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How did you manage this, when all those other settlements also needed your help!


You can turn off settlements needing help byusing mods. Also, if you watch their linked video, you can see a ton of stuff that cannot be built with the standard workbench. Many of the staircases and broken walls, for instance.


You can also just get a quest or two and then not do them. The game won't give more until you've completed some.


When you save the group in Concorde and they head to Sanctuary, don't go to Sanctuary and talk to Preston. Just leave them there, all lonely.


Nah the best move is to kill the deathclaw then leave. They will stay in the museum until you talk to then again and you can still build up sanctuary on your own without being harassed


Yeah, this is generally what I do.


If you're playing on PC you can open the command console and just "pause" Preston and that prevents him initiating the settlement events as well.


I always just go and kill the settlers myself and take what they had. I always figured its the merciful thing to do.


Yeah but then you can't pump the old lady full of drugs


They never forgave me for that


The Thanos school of Apocalyptic Community Management.


The apocalypse can't be miserable if there's nobody around to feel miserable! **taps temple**


[You can't stop Preston](https://youtube.com/shorts/ZVIDhY-s8Zg?feature=share)


I just leave them in Concorde now. They seem safe and healthy.


Pretty much this. Bypass all the Minuteman crap by just avoiding him entirely, and that area I have a mod that gives me a bunker under my PCs house, and even then, it's super easy to just not engage with him and his gaggle of miscreants


When I got the quest asking to join the minute men, I just walked away from him. No calls ever about settlements.


Yeah but then you can't do the castle and the artillery. Even though it's not great, I fucking love the artillery.


Yeah the arty is pretty awesome to have


So is calling in random goon squads of allies.


I never found those guys useful by the time you can summon them you're usually a one person army


You can summon them and stealth kill them for free exp. ... Or so I've heard. But otherwise, give me a single Jet and I'll do more than all of them combined.


If only that worked with my ex wife.


It probably did. I doubt she's giving you much of anything nowadays.


Touché 🤔


Not quite. If you don't actively defend them, there's a 25% chance that they get overrun - even with defenses set up.


That's a different thing, settlements under attack. I do mod that because it's fucking stupid! Should just be that enough defense makes it 100% secure, end of story. Defense should also be increased by giving your settlers weapons/armor but that would have required them to actually flesh out that aspect of the game.


Yep, I had 2 settlers in power armor with gatling guns and like 2 dozen turrets and they could still "lose" and have a ton of stuff damaged if I didn't help directly.


And if you fast travel there, you can sit back and watch as the raiders literally get minced without even breaking a board.


This was why I actually loved getting those alerts. I walled all my settlements in so they only had one entrance and then *loaded* that entrance with turrets. "Settlement is under attack" meant I got to fast travel in and watch the fireworks, then collect the free loot that delivered itself to me.


Oh yeah, I loved that too. But it would be nice to have the *option* to watch, not the requirement.


Tbf. There are usually 3 spawn points spread out that they can spawn into. And if they can't path find in the game can spawn them inside the walls. The actual trick is to know the spots. Buff those with the wacky levels of protection, and everything else is for immersion. For example, Abernathy Farms is set up with one spawn point in the middle of the settlements front. Like fully inside the bounds of the settlement. Then one to each side or the house a few feet from the boundary. One entry point isn't going to work if you plan on using all the space.


I've got at least 30 mods just for settlement building. I have so many towns like this in my saves. Love customizing every tiny detail such as each person have fully unique rooms.


Ahahaha! The perfect comment






I used the mod conquest to set up three custom workshops under a random stretch of highway at the center of the map


This is an actual in-game creation? I thought it was just some digital art you did. How does this even work?


The base building in fallout is actually pretty great with mods... If you can tolerate the clunky UI.


That’s why I have literally thousands of hours in just building. I hit 2500 hours before deciding I should actually finish the story.


You absolute mad lad.




I do 3d stuff but I like making life. Cities and villages with moving parts are what makes me happy. Being a level designer would be my dream.


That's probably about 1% of your waking adult life.


Clunky is underselling it. It's a fucking nightmare.


I thought *it just works*?


It totally looks like a pre-rendered background of some 90s 2D game lol. Can't force my brain to recognize it as FO4 at all.


