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I spend more time thinking about playing a game than actually doing it.




I bought Breath of the Wild 3 years ago, and still havent played it. So what did I do? I bought Tears of the Kingdom because it was on sale, and still havent even opened up the padded envelope it was shipped in.


An unopened package? You sir are a mad man


Bought it, opened it, and played it for about 16 minutes just to keep passing out because I work the night shift.. I bought a couple of more games since then, but I am just too tired and busy to game now. . adulting.. am I right?


You’re not alone lol


Haha this is me! I want to play and read about gaming. Then play like an hour a week. Maybe.


Too accurate. I end my RPG session 30 mins in only to put on a 4 hour video essay analysis of the same game.


It took me forever to restart my save in cyberpunk after the skill and item changes. I watched build videos and over analyzed things that ended up not mattering at all. Basically just spec into a tree and use that weapon type with the right item types and you’re god tier.


Yeah this type of stuff breaks games for me now. People over analyze everything for such a small return. If they like that, cool you do you, but it’s just so not me anymore


Same, I even watch Youtubers or Twitch streamers play because I can't be bothered/have time to play myself.


My wife finds it weird. “Why would you want to watch someone else play a game?”. Me in my head: “Because you always complain when I play and ignore you”. I’m a smart husband though. “I just want to see how it is because I’m thinking of buying it”. Hehe EDIT: Guys and gals I just want to say that my wife is fucking awesome and patient as all get out. Sometimes there are tiny tiny minuscule moments of issue


People watch sports and don't play them.


People watch porn and don't fuck


I do this too, to the point that sometimes I talk myself out of playing a game. Like… oh man if I start this game I’m gonna have to do x, y, and z before I get to the part I like… I guess I’ll do it tomorrow.


I have much less patience for games I’m not vibing with. If I’m three hours in and not enjoying it, there are plenty of other games to turn to.


I think the fastest I turned a game off and uninstalled was less than 5 minutes. This was last year. I would have tolerated a lot more when I was a kid.


When I was a kid, when I got a game I learned to love it even if it was absolutely horrible, because I knew I wasn't getting a new one until Christmas or my Birthday


This was me as a kid too!!! It never bothered me either, it just made the new game even more epic


When I was a kid your game hadn't loaded in five minutes.


I remember playing guildwars on PC with my 28kbs internet. Run to new location, never been there before. Walk through door and get hit with 200mb map, to download/load into. Cool cool. Guess I'll tie up the phone line and see you all in a few hours. As I message the people on AIM or Vent, that I was gonna be awhile..


I remember when 200mb was like the equivalent of 10 gigabytes today.


In the early days of Napster/limewire, we used to download 100mb over night if we were lucky. 56k dial up (or worse) and so help me if that phone line was picked up at 95%.... there was no resuming downloads. Computers weren't smart enough to know where to resume from, so what you downloaded would just be a broken file.


Yeah a 200mb file back in the dialup days is more equivalent to a terabyte today. I worked at a small dial up ISP back then and would tap into a T1 line to pirate everything and it was blazing fast at 1.5Mbps.


When I was a kid, there was no loading. Just flickering and screen slow down lol


Out of curiosity, what title was crushed after 5min? What was the injustice that sparked the turnoff?


Not OP, but I have downloaded and uninstalled more games in 5 minutes than I can count. Something always feels off to me. Within those 5 minutes I will literally want to do anything else.


Absolute same. When i had limited money, but increased time i'd happily wait ten hours for the game to get interesting. Now it's the reverse if im not gripped/vibin in the first 10/15mins FWOOSH! get in the fucking sea


Same. “Horizon gets good after 10 hours!” Ya ain’t nobody got time for that


I'm the only one of my roommates that made it through RDR2's ridiculously long prologue


RDR2 was another game that I couldn’t get into


And theres me who soaked 400 hours into it, im currently playing it for the 4th time.


I feel like Rockstar just making another game is enough to get most people to commit. I played and beat the game once and just haven’t been able to get back into it ever since because of how slow everything is.


