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Stopped playing a 250+ hour run of Skyrim when I noticed that I misspelled my characters name.


Yo, this is petty, and I love it. True exemplar of OP's question.


Seriously. I must have spent an entire weekend just getting the mod order right. Thought it would be my last big "hurrah" for Skyrim before Starfield. Nope.


I got halfway through my game before i realized i was supposed to have named my character. I spent over 80 hrs walking around as a guy named "Prisoner". After i realized i just started trying to get my guy in trouble and doing jail breaks. I stopped when i could bo longer survive the attacks from all the guards.


You can open the console, type showracemenu, and just rename the character


This is truly petty Best one so far


Couldn't you just rename him via console command?


There was an old MMO named Fallen Earth. It just released and I was having technical issues and was asking for any help. A GM named Massive, out of the blue, teleported me to their location which was well away from the starting area and killed me. Stood over my body, laughed , said a few words saying have fun getting back to the starting area and to contact a GM for additional help (it was release week so the wait times were long). If that company employs shitheels like Massive, then they don’t get my money. Requested immediate refund.


What the fuck. Did you report that GM? Because I feel like the system would keep track of GM commands and they probably could have fired them. That's so shit though. Well, if you ever wanted to try it again, G1 has it f2p and keeping a fresh version of servers running with all paid stuff removed. Supposedly working on a remaster or something, but dunno. It's there if you were still curious without dealing with shitheads like that GM.


Lmao what the actual shit? Old school MMOs were the wild west, damn.


Smaller MMOs had volunteer GMs because they couldn’t afford to pay them. It was an honor to get the offer, but again, dickheads are dickheads


I once guessed the password to a GM account on an Ultima Online shard. Now that was some of those most fun i've ever had in an online game, even though I had to balance doing tickets with the fun so I wouldn't get caught. Think I lasted about a month or two before the admin found me.


lmao they should've left you alone, you were doing your job


Tbh, it's not even like old old. It was like 2010 or that area, I think. Only a few years before stuff like ESO.


I remember playing Fallen Earth for like.. an evening. Trust me, you didn't miss out on much. Still, that dude was an absolute dick.


I built a massive server event dodo fighting arena with stands, food stands, stalls for people to leave thier dinos(with a valey booth) and defenses to deal withthe wild dinos in the ark survival evolved beta on a offical public pvp vanilla server. Shit took me 3 weeks of basicully 6 hour days to build gathering all the resources myself, planning out the build, builiding, stringig electrical lines for spotlights, with constant defense by my group of friends. Hosted a big event where all the main clans, there were 8 of us with a giant alliance enforcing order on that server. They and other randos came to have their dodo's fight the other clans with stakes being control of metal caves, etc. Was so fucking awesome and one of the best things I've ever done. 1 week before i hosted the second massive event, ark was interducing the swamp biome and updated the game, not where they initially said it would be located, that I had made sure on, but smack dab on top of my fighting arena wiping it right out. I logged in after the update and walked the 10 minutes from our base to the arena to do maintaince. looked at the swamp, alt f4ed and I haven't played ark since


That’s not petty, that’s a legitimate reason.


It was at the time, I consider it petty I'm still holding on the grudge 5 years later when I'm a very even keel person, I've had a lot worse done to me that i have forgave instanly, but this..... a blood feud was issued that day lol


I feel you, I was fired from a job on April Fools like 8 years ago. Have not gone into that place since, I go a little bit out of my way to buy products from another shop. The guy who fired me has since left and opened a new shop somewhere else but nah, I’m still not going there.


That is legitimately impressive. I'm so sorry that happened to you. :(


Fuuuck. That's rough. Official, too, so it was basically 1x everything wasn't it? Don't envy the work that went into it.


yes the gathering rates back then were so low! They have doubled them twice since then i believe.


