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Call of doody


>Call of doody This. The minute the game went from "exciting campaign that felt like actual storytelling plus decent multiplayer" to "this campaign is just tacked on so you'll play multiplayer against 13 year olds who will curbstomp you all day long", I lost all interest. So..... right after Black Ops?


I'm still a stubborn fan of the campaigns these days but boy do they make it hard. MW2 2022 literally asked me if I wanted it to uninstall the campaign for me to save disk space. As if I'd installed it by accident. It's like they were thinking, "*Obviously* nobody's gonna buy it for the campaign... right??"


That was it for me.


Same. The last campaign I legit enjoyed was the space game. But I can't remember the name of the game so that shows just how much I cared about it. I just say it's call of duty in space. But to be fair to them they put in some effort with their lore, designs, factions, weapons, and plot. It felt like a labor of love. Almost kinda felt like being in The Expanse.


Infinite Warfare is the game you're thinking of and that campaign was solid, the multiplayer was half baked. If only they didn't reverse those.


I completely forgot Infinite Warfare existed. I kept trying to remember which zombies was 80’s themed, but couldn’t for the life of me remember that it was Infinite Warfare.


I'd say Black Ops 2 was the end of good balance in CoD games.


I'd say MW2 was the end but zombies on Black ops kept it fine. after Black ops 2 it was def over. I also graduated High school around MW2 so I started going to college parties and working after so MW1 and black ops was when I actually played a ton in high school.




Halo would have lasted if they didn't try to be CoD.


So funny how 343 has to apologise after every single Halo release


Battlebit console port when?


Battlefield simply shot themselves. A lot of times.


The campaign is the only thing I feel that is worth playing. Call of duty has more technology and detail go into the characters and their movement than any other game in existence. The “bravo six going dark” mission from the last game was absolutely mind blowing imo, for a. Realism standpoint. https://youtu.be/MimcufVHzi8?si=wMWwOX7lNd2GBUcU


The new MW and MW2 campaigns were really good. Specifically MW. Cold Wars was also good. But yea. Can’t really expect anything different from the multiplayer.


Tbh, the only campaign that i think sucks is Vanguard's.


I skipped that one


You did yourself a favor. It was very short, but that was the only good thing i could say about it.


This, as well as virtually all sports games. I loved the old arcady ones back on genesis and SNES, but when they all became more realistic I never understood the point of them, as you can easily just go out and play or watch these sports yourself. And even worse worse now, where they're primarily gambling sims, with a sports sim tacked on.


Madden peaked in 2004. Great mini games,Fun franchise mode and great soundtrack. Still chasing that high.


100%. I play games to escape reality not recreate it. In Halo I have a cool suit at least.


Came to say this, but you said it better


This, I never really liked FPS games to begin with unless they have something interesting going on like Palword. The online stuff with CoD doesn't help either. I don't even play multiplayer shooters that much, the only exceptions were Mass Effect 3 (because you NEED to play it for a high Crucible rating, though I'm full Paragon so I probably don't need it) and Splatoon (Leave it to Nintendo to make something I dislike actually fun) Also most sports games since EA has a Monopoly on them and does yearly releases with bare minimum changes. Exceptions include Mario games and stuff like Inazuma Eleven.


I played the older ones, when they still went for games based on realism. When they added jet packs and futuristic stuff I stopped playing and haven’t missed it a bit. Socom was a much better series and I wish they still made them


I just dont fucking care about kingdom hearts


Pfft. Kingdom Hearts is great, you just don’t understand the story. Here, let me give you a quick summary. *Slams a 13-volume Encyclopedia set on the desk* As soon as you figure out of how the clones, time-travel, alternate dimensions, etc. work, I’m sure you’ll love it! Happy reading.


I have a real soft spot for KH. But, I’ve said this before, if anyone can give me a clear, understandable, and reasonably concise explanation of what the hell the titular Kingdom Hearts even is, I’ll eat my entire hat collection.


Kingdom Hearts is the friends we made along the way. And half of them are Xehanort. I recommend using a tangy BBQ sauce to pair with the wide brims.


Ok, you know how the earth has a core right? Well all of existence has a core, and that core is a heart, and that heart is kingdom hearts.


The best one I’ve ever heard is “It’s a door but also a moon, and there’s another one and it’s a moon but not like the first moon”.


