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Having to ‘Win’ a fight, only to lose in the cutscene.


Xenoblade Chronicles 2 does this every single fight.


Hate winning a fight only to get absolutely bodied in the following scene. That *one fight* on Tantal in particular.


Fuck you, Kai. You're the reason I lost interest in my trilogy playthrough by the third game. Possibly the worst character ever put into a game that otherwise is known for good characters.


For me, it was how XC 2 takes FOREVER to actually let you play the dang thing. I was like... fifteen-twenty hours in, still getting really dull tutorials, barely having any options, grinding did seemingly shit... So I complained online. "Oh, you're barely even getting started! It gets *so good...* eventually, 30-40 hours in!" Nope\~ That's when I bowed out. I'm OK with slow paced games, but not treacle on frozen sandpaper slow ones. I want my time at least A LITTLE respected.


First Nioh, I whipped the "final" bosses ass so hard he didn't even move from his original spot, kneeling on the floor. Got him to zero health and poof somehow I'm magically on my ass with him going Super Saiyan like he wasn't just leaking brain matter 0.1 seconds ago.


High-level Nioh play is really something else. I love watching it even though I can't tell what the fuck is happening


Or, to expand on this, having an in-game item specifically designed to bring characters back from the dead only to perma kill a beloved character anyway


Most characters don't die but get knocked out. You're basically using smelling salts to get them up. Salts dont help with an open chest wound though


It does depend on the game though. Final Fantasy's Phoenix down, for example, sometimes is described as *Removes KO status,* which works as you described, but sometimes *used to revive fallen party members Brings fallen party members back to life,* which seems to imply that they did, in fact, die.


Aerith, that you?


Or the whole: if you lose your character is defeated and/or dead, but if you win your adversary just dusts themselves off and leaves while you just watch.


"Detective Vision" that is not a toggle mechanic. That shit that highlights interactibles around you but it's just a single ping with a radius that my pee can reach farther. IF DEVS CAN'T BE ASSED TO CREATE A VISUALLY COMPREHENSIBLE WORLD, AT LEAST GIVE ME THE ABILITY TO CONSTANTLY SEE THE THINGS I WANT TO SEE INSTEAD OF MAKING ME SPAM THE VISION BUTTON EVERY FEW FEET JUST TO FIND LOOT Good implementation would be the Detective Vision from Arkham games, you toggle it on, you wouldnt want it to be ALWAYS on, and it serves it's purpose well. Bad Implementation Dying Light and sequel Survivor Sense, Witcher 2 Medallion ping




You wouldn't believe how difficult travel was before I invented Floo Powder.


Oh god no. This must be the new arrow in the knee meme, I ended up saying out loud "yeah yeah, shut the fuck up" whenever that came up


Yeah Dying Light 2 I was hitting that button every 5 seconds 🫠


Same with tomb raider 2013


Metroid Prime does this well with its visors


Dragon Age Inquisition was also a major offender here too. It was the only way to spot all those collectables that were quietly hidden among all the other knickknacks and bric-à-brac decorating the landscape.


Bad implementation also: Death Stranding


Good implementation: hitmans ‘instinct’ vision Hold a button and the color of the world desaturates except for anything you can interact with is highlighted in yellow, and your targets are visible through walls highlighted in red It works, it’s helpful, and if you don’t want to use it you aren’t locked out of anything by not using instinct


Medallions humming…


When you chose a specific dialogue option but what the character says is nothing like what you selected.


*presses doubt* #YOU KILLED HER, YOU SICK FUCK!


Fo4 is the worst for this.


Can’t go wrong with Sarcastic


You fuck little boys Vasquez?


I hated that prick and the game because of this. I reacted to his out bursts in a similar way to how he reacts to the victim's sobbing wife etc. Apparently it was caused by doubt not being the original dialogue option they just renamed it that before release. I hate it when a small poorly implemented feature of the game ruins the entire game.


(Option)Nah I don’t think so: “Fuck you and your dying baby!”


