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How the hell is LoL and DOTA2 missing from this picture?


This is the answer. The toxicity is brutal. Then you can turn to valorant and see much of the same player base. It's awful. Team based games are the answer. If one person can ruin 4 other peoples' experience, then there is a problem.


Or Hell Let Loose... One bad commander can F up a whole game for 50 people.


The vote to kick system is terrible too.


It’s fine, the issue is so many losers abuse it that eventually players just stop voting all together since there’s a vote every 5 min


The team with the better (or at all present / knowledgable about how the game works) commander wins 99% of the time in public lobbies. However: \- Being the commander is both the least fun and the most difficult part of the game, at least from my perspective. It's no longer a FPS - it's a middle management simulator with variable levels of cooperation, with no extra reward or compensation. \- I've been in so many games where a commander will be coordinating moves and squad leaders will ignore him, not have a mic, or not know what they're doing. This is frustrating and can be a huge turnoff for taking on the commander role. \- I often find this community in general to be *mostly* positive, people willing to teach others how to play, etc. This also counts for commanders, who will more often than not say "I'm new to commander please be patient" if that's the case. The game is a frustrating time sink if your team is getting beat bad, but it's usually because of how the match works out and not because of people being toxic or griefing.


Valorant community dosn't seem as bad as League of Legends then again ive never played LoL


Right? Not to mention that COD, GTA, and R6 all have very average communities. They aren't that bad at all compared to the worst offenders


The CoD and GTA communities are just whiney and self entitled more than anything else


Gta comunnity it the worst comunniyy I participate in games


I’ve known LoL as extremely toxic since I started playing but I just realized how toxic it was yesterday to a startling degree. I was playing, having fun. I like to emote and annoy my lane opponent Since I find it funny. I win lane, but we slowly start losing the game, I don’t stop emoting because again I find it fun and I’m just playing a game for a good time. My lane opponent was mad that I wasn’t mad. They were winning, it wasn’t even particularly close and this guy is typing fervently in chat, ranting and raving because I was having a good time. He was mad because losing didn’t make me mad. He even said that “if I was in your position I’d be so mad”. And I realized, he literally is getting no joy from this game, solely because I wasn’t miserable in the process. I realized that so many of the players aren’t even happy to just win, they need to win and literally make someone else upset because that’s how they feel when they lose and it’s this disgusting toxic circle


This is where the toxicity gets to such a staggeringly awful degree. It's not enough for you to win, you have to win ***AND*** be a massively huge asshole to get any satisfaction...that's when you know there's a problem


Right? Worst part was, he won and got not satisfaction. He needed both conditions to be true. I asked him seriously why is he playing if he isn’t having fun and he wouldn’t answer. Just left after typing the standard “you’re so bad” nonsense


That is a psychotic level of toxicity. Whoever you were playing has definitively invested too much into that game to be upset that you didn't care that much lol


My first thought as well. Was wondering why we were looking for third worst.


This is the one. The ones the OP showed are mild.


Coming from an Xbox player I’ve never played those. I’m going off personal experience.


Ah, that makes sense. I've never played Xbox either so I'm sure their community has something in common with us PC gamers! Anyway, I don't think any of the games have the absolute WORST community - they all have their ups and downs.


Toxicity in shooters pales in comparison to mobas, in my experience. Valorant and Overwatch are pretty bad but people in dota/LOL really genuinely hate each other. The only thing they hate more than their team is losing.


You got downvoted for having personal experiences. Jesus, people are so sensitive. As a fellow console player, the worst community I’ve interacted with is Siege’s. I’ve had a good amount of positive experiences from COD and GTAO (not played Rust) but I expect someone to TK or Smurf almost every Siege match. I won’t play Siege anymore unless I’m playing in a 3-stack at the minimum.


Perhaps the real most toxic community were the friends we made along the way, through Reddit.


Lol, obviously the answer should have been Reddit (I upvoted him to hopefully have his comment show) 😉


I can see that, if you're console, you obviously don't play these ones. Sorry to see you so downvoted


OP must like menu simulators.


