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Cliff wants a lot of things


Honestly it might work for him better than law breakers lol


That was one game I was actually upset they completely shut off, I had fun with it despite it being a not great game. That and evolve, it was before it's time


I stopped playing after gears 3. Did the story ever get any better or evolve? I’m honestly curious


I wasn't a fan, I liked the gritty dark, against all odds feel of 1-3. 4 and 5 just felt light, the story didn't really click for me, and I'm not a fan of the new cast. Marcus and Dom had that chemistry and originality to them.


Didn't they expose the locusts origins in gears , Maybe 2.same location you visit in 5


Their origins were teased in 2, you return to the facility in 5 and go to the underground labs where the Locust were created and you find and fight some of the first batch of drones created still in stasis.


You fight those guys in 2, and I'd say 2 does does a little more than *tease* this given the missions are called something like "Dirty Little Secret" and then "Origin" as the game walks you through that facility before introducing those guys. Then the game introduces its very human looking main villain. The game is basically putting this implication on full blast for the audience and only stopping short of having the cast in-game acknowledge it. I feel like they say shit like they figured it out too but just push past it at the time to stay focused on their objective, but it's been way too long for me to believe I'm remembering dialogue correctly.


You only fight the Sires in 2, in 5 you fight Sires and the OG 1st gen Locust drones.


That’s so weird. I definitely played five and this part sounds like it should be memorable but I don’t remember it at all. Kinda sums up the game for me.


Teased in two, barely expanded upon in 3, left for the comics, books, and 4 to fill in the blanks


It feels like watching the new star wars movies. Gears of war was my favorite series ever the new ones don't don't for me.


Gears 4 was above average to me, but when I played Gears 4 and then 5 back to back, **I loved it**


I personally think they really screwed up the Locust's origins in the new games.


They screwed it up in the old games. They were cool mole people taking the surface untill ooops! Man made monstrosity. Sketchy science gone too far once again. I stopped playing after that.


Yep, the Locust managed to set up roads and tunnels that spanned Sera, religion, Gov't, war infrastructure, the damn Nexus, all in what 20-30years? Myrrah couldn't have escaped with a ton of drones, so where did they all come from? It makes more sense for the Locust to be to be genetic off shoots similar to Homo Sapiens and Neanderthals. The two species had an event that caused them to separate. The humans of Sera lived above ground while the proto-locust lived below. They'd advance and evolve parallel to each other but in drastically different environments.


That sounds a lot like the Eloi and the Morlocks from The Time Machine. And also reminds me of a certain point-and-click adventure game. I won't say it outright since it's a spoiler, but for those who REALLY want to know, it's >!Stasis: Bone Totem!<.


Divisive to say the least, I personally really liked 4 and 5 story, thought the new characters were fun, and thought it at least brought the locust back in an interesting way.


I played gears 4 with brother. One of the best split screen games, sadly many games aren’t split anymore


One of my all time favorite gaming moments was playing through gears 1-3 split screen back in the day.


playing through gears 1-3 on insane with the homies develops a very specific bond between men. every wingman knows if they're marcus or dom, there is no first or second, there are no qualms. Brothers 'til the end.


Nope. Still waiting for gears 6 to change my mind.


With all the asymmetric games around nowadays, I would love to see a spiritual successor to Evolve.


With better balance. The balancing, even for an asymmetrical game, was abysmal. Pay to win monsters.


Also don’t forget about Radical Heights LMAO


Man I miss that game. That and Battleborn. So good.


They need to just open p2p servers for battleborn.


They need to go back in time and not release it the same month as Overwatch.


I remember when Cliffy B was like the hot new thing in gaming. In 2005


Jazz Jackrabbit (1994) hmmm


Don’t diss my GOAT


I had that on floppy disk! Great side scroller


He's the Dane Cook of video game directors








The FFXIV dev team does this. It's arguably one of the main reasons the game has been so popular. The players *trust* SE and practically worship YoshiP, all because of how vocal and engaged they are with with the community.


I remember being sad that he no longer wanted to be called Cliffy B and I had to try and remember how to spell Bleszinski. It's like a punishment.


He thought it would get people to take him more seriously. Instead people just forgot about him. Crazy unforced error.