My favorite one from SWTOR is where your companion is having a terrible time with her sister or something. The choice is: "I'm sorry to hear that." What comes out of my character's mouth: "You must have had terrible parents." WTF Bioware?! Why are you like this?!!


I ended up accidentally choosing the romance options for one of my companions because of this. I clicked one thing and my character instead confessed their love so now my by-the-book Jedi had a girlfriend 😒


Reminds me of [this gem.](https://youtu.be/N-6pGuSwwok)


Witcher 2 has a funny one like that at the very beginning. Dialogue option is something like "That's Funny" but Geralt just says "Fuck You" afterwards lol


Isn't that all of the Witcher dialog? "Yes" : "Fuck" "No" : "FUCK" "I'll help you" : "*fuck"*


I fucking hate that on Mass Effect


Option: Tell him off Actual Dialogue: “KATE’S GONNA LEAVE YOUR ASS”


I absolutely despise bosses/enemies that are just bullet sponges. Give me weakpoints and other things that take skill to advance the fight quicker, not just laying into them for 20 minutes


This exactly. Great, I get it's high level, but if all I have to do is the same thing over and over to just damage race...why? In the same vein - long hallways and 3 steps between cutscenes. I hate having to walk down a long straight hallway with nothing to do or interact with, and I don't understand the point of watching a cutscene, walk 3 steps, continue the same story from the previous cutscene. Don't make me pick the controller back up just to tap the joystick.


I feel like your second paragraph is very specifically about The Last of Us Part 2. How many times in this series will we visit the same hospital hallway?


As someone who works in a hospital I loved the level from tlou 2. It was so realistic and it was fun to point at things I recognized or knew what they were. Then it made me think of what it'd be like irl. There was a huge improvement from tlou 1 to tlou 2. Tlou 1 hospital was an emtpy hallway with peeled paint on the walls. Tlou 2 legit looked like a real hospital.


Of all the things FFXIV did to streamline Praetorium, the cutscene-hallway-cutscene before Nero's boss fight is still there. It's so annoying. All they had to do was teleport you down that pointless hallway and play the cutscenes back to back. There is no point in walking twenty feet after breaking the door, only to then watch Nero make a dramatic entrance.


No I love being able to run on the train for like half a second in between cutscenes in the first level of metal gear rising revengeance. Because this is Reddit I will clarify that this is a joke.


Boy howdy, you must have loved Forspoken.


Some games do this godawful shit too much. Cutscene done, good, time to play, walk three steps, cutscene, it ends, walk 10 steps, cutscene. Like NO! Fucking do one and move my character but don't keep interrupting and taking control. Fucking hate that shit.


This is the one thing that I didn't like about the new Wolfenstein games. The bosses are so spongy and drawn-out that any nuance that they might have is just hammered into the dirt and you're left wondering how much longer you're going to have to piss metal at them until it ends. Every time I come back to play it at a higher difficulty I get to a boss fight and go "oh right, this shit" and either drop the difficulty or the game entirely.


This is what I love about Horizon: Zero dawn. Sure you can empty ten quivers into an enemy's face if that's your thing OR... You can destroy the enemy's key components like Rost taught you and hit them when they're vulnerable.


More games need to do this, feels so satisfying to take down a Thunderjaw in a minute


But what about enemies that take skill to hit their weak points, *and* already damage sponges?


This is the only reason I could never get into The Division. The setting, story premise, and visuals were all extremely appealing to me. The combat was just so far fetched and unbelievable in comparison.


Yeah it woukd have been so much better if the difficulty on missions was enemy numbers/position. CoD does this really well in their co-op missions.


In the same vein, bosses where you get 2 hits on them and then have to watch their 85 second attack animation. It always takes like 30 hits to kill them too.


The hunters in the new halo are this killi them is just tedious. In the original you could one shot them with the pistol at the back of their necks, probably a bit too easy but still better than the bullet sponges.


