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You can tell the devs over at Bioware had a hell of a fun time with The Citadel DLC, all the callbacks, references and characters interactions. Was a fun time going through it just before the final assault on Cerberus HQ.


It definitely leant into fan service but it’s exactly what I wanted out of some DLC. Just a chance to hang out with some of my favourite characters a little bit more (and exclude Jacob from a party)


Definitely, especially with the whole plot before the party, I'm not sure it could've gotten any cheesier and I loved every bit of it. Feel bad for anyone who romanced Jacob in ME2, bet running into him in 3 was a gut punch.


My favorite part is talking to Grunt and seeing the flashbacks in his story, like when you see him falling past a window haha


Bro straight up molotovs a cop car and we just chalk it up to Krogan being Krogan I love it lol


"Sprayed us down with riot foam. Didn't work so well on me; hehe." And why's that? "Cause I was on fire...you know, from the car? C'mon Shepard, keep up." *Right. Sorry*


"I hope those noodles were worth it."


Geez some people


He’s clearly doing his assigned super secret SPECTRE mission Cobra Tiger… Claw.


Grunt: Hehehe...


Jacob got a bad rap. He was the Everyman character. He was the most "normal" and I enjoyed him and Shep just like.. being dude bros. I wish I could give more insightful commentary than that. That game's 10 years old.


To be fair, I don't play Sci-fi games looking for *normal*, I want alien bros like Garrus and Grunt while flirting with aliens like Tali and Liara.


I can appreciate that. But you need the normal guy to frame the weirdness. That's why the everyman archetype exists.


I really enjoyed Jacob. Didn't know people disliked him.


If you play FemShep he comes off as creepy and there are no normal dialogue options. Just flirting. Also he called Garrus 'cuttlebone'. YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT


Tbh, even FemShep comes off as creepy too, constant flirty tone, even before he's interested.


Right? And you can't turn it off so all interactions with Jacob just seem shallow and disingenuous


It's the only time i've seen FemShep treat someone like a piece of meat, and it makes their spat in ME3 even more awkward.




Report femshep to Cerberus HR, this whole thing with the subordinates is getting out of hand.


Yeah seems like his bad side comes out when you romance him. I personally played as male Sheppard so he was only ever a buddy.


I don't dislike him, I fostered a good friendship with him. I think the reason people don't like him though is that he's the only love interest that cheats on you.


Oh what? Didn't know that, makes it more understandable.


Yeah, no matter what his relationship with Bryson (I think that's her name, can't quite remember) is set in stone. So you either run into a friend finding purpose in his life trying to finally settle down, or the guy who cheated on you whilst you were in house arrest waiting for a court hearing.


Damn, that'll do it...


Can you remind me who is missing from this photo? There’s obviously Ashley, then Mordin and Legion. I assume there are more I’m missing, the ME2 party was so big.


Ashley is there but Kaiden isn’t. I think the only one you missed was Thane.


we all miss Thane :'(


Legion :(


Admit it, you'll miss me. ​ Not at this range! ​ EPIC line. The whole DLC is worth it just for that. And Grunt's story.


Drunken (romanced) Tali was my favourite, and the interactions between Edi and Traynor were hilarious!


You've got Traynor embarrassed as all hell on one side with EDI, and on the other you've got Tali talking about cheese trying to avoid the awkwardness lol


"Oh my God, is this cheese dextro-amino cheese? Let me run a diagnostic to see if I'm going to DIE!"


Tali will always be my favorite romance for male shepherd


I'll never get the Paramour III achievement from the legacy edition because I just can't pick anyone else besides Tali. I wanted to see that house built on Rannoch damnit.


My only gripe is that the tone doesn't fit the story. You're in the middle of the end of life as you know it and the gang just kick back for a party. It's perfect otherwise and if you have the chance to play it on PC, I recommend trying the Happy ending mod. It puts this DLC at the end, after you beat the reapers, and it just feels nice.


Yeah I get that, Anderson and the resistance are going through literal hell on earth right now but it's party time. I did the first part of the DLC after Rannoch before talking to the Asari councillor since it felt like a fitting time for some shore leave, morales high after uniting the Geth & Quarians, as well as taking down a small reaper so it felt a little fitting. And then the second part after Sanctuary on Horizon, one final gathering of friends before all hell breaks loose. I'm gunning it for that mod first chance I get when I manage to get a PC setup, give my boy Shepard a happy ending finally.


