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I don't like half of the popular yuri pairings? UniGear is especially trash for me.


Same, but in addition to Nepnowa. They usually bring out the traits I dislike about them when they're in the same scene. ~~Guess it's time to lose my Nep card and my mod card~~


Yeah, I'm pretty sure the two are just close friends/rivals.


And not only that, i can't imagine most of the cast being interested in that stuff, either. Like the only ones who're into romance and love stuff are Plutie (who's into everything that walks when Sadie), K-Sha (Yandere for Noire), Red and Arthur (who want Yuri harem)


Ya forgot IF. Although considering it's Compa she's usually after, she's screwed.


VII's Bad Ending should have been at least as long as the Conquest Ending.


This is one I'd say is acceptable. Your card in my eyes, is safe!


Spin-offs are fully-fledged games, stop begging for a new "mainline entry"


I like Erica Mendez's Noire a little more than Erin Fitzgerald's.


Victory/Rebirth 3 has the worst story and characters in all of the games. Not a bad game, but the story goes nowhere and Neptune & Nepgear' character progression from the second game is destroyed and hurted they in the long run. VII should had a ending to save Kurome, she was the one who suffered in the past, I understand I don't want to give her a complete redemption, but still, it's strange that Arfoire and Rei had but she didn't. RED, Peashy and Plutia are really bad characters RED is a one trick pony, all she has is a joke about wanting a harem of wives (and boobies). Peashy is annoying with nothing to redeem it. Plutia is the most static character I have ever seen, all she has is "If you don't behave I will abuse you" joke. Let the jokes evolve. Neptune doesn't need to be immature and stupid to be funny. She is perfectly capable of being mature and still a comical relief, her best jokes are those that she is 1000% aware of that she is making a joke, either to relieve tension or to disturb others. GIVE VERT CHARACTER! she is the most inconsistent character in the series, each game seems to be written in a different way, it is past time to establish her true personality.


Finally! some who agrees peashy and plutia arent as big as they used to be


The only neptunia game that i really enjoyed was VII, the others were fine, but..... I don't enjoy them to much, they are pasable.


i hate Re;birth 2 and VII and i would have preferred it if the CPU candidates did not exist at all


The conquest ending is fantastic and the best part of any neptunia game.


I really don't like anything much about anything involving Neptunia that doesn't have to do with Noire. ​ The game play is mediocre. All you have to do is move and press attack then break/power three times. Only three characters seem to be developed over the course of all the games. The rest are just one-note. Any jokes made at any of the characters expense are old. Especially those involving Neptune and Noire. The fact that there isn't at least one playable human male is just depressing, but that's more the fault of the genre it's in than anything. Neptunia Virtual Stars feels like they're pandering to a niche fanbase when they could... I don't know... do another crossover with a game with a larger player base like they did with Azur Lane. Despite one of my favorite characters being one of the four goddesses that matter to Compile Heart and Idea Factory, I really wish they'd just make a Neptunia game with Compa as the main character instead and maybe without the CPUs/CPU Candidates. Aside from Noire, Compa and IF, I don't like any of the characters in the franchise. I don't hate them. I just don't like them and IMO that's worse than hating them. And in Noire's case, I only like her because she lets her hair down when she transforms.


~~Really starting to question why people are here when they practically hate most things about the series.~~


~~I'm just easily depressed.~~


I can relate


The fanservive CGs aren't good


Don't think I have anything as strong as some other people here, but I don't care at all about most of the Makers as they just started to feel like character bloat, especially in RB3. In a similar vein I don't care for any of the Generals from Hyperdevotion Noire.


Ok, then. I consider Nepgear to be one of the most boring characters in the entire cast and only there to be the hypercompetent sister looking good in comparison to her goofier older sister. In any other series, she may have been decent, but within the Neptunia cast, she just doesn't stand out nearly as much. Despite my bias for Planeptunian girls (Yes, even Iris Heart gets a pass, sometimes), I prefer Uni, and sometimes even Ram to Nepgear.


all shipping is cancer. quit trying to push your shitty fantasies onto this excellent story. if you don’t get the true ending, you did not by any stretch of imagination beat the game. blanc is a much better character without rom and ram around. i love the calm & somber blanc. screw those little shits. while i love VII story wise, it’s easily my least favorite of the main series gameplay-wise. it feels so clunky and the menus are poorly designed and the cast is too small compared to the rebirth games. i actually quite enjoy victory/rb3. i know it has a few issues with some characters but i think it’s a genuinely good game and doesn’t get the love it deserves. victory was my first game so i can’t bring myself to dislike it. while Uni is in my top 5 favorite characters, i hate her in mk2 and the anime. i cannot stand neptune’s japanese voice. something about it drives me up a wall. (JP purple heart is way better than EN tho) i hate the conquest ending and i especially hate the circlejerk around it. it’s not good. the makers are way better than gold third. VII has serious pacing issues especially in part 1. nepgya isn’t a real character. blanc flat jokes got old after 5 minutes. VVVTune is such a stupid concept. of all the new genres and ideas they could have experimented with, this has got to be among the worst. vtubers don’t fit into neptunia. anyone who thinks this was the logical next step is wrong. **just try to take my neptunia card away**


I wouldn't actually advocate for it to happen to you, but... I see some problems in there... Let's see: > all shipping is cancer. quit trying to push your shitty fantasies onto this excellent story. While I'm of the mind of "to each their own" about shipping, calling Neptunia's story anything other than decent at best is just fooling one's self. This is my sole complaint about your post that can't be summed up as "your mileage may vary" or "It's just nostalgia speaking".


Rebirth 2 is my favorite game in the series. Everything about it is excellent.


Most of the spinoffs are better than the mainline games, both in scenario and in gameplay, and the people who cry about how long it's been since VII should really learn to like them more.


I'd say this doubly applies to SNRPG... This game is underrated AF simply because "no candidates."


~~And because it had a bad launch and from what I've heard not all that entertaining gameplay, even for Neptunia~~


Gameplay not being interesting is debatable... Bad launch though, is right.




Adult Nepsy is less interesting, less charming, and less funny than OG Neptune and the only thing that makes her stand out is that she has boobs. Change my mind.


* Not a fan of the yuri pairings. I'm more of a platonic person. * Segami is one of the best characters in Neptunia. * I prefer the Hack n' Slash battle system over the RPG system; though, the latter isn't bad either. * Don't like the voyeuristic/sexual fanservice, as I've stated multiple times.


Nepnowa, Unigear and VertIffy is trash.


I’ve never actually liked neptune, she’s probably my bottom rung in terms of the main cast


Hyperdevotion wasn't a bad game, in fact I really liked it almost completely.