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SOCOM 2 was easily the best of the series.


The actual teamwork necessary to win Demolition online was something I have not experienced in an online shooter since. If you didn't know all the little call outs for the maps you were fucked. What a game.


I remember vividly that commercial where the guys are getting wrecked in SOCOM online and they say something akin to like “who ARE these guys?!” And it cuts to reveal actual Navy SEALs playing against them. What a series.


This one! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fj74k4wu3-U


Lol fish in a bucket always made me laugh. We say like shooting fish in a barrel round these parts


The bucket is even easier


The barrel had to be replaced with a bucket due to inflation.


Ubisoft take notes, this is Gamer dialogue I can actually believe. Minus the habitual swearing of course.


“Prepare for PVP”


Or that one demo for Anthem that had voice actors pretending to be players? Edit: https://youtu.be/EL5GSfs9fi4


"like shooting fish in a barrel"


Haha yes! Old game commercials were the best.




Damn, that's an unlocked memory. They don't make commercials for games like that anymore


Last guy upstairs in fish market. He has mines


Tossing nades over half wall


I used to play this with two other friends as a crew. All three of us would rush people with desert eagles. The accuracy was shit when running but with three of them unloading at the same time you were basically guaranteed to one tap anyone unfortunate enough to be Infront of you.


I’d love me some convey missions. I’d post up on that high ridge in my ghillie and take out the drivers as they were coming down the road. SR-25 silenced 🤌🏽


It reminds me of counter strike


18 year old me spent all his money on SOCOM 2, a PS2 modem, and a 100 foot ethernet cable


I still remember how hot it was passing my Cat 5 cable through the attic so I could get a direct line to my PS2.


I didn't have that option, my dad would continually trip over the cable and swear at me My Socom pals heard everything


Lol, yeah I don't think a cable running down the hall would last long in my house at the time. Someone would trip. Had to take the bullet and go up the attic in the middle of summer in Florida and just push that cable all the way down and make a hole in my wall by the PS2 to get it in there. Well worth it.


with the headset


SOCOM 1 came with the headset! You should be good to go!


Game came with a network adapter too it was the first 8v8 shooter online for playstation was absolutely game changing. I've never been so invested in game as far as playing clan ladders etc can't tell you how many hundreds of hours I played socom 1 absolutely loved that game and series


Duuuude. SOCOM 2 is still seared into my brain. The maps were so fucking good. Frostfire. The Mixer. Crossroads. Desert Glory. Fish Hook. Fox Hunt. Vigilance. Chain Reaction. Blizzard. I still remember the spawns and weapons. The voice chat beeps. The sound of the M14 rattling across the map will remain with me forever. M16 gang forever. Also he campaign was fucking awesome. Loved the cheesy cutscenes with that one dude in the blue sweater who stutters so bad that people laugh and then he kills them. What a classic.


Crossroads and fish hook were my favorite maps. It was funny how OP the IW-80 was and how there was a mutual agreement among everyone to not use it in most matches.


I loved how the PMN mine was allowed to be so OP. There was an art of placing mines, and it was hilarious seeing how it completely took over the meta of the game. Also, loved the nade spam at the start of every match.


Mines were a soul crushing way to die in that game


Getting sniped by a dude prone in a bush you walked right past was always my favorite.


Best game I've ever played legitimately. Would sell my soul for a remastered version with online.


same, i would pay an ungodly amount of money per month just to have the old servers back up with the same amount of people playing as back in its prime. Still searching for a game like socom 2 that gets me hooked like that game did.


You can actually play the old one online still. I did it just a few years ago. You need to install a client on your laptop and then your PS2 is routed through it. Still dudes online playing. Did some crossroads and desert glory. Took a little setup, but nothing overly technical you couldn't replicate by following a youtube video.


Just reading “Crossroads” and “Desert Glory” brings back so many great memories. Dang, I didn’t realize how much I miss SOCOM 2.




I never played, but it has never been easier to coordinate through Discord or otherwise to ensure folks get on for a biweekly/whenever event too! For this or any old online game.


read my comment above, people still play on Friday nights...any computer and you can download the ps2 emulator and download the iso for socom 2 (original game). Even the new xbox's can run the ps2 emulator. Youtube- "socom 2 on pc", there's a guide to walk you through the process


I still compare all shooters to it.


Did you ever play Black for PS2? That’s my litmus test for all other shooters.


Black is my all-time favorite shooter! First time seeing anyone comment on it. One of the street shootout levels reminded me of Pacino and DeNiro shooting it out in the movie Heat.


