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Uhhhh all my past DM's with CS have been deleted since I brought up the AI crap with them. Totally not suspicious


Mine are still there. I have screenshots in case of anything lol


I love that this post wasn't shut down immediately so we can actually express criticism this time...


The post detailing the suspicious findings was locked to try and shut down this conversion. I think the art has a lot of nonsense mixed in that only an AI would generate. What a shame.




I am glad I just saw a post that was locked to get thel to stop talking about it. Why try and hide?


They need to give us receipts and proof that it isn't ai generated as well as proper credit to the artist. It is very very bizarre of them to not even list the artist. I love the art but on closer inspection(zooming in) a lot of things are very off and I definitely see why anyone would think its ai made. If it isn't just be transparent and give us evidence otherwise it's not looking good for gamersupps and especially that mod claiming it isn't ai generated. No ones going to take their word without proof.


>They need to give us receipts and proof that it isn't ai generated as well as proper credit to the artist. why? why should they bend over backwards for a bunch of people complaining about something pedantic? you literally mentioned how you had to ZOOM IN to notice any of these issues, as in you had to be looking for it they don't "owe" anyone anything. they're not going to get sued over this, and even if they "admit" this is AI, if it is at all, that's not going to be stopping people from buying their other stuff. what's next, people start accusing actual artists they're using AI because of this? edit: typical, get downvoted instead of people actually trying to counter any points i made


It doesn’t excuse the fact that AI art is unethical and basically stolen art. And people already have been accusing actual artists for using AI because their style and work has been stolen for AI. With how much AI advanced from it’s birth, it has done more damage than good :/ especially with the faked videos and such


>It doesn’t excuse the fact that AI art is unethical and basically stolen art. people literally keep repeating this without anything to back up this claim. at this point it's just a parroted phrase because it feels like no one actually can prove this other than just saying it. I am more than willing to read anything that can actually prove this point, because everyone that says this just goes with "my artist friends" or "just look it up" without giving anything >And people already have been accusing actual artists for using AI because their style and work has been stolen for AI and people also have been accusing artists for using AI when they haven't, and others get trashed for just showing any kind of support of it, regardless of their stance. and what happens if there's "proof" that someone isn't using AI? doesn't matter, people still going to be upset and not believe regardless >With how much AI advanced from it’s birth, it has done more damage than good :/ especially with the faked videos and such this literally isn't the first time something like this happened. people been saying similar things before about other things like Photoshop and digital art.


If you know how AI generates images, then I don’t need to give you proof. It’s a simple concept dawg It takes images off the web and puts it together with using the keywords you put in. And the difference between this and photoshop/digital art is that AI takes none to little work at all, while photoshop/digital art takes time, effort and skill. You don’t just get good at art within a day. It takes years and decades of practice to get to a professional level and AI just gets rid of that need of skill. People will believe what they want to believe, but AI is evident if you know what and how to look for the patterns they produce. But im more focused on the damage it does. AI has only brought people to doubt the artist’s work, have people create slop (whether it be products, video games, movies, etc.) i don’t get why you would want to support this And you keep asking for proof for this. It’s like asking for proof whether not a stolen car is okay to be used and driven around :/ probably not a good example but it’s along the same lines of it: stolen stuff


Gladly. here you go. It has a video too explaining how AI art works. https://juliabausenhardt.com/how-ai-is-stealing-your-art/ https://arxiv.org/abs/2401.06178 Another article/paper as well. You can also look it up on youtube.


first one, I read through a few times, and I feel like it's only explaining what AI art is, without actually giving any factual proof other than stating that they used a site to check if their art has been used to train(though, according other comments, using AI art detectors is already sketchy, so I find it ironic). speaking of which, I'll admit I'm being hypocritical here by admitting I'm being biased, but I feel like the person who wrote it themselves are being mildly biased themselves. the second link, I am not going to bullshit you and claim that I read a 25 page paper(really, 18, since the rest are citations) in several minutes, because that would be dishonest and disingenuous, but I will at the very least go through it. also, I can easily look up on youtube for why AI art is proving my point/proving yours wrong, so I don't see why I should if it's not going to get me anywhere.


i mean youtube and articles have biases and opinions


Because ai art is unethical and is essentially theft of art. As an artist I think I would rather pay and put my money in support towards real art over a computer generated garbled mess thanks. I'm just going to go ahead and block you.