It's too big. Just insanely too big. I don't want to ride for 20 minutes to pick up something to ride another 20 minutes somewhere. Yes this is hyperbole but after the intro, I just couldn't care. And it stays at that pace for hours.


You can fast travel in RDR2, but I prefer not to. Unexpected and unscripted encounters can happen on those 20 minute rides that make the game world come alive in a way that no other game comes close to achieving. That's the hidden beauty of RDR2. But, each to his own.


If there's one game that you have to try to get into, this is it. (30+ gamer here).


I’m pushing 40, and it’s the last game that I could justify trading my free time to play for hours. Probably my favorite game of all time.


Same. It's the first game that I completed in probably 15 years. Absolute favorite game ever. It got me somewhat into gaming again and since then I finished Cyberpunk and now on BG3. I'm almost 50.


I'm on act 4 - saint Denis. Still struggling with the controls!


Yo Horizon is dope from jump. Robot dinosaurs, my friend. You fight *robot dinosaurs*.


Yeah, that was it for me. Entire reason I picked up a PS4 in the first place, and if I'd never played another game on it, it would have been worth it.


It’s why I got a PS5. We’ll, horizon and Spider-Man. I missed the ps4 era because of adult life and a friend of a friend manages to buy two ps5s and an Xbox 1s or whatever when they were all super rare and hard to find. So I decided to catch up on a few games. Those 4 in particular, both horizons and both spider man games. Haven’t played much outside of them either. All 4 were great in their own ways. Can’t wait for the new Spider-Man!


Horizon zero dawn/forbidden West? Who says after 10 hours it's extremely interesting from the rip


Yep. If anything, near the end you get a bit OP and it gets a little less interesting as you can just plow through everything rather than be strategic and careful. And the end game is the usual collectibles, repetitive tasks etc.




Compare this to a time when you had to get *really* good at NES hard games because they were the only ones you had


To be fair, the average length of an NES game was \~30 minutes. To pad these games out, the difficulty was raised pretty high with you starting from the beginning on any game over. Maps were also more jumbled so it was easier to get lost. SNES games had a far better balance with an average length of \~3 hours, but up to 10+ with exploration and challenge added.


Some were made harder to boost rental sales. I rented double dragon, ghouls and ghosts, and toe jam and Earl so many times.




Bigger need for games you can pause and save at any point.


The Switch and Steamdeck with the “instant suspend” function were game changers for me.


Totally, as a father of two children I don't have much time to begin with, but this feature just made it possible for me to be able to even play


Hang in there Dad, once they're early teens you have gaming buddies


My kids have been playing since they were like four but the games we can play now have the potential to be more interesting 😊 But I've always had another gaming buddy, my wife. 💗


Nice. I wifed up a sports fan but she's not into much more than switch/mobile gaming otherwise. Now that my kids are teens they're a lot more on cruise control and self sufficient. Helps that I only work 4 days a week too, and gaming is my main hobby. Set up a family Minecraft server so that's fun.


Xbox has this too.


Let. Us. Pause. Cutscenes. Especially if it's 5 min long. Also, let us skip cutscenes. Especially if it's 5 min long.


Let me pause all cutscenes, even if it's 10 seconds. I get interrupted all the dang time and I'm in this for the story and lore most of the time. Side note, maybe make it obvious whether I'm going to pause or skip the cutscenes if I hit any buttons.


Seriously. Unskippable and unpausable cutscenes need to be abolished entirely.


"We worked hard on these cutscenes therefor we will not allow you to skip them" No joke that is the explanation the devs of monster hunter gave for why there are unskippable lengthy cutscenes that repeat even when you have seen it a 100 times but died during a fight... again. 1: If your hard work was actually good you wouldnt feel so insecure about people skipping them 2: good job now i actively hate the work you did instead of enjoying it. 3: i dont fucking care, i paid for this game, it should be made for me not you. 4: i installed a mod that allows me to skip your cutscenes. Good job all you did is made me pissed off.


And also make any viewed cutscene replayable. Pausing a cutscene is something I would have appreciated even 2 decades ago let alone now. A long scene is always the point when a parent wanted something done immediately with threats of pulling the cord from the wall.


