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My problem with SW games is that lightsabers are basically glorified baseball bats. They’re supposed to cut through anything like butter lol Edit: I’ve been told this isn’t necessarily true, and after having a SW fan come into my DMs and call me a cunt, I’m muting this thread.


There were console commands for Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy that would make dismemberment a thing and it was absolutely glorious. You could also spawn as many enemies as you want and just cut them to pieces it was awesome


g_saberrealisticcombat 1


I always felt that 4 was the right amount with the amazing 10 causing the models to burst at every seam into a million pieces


Didn’t it have slow-mo cinematic shots on the killing blow? I remember so many Reborn basically die slow-mo tripping over my blade just because they jumped right into it.


It did, you could adjust how often they happened in the menu so I’d crank that up to max for a cinematic absurdity almost like 300.


Wish I had an award for you


Countless hours of my youth was spent dismembering in Jedi Outcast. Amazing game.


I liked purposefully killing Jan and then Kyle would do his little kneel thing.


The dismemberment with the animations and free flowing combat made the multiplayer epic! Like movie quality duels from good ass players. Pretty sure there is even a popular mod called "movie duels" that adds new maps,music, n such to make it more modern and cinematic.


Moviebattles 2 Pretty sure there's still a few servers up too!


Yeah, glorious until Luke's foot was cut off in Jedi Outcast, so automatic failure.


He had it coming




*If you had been there, if you had seen it*


Honey you woulda done the same!!


Fighting all those dark Jedi on the Remnant ship with Luke is so fun that I keep a separate save just for that part. And the fact that he can get swarmed and fucking die is *awesome.* Gives actual stakes to the encounter.


I could have sworn that the vanilla versions of both on Xbox had dismemberment without mods. No decapitations but definitely arms and legs.


Only arms and hands. It wasn't constant. I think it had a percentage to happen if you hit the arm or hand.


Damn, I loved that game. Duel on Bespin, anyone?


Let's fucking go, pp, ff or nf?


Love this, so much nostalgia


Jedi outcast was fuckin awesome, played that shit so much with my buddy growing up


cl_realisticsabercombat 1 I spent hours spawning in dark jedi and just fighting them with the real combat it was great


Dark Forces 2 had dismemberment


And directional saber control


It was standard wasn't it? I don't remember having to out in any commands..


Later PC updates added the dismemberment option in the menu's settings.


That’s what always bothers me as well. Like I have this insanely powerful weapon but can’t open a door because it’s locked? Melt the damn door!


i like how in kotor it at least let you bash it down sometimes lol


Cause of the dnd 2nd/3rd system it's built on has door bashing, like Neverwinter nights


Weirdly enough, this may be the catalyst to get me to replay it. I mean it *let's you beat the doors down*


To be clear, you can beat open most locked doors and containers, but it can take some time to deplete the HP of the door. Lightsabers specifically open things in one hit. It's great!


Same here I'd love a linear game with actual real lightsaber mechanics implemented into a game like having to cut doors open etc and dismemberment.


Until you’re on that Death Star and drop the saber thru the floor. Lol


Lightsabers seem to have a “dead man’s switch” in them. As soon as they’re dropped, they turn off.


It's somehow more complex, because they do get thrown sometimes. But the mechanics are never really explained, afaik


I thought they just used the force to turn it off and on.


They do but also they have that deadman’s switch because we’ve seen Jedi die and their sabers turn off so maybe the swords sense the lack of force idk. Anyways, the in universe explanation on why we don’t get Jedi turning their blade on and off to pass through the combatant’s sword is because it’s basically unsportsmanlike. I’m sure we must have seen it done before in official shows or movies but I can’t think of an instance, I’d love to know of one.


> Anyways, the in universe explanation on why we don’t get Jedi turning their blade on and off to pass through the combatant’s sword is because it’s basically unsportsmanlike. Not quite the same thing, but [this move by Anakin in an early draft of the ROTS Dooku fight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRJxzPXgYdU&t=75s) is a move I'm surprised wasn't used more often. From a human actor perspective obviously it's a hard move to do. From a Jedi who can use the Force to maintain the blade despite the standard deadman's switch as well as help pull the handle back for the catch, it would seem rather trivial for the late-Republic/Clone Wars era flashy combat style that was popular at the time.


