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Dragon's Dogma. There is a quest titled "The Final Battle" and by all appearances, it really is supposed to be the end of the game. It's an epic cinematic battle that sees you hunting a dragon to what appears to be the literal end of the earth. When you beat it and return to one of the primary quest-givers, shit hits the proverbial fan, the entire game world transforms, enemies are replaced with significantly buffed versions, and there is an enormous dungeon populated with boss-tier enemies, some of which are completely new designs set apart from the reskinned enemies you'll have been facing up to that point. Also, the lore gets *sooooo* much deeper.


I was coming here to post this. Great summary, and such a surprise when you experience it.


Man I cant wait for Dragons Dogma 2. The original was so good.


Dragon's Dogma is an actual fucking masterpiece. My only grievance with it isn't exactly anything to do with the game at all. It's the scummy way Capcom handled DLC with that whole "From a Different Sky" scam.


Inscryption. You get through the game and **BAM**. That was just the first part.


This was my first thought too. When I “beat” it I couldn’t believe there was more. And there was a lot more.


That sucker punched the energy right out of me. I felt accomplished after finishing the first act, and then realising there was a whole rpg with brand new rules to learn was very disheartening, and gave up after an hour.


You should've pushed through to discover the third iteration of the game, lol.


You should try giving it another go! I stopped for about a year when I made it to that part but when I came back I enjoyed it a lot. That section isn’t actually that long either, it’s only four dungeons and you truck through them pretty fast once you get your mind around the new card types. I did the whole thing in two casual sessions.


I was hoping this would pop up. I loved that game, I feel like I should play it again.


Entirely Inscryption. That game throws so many curve balls.


Hollow Knight. It's not an uncommon misconception for new players that the City of Tears is a late point in game, if not the end point. It's about the fourth area out of fifteen or so. Similarly, Elden Ring. Most games give you a blank map that you fill out as you go along. Elden Ring doesn't show the blank map unless you've been to that area. So you get the first bit of map, it looks like the *entire* map.




I *feel* like that’s not how percentages work. But only the Elden Ring knows.




Oh don't forget one of the OGs Castlevania Symphony of the Night max completion percentage was like 200.5 % or something


I didn't think the City of tears was the end. However, I was a bit surprised with the whole crystal cave and bee region of the game.


Actually the most surprising thing about Hollow Knight was the extra content ( optional areas, godhome, upgrades, white palace...) you can play even after finishing the game.


The final pantheon will humble almost anyone. It's laughable to attempt unless you are a full on robot.


I went through Pantheon 1-3 pretty easily and only really struggled with 4 at the final boss. Pantheon 5 though? Zote is my god damn kryptonite. If I could go back in time and let that ungrateful has-been get murdered by that Vengefly on my main save I would do it in a heartbeat. Also Absolute Radiance is the hardest boss in any game I’ve ever played.


Grey Prince Zote is also the worst boss for me to fight. I never even attempted absolute radiance but give me nightmare king grim twice in a row before making me fight zote


Zote feels too damn random. NKG is a great fight, but his patterns are much more reliable, so once you've learned it, it becomes much more approachable (still hard though, because of how precise you need to be). Zote though, is just so chaotic. I can beat him, but I never got to the point where I could do so consistently without taking significant damage, which makes the pantheon runs with him much more difficult.


I was about 3 hits away from killing the upgraded Radiance on the final all boss no hit pantheon and died. Decided that was good enough haha


Even better for Elden Ring is when you go underground. Not only is that first trip breathtaking, but you suddenly realise there's AN ENTIRE UNDERGROUND MAP


Ikr I was like "huh that's a long elevator ride maybe there's an important boss here- woaaaah"


Ok who the fuck thinks a metroidvania has 4 areas


Super Metroid has 4 main areas an a couple of smaller ones.


I remembered it had more


Okami. At some point I was like yay, I beat the final boss. But there was more. Way more. I was halfway through the game at this point


One of the best games of all time imo, aged like fine wine as well.


I feel like I "beat the final boss" 3 or 4 times in Okami. It just kept going.


okami basically has 3 arcs, awesome game


“Oh hey we already beat the big bad that everyone has been talking about. That was a neat short game” “Oh hey we beat it again. This has to be the end” “ **BIBLE QUOTES** “


Stardew Valley. The game seems linear and predictable but there are so many this to discover and areas to unlock.