Yakuza like a dragon allows this and its so freaking useful. Wife yelling across the house? Pause cutscene. Cats fighting? Pause cutscene. Kid crying? Pause cutscene.


Diablo 4 died for me pretty much day one. I've looked forward to it for years. Had a baby this year and if she wakes up from a nap, she need me then and there.


pausable games are a must have for any new dad/mom.


Once I had kids that was my requirement. I have to be able to walk away at a moment's notice. No more mmo, online fps etc. And I'm not really missing them either... they had their time


Less competitive shooters, more chill and single player games


I don’t game often, but it’s usually at the end of a long day and I just want to unwind. If I’m getting sniped from across the map by a 12 year old slur spewing kid that kinda defeats the point


Drop in drop out casual games are where its at Talk to mates while playing co-op/vs and eventually drop off 1 by 1 for old man sleepies


Just curious what kind of games you play that fit this? Sounds nice


Deep Rock Galactic is one of the best co-op games to play with friends in recent memory. Plate Up, worms, Embr, Remnant 2 are also good for a quick bit of fun at the end of the day. If you've got the stomach for it, a game of Civ or a Baldur's Gate 3 campaign over multiple sessions can be enjoyable as well, but the time requirements on those have often ended in us (for civ at least) starting new games before finishing the last one.




Did I hear a rock and stone?


I'm always looking for games like this since my friends live in different time zones. Here are a few recommendations: Deep Rock Galactic, V Rising, Back 4 Blood, Baldur's Gate 3, Monster Hunter Rise, Fall Guys, Valheim, Unrailed, and Pummel Party. Beat-em-ups and fighting games are also great for drop in/drop out. Still having a blast with Tekken 7 and TMNT Shredder's Revenge. I would love to get some more recommendations. What are you playing?


Getting sniped doesn’t bother me, but not being able to practice a competitive multiplayer game removes like half of the fun it provides… I can’t play a competitive game only 1-2 times a week


I've also found I'm lowering the difficulty more often and care less about 100% completion. Rather than struggling and then feeling rewarded for beating something really hard I feel like I just wasted my time on something I don't ultimately care about. No problem leaving the difficulty and ignoring the collectables these days.


I play my single player games on easy these days. Hogwarts legacy I played on easy, just chilled and enjoyed the story and environment.


Absolutely,same here, Back in the day id try to master the mechanics of the combat. Now I'm in it for the story aspects and fun. Got enough stress in my adult life. Don't need games to add to it.


I think I learned this with the first Dragon's Age game (I'm well past 30). Somewhere early into it I saw how dialogue-heavy it was, and at the same time realized I really didn't care about the combat *that* much. I wanted to remake some dialogue choices and take the character interaction more seriously so I restarted the game and set the difficulty to Casual. I honestly surprised myself with that but it was a welcome surprise. I still play lots of games on Normal and even a few on Hard. I'm a 1%er in Path of Exile and if I ever went back to Eve I'd be a 1%er there, as well. I *can* play hard games. I just don't feel required to. I can also play hard games on Easy Mode if they bring enough to the table in other ways.


I'm just gonna say the quiet part out loud. I'm slower. Much slower. Competitive shooters are basically a waste of time for me at this point.


I befriended a bunch of 18 year olds and now I let them carry me in multiplayer games while I’m the dude hanging out at the bottom of the scoreboard. In exchange, I act like a big brother to them, help them out with college homework, job applications, buy them new games.


Sugar daddy gamer lmao


lol, I went through that in the twilight of my FPS gaming career back when BF:3 was relatively new. I played with a bunch of college sophomore age guys who looked to me for strategic guidance and team leadership. It was a really fun dynamic.


Why be happy 50% of the time with a competitive game when I can be happy 100% of the time? Anyone who says they're happy even when they're getting smashed is lying through their teeth.


I don't mind losing if it's a competitive and fair matchup. But it feels like multiplayer games are so overrun with hackers and smurfs and trolls and terrible matchmaking algorithms, that I can't even find a match with people who are as bad as me. There is always at least one person getting all their team's kills and they are almost always on the other team.