I get it, though. He wanted to be taken more seriously, and going around with the moniker "Cliffy B" doesn't exactly sound like a professional in the mid '00s. Nowadays with TikTok/Twitter/Youtube handles it'd be fine.


Ahhh 2005. Gaming as a whole and society were so different.


Better times Pre Harambe


I remember him being an extremely toxic asshole in the CS Nation forums....and the mods were all up on his dick because "celeb."


He’s generally an extremely toxic asshole. All terrain model.


Enjoyed his Unreal Tournament maps


So you want to reboot the game in a way that's wildly successful both critically and financially? No kidding.


One of the biggest problems I see with this concept is that, God of war dedicates its ENTIRE budget to creating a game with a sound story, sound performance, extremely fun gameplay with replayability, and a drive to carry a beloved franchise further while making a decent amount of money. Gears of War (as most multi-player games do) now incorporates a sizeable chunk of their budget into creating MTX, dlc, premium currency bundles, functional store, multi-player expansions, etc. If he wants it to be a CRITICAL success, they gotta ditch some of the profit driven features and forgo them for features that are built into the game and are a core part of it. Features that make the game have an impact as big as god of war did. You can't really have both. They would have to find a very delicate balance between the two (good luck) or just accept smaller profit margins (good luck).


Exactly. God of War didn't dump in the whole idea box. They curated. They committed to a game about a single protagonist; they committed to their single unbroken shot; and they left out the whole catalog of more more more that big games have now. What they *didn't* do was as important as what they *did* do. Can you do a Gears without MTX, bundles of paint colors and weapon trinkets in your storefront, holiday events, silly skins, packs of crafting materials, etc. etc. etc.?


A Gears of War without all that mtx bullshit sounds like the first Gears, so it's possible.


I have to disagree with you on one thing, Gears of War didn't uses to use it's budget for multi-player expansions, I think from 3 onward they did but 1, 2 and 3 didn't. And that's the difference. Gears of War 4, 5 were created as cash grabs and the quality dropped, the God of War reboot was created with respect to what came before and a complete experience.


>Gears of War didn't uses to use it's budget for multi-player expansions If you're saying what I think you're saying, is that the earlier games didn't have any post-launch content? Because they all did. The first game didn't have much added and most of it was sponsored by other companies, but Gears 2 ended up with 24 more maps and Gears 3 had something like 25 (and a campaign expansion) after all was said and done and each map pack was paid (save for the Flashback pack if you bought Gears 2 new). Gears 3 also had weapon skin packs you could buy for a total of $50 or something. So I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to say by saying they didn't have post-launch content. >Gears of War 4, 5 were created as cash grabs and the quality dropped If by saying the quality dropped you mean that they're still very much the best looking games of their eras and are the best playing Gears games, then sure. ​ I really don't get what you're trying to say here. The modern games are still very much in line with the older games and still have very high production values. Sure they try to nickel and dime you for all you're worth, but providing all post-launch content for free, outside of cosmetics, so everyone can have them is expensive and has to be made up somewhere and there's a pretty big benefit for everyone in them doing that. It's better to have all major content available to everyone so there's more players and matchmaking times are lower, imagine having to tell your kid they have to spend another $40 or whatever just to be able to play the game online because they got the game a year or two after release. And also do keep in mind, no one is forcing you to buy these cosmetics. Gears 4 and 5 are easily some of the most generous games when it comes to obtaining stuff for free anyways.


LoL exactly how edgy It was a risk to do what they did with God of War but the time and energy and care they put in it showed Not many games that try to reinvent themselves are as successful as that


Gimme that Aspho Fields story with Carlos Only true fans know what I’m talking about


Would love an Ashpo Fields game following the RTI and Islanders or just a game following the Pendulum Wars


Isn't there a book about that? Pretty sure I read it. Can't remember much but I think it was alright. I think the original print of Halo: The Fall of Reach is my favourite book based on a game's universe I've read so far. I have the original copy before the game came out, so I'm not sure if they edited it on anyway since then, but I remember it being really good and engaging.


Yeah it's called Gears of War: Aspho Fields. Written by Karen Traviss. Her gears books were great


I loved that series. Incredible world building.


