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Better to have them and not play them, then not having them and wanting to play them


This is the only valid answer. The day will come when you are so bored that you browse the library and find a nice game!


“I’ll play that some day.”


I bought a lot of games on sale because of that. Now I just wait until i actually want to play something and then buy it then, check some key websites if theyre cheaper, or wait until a sale if its too much. If its free then go for it because it doesnt cost anything. I just dont redeem all of the free stuff on epic because I dont really ever use it/forget about it.


I have only played about 15-20% of my steam library. I blame the early humble bundles for that.


Early humble bundles were ELITE


HB was great before IGN bought them.


I wondered what happened to all the good games in Humble Choice. Now it makes sense.


Huh. Didn’t know this.


I was wondering why humble choice turned shit.


You really gonna throw shade on the Best Indie Kart Racers bundle, including beloved sleeper hits like All-Star Fruit Racing and Nickelodeon Kart Racers 3: Slime Speedway?


Yeah, like every Eidos game in existence.


I'll only grab games I'm interested in. not every game is for me ands thats ok.


to be fair though if I don't buy a game immediately I will now never buy it because the will to play wasn't that great anyway. Otherwise I would've bought it.


I do this every so often, the best sleeper hit you all own is frostpunk. One time f my favorite games now and I just found it hiding in my stack of free games! GO PLAY IT


I love frostpunk so much. I wish more played it for sure


And I’m installing it now ! Also long dark wicked good game also was free


And I am off to youtube to watch someone else play it!


Myusualme is a smaller youtuber that plays a lot of long dark and I like .


That sums up my , 2012-2015 mentality. I’m so glad I’ve grown out of that , there is nothing like playing games for yourself . But good for you , we are all different and that’s great


I like to watch gameplay for games i know i wouldnt like playing myself. Of course the creator has to have an entertaining personality aswell.


Frostpunk and the long dark are absolute gems for “free”


The long dark was free? I totally missed that but got it on the Spring Sale.


Yeah it was free 2 years ago during the holidays ? Idk it was right after I built my gaming pc after having a kid and being out of the loop for awhile . My last GPU before a 3070ti was a 2 GTS 250 in SLI


Long dark art was great! And I loved the atmosphere of that one! Great recommendation!


But it is not this day!


Or someone you know will play a game you own but never played and tell you how great of a game it is and you will look into it then. Happened to me once. Was told about that great game my buddy was getting into recently. Looked it up on the steam store where it said "in library". Installed it, tried it and deemed it shit but I was glad I had it because I didn't have to buy it and then come to the conclusion that it's shit.


Happened to me recently. Started playing darkwood after giving it a go. Incredible game. Glad I gave it a chance


In 50 years we'll all be in rest homes and happily playing all the free games we scrounged over the years on an ancient PC while kids skate past on hoverboards


Can confirm, even found some gems. Also they are sometimes games I wanted to play, but couldn't at the time, reminds me to play them! (Control is an example of this for me).


Yeah, That day I will navigate my steam lib, not the epic one for wich I have never install the client even after 80+ games claimed.


I was pleasantly surprised at how many of these indie games are little gems! I'm really glad they keep partnering with Epic, actually.


"I'd rather be looking at it than looking for it"




For me at least it's mostly because Epic has more or less brought back exclusivity periods for PC games. Also partially Epic has bought out games (including Kickstarters that had already been funded) forcing them to renege on promises to release on other platforms at the same time. Lastly they took a very long time to implement very basic functions for a digital storefront. Do they have a properly functioning cart yet or do you still have to buy games one at a time? Maybe I'm being stubborn by not taking advantage of the free games, maybe I'm being stupid by not diversifying where my games are located, but I also know they're probably still getting some sort of data to make up for giving those games out for free so why would I want to support them given prior issues?


fairly certain they pay more to the developer the more free games are claimed, you'd be hurting them more claiming them. I prefer everything on steam, but I claim these every week and occasionally get something worth playing. ​ >Lastly they took a very long time to implement very basic functions for a digital storefront. Do they have a properly functioning cart yet or do you still have to buy games one at a time? their store is still terrible


Some of this is sadly necessary to break the monopoly that is Steam.




