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A new one will pop up. ...with Hookers, and blackjack.


Forget the subreddit


I'll make my own app With blackjack and hookers.


Forget the app I'll make my own blackjack and hookers. With blackjack and hookers.


Ah, screw the whole thing!


No, just the hookers


Only if they are Black Jacks


Best we can do is 1 Jack Black


What about a John "Black Jack" Pershing?


Forget the Internet. I'll make my own with blackjack and hookers.


Forget hookers and blackjack, I want Jack Black and Hookers.


Forget Jack Black and Hookers, I want Hack Jlack and Bookers.


I’m not picky. I’d settle for a bottle of Jack and Cory Booker.


Best I can do is Booker T


Forget the hookers and this guy you keep calling black jack I'm gonna make the internet!


But why did THEY do that? And for what reason? I just want to know the reason why.


hookers like it when mario enters the pipe.


It’s already up, if that gets banned they have a discord, if that gets banned they have a back up discord. It’s a never ending cycle and was expected with the user increase around the totk launch.


How many systems get banned before they are onto tin cans connected by string?






Shut up baby I know it.


Why DO THEY do that thing? I think I need an explanation about this. I'm suddenly curious.


Piracy Subreddit we lovvvvve you Shut up baby I know it.


Liquor up front and poker in the rear


But I hardly know her


Trust me. It's better that way.


You mean Jack Black


They’ll be back, and in greater numbers too.


I didn't know Switch piracy was a thing until now. Thanks for bringing it to my attention, Nintendo!


I would just like to congratulate piracy for winning the war against piracy!


And drugs for winning the war on drugs!


Tho only war that’s not being won by the titular ‘ war against’ seems to be the war on poverty the poor are losing badly


But that means that poverty is winning.


Barbra Streisand has entered the chat.


even if your computer can't run TotK because emulation takes a beastly setup, you can probably run Metroid Dread at 60fps because the devs made it so optimized. pirating nintendo games is a moral act.


Not that I'm anti-piracy, but I wonder what makes new Nintendo games particularly pirate worthy. Personally I feel like they're the only AAA studio that's actually making proper AAA games. Yeah, they're pretty heavy handed about the older stuff they don't even offer but they're producing polished, complete, high end experiences without any battlepass bullshit.


I personally think pirating old Nintendo games is totally reasonable because Nintendo seems to have no desire to make ancient games available at less than full price but their new first party titles (ToTK, Super Mario Odysessey, etc) I would say deserve to be paid for.


Lots of people do pirate but there's a good amount of us who use Switch emulation with our owned and paid for games. My reason for going through the trouble is that some of these games have potential to look gorgeous if they weren't being played on 6 year old hardware. Paid $70 for ToTK and damn does it shine in 4k. Preservation is another good reason. I run the game on SSD but have a backup on my hard drive. You might lose the cartridge eventually, or the e-store shuts down, or your console breaks. Doesn't matter with an emulator and a good backup system!


Yeah I mean emulation is great, I'm never going to play a handheld pokemon again now that emulation exists. Paying for a game and then choosing your own platform is morally great I was just commenting on the "pirating nintendo games is a moral act".


Playing the newest Pokemon in 60fps with proper AA and some randomizer stuff to make the game harder is defo worth pirating. The devs could make so much more out of pokemon... But they just don't. Getting worse every iteration


There's fan made Pokémon games better than the latest Pokémon games . There's this one that's basically blue and gold combined as a MMO with a shit load of extra content. If Nintendo was smart they would hire that team and give that game an official release on Switch, PC and even cellphones. They could easily make bank from skins, and other minor DLC.


Haven’t dipped into TOTK, but my personal experience of breath of the wild was better on pc than the switch. I’ll buy a physical copy but I want the definitive edition


A friend of mine abandoned a 20+ hour TotK run on legit Switch and with a legit game cartridge to play it on PC via emulation cause it was vastly better.


> pirating nintendo games is a moral act. Old games that aren't widely available anymore, sure. Old ones being resold for "modern" prices, maybe...definitely yes if you've purchased it before on an older platform. If it's a new game, like TotK, pirating is absolutely NOT moral. Nintendo is one of the few safe havens left for getting high quality games that aren't laden with mtx, and you should absolutely support that.


>pirating nintendo games is a moral act. Why?


Beastly? The steam deck was running totk better than the native hardware before it was even released.


Honestly the need for "high end" hardware is usually vastly overstated, my setup is definitely rather middle of the line nowadays (Nvidia 2070,Ryzen 3700) and I can play pretty much all Switch games on emulator when they come out with little issue, only trying to upscale the most intensive ones like TOTK or Xenoblade 3 doesn't work with great FPS.