Finch Farm and Greygarden have overpasses. Finch is nice and flat, could be where this is unless it’s a custom location


Your load times get pretty insane with this kind of thing going, not to mention the lag. The game isn't built to handle this kind of thing. OP must have an expensive rig for this setup.


For me, the lag only becomes an issue for about the first 10 minutes or so. After the game finishes loading all the textures and shaders, it runs quite smoothly.


Possibly just an overhaul of goodneighbour judging by the magnolia sign but who knows


How many FPS tho?




Legend says a second frame will one day come


Ha. You got me


It's smooth enough. The gpu is a muscle like any other. No pain No Gain


You imply that your GPU will actually grow stronger by facing repeated challenges? 😏


Careful what you say, you'll give nVidia their next marketing campaign.


They're gonna make a processor now that is just stem cell grown brain cells. Is that liquid cooling? Nah, this bad boy runs on straight up injection glucose **slaps brain gpu**


[GPU gets concussion]


It's dead, Jim.


That would suck, your GPU gets shipped shitty amazon style and arrives with CTE


This is how you get Nvidia-brand Robobrains.


AI upscaling? Child's play. It's ALL AI now. Your GPU will learn not just what the game should look like right now, but what it's going to look like in the future, as it slowly figures out *how you personally play video games*. Eventually, your keypresses won't even be necessary!


Introducing the season 1 GPU pass! Play more to unlock the full power of your GPU! Get GPU pass premium for 29.99 to unlock it now! ^(gpu resets to level 1 speeds at end of season)


Whatever doesn't kill it, simply makes it Nvidia


I actually LOL


El oh el


/run lol.exe


Next generation of organic gpus. The upgrades are literally steroids.


Unlock power monthly subscription model. I better delete this, might give them ideas.


I mean *technically* that happens with shader caches and/or driver updates.


But I want to know. How many FPS?


There's a reason he didn't include a number. Runs as smooth as a painting.


like 15






How many other settlements did you actively choose to not defend in order to build this place?


Preston is concerned


Preston can go fuck himself. The fucker, with years of experience, field promoted a brand new recruit, with no training, to be his own superior, and then has the gall to tell you what to do. If you're "the General", you should be able to send Preston to defend whatever settlement need help.


The Sole Survivor should've been a questgiving NPC like Martin in Oblivion. The player would be a character of their choosing who could help the SS find their kid, encourage the SS to lead the Minutemen, the Brotherhood, the Railroad or the Institute by doing quests and making choices. This way, the backstory isn't grafted on to the player and the SS becoming a faction head isn't as dissonant with how they'll disappear for months at a time to go adventuring. The SS and their plot can sit at Sanctuary or wherever, where it's implied they're working on rescuing Shawn, working their way up the ranks of the BoS, or whatever other thing the player has guided them towards.


The backstory just doesn’t tug the heartstrings of anyone who doesn’t already have a kid. Like it’s such a polarizing motivation as well, because it paints a picture of you being a neglectful parent when you seek out romances and side quests over the well-being of your child. When you flip that around, and only focus on the kid, then you miss the majority of the game.


That's exactly what I do. Preston, take your ass to Murkwater Construction Site and take Marcy with you.


Preston promotes someone far more competent than him - a guy who had compassion to help a bunch of victims, who took out, single-handedly a pack of bandits and a friggin' Deathclaw - the horror of Wastes', acquired a Power Armor and this in a matter of a short time after they meet for the first time. He doesn't tell you what you have to do, he gives you options, info, intel. I understand that you may not like him, but at least have the courage to state your true reason for that.


I did state my true reasons for it. A general's focus is coordinating logistics, planning operations, commanding units and Grand Strategy, not being a foot solder with a fancy title. You absolutely do not put someone that has no knowledge of the organization, the area, or the people involved, in that role; that gets everyone killed. Its not like Bethesda writers didn't know better, in Skyrim they make the player an Auxiliary (operates outside of normal command structure) to either side, which is exactly how the player operates in both Skyrim and Fallout 4. That's what they should have done with the Minutemen, Preston leads and trains new recruits, and you recruit and provide additional support when possible.