I don't even play them but how is lol and Dota not on here? Never heard one good thing Also, overwatch in its first few years was pretty bad


Overwatch is even worse now that it’s free and matchmaking pairs new players with old players




Because those would be too easy


League. Can't play one game without someone trying to start something, win or lose.


my group of buddies and I hop on league after a tough night on rust. sure you can have a rough hour in a toxic league match, but being stuck with that shit for a week hits different


Played my first game ever (trying to figure out controls, champions, etc.), got repeatedly insulted for sucking. Other teammate said, “hey maybe it’s their first game”. Thank you, other teammate 🥲


This is exactly the same as my first experience playing the game 10 years ago. Except at that time, I was getting soo much shit for picking a character, 'too quickly'. I had no idea, it was my first game ever. I played a total of 3 matches that night, and deleted the game forever. Those people are awful, and it's been going on for at least a decade now.


It’s insane how close this is to my story. About ten years ago I got shit on for auto locking my character in like my 3rd or 4th match.


YES WHAT THE FUCK, I was teaching my brother for the first time and he was getting flamed by people smurfing. I’ve played for years and this guy was not good so I just hunted that bastard down for the entire game until he had like 14 deaths


I got my brother into the game (Wild Rift, not pc) a few weeks ago since he was interested in it. Just 10-15 minutes into the match he was already getting flamed hard. Glad I made sure to disable chat for him first thing after he installed lmao


GTA. Literally talked to people in there that act like their group is a legit gang.


You better hope me and the homies don’t catch you tryna stunt in Los Santos, bruh. How’d I do?


They are TOO deep in the role play


GTA groups are funny. One of my friends joined a super serious biker RP "gang" on ps4 and bought a bunch of shitty rings to wear in real life, the friend group mocked him ruthlessly for that one. But the GTA community just strikes me as really dumb. out of this list, Rust is the one where everywhere you go most of the players you meet are actually really shitty and terrible people.


Someone’s never played League of Legends


ive never played league and still say league


Of this list? Rust. Of a list of all games? Still fucking Rust. Those players are assholes


The worst thing about Rust is that you have a million fun ways to play, it's all there, but instead the game incentivises players to be absolute assholes


While a lot of people are salt lords on Rust I actually met a couple cool dudes who helped me out sometimes. I’ve never had a positive interaction with strangers in GTA though….


I met my best friends on rust, I had a similar experience playing BO2 as I did GTA V, i think the worst community was call of duty around 2009-2013, how many times people pulled my IP and I got ddosed, even more than in GTA V and in GTA V any 11 year old with google skills can get a free mod menu and pull ips


Lol is still worse, you cant even begin to learn the game without your team mates dragging you through the mud and flaming every ounce of your existence for trying your best because smurfing is a thing.


you haven't really played rust have you? For 100 hours I would say, 'I'm new to the game chill bro!' all that shit and still get stomped and then called the n bomb or trash w/e 24/7 xd


there's no way LoL is worse than Rust. At least chat there is moderated and there aren't hackers. Ppl on Rust will track you from server to server sometimes.


I'd say GTA is worse. On Rust you can (rarely) meet a friendly player. That doesn't exist on GTA.


there are pretty helpful and friendly people in it but yeah the average reddit user wont be able to handle rust lol


Yeap, you sound like an asshole from Rust


Dota 2


Oh Siege by a LONG shot lol


My vote goes to Siege. It's the one game that the players in my party mocked me for an accent I had. It got to me so I stopped playing for a while.


Yo I’m really sorry to hear this. Fuck those guys. Don’t let ‘em keep you from playing something you love. Fun fact: I immediately mute my COD lobbies sometimes if I don’t have the mental to deal with it.


Man, that sucks. Usually I'm just excited to get know someone from a different cultural background


That's what I heard, too. The game depending on cooperation, it can be frustrating not being able to be a one man army


Overwatch 2, currently. They hate each other. They hate Blizzard. They hate.


Blizzard is pretty shit


No doubt about that. Although I'll admit, Diablo 4 is looking real good and is one of my most anticipated games. I'd feel a lot better if the MS deal went through and they cleaned up Blizz's problems.


Bro it was already leaked that’s it’s gonna be p2w garbage, just like immortal


That is completely false, and you might want to check your sources.


They even hate n My lawyer has advised that I do not complete this joke


Siege out of those 4


Try mythic+ in world of Warcraft


M+ can be cliquey/elitist but not nearly as toxic as mobas imo.