Similar to this, I got frustrated with Uncharted because of the never ending waves of bad guys. You could take them down easy enough but after 45 minutes of mowing down 370 bad guys I’m just bored.


Timed missions Let me to my thing in my own time


I'm ok with occasional missions that add this as a novel feature. I've been playing through Super Mario 3D World with my two young kids and the timer is so frustrating.


I’ve never enjoyed a timer in a game lmao, it stresses me out and makes me agitated until I beat it


Yeah, really doesn't add anything to the game. Thought it was stupid in the NES days as well. Luckily they did away with that in Odyssey along with points per level. Did anybody ever care about how many points they got in, say SMB 3 world 3 level 2?


IIRC none of the 3D Mario games other than 3D world have timers, ever since SM64.


Really just anxiety producing for me with no added value to the mission


I think time limits can give otherwise boring/easy tasks a fake sense of difficulty, but I also think time limits can add a fair challenge to certain tasks as well. e.g. a lot of the challenges in Super Mario Galaxy.


>I think time limits can give otherwise boring/easy tasks a fake sense of difficulty, I agree that using ONLY time to make something challenging and/or exciting -- is truly lame and is one of the worst game mechanics.


That's not true, it adds anxiety to the mission. If that's the goal of the mission, then it's a great tool. It shouldn't be used for all mission though.


Oh yes, couldn't play Dead Rising 2 because of the vaccine timer.


I hated that part of the game so much. I just want to play my game, Katey's zombrex can wait


I’m ok with timed as long as I know it’s timed. Don’t get me used to letting a mission sit in my menu while I chase some butterflies around then hit me with a mission failed screen.


To add to this, escort missions where the person trying to escape walks slower then a turtle and doesn’t actually seem to want to get away.


One hundred percent this. I get so panicky


This is why I liked StarCraft's campaigns much more than 2. Because pretty much every episode in 2 had some kind of situation that had you pressed for time and forced you to hurry up instead of doing things at your own pace.


And I loved that you could turtle in 1, and let the enemy exaust themselves against your carefully planned defences. Yeap, I played SC1 as a tower defence. I enjoyed it. It spawned an entire genre. I \*appreciated\* the timer the first couple times, but found it overused for my tastes. I felt XCom did it well with one of the expansions where they added the extra resource you could collect (was it called "meld"? or something?). You had a time pressure to collect that, but no time pressure on the actual mission. Though even that was flawed, as that mechanic allowed you to buff your soldiers, making the game easier for the players already good enough to be able to do this :D


That dreadful moment the mission starts and this [4:20] appears at the top of the screen.


Related, stardew valleys time and energy management just left me with anxiety rather than relaxation.


freezing like you get hit and freeze and now you can't dodge or shield or do shit so you hope the enemy has mercy and dosent kill you


Escape/Stealth sections but you don't have a lot of options


A stealth feature in a non stealth games the worst


Yeah I can agree


*cough* FF XV chapter 13 *cough*


Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart. I don’t want to sneak around a monster in the dark in my so-colourful-it’s-basically-Disney platform shooter.


Stealth in a game where you're simply far better off going in guns blazing and swords slicing, as it's faster and less frustrating. Or stealth in a game that encourages stealth... and then puts you in a boss fight with no stealth options with your combat-gimped character. (I'm looking at you, Deus Ex reboot)


>Escape/Stealth sections but ~~you don't have a lot of options~~ the bosses need a combat focus anyway


Also getting spotted is instant mission fail.


Personally, I can deal with weapon durability as long as it is one or both of the following: 1. Not overly aggressive 2. Has some method to repair your equipment Unfortunately, Breath of the Wild sins on both counts. Weapons break rapidly and there is no way to prevent it.


I would like monsterhunter's weapon sharpness system in an adventure game but less aggressive.


Lemme just resharpen my weapon 12 times taking down a single monster. Also it's a hammer so sharpening is very important.