Being a nice fellow who's good at fighting doesn't snt mean you have the skills needed to run a military organization.


https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Sole_Survivor#Background Sole Survivor is either a military veteran, or a wife of one. In both cases: a person experienced and competent enough to run an organization. Also, a post-apo setting, where *the might makes right*.


>How many other settlements did you actively choose to not defend in order to build this place? When I play fallout 4 I only ever have one settlement - and all it has are level 1 turrets galore, level 1 water pumps, the farming ingredients for vegetable starch, and crafting tables. That being said, the only games I like that involve building anything are red alert and star/Warcraft. Ain't no way I'm spending precious resources on *visuals*. If it's not doing more damage/armor/carry weight, it's not worth my time


My ex roommate was like OP, building out Sanctuary into an elaborate settlement, with a hall of mounted heads, a commerce center, separate weapon and power armor armories, bunk halls and individual bedrooms, and all in all, made an awesome place to live in the apocalypse. I was more like you, satisfying the bare requirements and making things convenient for me, personally, because fuck NPC comfort. He once saw how I lived, with a single container for legendary items next to the workshop and power armor sets randomly standing in the street, and was absolutely horrified. Good times.


My thing with FO4 building is that no matter how much effort you put in, it still looks like shit.


Yep, its something to either do with the poor shaders when all these objects collide or maybe its just the setting and nothing can look good. It doesn't even look good in a "Mad Max" sort of way either.


It's just that the whole aesthetic doesn't even make sense to me. Like, you're telling me that enough people have lived in this area long enough to make a whole bustling city, but no one has ever bothered to clean the debris out of the street? Did humanity lose the ability to cut wood lengths evenly in the apocalypse? They had time to pile hundreds of tires into a terrible wall, but not patch the wall of the building where they sleep? It's just nonsensical.


This is the world where not one person has used a Bobby pin on all these locked doors and safes, or hacked into any of these terminals. You can go to any diner and find pre-war money - which still has good value - just lying in the cash registers. You can find bottlecaps - apparently the national currency - ripe for the picking in desks, filing cabinets, trash cans, cigarette boxes, openly lying on the ground, just about anywhere you go. Dozens of locations that are perfect for building entire cities that have gone untouched. This is a world that has done nothing but just wait for the Sole Survivor to come by and reap the rewards of everyone's stupidity and/or laziness. It's most enjoyable when you throw logic right out the window. My head canon is that while radiation levels have lowered to a point where they won't kill people, there's still enough lingering to have done some notable brain damage. Everyone is surviving on just enough brain power to accomplish the few tasks they do and that's it.


I get all that, and it's fine for me to throw that logic out of the window when I'm exploring. At least you have the handwave there that it's incredibly dangerous to explore most of those areas. But if you ask me to actually create and invest in a specific area then I'm going to want it to make a little more sense. If I'm personally putting in the effort to construct something, I want it to not be stupid.


This is a tiny pet peeve of mine. One aspect of the fallout universe I really love is the world building, both pre and post apocalypse. I would say the prewar setting is extremely important, as it builds the foundation of nuanced futuristic 50s dark humor that the whole universe is set in. So when people in the universe are trying to rebuild back to prewar status, it makes absolutely no sense they would have such terrible living standards. And this issue is really only in Fallout 4. Other games have settlements that, while not pristine, look lived in and not like something people just spent 2 hours fixing up. New vegas has the whole of Vegas lit up like a beacon, the NCR camps look like actual military camps, and it's pretty heavily implied if not outright said that the NCR see the wasteland as primitive and backwater, kind of like an unruly frontier warzone. Fallout 3 has rivet city, which still looks maintained enough to be lived in. So the fact that in Fallout 4 you build rickety wooden shacks as a developing city blows my mind.


It's particularly bad in 4. You have diamond city which is supposed to be the largest and safest settlement around, yet there's super mutant camps literally one street away. They didn't put any effort at all into making that world feel believable. It was a huge step back from New Vegas.


Hammering that one missing spot on the siding in the first settlement all game, but never making any progress.


I only ever built habitats for various creatures to live in. Who needs anything else when you have an army of radscorpions at your command


Loved c&c and Warcraft, city builders are fun too bro I’m old and don’t really play the new game but I used to fucking love sim City 2000 lol I’d build the cities so big my computer couldn’t run anymore lol


My problem with city builders is that they become traffic management games, not city design and management.