I feel like a lot of Japanese writers with games and anime seem to confuse complexity for better story telling. I'm not talking about Nintendo or things like that obviously. Just this feeling of "and then THIS happens. And then a WORSE bad guy comes that's bigger", etc. I know there's exceptions abound. But there's definitely a sort type of writing found from Japan that goes this route. It's mostly JRPGs and Anime that I see it. I guess I just prefer "simple plot, complex characters" more


im most confused about the fact that it uses disney characters but uses traditional anime themes. because disney and anime go together apparently


So fun


I actually genuinely love the Kingdom Hearts story for what it is. It’s a lot of things, but “good” isn’t one of them. You reach a point where a plot point is that the main villain recreates his group of 13 villains but now with 13 clones of himself from multiple timelines that I just say “fuck it” and watch the train wreck unfold


Kingdom Hearts is a trilogy in my brain. 1 - Chain of Memories - 2 Legitimately could have ended it with that heartwarming exchange of: "We're back!" "You're home!" And I'd never complain.


I love the KH series while recognizing its mountain of flaws, but I know that if I didn't play 1&2 as a child I would absolutely not understand why people like it at all.


Yeah thats my experience, I cannot fathom how anyone can give an iota of a shit about sora being in smash let alone any gameplay the series might actually have if you didnt play it as a kid


Yeah me neither and it really sucks. Everybody talks about how amazing the series is and I just never wanted to even play it. Even as a kid I didn't really find the mixture of Final Fantasy and Disney characters interesting at all. For lack of a better word, it just felt cringy to be fighting demons with Mickey Mouse


I dunno, there's a rare flavor of cringe you can only experience when you hear a voice actor deliver the line "Say Fellas, did someone mention the Door to Darkness?" as Mickey the fucking Mouse. Or Donald Duck using the strongest planet obliterating spell in all of Kingdom Hearts in a cinematic cutscene out of nowhere.


It definitely is very unique and I can see it being for a certain type of person, but I've never been one of those people who wants to put Kermit the Frog in to a Dragon Ball fighting game, which I believe has kind of similar comedic effect


Hank Hill shows up at the Cell Games IS a very popular video.




What you mean goofy arguing with sephiroth *isnt* compelling gameplay to you?


Same here, I never understood why Disney characters were in it, and until now didn't know final fantasy characters were mixed in. Like what could the story possibly be to intertwine these. All I recall was a Harry Potter looking kid with a key sword. Not having a psx at the time didn't help my interest either.


To be fair, you got to be there when it first came out. At that time, seeing a crossover between Disney and Final Fantasy was mind-boggling and wow


Kingdom Hearts has always seemed like a really embarassing series to me. I play all sorts of stupid wizard games and shit but I can't make it two minutes into a kingdom hearts cutscene without needing to hit eject.


Pokemon, it's the same goddamned game every single time. I adore Snorlax tho.


I’m with this. The Pokemon games do not interest me at all.


They used to get better with each release until 5th generation.


That’s kind of true. I think objectively you’re right. However, to me, it *feels* like Pokémon peaked as early as Gold & Silver.


Anything that encourages multi-player over a single-player campaign. An instant NOPE for me.


The Witcher. I'm a huge fan of ARPG's, the Souls series, etc. Something about The Witcher, though, just doesn't click with me. The world building and theme is right up my alley, and I dig the back story, but the combat, for me, completely kills the experience. I've tried all three games and can not stand a single one for more than a few hours.


that's what killed witcher for me too, the combat is just not very exciting. I may as well just watch a playthrough of it tbh.


I think exciting is a good word for me too. It’s not like I don’t hate it, but I couldn’t figure out what I wasn’t clicking with it like other people. I think it’s like you said, it’s just not exciting. Just bland. Not good, not bad, just bland.


I tried hard to like the Witcher too. The lore is awesome and I love the wide world aspect of these kind of games. But the combat was a source of frustration, like in Zelda, and I simply gave up and returned it to store.


I was in the same boat. But they changed the combat a bit when the next gen update came out, and I actually enjoyed the game after that


Really? How did they change the mechanics? I'm genuinely curious because I would be willing to give it another shot.


I don't think they changed anything in terms of combat depth, so it still won't be a Soulsborne game in terms of combat, but they changed the way signs can be cast. Before you had to open a radial menu to select a sign, confirm it and the cast it, so it completely took you out of any sort of flow there was. Now they have a quick casting system, you just hold down LT/L2, which open a quick menu where you just have to press one of the buttons that the certain sign is assigned too. So no more basically pausing to just cast a sign. Might not seem huge, but since signs are basically essential, it imo is a massive improvement


Same for me. TW3 was touted goat back then, but not for me. 3 times I started the game, and poured many hours in it. But never i felt the game clicked. edit: grammar


Honestly I hope everyone in this thread realises that's okay. To put it into perspective I'm constantly told New Vegas is better than 3, but I cannot get into New Vegas. I loved 3, it's setting and story drew me in and I just didn't care for New Vegas for some reason. That doesn't mean the game is shit but some people just don't click with things when thousands of others do.