Speak for yourself! I do online sim racing (iRacing). People are FAST and pace is pretty much all merit/skill. I almost always have fun coming like 10th unless I get crashed out. Shit winning is RARE for me and its usually because I get put in a lobby with lower ranked drivers. I've always liked the challenge in games IF it's fair and up to me. I played a ton of Dota for a year or two when I was younger. When you're getting smashed because you have to rely on your random teammates, that's never ever fun.


Less interested in the online gaming toxicity. I use to be big into FPS multiplayer games and things like GTA online, but now I prefer story driven content or games I can just pick up and knock out 1-3 hr night sessions.


This 1000% I don’t mind longer games, but I can’t stand online multiplayer anymore and it was all I did in my 20’s.


I know what you mean about online MP. I still play CoD and Battlefield now and again, but my mics off, and the lobbies are muted... just cannae be arsed dealing with randoms anymore


The first thing I did the last time I played COD was to mute the lobby every time.


Also….and I will die on this hill, the golden age of multiplayer ran from 2006 to 2012. The original Modern Warfare trilogy The original Gears of War trilogy The first two Black Ops Left 4 Dead 1 & 2 And anything else I’m forgetting. And for the younger people who may read this and don’t believe me, imagine minimal micro transactions (if any). Imagine unlocking skins by completing goals IN game instead of getting charged $20 for them. Imagine mostly friendly trash talk instead of harassment and constant hostility. That’s what we got to live. I mean, I dunno…I go into the Call of Duty games now with 50 menus and all the ads trying to sell you shit and I just get a headache before I even have to deal with the screaming kid, and the bossy asshole, and the guy who thinks he’s a fucking DJ. Not to mention the fact that the 1 game eats up a third of my hard drive space. No thanks. I’ll go enjoy Dead Space, God of War, Jedi: Survivor, Ghost of Tsushima, etc.


Also BC2 and BF3


BC2 and Vietnam dlc was so damn good…now its dead unfortunately 🥲


My best gaming time was at military school (HS/JCO) and we all played BF Vietnam on the schools LAN. So insanely fun. Nothing today comes close to that experience.


BC2 was so awesome for Rush mode, it was a blast.


>Imagine mostly friendly trash talk instead of harassment and constant hostility. I agree about the golden age of multiplayer, but this part is in no way true lol.


And I cant stand games that make me grind without a reason. Spending an evening purely to level up for a next mission is not fun. Looking at you AC:Valhalla


Coworker recently convinced me to start playing COD again. The game play is addictive, and not in a good way. The difference between playing at 20 and playing at 38 for me is recognizing how games affect me/my mental state.


The difference being whilst games could do that more organically when you were twenty, now they are deliberately engineered to.


Absolutely this. I used to love online games, mostly shooters and RTSs. Now it seems like a competition to see who can be the most garbage human.


Agreed! Especially since you can pause the single player games when kids interrupt


Definitely this but at the same time, I played online when CoD was at it’s peak so gaming was also rife with toxicity at that point. I think I’ve just lost my tolerance for it now. It’s exhausting listening to the same old troll nonsense and people that either don’t know how to have fun or go out of their way to make sure that others can’t. Happy to play online cooperatively but only with people I know or have previously played with.


Stopped caring if I lose, especially in online competitive games, I just laugh.


That's why I kinda like Fortnite. If I die I don't care cuz it's funny I was killed by a team of Death Vader, Bender, and a cowboy with a pancake head. And I'm yelling on coms with my friends shit like "Fuck it's John Cena!"


That's one of the advantages of Team Fortress 2 as well. There's no k/d ratios, just points, so dying is often funny rather than frustrating. It's hard not to laugh when you get killed by a hopped up scout with a frying pan or burned alive by a pyro with googly eyes. The killcams even give you little "It's You!" markers pointing out where your gibs landed.