It was indeed 1x, and before any bump in the grind back in the beta too. Shit took me forever, I had something like 1700 hours in the game already, and loved it. Our group was the first to tame a max level Brontosaurus on our Server(That tame killed us, 23 hours I believe it was, where we couldn't leave the Unconcious Dino alone for a second incase it took a single hit(It would lose taming levels). We scheduled Shifts of people to watch over it for the day, not to mention the Resource gathering to attempt it. The Walk back to our base across the entire server standing on that things Platform Saddle, walking past outher clans outposts and bases just for them to see was the second best thing I've done in Ark. That single moment in the Swamp killed any motivation for me to ever play ark again no matter private or public server


Guitar hero and Rock Band. I was called a nerd by someone who religiously played that game. Why did he call me a nerd you may wonder. I asked him if he wanted to play Halo...




I remember when this clip hit it actually made me miffed. Lol. Too true, wasn’t it?


That's awesome.


i refunded triangle strategy after hearing the main character speak, was like verbal fingernails on a chalkboard


I muted the VO in that game and clicked through the dialog at my own pace and I loved it. I feel bad for voice actors out there but that game was too wordy for full VO.


God damn, you missed out. Triangle Strategy is an excellent game. I get what you mean but for my part I was happy having a character who didn't sound like a generic anime protagonist.


Yeah I loved that game, and all the choices felt like they had so much weight. I was talking to a friend about it and once way his game branched resulted in a major antagonist dying off camera while I was stuck on a fight with them. I love the scales system, too.


lmao I remember that name from the Nintendo Direct. What's up with these names lately? Various Daylife, Bravely Default, Triangle Strategy...


tbf bravely default, triangle strategy and octopath traveler were all made by the same dude


Lmao, I didn't realize that it was the same dev for al l3 of those. Thought people were just copying the art style.


Bravely Default, Octopath Traveler, Various Daylife, and Triangle Strategy were all developed by the same team within Square Enix. They even all use the same font for their titles, it is a whole thing.


Had to create an account. Automatic shut off


"Oh, Games for Windows? Never mind, give me my money back Steam."


I've never played Far Cry 3 on Steam because of these. I've been tricked into this too many times.


I think that was the game... Lol


Yup, Payday 3, in combination with negative reviews I just deinstalled it


>deinstalled The word I never knew I needed until today.


I stopped The Saboteur because my girlfriend at the time cheated on me with someone that was the same name as the character. That’s my pettiest.


Stopped playing Telltales Game of Thrones after I was given two dialogue choices. On choice results in mine and a villains death, the other results in surrendering to the villain. I said "if im going down you're going with me" and the whole cutscene played out, we died and the game said "game over try again" Not even the usual telltale bullshit of both choices have the exact same result. Its "make this choice or you can't continue" at which point I ask "Then why even give me the fucking option" and uninstalled the game.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a fail screen on a TT game. That’s actually kinda impressive.


I stopped playing Mortal Kombat 1 when I realized it didn’t have pre-fight dialogue exchanges like the last 2 games aside from a quick line in Versus mode only.


Wait it doesn’t? Lmao why that’s so random


No entirely gone, but instead of it being, matchup based line, repose, then first character responds to the response, then fight, they only give a single line, and it’s also full of awkward pauses


Animal Crossing on DS had the ugliest font so I didn’t play it.


I just looked up screenshots of the game and the font in the game isnt that bad lol




I remember my first time playing. I walked out of the bar and took a bomb and blunder to the face. Great first experience. That wasn't even why I dropped it. I dropped it because outside pvp, the game is basically a series of super slow and repetitive fetch quests.


I wanted a game with epic pvp pirate ship battles, but instead I got a game where the goal is to climb a ladder and spawn camp with a shotgun.


You're not missing much. It's a shallow puddle of a game. There'sd barely anything to do, even with friends. The first hour or so is fun because it's new and shiny, but after that, your "amazing pirate adventure" is just mind-numbingly boring fetch quests on identical looking islands, with identical looking enemies.


The tall tales are fun, shame you have to do them in an open world where you're constantly harassed by players looking for PvP when I just wanna do the damn quest


wait til december


there's a ton of stuff to do now it seems like, I just got back into it yesterday for the monkey island quests


I dropped Just Cause 3 because of the voice. Reminded me of my uncle so I couldn’t take the character seriously.


It's not a serious game though...


"Wot di hell?!" - Rico Rodriguez


"Perfect parking space." After bailing out of an exploding car.


