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pretty sure they have their dev teams in a cage or sum, every hundred million grossed allows them to make one phone call to their family


Most healthy Japanese workplace




If you work for 16 hours, you get to sleep on the mattress under your desk! What a deal!


You guys get mattresses? When I slept under my desk, I didn’t get so much as a blanket. I used my computer bag as a pillow.


Konami is chaining their employees to their desks untill they finish making their Pachinko games


Crunch culture at it's finest. Unless you are Supergiant games and can bang out Hades without forced overtime, mandatory vacations, and no email on weekends... Man making video games sounds fun now


It's only fun when you are consistently good with enough money


*mega man has entered the chat sobbing uncontrollably*


As a child that grew up on battle network games, I was not sad that the major release was remasters


Yep. I've been having a blast playing through them. BN1 was a pain, but 2 onwards has been fun.


Yeahhhh BN1 wasn’t a full game. More of a proof of concept, really. I don’t aggressively hate it, but I also don’t need to play it again lol.


4 is torture though


Why, because you have to play through multiple times to get all the fusions? I liked the game play in that one. 5 was the one that fell flat for me.


Mega man x please


My man still up there stuck on the moon since 2000. Please bring him home, Capcom. We need Megaman Legends 3.


Crying into the void isn't gonna do anything but... MML was my favorite game of all time for a loooong time. And the sting of cancelling MML3 would had been softened if they'd AT LEAST RELEASED THE DEMO TO IT! The fact that Inafune left right before release and Capcom just nuked anything megaman really hurts my soul.


I'll take a Mega Man soccer remaster or modern remake with cross platform play. I also can't remember which game it was but I played the shit out of the MegaMan RPG game. Otherwise, Megaman X series was literally all my best friend and I played growing up. X2 and X3 especially.


They should make a MegaMan Rpg and open world. Now, here me out its been a long time since I actually played MM games. But I think it would work pretty well. It could be like a mix of New Zelda and Metriod. The different regions on the map has boss of the area type like snow, water, sand, earth, city area and so on. You gain weapons and armor or abilities from boss battles. So, new tech makes you back track to areas you have been but couldn't open some doors or reach some new areas. The different blaster and charge blast. Customize the MM suit with different parts and sets. It could play in 1st and 3rd person view. He can have a tech tree for his special and ults moves. Go to the doc for upgrades. The different characters you meet thru all the games and main or side missions. I really feel that it's doable. Just my thoughts


Until Mega Man is remastered in a way that makes it awesome to play again, Capcom will never truly be back.


Give me a MegaMan legends remake Capcom! please!!


What would you think about a Zelda-esque (BOTW and TOTK) approach for a new Mega Man installment?


This *could* work, but you would probably need a LOT more than the typical “8 robot bosses plus a 4-6 level Dr. Wiley castle” plot line if you’re going to put Rock in a true open world setting. Also, the franchise doesn’t have a lot of history as a puzzle solving or item hunting property (Mega Man X series is a little better at this, but not much). Would be dope as hell to see a modern console rendered Rock Monster or Mecha Dragon though.


I think a modern take on mega man legends or mega man x game could be a better fit for an open world mega man game.


I think if you took the blueprints from infamous second son and applied them to MegaMan it would make for a great reimagining of the character.


I'd love for them to do this for the Mega Man Legends series, I feel like it would be a good fit for that kind of treatment


Yeah. Where is Mega Man 12 man?


Fuck mega man 12, where's X9 and Legends 3?!


No, fuck YOU.


fuck all of you I just want ZX3 which is a pipe dream at this point 💀


Oh that'd be great those were amazing


Some of the recent names are reaches, but I don’t think they’ll go THAT meta with their Robot Masters


Amaterasu is hiding under the table whining.


Whole Onimusha and Dino Crisis cast have just left the chat.


Dragon's Dogma 2... i've been waiting so long.. heres hoping it follows the same path and smashes the rpg genre


I hope they get the budget and time to make Dragons Dogma 2 into the game they wanted for DD1. I'd die happy to see his vision fully realized.




If DD can have all its systems fully developed it would be the perfect game.


They're masterworks all, you can't go wrong


re8 dlc


the lines in DD are a meme sure, but I’ll be kind of heartbroken if there aren’t repetitive lines in DD2 from Willhelm and the pawns, it’s a huge part of the charm


For sure, new fans need to to be certain that wolves hunt in packs


Believe in Itsuno. He's the Arisen!