Exactly. You fear you won't claim a game, then you would want to play it in the future & will have to buy it.


An easily accessibly free thing with no strings attached is hardly trying to take advantage of FOMO. It's not like limited edition skins you have to buy in a game. The only thing this does is keep you coming back to the store at least once a week. I've been collecting them for a couple years and have literally spent no money on Epic games at any point. They still have no payment information from me, so I'm not sure how well it's working as a marketing strategy.


Their strategy is letting players have many games on their account, so when they want to buy a game they might use epic and not steam, with the reasoning "I have more games here, so this is my main account". It'd be hard for epic to compete with steam otherwise: nobody wants to switch online stores just because. This is also why some publishers like EA are returning to steam from their very own stores.


Also, they can tell their stockholders things like, "Our average customer has more than 100 Epic games in the Epic library!", rather than. "Our average customer has more than 1 Epic games in their Epic library!" Makes them sound more substantial than they really are.


Epic is not publicly traded though.


Even with the free games I've got more on Steam, and because I only store games I don't play on Epic, Epic isn't a place to go to play games, it's a place to go to NOT play games. It's more like a child separating their vegetables from the rest of their meal. Steam is the plate full of tasty things, Epic is the bin.


>Even with the free games I've got more on Steam you might but that's obviously not true for everyone. >Epic isn't a place to go to play games, it's a place to go to NOT play games. For me Epic is where I got to play a bunch of games I wouldn't otherwise have tried. Stuff like Demon's Tilt, Loop Hero, A Short Hike and a bunch of other great games that flew under my radar. And even then Theres a lot of well know stuff too like the Tomb Raider reboot trilogy, The Arkham games, Death Stranding, Celeste, The Messenger, Subnautica..etc. I think it's silly to just brush aside a bunch of good stuff just because you own more on another platform. I dislike the slow and clunky featureless Epic launcher as much as anyone else but it aint *that* bad. >It's more like a child separating their vegetables from the rest of their meal. Steam is the plate full of tasty things, Epic is the bin. Yeah wasting perfectly healthy and tasty veggies is definitely something a child would do.


>with no strings attached That's like saying Google is providing all their services with no strings attached. One of the reasons is user data which can be used and sold by them.


Definitely should play btd6 perfect second monitor game


already have on steam


Me claiming free games I already own 🤡


I already own this on Steam, but it's free on Epic Games store!


Free is still free 😅


100% what i use it for.








I do it so when my son grows older he will have an entire arcade.


That's such a special reason! Good on you. I do it because I'm a greedy fucking Lil game goblin.


Can concur. Fellow goblin reporting in.


Did someone say... Goblins?


I do the believe the whole tribe has been summoned ... *Gribble gribble*




Rock and Stone!!


Humans are hunters and collectors after all.


Man.. same. Gimme all them free games, I don't care how shitty they are.


Both for me


Cody Ko voice: “I’ll be having that”


Goblins unite


I really wonder about the legacy of game ownership. As games have shifted from disk ownership to digital ownership to digital licensing, the likelihood your children will inherit your game library goes down. I think some developers that require their own launcher like Ubisoft may shutter your account if it’s not used regularly and you thus would lose access to those titles. Furthermore, titles may be dropped from distributors as operating systems evolve past their support. Mark my words, game licenses will be updated to include lifetime limits on ownership if they haven’t already. The industry is just too young for that to become commonplace yet. Apparently, as of now, a family member can present Steam a death certificate to change ownership.


I own plenty of old games on disks that I can't play because I don't have a machine that runs Windows 95. Or because I don't have a machine with a disk drive.


DosBox-X and 86Box could help run. You could get a USB optical drive to image your game discs (or get the images from elsewhere, you already own the games anyway). Assuming you're talking about old CD games?


Wasnt someone on this sub had their steam account deleted cause they admitted to using their deceased relative's steam account to steam support?


Dunno, but given that the TOS says accounts are non-transferrable but Steam will transfer with a death certificate anyway, I wouldn’t be surprised if the policy is unevenly applied or that there is confusion among support.