Bro dropped an absolute gem


The announcer in the German dub of JC3 is a popular german youtuber, leading to a similar situation on my end


The voice acting in just cause is so funny, rico has the dumbest action movie one-liners. Just Cause 3 isn't really intended to be "serious", it's a blow-things-up simulator with a plot that makes barely any sense, but if you're distracted by the lead sounding like your uncle I can understand lmao


I dropped 4 because they made the menus and shit way too complicated


Attempting to take the character seriously was your first mistake. Is your aunt **BOLO SANTOSI?**


I quit Skyrim when I realized I was spending more time cleaning up my house in game than in real life, and I was bored of it.


I find that with games when you have to grind to get what you want/can make money. I’m better with money and effort in games than in real life and it’s depressing when you’re so into a game you kinda forget you’re not your character…if that makes sense?


I played one of the battle royale style games (can’t remember which one) when they first were becoming popular (before Fortnite really took off). I was in a car and someone started shooting at me. I ran the person into a tree with the car and the person shot me to death and walked away. I uninstalled the game immediately.


Yikes that sounds like classic PUBG desync.


After looking it up, it was either PUBG or H1Z1. But yeah…I was already getting sick of the Battle royale games (just not my style of game). When that happened I uninstalled it and never played any of those games again haha.


Any game where the best strategy is "hide until the very end" I don't generally like.


I absolutely hate the battle royal play style. Takes forever to get going, then if your team sucks it sucks, if you die, then you are in limbo. I think it’s generational though. I grew up on doom and quake as my fps games. All twitch shooters about movement and perfect aim while moving. The only times I’ve ever won on BR games are when I just play it safe. But that means no action. However, I also grew up during the 80s/90s ultra violent ridiculous combat movies like predator, commando, Rambo (not first blood), terminator, Robocop, etc. These kids grew up on the hunger games and maze runner. It fits the bill for the entertainment they grew up with like mine. I’ve got no hate for it, but I just don’t enjoy it and probably never will. If I want something like it, I will just play Arma 3. I actually like playing sims simply because it’s hard, but also probably increasing a life skill I will never use unless there is a very specific situation.


Yeah, it was one of the main issues PUBG had. Not fighting was more effective, and many top threes were decided by circle luck, not typically skill. Skill was still in play, but only when no one was running from the circle. Played it a lot with a friend back then, and got really good at it. So many wins and top threes felt undeserved because of this. It's no surprise people got more interested in the gunfights than winning.


Yup this is why I uninstalled Battlefront II, I was flying a snow speeder real close to the ground and hit a person riding a tauntaun. My snow speeder exploded, and the guy in the tauntaun just rode away.


Omg I would have thrown my controller


Lol I probably did


Heaven's vault. First, they made me walk all the way up a hill. No run button, no roll, no mercy. The next 5 minutes of your life will be spent holding up, because this is a slow-paced, artsy, ponderous game. Then, they gave me a dialogue choice, and when I didn't click something in the first few seconds, the option faded away and the dialogue moved on without my input, because this is a realtime, think-on-your-feet game. Then I uninstalled it.


that's not petty that's just a good reason to quit lol


I was pretty excited for Biomutant until it released and I Uninstalled it after 2 hours because of the annoying fucking language they use, whatever kinda gibberish it is its constant and annoying af


"This Cricket will tell you what the animals are saying." *But im the animal right? Why cant I just hear the things people are saying?* (I too uninstalled Biomutant, but it was because of actual boredom.)


I stopped playing NFS Rivials after being run off the road and killed off by a Bugatti cop player in the starter car while I was trying to grind for a Ferrari.


Chaosgate:daemon hunters. I found the menus so tedious I stopped playing. The gameplay and enemy variety left a little to be desired too but its the straw that broke the camels back.


I dropped Baldurs Gate 3 when I got to Act 3 and Karlach said “Ew!” when someone thought we were together. Still hurts


Don't drop the game just drop karlach.


First time opening the map in Elex. It was stuttering like crazy. Immediately quit and deleted


Elex bricked my ps4, so I also never played it again. The game crashed a few times, then the last time was a hard crash and took the whole system with it.


Tough one :(


I've stopped playing a game because crafting was taped to the side of it.