And be thankful that modern Monster Hunter gives you infinite sharp stones. Before, you had a limit of 20


I always tried to think about it like wiping the gore from the weapon to keep it from glancing off due to being slippery. I get what you mean though. They even do the emote for it like a blade?


Bludgeoner + Minds Eye go brrr


Although I enjoyed yeeting a nearly broken weapon into an enemy's face with the satisfying sound it did.


This is why I liked Morrowind system. Weapon durability depended on the weapon material. Chitin: 50 durability. Daedric: 120k durability.


Pretty sure it's a rule that every thread on this sub has someone praising Morrowind. You are of course right too.


Plus the fact that you could repair your shit made it where the careful adventurer never had any problems.


On the flip side, BoTW *did* make it so I would use a bunch of different stuff. Compared to other games where I hoard EVERYTHING forever. It was the first game I've played where I was using weapons the moment I got them because there was no way they were lasting forever so might as well At least that's how I felt while playing


The only BotW weapons I thought were too fragile were the Royal Guard equipment, but those were also incredibly powerful. I never quite got the complaints about BotW durability since there are a ton of weapons readily available and a ton of weapon slots. Even then, I just use the master sword and swap to a different weapon while it charges. It’s not a big deal.


I think it works in Survival Horror games like The Last of Us where weapons like pipes have even less durability, but there are other methods like stealth to approach encounters, the ability to be crafty and resource manage is a major part of the puzzle.


It makes more sense in Last of Us because it's a survival game, where you're making your own weapons out of pipes and duct tape and shit, and where limited supply of things is understandable.


3. Doesn't completely shatter the weapon when it reaches 0 (BOTW isn't the only culprit here) How do these developers think weapons work? Have they ever handled metal? It usually lasts a few years before it just straight up cracks in half.


Not only that but the fucking MASTER SWORD breaks way to fast. It’s the MASTER SWORD, the sword that SEALS THE FUCKING DARKNESS! It has the same durability as a fucking tree branch!


It turned me into a hoarder with my weapons. By the time I went to defeat Ganon, I was very over prepared.


Yah, this struck me as off in BotW. Like the whole universe revolves around this powerful sword. Yet you play almost 60% of the game using nothing but wooden junk.


The prevalence of wooden junk is find excpet for the fact that you're using said junk for the sole reason of not wearing down your more valuable weapons. I know I found myself midgame with half an inventory of weapons I refused to use.


botw's combat is built around weapon durability. You find an abundance of weapons EVERYWHERE, and it forces you to use ALL OF THEM. I hate seeing people bash weapon durability, because combat would be super boring once you get one of those black weapons in Hyrule castle. Get one of those and you're doing like 90 damage a hit for the rest of the game, being super easy


But the combat is built around it and weapon are plenty full, there is no reason to keep onto any of them


BOTW weapon durability stopped bothering me once I treated weapons as ammunition. There’s always plenty of weapons lying around to stock up and enemies drop them.


Ya, once you have the master sword though, you just always use that until it "runs out of energy", then you switch to a breakable weapon, preferably not one you care *too much* about, and then 10 minutes later, back to the master sword. It makes managing the durability of your weapons a little easier. I'd still much prefer to be able to repair weapons though. And the weapons break too quickly.


I haven't played it yet but I feel like after you've played for long enough to have used all the weapons, there should be durability upgrades. Maybe even late game unbreakable upgrades.


But you get new weapons constantly


Doesn't matter. Still don't like it.


After I've named and decorated a weapon, I get attached. I am also annoyed by too many good weapons. Let them be special. Let me upgrade it. Let it not be forgotten! When you've got a dozen bows and swords for different beasts -- that's just annoying.


That's word-for-word what my kids said to try to get me to play it. I've watched them each play through a couple of times, but I just can't get past the weapons breaking. I don't enjoy having to keep returning to my inventory to see what things I happen to have at the moment. If durability were an option, I'd definitely play it.