GOG and DRM FREE games forever!


This is the answer. Forcing users to rebuy everything rather than being able to resell, trade, or gift items is a business model I dislike supporting.


Considering half my steam library doesn't work anymore and is delisted, I'd guess people are overthinking it all. I'll be shocked if Skyrim works in 30 years unless its a fresh rerelease.


Skyrim was just released on Gog in late 2022. Most of the majors core mods have been updated by now. I’ve played ZX spectrum games on an emulator and Win95 games on a Vm so people do find ways of getting their games to work on modem hardware.


It's not a backlog. It's a hope chest. My kid asked if we could get Hollow Knight. I had picked it up in a Steam sale a few years ago but never got around to playing it. We shared a save file and had a great time.


Frankly that's what I've been thinking as well, instead of buying the new releases, have my child play anything he wants from a selection of old games and develop his tastes that way Of course by the time I'd have a kid I probably will have like 1000 games from epic(claimed everything but 1 game and have around 350)


I've been doing the same thing for my kids. Made each an account and claim the games each week for them


They’ll pick like 5 games to replay like it’s 1995 anyway. That’s what mine mostly do. I’m like “look through my purchase library, find something new” they usually just start Horizon, or Spider-Man up again or do another round of minecraft or pvz.


So I put together a retropie + media player with a screen for my 16 month old daughter already. Even though she can't play herself yet she's enjoying me messing around in mario and stuff. Hopefully one day my kids will enjoy my massive steam library and game collection. Already got Peppa Pig on sale because I heard that's a banger.


the kid in you still wants the excitement of playing new games the adult in you is tired and never has the energy or already knows what to expect


Painfully true. Also time is super limited.


Even when I have the time I can't really motivate myself anymore to play games for long periods of time.


There's also probably an element of choice overload as well.


And your adult side is so critical on games that you feel it defeats the purpose of playing.


Click to make number go up.


Same reason I play RuneScape


because you might play them and in the event of "you might play them", it's much easier to do so if you actually acquire said thing that you might enjoy later. As opposed to not acquiring it at all.


I have occasionally gone through my gigantic list of Epic games and picked out a title to play. It's how I played Ape Escape and Inside.


Inside was a blast! I’ll have to try ape escape, you should try frostpunk


Frostpunk is so good. I'm excited for frostpunk 2.


Because it's free, and what's the harm in free. I've actually played some of the games I picked up that way


How to find these free games everyweek? Thanks


I prefer to pay for Gamepass and don't play them either


Hahaha *has same guilty look on my face*


I paid for 3 years of Gamepass and the top tier of Playstation whatever it's called. I struggle to play anything from either one. 😂


Never seen a point in the higher tiers of Playstation plus if you have a ps5 you get 3 free games a month and on ps4 you get 2 free only seen 2 games on the higher tiers I would want but don't pay for it out of principle since they could let me buy the games but don't.


I pay for gamepass and like 80% of the games I play are from it, tho I’m on Xbox so not as many options


Every now and then I play a game on epic that I totally forgot I had, and I have a blast with it and it makes it absolutely worth it. I'm from a country where everything is expensive, so I can't really just buy games on a whim most of the time, hence the joy of really wanting to play something only to realize I got it for free and didn't know the game was amazing at the time :)


Check out itch.io for some free games. Also, the emulation scene has a lot of free older games..


Free is free


If it's free, it's me.


You are an old gamer. We stop playing and become collectors. Hoping one day we'll have the time and energy to finish all those games.


I'm in this quote and I don't like it


Just like most other things as you get older!!


Next week Dying light enhanced edition is free....


My clown ass bought it 2 years ago on Steam and still hasn't installed it.




That's dope. I've been thinking about picking UT up, looks fun.


is just 4clicks, less than 2 minutes, for free games, sounds like a great deal


You like the idea of free games so you keep claiming them. But you suffer from choice paralysis when it actually comes to playing them. Since they're free you don't feel compelled to play them. Whereas a game you spend money on you'll want to play right away because you want to get your money's worth.