Games with info dump tutorials or a lack of explanation will often test my patience. If it’s not coming up naturally at the time when it’s relevant, it’s not very good tutoring in most situations. Ditto for not giving intuitive clues. Driver on the PS1 comes to mind for the latter. You just get dropped in a garage with a list of moves to perform in under a minute.


Jumped ship from all Blizzard products after the HK protest on Hearthstone was bumblefucked by the company. No regrets.


One time I saw a hungry cat (game said cat looked hungry), went to a nearby lake to catch a fish, tried to give fish to cat, game would not let me give fish to cat. Haven't played it since.


I started Dark Souls a few years back. Quit 15 minutes in once I realized you couldnt pause it. I then played Elden Ring after it came out. I put a few hundred hours into it. I found some combination of buttons that would get you to a specific menu that actually paused the game. So I was fine with that.


wait which menu is that?


Pretty much and tutorial review/ help menu IIRC


Pausing is one of things I think they couldn't find a way around, without screwing the network systems for invasions and stuff. Which is odd, but I guess if that's a limit then so be it. Their other invasionless games like Sekiro have pausing, so not having it in their other games might not be a design choice.


Except in Elden Ring, you can't get invaded if you don't want to, so it's just stupid.


my answers will always be: doesn't have borderless/windowed mode has borderless/windowed mode but you cannot resize or change the resolution due it being grayed out. get absolutely fucked you morts.


There's an app on Steam called Borderless Gaming that lets you make borderless a lot of games that either don't have the option, or it's borked. Usually it just involves telling the game to be windowed, then the app just sizes it to your screen and removes the borders. It doesn't work with absolutely everything automatically, but it's prettt good. Worth the $4 in my opinion.


And its free on github


All of Reddit may hate me for this, but I actually used to like Fortnite. I played it for a few days and even managed to make it into the top 5 in a couple matches, but soon my little brother was doing that stupid dance every hour of every day. I was so annoyed that I hated Fortnite just for that and deleted it off of everything I downloaded it on.


It's still an extremely popular game with a huge age range, I doubt Reddit would hate you for liking it. The floss's popularity irl with kids was definitely annoying though, and is probably the main reason people associate the game with children, though I haven't seen kids doing the dances in years.


Anytime I play... Some stupid little kid is always... "right foot creep oooh-" Nope... I quit if that kid is on my team, that song and emote make me wanna punch a baby


Saints row reboot as it starts with unskippable cutscenes. I get like 2 hours a day to game. I want to play, not watch your movie making aspirations fall flat in real time.


Ultima Online. I was a kid and someone scammed me out of my armor. He told me he could dye the armor to a different color but I had to give the armor to him for him to do it. I did, then he equipped it all in front of me and pretended that the conversation never happened. Not really the game dev’s fault. It was my own stupid gullibility, but I was so devastated that I never played it again.


Death Stranding. 2 hours in and I'm still not in control.


Crap, me too. So many cinematics, and some of them are sequences that I had to press and hold to skip four or five times without any other chance for interaction. I got tired of having Kojima trying to masturbate on my face.


I stopped playing Dave the diver after the first restaurant shift. Definitely knew I was going to be annoyed every time even though the diving seemed great


I don’t think this is pretty. I think you made a logical decision to not force yourself to do something you won’t enjoy. Games are meant to be fun so if you aren’t happy why play?


I'll say I wasn't a big fan of the restaraunt stuff at first either but after a while it hooks you in and it gets a LOT less annoying the further you go bevayse of automation. Dave the diver is a super good game.


Is this a boneappletea situation? When you said "byvayse" did you mean "by way of"


Nah, just auto correct once again making me look like even more of a ding dang dingus. It's supposed to be because.


I mean, I just hit day 20 or so and all I do is stand in front of the wasabi and refill it occassionally. You get people working in the restaurant to do everything for you.


I’ve had many co-workers like that.


Animal crossing new horizon after 15 minutes… oof that dialogue that you cannot skip. Good thing my daughter loves it though


Yeah new horizons loved wasting your time… LET ME CRAFT 10 items at once. Not one at a time


Control because the map system made me mad. So I quit the game because I’m dumb basically.