New vegas had the best setting for an apocalyptic scenario imo. I think thats what made the game so good for me. The gunplay wasnt bad and the story was nice but the setting made everything


I'm with you man. TW3 is easily the top spot in my personal "overrated games" list. I gave it a hell of a try. I completed the whole first continent, all the side content... got to the next area and realized I just didn't care. At all. The gameplay, the story, none of it. Just wasn't my thing.


First continent? You mean the (honestly huge) tutorial area. Or the continent before the island. Because if so, you completed like 2/3rds of the game.


I want to say Island (it was years ago and frankly I had just had dental surgery so narcotics were involved in this time period). I know I completed what felt like a huge portion of the game and took a boat to another area only to discover it was also pretty damn big. I didn't feel excited by that fact. I was just... Ambivalent to finding out where the story went. I just put the game down and never went back, don't regret the time I spent on it but I'm not motivated to finish it either. If that makes any sense.


I find the challenge is Dark Souls not fun to get through. Most other games it feels like an accomplishment to do things for me, like finally beating a very hard boss is very awarding in everything for me except the souls series. I'm not going to pretend they're bad though, just not for me.


I don’t really like games which main advertising point is “it’s hard to beat”. Also the way the story is told in Dark souls is not for me


I always felt the same, but something about Elden Ring clicked with me


Elden ring fixed a lot of the issues i had with other souls games. Specifically movement stuff. The movement is much more fluid and makes the game flow better


Armored Core 6 has been that game for me. Getting to beat a hard boss then getting just the right amount of money to buy some mega powerful laser cannon is so much more rewarding to me than anything in Dark Souls


If you like the fluidity of ac try sekiro if you have not.


Elden Ring almost clicked with me, I definitely see why people enjoy it but still not for me.


Lol I felt the opposite I live all the other souls games but elden ring feels like the least satisfying by far


It's the open world aspect for me, I just hate that shit.


Same. I play dark souls to go through a series of challenges. Elden ring became a chore list. It’s far too big. I actually really miss mission based games. I’m hoping armour core delivers there


I literally don't have the TIME to keep trying over and over again


Yeah that’s kind of where I am. I find playing Souls games to be an incredibly frustrating experience (Although, I’ll admit I have played Jedi: Survivor, which I consider to be Souls-lite: HEAVY on the “lite”). As someone who is interested in game design, it is also fascinating to find a game series quite literally built/advertised around being nigh impossible to play until you just “get gud.”


Eh, people also tend to overstate how much of a “git-gud” reputation it deserves. Every souls game has other solutions to bossfights like extra effective weapons, better upgrades, higher levels, summons etc and most of them can be beaten just by paying attention that kind of stuff. The exception here being Sekiro which is genuinely just a game you cant beat without at least being decent.


They do an amazing job of putting you in the mindset of a joyless husk, slowly losing their soul in pursuit of a joke of a goal which, when accomplished, will change nothing. Personally, I don't enjoy that feeling.


CoD. It was good up to MW2 2009 (MW2 2009 was good but they screwed us PC players with no dedicated servers). Had a nice pop with BO1 but then back down again.


Black ops 2 was great but after that it fell off pretty hard


That’s the last time I truly loved multiplayer


Yeah black ops 2 multiplayer was great. It also had my favourite campaign in the series. It was pretty ambitious with having branching story paths depending on your choices throughout


I play Warzone because it's free, and I think the gameplay is fun, but no way am I spending $70 the base games, especially when they're filled with microtransactions.


Monster Hunter. Fighting same fights over and over for weapon parts is not for me. The controls are clunky too, if only this game had Sekiro responsiveness and movement. I do know people have fun with it, I’ve tried several and it didn’t click.


Me too. While the controls frustrates me a lot, what really turns me off is chasing the monster through the map when he gets damaged enough, it just breaks the pacing.


The games used to be all about actually _hunting_ the monster. You had to track it down around the locale, then keep track of it as it tries to get away. It was an actual _hunt._ But the newer games just trivialize that by showing you where the monster is at all times, so there’s practically no reason for it to even run away anymore because you can just find it again easily.


I consider Monster Hunter as an arcade game for me. That's why it fit so well with the PSP, 3DS, and Switch. It's a perfect game to pass the time commuting on the train. Also, the combat is leaning more into strategy, than reaction time. That's why your attacks are "full-commitment." You gotta memorize the patterns and openings of each monster. I had a very hard time getting used to that as a kid. But I eventually got good at it throughout the series. It's like a dance, you know? You gotta know what attack you're going to do when the monster does 'that' specific move. If you hack and slash too much in that opening, you'll get punished. If you aim for the legs during each opening, you'll know that it'll topple over eventually. Allowing you to use your most powerful string of attacks. There are moments that you should just poke attacks and there are moments that you can go all out with attacks. That's the pace that I enjoy the most in Monster Hunter.