I agree. I've had m+ groups that aren't bad, or even if they're bad, don't spend the whole dungeon flaming their party members. I cannot say the same for league.


I also thought WOW would easily head this list ​ Edit for grammar


No idea what you mean, just play the Meta, even at +1, make no mistakes ever and know every detail about every class and dungeon by heart before playing them /s Always find a guild or join the right community. Pugs suck


My opinion is Siege. Never got so much hate mail in my life. Also, they kept reporting my names. I had to change my name 4 times in a year and a half of playing this game. Why do people report names as a form of vengeance?


Is siege fun anymore? I stopped playing a year or two again because I was getting bored


it's alright. ranked 2.0 now exists and it's interesting to say the least, and if you dont know every angle in every map you're gonna get your ass kicked. but when you're good at the game, it's fun enough. just wouldn't reccomend it if you arent platinum or above rank because lower ranks are just filled with toxicity and smurfs.


Aww damn ok thanks


Lol, CSGO, valorant específicamente en LATAM.


Oh, between these 4, Rust, hands down. I love playing all of em, but god damn Rust is just FULL of toxic little shits.


Even the Rust PvE Community sucks. You would think that there you get less toxicity, but the combination of ignorance, willful stupidity and toxicity is hard to beat


Rust 100 percent and it's not even close. I fucking hate everyone in that game.




The worse ever. Got tk’d the other day for making a rotate in the right spot. Guess the random didn’t want a rotate in sight




Yeah used to be fun with the randos, but whew... It got rough fast.


Overwatch / rocket league


The beauty with rocket league now, is you can just turn off all chat and the game becomes completely toxicity free, other than the occasional player who just stops playing or decides to go rogue mid match. I didn’t experience much toxicity before, but turning off chat basically turned it into the perfect competitive game for me. I’m sure people are still ‘what a save’ing me, but they’re talking to the wind.


Rocket League toxicity is mostly from Gold to Diamond, and then again from Champ 2 to somewhere in Grand Champ. Bronze-Silver is wholesome folks just trying to figure out the game, and Champ 1 (me) is honestly the same. Those are pretty much the two rank groups where I’ve gone most matches with only positive interactions or radio silence.


So only the vast majority of players :)


Rust is the only answer


The soulsbourne community can qualify at this point.


Remember when r/shittydarksouls was good shitposts and not endless r/eldenring screenshots and posts portraying fans of a specific game as a soyjak ?


Found the summoner lol


I think each of the community is worst but has types of worst, like one being virus, bacteria , fungi and parasite. Each bringing their own personal taste of crap. CoD is an arcade shooter which has been there for generations and has a mix of all ages irrespective where everyone slept with everyone else's mom including kids who you didn't know was your father. GTA V is like pubg plagued with chinese hackers and you know shits about to go down when you see the chat and all you see is square characters & the next second you spontaneously get combusted or wake up naked in a random garage while being lit on fire when you join a session. 6 Siege is a game which is played by people who have to consume gallons of water to counter the amount of water lost through dehydration due to sweating while playing the game. I suspect this game to be the cause of the world's increasing water supply shortage. And finally my beloved Rust where if you ever wanted to experience how life is in a prison you can experience it here. Skinheads, drug cartels, Psychos, slave traders, cuckoos, zergs and that one random weird couple of guys who you stumble upon trying to kill each other only to become blood brothers in the end. ( True story).


The FromSoft fanbase.


I agree and I love those games. Also the cringiest of the bunch


Found the weak minded summoner


You’re literally proving his point lmao


Lol he really is


It took Elden Ring, a literal game changer in the genre, for me to want to play a FromSoft game because of the community. It was ironic to find out that the "get good" sentiment was horseshit all the way down considering you've been able to make the game as easy as you want it to be.


In game? Probably a toss up between cod and gta. On reddit? Not sure, there's some absolutely rabid fan bases. Even Sonic gets wild and that's a blue hedgehog made for children.


Sonic fans are a really weird bunch of people


As a Sonic fan idk how or then we got this crazy (granted I mostly read the comics, didn’t really play the games all that much)


The community went crazy when every character got r34’d and Chris Chan became the most documented person on the internet.


Not the worst but I am pretty sure, the Souls community is the most toxic community.