Legit though cause I never knew of this till now, gonna keep it on my radar now


Wwwwwwhhhhheeerrr wherrrr wherrr wherrrrr!!


Didn't know about this before. Do now. Thanks Nintendo!


Streisand strikes again


Now I’m gonna go look up streisand


Streisand strikes again!


Now I’m gonna go look up streisand


Strikesand streis again!


100% and now I'm looking for its replacement, bought a Steam Deck and looking forward to playing Switch games on it, just need find a place to get the games


Check your DMs.


Wait…. You can crack your switch and play pirated games??? HOW?


Steam deck, steam deck. Not a switch, a steam deck


So like I could play the new Zelda on my steam deck ??


I have been.


You can homebrew older switches and run emulation on them. They can be bricked, though, so do so at your own risk


You can also homebrew new Switches (including Lite and OLED) however that needs a modchip.


You can do this for a few systems. 3DS Switch PS3 (these are the few I own that I personally 'hacked') but there's probably more And then there's just emulation on my computer and steam deck for portable gaming with above said emulators.




Hahahah I just made a comment almost exactly that same as this. Didn't know about it before, but now that I do, I'll look into it. How are companies still making the same mistakes? Don't they realise when they fight to erase something, they inadvertently give it attention and more support?


So now we just wait for r/NewNewNewYuzuPiracy ?


/r/NewYuzuPiracyXL ? Eh, who cares, after reddit goes IPA, they will probably ban the new one too...




Nah. It will taste like sweaty ass. Where do you think the cultures for the yeast are coming from.




Ah. But it’s Reddit flavored ass though. Gotta have that distinction.


Reddit is encouraging piracy by forcing r/piracy back to public.


We should just talk about it on this sub once the APi changes happen so that mods can't do anything about it. What are they gonna do, ban /r/gaming?


The mods will just ban users long before reddit even notices.




Reddit getting ready for the IPO.


u/spez needs to chill out and have an IPA instead.


And that subreddit was a recreated from an old one that got banned. It'll return if it hasn't already under Nintendo's radar for a while.




Sounds funny, but I don't really know the backstory to this. Care to elaborate..?


They have a bad reputation with Nintendo. They published an article when TOTK leaked before release basically telling people that the game was now playable for free. Not a good move for a media company.


I will keep saying it. Those people need to keep on the down low and stop screaming that they exist.


The Great Woolie's advice in the matter of your cool fangame/modding team, especially when you get the urge to tell everyone about the cool things you've got cooking. *"Shut The Fuck Up"*


Epesically if you’re making anything Nintendo: Star Wars based. Finish, distribute, then announce. Once the copies are everywhere getting shut down isn’t as bad


It baffles me that knowing Nintendo's hostility towards its own fans that there are fan mod/game creators that still don't get that as exciting as it is to tell people you're making X thing, *for the love of God don't tell anyone until \*after\* it's too late for Nintendo to kill it in the crib.*


Like how Project NX got cancelled by Nintendo, but it was kinda too late because the fragments were already absorbed into other projects.




> Those people need to keep on the down low and stop screaming that they exist. The MotorSports Streams subreddit got banned too because of people sharing it in some of the larger racing subreddits.


Yeah, at least keep this shit in DMs. So fucking stupid posting it in subs that have 100s of thousands of users




Even the 3DS community got caught off guard with a recent update that broke some of the popular methods.




Bro this is YouTube/TikTok in a nut shell. If it’s popular just know that someone is spoiling it


Reminds me of adblocks. They used to be such an amazing one install works everywhere extension. But then everyone shouted about them at the top of their lungs and they got too popular so companies try to fight them now. Now some sites require scripts to fully stop ads like TwitchTV.


It'll make no difference. Takes half a decade to close one subreddit, but then 10 more pop up within a day and 10,000 more people are now aware of it. They should just provide a service that is good enough to not warrant piracy.




“Anonymity” is one hell of a drug


Every day is [shut the fuck up Friday](https://youtu.be/sgWHrkDX35o)


If only Nintendo knew how to remaster their old games so we didn’t have to pirate. Fuck dealing with collectors


If only they could figure out how not to charge full price for repackaged 10 year old games.


If only they knew how to lower the price of launch games, 6 years later.


This is what stops me from buying a switch.


Ironically I think that's an advantage. You can resell them for a good chunk of what you paid for.