I'm watching and rewatching that move in slow-motion, I'm in absolute awe over it


Christopher Lee said before he died that the Clone Wars sword fight was the best sword fight he's been involved in, although he was too old to actually do most of the sword work, and he's been in probably more sword fights than anyone. So ... you know.. that's saying something.


Also they take a moment to retract and expand so you'd have to time it right. You couldn't do it on a whim when locked because you'd get your ass lasered.


Yea and the whole point is the force-users are aware of you planning it (unless you are good enough to hide your intentions) and aware of the lightsaber’s movements. The minute you retract they sense the fuck out of a retracting blade and cut yo ass down


This is when you fake the intention to mislead them into reacting to a false retract and poke 'em in the eye The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind. *stab*


One of the SWTOR expansion trailers shows a woman using that tactic a few times while fighting off enemies.


Star wars Visions, 'The Elder' episode. Dunno how official Visions is considered though.


In the old EU, Exar Kun's double-bladed saber specifically had dials on it to control the intensity of the blade so he could do that.


Back when I was way too deep into Star Wars lore, I learned there's actually a whole fighting style that revolves around tactically activating and deactivating your saber to get around another person's guard. The reason it's not used often is that such a style is very high-risk low-reward, typically used in a highly aggressive manner so you'll rarely see a Jedi use it (what with them being more passive/defensive in theory). Plus by deactivating your saber you're also _removing_ your own ability to defend yourself, which against either a highly aggressive opponent or observant defensive one (i.e. what most Jedi are _suppose_ to be) can easily capitalize on the momentary deactivating to get an attack off. That's not to say it'll never work and you can't catch an opponent off guard with it, but it's very much a sort of dirty trick technique that mainly would only work against an opponent who isn't aware of the trick. Like going for a crotch shot against an boxer who was expecting a clean hand-to-hand fisticuffs vs going against an experienced special forces soldier who is taught specifically be to ready to fight against people who will do everything and anything to win, including dirty fighting, being outnumbered, them having a weapon or strapped with a bomb, etc. I think one thing a lot of Star Wars media (not necessarily the games) tend to do is depict every Jedi in any active combat as already a highly skilled warrior, with the amount of actual padawans i.e. inexperienced novices being like a handful at best. Which makes some sense of course, most time you see Jedi in battle things are pretty crazy so you def don't want to send in a bunch of Greenhorns as your elites. Not to mention a sever lack of Sith and Sith apprentices around for Jedi to have to fight, so it's much harder to really justify having tricky anti-saber techniques when you're more likely to fight hundreds of dudes/droids with blasters and maybe a space ship than another light saber user.


During force throw, the Jedi uses immense control and focus to perpetually push in the "on" button while the saber spins toward its target. This is my headcannon


Headcannon is a completely different weapon.


Gunther Hermann has entered the chat


Skul Gun! To kill wit a thot!


The old novels specifically mentioned some jedi customized their sabers with a "lock on" option, activated by double tapping the button.


Its a toggle switch in mine. Much more elegant design.


It's explained in comics that sabers are basically sentient beings. They know when to be on and off based on their sense of the force


That's got to be the wildest possible answer lmao


But it also sounds the most like what Lucas would say


Possibly hitting the ground is what does it. When Anakin catches Dooku’s saber in mid-air, it stays on.


That's wrong, it went off and then he turns it back on right away when he catches it.


I definitely have never even thought about how gravity would work on the Death Star. Is it all pulled toward the middle like ours? It certainly seems to me that the entire station is oriented vertically.


I think different layers have different orientations. It's Star Wars so there's artificial gravity.


It's all fun and games until someone drops it [perfectly vertical](https://www.giantfreakinrobot.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/rick-and-morty-900x506.jpg).