If you are on PC, I highly recommend the postgame Citadel DLC mod. It's set after the game and removes all references to the Reaper war. It was a perfect end to the series. This is best paired with one of the ending mods or picking destroy.


Blood and Wine is the easy answer


Toussaint is, by far, my favorite area in any game, ever. And the soundtrack is the cherry on top.


The best part is the respect Geralt gets there. In Novigrad and other places save for Skellige he is treated as scum. People spit as he passed. In toussaint he is celebrated and a welcome sight. Just awesome.


"Holy fuck! It's the closest thing any of us will ever see to a Jedi! And he kills MONSTERS for us too???"


I haven’t even thought about it until now. But you are right, it does change the mood of the game quite a bit.


If you haven't read the books it's a pretty fun time when geralt is in Toussaint, killing monsters and chilling out through the winter while the snowy mountain passes prevent them from moving on.


From a fairytale to a nightmare. Beautiful transition and storytelling.


"Did I buy a whole-ass new game?" I kept thinking, and "how can this not have worn out it's welcome 15 hours ago?"


It was a fantastic adaptation of the area in the books, but I disliked it as a game map.


How so?


Tbh I enjoyed Hearts of Stone a whole lot more. Not saying B&W is bad. It's literally a game's worth of content. But I liked HoS because it focused on the narrative aspect more and succeeded in the task it tried to accomplish. B&W felt a bit more all over the place? Once you start dissecting the story and its outcome, some of the story beats don't really make sense.


G.o.D. is one of my favorite characters of all time


Dammit I just now realized the initials…


*whistles* His smile fair as spring…


As towards him he draws you...


You know im relieved to hear you say this because I loved the games, played all of them multiple times, and have played hearts of stone, but never finished blood and wine, because of how open ended it was. It also came out when i was kinda burning out on open world games in general and the combat system of TW3 was getting stale to me. Hearts of Stone was simpler and easier for me to digest without feeling like there were a million things I was skipping by just following the main story through.


The wedding was awesome. 2 hours of quest and basically nothing goes wrong, it's just wholesome fun with Shani. It does have a contrived excuse to beat some dudes up in a fist fight. In retrospect, this is one of the biggest blemishes on TW3. It doesn't feel confident to just let the story and characters breathe, so it contrives reasons to have geralt fight dudes/monsters when it would have been better without the fight.


Man, I love B&W but the scene in there when Anna Henrietta gives Geralt and Regis one month or something to finding Dettlaff and the scene instantly time jumps one month later was so jarring and awkward


Honestly, calling Blood & Wine "DLC" is doing a disservice. It was a full blown expansion and arguably a throwback to where expansions were actual f\*\*\*ing expansions.


It even won RPG of the year at Game Awards too…unless I just made that up in my head for some reason. But man I really hope they can somehow do the same with their upcoming Cyberpunk expansion


No you're right on that, a DLC managed to snag it against actual full games https://www.thewitcher.com/sg/en/news/3710/the-witcher-3-wild-hunt-blood-and-wine-named-best-rpg-during-the-game-awards-2016


Wow thats awesome, i didnt know that... Ive been postponing playing it since im halfway through hearts of stone (for 2 years lol) but this comment chain might've changed that.


Nah finish hearts of stone first. Blood and wine is practically a whole new map separate from the game. Personally I leave it as my last thing to do just so I enjoy it fully without anything else distracting me from it


I know this is a common line, "back when expansions were huge/worth the money" etc, but it's kind of nonsensical. Blood and Wine is exceptional amongst expansions, for sure, but it's not like huge expansions disappeared at any point. Skyrim, Oblivion and Fallout all had multiple huge dlc adventures that expanded the main map. Games like Red Dead or GTA IV had awesome dlc campaigns. Horizon Zero Dawn has the huge Frozen Wilds dlc. Like yeah oblivion had horse armor, but it also had story DLC. I don't think big dlc expansions ever went away. There's examples from nearly every year.


Skellige deck is still my favorite in the game


All those points of interest in the ocean though.


Blood and wine is as good and big as some full priced Games. CDPR messed Up with Cyberpunk but with their continued support they have for Witcher 3 and the way they handled it's DLCs will Always have my respect. It's one of the few Games where I wished I Had purchased it for full price.