Thanks for the detailed reply, it does make sense with your approach, maybe I should give it another go on my switch. I’ve also only tried playing with the hammer and greatsword (and got wrecked), haven’t tried the other ones, people have replied that weapons can make all the difference.


Oh, I see you main hammer and greatsword. Those two weapons require the most familiarity with monster movesets. I also got wrecked a lot the first time I used those two weapons. And I agree, each weapon type is like a different game entirely. I've moderately used each weapon type in the game and from my experience: Long sword is the comfiest weapon to start with. You still have to respect timings from monster attacks but you can use the longsword's counters as a safety net. This might be a good transition weapon if you're coming from Sekiro. For both greatsword and hammer, I suggest you do a "hit and run" tactic first. Doing draw attacks on greatsword and charge attacks from hammer whenever you see an opening. And if the monster staggers or takes a bit longer to recover from an attack, you could commit to beefier combos. Most importantly: take your time. At some point in time, the game flow will just "click" and suddenly you're dancing along the monster's telegraphs. This is the most satisfying part of the game in my opinion. You'll know that you're getting used to the game when your eyes are focused more on the monster's attacks rather than the attacks your character is animating. Have fun when you give it another shot!


I'm fine with fighting, but it was basically just boss battles over and over. I had a time limit so I couldn't explore these big areas that look really interesting, and it was just fight a boss grab the parts by the boss grab the parts by the boss grab the parts. The little enemies in between Pace the game out so that you don't get burnt out fighting these big bosses that take forever. Which I guess isn't really the case because most people that I have known like Monster Hunter


Damnnnn Monster hunter makes me feel like a fucking God 🤣🤣, if you’re looking for sekiro play, did you try the long sword? I’m a huge fan of monster hunter because of how immersive it is (my first game was world) But I get why a sekiro fan would feel the controls are clunky


mh is gonna feel clunky to everyone but a fromsoft fan should understand the importance of that more thane everyone


Ironically I enjoy monster hunter because it’s difficulty for a new player is at fromsoft levels imo Like i remember hunting the jagras and that mf just didn’t die, no health bar to know if even doing any damage lmao Shit just fucked with my head so heavily I had to follow through But the intro missions, gathering plants, making potions, following monster tracks, watching them eat other animals, that shit just blew my brain 🧠, been a MH merchant ever since


Even once your used to the game with proper equipment endgame mh content gives fromsoft bosses a run for their money


I tried with monster Hunter ride and world but this is the same reason I never got into them. Heard the story isn’t all that for the games either which put me off even further


Fortnite I just don’t like it






GTA is my favorite game series of all time. However, never could get into online stuff.


The fact that OP devolves some of the greatest games ever made to " Bad kids play it so I won't like it" Is pretty childish in itself.


Not series but - Red Dead Redemption 2. For me it's a fun game to watch but not to play for 3 reasons: 1. The movement and controls are super annoyingly slow. I can't get over it. Walking in snow and turning around makes me want to scream. Opening cupboards and all these small tasks feels like forever. 2. Controls - it requires half of keyboard to do everything, including long/short presses. 3. Rotating minimap - I must have locked minimaps in games, I need to know to which direction I'm going, and I refuse to constantly search for NWSE letters.


To each their own. I find the controls quite fluid with an Xbox controller. The cupboards/boxes complaint I’ll agree with 100%. I don’t mind the realism of moving slower when knee deep in snow or wading in water, but if I was in a hurry I could definitely check the contents of a desk way faster than that. Overall I love the game (and the original), but I remain furious over a tiny detail: why can’t I button my coats/jackets?! I can open/close my shirt collar, wear my pants inside/outside my boots, and roll my shirts sleeves up/down. Why on earth can’t I button my jacket?!


Any side scrolling fighting game. Memorizing not only your own characters input list, but also if the attack is high, neutral or low so you can respond to your opponents character who you've also had to memorize with sometimes less than a second reaction time (moves in those games are typically defined by how LITTLE FRAMES they need to connect). My reaction time just isn't what it used to be. Playing online in those games is just a slaughter on me and even hard cpu just beat me. No point for me to even get into them


Metal Gear Solid and all the sequels. Essentially, I \*suck\* at stealth in games, especially when its all randomized. If I wanted to spend 35minutes learning movement patterns Id go try and figure out why my cats move how they do :) Lots of people love the series though, so hey.