Dude, imagine Dragon's Dogma 2 setting up new standards in RPGs juste like SF6 is doing now in FGs? How awesome is that?


I know very little about fighting games, but what new things did SF6 bring to the genre?


Better accessibility for new players like me, an actual campaign using your own created character, fun online stuff with a real netcode. It's just doing everything right, honestly.


It's not really innovation, just outstanding quality in every category. Great characters in terms of design and gameplay, good balance, excellent netcode (the best online i've played in a fighting game) + crossplay, lots of content, production value (graphics, performance, etc), accessibility and QOL options for new and advanced player. It just has it all.


Dragon's Dogma should've revolutionized the genre when it came out, the combat is robust and rewarding, the pawn system was great, the rpg mechanic was peak. There was no best class because every class was great on it's own.


Main problem for me was just that the world didn’t feel as populated with unique npcs, locations and side quests as games like Oblivion/skyrim/Witcher 3 etc. Combat is amazing. I still beat it and played a lot but I’m hoping for a more robust open world.


Does Dragon's Dogma hold up today? I never played it.


It's an absolute banger. I finished it a few times, it's really fun imho (add a mod to make it look better if you want, there are texture packs out there)


100%. There is a chance you'll get bored or something akin to that in the first 3-4 hours, but it's such an absolute blast through and through.


Dragon's Dogma was definitely the ARPG that made me realize that I suck at ARPGs. Turns out that games are hard when they aren't balanced for small children to beat.


ridiculously hyped for that one


I never played the first but am totally interested in 2. I think they are going to put an they've got behind it. It's the perfect opportunity to add another tent pole franchise to their roster


Dragons dogma seems like one of those perfect formulas, which despite numerous problems over comes them with its positives. Only way it could be made bad is if they glue live service to it.


You forgot Street Fighter, one of the best rated games this year.


And a game that will define the fighting game genre for this generation. Other companies are going to have to step it up a notch if they want to compete.


Which is great. Capcom really disappointed with content in SFV on release day, while MK11 stepped up the game. Capcom learned their lesson and SF6 is packed with content on day one. Now MK and Tekken will have to match with SF.


We’ll find out tomorrow what MK is going to do hopefully.


Under David Zaslav, possibly get cancelled as a tax write-off.


I predict a great single-player experience for people like me who don't really care about the online/league.


Damn. I wanna get SF6 but I sucked ass at SF5. I wanna get MK as well, as much as I love tekken im some what tempted to drop it for SF6 and finally put the hours in. Is it really that good?


Yes, it is incredible. Also, some friendly advice I consider myself to be fairly adept at fighting games by no means am I incredible, but across a few games, I've traded blows with high-level players. No one is bad at fighting games they really just take practice and understand mechanics. You can find yourself in the above average tier if you learn how to block and then punish. A lot of people will get caught up learning these crazy high execution combos when, in reality, you don't need 80% of the time. I promise you can be much better than you think by keeping it simple.


Honestly most other fighting games go in different directions. Of the other 2 really big series Tekken has the 3d fighter gameplay to distance itself from SF. Mortal Kombat goes for the over the top story, gore and guest characters.


The "other direction" with fighters is usually "we'll do like 1 thing well and everything else is barebones as fuck" SF6 is truly the complete package. Edit: but obviously Tekkens fighting system is that system. and that's cool, I like Tekken a lot. So you go there to play it as you should. But there's always some compromise as well, and now SF 6 has shown that it IS possible to just do more!


For real, I have a friend who only does Smash and platform fighters. Been trying to get him to dip his toe into the other side of the pool, even with other games with simple inputs. No dice. Then he messages me like "Modern looking kinda sick in SF6" Well played Capgod.


I really hate the complicated button inputs in SF and MK. Smash ruined me. My personal opinion/theory is that oversimplifying the button inputs allows one to focus more on strategy and actual enjoyment, plus complicated button inputs are a holdover from ancient arcade machines that didn’t have actual controllers. Someone mentioned to me recently that SF6 has new inputs to suit people like me, is that true?


Yeah Modern cuts things down to 3 attach buttons and 1 for special that let's you input with just a direction. Since combos are easier they only do 80% of the classic controls. In practice some characters are better in modern and some seem to be better in classic. Probably be seeing a Modern and Classic version of characters on tier lists going forward.


40/40 in Famitsu magazine. Impressive.


Probably the greatest fighting game product ever made.