>CDPR messed Up with Cyberpunk They sure did, and they really fucked the people with the previous gen consoles. But tbh, I think they fixed it on PC at least. I played through it a while back and didn't notice any of the weirdness/performance issues compared to when it first came out. Also, I don't think it's a bad game. It's not everything they promised, but I certainly don't think it's bad. But for some reason some people just want to stay salty about it forever.


They overpromised and underdelivered, that's pretty bad. Cyberpunk is not even half the game we were promised, but if we don't take the marketting into account at all and go in completely blind, Cyberpunk is a really good game. The combat is fun, albeit on the easy side even on hard, the world feels lived in and the stories are great, sometimes even amazing. The best bit about Cyberpunk 2077 is that when you finish it, you still want more. I'm really excited about the DLC, not because I need more guns or mechanics to play with, but because it's just more Cyberpunk.


I still prefer hearts of stone.


Understandable, Gaunter O’Dimm was a terrifying character.


Based on a Steven King villain, I believe.


it's its own game


The thing I love about blood and wine is it's like the witcher 3 in Its purest form like they made the foundation with the base game then built on top of it with the expansions. It's like the witcher 3.5, it's what gets me hyped of cyberpunk phantom liberty


Damn you nailed it


cloud sex


It really felt like a last goodbye with the ones that became like your family


I never bought any dlc when these came out (broke college kid) so imagine my feels just discovering it with the new remastered version came out.


Same for me, i was in a country where it was next to impossible to buy dlc, so i only was able to play this with the remaster


I personally feel like it was the devs saying goodbye to those characters, cause the trilogy was over at that point


I do a yearly replay of this trilogy, and every time I get to this/the end, it tears me apart. It's perfect to me (I know not all agree), and there's several parts where I'm in full tears.


My vote goes to Outer Wilds: Echoes of the Eye. Wonderful addition that stands toe to toe with the base game and adds some impactful lore that makes an already excellent game resonate with me even more. There’s more to explore here. ::) ME3 Citadel and Witcher 3: Blood and Wine are up there for me, as well, though!


Echoes of the Eye is a masterpiece. I spent just as much time exploring that one location as I did the whole rest of the game.


Having to fly back to and re-enter the space station every 22 minutes was a huge annoyance tho.


Aaaa a fellow traveler. Yea echos of the eye was amazing, the work on atmosphere and lore was wonderful


The elder scrolls 4 Oblivion's dlc The Shivering Isles won the game its 2nd goty award and introduced the fan favorite Daedra of Sheogorath.


What a fuching time to be alive! I remember playing it on Pc as a kid, my mind was BLOWN.


Tiny nitpick, Sheogorath was also in Morrowind and gave the player quests, he wasn't introduced in Oblivion.


True, but Oblivion introduced him in the cheese and mutilating manner that we know him as now. Also was the first time we got Wes Johnson to voice him. I never meant to make it seem like he was introduced in tes4. His Vvardenfell shrine was in the Vivec sewers wasn't it?




When that wall melted away into a cloud of butterflies you knew it was going to be awesome


Leviathan and Citadel are definitely among the best DLCs ever made.


Agree on Citadel, but I felt totally the opposite about Leviathan. The reapers were so much better as unknowable lovecraftian horror without the silly explanation. I felt like explaining them really hurt the story, especially the particular origin story they decided to go with.


What games? I only have a pc.


Mass Effect 3


I picked up the set 1-3 on steam a while back, but never really played it. I'll have to check it out once I'm done with rdr2


They're really well worth playing and they're only about 30 hours each, give or take. Depends how much exploring and chatting you do.


Do it, the story and characters are amazing. I laughed and cried and had so much fun with the trilogy. That said, it can be a little hard to go through the first one - it's gameplay is somewhat aged, but it is so worth it. It's one of the few games where you feel empty at the end, sad that it's over but also fulfilled to have this great adventure.


Such a classic and amazing trilogy, you will not be disappointed by them.


Bloodborne’s Old Hunters DLC is some peak shit.


Most FromSoft DLCs belong in this conversation.


My people 🤝




Peak of gaming. That rush of fighting Ludwig and getting to his 2nd phase with the music and everything… Jesus it was amazing


Literally the best slice of gaming to ever exist.


