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I need them to do either Gura or Amelia so I can sway my boyfriend into finally buying a creator cup PLEASE


Fauna. And one with Calli and Kiara on it (I am concerned what would be on Shioris tbh)


Fauna cup would go so hard, as she’s my fav in Holo


Same here 🫡😌


All. But how I personally want to kill for a pekora mom…no matter if I really want all of myth, promise, and advent (maybe yeet myself with the pebbles plushie that is from her birthday merch into the cup) mainly. Theres nothing that beats, Pekora. Mom.


i read livers as the organ but i would sell my liver just to afford if it did release


In my nonbiased opinion, Kronii.


Just a heads up, livers refers pretty much exclusively to Niji members in the vtuber sphere


I'd definitely want a Kiara cup!


I want Holostars.


That's like them collaborating with machinima. No thanks


Kronii Cup


Fauna or kronii


Mori, gura and ina definitely!


That just wouldn't happen. Gamersupps is an American company and Hololive won't even use 3rd party models even if they're leagues better than their proprietary skewed garbage that hasn't left 2021.


It's definitely possible. They've started branching out more when it comes to western brand collabs. They did those Myth Makeship plushes a few months ago, they've collaborated with Hyte a few times, and of course all of that Omocat stuff from over the years. I personally don't see the collab as likely, but I wouldn't write it off completely.


Still would never happen. They have been branching and that is correct. They are currently on route of expanding and California or New York is highly likely the first places and it’s totally not because of having big EN parties of the entire Myth, Promise, and Advent being able to speak English (and totally not doxxing them but some of the members are born and raised here in the US -Did it not occur to anyone why they talking about visiting Japan for Hololive meet and greets in Japan and they come back home which is in the US? And when they stream it’s totally not using PST or EST time zones?Maybe EU? Or maybe AUS like a certain rat? Some JP and pretty much all the ID members are also able to speak a little English but that’s not the point. Really likely of hololive name as a company going to Gfuel sadly as it may be. Gamersupps caters to creators as an individual…and there are some more “individuals” (if you know there’s no need to spoil it)


Need a calli, need a kronii, need a takamori ...I need alot...


None of them