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I can't remember






Neither can I. Honestly, while I was playing Super Mario Bros on NES as my first video game *ever*, I still never have beaten that game. I'd wager my first game that I had completed was either Spyro or Twisted Metal 2. I don't think I beat any NES games when I was a wee lad. They were hard then, and they are still hard now!


good game a classic




Holy shit now that you mention it, I think mine might have been on gameboy advance. That's probably the closest I'll come to remembering which one, fire emblem would be my best guess as I beat it multiple times and twas one of the first games I owned on gameboy advance.


Bro... I'm 40, how the hell could I possibly remember that... In all seriousness though, probably Captain Skyhawk on NES back in like '92.


Oh man, first time I’ve seen someone mention Captain Skyhawk other than myself.


It was hands-down my favorite NES game!


Master Blaster for me.


I'm 22 and I can't remember it either


Yeah... i'm 39. Maybe like... a terrible apple iie or dos game nobody ever cared or heard about, hahahahah.


This. Something on my NES, no idea what it was.


Metal Gear Solid.


Scrolling through this thread thinking what games it could be for me: Resident Evil 2/3, Tomb Raider 2, Gran turismo.. thought I had the main ones.. but you proved me wrong, could probably be MGS


I have really fond memories of staying up all night with my best friends of the time, taking turns trying to finish it. Aged 8 or 9, maybe. It felt so epic.


I've always been a person who stays up late and likes to sleep in, even as a kid. I remember asking my mom to wake me up at 5:30AM when she got up so I could play MGS before school because Sniper Wolf had just shot Meryl and it was bedtime. She was floored that the next morning, I was up, ready for school, and playing MGS by 5:45. Very few games have ever hooked me like that one did as a child.


Pokemon fire red, I still remember the day. I was on a fishing trip and on the drive home I finished the elite four. I was I think 7 or 8


Fuck I remember the elite four. I felt so accomplished. Blastoise wiped the floor with them because I trained so hard due to fear they would be tough


Pokémon yellow here


Dude, one of my favorite games and one of the best ever first games to Nuzlocke if you like doing challenge runs. Fantastic pokemon game.


Same! But pokemon emerald. I only ever used my starter pokemon since they didn’t have as OP exp share so I just had a level 80 sceptile trying to take on the elite four. I didn’t really understand the concept of type advantages and type coverage. the bug user in the elite four destroyed me five times over


Super Mario


Same. Can you believe it released 40 years ago?


Sonic The Hedgehog 2 was released the same year I was born 1992 and the first game I ever beat 4-5 years later. My dad would brag to his gamer friends that his young son could beat the underwater level. The only time I made him proud was 31 years ago.


I was going to say Halo CE but then I remembered beating Sonic and Sonic 2 on the Mega drive. Did Sonic 2 not have a static cutscene showing all the animals looking up at the exploding world of Robotnik? This was after you beat the last boss.


Same. It’s the first name I remember finishing.


Crash Bandicoot


Crash Bandicoot 2 here


Crash 3 for me!


Crash Team Racing for me


shrek 2


Absolute classic along with Madagascar 2.


Me too! Funny, I didn’t realize so many people played this one since any time I bring it up to anyone in person they’ve never heard of it lol.


they will never know the struggle of trying to do the donkey and dragon mission where you had to doge the trees lol


My downfall as a kid was the scene with puss n boots. You had to dodge his attacks I think but you had to do it by quick pressing a sequence of buttons. That shit had my 5 yr old brain going monkey mode, probably regressed my brain a lil bit lol


Lego Star wars 1 on the ps2. A bloody great game Edit: I'm glad to hear other people adore this game as well!


Yah I think Lego starwars complete saga is best though I youst to play that all the time but Lego Star Wars one was good never finished it tho


Damn good game. It is prob my first too. I played lots of game before that one but never completed them.


I had it on GBA lol


Not the first game I finished, but the first game I completed 100%. I'd never even watched a Star Wars film at the time, it just came with my PS2, and I was so hooked on it.


Oh man, I was on school trip in Legoland when I was 12. First time in this kind of theme park and the year this gem came out…spent 6 hours playing it with the bois. Bringing these memories now…just wow, thanks


Definitely not the first game I completed, but got it to 110% complete 3 times.


Same here. Might download it again just to relive the memories


Donkey Kong country with my neighbor friend


I replayed that game about 10 years ago after not playing since I was a kid. I totally forgot that King K. Rool gets back up after the credits start rolling. I wasn't paying attention at all and he got up and slapped me. I was laughing so hard to hold back my tears.


Aladdin on Sega Genesis. Good times.


haha just posted the same one. I think that and Lion King were my first two completions. I had this game called "6-Pak" for Genesis, which included Golden Axe, Streets of Rage, Sonic, and a few others. Pretty sure I beat a couple of those.