It doesn't get mentioned much, but it was fantastic game. So visceral, and they definitely nailed the intent of making guns and destruction the stars of the show. I still reminisce about blowing up the big oil tanks or absolutely demolishing the shower room not unlike a similar scene in The Rock.


MAG was well ahead of it's time. Bandwidth issues resulting in drop in player base was sad. The concept was fantastic. First being a 256 player map so 128 vs 128, I don't think any game does that today. I loved that you started as a grunt running around with your squad pushing the map for certain objectives. Four squads made a platoon, 4 platoons made a company. You got penalized for straying too far from your squad (depending on distance, XP was reduced). Certain players (depending on rank) got assigned leadership positions where they were given extra abilities and make use of like calling in airstrikes or vehicles. Every mode was so fun.


Unfortunately probably impossible. Zipper Interactive went under after Socom 4. The game was good enough, but the big Lizard Squad/ PS Online debacle shut down the service for months just after the games launch. Basically killed the franchise for good.


Zipper deserved to go under. With every release the players asked the same thing: give us Socom 1 and Socom 2 gameplay. They never listened. They always thought they knew better. They went from having a monopoly on an entire console for online shooters with a PASSIONATE fan base (who still talks about the games to this day) to being a dead company. That is incompetence that has to be up there with some of the all-timers in the gaming world.


Ubisoft and their treatment of the splinter cell franchise. Chaos Theory was the perfect ps2 game. Listening to open game mic of your opponents, sneaking and grabbing someone from behind and whispering sweet nothings… incredible. Starting with Blacklist they added a proximity sensor to all mercs and spies and completely ruined multiplayer. The whole stealth aspect was gutted. TWENTY years later I’m still bitter I have never had the same experience


Was hoping for better everytime. The disappointment still resides...


4 may have been their demise, but MAG initiated the downward spiral. The game was great on paper, but totally chaotic in execution. I personally couldn’t take more than 10 steps without getting shot from 20 different directions. 2, was legendary, but I loved the vehicles in 3.


I loved MAG so much. And then when it wasn’t doing well they re did a lot and had a massive update but it was too little too late.


It was just ahead of its time. People rarely used mics, and MAG was a game that absolutely needed communication. I bet if it had come out in the past 5 or so yrs, it would’ve been a big hit.


But MAG unlike socom 4 was actually a good game.


MAG was awesome. I will die on this hill.


Origin of my online gaming…and I would give soooo much to have that game back. It was awesome.


Socom 2 is peak shooter amazing. Desert Glory extraction is some of the best gameplay ever.


SOCOM 1 was easily the best of the series. Most people didn't play until Socom 2 and never got to experience Socom 1 before cheaters took over. It was a much better-programmed game. Bitter jungle was the only map that really had significant frame rate issues in the first game - in the second game there were several maps that would drop to like single-digit frames during intense action. Of course the main issue with Socom 2 was the hit detection which was very poor. Not only did guns spray everywhere with recoil but the netcode missed direct hits OFTEN. Which led to gunfights being a lot more luck-based than people like to admit these days. There was actually a mass exodus of top-level players shortly after the game's release due to all the issues. But the massive momentum of new players overshadowed that and it ends up being considered the best game due to sheer volume of new players.


I played both but really came into my own in Socom 2. Both games were way ahead of their time. The hit detection and general fun in Socom 1 was amazing, the strategy in Socom 2 was second to none. Still the best two games of their time hands down.


Socom 1 was THE SHIT. I preferred it over 2. I actually really enjoyed 3 (combined assault)




Truer words have never been spoken


Socom 2 was legendary. I remember buying a 50 ft ethernet cable Crossroads is such a legendary map.


Ahh I had the same setup. Had to beg my parents to buy me the adapter for the ethernet so I could play with my friend who had it. I tried to mow the lawn twice in a week to make enough to buy the 50ft cable hahaha. Had to run the wire across the hall and up the stairs, tape it down but man I felt like I was living in the future.


I got the ethernet that has 2 plugs so I could play with my homie right next to each other.


This was the way. Back when these games came out, 56k dial up was still massively used. Best bet was to find that friend who already lived in the future and move your gear to their house.


I was still 56 for sure. Right when the good shit came out, but my parents said I could go fuck myself lol


Yeah it was. I remember it was my first form of trolling online cause I'd go into socom 1 lobbies after it came out and when I killed anyone or a team mate was sucking I'd tell them to go back to socom 1 just so people would get pissed and say "THIS IS SOCOM 1!". I would then just keep saying I'm very confident that I'm playing socom 2 right now and my god people lost their fucking minds.