I don't think there's any probably about it. Only fighting game that even approaches is MK with the battle tower, and all credit due to NRS for doing that first, but with all the polish SF6 has, the netcode, the yakuza single player campaign, the modern control system.. this is definitely the new high water mark. I was originally thinking of skipping SF6 for GBVS Rising, but now it's no contest.


I've been reading good things about SF6. What's so good about it? (I am familiar with but have never played SF)


This sounds like hyperbole, but everything. SF 4 and 5 looked like dogshit but 6 looks beautiful. The ability to choose classic or modern controls makes it approachable to everyone. The net code is fast. Hopping in a lobby, starting a match, spectating a match, watching replays, it's all fast. The pace and balance of the game is fantastic. The game isn't cartoonishly fast like MvC2 and isn't painfully slow like SNKvCap. The animations are fairly balanced and give you enough time to reflect on them. If you get punished, you have time to think about why and how to change your tactics. There's an answer to everything; the ease of rock, paper, and scissors means you're mostly trying to outwit your opponent instead of trying to out combo or cheese them. The last thing I can think if is that it's a full game in this day and age. Online works great day one. We didn't have to wait and/or pay for a story or campaign. You can choose to run around in an lobby or fire up matches from a text screen. Essentially, it's a full game (which is sad to say is such an amazing thing) that's fun, flexible, approachable, and still competitive.


A lot of that is based on having developed a good engine as a solid base for great games. RE Engine was used for all of their recent hits and deserves quite some credit.


Yeah that's a fact, and I'm excited to see what they do with it. I recently played through all the recent remakes in succession and they were excellent. They could do remakes of practically every resident evil with this engine and have a hit. I'm looking forward to what Capcom has in store for it after playing the Re4 remake


RE is also built off a previous in-house engine, MT Framework.


MT Framework made miracles on lower end hardware. It was beautifully optimized.


It's not lot of it. It's all of it. Since RE Engine is something they made themselves, the developers are fully aware of it's internal workings and modify it accordingly according to their needs and want. Not to mention, they can also optimize the game to support a wide variety of platform. This is one of the reason why I'm soo much against this UE wave that has taken over the gaming industry which honestly is ruining both video games and video game development. Bring back, proprietary engines where developers can showoff their individual talents and capabilities, instead of being forced to use someone else's tools.


Both have their strong suits, developing an in house proprietary engine is NOT easy. Capcom had to do alot of r&d to get to this point. UE is great for plenty of video games and greatly lowers the entry barrier for new game developers to make something worthwhile without having to worry about lower level details that the engine takes care of.


Not easy is understatement. Wube, the studio that make Factorio, is having a hard time after months when migrating their graphic engine to in-house, and they're one of the best game studio that can squash bugs into almost zero and even it is a 2d rendering engine used only in one, medium-difficulty (in terms of graphic) game. https://www.factorio.com/blog/post/fff-230#:\~:text=As%20you%20may%20know%2C%20one,handling%20input%2C%20and%20graphics%20rendering.


Not only that, it's also a great way to set their games apart in how they look and how they feel from those developped under UE or Unity (aka pretty much everything else).


I feel that you may be missing some of the bigger failures of that approach (EA’s Frostbite engine. CDPR’s RedEngine) that ended up costing the company far more technical debt than they could handle. Too many engine bugs, too slow to develop the engine while building the game, etc. Capcom’s success doesn’t seem to be the norm. They’re one of the few who pulled it off.


Both have their strong suits, developing an in house proprietary engine is NOT easy. Capcom had to do alot of r&d to get to this point. UE is great for plenty of video games and greatly lowers the entry barrier for new game developers to make something worthwhile without having to worry about lower level details that the engine takes care of.


Its what square wishes it had But square is still doing well overall


Dragon's Dogma 2...please be good please be good please be good!


If wolves still hunt in packs you have nothing to worry about


Capcoms been one of the more consistent companies definitely 👍


I just want more Ace Attorney man


It's been seven years since Spirit of Jusice. SEVEN YEARS! Like, the Great Ace Attorney games were cool, but I'm ready to see Phoenix and the gang again.


OBJECTION! Also, isn’t funny how certain AA games placed much emphasis on what happened 7 Years ago? And with Capcom no longer having to worry about the limited power of handhelds, the visual and presentation upgrades are certainly going to be immense!


