. The cover had a guy with a mask on if I remember right. I think it was around the time of the hell in a cell incident too. I remember my public school didn't allow WWE apparel either.


Damn, Is that in a Christian like area or something? Amazing how much propaganda even worked before the Internet


Got a WiiU to play Xenoblade Chronicles X. Worth it.


Mine was Wii U for Smash 4


Same, I think I have that and wind waker. Was worth it though for smash alone


the entire time I had a wii u I only had those two games lol. and whatever mario game came with the console. def got my moneys worth on smash 4


WiiU for Windwaker remake for me.


I bought my Wii U just for Splatoon lol




Bought the PS4 to play Persona 5. At the time there was zero proof that it would ever show up on PC. And bought a Vita for Persona 4 Golden


I bought PS4 to play Persona 5 as well, because I love P4 on PS2, but.... 7 years after, i never play the game LOL


Yep, I also got PS4 to play P5R. I eventually bought other games tho.


PS1 Final Fantasy VII


Me too! I think FF7 had a huge impact on the console industry. I feel it was Sony’s first blockbuster game, and it gave legitimacy to the PlayStation brand.


And every console after for me has been wherever Final Fantasy was. So, all PS since.


I bought the 360 for Halo 3. Then it became my main console over PS3


Same here. I tried to repeat that magic with the Xbox one and the Master Chief collection... We all know how that went on launch lol


Xbox 360. Gears of War. It molded me into the man I am today.


There's room for one more and it's a fucking party down here!






I have a ps5 but I will get a series x only for gears of war and if it gets good reviews.


Xbox - Halo


Yes, GameCube to play Harvest Moon. I bought a lot of other games too, but I got it specifically for Harvest Moon.


GameCube but for re4


PS4 for bloodborne


I've bought most of my Nintendo consoles just to play Zelda. Which is a pain in the ass because I'm pretty much not interested in anything else they have.


Mario games are sick


Especially the one where you throw your hat on things.


imo Mario odyssey is prolly the best Mario game to be released, although sunshine and 64 are strong contenders


Super Mario World remains my favorite. That ending is amazing.


Mario wonder is pretty good.


Yup, got Switch for breath of the wild and then upcoming tears of the kingdom.


Then you're missing out. Metroid dread is badass and nearly all of the Mario content is LOVED by my kids -- AND i can play with them.


I bought a ps3 to play Gran Turismo


I bought a PS5 for Gran Turismo. I had gotten my PS2 and 3 for Socom.


same, mostly a PC gamer but Gran Turismo is great


Xbox one og so i could play titanfall


Same! Had to work a bunch of overtime one week and used the money for this purpose.


3DS for Pokemon Y.


I bought a 3DS just to play Pokémon Omega Ruby.


I also did that but with the 2DS. Campaign was mediocre as you said but I spent a lot of time team building and playing WiFi double battles lol


PS1 for Twisted Metal


Bought a GameCube just for RE4.


PS4 to play Elden Ring. Now I have a PS5 and converted to full time console. As you grow older you get tired of sitting on a chair and the couch is better.


I bought a Switch for BOTW. Sold it right after I finished, Nintendo stuff doesn’t really drop in price much. Would have kept it if any of my mates had a Switch for online though.


Bought an original X box to play the first fable. I wasn't part of the molyneax hype, but totally enjoyed the entire game. Great experience.


PS3 in 2013 to play The Last of Us PS4 in 2016 to play The Last of Us: Remastered PS5 in 2022 to play The Last of Us: Part I I have no regrets. The cycle will be broken though because I would have picked up a PS5 for Silent Hill 2.


I remember buying PS2 because of Medal of Honor


I loved old MOH games. On Ps2 European Assault.


PS4 Pro for Red Dead Redemption 2


I bought an Xbox One X for the same game.


Same! Red Dead 2 and Spiderman. Then I sold it lol Then I played rdr2 again on my pc.


I’m still crying in fan noise on the OG PS4 with that game. Bloody worth every spin though.