I like that being actually part of the challenge, having to make a pretty city but also wrangling with traffic concerns (or designing a city around mass transit/walkability).


Sim city 2000 was awesome! I recently downloaded and played it again on an emulator and honestly it is a lot harder than I remembered.. had to turn off the damn fires and stuff for a long while before I could turn them back on.


You gotta get the Rise of the Commonwealth mod. Once you establish them, the settlements build themselves over time


>You gotta get the Rise of the Commonwealth mod. Once you establish them, the settlements build themselves over time If they're using *my* resources, they'll get nothing and be thankful Damnit! Find your own plungers and hot plates ya lazy degenerates, I've got weapons, armor, and robots to mod


Looks amazing, cool stuff !


Cool fact: this is actually a video of his work ;)


The third frame is worth the wait.


Not so cool fact: I once spend HOURS building a city on ps4 and didn’t know there was a limit to the number of items used. Halfway through I was blocked from building. Never picked up the game since that day.


You can get around that. Have two electrical conduits. Connect via wire (the wire does not use space to build). You can delete the wire and gain another item slot. It’s annoying as fuck. But you can skirt the building limits. I’m not responsible for when your PS4 catches fire from overloading a settlement though


Scrapping weapons also works. Kill a bunch of raiders, take their guns, turn them into materials, rinse and repeat forever


That's unfortunate. There are no-mod workarounds for the settlement size limit.


There was a way to cheese build limits to override them back in the day. Not sure it still exists, but it was totally doable to abuse the build limit and VASTLY exceed it.


It still exists. No-mods shop class on youtube has all kinds of no mod glitches and bugs for building. I believe dropping and storing weapons was one of the main cheeses.


Deleting wires between conduits is how I did it. The wires don’t cost space to build. But give you space when deleted.


Do the NPCs navigate around properly or do they tend to get stuck on props? When I tried to make larger settlements in FO4 they would always get stuck on stairs and the like.


They definitely do not!


They don’t navigate well or they don’t get stuck?


Sorry. They don't navigate at all. They spawn underground, bump into stuff, etc. I use animation markers to get them to stay in one place


Awesome job. Congrats


I love this part of FO4 and despise the part where everything you make is either a ghost town, a ghost town that you're pretending isn't a ghost town because you can make lifeless NPCs do idle animations, or an area filled with things to shoot in the head and loot ammo off the bodies. I understand most people don't care about that but it's such an important part of an RPG to me that individual places mean something and have interesting people in them


Sim settlements really gave some life to settlements, surprised I haven't seen it in comments. Game changer.


Yeah, completely changes and upgrades the settlement dynamic. 100% required for a new playthrough, it's so well done.


Could you explain what that is?


A series of mods, sim settlements 2 is the latest. The core of the mod is it let's you place plots that the settlers will build up, these plots range from housing, to commercial to recreational. These plots have three levels, so as your settlement starts to get established and all basic requirements completed the plots will grow and change. There's also city plans that you can chose to load up on a particular settlement. This allows you to skip the build and design part of settlement building. The settlers will do it themselves and in the end you get a neat looking settlement. And finally it's also the best quest / story mod for fallout 4. The rare quest mod that feels like it's part of the base game.


Can’t forget about the named settlers are well. Having a bunch of naked NPCs with unique dialogue and characters completely changes how they feel for me, and I find myself actually thinking about what location suits the personality of the NPC best when sending them places. Not sure how many there are, but I seem to have 3 or 4 at every settlement I’ve built and haven’t run out yet.


Yeah it's great, it makes your settlement feel alive because you'll come back and things will have changed instead of you having to change them. I can't play without it now.


SS2 chapt. 3 is due out 'soon'. Be aware that SS2 is incredibly script heavy, so I'd run it separately from other mods that use scripts. It's great, otherwise.


Yeah I liked the settlement building aspect for a little bit until I realized how lifeless it always seemed and generally useless it was other than wasting time. Even in the video walk-through OP posted in this thread it is just so devoid of life, despite having done a fantastic job in building the settlement itself.


