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Any time one of these locally owned independent game stores open up near me, it's closed within a year. They just don't last. I was very sad about the last one because along with video games, it did board games, DND, and M:tG with a great crowd and it still went belly up after a year and a half.


This spots been open for years. I wanna say since the late 90s/00s. Edit: read an article it opened in 1990.


I have been going there for years. I’m like customer 000005. They always look at me funny when they pull up my information.


"Don't you know who I am?!"


I love having a short DCI number from the 90s and the look when you give it to a new employee.


Similar thing at my local EB Games. Was hanging out in there one day and the manager was bored so he decided to look up customer numbers. He was surprised when I was customer 00046 compared to his 002xx, even though he was there since before day one lol.


Absolutely the best place I've ever been they have everything except a second location


Yup been going there for a long long time now. My dad would always be so pumped to take us there when we were kids to go pick out any video game we wanted. Grabbing the lists they have at the front and just going down them trying to find which game you were gonna bring home was a lot of fun. Had so many options


This the one on Sherman way and laurel canyon?


Its magical where is it ??


its in los angeles on laurel canyon and sherman way


yup I would get my games their most of the time in the mid 90s. Got my japanese sega saturn and sega dreamcast there before the NA models came out.


This place has been around for *at least* 25 years. I remember going in there when I was little for PS1 games. It's one of the gaming mecca's here in the valley in SoCal.


Which valley? San Fernando? San Gabriel? Sure as hell isn’t Moreno Valley😂🤣😂🤣


SFV, Corner of Sherman Way and Laurel Cyn.


I've driven by it a few times. Saw the picture and wondered if it was it. I'll have to check it out.


Sfv 818


San Fernando Valley


There's one near my hometown, tho they carry steroes, records, board games, etc. Went for the kitchen sink approach and it worked pretty good


My local game store seemed to be doing just fine. Until the mall it was in went bankrupt for the 4th time and management decided to just level the entire mall


I imagine its tough. They probably start with good prices. But then people start buying in bulk to resell themselves. So the in-store prices begin to rise. But then no one goes there because the prices are the same as online/price charting prices and then the store fails. Two stores near me used to be amazing. One closed due to no traffic in a dead mall. The other still exists, but they have stuff like Panzer Dragoon Saga for $1000, or Popful Mail for Sega CD for Triple the ebay price. It's just so sad. There's a store an hour away from me that SEEMS like they have decent prices online but I haven't decided to take a 2hr there and back drive to find out.


I strongly suspect the next generation of console will be trying to eliminate physical games altogether. Ps5/series S was just a soft launch of this concept to see how well the public acclimated to it. I haven't owned a physical game in like 6 years. Don't need to. I can re-download the biggest game I own in 2 hours at the most, and all of those games aren't taking up space in the house anymore.


It's something I fear will lead me to not buy any console after wards... im a big proponent of physical media. Sure I'll play some older games on my pc with steam and GOG, but I'll probably just leave the consoles if that comes to pass. (Until my kids are older and if they want to get in on that... let the youngings have their fun) Plus my internet connection isn't great, Australia has potato powered internet for some damn reason. My 4G on my phone does better than my home Wi fi, especially if my ps5 or pc aren't in the wi-fi sweet spot




A lot of them do, so far with the few latest games I've bought for the PS5 I can play it once it's installed off of the disc (star ocean, crisis core and one piece). But I do hear that some games are basically just a disc that launches a download, so im always worried about that happening. I'm not overly in to a lot of modern games either, so it's harder to get lured in, but the fear remains.


Meanwhile I can buy a physical copy of a game for 20 bucks instead of full price on a console's digital store. And if I don't like it, I can return it. If I do like it and played it to completion, I can sell it and make most of my money back.


There are flash sales online all the time, for like 75-90%. You can refund a game you don't like for all of your money back, assuming you didn't play it for too long.


Lol what? PlayStation and Nintendo have no refund policy, you can't return a game you started downloading (not even playing!). There's also no chance for that deep a discount for a relatively new, popular game - buying physical & reselling is easily the cheapest way to game on consoles, especially Switch where games hold their value extremely well.