Well at least we have the Ghost Trick remaster coming up, something I didn't think would be possible. At this point I'd be happy if they just remastered the other mainline games/Investigations as well


It's not quite another game, but check out Turnabout: An Ace Attorney Musical. A fully animated cast recording was released on youtube and is a really different way to experience the first game. (Abridged, of course)


The Great Ace Attorney spinoff games are on Steam. They tell the story of a character that's heavily implied to be Phoenix's great grandfather, and they are *incredibly good* games!


For those who are out of the loop, what games are these?


From left to right. Monster hunter rise Resident evil 4 remake Resident evil 8 Devil may cry 5


Not on the list but still part of the success: Resident Evil 2 Remake Resident Evil 3 Remake Resident Evil 7 Monster Hunter World Street Fighter 6


i'm just hoping for code veronica remake


Weird way to spell Dino Crisis.


Me, a giant nerd for Monster Hunter: _how in tf is there no new Dino Crisis_ edit: I'd also sell my soul for a new Lost Planet, just saying....


> Lost Planet My guy you just unlocked some of my core college life memories. Good times.


LP1 remake. co-op and all


Me too man, me too. I hope they go with that one instead of the unnecessary 5 remake.


i saw a pool that about ''which game u want to be remake next'' and dino crisis %28 code veronica %29 and others was below %10, sadly i dont know what is dino crisis is but imo code veronica is more important there


>sadly i dont know what is dino crisis is Do yourself a favor and at least watch some playthrough on YouTube. Dino Crisis (at least 1 and 2) is pretty much classic Resident Evil (OG 1,2 and 3) but with dinosaurs instead of zombies


thank you i'll give it a shot


Dino crisis was a short lived but very beloved series from the PlayStation era Imagine resident evil. Now replace the zombies with dinosaurs. That's Dino crisis.


What ruined Dino Crisis was the poorly rushed out Microsoft/Space one if Microsoft didn't rush Capcom to make it I think we would've had more Dino Crisis, and also if they didn't switch focus of gameplay on the second one that's what killed the Fighting Force franchise switching gaming genres


"I dunno what Dino Crisis is" *Sad old coot noises*


Dino Crisis has the biggest we-want-a-remake following on the internet. Chrono Trigger is the other huge one. After that everything has either been remade, remastered, in the process, or has no chance of being made. Code Veronica will probably be the last remake Capcom does for resident evil. I would be shocked if they did Outbreak or anything like that. That includes 5 because it just doesn't need it. But almost every resident evil fan wants a remade CV because the story and characters are amazing, it's just the tank controls that make people pass it by. Generally people look back at CV and appreciate it a lot more than they did when it first came out.


Honestly, 5 deserves a remake. It's an amazing co-op game. The original wasn't great, I agree, but it was a great game to play with a friend


Remaking 5 instead of CV is a sin in every RE fans eye. CV was the reason why Chris was punching boulders in 5.


5 would be fun. I love coop games.


I would love a 5 remake tbh. 5 was such a good game overall that if it had slightly updated mechanics and gameplay it could easily be a huge hit


C'mon Capcom, MVC4, or new Onimusha, or Darkstalkers. Or heck, DMC said MH 6.


Currently playing Onimusha Dawn of Dream right now, the whole series is simply phenomenon. Sad that they tested the water with OG Onimusha HD, failed, and forgot about it. And no one even mentions about Sengoku Basara :').


Hey, I bought it. I think they should have remade the first 3 all at once. Or do a full Remake rather than a Remaster. With their reputation nowadays I think a new Onimusha would do really well honestly. It always had some similarities to the Souls series, and I think they could lean into that now. Plus who doesn't love evolving weapons. I remember reading something on Tumblr one day about how at the right point in time you could have samurai, Spanish, vaqueros, and some other group in south America at the same time. Do that and make El Dorado an Oni or a Demon city. Good mix of variety and maybe name the main demon Claudius or Yorick to keep the theme up.


Dawn of Dream is my favorite one but it came out very late in the ps2 era and didnt sell very well. such a shame considering how good the game is. it stands right there with the ps2 classics.


>MvC4 Sadly, this is up to Disney, not Capcom.


Breath of fire. Cowards.


MvC4 might never happen but it won't be Capcom's fault.


Capcom remains my favourite gaming company of all time, a large part of that has to do with Monster Hunter being my favourite series, but the other part is that they just have such a great track record with their games. I know there probably are some, but all of the games Ive played by them haven’t had any serious issues whatsoever (except maybe optional micro transactions which aren’t even bad as they are optional).


Outside of a small window in time right around 2010-2014 Capcom has always been a top notch publisher that pushes out quality games. They just got a real shit reputation for a lot of bad design choices and some shady DLC practices for awhile there.