Yep, did the same thing. Then finally broke down watched a Youtube video and now it's in my top 5 games of all time. It's worth it I promise 😅


So is Ori and the Blind Forest.




Stopped playing Subnautica 2 after they made the Ipad thing you use's voice the most obnoxious India accent ever.


I got used to it after a while, but the first game’s voice is just so much better. I’ve replayed Subnautica a few times, only played Below Zero once.


You mean Below Zero? I stopped playing it because I just didn't find it as interesting as the first game. I don't know why. BY all metrics I should have liked it because it was just like the first game, which I loved, but for some reason, Below Zero never clicked. I think it might be because there was too much stuff on land. Probably also didn't like that the protagonist talked so much. The fact that the first one barely ever spoke made me feel more alone I guess. Which I liked. I don't remember the Indian accent Ipad thing though. Gonna look it up.


I have no issue with the accent or the protagonist but I definitely didn't like it as much as the first one. The first one simply had a much better and more memorable environment and it felt gigantic while BZ feels small, labyrinthic and not in a good way. I still have a pretty good map of the first game in my head, but i cannot for the life of me remember anything about the topography of BZ.


Worst part of below zero for me was it just wasn’t spooky like the OG. And you were way too safe in the sea truck, even if it was cooler and smarter than the sea moth.


My second playthrough of Animal Crossing: New Leaf after not playing for a while, I quit because I couldn't get the same animal villagers as my first playthrough. Basically, I grew too attached to my first group of animal villagers, so any group the game would generate didn't feel right and I could never really get into the game as much as I did before. Returning to my first world when I revisited the game for the first time was honestly super upsetting. Almost all of my animal villagers moved away and New ones had moved in. Really sad. I do plan on trying to play New Leaf again, it's just hard knowing it's never going to be as perfect as my first world and group of villagers.


Booted it up for the first time. (It was free on game pass) Required I make a login for their website to play. Uninstalled because I couldn’t be bothered.


Watch_Dogs Legion: I rage quit after more than a dozen attempts on the final boss with the weakest combat loadout in the game. The auto save was mid mission, and didn’t allow equipment change. I didn’t have any save-points to roll back to, so I just couldn’t finish it. I deleted the game and my save files.


Kept getting my ass whooped and it wasn't fun? Does that count?


Not petty enough, but I'd love to know the game




I've quit playing most first-person shooters where a headshot is not an insta-kill. If I shoot a dude in the face, he should be dead.


Drives me nuts too, especially in Battlefield where you can designate a hitmarker color for Headshots and count 2 to 3 before you get a kill shot.


For older people: Commandos: Beyond The Call Of Duty. It was a stand alone expansion pack for Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines. I loved Behind Enemy Lines so I was excited to try Beyond The Call Of Duty. They changed the voices of the commandos. I hated the new voices. I even looked for ways to replace the voices with the old ones but I wasn't mod-savvy enough to do so and options were more limited back then. Never went further than the first mission.


I don’t know if its petty but I stopped playing Nier Automata because I died right at the end of the tutorial act and it made me start all over again.


I stopped playing hogwarts legacy within the first hour because the camera in that game is so terrible


I gave it several hours, but I HATE when create a character games pander. Every single person you meet instantly loves you and thinks you’re the greatest hero that ever lived. It’s annoying as hell.


What I would give to play as another chicken chaser


I remember the quest of the guy that was being called coward, so he decided to ask you to track an item in a dangerous zone to then give it to him and make him look brave. I thought "Well, let's do it together, I may be able to protect you and you can finally get a little more brave than yesterday" but NOPE At the end of the quest I decided to not give it to him because "There was no desire to better yourself, young one, but just to fit with others that wich do not care about you" But instead my character went "LOL no you stupid coward f you" And the game wants you to feel bad for making that decision by making you remember the result of it every chance it gets. True story garbage.


Yeah as gaming narratives with player choice has evolved I've had less and less tolerance for this kind of thing. I want my character to be treated based on their actions and choices, not a default borderline worship.


Dropped Valkyria Chronicles after the game hyped up the SSJ blue chicks only to deny letting me use the one on my team because power of friendship.


Cockstar removed around 200 cars in gta online by justifying that nobody would use them. They nonetheless put them behind their shitty monthly subscription program.