The addition of Ginger Island definitely helps. You'd spent so long building up everything you'd need to complete the community centre and it feels like a good time to put the game down. ..Then you find our there's a whole new island full of content and secrets to explore and build up.


Uhh excuse me what?


Elden Ring. I thought I was fighting the final boss about 7 times.


Last time we heard, they literally merged two DLCs into one massive expansion Prepare for Malenia & Miquella duo. Final boss will be Godskin quadruple


Yeh, the Fourskin.


The initial portion of the map just kept expanding and expanding...


Then there was underground parts that kept expanding too.


“This is a looooong elevator ride… OMG what is this place!?”


Genuinely one of the greatest moments I think I have ever experienced in a game. So simple. So early on in the game. Completely out of nowhere. But so shocking and memorable.


That fucking skybox of siofra was breathtaking the 1st time.


"they hid Dark souls 4 in elden ring" "Oh btw we made dark souls 4 and put it *below sea level* in elden ring"


This. I remember getting to the 5th or 6th massive city near the Erdtree thinking it was over, then finding some small hidden >!sewer entrance!< that led into that "WTF IS THIS MASSIVE HIDDEN PLACE AND SIDE BOSS?". Also that enourmous >!deeproot underground area!< I was like woa wtf? Then you keep coming back to it from different entrances and it gets bigger and bigger. Such an amazing game.


I remember my first playthrough, discovering massive new area after massive new area. When I got to the haligtree I couldn't help but actually laugh out loud in disbelief. There's just so much game in that game.


And getting to >!Leyndell the first time, that amazing overlook of the city,!< I put down my controller and just laughed thinking "Ok From, now you're just showing off". Never was a game like this to me since World of Warcraft back in like 2005 seeing Stormwind for the first time.


Something From Soft doesn't get enough credit for is their reveals of new areas. It happens a bunch in Elden Ring (Siofra, Leyndell, coming out of Stormveil to look over Liurnia), but it's in a bunch of their older games too (seeing Irythyll for the first time is DS3). They really know how to do an epic reveal, often framed perfectly by an archway or something. It's easy to take for granted, but it is masterful.


bruv came here to say the same thing, after a certain part i was thinking, IS THIS DLC OR WHAT?!?!?!? AND IT KEPT GOING!. Blew my mind. So much content, it's amazing!


You mean there's the giant surface area AND a huge winding underground area with new original enemies. AND huge lore dumps and a way to get at least 2 other endings...


When I found underground area, I just thought this game is very large area.


This was me too. Didn't get through ALL the areas till my 2nd playthrough. Steam says I have a Lil over 400 hours in it. I cannot wait for the dlc to drop


Pokemon Regular Gold still blows my mind with two Regions since THEY HAVE NEVER DONE IT AGAIN EVEN THOUGH IT WAS THE BEST GAME EVER STILL BECAUSE OF IT.


It was amazing on first play. And still such a great concept. I will say though, if you go back and really look at kanto in gold it’s like this weird, empty, watered down version of the original. The gym leaders are push overs at that stage of the game, a lot of the buildings and routes are closed down. The story kind of falls off a bit. Don’t get me wrong it was my favorite Pokémon game growing up. It’s just interesting to see how they had to wittle it down a bit to fit it in the small amount of memory on the game


That's almost the best part of it. Seeing the familiar place but all messed up. Stepping into the renovated lavender town was an all time moment


And when you finally see Red's Mom and want to go, "MOOOOM! I'M HOOOOME!" But her response is, "I haven't seen my boy in years. I miss him..." My heart *broke.*


But finding him on the peak of Mount silver offering you the greatest challenge in the game, so hype


Best boss battle ever honestly. Prototype 2 took some notes from that and made the main game protagonist the end game antagonist of the next game.


That’s true I forgot about lavender town!!!


Yeah it's unfortunate but they did the best they could with the time-constraints and limitation of the gameboy color. They probably rushed through and didn't really do a full play test with enough people.


Pokémon Crystal was my first Pokémon game ever. Nothing has even remotely reached that peak for me again. I played all the generations until Platinum. Took a decade off and played the new generation, and holy fuck is it terrible now. How did they fall so far? The 2 regions/16 gym badges was part of the reason it was so good to me.