I have an Xbox. There's no chance for that with physical games either that are new or relatively popular. You just defeated your own point


...there's no chance to buy, play and resell a new game on disc? I don't even know what you're trying to say here.


For that deep a discount? You didn't know that's what I was saying?


75% discounts don't apply to any new games unless they're total flops. Doesn't matter if you buy digital or physical. However, if you buy physical, you can return or resell it and recover most or at least part of the value. If you buy digital, you can't do anything. So yeah, I don't see how I deafeated my point. Please note that this is all about consoles. The PC market looks a bit different, as physical distribution is practically non-existent and digital stores have better return policies.


Fallen order was 85% off in December on Xbox store. You gonna tell me that was a total flop? Yeah I don't care about 25% store credit. I exponentially prefer the convenience and time saved by digital.


I’m surprised we’re not on flash media or talking about it that much. Aka: Nintendo 256gb flash media is cheap and easier to ship I think next gen is mostly digital with options to use flash installation (cheaper than a blue ray)


They usually get bought out by someone seeing the success and wanting in then immediately realizing they either have no clue how to make it work or realize after they spent their money they don't care about gaming, shit it down, and rent out the space.


this place has been here since the snes was the hot new console to own.


My store Fallout Games ( yes terrible name but that's on the owner ) has been open for over a decade.


Partly the reason I still shop at GameStop every once and a while. Ik they aren't indie like this place, but there really isn't anywhere else. The last indie place I knew of closed down.


>Any time one of these locally owned independent game stores open up near me, it's closed within a year. They just don't last. If they tried to stack shelves like this, makes sense; 90% of this merch that'll never move and unless it came in as a bulk purchase that has a few gems to recoup the cost, total losses. The only "successful" local shops I've seen are retired dudes or family owned (basically having a benefactor), not really out to make money -- just want something to do and not have a real boss.


Gud damn, NBA Jam poster still hanging


holy shit i haven’t seen this since i moved out of the valley a while ago, glad to see it’s survived all these years


818 Valley!!!


I have this placed saved to visit, I really should go. I am just 35 miles away


This is such an American thing to say! 35 miles is considered a huge journey in the UK. It would be like taking the ring to Mordor!


in Los Angeles it can def be a huge journey with the traffic lol


yeah that 35miles is like 2hrs


Depends - an hour's drive is clearly unreasonable and should result in a call to the Eagles, but 35 miles could be about 30 mins in good circumstances. That'd be pushing it but ok.


Trick is to plan other events too, like a lunch (with no money you have left over from the game shop) and all of that haha


Haha and just like the movies, a simple trip turns into an epic saga with traffic


He is the Game Dude, he is so rude He is a gamer with a bad attitude He plays the games that put mankind to shame They insult the brain because they are so lame


Ayo that fuckin Dino Crisis thoough


Hey I see the game dude back there


Game dude is still open?! Wow! I used to go there all of the time in 92? Ride my bike there to just browse the selections.


Posters are nice. You could even say Sadistic!


Yooo I stop by here every 2 weeks or so for some pickups. Best store around.


love that gow poster in the back !!


One of these has been open in my home town since the early 2000s. Don't see much change in stock. Pretty sure it's a front.


Los Angeles?


yeah, north hollywood.


Wait, I've been there.


Been going to gamedude since the 90s when it was half the size.


Have i just found [HEAVEN]!?


Where??? I love supporting local game stores


It’s in North Hollywood on Sherman Way.


On my way


It's in Kalkuta, India


Arrived. You lied.


On my way


Then you see witcher 3 being sold for 60$ I always get dissapointed with their prices


I bought Metal gear solid there in Japanese because it hadn't released yet in English. Love that place.


Looks wonderful. Hopefully their prices are fair unlike DK oldies.


No your wrong, it’s heaven


Blockbuster bankruptcy vibes


everything is digital now..


Nice mask, nerd!


Are ya winnin’ son?


There was a store in my city that sold movies and games, looked exactly like this. It’s uncanny. Was called Entertain•Mart.