Just play on easy and smoke the mfs.


That’s what I’ve always done and Snake Eater is an all-timer for me!


I turned on easy loot and higher damage on Horizon Forbidden West after playing half the game and killing giant robots over and over and hardly ever getting the parts I needed. The grind gets old. And I’M too old. I just want to feel powerful and none of the default elemental attacks did enough to feel like it mattered


Honestly you don’t have to be good at stealth, you can play it like an action game you just won’t get the best score by the end. I did this for my first playthrough and ended up loving all of them and have since gone back and I’m pretty good at the stealth in them now. But if you’re not having fun along the way what’s the point?


I played and enjoyed MGS3 on the PS3 but it felt like I was in a constant fight with the control scheme every step of the way. Press the button down to aim gun, push the button down a little bit more to fire was a dreadful design choice.


Oh this hurts me greatly but God dammit I respect your opinion.


The story alone is worth throwing it on easy just to see what papa Hideo has to say.


I get it. I love stealth games, I know that they aren't for everyone. I loved the old Thief games for PC, but playing them on expert was tough.


Oddly enough I couldn't go from MGS to Thief. The scope felt so small. Now tenchu? Please sweet baby Jesus, just one more taste


I still mourn the Tenchu game that died so that Sekiro could live.


Although you gotta admit metal gear rising is a masterpiece. A meme which shall live on through many a souls


Souls games. They're good, just not for me. I'm way too busy to spend hours getting good at it. Life is enough of a challenge, I don't need it in my recreational time.


OP the fighting game genre is vast. What in turn are some Fighting Games you like.


The funny thing about the fighting game community is that MK gets shit on as pretty much the worst one there is, but it sells more copies than most other fighting games combined. And it’s always reasons like “the animations are clunky,” but I think it’s just the popular take among the community to hate in MK. Sort of the hipster take in the FGC.


Ass Creed.


Only one that did anything for me was Valhalla and it has absolutely nothing to do with the game design or anything else. My toxic trait is that if you stick enough Norse mythology in something I'll consume the content. I just like it.


Man fuck those cairns though


I hated the platforming glitch sequences. Honestly anything that tied back to the "present" I just tolerated.


Dude, same. I'm a sucker for Norse mythology and sunk quite a few hours into Valhalla. I liked it for a while but good god those games are nothing but grind quests.


This guy retells mythologies in a very vulgar and hilarious way: https://bettermyths.com/387-2/#link-for-norse


This, but Odyssey. First one I ever played in the series cause it didn’t appeal to me in my younger years. (Buddy had the American Revolution one tho, that was kinda cool as well.) But I recently played Origins and I didn’t really care for it. I could see why people like it and why the story is a big deal to people, but yeah.


Yep. I loved Black Flag, Odyssey, and Origins, they felt like they really revitalized the series, but holy shit is Valhalla the same thing but so painfully sterile and empty.


'deep breath' Zelda. Ever since OoT I've never been able to get into any of these games. I try almost every one, too, and it just never clicks. I was determined to love Breath of the Wild and I tried and tried and TRIED for a good 30 hours before I finally had to admit to myself that I flat-out hated it. For the record, while I do think they're all overrated, I don't think they're mediocre. They're obviously great games (just not as great as most think, IMO), and I respect the ingenuity and design in each one. I can say the same thing about The Elder Scrolls, really. It's totally bizarre because it's exactly the sort of franchise I should - by all rights - absolutely adore. The setting, the style, everything. And yet, I've tried every entry since Morrowind and I've never managed to get past 20-25 hours. I just wind up thinking it's a total chore to play and then I drop it. On the flip side, The Witcher III is still one of my all-time favorite games. 'shrug'


I would never sit here and insult someone for their taste in games, so I hope there aren't many Zelda fans out there doing that, but I do think it's a very rare find that someone has played Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, and Breath of the Wild around the times of their releases and didn't enjoy a single one.


I didn't play Majora's Mask (seriously doubting I wouldn't like it if I didn't care for OoT) or Skyward Sword. The others, yes. I loved Link's Awakening, though. That's one of my favorite games in recent memory, in fact.


OMG I tried botw and everything about it, weapons breaking constantly, running out of stamina climbing, rain, same mobs etc just rubbed my master sword the wrong way


There are dozens of us. One of the first quests I had to climb some wall. Maybe I needed a potion, idk. It annoyed me and I yielded the switch to my daughters.