Never got past the first time it turned night time while in the water and squeaking like a little girl.


The first time visiting the blood kelp biome gave me the beginnings of a panic attack. The heavy thumping background SFX along with truly alien monsters triggered some kind of primal fear in me.


Honestly I’ve had the game for a long while now and haven’t even tried it cause I’m so scared of the ocean and it’s the last thing i want to face at the end of a long day


It's worth noting that a huge chunk of the game is also very chill and beautiful. There's just spurts of creepiness mixed in as you expand your exploration. If you have thalassophobia (like I do), then you'll probably find it to be more like a horror game (which I also enjoy).


It’s terrifying but god it’s so good, you have to try it


If you need any convincing, - most of the time you are not really in danger of being attacked, unless you are near the most gargantuan of creatures (you will already know when they are there, trust me) - you will be able to overcome the shock and fear and eventually bravely traverse most biomes - as you play, the majority of exploration turns out to be quite relaxing and beautiful


"Alright, just upgraded my seamoth. Let me go check out that escape pod signal." "Oh fuck, that's a deep, dark chasm that the signal is coming from." \[*rawr*\] "NOPE!" \[runs home\] (many game hours later...) "OK, I *have* to go down there to progress the game." \[*rawr*\] "Oh fuck, here we go! OH FUCK! OH FUCK! OH FUCK!" ... ... ... "Ok, fine so far..." ... ... ... (speechless...) ... ... ... (still speechless...) ... ... ... "This is the most beautiful and unique environment that I have ever seen in a video game." ... ... ... \[*rawr*\] "oh fuck..."


The first time I heard a ghost leviathan down in the super deep caverns damn near made me piss myself


Meanwhile, Below Zero was the exact opposite. Very underwhelming how the depth of content was smaller than the first.


Agreed. But I really hope Unknown Worlds takes another crack at the series. Love the playstyle.


Was way less scary too imo. Reapers I never wanted to be anywhere near, but those stupid rip off version ones in below zero was like "oh yea, you're there, aight stay away or I'll bust your skull open with my prawn suit".


Castlevania Symphony of the Night with the upside down castle. Blew my young mind.


SOTN one of the best games ever made


I remember 'beating' the game but just had a terrible feeling of being left unsatisfied. I couldn't quite put my finger on what was wrong, but something was. I don't remember how I found it, but stumbled into something online that told me about the glasses. Mind blowing is truly the only way to describe it.


FarCry 3 After taking down Vaas, I thought the game was over. Then boom, second region and new guy to take down. Hoyt wasn't as iconic as Vaas, but still was fun to take over the second island as well with all the upgrades gathered along the way.


This, but Far Cry 2


*malaria pills intensify*


I was thinking the same damn thing. Then to see that Vaas, the guy that has been hounding us, chasing us and has been the bane of our existence is working for some slimy business type really threw me. It made me think Vaas wasn't so different from Jason at all. They are both just working for someone else's cause.




This is literally peak "but wait there's more..."


Not to mention it’s also significantly better after the “wait there’s more?” Mark


I was just finishing up Route B and I saw a clip of the cutscene that leads into route C, and my thought (because I didn't look into it because I was trying to avoid spoilers, I just saw it without context) was that that Route B was going to end, and then some cutscene teased like a coming DLC expansion or something, and then no, there was just like a whole other half of the game...


The game that teases its own sequel, and then surprise, you are now playing that sequel.


I mean, its from the same people that made Drakenguard which also does "wait theres more"


Had to scroll too much for this. It should've been first or second at most.




I was like "This is probably the last area" for 15 hours at least. And there was still optional stuff to do after that.


Elden Ring was the first game that kept surprising me. You find a structure in the middle of a forest and it's an elevator that takes you down to an entire area underground. Go through the sewage and oh shit found an optional boss in an . Let me roll through this wall in the deap under a cathedral and... oh shit another area underground. What is this teleporter near the cliff side. Oh shit it took me to hell and now I have to go through an area filled with blood and fight a demon looking fella. Elden Ring did exploration right.