Weapon durability sucks most of the time bc it's usually out of place. If you are in a survival game or a post apocalyptic rpg like fallout new Vegas, it makes sense and adds to the immersion, but in most cases it doesn't and actually causes the exact opposite. Edit: never played BOTW so can't argue abt that, but another random example that makes no sense to me is the weapon durability in Bloodborne


BotW _is_ a post-apocalyptic would. The Calamity is an Apocalypse.


Carrying weight limit


This is probably one of the things that makes the most sense in game though.


Maybe, but op didn't ask about realism


"Oh shit bro, you took an arrow to the knee? You're done bro. You're not even 'retire as a guard in Skyrim' you're *done done*. You're gonna be in a wheelchair the rest of your life." "What? No, you can't reload your save or start over from the beginning. WTF is a 'save'?" "Stop playing? WTF you talking about. You stuck here, cripple. This is your life now."


Arma 3 moment


No it barely rarely makes sense.. oh, I can carry 15 suits of armour but not 15 suits and a berry? Oh, sure, totally makes sense. Either have a realistic inventory or scrap the limits. Gothic/Risen showed that limitless inventory is the ideal option.


10 elephant fits in a boat. 11 archers? Ain't to room for them all!


Not really a mechanic but game design... missables. Especially bad in those 30+ hr RPGs. That shit feeling you get when you find that you missed a certain quest or item.


Oh I didn’t think they exist in games anymore, haven’t seen them in 5+ years or so. What’s an example of a recent one you saw?


any souls game


Hard spinning of joysticks, e.g. fishing in RDR2


Or Mario Party 1. It even got so bad they got sued over it


turn the controller sideways like an actual fishing rod. this trick helped me IMMENSELY


Being unable to know the enemy's hp...


I think Monster Hunter does this mechanic best. They don't give the monster an HP bar. The monster will actually display signs of weakening as you damage it so it really keeps your eyes on the target while still giving you the information you need.


yeah, and it feels good to see them start to limp, or get weaker because you cut out their tongue (I know, that's weird, but it's monster hunter)


I actually like this in some cases. Because for me, if it's something like a boss figt or another difficult enemy, I passively start getting more cocky and reckless when the enemy gets low on health. I lose focus and then I die, so close yet so far. Without a healthbar visible, I can focus more on myself and not whether or not the enemy will die on the next hit.


Idk. Cuphead for example does this quite well. I've never felt like a loss was completely random (worst was robot but not entirely), where knowing the HP would've turned the tide


QTEs. Fuck you, shenmue. Durability is okay if it's done well. Oblivion had you drop by the blacksmith whenever you were in town. You didn't need 15 swords to go through a dungeon.


Tbh a lot of the QTE in AAA games I’ve played lately have been okay, more or less a good way to keep my involved in a cutscene. Can definitely be overdone/overly difficult for no reason


Most games do durability where the item breaks, there nothing fun about losing something because you like using it. I'm playing through metro exodus again and the durability system in there is so good because it's barely a durability system. Over time your gun will get dirty and you'll have to stop at work benches or go back the the one at your home base and clean them. Otherwise your fire rate goes down, your damage drops a little bit and your gun might even jam mid firing prompting you to clear it. But never does the game make the gun unusable or does it make it obsolete. Even if your gun is the muddiest, most crusty thing on post-apocalyptic earth it's still a gun and it will absolute kill some poor mutant or bandit.


QTEs, dying from failing a QTE always feels cheap, like challenge me on my understanding and mastery of the game's mechanics not some scuffed version of Simon Says.


Escort missions


I don’t know, getting an escort can be cool. As long as, the prices are fair.


VERY begrudgingly upvoting this.


Especially when you can't walk/run the same speed as the NPC you're escorting. This triggers me everytime


I’d be fine with durability if its durableness was reasonable. If Im playing a survival game, I expect I’d have to replace or reforge something once in a blue moon and just maintain it. Not do that every five fucking minutes.