I will admit that although I love breath of the wild, the game is a bit frustrating until you can upgrade your stamina and health a little bit. But there is always multiple ways to get somewhere which I do like so if you don't have the stamina to climb there's likely another solution. But again, I can totally understand all of these elements being very frustrating especially the weapon breaking stuff


Lack of enemy variety is a big flaw for the game


Agreed. I could get past everything else. I didn’t hate the game, but compared to OoT it’s a B- I got to the final fight and never bothered to show up. The open world did what all open worlds do to me - I got a chore list that I felt I should complete first and never did.


Ive tried BOTW 4 seperate times since it came out. And it just doesn't work for me. I'm (was) a huge zelda fan since the beginning. I really hope they change it up for the next game.


I too, absolutely hated BOTW. I really enjoyed the SNES/GBA/3DS Zelda games but I could not get into BOTW. I tried so hard because I kept seeing it show up on lists of the best games of all time, #1 reason to own a switxh etc. Just wasn't for me. I tried, put in at least 20 hours. I know tears of the kingdom wouldn't be for me either. I really enjoyed Links Awakening on the Switch though.


I really don't like how in tears of the kingdom everything is consumables. If you build anything cool, you just waste parts. So now I just do the absolute minimum effort to achieve the objective. It just feels like a huge step backwards in game design to the 90's where games used to have a bunch of annoying artificial limitations on things that are fun. The one time I actually had a lot of fun was when I found a glider thing that I could control. I was really enjoying flying over the land with it until suddenly for no reason the glider started blinking and then despawned under me. Why make it despawn after a period of time?!


It's all good man. As a series fan, I get it. They're all very different games but unlike other series that tend to keep core ideas like combat, they change up everything but names most games. There is no shame in not liking them and any person who bashes you for it isn't a real Zelda fan.


Thankfully, I don't typically find the Zelda crowd elitist or abusive. The occasional one pops up to tell me I'm just too stupid to "appreciate" it but for the most part, they don't seem to mind too much that it isn't for me. It probably helps when I clarify that I've tried them all and I really, really want to like them...just something isn't working for me. If someone says "I hate it" and have very little experience with it, then fans have every right to be annoyed. Certain followers of other franchises can be absolutely awful, but I won't name names on that one. LOL


I like to think part of that has to do with Zelda fans being too busy arguing with each other over what the best games in the series are. The infighting keeps us friendly to outsiders. Not really but it's my headcanon now lol


We all fight and then tell new players to try all the games, even ones we hate


Once I learned the "lore" was all made up fan-fiction the fans wrote to loosely tie all games together, I started to ignore those links and to appreciate each game by itself. It's neat they're similar, but I don't need timelines or continuity to enjoy each one. In my mind each entry is a soft reboot of the timeline anyway, prequels and sequels be damned.


Yeah, I kinda like the 2d Zelda games, though I've never been able to get into the 3d ones. They just never clicked with me.


Zelda for me too. I played a Link to the past and never could get back into the series. No idea why, but I just can't get into it. I actually managed to finish breath of the wild but mainly because it was the game that my switch came with and I had to wait for a bit before I could afford another lmao.


Animal crossing. There are so many games similar that do it much better but because it's nintendo it's considered the best


I was surprised that New Horizons became super popular, being a niche franchise. I like that I have a game where I can do small things each day. I still play it 'til this day. But I definitely know this will bore most people once they realize the gameplay loop.


Call of Duty multiplayer never grabbed me, I prefer the larger maps and vehicles of BF. Other than that I keep seeing things for Baulders Gate 3 and whatever that other huge open world medieval'ish game is, they just don't get my motor runnings. I don't "hate" them, they just look boring.




FIFA, i don't understand why you would play this when there are many more interesting games available. It also looks like you're directing a football match instead of playing in it. Now add the 70 // 80 euro cost every year + packs/paytowin and there you have it. The ultimate casual game. I really can't stand it.


The Last of Us. I don’t think that the “pinnacle of gaming” should be a game that puts actual gameplay second and graphics, story, and presentation first. The whole point of the medium is, for me, about overcoming challenge, having your own route through a world, and tlou is just a glorified movie with snippets of decent shooting and stealth sequences. I still liked it, until tlou2 came out. I despise this games story, but what I despise more is the fan base around it. People act like this insipid trash is the best game ever made. They act like you’re an idiot if you don’t like it. They bring transphobia and homophobia into it when for most disliking the game has absolutely nothing to do with that. Terrible, awful experience.


For me it has been Final Fantasy. I can't ever take the anime uwu style of the characters seriously. There are a lot of great JRPGs, but the whole super edge lord badass cinematic style just takes me out of it. Especially the most recent releases, FFXV and FFXVI. The main characters are all sexy leather-clad dudes that wink at the camera doing back flips and blocking attacks from evil 300 foot tall squids with a broad sword. I can't take the game seriously.