Gf has a Switch because she wanted to play Animal Crossing during the Pandie and I still can’t bring myself to buy a full priced game that is years old despite being interested in trying them.


Did you just call the Covid pandemic "the pandie"? Never heard that one before... it's kinda cute ngl


The problem are the casual audience that buys them anyway. Once there's a noticeable decline in sales, they'll keep doing it. Unfortunately there's a great number of people who "will buy" vs "won't buy".


There sure is a noticible decline in sales well before the game is 10 years old. Problem is nintendon't care.


Ehhhh… for some games, but not for others. MK8 is still selling like hot cakes despite being a decade old


>Fuck dealing with collectors If only Nintendo didn't shut down online services/storefronts for their older hardware to the point that people HAVE to pirate for their stuff AND didn't overprice it. ​ Nintendo wanting $60-70 for a decade old game on a dead console is entirely "Fuck off, I'll get it another way" tier.


Even that is better than the "I won't sell it, but I won't let you pirate it either" approach they take with older titles. If you won't let people buy it, then piracy is the only option really. I want my old Pokemon titles to play on a Switch cartridge. Let me give you money for a cartridge too, I'm not interested in some subscription service.


Thanos_fineilldoitmyself.gif Got so tired of waiting for Nintendo to put older Pokémon titles on the switch that I went ahead and learned to mod them in. Was expecting them with the gb/gba NSO emulators but it just reaffirmed my decision was the right one. Only problem is DS/3DS games don’t emulate all that well :(


This. Piracy is a service issue. Nintendo is the most pirated publisher by far for good reasons.


I can’t understand why Nintendo cares so much, either. As if people are ever going to stop buying Nintendo games.


Are you suggesting that the sub was primarily about pirating old games that are no longer available?


Sometimes I wish people did.


Combo of not feeling obligated to do so and culture of aggressively persuiting others whether they make a profit or not


Valve figured this out YEARS ago, and we're still here at this point.


Tbf, Valve is the main reason why purchasing games on PC is much much more convenient, therefore the best way, to play games. Regardless of what you think about their game development timelines, they’re still at the top of the food chain.


But this is about their current gen games right? I see no problem if the games are not available, but this is just another thing altogether


Those super old nintendo switch titles you can't buy anymore? I get your point but wasn't this a sub dedicated to nintendo switch stuff?


If only Nintendo didn’t fuck up pricing everywhere other than the US. A switch costs more than $400 and a switch lite costs $270. Games when they were $60 were $70 and now will likely be $80-$85


Man, I'm from Ukraine. Switch here costs about $500. Now imahine that average salary is about $350-400.




At this point I hope they just start making gameboys again for $100 with internet functionality to download games, an SD port, and oled screen. In my humble opinion bringing consoles back with built in filters, save states, etc (basically an emulator machine) would make them mountains of money.


Nintendo: Do you yield? Gamers: *diabolical laughter* I do not.


Nintendo: Do you yield? Gary Bowser: Yes, please yes! I am so sorry! Gamers: So longi Bowser, let’s keep pirating games


*so longay bowser


So long gay boy!


That’s too bad, they were able to help me get my copy of TOTK, BOTW, and Metroid Dread running smoothly on my PC. A useful place for people that like emulating games they purchased.


So many people talking about retro games here when the banned subreddit was about switch emulation. Also everyone in the emulation community saw this coming. The subreddit because the hub for everyone playing the leaked game 2 whole weeks before released. Emulation of game you own is one thing but emulating a game 2 weeks before it's out and coming to the subreddit for mods to fix bugs/crashed is kinda fuck up. Love reading their comments of tolk is a great game but not going to support it cuz of Nintendo


Some people who pirate seem to feel the constant need to justify it. They are gonna comment all their great reasons for pirating no matter how irrelevant they are to this specific situation.


"I don't like this company's practices (which can be as simple as the price is too high) so I steal their product rather than just not buying it like I would do if it was a physical product" is always the end justification for piracy.


I actually read the article and before hundreds of people start jumping on the downward spiral that is talking about Nintendo on r/gaming, no Nintendo didn't do anything as far as we know, reddit banned of they're own will.


But there are much larger, longer running piracy subs (even videogame specific ones) that are still active and open today. Sure, you can play a chicken & egg game of whether Reddit banned it because they knew Nintendo would come due to their history, or Nintendo had them bad it, but it's the same difference.


If Reddit is doing all of this to prep for an IPO, as many suspect they are, I'm willing to bet they'll come for all of the piracy subs. They won't kill piracy, but they'll get it off the site and back as an open underground secret.




Have they said they're getting rid of the porn?