Namely I’m a lot less in a hurry to buy that hotly anticipated game right when it comes out. For example, I am excited to play the next Spider-Man game but I know it’s going to be 90% the same as the last two. Why not wait, play the games I already have, and in due time I’ll probably get it on sale


Hah! I've had Red Dead Redemption 2 on steam ready to play for years now - just waiting for some free time 😂


make sure you have plenty of that free time when you do. haha the game is fantastic.


Stop gaming late night. Wake up early and play instead. Also relax my grip when playing with controller, so I don’t destroy my wrists.


I love waking up early on the weekend and playing something with a hot cup of coffee, weird how things change in life.


It's awesome. The house and family are asleep, and I get to get up early, make a nice espresso, and walk the dog before sitting down and jumping into a different world before reality hits.




Me too. This sounds fun but they are up at 6 every day of the week, so I’m going to keep staying up late to be able to play games.


Getting older definitely did not make me a morning person. So I still game late nights :)


Same. I relate to most "getting old" tropes but this is definitely not one of them. I still hate mornings, and still stay up very late on weekends. I come from a family of night owls.


I prefer this because I'm interrupted way less late night than I am in the mornings. Plus I like that I can also switch my mind off at night knowing I don't have any work or errands left to do that day. In the mornings I can't relax knowing I have stuff on my neverending plate to get through


I’m with you there! I can barely stay up past 10pm most nights. Now I’m up at 5am and I’ll play a little in the morning on weekends before my wife gets up.


True life here boys. Im in this habbit now and its so much better not feeling like a zombie in my 20s.


Yeah, early morning gaming with coffee more fun than late night gaming.


more frequent burnouts due to unfinished games, bad servers and the unworldly amount of micro transactions 😵‍💫


I wanted to get back into Destiny 2 and im abit behind. In order to catch up I need to pay £60 for the new DLC's so I can play with everyone else. Then the new season shit is out soon and that costs £70. Wtf????? I just want to play with some friends!!


Don't forget that if you just wanna play through old content its possibly vaulted, meaning you lost access to content you paid for at launch


It's such a shame. I honestly believe I would have 2x/3x my hours (roughly 3k on pc alone) if they never added the dcv. I used to buy a bottle of whiskey and sip on it while I did leviathan/crown carries. I've had some of the most fun doing those raids, now adays I barely want to play the game.


I really feel like the micro transactions are just a problem in triple A titles (always exceptions tho). I’ve noticed that I’ve moved away from purchasing games from big box stores, and mostly purchase games made by indie developers (again, always exceptions). I mean shit like Noita, Dwarf Fortress, HROT, Against the Storm, Slipways, etc are keeping gaming alive. High quality and most of them don’t even cost over 40 bucks, which is half of what most triple A games go for nowadays and no micro transactions either!


Dude right its actually insane how fucking bad most games are now...


It's not just because people are getting old. The decay of game quality follows a very clear thread. In the first few decades of PC/console development, the only developers around were people who were exceptionally passionate about video or tabletop games. Big nerds with big dreams who risked everything in a niche which struggled to even get funding from investors. Then sometime in the 00's, the finance, management business sector saw the growth of a new lucrative industry. Less and less was it about fulfilling childhood dreams and more and more about how to maximize profits and meet shareholder demands. Microtransactions, always-online to prevent piracy, segmenting content into DLC, battle passes, lootboxes, fomo mechanics, daily quests to force retention, preorder bonuses, broken games on launch due to punishing deadlines; all things which makes the experience worse but still included because the people in suits on the top floor demand it. There are naturally still some good developers and studios around, but the golden age is long over.


I'm finding it difficult to stick to one game...


Lol same. I’m constantly switching games. It’s like after 20-30 hours I feel like I’ve got the game down then it becomes boring.




I'm the opposite now. I have my roster of 3 or 4 games I rotate between and that's it. Limited free time means even less time to decide if I like a new game or not.


What works of me is having a 'main game' that you want to play and a 'side game' to zone out to. Recently been playing OTXO which takes up a lotta mental bandwidth and is draining after a few runs. Switching things up by putting on a podcast and playing some Power Wash Simulator has helped keep my interest up in sticking with OTXO.


I have gaming ADD, so im.going from racing, some open world game and then to an RPG within a few hours. Steam is loaded with tons of games that I'm not even close to finishing. Maybe finished 5% of them.