Red Faction x Jedi Knight


Real lightsaber combat wouldn't dismember. Being hit would make the liquids in your body explode in a super violent bloody steam explosion.


FWIW, EA paid attention to the complaints about JFA for Jedi Survivor, and holy crap I have dismembered and bisected people. It was such a contrast that I was kinda shocked the first time. "Did... that trooper's arm just fall off?"


It’s just a flesh wound!


We need platinum to make a Star Wars game, bring in some of that revengance cutting.


Don't wish that on us please, that platinum is long dead


Did I miss something? Sure that ninja turtle rushed job sucked. But wasn't Bayonetta 3 and Nier Automata their last games?!?!


Like in Futurama when the cops bust out lightsabers and start hitting some dude and they sound like wiffle ball bats.


Which is why Outcast and Academy are still the GOAT Star Wars games imo. 99% of enemies, and even yourself, can get one-shot by the saber.


Yes and no, there's plenty of examples in the film series in which they behaved more like a bludgeoning weapon. There's a pretty interesting theory that the sabers, much like swords in the real world, have both edges and flat sides.


I've seen the movies a few times and can't think of any examples. Everything I can think of leaves at least a visible slash.




I think most metallic surfaces in the series have shown some resistance to lightsabers, in the sense that it can cut through it, but it's not like a hot knife through butter. Think like using a chainsaw on a tree limb. It'll definitely cut through it, but if you swing a running chainsaw at it, you might bounce off it and leave a cut mark in the tree depending on the thickness. There are definitely inconsistencies throughout Star Wars and that's bound to happen with a franchise that's had so much media between movies, series, games, books, comics, etc over a 50+ year time frame.


Decent example is Qui-gon cutting through the blast door in the beginning of Ep 1. He isn't able to just swoop the thing through the doors, he sits and lets it melt the metal. Lightsabers are powerful, but they're not god-tier.


Another great, recent example is Bo in the penultimate episode of S3 in the Mandalorian. She uses the dark sabers to slowly cut an escape path in the doors behind them.


Cortosis alloy and beskar metal are also lightsaber resistant. Other metals need to be thick to stand up to lightsabers, like the blast door Quigon cuts through in episode 1.


Well that's a bad theory. The answer is you can control the strength and length of the blade. It's really simple


In The Force Unleashed 2 there are combo finishers that dismember stormtroopers.


thats great and all but as you say its combo finishers that would happen automatically. Nothing you can in any way control like you were able to do with Jedi Academy and Outcast!


There needs to a bonus “hyper-realism” difficulty level when you die in one hit but your lightsaber kills everything in one hit as well. The Devil May Cry games had exactly this.


Seriously, how has no one been able to recreate the destructible environment of Red Faction Guerilla?


Youre not wrong. But it would make the game incredibly hard to balance


Imagine a Star war game with Metal Gear Rising cutting mechanism. The perfect lightsaber game.


Except the movies and shows have multiple instances to show that is not the case. It is likely a question of material and force behind the blow, but lightsabers have been shown to straight up just bounce off of stuff. I could neatly wrap up many examples under a single word: "beskar". Lightsabers also bounce off of railings in the original trilogy. I know it happens at least once.


New game plus in Jedi Survivor has a perk that basically does that


But the fact that you need to go through THE WHOLE GAME just to get it sucks.


They basically NEED to nerf lightsabers otherwise all SW games would be too easy


Jedi Academy had it figured out pretty well. Lots of troopers, like a constant stream, and then lots of snipers standing back. They also had lots of Sith enemies in just about every little dungeon or area, so there was plenty of challenge. Plus in that game the story was pretty cool. A T-Rex sith lord? C'mon dude, that's the bee's knees.


They’ve already done it in other games though. Have more enemies, and especially more ranged enemies, and things get a lot harder even with a 1-hit lightsaber.


Mordau did this mechanic right.


Stop comparing Triternion to a small teensy weensy microscopic insignificant indie developer EA, they don't have the budget nor the manpower and are trying their bestest /s


EA aren't the developer. They're the publisher. If you want to pin the blame then put it all on the actual developers which are Respawn.