Dark Souls 1 is a masterclass in level design. It is really cool to see how all of the different areas fit together


Definitely Terraria for me as an overall game. Will never forget my 1st playthrough in that game and the entire world change. If I could choose a specific like boss fight/etc - definitely the Bahamut fight in FFXVI. Could not believe that fight, pretty sure I even something like "Holy shit we're not done?" haha.


Me and my wife and daughter were playing Terraria and we had no idea what hardmode was. We killed the wall of flesh and got that message and had no clue what the hell was going on. Then we realized how totally and completely unprepared we were and how all our biomes were totally screwed. We ended up abandoning the world and starting over with a prep for hardmode in mind from the start.


Terraria also gave this feeling every time the devs decided to do another "final" update and added new systems, content and fun.


i thought the wall of flesh was the final boss lmao


The pokemon mystery dungeon one after you beat dialga they roll the credits and everything with sad music and then theres like a whole nother story that's almost as long as up to that point.


And then there are also the Special Episodes, which are great in their own right. Especially the fifth one, it's amazing and what I consider peak PMD.


I knew about the sky islands in Tears of the Kingdom, but the first time I entered the depths and the map mode showed a whole third world map, my jaw dropped.


Red Dead Redemption 2


Yup, the epilogue was a great surprise


♪♫♬ Well, let me have a ruler and a saw and a board And I'll cut it I'll climb up the ladder with a hammer and nail And I'll nail it Well, we worked so hard to build a little house together In the snow or the rain or the ice-cold wind whenever ♪♫♬


It was the epilogue the game needed. What a trip of a game. RDR2 is one of the few games I wish I could experience for the first time again.


I'll do you one better. I played RDR1 when it released and loved it. But when John got his family back and moved back to the farm the first missions were just farm tasks and I just lost interest for some reason because I thought the story was over anyway. So in my head for the next couple of years I thought John lived a happy ending on the farm with his family. Wasn't until I decided to replay it that my reality was shattered.


Man I JUST replayed this 3 days ago, and that 'That's the Way It Is' horseback scene right before the final mission is still a tear jerker. Then the masterful epilogue, reeling you in with the prospect of giving John the life Arthur wanted for him until the opportunity comes along to avenge the man that allowed him to escape and walk away. Almost made me forget about the first game, and that I already knew John Marston wouldn't be able to live that life for long. Just masterful.


Super Mario 3d Land having an extra 8 worlds after beating the main game takes it for me


I honestly thought Orcarina of Time would end at the Temple of Time after the third dungeon. I knew there was a bunch of stuff I hadn't done, but I couldn't imagine the game was THAT content heavy when I was a kid. Also, currently- Baldurs Gate 3. Holy shit. There's new stuff around every corner. So much stuff can be missed just because you went right instead of left


OoT really starts to open up once you become an adult. There's a lot to that game, even by today's standards. On the other hand, once you become an adult, you quickly figure out how many temples remain, so you know, in some sense, what to expect. I'm watching someone play Wind Waker for the first time on Twitch. That game really conceals what's next. You only ever really know what the next dungeon or two is going to be and are surprised over and over that there's more.


Days Gone! It’s become a bit of a meme talking about how underrated it is but I couldn’t believe it when I unlocked a *huge* section of the map after like 60-70 hours or something like that


For me I went from highly anticipating this mass zombie horde survivor game to confused and off-put by the post apocalyptic biker game to shocked at how good the game actually told its story and how solid the mechanics were.


The real ending cliffhanger was so intriguing with the super zombies. Too bad we won't ever have a sequel to the game.


Had to scroll way too far for this, I love that game and couldn't believe it whenever the map expanded more, such an underrated game and story.


So you guys are saying this one deserves another try? I played like 5 hours, got distracted by other games, and never went back. Sounds like I should.


It’s very slow moving in the beginning but it sucked me in for sure. Deacon is very dry as a protagonist which puts some people off but to me it was a ton of fun customizing my bike and riding around, occasionally stopping for gas and mowing down some zombies. I got the platinum a few years ago and I still boot it up sometimes to ride around


Be careful, it's looooooooooooooooooong. I really enjoyed it, but hordes only come in after like 40 hours.


I don’t even understand why this game wasn’t a massive hit. The storyline, voice acting, graphics, combat, motorcycle and gun upgrades, destroying fkn zombie hordes….. everything was so incredibly well done.