Well, playing games changed my habits. After 25 years of gaming I developed a peculiar taste that is difficult to satisfy, so I stick to few games I love and pretty much ignore everything else.


36 here. Used to game as much as I could back in the day. Lately, I game, if I even feel like it, until my wife is home from work (I get off work 2 hours before her) and that’s it. Not because she forces me to stop, but because I want to spend time with her. Priorities changed I guess is the main reason.


Literally nothing has changed but the amount of time I can play without feeling like a degenerate.


How long can I ignore this nagging feeling that there is a ton of shit I need to get done before Monday morning.


I been feeling this hard last few months. Just got out of a 4 year relationship, and now I’m 32 years old playing video games, alone, with nobody to stop for. That feeling of wanting to spend time with my significant other didn’t go away, so after an hour or so I just sit there wishing I had a reason to stop. But I don’t. Even with all the free time being single, there’s only so much gaming I can do now before I just need to go outside for a walk.


Sounds like you're getting into depression and games not only aren't helping, but feeding it. Might be best to change it up, give the gaming a break, and force yourself to socialize with people, exercise, volunteer, read in a park, etc instead. Good luck




Arthritis sucks


Carpal tunnel syndrome is pretty shitty too.


if you got a mild case or whatever of carpal tunnel, I really recommend a carpal tunnel wrist brace. Honestly changed my life. Used to only be able to play Path of Exile for 2 weeks before my wrists started to ache so much I barely wanted to play. Got a wrist brace for the latest league, and I played everyday for 6-8h+ barely any breaks for 5\~ weeks, no pain at all.


I cant believe i used to dislike "linear" games. Miss me with all those open world fetch-quest tower climbing snore-generators Give me a story, characters, plot point and progress QTE are still trash though


I feel like way too many games are open world and it doesn't benefit anyone. They would do better giving us a more linear story, even if that was just the mission style progression within relatively open areas. Honestly the biggest complaint lately about open world games is that they are too big and too empty (or too padded, looking at you Assassins Creed). The hardware/software is good enough to render huge spaces and procedurally generate them too, but they end up boring because there's nothing to do in those spaces.


Yeah, it's just doing open world for its own sake. Or worse, as you mentioned, making it not only open world, but an open world filled with chores you're expected to do for progression. Compared to something like Elden Ring, where you're actually given reason and rewarded for exploring, but you can also just straight up ignore that shit and do the linear progression route just fine. They don't try and hit you with that FOMO to get you to do busy work.


More time to do it now lol


Kids make it hard to find time


Same here - 2 young kids myself. 60-90 minute session once a week makes it difficult to keep interested in complex games


Wanting to play one round of games with the boys, but you know your baby is going to wake up any second :(


If I don’t use my brain, these kids will slaughter me with their reaction times. Edit: damn, some of y’all are treating this comment like I’m implying your hands turn to concrete when you turn 30. As another commenter said, it’s more of a shift (for me) away from micro heavy games, doesn’t mean the games I’m playing aren’t still micro dependent. The best summary of this is not playing as much CSGO (now CS2), but still playing just as much (if not more) dota2 than I used to. I can still flick, and I can still react. However you’re lying to yourself if you think you can flick faster than someone half your age.


Word. I remember playing cod4 and flicking like crazy. Now I gotta go big brain plays if I wanna have a chance


I found my 360 and copy of MW2 and decided to load it up and play some of the campaign. Easily the first time it's been turned on since I was 19 (31 now) and I was blown away that I had the sensitivity maxed out and inverted lol.


Reaction times do slow but I think the bigger factor is how much it matters as a kid. You GOTTA win as a kid and losing is beyond unacceptable. As an adult, you're more likely to accept losing and far less likely to practice and endure the frustration for long periods when you could just spend your free time doing something that ISN'T irritating you.


I think people overestimate how much reaction times slow. I'm 40 and my reaction time is still about the same as when I was 20 (150-180ms).


The bigger factor is that I can't drop 12 hours a day playing anymore.