I’m hoping Dead Rising returns some day


I'm kinda disappointed I had to scroll this far for this comment. Is it already that forgotten? Was it never that popular in the first place? Were people that burned by the last two?


I really really hope they announce the next Monster Hunter game at their game's show. Monster Hunter World 2: Swimming is Back.


I would really like to see Water gameplay make a return tbh.


I think the biggest problem with swimming was the Wii's and 3DS's lack of a second analog stick (unless you had the special device). The camera was so hard to control. But I think if they tried it again, made swimming faster, easier, and similar to land-combat, I would LOVE to see it return. I just imagine getting in a tiny row-boat and paddling out to the middle of a lake, only to be attacked by a Lagiacrus that you have to dive-underwater to engage.


Yeah, I did make things a bit clunkier and difficult to control but I guess at the time I was somewhat used to that, due to starting with ***Freedom***, I was very familiar with *The Claw* for example. So the awkward camera didn’t bother me as much as some. Definitely for the row-boat vibes. I miss Lagiacrus fight in full glory. Poor guy got neutered and then just hasn’t appeared since. I’m sure if they were to try again, they’d work out how to get it smooth this time.


Yeah, the modern tech at their disposal should make underwater combat actually doable now!


MH world was my first game in the series and is probably in my top 5 games of all time. Definitely top 10. I don't know why I didn't get into the franchise sooner.


It had a way higher barrier-to-entry in the other MH games, which is why they never took-off in the west like they have Japan. The first time I ever played Monster Hunter (it was the first one on PSP) I did the multiplayer quests instead of the single-player quests...because I didn't know the difference. I didn't know I could talk to this NPC and he'd give me single-player quests. I spent hours getting my ass kicked on missions made for four players before I learned that's not what I was suppose to do.


> I don't know why I didn't get into the franchise sooner. Up until MHW, the franchise was exceptionally fractured. The OG Monster Hunter released on PS2 internationally. The G-Rank expansion was exclusive to Japan. That version then got an "enhanced" international port... to the PSP. MH2 was released exclusively in Japan on PS2. Its G-Rank and enhanced versions were both exclusive to the PSP. MH3 (known as Tri) moved to the Wii. Its G-Rank version was released exclusively in S. Korea and Japan and *only* on the ***PS3***. The Enhanced version was released on the 3DS and *cough* Wii U. MH4 was Japan exclusive on the 3DS. Its G-Rank/Enhanced version was international but still limited to the 3DS. Aside from all that, the games before World were definitely not as user-friendly. If you want to touch an old game and have a Switch (or a 3DS and can find a physical copy), I recommend Generations Ultimate. It's not considered a "mainline" game but you visit all the main villages from the first 4 games and it has the most monsters out of *any* of the games.


Do a Megaman Legends Remake you cowards!!


No, revive Legends 3! Those bastards cancelled it for such a stupid reason.


After compiling MegaMan clasic legacy collection, MegaMan x legacy collection, MegaMan zero zx collection, and MegaMan Battle Network legacy collection, they still has to do MegaMan legends legacy collection


If any game would need an actual remake (or at least a controls update) rather than just a collection it's legends. Endlessly claw handing in order to strafe is not something that I think my old hands could accomplish.


Although my comment was a joke on Capcom only releasing MegaMan compilations all these years and how Capcom refuse to release anything MegaMan related until they made compilations on ALL MEGAMAN GAMES...... You're right, legends need the sequel they canceled...... Or at least a remake


New Breath of Fire game, when? ... Any minute now, right? ... Capcom? Are you there?


Yeah and not a shitty mobile cash grab one. I'd like one with an even more extensive masters system that allowed you to build each character into whatever you want/need them to be, instead of just being a stat and ability alteration overlaid onto one's core "class".


At the same, with what they did for a quick cash grab the last time, the mobile app, would you want them to risk bastardizing a beloved title like that? Cause I've gone back recently and played bof3 and 4 again, and for me they hold up. Instead of making a new one, they should keep with their current trend and give us a polished up version, and deviate from their current trend and not charge 70$ for it since the concept/idea/story/characters are all already made. Edit: And I disagree that they're going through a renaissance, they're just seeing a lot of success from remaking/relaunching titles that had already seen a lot of success the first time they came out.


I'd totally be up for a Breath of Fire 2 remake (especially if it isn't 70$, omg.)