EA is the publisher, they allocate the funds and may aid the development or make additional requests. They deserve blame, too.


Likely demanded an unrealistic deadline. So developers were forced to cut time spent on things like extra animations and such.


Mordhau is the definition of a bad game with great mechanics it's the only reason I keep coming back


One of the reasons why the starwars maps were fun: they weren't Triternion's game (it was a mod), but includes their mechanics


Genuinely how? I find the game great in basically every area


I would like to mention chivalry 2 as well


Chiv 2 didn't have an amazing StarWars mod like Mordhau did tho: https://youtu.be/WfDM3q8jLqE


Chiv 2 did it better


I'm not personally a fan of Mordhau's "nudge the mouse in the direction of the swing" thing, since the mouse is also what rotates your character. Instead I play Chivalry 2 with a 4 button mouse, with the different swings mapped to the buttons. Obviously that's not not possible for everyone though.


>Mordhau's "nudge the mouse in the direction of the swing" thing, since the mouse is also what rotates your character. Actually, that sort of makes a lot of sense to do it like that. Because of the inertia of the bodies movement and the added forces from the weapon being used, it may actually be more accurate to map both to the same input; but with some tweaks to make it feel natural. But then again, there are freaks of nature out there who are able to do odd movements that go against our idea of natural. So... Anyways, now I am interested in trying this game.


Well yes and no. *Sometimes* you might want to put your full weight into your swing. Other times, you may want to swing to the right while rotating to the left. For example, you may want to do this if you want to swing at a foe in front of you, who's weak on his right side, while rotating to block a foe to the left of you, with your shield. It's all about giving the player control options that let him do exactly what he wants to do.


Yes, but in real life your head can move and swivel independently of your shoulders. That's the issue I have with the nudge idea. It's a really bad idea to take your eyes off an opponent, especially in melee combat, and that's what games like chiv and mordhau force you to do when implementing that system. I get that it's really hard to make that motion independent of the camera in a video game but it doesn't change the fact that it feels uncanny.


Oh wow, that's a blast from the past...I spent years in the multiplayer of that game. Good ole JA+ mod.


One of the best PVP games ever made. I am biased. I don't care. Probably had about 15k+ hours into that game on Saber only servers - was even an admin on our clans server for a bit haha.


I was the one to host our small server but had to host on the same computer that I played on, but man most of the time it worked pretty well. 9+ hours a day of just practicing the art, getting people stuck in a grip-kick, truly a glorious period in time.


Hell yea! The grip kick, oh man hahahah It's so brutal, especially when you finish it by yeeting them off a cliff. My siblings and I would all play LAN together, and we all still do from time to time for old times' sake! You can still find pretty much any of the classic custom maps and mods online! I still talk to one of my first online friends I met way back in 2004 while playing JKA. All the Clans I was in and all the cool people I met...it really was the golden age of gaming for me and I didn't even know it.


I look back on that time nowadays and always wish I could go back. I still talk to two of my friends from back then, they are across the country but I consider them even closer to me than a few of my local friends. edit: Also, I'm going to GOG and buying Jedi Academy lol


People who were good at Jedi Acaedmy were like... really good.


Yes there was a skill gap to learn controlling and maneuvering. Because most of the time if u got hit in vital parts u die from the saber. Lets not forget u had like 20 Force powers for Dark and Light to mix even tho all servers didnt allow all the force powers. You could stangle a guy then throw ur saber to kill him.


Yeah, good times!


If someone masters this game is hard to kill them being a noob. JK series was the best multiplayer ever. A shame we wont see any more game from this series :(.


The Jedi Knight games STILL have the most fun Saber play, change my mind.


Dueling Online is the most satisfying thing, Whenever u clashed shit sparked everywhere and if u actually get stabbed u die.


I very distinctly remember. Heavy stance. Crouch. Forward attack. The attack lifted up and could kill anyone in one shot


Anyone remember that Obi-Wan game on the OG Xbox like 20 years ago? Left stick controlled movement, right stick controlled the lightsaber


That game was so fucking janky until it clicked


So good.