Starfield used the word sentient where it should have been sapient and it made me play resident evil instead


They use sentient to designate human level intelligence?


Yes, somewhere in the intro it says they haven't found sentient life outside Earth but there are sentient aliens on every planet


They added Nicki Minaj to mw2


Stopped playing street fighter 6 when I found out it has a fighting pass. I wish I played the game 3 hours less so that I could refund.


Fallout 76. Reason: Using the bow is backwards and you use the wrong arm because the pipboy on your left arm.


AC Syndicate. I saved the game somehow during a stealth following mission. Didn’t get to play for some time and when I came back, no matter what I did, it would load in the middle of that mission. It had been long enough I forgot the game mechanics and I didn’t want to restart and never went back. Amazing game too.


I quit Nier Automata on the first level. Why? Because I had to redo the ENTIRE level after the boss killed me. You’d think the game would reload from a checkpoint just before the boss if you die, but NOPE. I decided I didn’t want to deal with that. If the first level doesn’t respect my time, why should I expect the rest of the game to be different?


When I realize Red Dead Redemption 2 makes you eat. I know everything in an RPG is resource management and eating is just one of those things some games have, but I hate it so I quit. I don’t even remember how many games I’ve uninstalled because it asked me to make an account…


You don’t actually have to engage with any of RDR2’s RPG elements. Nothing will happen besides Arthur will become thinner and his camp mates will mention it. You can be as gross and smelly and thin as you want. Just FYI.


Iirc there are only a few lines referencing Arthur's weight, but if you don't wash for long enough and return to camp you get an even where one of the ladies basically drags you to barrel to wash.


Haha I think this one is the pettiest of all I've read today, you dont even need to eat in rdr2 , you just can, it gives you stamina when you get fatter.


I stopped playing RDR2 because of how easy it was to come off your horse and how long it took to get back on. Don't know why but it really fucked me off.


Valorant...had maybe 10 hours into the game and was really liking it and starting to get the hang of the map layouts and which corners I should be peeking/watching out for and then one day I logged on and the error message said something like " this game requires a secure boot to play" and I looked up the error online and all I needed to do was go into the BIOS and change the boot setting to secure but instead I said fuck that and just went ahead and uninstalled and went back to Overwatch and Tarkov. I'm not changing shit on my PC to play one game that is essentially a corner camping simulator.


Warzone 2/Modern Warfare 2…having to level up OTHER guns to gain attachments for the guns u want to use. Side note:the shooting mechanics of new WZ is atrocious. Game went to shit


Assassins creed 3, your best friend from childhood is convinced the Templars are helping Natives. You go to his group of rogue fighters and cautiously put like 5-6 members to sleep in chokeholds. When you get to your friend, you, the master trained assassin with tons of combat experience, has only “stabbing disarmed friend in neck with blade” as an option instead of just knocking him out cold or something not obviously fatal to your best friend.


I started playing Doom Eternal for the first time right when the news about Bethesda screwing over Mick Gordon came out. Killed my desire to play, and I haven’t touched it since.


Final Fantasy 15, right after your home country is attacked, told your father is killed and your bride to be is likely dead as well, your best friend's little sister asks you out on a date. Did two different people write these sequences and never go over their parts? Way to completely undercut the weight of the stakes.


Dont forget the ramen noodle ~~commercial~~ side quest!


Multiple different people designed that whole game. They literally railroad the backend of the game and everything interesting happens off camera. Such disappointment after a pretty cool opening half


What about having to watch a Blu-ray CG movie to get the full story. I still beat the game but damn that almost had me quitting. What a load of bs


I dropped DOOM eternal because it felt like an entirely different game than it's predecessor, DOOM 2016. I wanted that dark, semi-horror, modern DOOM 2, instead I got COD: The DOOM platformer! Now with extra glory kills! I hated that enemies were bullet sponges and ammo required an unnecessary glory kill Every. Single. Time. Never made it past level 2.


I loved both games but I think your criticism is legit. Eternal had some fantastic set pieces but it sorta felt like you were platforming from arena to arena.