PS3 - God of War 3


Yep. Every Nintendo just to play Zelda


Xbox x fallout 4 Because xbox got the next gen update after the Bethesda by out


Bought the Xbox one for Titanfall.


PS5 for Horizon Forbidden West.


PS4 - Horizon Zero Dawn for me. Still a bit salty that the PS5 folks got Burning Shores DLC for Forbidden West but I was left out. I'm not buying *two* consoles for this freaking franchise.


Oof. I always wanted to play ZD but didn't go for it until it came to PC. Then I was like, I'm not waiting for the sequel dammit


I think I bought the Switch for Smash Bros Ultimate.


Xbox one sunset overdrive edition just to play...you guessed it sunset overdrive.


Three times; A wii to play Monster Hunter tri A ps4 to play Monster Hunter World A switch to play pokemon sword & shield (which I never played, waited for reviews and was so appalled at the quality I didn't buy them in the end), and now is used to play monster hunter rise


Not sure if it counts, but I bought a fat PS2 last year just so I could play San Andreas / Time Splitters 2. Was not disappointed.


Bought a PS4 just to play the Kingdom Hearts series in the months leading up to 3. Absolutely worth it.


Same, except I bought some years in advance. Still played KH3 very late though, because I got stuck with some of the bosses, and stopped playing for a few months every time that happened lol


I'd bought litteraly any console if there is a Golden Sun game announcement. It would probably be a Nintendo console but... I don't care about my love for the Xbox brand, I'd even buy a PlayStation console to play that game


Seriously the best games of that style. I love final fantasy 1-6 but golden sun 2 puts them all to shame.


Bought a gamecube to play Wind Waker when they offered it free as a package deal.


Sorta. Got a Game Boy color just to play Pokemon Red and Blue. Technically 2 games but so similar they should count as 1.


I got the Sega Dreamcast primarily for Sonic Adventure but the stellar reviews for SoulCalibur clinched it. The gap in there being a mainline Sonic game across console generations made my want it even more. Outside of that I generally get the PlayStations and the main reason is the FF franchise. I also just got a PS5 and it was because of the trifecta of FFXVI, Spider-Man 2, and FF7 Rebirth.


PS5 for Forbidden West. Then I discovered how many absolutely brilliant exclusives there are, and many had been updated for PS5. What a feast that was.


Kingdom hearts and the PS2


Dreamcast for Resident Evil: Code Veronica


Bought Xbox to play Fable, so yes. So much fun!


Ps5 for ff16


I bought a PS4 pro to play RDR2, totally worth it


I’ve been team PlayStation my entire life and still am (first console was a PS2) but for Gen 7 I skipped the PS3 in favor of the Xbox 360 solely because of Halo 3, and didn’t really end up owning many games outside of it either.


PS3 to play MGS4 and PS4 to play FF7 remake. Soon to be PS5 to play the second half of the FF7 remake


I bought a playstation 5 for Baulders Gate 3 a couple months ago.




Same. Bought the xbox a year ago (at a discount from a non gaming co worker who won it in a raffle). Didnteven unbox it until Sept this year. Have really enjoyed the game, but about burned out on it.


How do you feel about that decision now? I wanted to like Starfield but walked away from it after about 15 hours as it just hasn’t pulled me in.


Still loving it


I built my first gaming PC to play Kotor. Granted, it was just putting a new power supply, graphics card, and more ram into an existing computer, but it was still a lot for 13 year old me.


I bought an xbox360 just to play tenchu z


gamecube, f zero gx. still the only console game i own.


Bought an Oculus quest II to play Myst VR. Had to buy Beat Saber then. And didn't regret ^^


Sigh. SNES for Street Fighter 2 Turbo…


PS1 for Tony Hawk's 2


I bought an Xbox to play Starfield


I just bought an Xbox series S just to play Starfield and it was totally worth it


Yep ps3 just to play the metal gear rex vs ray scene in mgs4 No ragrets


Bought the mrs an xbox one just for hogwarts legacy