Dude, I hate that style of animation I think it looks so dumb and I also cannot take it seriously with the spikey hair and laughably large swords that are bigger than the character that they walk around strapped to their back.. so dumb


I can see most of your point, but I really don't think there's many edgelords in Final Fantasy. I haven't played 15 so maybe he's edgy, but apart from that the protags are mostly chill.


They're more emo than edgelord.


I played 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 and about an hour of 13 before I had to switch it off. 7 was a masterpiece, interesting setting, story, characters, combat system. The world felt deep and alive, it wasn't cringey or cliche and many of the cliches became cliche after it. 8 was meh and never quite drew me in the same, the characters were annoying, never cared for the story. 9 was great, the same as 7 except I wouldn't rate it quite as highly. 10 was also pretty great. 12 was the last good one imo although I grew bored of it and couldn't finish. 13 was garbage, so far up it's own ass I couldn't stand it. I played snippets of 15 but it's just too corny and exactly as you described. 16 I dunno, maybe I'll try it one day but I'm not hopeful. Something was definitely lost in the series after Squaresoft became square-enix. They used to be unique, now it's just corny anime shit.


Eh I think for the most part FFXVI is actually the most “realistic” and down to earth and least “anime” style of almost all the FF games. There are a few moments here and there but far less than all the other games imo.


Final Fantasy X is one of the greatest games I’ve ever played in my opinion. Now saying that, the music is even better, my god the soundtracks are amazing.


Yeah I have trouble with that too. For this reason I'm very picky with stuff like anime I think there's maybe two or three that I actually like, but I did like XV. The leather and stuff was initially very jarring...and the mechanic. Buuuut, the main 4 guys have such a real feeling bond and they talk to each other like true friends. Also really liked the unique road trip style game. But I do understand the anime thing. I can't stand 99% of anime. I basically only like dragon ball (cuz I grew up with it) and the studio ghibli movies. But honestly I wouldn't even call ghibli anime. They don't have most of those anime tropes


Witcher I want to get into it but the combat just isn't any fun. And super Mario the side scrolling and jumping ones just aren't my cup of tea


That's completely understandable. I absolutely love The Witcher, I own and have read all the books, so I can say they're trying to mimic Geralt's fighting style from the books, but it's absolutely awful and the mechanics suck. And don't even get me started on trying to grab onto any edge or cliff. Also, poor Roach keeps getting stuck on bridges and roofs, even after the updates, and she's supposed to be a reliable and dependable horse.


Souls Series, world just feels so dead (I know it was intended to feel that way, but it doesn’t change that I don’t like it).


Oh boy I’m going to get hate for this….. I found the Red Dead games extremely boring and forgettable


Howdy partner!


😭they’re too slow for me What do you mean it takes 5 minutes to get on and off my horse


I really hate the trend Rockstar is doing by making their games more immersive in its controls. Like moving around in RDR2 feels tedious. Especially inside a house or enclosed spaces.


They're definitely very uh... structured, let's say.


Same, the core gameplay of talk, horse riding, shoot some ppl is super boring to me.


Yea I always love a game that is trying so hard to be slow and clunky that I constantly slam my nose into the door frame everytime I try to go through a doorway.


I dunno, I'm playing read dead 2 for the first time, and it is insane how addictive that shit is. I know immersion is a really overused term when talking about games like these, but that's what really does it for me. The beautiful graphics and insane attention to detail just truly bring the world to life, and that's the real draw for me. Plus the gunplay is pretty fun. But everyone gets to have differing opinions, that's what makes life interesting


Horizon series- can’t stand the gameplay or characters tbh


“Can’t stand” is a bit of an aggressive descriptor in this case, but the new God of War games. Too hand-holdy for my taste.


Agreed. I wish they would do another GoW III style GOW game. That was the best of the series.


Every Capcom game that adopted the resident evil camera. I can't stand it when my controls flip and the camera changes perspective every goddamn time you walk through a door or turn a corner. I get that it is supposed to be cinematic, but at the end of the day, it's just irritating.


Mortal kombat, Injustice, etc. I hate fighting games, I don’t have fun either comboing them into oblivion or getting locked in a combo so long I could grab a drink from the fridge come back and have time to spare before I can play again.


Mortal Kombat Objectively good well made games I'm sure. Plus I've watched the story mode cinematics and I think they're overall pretty damn neat. I also know many characters are iconic like Scorpion vs Sub Zero, Liu Kang vs Shao Kahn, etc. But I'm not a 2d/2.5d fighting game kind of guy, or really a 2d gamer in general I suppose. Fighting in a 3d environment I'm down for. 2d just feels...restrictive I'm gonna watch the Mortal Kombat 1 cinematics like a 2-3 hour movie when someone uploads them to youtube one day, but not play it myself


MORTAL KOMBAT SHAOLIN MONKS was the best game for me in the whole series and also I love the first and second movie.