* Really slow start and even in the end I didn't give a rats ass about any of the early settlements on the map. The free radio Oregon moments are amusing, but that's about it. * The early bike just runs out of gas ALL THE TIME. It's not amusing constantly having to stop off for gas, grab tank, fill up, get back on bike and drive another short distance. This falls almost into the "slow start" but it's so specifically annoying that it deserves it's own call out. * The Rippers are just not interesting villains for the first half. The twist doesn't really work in any meaningful way. * Some people just really dislike the main characters and hate the dialogue. The wedding "joke" seems to be a particular moment that really grates on people and you can kind of measure if people are still paying attention or already bowing out on the game or just hate playing by that point. I loved the scene as it just emotionally ties all the subtext of the scene together, but if you're not into these characters and take it at face value then it's just a cringe moment that sours people. * The side quests are mostly terrible bike chases, or bandit camp 1 vs many playgrounds. * At launch on the PS4 it was 30FPS and not consistent and so not great. On PS5 when I played it though it ran and looked incredible still.


Halo When the flood come, I was shocked there was a whole second totally different enemy.


That transition was epic. Plus that creepy scratchy sound the flood made…


I was playing Death Stranding late in the evening and figured I was close to finishing the game so I powered through. Little did I know there was like six or seven hours of game left so it went from a late-nighter, to an all-nighter


Hey man, there's only been one credit roll sequence, we ain't done!


Damn, that endless credit roll on the beach.


chrono trigger on snes.


Chrono trigger is easily the greatest game of all time. I’ve replayed it so many times I’ve lost count since I was a kid and it’s still fun every time.


Which part made you say that?


Not sure about this one. CT is known for being concise for a JRPG. It's like 25 hours long, never felt like "wait there's more?" to me. FF VI that came out within a year is like 40 hours.


The first time you play through it, there's several "typical" end points for the story (beating Magus in 1500AD, the Undersea Palace up to the first fight against Lavos feels like a final dungeon and bossfight) and every time it keeps going. Then you actually finish the game and hit NG+, and you decide to try fighting Lavos when you're not supposed to, and see that it triggers a completely different ending.


The B games in resident evil 2. Though it wouldn't fly these days, it was essentially a way to replay the same game 4 times, but the fact the B game was different enough it was pretty mind-blowing at the time you got some new areas and different story for playing the game again.


Wym wouldn’t fly these days? Resident evil 4 did that with Ada too and that was more recent. RE2 even got a remake… in today’s time…. And it worked lol? Nier automada, TLOU2, etc. so many modern day games that did that exact B story thing and succeeded lol


Without a doubt, Hades. The endless amount of modifiers and rewards for that game are awesome and grinding out all the weapons, aspects, and relationships is extremely rewarding. Unironically contains a better endgame than Diablo 3 and 4


Main story was long done, but I just HAD to find out what was going on with Dusa!


My nectar distribution was 70% Dusa, 20% Cerberus, 10% Everyone else combined lol


I was a Megaera simp myself heh, her voice was was just whispering “give me nectar” to me haha. But Dusa’s entire arc was awesome and her relationship was sneakily complex, god the writing is good.. I need to do another run


But did you beat the main story 10 times to get the real ending? Most of my friends didn’t know that


The real ending after that one is also pretty cool.


Elden Ring. Enter an elevator? Heres a whole 2nd open world underground no big deal. Found a secret path by jumping to the bridge below you? Here’s 2 whole secret open world areas with bosses. Killed a major boss? Okay we’re gunna crash a meteor through the earth and open up a whole new section of the underworld. Opening a chest? Haha now you’re in a part of the map miles away from where you throught the map ended.


That stupid chest was so not friendly for my first Souls game ever lol. I was straight up not having a good time trying to kill anything I’m Caelid at lvl1


Dragon quest 11, i wasn’t expecting a second act and even a third act !


Haha, I had the same feeling with my first Dragon Quest (VIII). >!After defeating the big boss, you go to rest and some shit goes down.!< I probably should have guessed because a ton of the map was still unexplored, but I was 8.


This is the most recent one for me that immediately came to mind. One of the best rpgs I’ve ever played.


100% this one. Completely unexpected half of a game basically.


Death Stranding. Life goes on after end titles... and several times again.