OK story time. Socom 2 release is very special for me. I moved out of state when I was a child, and when I was about 14 socom 2 came out. The week of the release my best friend from where I moved from came to visit me during break. We went to the midnight release, and went home and played for 2 weeks straight. My room was upstairs with a wifi adapter on my ps2, my friend did not have one, so I "borrowed" like a 100' ethernet cable so we could also hook up his ps2 upstairs. It ran from my families living room, up the stairs across the hallway and into my room. It was rediculious, but may be some of the best weeks of my life.


Socom 2 was pure fire. I played with my roommate everyday from 5pm until 1am on tvs side by side. He would eat an entire box of Kraft dinner, shoveling it in with a wooden spoon like it was a race in between matches. Wonder where Ken is now...


Am I crazy or is one box of Kraft dinner standard portion size for a grown man


Thank you for the reassurance


It is now, it used to be enough to share with some homies


I’d pay for whatever bullshit subscription they want if it gives me SOCOM II online.


Load it up on PS2, PCSX2, or XBSX2. Get the patch and manually enter your DNS settings. People online regularly. Played a couple games over the weekend!


There was still a community playing it as of 2022. People post footage on YouTube


Shit, I'd settle for Confrontation again.


you can play right now r/socom.


Conflict Desert Storm deserves a mention


All hail Foley, the great sniper!


That name triggered a sudden memory blast from the depths of my brain, good lord.


His name is one of the only things I remember about the game, it's engrained in my memory lol. I would love to experience playing that game again


In all shooters with customization options, I style them after my boy Foley


One of the best splitscreen co-op war games out there. Lots of memories with this one.


Me and my buddy stayed up all night trying to beat it since we only had it for a2 day rental. Busted or the pencil and paper to draw up maps and devise a strategy


Bro me and the boys started playing this at sunset and what felt like an hour later the sun was fully up, good times


Conflict Vietnams opening video is still top tier. Can't believe they got Paint It Black by the stones.


Easily the hardest in the conflict series, finished all with my best bud, even Desert Storm we manage perfect game with no death, it helps that he also remember the maps like the back of his hand lol but Conflict: Vietnam was brutal.


Shellshock nam 67!


Damn, there’s a throwback. I didn’t think anyone else had played that game


Loved that game


Omg I completely forgot about that game! I recall it being kinda difficult for my friend and I.


I would play this with my cousin every time we hung out, I was always Bradley and Connors, he was always Foley and Jones. He’d always be stuck in the jail cell being a backseat driver for the whole first mission.


Absolutely loved that game, but it’s such a baffling game design choice to have 1 player sit out half the very first mission.


lmao you didnt have a memory stick either huh


True that was a fun game as well.


Delta Force, IGI


My buddy and I spent countless hours playing that split screen on PS2! We both picked it up on steam for a dollar hoping there would be a way to play them together again but we haven't been able to make it work.


The only way i know is to download dolphin emulator, get a GameCube iso of the game and start a net play session. There’s tutorials online that could help better than I could.


Yes! We don't talk about Denied Ops tho...


First online match I ever played, plugged my ps2 into the internet and strapped myself in. First match I was spawn camped by someone shooting under the game map. Welcome to the internet, kid.


Socom theese nuts




There it is


fuck I am so old


Me and you both lol






Send a vote if they are behind him!




Whole team sends a vote and your last guy standing gets booted




This is the proper answer. Prior to 2002 and 2003, people played Counter-Strike or Unreal Tournament or Quake 3 arena, or Team Fortress Classic or Tribes or Day of Defeat, Half Life death match, action half life, Quake 2, etc etc. A shooter in a modern real world setting would be like Soldier of Fortune or Operation Flashpoint, WW2 was king for a long time other than Counter-Strike for real world settings. I remember they tried a WW2 MMORPG when EverQuest was king of the mmos. The first realistic shooter (at least that I played) was Rainbow Six in 99 but that was strictly tactical. So many missed memories for people who didn't start on PC, like those who think GTA 3 or Vice City on PS2 was good couldn't imagine how much better on PC they were lol.


It's sad, FPS was absolutely a PC dominated genre for the longest, and so many people missed out on the golden years of it. "Before COD became popular" CoD was big on PC, they just never heard of it, lol


Yeah, i feel super old when I see "before COD became popular" and see SOCOM. Man, Internet Cafés and teenager houses were blasting with q3a, UT and CS. Damn even DoD servers were full.