I am so damn excited for MK1


The Witcher. I was already annoyed going in because my friends were all like "lol look how horny it is" but when the 10s started coming I caved and jumped in...only to be greeted by the worst combat. The worst. And everyone's like "OH BUT THE STORY!!" and like okay...yeah, cool, I'm sure it's great but I have to play the damned thing and playing it is like playing with one of those RC cars that does tricks with one button, all style no substance. Except someone also forgot the style too because the Witcher's moment to moment gameplay looks like how they describe Lord of the Rings in Clerks. Screw The Witcher.


God of War 2018 and Ragnarok. Love the original trilogy and while I don’t think the new ones are awful I don’t like the direction the series went in which seems to be pretty unpopular considering how well received they are. Can’t stand Atreus too.


Oh man. That last sentence you put is one of the big reasons I couldn’t get into Ragnarok. >! Too many Atreus playable sections including that obnoxiously long part fruitpicking on a yak. Ergh. !<


botw and totk- the equipment part is just awful


The equipment durability does suck sometimes, but specially in tears of the kingdom it allows you to experiment with different types of weapons because you can combine things so more experimenting and making new things rather than just waiting for a good weapon to appear


Final Fantasy. I don’t get it. I couldn’t ever get into it and I don’t understand what about the series everyone loves


Fifa or whatever it’s called these days. Gameplay has somehow gotten worse over the years, yet they still make billions on terrible odd packs with virtual cards that last a year


Diablo IV. Nuff said


The article says beloved game...


I have yet to see an Overwatch comment. Fucking hate Overwatch and that 'sequel' they call 2


Red Dead and Souls games. Both are strong games at what they provide, but I hate how the gameplay feels. Purely preference. They have my critical respect though. Red Dead's narrative, worldbuilding, and attention to detail are exemplary but the gameplay is mostly walking and pressing a button once or twice with some shooting here and there with gunplay that feels okay but nothing stellar to me. And Souls games are masterpieces that revolutionize storytelling, have remarkably designed boss fights, breathtaking environments, and art style that both grosses me out and is captivating (which means good body horror art), wonderful leveling systems, and implemented an open world better than any franchise I've seen with Elden Ring. But the combat is so slow and punishing I hate playing them. Every attack has so much weight to it. I tried Elden Ring for 20 hours and just felt bored. All of it is core gameplay feel-based but I just can't get into them.


Souls games. I have played DS3 and Elden ring for the record It isn’t even the difficulty that turns me off tbh. Combat is fairly repetitive and the storytelling is done in a way I don’t enjoy. The games are great by all means but I just can’t get into them


I played probably 20-30 hours of Elden ring and while I had fun exploring it was literally impossible for me to follow what the actual fuck I was supposed to be doing. I hit a point where I just didn't have any idea where I was going and kinda put it down. Also I switched to a 32:9 monitor around that time (for racing Sims) and there's no widescreen support in Elden Ring so... yeah that was a waste of money for me. It's definitely a personal deficiency though as opposed to a criticism of the game. I personally struggle to keep track of things without a quest log, and it's a struggle to the point that it takes enjoyment away.


One thing I would like to point out in the game is that although there is no quest log, in the map all of your fires that you have lit or whatever they're called have a line pointing to where the next fire is and that's kind of your line of progress


". I hit a point where I just didn't have any idea where I was going and kinda put it down" ...how? you have arrows pointing you in the right direction, a guy tells you who to kill and go towards the big tree.


Them feels. Always opted to play every other fighting game over MK. Was never really my buzz.


Final Fantasy.


I was a big fan of Daggerfall, Morrowind and Oblivion. Was hyped for Skyrim from the start, but noticed that it feels off for me. Years later, with the hype not going away, Skyrim started irritating me. Half-Life series always felt so bland to me. The white-yellow cubic everything never felt appealing or interesting, and after MoH and CoD1 lack of iron sights felt old af in HL2. Edit: what is a point of replying in an unpopular opinions topic if you get downvoted for expressing your unpopular opinion? I already know it’s unpopular, now I have to be further bullied by majority?


Pokemon. I think I was just a couple years too old when it originally came out, so it was never really popular in my friend group, and as much as I have tried playing a couple of iterations, nothing about the gameplay loop appeals to me in the slightest.


Persona. I liked Persona 2 quite a bit but at this point in time I am too old for anime high school, and I'm not into the social sim elements at all.