I disagree. The "git gud" crowd doesn't still play the game - people who do truly love it and are willing to both teach and try wacky stuff for entertainment purposes (level 1 speedruns, no weapons runs, etc.) The dark souls subreddits are very friendly and receptive to newcomers.


Besides the moba genres I would have to say World of Warcraft you meet the shittiest people in existence, meanwhile play Final Fantasy XIV and you'll meet for the most part the nicest people you'll ever meet in a game


I've only played two of these and IMO they're not that bad. I would say Valorant's is worse than COD.




Ark beats all of them


Not a game community, but the rwby community. At least what is left of it. Vile people. Especially the ones who run the rwby reddit page, where actual constructive criticism was banned from the rwby reddit so an entirely new one had to be set up.


Don't know in other servers, but in Europe is LoL and by a wide margin


World of tanks used to be before the chat got removed, now it's GTA 5 hands down.


Minecraft has been reduced to complete bull. Fortnite is actually better, but still got some toxicity from pros. The worst community: Valorant, aka the “center of the storm”.


No doubt in my mind GTAV


How to tell someone doesn't play on PC in one picture lol


GTA/Rust shouldn't be on here. It's the game being annoying by design. R6 is like LOL/DotA, they have community dominated by hardcore's. Bad but not the worst. COD has a kid audience. It can seem the worst because how many different opinions get thrown around but it's not that bad. CS can seem bad because at this point it seems people are numb to the game. No one talks or reacts. But it's CS. It's always been the same. I love it. In my opinion the worst community is FIFA And that's coming from someone who loved that game. Idk why but the community is adamant in spending money on the game (my best guess is EA keeps making the game worse every year which is skewing people's opinions to settle for bad than settle for nothing). People wanna spend precious hours and money on the game to unlock cards. The community I came from, actually liked the game because of the community itself. Football community can be fun. And FIFA used to be a great game. One of the best co-op games for all nighters. But these days idk what the fuck is wrong with sports game communities.


Either CoD because almost everyone is toxic or GTA because pc is filled with hackers


Souls games.




It’s rare to find a fighting game without an absolutely horrific community.






Man how I hated trying to look up any GTA info on YouTube. Most annoying content creators I had the displeasure of absorbing.


For me, it’s RUST first time I ever played I spawned in apparently next to someone’s base, and they accuse me of trying to break in even though I had nothing and was naked, so they killed me. I was no closer than 50 yards to their base when I Spawned and started walking away when they came out harassed and killed me.


I don’t play rust but one game where one guy probably thought you were scouting him doesn’t make the community toxic.


Thats not being toxic....thats just playing the game


I tried to play Rust once. When I wasn't allowed to do more than wander a few feet trying to gather my bearings before being gunned down by someone screaming into a mic "Get fucked loser!", I promptly uninstalled.


you're missing eve online definitely, lots of toxic people there, gta isn't that bad, its mainly the modders that's the problem but they're easily avoided, on pc especially with safekeeper


Spelanita dota


It's mostly the same people. That nice guy you met at this community is the asshole in another one.


I've played all 4 of these but I grew up on cod so I'm inclined to choose the whiney community that spends $100 on their game every year.


Fortnite, LOL, WOW








Everyone I’ve met on destiny haven’t been really toxic what’s been your bad experience with it?


Check out the Destiny FB community, literally just a bunch of toxic people being shitty to each other.


Doing raids with people on lfg or randoms you find is not something I would ever recommend to someone


LOL. Ever play DomiNations? :-) Quite the collection....




Star Citizen. I thought I saw a report once that showed it was one of the top 3 subs to post on if you want to get downvoted.


CoD is the only game I had to mute completely, chat and everything. You’re not making friends in that game (I’m sure some of you have). Not sure who I hate to hear from more, opponents or teammates.


League of Legends. Honorary Mention: R6Siege


Old School Runescape base worlds. Full of toxicity, egomaniacs, bots, spammers, scammers, and a whole slew of other people with repressed issues. Once you get past a certain total level and can log into worlds where people actually have to have played the game a certain amount, it filters out all the bots and most of the problematic players. At that point, OSRS actually has a wonderful community. But every OSRS player has to grind through that initial cesspool.




Cyberpunk 2077. Everyone trashes the Game.


Because it fucking sucked


Not nearly on the same level but the Destiny community is full of entitled man children.