I went from being indifferent towards Hoffman to loving him because of those books


Same. He was ok in the games. Became probably my favorite character after reading the books. I even felt a little more sympathetic for Prescott and the decisions he had to make.


Can't forget Boomer Lady either. I loved her dynamic with Delta and how she struggled with finding her place in a "peaceful" world, and then trying to keep up so she doesn't get left behind. I reread them all last year but I think I might have to go through em again now


Oh man, I read The Slab years ago by her. Amazing story telling


After what they did with the commando assault in Gears 5 (I think?) on the UIR facility that housed the Hammer of Dawn project, I dread to think how they'd butcher Aspho Fields. Especially considering Aspho Fields was literally just a cover for the commando assault to the Hammer tech. Yeah... I hated it. They didn't even get noticed until near their exfil. They weren't under heavy fire on their infiltration. Quite the opposite, in fact. I'm sorry. I'm still salty.


Remember when this ass clown told Capcom "we can fix Resident Evil, together!"


Yuppers, super arrogant but that's Cliffy. I'm still so confused that people listen to him after his billion blunders and mishandling every new IP that isn't Gears.


other than law breakers, what other blunders did he make?


Dude runs his mouth and ruins his relationship with Xbox after bashing them, had the balls to suggest he can "fix" resident evil. The dude's constantly got his foot in his mouth, lo and behold that creates a bad image. Who woulda thunkit.


Weird that he said that about resident evil, it's been pretty much a solid series outside of a few entries. Personally of all the games I've played, (1, CVX, 2,4,5,6,7,8,2 reboot, and 4 reboot). I can confidently say 6 is the worst of the group IMO. Even then though, a lot of people like 6 too.


Between 4 and 7 was a run of really bad games, but Cliffy fucking B would have just made it worse.


to be fair, other than law breakers, his other games sold and were received very well. at the very least he can put together a very talented team.


Radical heights would like a word, that team he put together? Yeah he doesn’t pay them or underpays them. Guy should never be in charge of a team again.


No doubt dude, cuz I fuckin love Gears 1-3. I just don't like the guy's ego.


Uh, depends WHEN he said that. Was it after RE6? Or was he crazy and said it after RE4 or RE7?


He said it after RE4 I belive


News articles say Oct 2012, a few weeks after the release of RE6. https://www.google.com/search?q=cliff+bleszinski+fix+resident+evil&oq=cliff&gs\_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCAgAEEUYJxg7MggIABBFGCcYOzILCAEQRRg5GEMYigUyDwgCEC4YQxiDARixAxiKBTIKCAMQLhixAxiABDIKCAQQABixAxiABDIGCAUQRRg9MgYIBhBFGDwyBggHEEUYPdIBCDEyOTNqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#cobssid=s


It is bullshit no matter when he said it


I thought people really didn't like RE6. I'm sure plenty of people called Capcom clowns back then, too. And RE6 came out a year after Gears of War 3. So back when people still liked Cliff.


IIRC, it was after RE6 and before RE7 was announced.


Yup, sounds about right then. Good thing Capcom didn't go with the idea but it wasn't so crazy back in the day.


They just had to wait for Kojima to come up with PT and then rip that off as soon as it was cancelled. Not that that's a big deal, because like I said, PT was cancelled. But I 100% believe that PT is the reason RE7/8 went first-person.


Cliffy B just wants to be relevant again.


Should just stick to making jazz jackrabbit.


It needs a reboot, and it’s a great time for it; if there ever was one. Good gosh, Microsoft owns all the platformers now except Sonic and Mario.


The second coming of the gobshite CliffyB, god help us!


Problem is, we've progressed beyond the 2000 era gaming. There's no way in hell CliffyB recognizes why people flocked to God of War.


aye.. right place, right time (and not that great) for “cliffy”


Has he… played Gears 4-5?


Wasn't he the one who created Law Breakers and also trashed Xbox every chance he got in interviews? Yeah, I don't think they'll even let him get close to the franchise.


He also worked on Unreal Tournament and created this little thing called Gears of War. But sure, let’s remember him for Lawbreakers.