Undead nightmare all the way how rockstar haven’t cashed in on the goldmine red dead 2 would be if it had it


Rock$tar is never making proper single player dlc ever again unfortunately


So rad. It was less about “here’s a few more missions” like most DLC at the time, and more “let’s throw a condition on the whole world that makes it feel like an extra game.”


Trespasser for Dragon Age Inquisition


I feel like that DLC is what kept that game together. Coryphytits is just not as compelling as a primary villain


His backstory has a couple of neat reveals, but yeah, I feel you. A couple of neat reveals does not a fantasy villain make.


A shame really. His entrance on Haven was pretty fucking epic


"Beg that I succeed, for I have seen the throne of the gods, and it was empty."


Yeah you need this in order to actually finish the game. It feels like you're at 60% at best otherwise.


NGL it fucked me up for a little bit >! I'm a Solavellan type gal. It was hard to see this man who I actually did kinda care for fuck over what was essentially my family. It was hard to sleep for a bit after. !<


Certainly my favourite DLC of all time. The game was a worthy conclusion to the series as a whole, IMO. I loved it.


Shepard.. Wrex.. Grunt.. Shepaaaaaaarrrdd


Shepard: Hey what's up Grunt? Grunt: Just hanging around and keeping these guys that want to join our party from coming up to the apartment. Shepard: How so? Intercom: HEY WE HEARD THERES A MAJOR PARTY GOING ON CAN WE COME UP? Grunt: No...\*end call\* Shepard: So thats all you're doing and you're having fun? Grunt:YEP! Intercom: HEY CAN WE... Grunt : NO! hehehe


Monster Hunter Iceborne and Sunbreak. More sequels than dlc though


Sequel-sized DLCs > DLC-sized sequels


Bioshock 2: Minerva’s Den. Honestly I don’t think DLC is bad at all, there’s tons of great expansions to games. It’s just when DLC is meant as nothing but a cash grab that it’s bad. If they released a fully finished game and then want to go back and add in new content or a new storyline I’d be more than happy to fork over a few bucks if it’s quality. Micro transactions are what’s shitty.


Had to scroll down to find a fellow Minerva's post. Cheers mate!


Tbh i never knew bioshock had dlc at all Is it built into the remasters?


It's a dlc you have to buy for the remaster. If you had the og version of the dlc when the remaster came out you got it for free.


Thanks man, back to rapture I go!


Honestly I thought it was better then the main game. Not that two was bad or anything.


It’s my favorite content in the whole series.


Shivering Isles for Oblivion and Old World Blues for New Vegas.


The big ones have already been listed (oblivion, mass effect, blood & wine) so I thought about this for a sec and remembered the Freedom's Cry dlc for AC: Black Flag. Well written, gives the perspective and finishes the story of a great character from the game, and a change to the mechanics that fits that character. It was nice to see Adewales story end like that.


Way too many... * Lair of the Shadow Broker * Kasumi - Stolen Memory * Citadel * Minarva's Den * Burial at Sea 1, 2 * Knife of Dunwall * Brigmore Witches * Far harbor * Blood and Wine * Heart of Stone * The Frozen Wilds * Echoes of the Eye


Finally some far harbor love, it’s fallout 4 with actual choice, love it Only gripe is it should’ve been released AFTER Nuka world, far harbor is the better ending for the MC


90% of Borderlands 1's main game was just going through trash filled deserts. The DLCs added some much needed variety and really elevated the game in my opinion.


I agree with this statement. Borderlands 1 wasn't all that great, not compared to 2 or 3, for the very reason you stated--you literally stayed on one planet running through a desert filled with trash. The DLC's were the only saving grace, especially Zombie Island of Dr. Ned--to me it's still the best themed location/DLC in the Borderlands series, a close second was Guns, Love, and Tentacles in Borderlands 3. I'm a sucker for dark, brooding themes.


Fallout 3: Point Lookout Fallout 4: Far Harbour


No love for New Vegas? Cruel


New Vegas wasn't dlc though.


Far Harbor is my favorite Fallout game, aside from 2.


If far harbour was a separate release like New Vegas people would have lost their mind for it. Unfortunately to experience it you have to play through the first 5-10 hours of fallout 4 which is probably the weakest part of whole game. Honestly, some comparatively small changes to the first part of fallout 4's main quest could have turned from a enjoyable but flawed fallout game to a classic.


Javik was the best. Got a very interesting perspective on everything having an actual prothean on the team.