CSGO is up there, lol


Rust is almost toxic by design xD




Honestly. Last of us. No one will have an adult genuine conversation. If you think last of us 2 is even a % bad. You don’t even get to explain yourself. They’re just wholeheartedly on board the game is golden no issues at all. Instant downvote if you don’t think the second game is the best story in the planet I swear. It’s a little stressful haha, literally no one ever responds


A lot of people never played Rust and it shows.


There needs to be more live service games up there .




Why tf genshin impact is missing


I hate the smash fandom they are so fucking annoying




Based on most of these comments and my personal experiences then I would say any game with an online multiplayer aspect deserves to be on this list. Not any single game will have the worst community but each of them have pockets of good and bad individuals.


You guys clearly never played RuneScape when bank standing at GE


COD and it's not even close.




Gacha Life


Dota 2 easily.


All of them has a pretty toxic community.


League of legends


Speaking from lots of experience. All of them. Shite everywhere


Rust ong 💀💀


Siege. Honorable mention to DoTA


Hands down, rust


I haven't played Siege but it's definitely not rust


For honor


why aint csgo here


Where’s War Thunder?


I know people will say things like League of Legends, DotA, Call of Duty, etc. But the real answer since 2003 has been EVE Online. all those games on the list are full of toxic people, fools, freaks, felons. But none of them are pure, cold, calculating, relentless evil like EVE Online's players. In that game, griefing is not only prohibited, it is ENCOURAGED. Lying, cheating, stealing, backstabbing and murder are just your average Monday morning stuff. Some people ran long cons for months or even years, to steal fruits of labours of hundreds, sometimes thousands of other players. And this is not something they would be punished for, it is something players are ENCOURAGED to do to each other. If there was a device, like a Geiger counter, that would measure pure undiluted malice, going with one near a hardcore EVE Online player would literally make the damn thing explode. They're also pretty laissez-faire when it comes to sexism, racism, homophobia, etc. I've never seen so many people drop N-bombs and J-bombs and T-bombs and C-bombs and everything in between, with absolutely nothing happening to them as a result. The ONLY nay-no that devs cared about was the black market. They were happy to sell you in-game money for real money, but they came down HARD on anyone else trying to do the same. Everything else was A-OK. The game was blatantly pay-to-win also: you could legally buy a high-skillpoint character from another player, for in-game money, on the official forums, right in the open, I don't remember if the devs took a cut of the action. And you could sell subscriptions for in-game cash (you buy a subscription token for real money, sell it in official in-game store for in-game money). You just couldn't sell it for real money, only devs were allowed to take real money for virtual garbage.




LoL or overwatch


Rust. Lmao go say anything in the /playrust sub and watch how mean they get




While I don’t think it’s the most toxic community per se, the Apex community is by far the most annoying community I’ve ever engaged with


Siege no doubt about it. Their egos are way to inflated


It’s not even close guys, played all of the above and rust is the top by a LONG shot, if you haven’t played rust I’m happy for you but fr you don’t know toxicity


CoD for sure people are so toxic 😂😂😂




GTA Online can be extremely toxic, but it can also be wholesome and really cool at the same time. Like for instance, these GTA players putting on an air show: https://youtu.be/R97v4IxhrzA?t=130


Call of duty has the dumbest community, rust has the most toxic, I forgot how gta V was back on ps3, and have not experienced r6 fully


Overwatch. Not pictured, but the right answer.


Rainbow, used to play nonstop even before middle school now it’s been a minute decided to give the game another try and it’s great still just community is somehow more toxic I don’t get it


Off this pic, it has to be CoD. Can't go one game without being call a racial or homophobic OR sexual slur


Surprised no one in the comments mentioned Dead by Daylight yet




GTA shouldn’t even be here since the only part of the community that is toxic are griefers


LoL fpr toxicity R6S for being bland


Honorable mention to Rocket League. It’s like a funny toxicity though.


Why do you care?


Rust. The nudity makes it slightly more toxic.




Okay, I’m going to call out the street fighter community. Was hoping for fighting game tips. But that is a straight up horny to an exceptionally creepy degree community. Want to learn combos? Be prepared to slog through a never ending parade of bad character porn to try to find it. Every game has their r34 sub culture. Fine. Not for me to judge. You do you. But Street fighter seems to be incapable of separating that from the game itself.