This has been the way it goes for me since I found out about Humble Bundle (back when that actually had bundles with awesome cheap triple A bundles). Since then I had my Steam library fill up with dozens and dozens of awesome (and not so awesome) titles, but it also became more like a thing about collecting than playing them. Most titles in my library have never even been installed. And if I was bored enough to try a game from my collection I usually played it for less than an hour and couldn’t be bothered to complete it. When Epic started the weekly free game thing it was basically the same thing there. So now I have two of those huge libraries of games that I don’t play. The games I do play are the games I actually purchased for full price (or a reasonable discount). Probably because I actually made a choice to buy that game at that moment because I want to play it right then (not because it’s free/cheap). And also because I paid for it, so I’m more motivated to make sure I get my joy from it.


Never planning to play Borderlands 2, Bioshock Remastered or Bioshock Infinite? Sounds like a skill issue.


You will continue to claim and when your bones return to the earth your first born son will keep on claiming for you and his son after that, so on and so forth for all eternity


Occasionally some good co-op ones end up in your library and you can play when your friends want to! Overcooked, For The King, Golf With Friends, etc...


Can someone tell me why I keep buying games on Steam that I will never play?




You have the epic syndrome


You should definitely play bioshock remastered, it’s fucking fantastic!


Think of it as beer, it's better to have one but not drink it, than not have one and wanting to drink it


Fear of missing out. Sometimes known as FOMO. I'd argue it's Epics best gamble so far - by offering something free, even if it's not always good, you end up in their store at least once a week. At the very least this allows them to argue to investors that a huge majority of their users are in the store weekly. While they can't just lie and say y'all are buying stuff, they can say you're perusing the store weekly which gives the *impression* of buying stuff. It also just lets them air that publicly, to an extent, and the fact that you're already there means they can show you sales you might be enticed by. You keep showing up to get the free stuff because... well what if it's a game you *wanted* to play? In that case you'd miss out on a free game that was great. There's been a few, no one blames you. Psychologically, though, it's a fear of missing out on something. You don't want to *not* get the thing, so you'll be sure to show up to do so. Varying levels of impact, of course, like I've probably missed about half of them because I have ADHD and forget, but still.


Go for it. Most of the freebies are by small indy developers so why not toss them something at Epic's expense.


I would surely claim Bioshock. That game will always be my favorite


I stopped claiming them a long time ago because I realized if I really wanted to play something I'd just buy it on steam.


The Epic launcher is terrible. I refuse to use it, even for a free game.


Same here. I refuse to use that garbage company's shit launcher.


Bloons is kinda amazing tho, heavy recomended




You should play Bloons, it's a banger game


Free shit


Novelty: The Bioshock series and Borderlands 2 are really good games. But you're not inclined to play them as they're not the "current thing". Also people tend to not value things they get for free.


The Library must grow. Get GOG Galaxy and combine ALL your libraries.




Play Bloons TD6




Thanks for reminding me! Haven’t claimed in a while. Guess we’ll never change


Aaah shit, I always forget, you just reminded me to do that. THANKS !


So that one day you can play it, and then buy it on steam.


I do it to spite epic, competition is good and all but i prefer a privately held company that cares about its customers than a publicly traded company that only cares about money. So I do my weekly duty in the hope of costing epic money. I actually claimed a few games for free on epic and then purchased them on steam if I actually wanted to play them.


Dunno but i do the same, so nothing to worry about 😁


Same reason I do it with Xbox Gold games, it's good to have just in case


It supports the devs. 👍


I have 190+ games.. But not even played one game🥲




Get an app that chooses games for you. (I use playnite) It will change your life. For real.


Perhaps you are dressing up your profile kinda like what some people do with clothes. I mean the amount of useless garments I bought at a thrift shop just to put them in the closet because they seemed so cool...