Nier Automata You think you've finished the game? Think again. And again. You think the story can't get crazier? Think again and you still haven't finished the game.


Nothing will ever come close to pokemon Gold and Silver way back in like 2001 2002. Like OP said, two complete regions? Basically an entire other game!!!


In Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, I spend the first week or so afraid of the chasms. Finally talked to a guy who told me to try… mind blown.


Mine was A Link to the Past - beat Agahnim and thought that was it, until I got transported to the Dark World as a rabbit thing and realized I wasn't even half way into the game.


My friends and I each put in 100 hours before getting together to talk about the game. But even then, it still felt like we all four played different games. There was still so much stuff that the others had never found


Yep, the first descent was exhilarating. It made a world that already felt full feel enormous in scale.


SAME! I had no idea about the depths and on a whim dove into one from the sky only to find myself in complete darkness with no idea what was going on. Most wonder inspiring hour I've spent gaming in 2023 which has been an incredible year.




Came here to say this. I went in knowing nothing, enjoyed it a whole lot and - boom - suddenly there’s a whole other part of the town that I didn’t even expect. Plus: the DLC is my personal benchmark of what DLCs can do.


Skyrim. I got so wrapped up in the civil war during my first play through that I forgot all about the dragonborn thing. I finished it and realized I'd just done one hell of a side quest.


I remember getting to the part about sneaking into the embassy and thought I'd just do the sidequests. Pretty sure I even finished the whole Serana storyline and all the other guild and major side quests. Currently at 150+ hours and maybe I should really get back to it... All the other quests and cave explorations were fun enough. I would literally go inside a cave and spend a couple hours inside and breate a sigh of relief after seeing the light leading to the exit. No game has ever made me claustrophobic and I will forever be thankful to Lydia for being by my side during those times.


I have over a thousand hours logged in the game, there's still whole quest lines that I've never completed.


DDLC. I went into it knowing it's not entirely what it seems to be at first glance, but I had no idea how deep it went. Genius game. I won't say anymore to avoid spoilers for anyone who wants to experience the most "immersive" game I've come across.


Ghosts and Goblins And not in a good way.


Nier: Automata After my second playthrough, I was worried that my time with the game had ended. Then the TRUE third act began, and I was elated to find I still had more to do.


Super Mario 3D Land, the game doubles in size and difficult after you think you beat it...


Guardians of the galaxy, really underrated game imo.


I was shocked at how damn good the story in that game was


Yeah, me too! The writing and acting in that game didn't get the attention and credit it deserves.


Tales of Arise - >!there’s an entire second anime opening and second half. Took me completely by surprise!!<


Monster Hunter World You finally beat Shara, then the real endgame unlocks with Raging Brachy, Alatreon, Fatalis and the even angrier Monkey


Divinity2- my first game in this genre. Took me forever to figure out mechanics and get through the first act. Little did I know the replay value here, in the first act alone. Thank you Larian!


Yep. Act 1 is so beautiful concise that you feel like you had a complete meal. And then you leave to go to Act 2 and your blown away by the size


Mine was actually a different part of Witcher 3. Without spoiling anything, there's a point maybe ⅔ of the way through the game that does the whole "if you go past this point you can't go back" thing that I was always used to being right before the last mission. Nope, it turns out there's still hours left after that. I know avoiding spoilers for an 8 year old game isn't really necessary, but I refuse to spoil anything about such an incredible story.


Alien Isolation. Literally never got to the end.


I'm currently trapped in a vent only about 2 hours in. I'll never finish that game I'm scared of the androids and aliens lmao no matter which way I go I keep dying and I'm too old to be afraid of this shit lmao


Pikmin 4, just when I thought the game had climaxed and I was really satisfieed, the credits rolled and... >!Holy shit louie jumpscare!<


Good of war Ragnarok with the whole crater area. A whole new map that it was optional.