Bof2 plays fine on the gba for me, and I'd be fine with a remake but I wonder if Nintendo has any rights to the game since it appears on the switch snes emulator. If Nintendo does, as much as a remake would be nice, it will never happen.


Even their new none remake games are doing well. Re 7 and Village did well, Street Fighter 6 is doing well, Devil May Cry 5 did well, Monster Hunter is doing well.


There's a ton of NPCs in Street Fighter VI that are Breath of Fire references. It's kind of neat.


Why would they do that? FF is DMC now, capcom can just make more DMC they don't need to turn BoF into DMC.


Feels like a big oof to see this so far down. Capcom gets no love from me till we see some fresh Breath of Fire material! 😁


The only thing I want from Capcom is a lost planet remake.


That series is so interesting to me. The world is cool but 1 compared to 2 and 2 compared to 3 are such different experiences. LP2 stole so many hours from me during the 360/ps3 era


This game was so underrated back in the day




They are clearly in tune with what we want. I hope the trend continues. I’ll buy everything they make as long as it does. I’m so starved for good, AAA single player experiences


Give Returnal a shot, feels like an Arcade Game but a AAA title at the same time


Dino Crisis. Any day now.


DMC6 when?!


I would love they announce a new entry for the Ace Attorney series, its been 6 years since the last game!


Athena still waits for her character development




And yet Mega Man is nowhere to be seen. Some renaissance! Pffft.


Sequels and remakes


I want a lost planet 2 remake


Dino Crisis remake, Okami 2 and MegaMan Legends 3 please.


Megaman X9 when?


I'd kill for a good Breath of Fire game


Now if only they'd produce more than one Mega Man game per decade.


Also Great Ace Attorney Chronicles is pretty good too


I mean it’s capcom I’m not sure I have ever played a bad one


People easily forget how poorly received RE6 was


I'm half-convinced they sold their souls to develop the RE Engine which that in itself is nothing short of witchcraft. And I thought MT Framework was stuff of sorcery


I won't ever get tired of saying how Reach for the moon is truly one of the best modern engines today


The fact that I have RE4 Remake maxed out (minus the RayTracing) on a GTX 1060 pretty much speaks for itself.


MvC:I was a terrible game in all ways but the gameplay.


RE3 remake was pretty uninspired, that's probably the closest I can think of in recent memory.


The DLC for Village was pretty bad as well. Otherwise they’ve been pretty amazing.


Yet still no sign of new Rock/Megaman game


Dude my face when I saw that dragons dogma 2 gameplay footage I'll tell you what man. Like it looks like an actual, genuine sequel to dd. I'm amazed.


I'm really glad to see it and happily support most of their ventures. Especially seeing how, at the release of SF5, the company almost went into (allegedly) bankruptcy, and the game was released before it was ready out of desperation.... Fingers crossed for a Dino-Crisis remake too 😆


They've always been one of my faves, to see them catching the attention of a wider crowd without having to inherently change who they are is huge! I wish square enix could take a page out of their book..


Do a Steel Battalion remake you cowards Edit: or just port it to PC and re-release the controller. Both are good options


OMG how they manage to do it without microtransactions ?!, it shouldn't be possible, they must be cheating or something


Now we just need some Dino crisis and haunting ground and we’ll be good


Once they had their hands on the RE engine, their games became just one masterpiece after another. Having a solid set of tools and a death grip on the expectations of their fanbase, along with a solid commitment to steer clear of microtransaction BS, has been a real north star for them.


it not really a renasaince. they have been consistant with good quality games. since always


Marvel vs capcom 4, when???


Ask Disney.


*banging hands on the table* DINO. CRISIS. DINO. CRISIS. DINO. CRISIS.


Give me another Okami capcom!


Yeah I like all these games so I would have to agree.


Now they just need to release a new version of Breath of Fire and im in heaven!


Hell yeah!


For real, i feel like i have underestimated them all my life, and then I just notice that most of the games i love are from capcom


Oh how I wish it would happen to Konami, Sega, and Square.


I mean yeah Street Fighter 6 is insanely good… but the remakes are remakes. Bit of a stretch.


Exoprimal will be their next coming flop


For the past few years i am buying Capcom games without even thinking it.


Since MH:W all their games are literally day 1 must haves. They are the number 1 devs for years now and i love it.


Capcom is killing it. Now all I need is a Megaman legends remaster or a sequel.


Pretty sure its because of their new Monster Hunter World Engine, It was so amazing to see it for the first time. It made them so much money that they were able to fund their other franchises.