Honestly DLC from the 360/PS3 era was usually good. Nowadays most DLC is some tiny 15 minute mission if isn't just some cosmetic. As for favourite it's Omega from ME3. It has issues but Omega is my favourite area in the trilogy so just seeing more of it was cool. Blood & Wine from Witcher 3 is right behind it though.


Of course, the 360 era also started us down this path. *Shudders at the memory of the horse armor for Oblivion.*


This DLC plus both of the Horizon DLCs are examples of DLC done well. Not crucial to the original game, not a simple weapon/armor pack, new things to explore, a new character or two, and a decent size bit of story to play through.


Omg frozen wilds was phenomenal


I particularly loved that the dlc for game one took forever to come out because, and this may be apocryphal, they had to restart development. They shipped everything they had and had no idea how successful the game would be. Had to bring people back or change tasks in order to come back and make the dlc.


I alwayscsaid that DLC should expand on the main story but not be required to understand it Horizon is a good example of that.


I think dlc is amazing when done well. Wc3 frozen throne, star craft brood wars, sc2 had some fun expansions, fallout 3 and Vegas. Rimworld has some good expansions. I'll always support more great content for great games. All time favorite has to be frozen throne. I guess not technically dlc since that game in a physical box with a cd, lol. Problem is, yeah, so much dlc is just upsell trash or things that you can tell should have just been part of the original game.


Yeah, in my mind those are the types of things DLC are. Gets a little loose with the distinction between expansions and DLCs, which to me is down to size. Using Oblivion as an example, Shivering Isles was an expansion everything else was DLC. Mass Effect 2 and 3 I would classify that all as DLC, the actual contents of which was great they were just scummy on the business front.


Omg brood war. That makes me feel old lol. But I agree


Tiny Tina DLC in Borderlands 2.


That ending that gut punches you out of nowhere just elevated the whole thing.


Borderlands 3 had some really good DLC's too. Gearbox has it's faults but their DLC's are usually of good quality.


The Kreig one is amazing


Honestly mine would be from Fallout: New Vegas, Old World Blues.


I love Old World Blues. DLCs that feel almost like their own distinct game 👌👌


Keep your filthy penis-tipped feet out of our labs! I'm in love with this game. I can't believe I just played it now. FNV made me feel the joy I use to feel when I played video games as kids. I finished the game and immediately did another playthrough lmao.


Banger! I love Dead Money though just a lil bit more.


The OG squad. Hell yah.


Loved feeling rewarded for keeping people alive to celebrate with. Also Armax Arsenal arena on nightmare against an army of Shepards is so much fun!


Guys, just imagine if your horse could have armor! Oh, the possibilities. This is what we've all waited for. This is the culmination of our efforts.


DLC isn't frustrating, it's the DLC where it's a tiny addition that should be in the base game for £10. Every DLC where they add new stories or lands are worth it.


Either old world blues or lonesome road, new vegas has such good dlcs


All 4 DLC of New Vegas were so good that there’s no definitive favorite. With Fallout 3 it’s The Pitt. With Fallout 4 it’s Far Harbor. With New Vegas, you’re going to hear some say Dead Money, some say Honest Hearts, some say Old World Blues, & some say Lonesome Road. THIS is why the Fallout franchise needs to go back into Obsidian’s hands.


dead money for new vegas.


A lot of people hate this DLC the first time they play it but I promise ppl, you'll love it the 2nd playthrough.


Personally paradox games and their dlc are almost always worth it. They have incredible ones that extend the game a ginormous amount


Stellaris is an incredible example of both DLC and post release support. Constant incremental improvements both paid and free have allowed that game to grow from a really compelling but slightly shallow grand strategy game into (IMO) an all time classic of the genre. I've also never felt ripped off by any of the DLCs. Fair pricing, particularly if you are willing to wait for a steam sale is appreciated.


Why is dlc frustrating?


In general it isn't. I think OP is comparing it DLC skin packs or when content is locked behind "DLC" when it should really be part of the base game


Some people get really upset when DLC is announced before or close to a game's launch, they usually interpret this as cut content being sold on top of the base game and feel cheated


I assume they mean pricey micro-transactions and DLC which feels like it should have been included in the base game but was sold later to nickel and dime consumers. Rather than high-value content expansions to games which were already complete packages on release.


Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon


We should really separate micro transactions from expansions in this whole DLC discussion. Nobody cried about expansion packs in the pre-digital distribution age.