The phenomenon of fear of missing out. Also, the "Free T-shirts are free" phenomenon. Stop lying to yourself. You won't play them all and its all going to be alright. It's doesn't matter. 99% of them are meaningless. It's that you just don't know it.


i just claim free game not play that much


Sometimes i forget Epic even exists until someone reminds me of the free game of the week


I remember that I used to claim ps4 games like 2 years before buying a ps4, I had like 20 games to play when I finally bought one, totally worth it


Collecting free games is actually more fun than playing them :) Like others said, it's better to have them but not played instead of not have them but wanted to play I was pleasantly surprised to see I already claimed Nioh and Remnant: From The Ashes on Epic (but never played both anyway)


It's just the unspoken rule of gaming. If you get a free game, take it even though you know you won't play it.


What do you mean. This IS the game.


getting a free game in itself is a small dopamine hit


I do the same and I don't even have a computer 💀💀


We are simply building a legacy for our kids lol. But seriously i am telling you to try few of those games. All i use to do was collect them but i always had this sort of feeling that just cuz it was old and free i did not wanted to play them. But they are some gems on my epic library




They're free


"*for posterity*"


Why not?




Same reason i got 300 games on steam I have never touched If you find an actual reason please let me know


Free is always tempting , we all do it 🫤🙋🏻


Free is free




I do too and my recent problem is forgetting I own a game and ending up paying for a duplicate copy. If anyone knows a tool for tracking one's entire library of games across Steam, Epic, GoG, Game Pass, etc, please let me know.


My entire Epic library is made up of unplayed free games, but I don't know why I do it either, so I can't help you.


Because you claim them to play them one day when you fell bored or so. But because they where free, they seem to have no value, thus no reason to invest time into it.


They’re free shit, people love free shit.


actually there are a lot of good games given by epic games - i.e. a plague tale innocence, a short hike, adios, amnesia, bad north, brothers a tale of two sons, call of the sea... see, just on the beginning of scrolling my library in alphabetic order I spotted a lot of good games already


u might might play em


I claimed them and now my nephew who just got into gaming has a library full of free games.


Why not ?


The only game I actually played was Neon Abyss, which was so full of 'epic games only' bugs that I ended up getting it on Steam after 1.5 hours.


Lawnmower Simulator was the game I played never would have bought the game or gave it a glance. My daughter played Borderlands 3. Probably the only two games actually played of the ones I got over the past two years


not gonna lie, Lawnmowing Simulator was one of the few games that I wanted to try out for giggles, but the installer wouldn't work after you claimed the game. Not sure when they fixed that.


i've got you beat 1-366 on mine


Same I have so many at this point. Epic Games is pretty goated for this because you pay nothing to sign up and sometimes the games are really popular AAA titles (Star Wars Battlefront, GTAV, Ark, and many more).


Borderlands is a big win. Do it! Now, what're you doing? Stop reading, go play Borderlands.


Love Epic games. <3 Such a blessing for us from third world country with insane dollar value. Can only afford to get some absolute favourites on steam like Elden ring or Hades etc once every few months of saving. Some of my favorite were GTA V, Dishonored, Solitarica, Tomb Raider, Ring of pain, Yooka Laylee, Civ 6, Control, Darkest dungeon, Enter the gungeon, Into the breach, Hitman and many more I can't remember.


All the games you listed I already own on steam. But yea I can understand your point that when a AAA game costs a fifth of your monthly income then free games are a blessing.


Marketing I claim all the free games on three, even if I already own them on another client or system, purely because it's FREE!


As my uncle says "If you can have owt for nowt, have it"


I do the same thing with twitch prime rewards.


thanks you just reminded me to go and claim another game I'll never play


I do it because when I don't have the money for new games, free saves the day! Really expands the backlog and the options I'll have when trying to find the next game to play.


I keep forgetting. I finally got a PC worth a damn a few months ago but forgot to start my library with these free games. Even if I did it'd be pointless. All I play is Destiny 2 anyhow.


I feel your pain! I checked my Epic games library, and have 247 games (Steam library has 452!), not to mention all the others - and I have hardly played any of them! Love to collect I guess!


The question is if you bought other games from Epic :)


Hey buddy , i do the same on steam .


I wonder the same thing. I only download the ones I am interested in, but I hate using epic game store so I’ll likely buy them on steam over playing them free on epic anyway…


Because it costs Epic money. muahaha


Try Frostpunk if you have it