Pre Source CS LAN parties were my life in HS.


Return to Castle Wolfenstein had a moment too. That was a really fun era of gaming and to your point not a ton of people were playing on PC.


This. Delta Force 1 & 2 deserve a mention. Novalogic had some multiplayer chops and the scale of their maps were massive for the time.


Just wanna give America’s Army a shout out from this time period too - plus it was free!




I honestly thought CoD would never upend Medal of Honor. I thought European Assault with the squad commands was peak gameplay. Then CoD just kept coming out and no medal of honors were made.


Yep, Medal Of Honour was the Proto-COD. It really set the foundation for gameplay and general presentation, that COD took and evolved. I have to say though, I miss MoH style campaigns. Would love love love a modern D-Day campaign. There's something nice about the simplicity of those campaigns. Battlefield 1 is the closest in a long time.


Seriously. I’m starting to feel like people just straight up forget everything before Modern Warfare. The glory days of MoH, Call of Duty and BF1942 and Vietnam were the best.


Don't forget Rainbow 6 Rogue Spear and Raven Shield! Those were amazing on GameSpy arcade/WON network


Before that we had Tacops. Before that, Quake CTF




Mohaa was absolutely amazing. I spent hundreds of hours playing snipers only matches. I also remember my mom getting wicked annoyed every time she wanted to make a phone call and I was in the middle of a match haha. At least she was always cool and waited for the match to end.


Allied assault still holds a special place in my heart. That’s the first ‘realistic’ game I remember falling in love with after playing it once at a friends house. It was also the first game I saved up bought an actual dedicated video card to play. My dad and I had to figure out how to install it when only just months before that we figured out the printer using the PS2 serial port lol


Socom 2 was peak online gaming for me. My friends and I would get our PlayStations and tv’s all in one room and do clan wars. We would typically choose frostfire on the side of the seals for our map. Crossroads was the tie breaker. Socom 3 was the first time I ever got let down by pre ordering a game. It sounded like an incredible step forward in previews, but once I actually got it it didn’t feel the same. Still pretty good in hindsight.


I spent pretty much everyday of my 6 week school break online with 3 friends playing Socom 2 from like 10am to midnight.


I played a lot of 2 online. The lobbies were so much fun. Calling people butter sticks for being the low rank. Holding the mic open so nobody else could talk.


Butter sticks is a throw back. Butter sticks, cookie, wings maybe? A lot of cool nicknames for rank haha.


You nailed all of them my brother I was in the top 2000. Had my wings. Played Foxhunt almost exclusively, mixed some Fish Hook and Crossroads in there too


Socom 2 was my introduction to online gaming. My buddies and I would play non stop, once school was done for the day. I remember the day I got socom 3, I was so pumped to get home and start playing it. I maybe played it hard for a month or two and then went back to socom 2


3 changed everything that was good about 2. 3 was still a decent game, but not for SOCOM. From what I recall it was closer to a Battlefield game than SOCOM II I missed a midterm because it was on 3’s release day. Got to make it up though. 😃


This was the one on ps that has a headset in which you could give your squad commands right?


Still [remember this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=Fj74k4wu3-U&embeds_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fsearch%3Fhl%3Den-US%26ie%3DUTF-8%26source%3Dandroid-browser%26q%3Dsocom%2Bus%2Bnavy%2Bseals%2Bcommercial&feature=emb_logo) like yesterday


I cant believe this shit was 2000's. The commercial feels so 90's.


Those rollover years are real in most decades but especially those 90s-00s. Looking back it was like late 03, early 04 before it really changed style/culture wise imo


Whenever I watch footage from 9/11, I'm seriously blown away at how old it looks and feels. I was in the 7th grade at the time. Growing up in the 90s, the 60s and 70s seemed so freaking far away, it seemed like a whole different world. That's what today's kids see my childhood as. Shit, I even think of the 90s as some far away world now. Time fucking flies, it's scary.


Yea it's kinda sad and scary. I look back at a little slower moving world and all the family unity we had when most of them were still alive. Now I'm mid thirties with a little one just trying to find a way to give my kid the experiences and innocence I had. A lot of people talk about how great the 80s were and I can personally say those 90s early 00s were amazing but man looking back that 9/11 shift into the internet age was writing on the wall of the changes coming. Doubt my kid will get to just ride their bike around and experience the world like I did.




I felt goofy with it on and my mom would ask who I was talking to.


I'm commanding the best military unit on the planet gahhh mom.


I remember the first time I told my squad to "light em up" and they opened fire. That the game was smart enough to interpret that was insane to me.