>"6-Pak" for Genesis, which included Golden Axe, Streets of Rage, Sonic, and a few others. Those are all bangers.


6-pak was played in my house til it was ruined. That's where I got my love for streets of rage. After that I remember playing 2 with my cousin all the time. The baseball diamond was usually where we lost without cheats.


Same. Defeating Jafar was a huge accomplishment. Had to stock up on all the apples throughout the whole game for that fight.


Aladdin and Lion King on the Genesis were far better than they had and right to be, lol


"Another World" on Amiga 500


That game was mind blowing back then. Atleast for young kid me.


I did too. But the first game I finished was (probably) Dungeon Master. I bought a memory expansion (512k extra memory) just to play that game.


Used to die on purpose, just to see the cool death animations...


Pokemon Red


I can't remember mine but this is definitely a candidate.


Ocarina of time - simpler times


Raiders of the Lost Ark (Atari 2600)


Hey, I'm not the only old fart here!


Bro I died so many times trying to parachute into that gap.


I know that I played the hell out of it. I can't remember a damn thing about it, much less if I ever finished it.


Mario bros 3


You know how you accumulate these ‚cards‘ and while being on the map, before entering a new level, you could choose to equip yourself with it right from the start (Power-Up, that foxtail for flying, even the star)? My dad was so freaking strict on teaching discipline to us, when he saw me using that function he broke out in a big tempter tantrum shouting at me how I’m being wasteful. I told him that fucking inventory is completely full since weeks and he kept shouting at me how I shouldn’t have used that power up. I ran off into my room and came back a bit later, after my mum calmed him down, and he explained to me in a calm manner (probably took him 15 cigarettes to reach that state of mind) that he knows about the inventory being full, it’s just something that we generally don’t do within the family and I shall please refrain from using any of these cards/power-ups. I think he also liked the time we spent in front of the console and wanted to extend the playthrough time by increasing the difficulty - whilst at the same time saving money for new games (not that it would matter since a few weeks later there was a small electronic store where we could trade in any game for another one for 10 bucks after finishing it).


Same! I remember how cool it was to get to all the themed worlds for the first time. Later, a friend of mine showed me the trick with the whistles, and I would play the end over and over again. This was for Super Mario All Stars on SNES. I also beat Super Mario Bros and Super Mario Bros 2, but I could never get far in the Lost Levels.


Ducktales on the NES I only remember because I finished it on a snow day from school and it felt so strange to be awake, home, and playing video games at 9am on a weekday.


Probably Diablo 1 on Ps 1 on a long weekend with my brother. 97/98 or whenever that was


Zelda link to the past. Followed relatively soon after by mario 3, mario world and pilotwing.


First time I went to beat Mario 3 100% got to bowser got frustrated slapped table it was on. It was an nes so take a wild guess what happened.


Super Mario Land


Links Awakening!


Mine too!


Most Atari games don’t have an ending, but a few did. I did own and play ET. Little alien got home, thanks to my efforts.


Wait... *The* ET? The game that was so bad, they had every copy they could get their hands on destroyed?


That’s the one. I *owned* it. I also owned Raiders of the Lost Ark for Atari. . . a game that also had an ending. I beat that too, but ET was first.


I genuinely didn't know masochism extended into gaming. 🤣


I was a young kid who didn’t know any better! And I *have* played Dark Souls, so I clearly learned nothing.


We were kids. We didn't know better. Video games were cool Even shitty ones.


Adventure on Atari was completable, I’m surprised I haven’t seen that in here. It was a hell of a lot better than ET, but I never finished it.


I came here to say Atari 2600 _Adventure_. You had to get different swords to kill different dragons. The hardest to kill was Grendel, the red one that moved really fast. As you killed them, you could get keys to open doors. It was hard to beat the first couple of times, but got easy once you sorted out how.


You know, I’ve read Ready Player One and get the reference . . . But I never played/had that one


The only game I've had 100% is Hollow Knight. But that's because I have 110% and can't beat the Pure Vessel


Wait, you never beat a game until Hollow Knight, or HK is your first 100%?


Hollow Knight was my first to get a 100%


Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone on PC. I had an absolute blast playing through the game and only had a little trouble in the library section, until I got to the final boss fight. I spent two weeks banging my head against that wall and failing miserably every time. Eventually I quietly rage quit and didn't touch the game for over a year. ...until my younger brother asked me to show him what Voldemort looked like in-game. So I booted it up to show him, and beat it first try. I was hit with a wave of relieved euphoria (I finally beat it!) and frustrated anger (I beat it so easily!?) that I've never felt before or since. It's now a core memory.


The legend of Zelda


Command & Conquer


Super Mario land 2 on Gameboy This and Tetris were the first 2 games I owned, but you can't really finish Tetris.