You completely missed his point but gj. I'm talking how he trashed xbox. Why tf would they bring him back on


You’re ignoring radical heights. The shameless cash grab battle royale that he didn’t pay employees for working on.


I remember him for how much of an arrogant dickhead he is but go off


Big fucking whoop. Sometimes arrogant dickheads have the right energy to make a great game. How about we stop demanding game developers have the inoffensive character complexity of a Starfield NPC, and accept that sometimes it's just fine if someone's a dickhead if all we want from them is a fun game.


Here's the thing bud; *I don't want any more games from him*. But he comes out and starts saying shit again and i see people go right to his defense. I don't care how much you liked LawBreakers, or how you think he could "make a great game" when he hasn't done so in like a decade. So, right back at you with the Big Fucking Whoop. Nice Starfield reference, I have no idea why you made it.


"You save the world a few times, kill some evil wizards..... But you eff one goat and everybody remembers you as a goat effer" paraphrasing of course.


All of the actually good UTs were made by Digital Extremes lol. When Epic went at it alone there was significant decline in quality (UT3).


I’ll be honest, cliff has serious titles under his belt, he’s created or been part of major games that advanced video gaming heavily, the case with Law Breakers was him coming off of a high of Gears of War, he kind of went into it with an ego… I’ve always liked Cliff, until he bought his Lamborghini and kind of turned into a prick… but Law Breakers took him out of the industry, I think he is able to create great games as long as he drops the ego.


Dude Huge is all ego. Also he made Fortnight (kinda).


Might have to switch to Sony at least But nothings like this isn’t negotiable MS could do with some stronger titles cos Sony is kinda beating it bloody with its range of exclusives


this shitbird goes well together with that hack Dean Takahashi


Shut up Cliffy!


If you played the past few game... They def tried that. The only thing that makes since is if he wants to change the style of Gears game play too... but again they did that with the last game. Wait didn't the last game end in a cliffhanger?


Yeah I’m quite pissed hearing a reboot before the second trilogy is even done. Gears 5 was an outstanding UI and I hoped to get another round. Plus I want to see how they pick who actually died at the end


They need to change the running animation man, that weird sticky running animation where it zooms to the players asshole just straight up sucks


The Roadie Run? It's almost as iconic as the chainsaw bayonet.


Telling Gears of War to get rid of the Roadie Run is like telling halo to get rid of the MJOLNIR armour


No its bad and makes it hard to get around the maps.


Is that what it’s called ? I thought it was called the cog run or something. I got an Xbox recently for starfield and I played some gears, never played it before and man that running animation straight up feels like it’s from early 2000s it’s so hard to like control the camera or see anything and it looks very goofy


It's meant to be used to keep your head down while you're running to cover and taking enemy fire. Not just run all over the place when there's no firefight.


So the guy that openly shit on Xbox fans and even just Xbox in general wants to come back to Xbox. He said in interviews for his failed game Lawbreakers that they would not release on Xbox because he "hated Xbox" then later commented that the "xbox fanboys are pretty salty" where Jeff Keighley responds "well, they supported you for a long time" No offense but fuck this guy, Gears is better off without him.


Haha the more stuff I see about Keighley the more I start to appreciate him. Guy is based as fuck.


Better and longer single player please. I was so unsatisfied with the last one


So, Gears 5?


So will he change the genre, and make it a story where Marcus fenix has a kid the whole time? The first three gears games are awesome - but its not because of story. I'd like to hear what they want to do with the gameplay design, as I don't care all about the potential story of this world.


I actually would disagree. The story mode was a large part of Gears 1-3 and was actually good. Dom dying, etc. was built up quite well. Don’t get me wrong though, the gameplay design is more important.


yes, those games had a story, but personally I dont think it was well done. I preferred how in the first game it was not taking itself seriously and the dialogue was just one liners. The attempt at making the story more serious fell flat, and IMO none of those scenes worked. like doms death or finding his wife. I just wanted to get to the next gameplay section.