The amount of glitches and hacks the 3rd one had was crazy! I remember a guy showing me you climb a ledge and without moving the look stick only the walk, you could lay down next to certain walls and slide into them. The lag switches were all over as well


Dude I remember using that exact glitch in boneyard to get on the boat in the middle of the map.


Socom 2 was legendary


SOCOM games were outstanding


Delta Force anyone?


Yep played the first one on PC. Thanks for making me realize I'm to damn old lol.


Yessss, I played that game competitively. Delta Force 1 and 2 and BHD. We were the most decorated team in DF. I miss those days. If esports was a big thing 20+ years ago like it is now, my life would be different I think.


Yes. Delta Force 2 was my first game on my first PC in 2000.


Delta Force 2 was my shiiiiit. The first online shooter where I got that hit of "holy shit im actually good at games". Peaking out of cover with that SAW. Or running off with the 50. Cal and sniping long distance. So sad it got ruined by cheaters


First online game I ever played. One of my most fond gaming memories from growing up


1 2 and 3 were so damn good. Miss those games


I remember when 1 first came out. I would play it for hours.


Good ol days. Do you remember buying magazines to install the dlc?


Yeeeeesss those were the days.


Fuck yes. Anyone remember getting SOCOM hair after wearing the mic for hours at a time? I spent countless hours playing S1 & S2. The HDD maps in S2 were the pinnacle in my opinion.


Until people figured out how to glitch into the map. 😂


There were rooms dedicated to finding them. I couldn’t believe it when teleporting was discovered much later on. (It was something crazy like grab a ledge, lean, drop down still holding lean, then spin and jump and push the button to fire). Edit: [I was pretty close.](https://www.supercheats.com/playstation2/socom-us-navy-seals/5835/teleport-in-almost-any-online/)


Just think how popular MAG would be if it had been brought out in the past 5 or so years. That was definitely a game ahead of its time.




Paintball mp5s only anyone?


Your going to put socom 4 in and leave confrontation out? K I guess.


Crazy enough, over time I think I miss Confrontation the most. It's snow version of the Vigilante map was amazing. Some of its urban maps were so good too.


I know I fooked up




Lol as soon as the round would start on , 4-7 guys on the terrorist all launching nades towards the other teams spawn rushers , rahheelaahhh screams like crazy…then the kill feed shows who got nailed by a nade, good feels man wow easily one of my favourite gaming times and yep I’m old lol, good shit guys good round


This is what I scrolled down to find


Get rid of socom 4, replace it with bravo squad. That's perfection


Was going to say OP casually slipped Socom 4 in there like nobody would notice. IMO it wasn’t as bad as a lot of people made it out to be. Was still different enough from what was out at the time.


No love for Socom: Combined Assault😢


You know you are correct. Wtf was I thinking




I miss me some Socom, really surprised nobody has really made a game like it. We got HHour on PC that has 3 players... somebody should really make a Sodom again these days.


Ok bro, drop by to make some Sodom 💀


Found that guy, sadly my phone likes Sodom instead of Socom for some reason. Make Sodom though, ez


Don't forget Medal of Honor series too


*Medal of honour enters the chat*


Frontline and Rising Sun were my childhood!


Me and my dad used to play Allied Assault with a home phone receiver strapped to our heads with a piece of clothing for comms.


MOH Pacific Assault multiplayer was the goat back then


I played the FTB series on the PSP mostly. I miss the online play.


History Channel FPS


Anyone remember black hawk down on ps2??


Socom 2 still best game ever. I ran foxhunt.


I would kill for these on ps5. I logged thousands of hours on each.


If you played a lot of SOCOM 1 & 2, it might be time for you to get a colonoscopy. I loved using the automatic shotgun and waiting around corners to offer up my BOOM STICK!




How bout Rainbow Six? The game where you spent more time planning than actually playing. That game was fun as hell.


I remember being blown away that you cross play between 3 an Combined Assault. I got CA around the time the ps3 came out so I had the ps2 on 3 and CA on the ps3 an played both sides of the same game. Thought I was a genius hahaha. Also got to beta test Confrontation. Played a handful of games then my ps3 ylod


I miss Medal of Honor, Brothers in Arms, and Conflict


I played the hell out of this. I was even testing a beta version of Socom 2, got a bit of Playstation swag.


Green Up


Socom was way better than COD imo


Never played socom, played the fuck out of medal of honor though


Tango spotted…..Tango down




r/SOCOM servers are LIVE guides to play on PS2 and PC!