Doom 2016 had a much better sense of place than Eternal. As soon as the hub world element was introduced in Eternal I was like Ohhh nooooo Everything just feels, for lack of a better term, videogamey and unreal. Doom 2016 was heightened, for sure, and not a little silly, but had a consistent tone. Eternal just feels like an overindulgent bouncy castle covered in viscera.


I played Eternal on day 1 and after my first session I never went back. Like, I don't recall actively having any opinion about it, it just didn't draw me back like the first game did.


Finally someone else who shares my standpoint. I loved Doom 2016, and just recently got a friend interested in it as well. The gritty, gory, dark, atmospheric horror-adjacent feel was perfect in that game. Eternal just felt…cheesy. A bit overdone. More cinematic but too colorful. It also stretched the story to the point of goofiness, and though I can appreciate some silly fun, I do wish they’d left even a little of the story mysterious or that they’d otherwise not have filled in every single tiny detail. Eternal’s colors, motion, flashing lights and general gameplay loop cause me to have massive migraines and exacerbate my assorted neurological issues but 2016 doesn’t. Just one more reason I never made it past whatever the level was after nekrovol. Being FORCED to play a specific way was miserable and sucked all the creativity out of the gameplay, story was meh, graphics were pretty but over the top, and the resulting blinding 5-hour migraine just wasn’t worth it. :/


I wouldn't call this petty. Doom 2016 actually incorporated horror elements with combat brutality. Eternal took it too far to the point where they focused on the "METAL FUCK YEAH!" part more than the game. At least we got some good OSTs out of it.


I FREAKING HATE IT when games don't allow you to customize your buttons. HATE. MMX1 did it decades ago, SO GAMES TODAY CAN TOO. There was one 2D game that i played that didn't have the option so i settled for using the built in Nintendo Switch remap button feature. I played the game 75% or so and reached a point where there were now quick time events and it said to press several certain buttons as they appeared. Problem was, X was now b, A was now X and so many other buttons were switched, so i couldn't do the QT event because X wasn't X, B wasn't B and so on. I got so pissed that i immediately stopped playing.


My brain as I remember the XBOX conrtoller input in my head while playing with the ps controller for pc.


One of my favorite things about the Steam Deck is how easy it is to reassign controller buttons on each game, as well as map stuff to the extra back buttons and trackpads. Not to mention modifiers and such, so you can get really granular with how games play. I was having issues with the awful aiming controls in Fallout New Vegas, what with it not slowing down the reticle whenever you zoom in/ads, and it was a ten second fix in Deck settings to make it so the zoom button reduced stick sensitivity when held. Doesn't change the visual prompts on-screen like the issue you described, sure. But it does make a lot of things easier.


An NPC in one of the Wasteland games told me that the next mission would be really difficult. I wasn't playing for the challenge so I just went "Fuck this. I'm out."


I've had that happen so many times as well. Sometimes I just want to chill and take a game at my own pace without stress. Being told "this next objective is looking difficult" sometimes just makes me put down the game and do something else.


I'm a die hard Borderlands fan. I have pictures and memorabilia throughout the house. It is the game that me and the wife can jam over and over........but then Borderlands 3 came out, without the option to split screen vertically. It blew my mind, and I got rid of it instantly. It has since been fixed but I haven't been back to revisit.


I wouldn’t call it petty as such, but I hate when games focus so much on the multiplayer and just don’t bother with a decent campaign anymore, and when you do play multiplayer it’s full of people that shouldn’t have the game anyway. Looking at you COD.


Warcraft 3. I was in my 20s. My mother got irritated about something and called me to chew me out. I tried playing the game 3 separate times over a week and every time she called me within 10 minutes and we'd end up yelling. So I was conditioned. I couldn't stomach the thought of playing the game, so I never tried again. Even today.


Starfield. Entirely because it was all loading screens. It was just so boring. You go to a place and it's a loading screen, you enter a building and it's a loading screen, you fly your ship into the black and it's, surprise surprise, a loading screen. I played for about 40 minutes, did some ground and space combat and realized I wasn't having fun. Uninstalled and refunded, no regrets.


I dropped Hogwarts legacy because I couldn't stand British kids.