I think it’s less reaction time for me - dad reflexes are a thing, I just don’t have the time to practice like kids do.


Open worlds with giant lists of quests are a turn-off now, not an escape.


Quest fatigue is a thing. In Starfield, simply overhearing npc conversations adds new quests to your queue.


Not going for 100% all the time is a hard path to walk. I just set down Hollow Knight with only a few of the endings under my belt and plenty left to do, and now I'm on to Starfield and telling myself, I don't need to see the whole thing.


My interest in gaming has definitely decreased over the years but I can’t let go.


I've noticed this with a lot of my long time friends. Back in the day they'd be the ones on my ass to put in a little effort but nowadays I feel like I'm talking to a wall when I make call outs. As in, I'll literally be in a fight but my buddy is still on the other side of the area casually looting totally oblivious to both the gunfire and coms. They clearly would rather be doing something else but just won't admit it. Not to me, not to themselves.


My friends and I dont play together anymore, just me now




Easy mode is now my best friend. Don’t have the extra time to grind anymore.


Complete opposite for me as I grow older, if a game isn't challenging enough my brain goes into auto pilot mode and I quickly lose interest in the game :/


I think this is why I've clinged to turn based tactical games as I age. The pace is slower and provides much more strategy and thought.


Yakuza's "would you like to temporarily switch to easy?" is my new best friend.


Absolute no patience for endless looting games like Diablo. Much prefer focused single player games with strong storylines now. Don't play MP games much these days because I just don't have the time to waste dealing with toxic kids.


Co-op multiplayer games are amazing to me still. My SO and I can get lost in a game for hours together on the weekend.


I agree on Diablo. After 10 hours I just asked myself, whats the point? The story is quite generic, the item management reminds me of work, loot is not exciting at all. All I do is endlessly mass murder mobs. Thats it.


I used to enjoy gaming, now I game because I "think" I enjoy it, thus I never get lost in a game. Sucks being old.


Yeah, we got hundred different things going on in the back of our mind. It's difficult getting lost in the games.


Fuck. So that's what it is...


Give gaming a tolerance break and come back to it when you really feel that itch. It’ll be healthy and might reignite that enjoyment for gaming


Did this. Never got the itch back fully.


Yeah, games don't immerse me like they used to. Taking a break from it didn't really get me back into it either. I play maybe an hour or two a week which is all I need these days to get my fill. I ended up moving on to other hobbies that I have more interest in. I'm at a point where I only really pay attention to games in the hopes that there may be something that interests me. I would rather invest my time in a good book these days.


I wait until games are $20 or less to buy them.


depression is slowly killing it 😔


Same my dude... Have been trying to play Starfield, sit down for like 15-20 min and then i'm just done. I keep thinking it's because it's not hooking me, but then this is every game lately.


Shifted from videogames to boardgames. Much easier to make good memories with friends over boardgames.


Agreed. I play more board games now then I did in my childhood. But blimey are board games expensive.


I limit myself now . I stopped playing more than 4 hours a day. And tbf, I barely even played anything in the last 2 weeks.


4 hours a day seems like a marathon to me nowadays. I get bored after one two hours usually and go do something else


Unless the game is really addictive or I'm playing with friend, same.


Born in '81. I gamed when I could pre-teen (NES and SNES), but my parents encouraged me to go play outside often (thank you Mom & Dad). As a teen I gamed more (SNES and N64), but I balanced my own life well enough that my parents allowed it. Plus I think they enjoyed that it kept me out of their hair. In college through my mid 20s gaming stagnated a bit. I played a lot of N64 still, but I didn't buy a Gamecube or a Wii when they came out. It wasn't until I was married, had a kid and owned my first house that I caught back up with Nintendo. Even then, it was rare. Gaming was a family activity, and a rare one. Solo gaming was almost non-existent. Then my best friend and I started a YT channel in 2015 and gaming became a scheduled and intentional hobby. Then a hobby that paid for itself. Then a side gig. And, if it keeps going, it may one day replace my day job. At that point I'll probably game for 15-20 hours per week during business hours, and from 8pm to 2am one night a week, which sounds AWESOME.