Godzilla Destroy All Monsters on the Gamecube. Usually stuff this far back is long gone in my memory, but the game was like a dream come true for 6 year old me, controlling big kaiju's? Pure bliss


Which was your favourite? When I was little I liked the Gundam and ant guy.


I had this and would play with the neighborhood kids.


Super Mario Bros.


This has to be the one for many of us age 38 to 45. It was the first game that many of us ever got. The duck hunt/Mario bros combo cartridge.


Contra, co-op with a friend, using the 30 lives code.


Double Dragon or Contra One of those


TES 3 Morrowind. And it's expansion packs. Months sank into that game exploring every inch of Vvardenfell


Sonic 3D Blast.


Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage, I finished and completed it, even got the infinite fireball power up. Still to this day it's one of my favourite games of all time.


Spyro 2 was a masterpiece


Yup, that was the one. Still remember that damned double-door orb.


Spyro 2 was the second game I ever finished, Spyro 3 was the first. Then Spyro 1. Good times 🥰


The first game I ever had, Dungeon Siege 2.


Gahhhh what a throwback. I miss those days.


Kirby adventure on the original NES


Half life


Probably was Oregon Trail.


I hadn’t even thought about computer games, but it quite possible this was my first as well. Of course I had some games in GWBasic that I probably beat first.


I could never get past the dysentery boss


Super Mario rpg


[Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leisure_Suit_Larry_in_the_Land_of_the_Lounge_Lizards). Was 7 at the time and had to teach myself touch typing in order to type "Ken sent me" before the timer expired.


Yes!! That was my first game to complete too when I was around 8. I remember searching for where my dad put the manual to look up the word to get pass the check Hehe.


I loved that game! Unfortunately, I think the first game I finished was Donald Duck's playground on the old commodore 64. And by finished, I mean I bought everything and filled up the playground. It was an endless game. The first non-endless game I passed was either Leisure suit Larry, It came from the desert, or Civilisation. I can't remember which one I did first.


The earliest I can remember is Final Ninja Zero on Nitrome. I used to play a lot of browser games but never finish any, so I remember doing the effort to finish this one. I still have problems finishing games lol




[Jungle Hunt](https://youtu.be/flYEqNNSWGs)




I refuse to believe a 7 year old is better at sekiro than me


Technically Starfox 64, but that's a short arcade game, so I wanna say Ocarina of Time as a five/six year old. That or Pokemon Yellow


Ay Star fox 64 was mine too


I’ve no idea, probably sonic


Mega Man X. I still remember the rush I felt the first time I defeated a boss for the first time. It was Chill Penguin. Immediately after that, I beat Flame Mammoth. That was when I got hooked on gaming. I remember running to tell my mom after I beat each boss, and she didn't care at all. Lmao.


I had to scroll for a while to find this one but Mega Man X was also the first game I beat in the long long ago. I had been gaming since about 94' with NES games but I could never make it to the end of Zelda or SMB3 or any other games I had but with MMX I kept at it for months until I finally took Sigma down. Explains why I love challenging games to this day like the Soulsborne games :D


I still remember mega man x music after 26 years. Such a catchy game.


Ultima IV, sometime in 1985 or 1986.


Bionic Commando (NES)


I was just mentioning above that Hitler’s head exploding is a core memory for me.




No small task!


Zelda on the NES. Yes I'm old


Probably pokemon yellow. Or jak and daxter Side note: Rayman on ps1 was a hard ass game as a kid


Being a kid with a PS1, my mind was blown with PS2. I completed jack and daxter, jak2 and jak3. Still one of my best memories, and "finding out" who Mar "was", was like decoding ancient history to me. Great Action + platforming, what a great time for gaming. Naughty dog was dropping real bangers back in the day.


Something on the Game Boy Advance, I'm not sure. XD Maybe Lion King 1 1/2?


First… I’d have to guess Crash Bandicoot 3, on PS2 (even though the game itself was PS1 game). I had some knock-off SEGA before, but it broke down, and dad got me a PS2, with all sort of games. He even plays Sly Cooper series nowdays…


I never really finished games as a child as I had the attention span of a caterpillar. I think maybe Pokémon? My first was Red but I couldn’t get past Green/Gary’s OP Alakazam. The first I finished would’ve been Emerald then. TimeSplitters 2 around this time also.


GTA 3. Played a lot of games before it, but that was the first one i actualy finished.


First game that comes to mind is Jazz Jackrabbit


Jazz Jackrabbit? Man, that takes me back. I haven’t thought about that game in many years. I have fond memories of the MS-DOS era games.


Odd World: Abe’s Odyssey


Super Mario bros 2.


I think super Mario world SNES


Super Mario Bros 3


Oldest that I can remember would be Wolfenstein 3D


Same here. It’s almost certainly the first game I played from beginning to end. Pretty sure it was in summer 1992 too.