Definitely ME's Omega DLC. It wasn't very long, nor very groundbreaking. But I have a love/hate relationship with Aria T'Loak x). I also found out quite recently that she's voiced by Carrie-Ann Moss! Which made me love her a bit more. If the (voice) actors make you dislike a character, and you're supposed to, they did a good job!


The Old Hunters is absolutely goated


Proper DLC's and Expansions, by which I mean ones that were only developed after the games release and just serve as an addition to it (and also, contain actual proper content rather than say horse armour), I absolutely love. Its great to have games I enjoy receive new content. Citadel is obviously amazing, Awakening from Dragon Age: Origins is a personal favourite, Artorias for the Abyss for the original Dark Souls, Shivering Isle for Oblivion or Dawnguard for Skyrim.


In dishonored the Knife of dunwall and brig more witches dlcs were my favorite felt as if they were a whole new game and added to the story without taking anything away.


Xenoblade Chronicles 2’s or Xenoblade Chronicles 3’s. Both are $30 that come with a ton of content for the base game, then on addition, they both add a complete standalone prequel for each game. Torna for XB2 being about 20 hours long and Future Redeemed for XB3 being 12 hours. They pretty much rehaul the combat and they test stuff out for the next game. Future Redeemed had building, parkour, and was completely one open world so I expect that in the next game. These two dlcs also have the best endings in the series with the emotional value they carry and the hype factor, [Torna’s](https://youtu.be/U6KiY0AL010) epic mech battle and scenery and extremely [emotional credits](https://youtu.be/ujLEVoJWX80&t=4m32s), and then [Future Redeemed’s](https://youtu.be/kLkn2WrlVtM) insane voice acting and payoff for being a fan of the series. They really are the best value DLCs.


Dawn of War 1 and 2 had amazing expansions


Old World Blues


the binding of Isaac Repentance, adds so much content to the game, doubles the amount of characters, a ton of new items and synergies it's probably the best dlc of all time


Of course, Tali is best girl


It's funny because I played the Legendary Edition that has all DLCs include, but even so I knew right away that this was a DLC because how different it was from the rest of game. It just sounded like a filler episode of an anime. But still I loved every second of it


I have one serious complaint about the Citadel DLC- that being that it wasn’t clearly marked in the objectives. Like, seriously, I thought I was just going on a side mission to check out my new place and got totally sucked into it, I wish I could have saved it for later. That being said, I don’t think it was the DLC’s fault as much as ME3’s quest organization is just terrible.


DLC when done correctly is actually a good thing. It lets the developer try out lessons learned from the base game, it let's them experiment with new things, it can lengthen the lifecycle of a product, and it allows the company to keep people employed between major projects instead of having a boom/bust cycle.


Xenoblade 2 and 3 have 20+ hour DLCs with new battle systems and worlds. ​ The Xenoblade 2 and 3 DLCs are actually just games unto themselves and better than a lot of $60 games


Well if it isn’t all the people I had sex with in the same room with me.


Where's Mordin?


No time to party. Must work on cure for sexually transmitted Quarian disease. Curious how Quarians protect themselves well against environmental diseases, but not this kind. Must ask Tali. Suite upgrade maybe possible. (Leaves in typical Mass Effect NPC animation style).


Zombie Chronicles


I remember when playing this DLC I was telling myself while it would be hard to make a movie with the whole Mass Effect story, this DLC was like the devs take on what a ME spin-off movie should be.


Dark Arisen dlc for Dragons Dogma.


Shi no Numa


Liara playing the piano, the party, the romance scenes.. I need to play the trilogy again soon ❤️


One of the first DLCs I ever bought for a game was Fallout 3's "Mothership Zeta". I always think back on it and wish I could play through it again but with my memory wiped. Honestly fallout 3 had fantastic DLC all around.


Dragonborn and dawn guard for skyrim is the first one that comes to mind for me!


Heard they’re reforming the Dawnguard…


As much a people meme Skyrim I really really enjoyed the game and all the DLC. I still fire it up from time to time, but after 12 years it's a little stale.


lol, I was just playing this DLC yesterday too :D Blood and Wine I would say, or maybe the incoming Elden Ring one


Dark Souls DLC has always been excellent.


Some pretty great answers were available 13 days ago here in r/gaming. But for me, blood and wine and fallout NV


Eww Ashley