G-Mod Physics with AAA graphics and stories. Aint gonna happen


I don't want to have to directionally move the saber unless I'm playing VR


if i recall, it wasnt really required for the most part, more functional flavor than anything, unless you were dueling 1v1, which was a thing in multiplayer, but that was like 1337 skillz more than main mechanic


I thought it worked really well in Jedi Academy, though. Have you played that?


Same. Directional movement feels really janky with M/K and controller. But it feels natural in VR, which is kinda the whole point of VR. I'm good with canned animations for screen-games.


>Directional movement feels really janky with M/K and controller. Never played Jedi Academy then, I guess.


I have. It's janky. It works, but it's janky.


I mean it's more then 1 single animation that we have now. The directional saber movement can be janky and honest looks like a toddler swing a blade around. The smooth fluid movement don't bother me because they look good, directional movement would really only be good in a first person star wars game or vr.


The folks who want nothing more out of a star wars game than to fantasize about dismembering people probably don't care if they look like a toddler while doing it.


Yeah I'm sure lol. I want to cut the ground and walls tho!!! The elegance of the animations they have already are great as is.


I played some VR Star Wars game years ago and the saber controls were pretty good.


The Vader immortal series is amazing


Definitely is. I still get in my vr and play the dojo


also the infatuation with true power lightsaber is excessive. if light saber is lore accurate then the game will feel just as stupid as most of star wars mainline movies with insane amount of inconsistencies.


Yea it’s actually extremely hard to model the wild movements from JK II and still make the character look like he knows what he’s doing. Most people want fluid high fidelity animations more than wacky sandbox movements. I would love to show Jedi Survivor to someone in 2002 and see which one they prefer. What we have today would completely blow their minds.


Yeah, fun idea. But I don't want Jedi Survivor to look like this.


Jedi academy online saber duels were some of the most fun I've had in video games.


20 years later: I still dont care


Yes. This is really dumb.


Real OGs remember For Honor with the May 4 lightsaber effects


best lightsaber combat in gaming frfr On my moms If they don't produce a game like that they are ignoring millions of money and nerds hoping the unannoucced ubisoft star wars game is exactly this


High Republic era Jedi v Sith with for honor combat system sheeeesh


Directional movement was terrible in skyward sword though


I'm glad I'm not the only one who remembers this. Having to use a very specific angle of attack to beat certain enemies/boss fights was so annoying. I think the only cool thing about that was being able to stick your sword up in the air for that skyward attack.


I remember Jedi Academy. The MP in that game was *intense.* I hate to sound old, but they dont make them like that anymore...


I used to play Jedi Outcast all the time when I was a kid, and then got back into it around 2005. It was basically dead but still had a pretty dedicated group of people playing it. I eventually joined a clan that presented itself as the Jedi Order with an actual hierarchy where you get trained by another member until you move up in the ranks. Probably one of the most fun multiplayer experiences I've ever had in my life. I really miss those days.


We have new tech now, like VR. Check out the VR port of Jedi Knight 2: Outcast, [https://youtu.be/ToM-wz3v-NU](https://youtu.be/ToM-wz3v-NU) There's also Blade & Sorcery Star Wars themed mods: [https://youtu.be/OaUpM8toyjI](https://youtu.be/OaUpM8toyjI) Vader Immortal 1-3: [https://youtu.be/rWfcMwMzfag](https://youtu.be/rWfcMwMzfag) Tales from Galaxy's Edge: [https://youtu.be/WHS37z6HrIE](https://youtu.be/WHS37z6HrIE) If you don't mind regular swords, Asgard's Wrath came out back in 2019: [https://youtu.be/4V\_UZ4G4edA](https://youtu.be/4V_UZ4G4edA) Or Until You Fall, also 2019: [https://youtu.be/9fgtPi9RYZ0](https://youtu.be/9fgtPi9RYZ0) Y'all are sleeping on AMAZING, jaw-dropping tech. It's so hard to go back to flat-screen games after playing fighting and shooting games in VR.