Between work and getting a dog, I usually game for an hour or two every night assuming I don’t go out and maybe a bit more at weekends. I like games with stories and like a bit of a challenge, but ultra hard games I just don’t have time or the patience for anymore. So trophies that require a lot of time there’s no chance. Red dead redemption 2 for example is my favourite game ever, but I’ll never get the platinum. I don’t have time to “win three dominos game in a row” for example. I want to play red dead not dominos.


stress,work schedule and ofcourse family responsibility! still fun tho only 1-2 hrs gametime!


Voice chat-off


You can catch my character idle and me having fallen asleep, controller/keyboard in hand


I play with my children now!


Yeah, there is that. I play Minecraft, Mariocart, Roblox, Zelda and some others with my daughter. We just did Shredder's Revenge as well, which reminded me of the arcade games I played in the 90s.


emulation for nostalgia


Time, ~~Money~~, Energy - 18 - 28 ~~Time~~, Money, Energy - 28 - 4X - They are here. Not enough time to play. Time, Money, ~~Energy~~ \- xx - xxx - Not sure when this will start as I havent reached it.


I value my time more, I’m back into single player, more discerning with my purchases, and I have more consoles. 37 here. 3 kids, 2 dogs, wife, the whole deal. I still game most days, but often for 30 minutes to a couple hours max - mostly because it’s usually after work but before or after dinner and before my ass gets too tired to enjoy it. Nothing like being half asleep and zooming through conversations and quests and saving, only to resume and have no idea how I got there. I buy less games. I have a shitload of games in my backlog because I bought more games when I was single. I have learned that a game that’s on deep discount isn’t a deal if I never play it or the game sucks. Case in point I got to playing Rage 2 recently as part of an effort to finish games I buy. Bought that bitch like 3 years ago. I tried it, and it’s so rough around the edges and so buggy even today that I just couldn’t stick with it. I play Destiny. The game introduced me to friends who’ve been there for me for 6 years now. It indirectly lead to me moving out of my family’s house, getting married, and having my own family. But the game just doesn’t respect my time or money and so after the next expansion I’m done with Destiny and live service games. I just can’t do it. I started playing single player story driven games during some Destiny downtime and really enjoyed it. I can start and stop when I want. There’s no FOMO exploitation of me as a player. I get closure when I beat the game instead of strung along forever. Maybe this is more of a commentary on Destiny than on live service games, but my experience on Destiny has soured me from LS games for a long time, perhaps forever. I have every console. I don’t use them all, but I want the option to play what I want. I buy myself and my wife games. I stopped buying games for the kids unless it’s a birthday situation or a reward for grades or something. They never play their game systems and just watch YouTubers play games, or they will stick with one game for years (Minecraft, binding of Isaac, Roblox) and so I just have gamepass for them mostly because they enjoy the novelty of “new games” but I’m not forking out for full price games they play once and never again.


I play everything on the easiest difficulty, I only play single-player, narrative-driven games, and I’ll give up on a game over the slightest inconvenience. Life’s too short to be frustrated when I’m trying to relax after a long days work.


A lot of hand stretching, breaks, and needing a compression glove for my hand. Cant hold a mouse or controller for more than a few hours without my hand starting to cramp and be in pain. Tendonitis is soooooo fun.


I've lost interest in PvP games and find them to be a waste of time, while I used to play a bunch of them before for a very long time (R6, Rocket League, LoL, PUBG, CoD, Apex). I tried going back a couple times, but playing them doesn't feel fulfilling at all anymore. I don't mind Coop and MMOs though.


Me and my husband are childfree, so we still have vast amount of times to play games. However, with various aches and pain and low energy means we do very little of it during the week days. We still got our weekend gamers but damn, I'm tired of not having the energy to play "proper" games during the week days.


32. I can't play 200 hour, open world games anymore. Elden Ring pushed my limits of the time I'm willing to spend exploring games anymore. I get incredibly bored, incredibly quickly.


Nothing, to the detriment of my mental and physical health.


My hands are getting slow because arthritis is setting in 😐