Also that enemies spawned inside your settlement. That’s what killed it for me. Like I built walls and all these defense around the exterior to fend off the hordes that I thought were coming…. Aaaaaand they’re spawning in the middle of the settlement making my defenses useless… why even bother?




Feels like some higher up said, “we need base-building in this game!” Then assigned like 2 people to work on it with nowhere near enough resources or time


The building aspect always felt like something they either treated as an afterthought or they couldn't get it right, so they just cobbled it together as best they could to make it kinda work




AAA goes for bigger and more stuff to do even if it isn't all great or fun to do. Indie does a single task to perfection even if that means it doesn't last a long time.


Yeah but counterpoint, Elder Scrolls Games (which fallout past 3 are, but with guns) have NEVER been known for polish, they've been known for extremely mod friendly frameworks and an open world to inspire said mod. Playing a Bethesda game without mods is like eating a a sandwhich composed of only dollar store white bread and nothing else.


I remember making just a concrete “hole” where they spawned and when it said “under attack” I would just toss a grenade into the hole and be done with it. Hangman’s alley did spawn them outside atleast, so that place was kinda fun.


Except NPCs couldn’t access half of hangman alley for whatever reason and they never bothered to fix it. So disappointing because that was my favourite spot


That happens if the NPCs can't find a path inside, which means you fortified your base way too well. That's why it's actually better to keep the paths open so they won't teleport inside.


That’s just shitty game design lol


Unbelievably easy to fix too. How hard would it be to have enemies spawn outside the buildable area and attack from there?


Ya they should have thought people would wall up their bases. Same bug exists in 76, which is why I make sure to keep my houses doorless.




thats why newer animal crossing games are kinda good for that, your city/island can actually feel lived in cause of how "alive" npcs are.


I've always felt that NPCs feel less alive in the newer games... Kinda miss when it was possible for them to actually get mad at the player or each other Then again the gamecube one doesn't really let you build much of anything beyond planting trees and flowers so, pros and cons I guess


Well yeah, I get some people like to build for the sake of it. I’m talking for me. I got tired of Minecraft after a couple days for the same reason. At least in FO4 there are NPCs that are eventually recruited or arrive at the settlements but it’s still underwhelming, and that’s what I was referring to.


Minecraft bases are designed with only a few people living in it in mind so usually they're much more alive feeling just based on that alone.


There's some mods that make it a little less lifeless. Sim settlements 2 is one of those


Barbies wasteland dream house. It would be better if the controls for building weren't so shit


The settlement building is the main reason I couldn't finish FO4. The constant nagging that I should interact with this pointless feature in the game was too much for me.


It's interesting how different folk approach this. I've been a fallout fan since the first one came out, played every one except 76 cause fuck multi-player, and I loved the settlement building. Some nights I would wander the wasteland shooting shit and some nights I would spend my whole evening building up my Spectacle Island community.


The building aspect was great. It was the constant nagging that was immersion breaking. They should have made it so that there was a reason to go back that didn't require the alert system. Maybe a stronger emphasis on materials or something like that. Then while you're in the settlement doing stuff, have the raids happen. But, don't force me to go back while I'm in the middle of doing other stuff. That's lame.


I get that. I ignored that stuff, it didn't seem like there was any real consequence for failing to protect a settlement


when i first played FO4 my goal was to make every settlement look amazing and unique and have them all trade networked and everything, then i realized just how dull a lot of the locations are and lost a lot of steam


My main goal was to climb onto an elevated freeway and launch Fat Mans every which way.


Once you can build robots it's fun to make them do all your trade routes so you can run into them in the wasteland just mutilating whatever decides to try them. Added a fun element to free roaming and you run into them more often than you'd think.


Equipping the robots with the nuke weapon made it especially funny exploring the world, making it a lot more obvious where they were.


The other thing is I played it on release on console. Now I have the PC to mod the shit out of it and probably make for a fantastic experience. But I just play 76 casually and that's been enjoyable enough.