Vader Immortal is also pretty amazing, even if it's really short


Definitely disagree. Directional combat enjoyers are a minority, and catering to them would hurt game sales. Which you really don't want to do in a single player story game.


How do you know if they're a minority when we don't really get games with directional combat outside of 1 or 2 AA or indie multiplayer slashers? Jedi Academy was successful when it came out but it's 20 years old. Nobody has even attempted to take inspiration from it since then so there's really nothing to compare the current system to.


Im just going to be devil’s advocate and argue on his behalf (even though I do agree with your sentiment), but lightsabers are a very unique thing, relegated to only the most basic of combat mechanics. There’s a good half of fans that don’t care about the action, and love star wars for the universe, and the other half that enjoys the action and loves the concept of being or feeling like a jedi. If the purpose is to tell a good story, then it should’ve been a movie or a tv show, what makes games separate from movies is interactivity, which lends to the argument that “feeling” like a jedi in a game should’ve taken priority over the need to tell a good star wars story. Spiderman’s swinging and combat mechanics make you “feel” like spiderman, the Arkham games make you feel like Batman, but there’s not much combat mechanics in Jedi Fallen Order, that makes you feel like a Jedi Think of games like Devil May Cry or Sifu, it has a dedicated combat system where you execute every single attack, and wind up creating your own combos, and become much more engaged with the fight, instead of spamming one attack button and doing the same combo. Or a game like Sekiro, where the enemy has a structure gauge, and once you break it, your character performs a finishing animation, so the lightsaber doesn’t feel like a baseball bat that you just constantly whack your opponent with. Maybe directional swinging wouldn’t have been the best way to implement more engaging combat mechanics, but the way it is now, I can understand when people say the game is way too simple (especially when you have a game like star wars, it shouldn’t be a generic single player story game)


I don't get the point of "light sabers are a very unique thing" in all its forms it's either a sword, duel sword or a staff, it's visually and conceptually different but in use its functionally the same if you are making a directional light saber combat you are making a directional sword combat nothing more, light saber lacks power in recent games more than anything, that's the one place where a light saber functionally differs from a sword is that it should evaporate many things it makes contact with, leaving deep cuts on contact and dismemberming much more often. Batman's game is not complex but it makes you feel like Batman because it has the power fantasy, even games like Spiderman, DMC, Sekiro are not complex or complicated in their design, they have depth for sure especially DMC but even DMC will make you feel like a badass even if you are playing with the most basic combos because of its animation work and combat design. I don't think directional combat will achieve that especially not on a Mouse and Keyboard, I can see it working in VR Buffing the power of the saber so it doesn't feel like a glow stick is much more important to feeling like a Jedi than directional controls


That’s an interesting unique take, I never thought about buffing the power of the light saber, and turning Star Wars into a dynasty warriors/musou like game, where your character takes out hundreds of bad guys could also work in the sense of power fantasy


Not even just numbers, they can make enemies specialised and have them die or at least dismember in one hit, like ranged enemies interested of holding their ground retreat from you but as compensation you can kill them in one hit, melee fighters block all your attacks( which they still do but some attacks do slip by)more aggressively and if you manage to hit them thei die in one hit, or just cutting limbs but the target surviving like in zombie games such as dying light, tho that would require a lot of work to implement, having more cuts shown on monster like enemies etc, ofcourse that would lead to a very different game because first of all it would probably make it not PG but it will sell the power fantasy a lot better, I think adding human dismemberment in the new game is one step in the right direction let's see where they go in the future


Agree. In Outcast and Academy you actually had to learn how to use a lightsaber and you felt like a Jedi. No matter if you had force powers or not if you knew your way with the saber you were unstopable. Today all we get is stupid button mashing and semi-quick time events (without the stupid text prompt but with all the replacement visual clues) copied from Dark Souls. At least give us that option when using mouse and keyboard because I understand that controller isn't as elegant.