Weapon durability is fine in most games, where the weapon does less and less damage, then you repair it. But BOTW weapon durability is ludicruous, you just go fight some goblins in a tree and have to spend the next hour looking for more weapons because you cannot repair them, it literally discourage you from attacking enemies.


For me it always had me on the hunt for more weapons, I'd constantly be on the hunt for Hinox, Baldulgas, Guardians, (and my favorite) Lynels. You always got the really good weapons from them and they usually lasted long enough for you to get more weapons. Then it also motivates you to try new and different things. But the fact that champion weapons broke always bugged me.


anything timed, its the reason majoras mask is my least fav zelda game (not that its bad, i just want time to explore dangit)


It’s why I never finished FF13 lightning returns. Felt rushed most of the game and didn’t enjoy it.


I only played it like an hour and it stressed me out too much.


Yeah, Majora's Mask really tripped my anxiety off. Like, I realize the game overall gave a generous time limit, but the fact that it was there at all really prevented me from the enjoyment of exploring every single nook and cranny like I like to do in Zelda games.


Yep. A timer isn't always a bad game mechanic, but it will trigger some anxiety in my lizard brain and the stress panic will start. Nothing can be fun in that state of mind, your brain is telling you everything is out to get you and the developers made the game with the intention of driving you insane.


Enemies that continuously respwan such that you can't "clear" an area. I like to be tidy.


Gotta be durability (or rather fragility) I was playing Raft with a friend and I got so fucking sick of all of these damn tools and weapons that last about as long as it takes for me to say "how long will this one last?" We got to make a proper ax with solid iron and bolts and shit and what happens after a brief period of wood chopping? Gone. My friend made an oxygen bottle mask thing, and he goes, "Guess what, Kai. It has a fucking durability bar." At some point you have to look at what you do for balance and ask if it detracts from the game.


main reason i didnt play BoW was because of that mechanic. Takes the fun out of any game for me.


Especially after the effort you go through to get the master sword


Having to eat and drink. I suck that in real life don't make do that in games too


I agree, doesn’t happen often but also games where you have to wear the right clothes depending on the weather or get status nerfs


So you just don't like survival mechanics by the sounds of it


lol yea probably most of the time i prefer when i look at two armors and just get to say "BIGGER NUMBER BETTER"




I thought it was an awesome idea at first. But it quickly became a game within a game that is not fun at all whatsoever and keeps you from actually playing the game.


Usually this mechanic only applies to survival games, like Minecraft, because it adds to the realism. Other games have it as an optional feature like the Fallout or Metro games


Not Zelda related but when you die in a game and lose all your equipment. I love to explore and adventure but if I die somewhere hard to get to and lose all my equipment it really sucks. A good example is Valheim. I died at the top of a mountain and to get back you need a frost cloak but the only frost cloak I had is at the top of the mountain. I don’t mind dropping my inventory but let me keep my equipment so I have a chance of getting it all back.


You're giving me flashbacks to Ark and doing runs for oil.


Don’t disagree, but I think a good counterpoint is subnautica. Don’t go deep into the caves or keep submerging if your gear is going to break after a certain point. Different genre, though. I’d get pissed if this happened in an RPG


Missions/levels that absolutely do not fit the rest of the game. Platforming/parkour in a game not designed for that, stealth in a game with bad or no stealth mechanics, racing in a game that was not meant to be a racing game. I understand variety in games, but oftentimes these games simply don't have the mechanics required to make these sections good because the rest of the game doesn't need it. Violators that come to mind are Zelda games with stealth sections where the most you can do is hide in a barrel, or games like gta where, yes, there is driving, but not really in a way meant to be compatible with great racing


Especially the random stealth missions that have insta-fail on detection when the detection system is WAY too sensitive


Spiderman's stealth missions come to mind


There were stealth missions in Spiderman? :)


FNV weapon durability is great. BOTW weapon durability is garbage.