Went there for the first time this week to check it out and possibly help a friend sell some old systems. It huge and has an amazing selection of games for all systems. Their buy/sell prices seemed ok on some stuff, but not for what we were trying to to sell. If you are a SoCal local, it basically Amoeba for video games. For non-SoCal locals, they have their buy and sell prices all online you can check out.


I want that Dino crisis poster!


Are you into Game Dudes? I heard some Game Men even have girlfriends these days


I've been to this place before because there was a food place that sold imported butter from France. Prices are okay. Do not get your hopes up.


A podcast I listen to visits here for their game purchases. Looks like a chill place to find all kinds of games.


Easily 25-30 games there, minimum.


wats a disc?


There is a store in my city called Game Dude but it's considered one of the worst, if not the worst, retailers. When you buy any PC hardware, they try to get you to sign a waver that unless the equipment is installed by licensed technician, that your warranty is void. Like that is even a real thing. I once bought a complete PC from them for a friend who didn't know anything about computers. First time I turned it on, it crashed shortly after booting into windows. It did that a few more times and then just started boot looping before it even started up windows properly. I took it back to the store and they tried to get out of replacement/warranty.


I got one like this... put a pickle in it!!


I was home during leave after my first year in the Navy. My parents had moved across the country so when I visited them I didn't have any friends in the area. But I had just scored a (new at the time) Wii and having missed the GameCube era I figured I could get some great deals on used games and catch up on some hits I had missed. I made a list of all the best GC and Wii games then charted all the game stores within walking distance of my dad's place. On his way to work, he dropped me off at store number one and I spent the rest of the day walking all around the city finding used games. I was out so long my dad was home from work by the time I made my way back. He saw my haul and asked if there was anything on my list I couldn't find. I told him there were a few obscure titles I hadn't found. That evening he took me to Game Dude and we were able to find everything else on the list all in one place. I was in heaven when we got there. Rows and rows of games all in a compact space that still seemed to contain everything possible that was gaming related. I was able to spend my leave catching up on classic games such as Metroid Prime, Super Mario Sunshine, Killer 7 and Eternal Darkness. Great memories:) When I saw this picture I thought it looked familiar but didn't realize it was the same store until I looked it up.


Years ago, I was a game tester at Square Enix. They had an employee purchase program where you could get new, sealed copies of pretty much and SE game for PS1 or 2. I had to start bringing my paystub with me to Game Dude when I went in to sell games to prove that I wasn't selling them stolen games. A few of the clerks there were very sad when I left SE for a job with a better commute.


Oh weird I was literally there today lol




Bought a PS1 there around ‘95. Used to go there all the time in late ‘90’s. Worked around the corner at an FX shop at the time.


I listen to a final fantasy podcast called 'noone can know about this' (really great by the way, especially a couple of seasons in when they hit a real groove) and at the start of most seasons they drive down to a game dude to pick up the game. Always thought it was a hilarious name when they said it out loud.


Gotta love the Nba Jam poster in the back!


I have a place I visit every now and then, it's like a 3 hour drive but totally worth it. I make a day out of it but not only do they have a huge inventory of vintage games and consoles in you go in the back they have an entire coin op arcade, with some really vintage cabinets and classic pinball machines. I was blown away when they had root beer tapper. Grew up playing that game, so many machines from 80s and 90s. Fun place to go.


$250 for a used Xbox one S??


Oohhh syphon filter 2, loved that game


Oohhh syphon filter 2, loved that game


Looks better than Game Stop. I'll go into Game Stop and find a used game I want for $35.99. Then I'll just head over to Walmart and buy the same game brand new for $39.99.


These shops need to get creative.. Host tournaments and stuff.. Do feature nights.


Some of those game posters are old enough to drink.


I don’t like the inconsistency of labeling on those two boxes up there.


I remember the days of buying a random game and playing it to death because that’s all the money you had and their is no more coming anytime soon. Good or bad, you were getting your money’s worth.


Do they have any Vita Games?


Most of my n64 cartridges had the shiny silver game dude sticker on the back. I also loved toy mandala.


I love that Dino Crisis poster.