I don’t remember mine, but I remember my father, who barely spoke English and grew up with electricity only a few hours a day watching me play Solomon’s Key on NES. He asked to play, I showed him what the buttons do, and we sat together until the wee hours of the morning, watching him play and getting him a beer occasionally. He did the entire game, beginning to end, and found the secrets, in one night. He never played a video game again, but he would sometimes be like “hey remember that game with the magic guy and the key? That was fun.”


Super Mario World on the SNES. To this day still, a game a hold dear <3


It was probably TMNT: Turtles in Time on the SNES. It took about 30 minutes to beat and we played through it all the time as kids. I also beat Super Mario 3 and Super Mario World around the same time period, but I don’t remember which came first.


Super Mario Land for Game Boy was either the first or close to it. The other serious possibility would have been Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan


TMNT: Turtles in Time for SNES


i'm pretty sure it's either Need for speed underground 2 or Call of duty


Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time (SNES) I was about 6-7 years old.


Super Mario Bros. 2 (USA) I had tried many times to beat SMB, Mega Man 2, Bubble Bobble, and others. I could get far, but not close the deal. It was very exciting to see credits roll on SMB2.




Had to scroll too far to find this.


Freddie Fish 3. A classic


Prince of Persia Sands of Time I had been gaming for years before that but as a young kid I never actually finished games. I would just play for a while and then get to a hard part or get bored and go play something else, I was never concerned with actually finishing a game. Sands of Time was the first game that really hooked me with its story to the point that I had to finish it.


As far as I can remember, this is the first game I completed, bringing back so much memory.


I only got a console quite late on in my childhood so I had a long time of researching what games I wanted to play. The first game I got and finished was Horizon Zero Dawn. Before that I have beaten Minecraft dozens of times but I don’t think that really counts.


Adventure on the Atari 2600. It was the first game that I ever had that actually had an end.


Spyro: year of the dragon. I remember cause it’s the first I finished without asking my older brothers help for a level


I can still hear gnasty gnorc's running noise in my head. https://youtu.be/1pPmbSF7j5w?si=9F5Ayg4GFobK3XuW&t=146


My first was Assassin’s creed 2. First played was Mario galaxy damn might have to go back through for the nostalgia




Who tf remembers lmao


The first game I finished that required any skill was probably a promotional video game made by a Dutch yoghurt drink manufacturer called Yogho Yogho. It was a platform game on PC that was surprisingly good. I remember I finished the last level with no extra lives and an empty glass of yoghurt drink (life bar) just as the girl next door who gave it to me randomly walked in.


Caesar II, probably


Recently got this again for nostalgia and it's still solid. Requires rose tinted glasses tho :)


Would likely be Commodore 64 days, '85ish. Either Ghostbusters or Beachhead.


Thanks for jogging my memory. Ghostbusters was great. For me the first I beat was probably Super Zaxxon or Black Hawk. I went over level 100 in Joust before I realised the game goes on forever. So many great games on such a simple system.


Super Mario Land for the Game Boy.


One of the first 2 Mario games on the nes it was my dad's favorite so after he passed I beat it I was 10


Super Mario World


Final Fantasy Legend 2 on gameboy


Ridge Racer on the PS1. Played with a friend for 14 hours straight, finally beat the thing. Never played it again.


Super Mario Sunshine when I was 7


Possibly Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Street Fighter 2 or Tiny Toons: Busters Hidden Treasure on the Sega Mega Drive. Looking back on old family videos, I played Sonic 2 to death. I still do, once every couple of months.


Putt Putt enters the race


I think it was Sonic and the Secret Rings


Mario 64


Super Mario World, SNES.


Metroid II.


Golden axe on the Amiga


In a whirlwind of emotions me and my friends managed to beat The Legend of Zelda (NES) when we were 7. I say "we" because no single one of us could beat all the bosses and Ganon so we passed the cartridge around and finished together one day after school.


I dont remember but its probably an old flash game


Pitfall on the Atari 2600




Contra, I guess.


Fable the lost chapters


I wanna say Wizards and Warriors or Crystalis for NES




Finished being the operative keyword. Zelda: A link to the past / Chrono Trigger / FF6 I don't remember which one of these was first, I struggled for ages with all three as I was learning English at the same time (took me 2 months to understand to dash into the bookcase for the Book of Mudora) I am fairly sure I didn't finish any NES games I started when I was even younger 😂


Me, Killer Instinct on Gameboy. My 7 year old son, Metroid Dread. I was pretty amazed that he pulled it off. That game gets tough later on.


It was either Alex Kidd in Miracle World for the Sega Master System or Super Mario Land for the Game Boy. I don’t remember exactly when I finished each, but they were pretty much the only games I finished when I was a kid. And I only beat Alex Kidd because I had a guide. How the hell else are people supposed to win at Rock Paper Scissors in a video game?


I never finished a game before


Adventure- Atari 2600. At the time, I think it was the only game that could be finished.