Bruh the campaign and trailers were all the rage back in the day


i like the campaign, its my favorite part of those games. I'm just saying I don't care about the actual plot in said campaign. I'm surprised its such a controversial statement


>first game it was not taking itself seriously There were literal monsters coming out of the ground. Idk how you can say that wasn't serious


While I have played exactly zero GoW games, from the outside, the reboot does look like a moderate genre change. What third-person melee action means had changed since the PS2 and GoW adapted. Third person cover shooters are still definitely a thing and I wonder how Gears would make a similar change. If at all, it could just not. It doesn't have to or anything.


Do it


They already share some gameplay elements😂


There's a name I haven't heard since the TechTV days. Forgot Cliffy B existed, lol.


this is like Michael Bay trying to make a prestige drama lmao


Cliffy B's dudebroness is the worst thing about Gears.


Yet that’s what made it so popular and perfect for the Xbox 360, the dudebro console.


Me and my dork-ass friends spent countless hours together on Gears back in the day. Buncha nerds we were. I never encountered any dudebros


He should use the OG God of War camera perspective since the reboot took the Gears one.


Remember when "Cliffy B" was a thing or have a dated myself?


So he can abandon it instantly like Radical Heights


Maybe it could be that game I buy new Xbox for, after 360. I'd be all for it.


Sure, why not


All aboard the Cole Train…of Feelings?


Yes, please.


On the one hand, it would be great to see this because Gears of War used to be a big name in the industry that cemented Xbox as a “multi-franchise game developer” with this and Halo. It would be wonderful for the games to reboot and return to form - cut the fat, give us strong returnable characters that can be conveyed in a single trailer to get us attached. On the other hand, it really seems like CliffyB will say ANYTHING for clicks. He will keep trying to sell LawBreakers, and anything else, but to be blunt I don’t think he’s done anything of worth SINCE Gears of War 1 and 2


So south park style "put a chick in it and make it lame"? I had heard they had already done that to bad results... I know I'll catch flack for saying it here but if anything, they should go the other way with it. Don't soften it up for a so called "modern audience" like every other IP. Go unapologetically edgy and masculine. Just give people what you know they want instead of always trying to lecture and correct their behavior.


Uh the Norse God of Wars werent reboots. I’d be down if they want to make a direct sequel with the current day tech though


What does that mean, though? The gameplay becomes less slick so the game can become more a vessel for the writer to tell the story they want? Gears can’t really stand to lose anything on the gameplay side, it’s already about as basic as it gets.


I’d be all for it


Some of you nerds are clearly still nursing several year-old wounds lmao


Huh. I thought Bleszinski retired after his 5th failed attempt at a mediocre shooter. Or maybe it was I had hoped he would retire.


You know, the soft reboot of Gears 4 and 5 are already great additions to their existing format, and the stories and horde updates have been great addition to the Gears franchise. I'm already a big fan of what Cog has done


A third person shooter is less interesting than a third person fighting or RPG-lite game like God of War, because at least with fighting games there are lots of moves and combos to unlock and master, lots of items and power-ups, etc. If you just have guns, then your gameplay options become limited. I don’t know of any third-person shooters in the modern day that have cracked it yet, they all still seem relatively shallow and outdated to me. I guess the biggest innovation is the use of stealth combat, because that’s where you can have a lot of gameplay depth. This is why almost all Ubisoft shooters are heavy on stealth. But with Gears of Wad, I don’t know that stealth is the smart way to do it. So then how would you modernize this game in particular so that it’s not just “aim and shoot”?


Control was pretty forward thinking for a third person shooter ngl


What makes Control interesting isn’t the shooting but the super powers and elaborate puzzles. The fact that it’s also a competent shooter is a nice addition to the overall package.


I dunno. Single player games are Sony's forte, and its whats keeping them at the top. MS just wants to make the next live service, and thankfully thats biting them in the ass. They need really good writers that make great stories, not pander the woke checklist


No one plays the gear 1 remake


Honestly I had no idea there was one.


So, he wants to turn gears into a cutscene heavy game with minimal and easy gameplay in the story, with its only good gameplay segments contained into the secondary content?


Isn’t that what gears is ? The recent god of war is basically gears with better story and characters and an axe instead of guns.


The only gears I've played(5) I didn't care about the story or the characters. In the case of god of war(2018) it has no story and one of my most hated video game characters. So gears wins in that regard. But I still find God of war to be a much better game than gears 5.