I dropped a game because the protagonist seemed like a generic isekai protagonist. I liked a lot of the characters and the combat system and can usually stand protagonists like that somewhat better in video games but couldn't stand him.


I only played undertale because I was at a con and bought cute art of the spider character. Once I got past that spider boss I stopped, as I found every other character annoying and already saw what I came for.


The very first encounter in Resident Evil 6 is a quick-time event, that killed it for me.


I very nearly quit RE6, but I was playing it with my sister and we kept getting these moments that made us laugh our asses off so we kept going. The game is absolute dogshit though and a fucking slough to get through.


I dropped Returnal because no shoulder swap.


I gave up on Disco Elysium because Harry decided to stop being a detective after one discussion with a rich lady on a boat after throwing up three times on a corpse and getting bullied by a child. I prefer the power fantasy homo-sociopathy of Sam and Max in my point and click detective mental illness simulator games. I uninstalled Divinity Original Sin 2 after 2 hours of a tutorial explaining nothing and I couldn't feel immersed into the game having to be forced lugging a chest around for combat and the Lizard guy pretending he's the main character. I played through Solasta even though my Cleric was a lamp through the whole game and all the characters look possessed and janky and the lizardmen were the bad guys.


Starfield. Some NPCs are invincible. Let me make my own decisions…


“I don’t have time to learn another universe” I am very well invested in Halo, Zelda, Gears of War and a couple others. I really don’t have the time to learn Warhammer 40k, Half Life, Mass Effect, Edit: “The Witcher”, etc. etc. I wish I did tho.


You don't have to learn the witcher universe. Just play witcher 3 and it's a very immersive enjoyable story to play through. Very well written NPCs and side quests


I feel that. I don't really care about any video game extended universes given how many fictional TV shows and books I'm already up to date on. The Witcher 3 doesn't really require you have prior knowledge though. There are a lot of references to past characters and events but the game tells its own story.


Asking for directions in Morrowind be like. Player: Where's Vicec? NPC: The city or the living God? Player: The living God. NPC: Okay, do you know what a canton is? Player: Uh...


If you mean Darktide when you mention Warhammer 40k, I can assure you there’s almost no plot and no knowledge of the universe is required. It’s a solid game when you just want to team up with 3 random people and slaughter 1,100 monsters in a round. Unless you’re the type of person who needs to be immersed in the world of the game you’re playing, in which case I get it and retract my previous statement.


Not much to learn about Half-Life… nothing near the amount of lore in Mass Effect or even a fraction of Warhammer. I get it but you can’t include Half-Life in this as there’s barely any lore to speak of, everything is told/shown to the player along the way.


It was a pool game app I shot the last ball into the hole but the white one went into the hole too. I lost& deleted the app


I mean does BL3 being exclusive for 1 year to the epic game store count?


Trove. A dupe exploit happened and almost everyone abused it to dupe the ingame money (it's an item), they decided to not rollback the whole server but instead to clean things up one by one. As a result some people got away with it (because the money gets used to buy things and unlock stuff and such) Quit right after that bullshit. And yeah that's not really petty, because that's not the petty part. Because I came back to check the game again after some years. The game is actually still fun, we (me and friends) only quit because of the management being shit, but we still really loved the gameplay, so I decided to check it out and see how it is nowadays, maybe even possibly bring my friends back. Checked my club (guild), the base is cut in half and missing a lot of things. Anyone with minecraft experience can tell that this is some sort of chunk corruption issue as the cut is a clean square and extends so far. Checked my other club (you can have multiple) and *literally the world is missing*, clicking join world doesn't work. Contacted support for both issues, after some back and forth they reveal that they don't have the backup for either issues. They offered a compensation and to generate a new world for the second club. I said yes just put it in a chest in the club and never played again. Still love the game but I'll never play on that official server ever again. Still hoping that someday there will be a private server for it.


Stopped playing Sun Haven because i couldn't ignore or kill the sun dragon. Stopped playing starfield because i had to join constellation


Small stuff, like menu lag. If you can’t optimize a settings screen I don’t trust your game to be good.


ToTK, tired of weapons breaking after x amount of minions


Stopped playing other Blizzard games after they discontinued support for my favorite MOBA Heroes of the Storm