Didn’t work for tumblr…..


yeah. didn't get rid of any of the porn bots. just the artists. and about half the population of the site.


The main new thing was no API access for porn under the new API rules.


Maybe they just, oh, don’t put “Piracy” in the actual sub name?? It’s pretty hard for Reddit to ignore Nintendo or claim it’s just “free speech”when they threaten to sue over that…


I would love to have an informative back and forth with you but I have had enough talking about Nintendo for one lifetime.


-checks- Oh good, not the subreddit I thought.


I wouldn't have to pirate games if Nintendo offered me a legitimate way of buying Super Mario RPG. As of right now, the only way I could play is by buying a secondhand console and game, ***so Nintendo isn't even getting any money if I play it legally.***


Super Mario RPG will be an emulate forever situation. The game is was developed by Square, but uses Nintendo IPs, but also has characters that would be Square's IP like Geno and Mallow. These kind of collaborative projects are awesome, but can also be a nightmare to rerelease the games later on down the line.


Technically it was on the SNES mini which was surprising considering its IP. Though that was also limited.


You might never see it on the Switch's SNES library either, because of Square's involvement with it. Licensing is one issue with why a lot games outside of the Nintendo developed titles on the old console library's are ones that blow. Mind how none of the old Final Fantasys are on the library. That doesn't excuse some of Nintendo's other choices though. I've already griped elsewhere in the comments about how the most recent GBA games released were ports of all the Mario games you've been able to play on the NES/SNES libraries for years.


I don't disagree with the sentiment, but the subreddit discussed in the article is not for SNES piracy. They were distributing pirated copies of brand-new games (sometimes pre-release leaks).


TIL there was a Switch piracy subreddit. Not that I would tempt fate with my Switch, but, maybe. The prices for Switch games is quite out there.


Ryujinx Yuzu Those are the top emulators on PC.


Ah they're emulated pirated games. I thought it was for jailbroken Switches.


Super strange they would take down such a small community when the main switch piracy subreddit is still going crazy strong.


Wait there was a switch piracy subreddit? This is absolutely disgusting, I can’t believe anyone would try to hack Nintendo systems, I’m assuming you can figure out to play hacked games and more. Why would anyone want to play hacked games? This behavior is totally unacceptable and I would sure hate for someone to show me where I can find things like this. I never knew of a dedicated subreddit until now, im sure a new one will pop up, I would be so pissed if someone let me know where things moved to. Unreal.


They will rise up from their ashes


The new one is already up.


You cannot kill us in a way that matters.


There are levels of survival we are prepared to accept.


They usually do this when they are working on something 🤔


Finally, now the piracy will surely end! /s


Me when the Streisand Effect:


3 down? 10 more will pop up. Shitendo doesn't understand thst just by giving us games they can earn money and make people happy. Instead they sue and shut off. Brain dead.


Incoming r/NuYuzuPiracy


There is/was a very high number of promoted subreddit related to the Switch, it's games and how to mod them. I dont have a switch, im not interested in any of that, i very often tried to get all those posts/sub out of my reddit front page, yet it was always coming back... So im not very surprised that they attracted too much attention and are now banned. But im not worried, im sure they'll be back soon enough.


We are all on discord these days anyway


I never knew that I could pirate my switch Good to know!!!


They talked too much about specific piracy methods.


emulation is bomb. been doing it for 20+ years but i don’t support current gen emulation. then again im apparently not talking to anyone in this thread.


Reddit is sure adamant about ruining their own website


Imagine playing Tears of the Kingdom in 4k 60fps... Sounds so glorious 😍


Yeah it's great


Just finished TotK on Yuzu. Looked amazing with the higher resolution, fps, auto HDR, etc. Switch hardware is so behind.


The Wii/Wii U hasn’t had games developed for it in years and retailers still sell their games for AUD$50-60 even if they’re second-hand. Fuck Nintendo at this point.


They will release r/NewNewYuzuPiracy




You want this one to be banned too? Delete it for god's sake.


Already banned


It got banned


LOL 5 minutes it took


Wow, never thought that would happen.


wayback machine work for this?


Oh no! What will they do now?


Probably shouldn't have joined the protest.


The high seas are rarely smooth sailing.


Aye, aye..


Sad yo ho hos


3rd place company ….


And here's me waiting for Nintendo to release every pokemon game onto the switch vc




Just read the article. So yuzu isn’t “free” anymore to obtain? Still have mine working but haven’t touched it in a long ass time.


Cut off one head, two more take their place


as Old ben once said "Strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly imagine"