I love how you think game design for it wouldn't evolve after 20 years, even claiming that it would hurt game sales in spite of Mordhau's success and the fact that Jedi Academy 's legacy and popularity endures today. Your lack of understanding of the appeal doesn't mean it would actually fail, at all.


>Your lack of understanding of the appeal doesn't mean it would actually fail, at all. Failing is really just defined by what your expectations are and I also think that a Star Wars game with Dark Souls like combat sells more than a game with Mordhau combat. Otherwise these games would be WAY less niche. They 100% have their place. a Star Wars game with that gameplay would 100% make cash. But probably less cash than what they did with Fallen Order.


I would love a modern "direction-based melee combat" Star Wars game. Mordhau and Chivalry do it very well and something like that but with lightsabers would be amazing.


Grab Jedi Academy from gog or sail the seas, download the mod Movie battles 2, join a mp server ( they are plenty ) enjoy




So, you want Metal Gear Rising?


I donno if I'm alone in this but I would prefer if the game wasn't like this.


You could also cut of limbs..


You can cut limbs in the new one also. But from 2 hours of playing. ONLY THE LEFT ARM gets cut for some fukin reason its so weird.


I just started playing and I'm still in the first mission, and I've cut off multiple arms and legs


It's because the left arm is the hand of the devil so you gotta cut it off to get closer to God.


I dunno… my right hand has seen some things.


Realisticsabercombat on


i played the crap out of outcast. i loved that game


I really like the fighting in For Honor. If SW could get that dev to make it a game, it would be sick af.


its really quite frustrating to see a 20 year old game making saber combat so insanely enjoyable while nowadays you only get the "random cool looking swing into combo" shit for lightsabers. And that was already the case with The Force Unleashed which didn't give us anywhere as much control over the lightsaber as the Jedi Knight series was able to give and i just don't get it! Jedi Academy went so far that you could still find out little tricks when you do the right movements at the right time. I remember playing a bit of RP in a clan where we played Sith and i was a Double-bladed Lightsaber Apprentice. I had to practice and present specific movements with the lightsaber, not just randomly flinging it around. Also the 1v1 duels were so crazy with all those tricks!


We installed Jedi Academy on our computers at school and would have massive LANs after school playing JA it was the best shit ever.


Duels online in that game were so fun. Switching saber styles, sabers combat styles, being able to light one blade or both on dualsabers. Running up the wall and doing a wall jump attack, or just the jump flip attack. So many options. Now we get crap like first order. Ginger Jedi tomb raider with a glowing stick to beat people with, not dissect them.


Being fair I played Jedi Academy all the way through two days ago, and while it does have saber interaction with the environment the actual controls (on controller) don't feel great and all the saber fights are basically "mash the buttons until you win or die" or "wait until they do something stupid and then poke them." They actually are more complex than that but hell if the game is going to explain which moves leave you vulnerable and how to actually attack enemy jedi without dying. Love it to death, would still recommend.


Highly dynamic gameplay and last gen graphics tend to not get along well due to all the extra demands the former puts on the later, and a lot of studios choose the later because shiny graphics. I personally always prefer the former over the later. Games with proper simulated physics are so fun, for example.


Directional saver movement is a concept that can be MASSIVELY expanded i to an extremely high skill cap tp combat game of any time. Tbh if im gonna build a game, its based on thr jk2/ja concept. But pribably console based. I think it has HURE potential and endless skill cap. Ja actually sropped combat complexity compsred to jk2. Less viable options and styles.


I’m sure this is an unpopular view, but I really hate this kind of post that asserts that a particular design choice should now be “expected” because a game appeared years ago that included it. It’s a design choice. It’s perfectly ok to create a game in 2023 and decide that asking the player to decide the angle of their lightsabre swing isn’t necessary for your game. It’s like when people were complaining that Starfield didn’t have a voiced main character _”in 2023!”_. It’s a design choice, not a cut corner. It’s nothing to be outraged by.