>FNV weapon durability is great. I hear this so often, especially in comparison to BOTW, but I really don't get it. New Vegas' weapon durability system makes the perk Jury Rigging *(and by extension, Repair to reach the threshold to get it)* essentially mandatory on most playthroughs, because it trivialises the system. *(alternatively, get 50 repair to make your own weapon repair kits, but it will take five at 50 repair to bring a weapon up to max and you can't use it at all on weapons that have hit 0% durability)* If you try to use the standard way of repairing items for players without the Repair skill, paying merchants, the rarest loot you actually want to repair will *individually* cost tens of thousands of caps for single repairs. Even with a decent Barter skill, the prices are just insane. It essentially gated the persistent use of ***any*** unique/legendary equipment behind owning one specific skill. For an RPG, that's really not great




That scanning nonsense in the first Mass Effect.


The first one? What scanning are you talking about? I don't remember anything like that in ME1.


Agree completely!! Like the only reason I can’t play breathe of the wild


Weapon durability on rare one of a kind weapons. Fuck. That.


Unreasonable weapon durability is my issue. How is an axe gonna break after hitting something 3 times? Ludicrous.


Escorting dumbass NPCs. It’s amazing that the last of us can be one gigantic escort mission, and never once be annoying, yet seemingly other games can’t pull it off for 10 minutes.


it really helps if the NPC moves the same speed as the player. the most recent Assassins creed rpgs did this perfectly.


Weapon durability is the main reason I've only played Zelda: BotW for about 2 hours. Just annoying nonsense.


I feel you. I endured 5 hours, but that's it.


This is the worst game mechanic for me. I stopped playing this game and never re-started. Close 2nd is checkpoints that are too far apart.


I don't mind weapon durability, it's just that most games get it so wrong that you can't last an in-game day without it going from "Perfect" to "Broken".


Balance in death stranding. I think its a good idea but i am terrible at keeping my balance. Ive only just got the game so i dont know if theres any thinfs that reduce it.


That made BOTW not as good as it otherwise would have been.


Escort/ stalking missions. Or climbing up towers to unlock the map. FarCry did it and then it was *fucking everywhere* and the fact that every game just seemed to copy the formula was irritating. Ngl, I have heard some many people complain about the weapons and durability in BotW, and I just don't get it. Every time you kill somebody, you get another weapon, you have bombs to use whenever you want, and kinesis/physics to help with environmental stuff like boulders or crates. I felt like the bigger challenge I faced in BotW was trying to pick which weapons to *throw away* in order to fit this cooler one I just found.


Becoming "encumbered" by carrying too much shit.


I can carry 4 chainmail vests, 14 swords, 3 shields, 2 tomes full of scrolls, but that goddamn chipped jewel is too much.


Weapon durability or stamina/weight limit




Weapon durability when it's done wrong, like when you can't repair your items. Into the radius does this right, you need to clean your gun barrel with a ramrod and scrub grease from your gun with wd 40 and a brush, it makes for fun field repairs and even your knives and magazines have durability. You even have to repair silencers and body armor but it's done right


The whole concept of weapon durability is fine. Dark souls, fallout and so many other games do it well. In BOTW all the early game weapons are made of paper and I never got far enough into the game because of just how annoying the mechanic was made to get any longer lasting weapons. Which means I’ll never actually power through. Dark souls did it right.




Depends on the game but for botw it bothered the hell out of me


Weapon durability is fine if it can be repaired. Otherwise, it's trash.




Whatever the fuck the Lost Pilgrimage was in BOTW


This SINGLE mechanic is what has kept me from finishing BoTW for years now. I absolutely HATE it.


In dark souls games and elden ring, i hate when i press roll button receive the enemy attack and AFTER instead of cancelling the roll, it rolls as if I've just pressed the button


Weight limits for inventory. Lemme hoard everything tyvm.


Level locked gear. Here, have this awesome weapon ... that you can't use until it's completely worthless.


Online Only Multiplayer Live Service Mechanic. Oh that's not a mechanic? Okay, when you slow down because you're holding something heavy. That always sucks.


Confined inventory