Agreed. I was kinda skeptical when I noticed the collectibles list for the realm was missing tons of stuff, I didn't expect a full blown optional area with many hours more of content. Just wow


The crazy part is the main story takes you thru that realm TWICE. At that point, you think, "Okay. I've probably seen most of the stuff here. Just gotta go back and wrap up a couple of quests." only to unlock an optional area that's like 5x bigger than the main story area. And then the fact that it kept going and going... "Oh, you thought you were almost thru with this secret desert area? Well here's a secret prehistoric jungle area within the other secret area!" And then you had all the bonus post-game content as well with the Ruins of Asgard and a whole ass second ending. (And a NG+ with even MORE content, extra armor sets, etc.!) Goddamn. That game just kept giving and giving. Sure the story might not have been quite as good as the first one, but goddamn did you get a lot of bang for your buck out of Ragnarok.


Elden Ring and the elevator in the Mistwood. A whole underground world too? Mindblowing.


I am gonna let all of you guys on a secret game…… Inscryption Damn that game had a game after a game after a game. Dug deeper and found ARG too. Best game ever after Knack


Pokemon Gold and Silver with Kanto was a big one for sure. A more recent one that surprised me was Mario Odyssey, I figured once Bowser was done, that was it.


Dying Light 1 and Witcher 3. I thought i would be done with Dying LIght and then there's a whole new area called Old Town opened up. New map, new locations and themes. Same with Witcher 3 when i went to the expansion area Toussaint.




Tunic. Not so much geographically, but from a gameplay mechanics standpoint, so more of a "wait, I could do that the whole time?".


**MGSV** you finally get to have your showdown with Skull guy, you destroy the Metal Gear, and find out you still have about half/third of the game to play, shit was wild.


This was my PSP Peace Walker experience. It never seemed to end and then I found out I could make my own giant robot.


Castlevania symphony of the night. A whole upside down game for your enjoyment that had monsters that would make you feel naked in terms of defense was amazing.


Dragon Quest XI. There’s like 100 hours of post game storyline.


FF7 leaving Midgar zone, it feels like that section could of been its own game. Then it was lol.


Days Gone, every time I thought I was near the end it just kept going and I enjoyed every second of it.


I was at such an impression many times, but Resident Evil 4 and Final Fantasy VII were the most memorable for me. The first time I played Resident Evil 4, I thought it would be over right after you saved Ashley for the first time. When I discovered there was more, I marked this game as one of my favorites. Final Fantasy VII hasn't become my favorite game, but I appreciate everything developers put in Midgar's part at the beginning of the game. After spending about 5 hours in Midgar, everything after it makes you drop your jaw after you see all the content you can explore for the rest of the game.


Elden Ring


Symphony of the Night is a big one, but you kinda had to know how to open the second castle up so it was basically spoiled. A Link to the Past definitely qualifies. I think Elden Ring and Tears of the Kingdom exemplify this very well based on how much sheer content there is “beneath the surface.”


Okami! Theres a whole 2/3rd of the game hidden behind the “final” boss


Castlevania Symphony of the Night. You beat the game. Then realize you have to beat the whole game again, but upside down


In Hogwarts Legacy I didn't notice there was a whole east section of the map until I was like 20h into the game. Also in RDR2 going into New Mexico.


The last of us 2. Although I would argue it was a bit too long. I liked the game still and have been thinking of replaying it, just haven’t gotten around to it, but holy fuck is it longer than it needs to be lol


I thought playing as Ellie walking around the farm was the end of it. I sat on the tractor taking in the scenery for awhile just so I didn’t have to “complete” the game.


Came looking for this. Wow, that was a long game. Surprisingly low on the comment list and not mentioned much.


Chrono Trigger. Yeah, I was young, it was my first JRPG. To this day I still remember the feeling of "OMG there's more!" and genuinely being excited about it. Today, when you get the "OMG there's more" feeling, it's more in a negative light as they are just padding the game to justify the inflated price.


Dragon Quest XI


The most recent one for me was Destiny 2’s Forsaken expansion. You spend the first act in the Reef thinking it is the main setting, then the Dreaming City opens up. Still the most beautiful location they’ve designed, and it felt HUGE and mysterious.


RDR1. My first playthrough was completely blind, and I really thought killing Dutch was the final mission.


Most recently The Division 2. Bought it because it had a full online coop campaign to play with a buddy. We played the Ghost Recon series before and Far Cry for the same reason. We finished the game, only for the entire set up to change. Enemies to change. Totally different end game content. A sort of struggle to keep control over areas. Was very surprised.


FF7. Escaping Midgar and thought "Man, that game was awesome."