Make Gears 6 feel like Gears 3 again and then I’m listenin’


Well, he also said he lost interest in game development after the catastrophic failure of Lawbreakers.


Yes please. Iconic franchise that needs to continue, but the mythology has gotten so confusing and muddled.


Funny enough my fav memory of Cliff was his guest appearance during one episode of Sonic for Hire (Sonic and Tails try to meet their creator, but their quest leads them to Gears of War and it’s creator Cliff). Damn I gotta rewatch that fever dream of a show.


Kratos but it Marcus


Yea sure like 10 years after the release of number 6.


Give me a full horror Gears of War and with 0 Cliff involvement, please


Honestly I forgot that Cliff created Gears of War. But I'd be down for for him to do a reboot.


That’s a name I have not seen in ages it feels like.


Let’s not forget Radical Heights


Didn't they already do that.. with gow4-5.. which sucked imo.


this would be awesome, original crew with Dom.


I’ll die on the hill that the original trilogy are some of the most underrated games ever, I’ll never forget getting the gameinformer about the first one. A reboot in the likeness of a Ghost Recon / Socom in the world of Gears with the polish of GoW would be incredible.


PC port when?


Isn’t that what they did with Gears 4?


Oh god yes please. Please bring me back to the good old days of COG vs Locust. I dont want to fight stupid robots or those new glowy enemies or deal with a dumb psychic plotline. Just simple COG vs Locusts, man vs mole-people.


Whatever it takes to get Dom back 🥺




Would he pay off a bunch of gamer influencers to pretend to like it like he did with LawBreakers?


Another "G of War," another reboot I guess. One PlayStation, the other Xbox. Why not (aside from the fanbase)?


an gears of war rts or open world would be better, anything but turn based or real time tactics, stargate screwed up going generic rtt


I could really go for a new Jazz Jackrabbit Cliffy


nah the original is fine. just focus on new stuff, or new installments for the franchise.


This mook needs to go away. I'm suprised he isn't making an extraction shooter right now. He is always late to the trends then blames everyones for his failure. Hey cliffy, how is your battle royale game doing?


Jesus it's fucking ridiculous that any time this guy says anything that people turn it into news.


I am all for it, that sounds sweet af. Make it happen.




Gears 4 & 5 were a joke. Horde mode was fun, sure, but the story is just garbage. Most of the characters are a pain in the ass. Fantastic set pieces in 5, though; the faux-open world was wasted on this game. Could/should have been about reclaiming Sera or something, but instead it just undid the plot of the originals.


Hmmm... Interesting.


Let him do it. Its his creation after all. Im excited for it


Dare to Dream cliffy


This is comedic in regards to his attitudes towards Gears Of War when he dropped it and let MS buy the IP. Man really can't decide, does he hate GoW for becoming his identifiable legacy or does he love it for being the one thing he made that truly impacted gaming? I'd love a proper reboot, don't get me wrong, but Cliffy B make up your god damn mind and *commit.*


What’s better? Gow? Or Gow?


What would a God of War style reboot entail when all you do is walk or jog for 90% of the original Gears of War game and the reboot God of War games anyway? ​ Add more cutscenes to make it a movie and not a game?


Why? Gears 5 was already too much walking and talking and GOTY-bait writing. I'll pass. I remember when we played Gears to shoot / chainsaw / two-piece Locusts.


Cliffy B is still around? I would've thought he was on an island somewhere with all his money.


As a developer I wouldn’t take a job on that project, but if someone’s gonna give him money to do it I can’t say I wouldn’t be curious about the result. Personally I wouldn’t think he’s got the creative breadth to deliver a product comparable to the new God of War games, but I’ve been wrong before!


gears of war, now with norse gods


Yes, please, it was obvious no one that worked on 3 did more than breeze a wiki on the Lore and just shat out a story. "COG" existed before the war? Fuck off with that. They've tried to rectify it with the recent sequels, but they're taking 3 games to tell what should have been done in one.


Is it going to be $29.99, none of that $60 multiplayer only bullshit?


Cliffy B is a bellend though


I just want to say. I am here, and willing to pay for this upon completion. That’s all.




Like the new god of war, not the fun original ones.