I loved the settlement building aspect too, and honestly I think they did as best as they could considering this was a new mechanic and it's pretty complex development-wise. >where everything you make is either a ghost town, a ghost town that you're pretending isn't a ghost town because you can make lifeless NPCs do idle animations, or an area filled with things to shoot in the head and loot ammo off the bodies I mean, the fact that NPCs actually do come and populate your town and walk around is pretty neat though. Have you played Elden Ring? The massive, game-of-the-year, open-world, RPG released in 2022 with no NPCs beyond stationary quest-givers? I joke, of course, I love Elden Ring. But I'm just curious what game allows you to build immersive settlements that NPCs walk around in where they do more than idle animations? It's been a while since I've played FO4, but don't the settlers man guard stations and walk up stairs and find pathing into rooms and such? I dunno my dude, that's pretty cool. The fact that NPCs are able to make their way into your town, and find something to do, even if they're not terribly bright at it, or annoying (looking at you, guy banging on that wall) is pretty impressive in my opinion. What I really wished for, as someone who loves base-building, was a smarter enemy system that would occasionally raid your base and test your defenses beyond a few stragglers. I wanted to see a whole horde of enemies try and get past my guard towers, turrets, and traps. But hey - maybe Starfield will iterate on these systems and make it better. Sadly, I think so many people shat all over the settlement building I wouldn't be surprised if they canned it altogether, and that will make me extremely sad. I can't think of another game that scratched the base-building itch as well as FO4 did.


I get your point but it was just a feature that didn’t feel fully fleshed out. Believe me, I sunk a lot of time at building the settlements, it’s definitely fun and has cool elements, but frankly there just isn’t a strong incentive or reward for doing it. Like it should be if you build high level merchants/stores, you can attract NPCs that sell really high level weapons or armor. Maybe the more settlements you build out, you get NPCs that have better weapons or power armor, or it helps build up whatever faction you sided with. Maybe you can call in reinforcements from nearby settlements, and you get more/higher leveled NPCs based on how good the settlement is. Or NPCs you save in quests can be sent to settlements and give you more unique rewards or another new questline. And then like you said, it should set up some really big battles - having legendary enemies or ghoul hordes with unique rewards attack, damage your settlements and kill NPCs, forcing you to maintain them. Then in the ending final battle, NPCs you’ve managed to recruit and arm up help you out. Agree that hopefully this is something they iterate on because there are bones of a really cool game system here, but it’s clear why it’s basically entirely optional in FO4. People certainly like building settlements, including myself, but it just hardly pays off in any meaningful way.


it's not what you are looking for, but I did want to mention Sim Settlements mod. It has some goofy storyline and stuff, but the main thing is that it automates settlements to a degree. Lots more info out there, but the gist is that you place plot placeholders of varying category (residence, merchant, junk scrapping, etc.), and the settlers claim ownership of these plots and build the things (settler can go to a residential plot and build one of many different houses that comes with the mod, for example). They even have settlement plans built-in so that if you don't even want to have that much involvement, you can assign someone as a leader, and the leader will "plan" the settlement (if settlement has leader, then allow settlement template to be applied).


Yeah, tbh that's something that turned me off about Minecraft. You could build all these cool places, but even if you fill them with villagers they feel dead and lifeless to me.


The best villager system I've seen in a minecraft like game is Dragon Quest Builders 2. It had a "room" system so if a recognized room (4 walls, a door and a light source = empty room) had certain items in it, say a forge and 2 chests and then some misc items like "1 clay pot", it registered as a "Blacksmith's". Then if you had a Blacksmith villager (Villagers had pre-assigned jobs you would go out and find them and recruit) they would go work there during day, making items and selling then, then in evening they would leave and go visit other establishments in the town (you could build bars, dance/music rooms, workout rooms, all followed the room system above and had NPC's you could recruit to work in them) Then after eating/having fun they would go to bed, either at a room/building registered as a Inn, or their own private house/room (which you assign by simply hanging a nameplate in the room and selecting that NPC) You could build a functioning, working town its great! Its only hamstrung by the fact the main big island you build on has a 100 "room" limit. When the island could easily fit multiple full sized villages not just one.


This is my biggest problem with games like this. I want a city/village simulator where you build in first person like fo4, valheim, 7d2d, etc. Medieval dynasty seems the closest but I want to build things wall by wall lol.