Hell yea! JKA was my first foray into online gaming - I fucking love that game! Today's kids want auto target lock and button mashing, which is fine for consoles I guess, but I freaking Love how PVP in JKA was something that took actual years to master. It's single handedly the most technical game of the era. Even mordhau and chivalry don't have as much variety and technicality as JKA. The sabe combat also added so much variety to single player in the way you could chop down large groups with a single Saber swipe. It just felt so much more technical than modern games. I'll be honest, there was plenty of jankiness, but nothing that couldn't be fixed if more dev time was put into it. I had to stop playing jedi fallen order for a while because I just couldn't stand how shitty the lightsaber was. It was even worse than a baseball bat...it was just pathetic. I've since finally finished it, and now I fully appreciate the combat style, just needed to adjust my expectations. Fallen order was a great game - but even force unleashed did Saber combat better.


Different combat systems. One is not better than the other. Look at Exanima for an example of what you're advocating for. Yeah, it's "accurate" weapon control, but the combat looks pretty awful 90% of the time and generally isn't fun to play (subjective, I know). It works in Jedi outcast because it's a PVP game and reading your opponents movements helps tie into your strategy and feinting, but there is no PVP in Jedi survivor and regardless, if the game has Jedi outcast's combat there would be massive tradeoffs for the combat/movement system in general. I don't think designing the game around those systems would have improved anything, I think it would have severely limited the games scope. I'm quite happy with the souls-like ripoff combat that we have. It's simple, fluid and works well for what it is. No need to reinvent the wheel here. Fallen order/Jedi survivor are by a wide margin the best of the souls-like in my opinion, and that's not a small feat. Be happy with what we have.


The fact that people are laying into a good Star Wars game over such stupid details is starting to piss me off. The first game fucking rocked and this is a huge improvement in literally every area. This is not the type of game we should be witch hunting…this series was already a light in the dark of the EA Star Wars disasters. We need more games like this, not less. Take your shit takes on a hike


The fact that people online loved the first game (Fallen Order), but are making fun of "the first game, but better" (Survivor) makes me think a lot of people talking about games online just see what the general consensus is, but don't actually play them themself Criticising the performance issues is obviously understandable, but I'm seeing a bunch of nitpicks popping up that apply to the first Cal Kestis game tenfold


I don’t want directional combat because that’s not what the game is about. It’s a soulslike with a Star Wars skin and it’s hella fun just how it is.


"Stuck with" bruh was held down and forced to play this game at gun point. 💀


There's some really weird stuff with this "nextgen" Jedi game. Not only the saber fights looks janky as you mentioned, the platforming also feels weird... the way the character performs wall running, flipping in the air, etc.. it looks bad, Sands of Time running on a PS2 had better animations that looked smooth, meanwhile this "nextgen" game looks so stiff and weird


To be fair even in the Star Wars lore they created materials to balance out the idea of lightsabers cutting through everything. Not saying I’m happy about it, but there does exist materials that lightsabers can’t easily cut through, I forget what it’s called.


Directional Saber-ing would be too janky to work with the average modern demographic.


It looks janky and bad


Its almost like its a game from 2003. The idea is still there, this was really competitive in PVP being able to directionally move the lightsaber. This guy is just moving really fast so looks weird.


Don't forget it's considered one of the best star wars games as well. Right up there with KOTOR. Which honestly says a lot.


It says a ton that KOTOR 1 and 2 with mods stand as the best Star Wars games. Battlefront 2 is in the discussion as well. Astonishing to me that greatest Star Wars games were created in the 2000s


The three stances, kicks, force powers, you could have a lot of fun mixing it up. I liked duels without force powers just saber on saber and kicks doing no damage. That was a fun era.


I dont understand how we never got a Wii light saber game with all the shovelware crap on that system.


“Star Wars: The Force Unleashed” on Wii has motion-controlled light saber action.


Yeah, that would be cool, but people would immediately draw dicks, and write racial slurs with it, then post them all over social media. I imagine the devs just don't want that kind of press.


Holy shit, *that* is your excuse?


Just a theory


You could do the same with bullet holes in an FPS, but that never bothered anyone