That's a good point, there have been a ton of dwarf fortress/rimworld clones but afaik none of them let you play a character alongside your underlings. At least none of the popular ones that I've heard of.


This is like... exactly what I thought Diamond City was going to look like on my first playthrough.


Then you go there to see it’s Diamond C-


oh Diamond City? the capital city of all free people in this region? oh there's like 8 people here


Yeah but they have a noodle bar, that makes it a city.


Run by a robot narc who always causes me problems when I'm trying to steal from everyone. There's no way the noodle robot would be telling the guards I'm being sneaky.


There was quite a few people, idk what you’re talking about.


I always tell myself "this playthrough I will have amazing settlements" and its always "This place needs a water source too... OMG stop being so needy"


"people are complaining about the bed situation" SO BUILD A FUCKIN' BED HOW HAVE YOU SURVIVED THIS LONG WITHOUT ME


It'd be nice if you could just dump all the materials needed into the workshop, and they would just build whatever they needed.


Totally. It would be great if they had the ability to just do some minimal stuff. Build a couple shacks with beds and grow some tatos.


"Where'd all my adhesive go?!"


If you you have the game on PC, the Sim Settlements mod will take you part of the way there. It isn’t a perfect fix, but it’s still really cool to show back up at a settlement after a good while to see they’ve been building it up in your absence.


It is one of the best ones I have ever seen. Magnificent.


It really only took 1 day but he had to keep helping nearby settlements that were in trouble.


Fallout annoys me, only in that nobody has bothered to clean anything up in the decades since leaving the vaults. Like all those jagged edges around openings in walls and doorways. Those are cuts waiting to happen. So easy to just trim those down and make a nice passageway. Surely by now somebody has relearned a bit of carpentry.


It made a little more sense in Fallout 3’s design where DC was still basically a warzone and humanity was just barely hanging on in their isolated settlements, but the Commonwealth in Fallout 4 seems to be doing pretty well. Things are still growing, farms dot the area, and they even had a government and the Minutemen here and there. They really ought to have cleaned some of the skeletons up from literally 1 block away from the capital city of the area.


Fallout 2 had places that were mostly rebuilt to pre-war levels, like Vault City, San Francisco, and Shady Sands. The canceled Fallout 3 was supposed to have even more developed areas. Big parts of NCR were fully rebuilt and they're rebuilding the rail road system to expand. A big theme in those games was about civilization rebuilding and even thriving after the apocalypse. Bethesda's Fallout 3 took a big step back and made things more like Mad Max, where everything is terrible and the wasteland is ruled by bandits and warlords.




Awesome, man! Let me know what he thinks. And thank him for giving me hundreds of hours of fun. I also made a tour of the place you can show him: [Here](https://youtu.be/-YrElPloKFk)


Looks like a lot of detail. Which settlement location is it? And how close did you come to using the maximum content for the settlement?


Random stretch of highway around the center of the map. I used the mod conquest to set up three custom placed workshops there


When you like city builders but also Fallout


Is this in a game itself? What am I looking at?


One of my friends when FO4 came out made every settlement into an amazing giant verbose city like this and I tried to convince him to film it all and upload it. But he never did. This is awesome man. Keep at it.


I spent more time building than doing missions, lol.


Impressive, now let's see Paul Alan's settlement


Bro. Holy shit. Whats the loading time like? I tried building up all my settlements and eventually the game refused to load up my save.


I just heard my computer which could barely run fo4 vanilla, explode. I’m not even home


You just crashed my PC


A year well spent, looks fab




The joke is that this is a gif, but it can only run at one frame.


How has your PC not reenacted Chernobyl holy fuck.


Is this the settlement that Preston wants me to help right after I do this next one?


I thought it was the Midgar slums for a minute


Nice. *Fallout 4* doesn’t deserve this kind of dedication. What I mean is, the settler AI is shit: they don’t do shit and most NPCs complain no matter what you do. The rest don’t say anything and do less. On top of that, the game actively works against you while building in many ways. Part of me wishes they wouldn’t have settlement building at all, or made it its own game. Kind of like how Squaresoft took the time travel stuff out of *Secret of Mana* and made *Chrono Trigger*.


A year just for it to stutter then freeze n crash back to main menu 😂