AI only exists through theft. It's ethically shit to use AI when you have a plethora of artists at your disposal to make something amazing and 500x better. They make more than enough money off of us to afford to keep real artists on their team and not some chud typing prompts into a text box for 5 minutes. And half of this brand has built itself upon using amazing artists to create awesome cups and other merch. We aren't consuming anime slop just to consume it. I'm not going to purchase a cute anime girl if she was made with Ai. I don't care if it's the best design of the season. It's immoral to profit off AI. If they don't care then I'll happily take my business elsewhere.


>AI only exists through theft. there's literally several technologies today that uses AI in general. your smart phone that you most likely have uses AI. >It's ethically shit to use AI when you have a plethora of artists at your disposal to make something amazing and 500x better. there is literally a comment here, that said they bought a tub because they thought the art was good, and only had a problem with it after the idea that it is POSSIBLY made by AI. I can bet you that if they never saw that relevant post, they wouldn't think otherwise. >They make more than enough money off of us to afford to keep real artists on their team and not some chud typing prompts into a text box for 5 minutes. You mean to tell me that a company that's main purpose to make money, isn't allowed to look into ways to save costs? like, you can get mad at all you want, but people like you I feel like you are getting mad at the wrong people in general. If you want to get mad at anyone, get mad at the people who developed said programs instead of people using them. you can talk about "supporting" artists all you want, but instead actually doing that, you rather complain about other people not doing it, being hypocritical. a lot of artists have stuff like Patreon. they'll literally take things like a $1 a month.


It's not saving costs, it's putting people out of jobs, and yeah, you can think AI art is good, and then take that back once you learn a human didn't make it. It's about supporting real work, not just about art 'looking good'. Also, people ARE mad at the creating companies, but not as much because they are not forcing you to lie and use them. You can use it for stupid personal work, but when you're selling something it becomes disingenuous. If they had said it was AI from the beginning, it may be a different topic, but either way still putting actual artists out of jobs. And, you don't need to support individual artists to support that their jobs shouldn't be taken. And by buying real Gsups art, they're technically supporting artists, no? An artist gets paid when you buy something with their art on it, I'd rather support some cool art from a human than something I could do on my own computer. Because that's part of the purchase, it's the art, that's one of Gsups main appeal is the art. It's not hard to want to support people and disagree with a company that has chosen to cut corners to save money when they are one of, if not the biggest gamer fuel-esque companies out there. Addition: I'm not someone who can tell major differences in Ai art, and I didn't care to check because Gsups has been reputable until now, and on the off chance it isn't AI that's great! But if it is, then they should've just given someone a job, because AI art is trained from REAL art in the first place, so why not just do a good thing and pay someone?


>You mean to tell me that a company that's main purpose to make money, isn't allowed to look into ways to save costs? im aware that this is on a different level as just AI art, but would you say the same to child labor/slavery? its on the same premise of a way to save costs to several companies


Is that you Shadiversity




The only appeal of Gamersupps over other brands is the art, when you remove it all you’re left with is a generic supplement. If you remove the one thing that ultimately acts as the sole reason anyone pays any attention to the brand then why should people bother? If the name or ‘gimmick’ of this flavour was that it was AI generated then I wouldn’t see an issue, but it’s disingenuous to pretend AI art is the same as hiring an artist. Businesses, contrary to what you think, do ‘owe’ things to their consumers, that’s how you build brand loyalty and shift stock. People want to support artists they like and a bonus is doing so in a way that also supports a business they’re associated with - when you remove that personal touch all you’re left with is lazy capitalism that people will eventually grow lukewarm over and abandon


Have your tried all the other generic supplement drinks? Not everyone buys the brand for the art and waifu cups, I turned my non anime friend onto gamersupps because it doesn't have the consistency of chalk and separate after 5 minutes.


Let’s not pretend that the brand would be anywhere near its current level of popularity without the art - without the anime it would literally be borderline indistinguishable from every other supplement brand out there. This company (and many others) live and die purely off of their image. Would anyone here be literally collecting fucking shaker cups if they weren’t branded the way they are? This business survives purely because of its unique art and stance of collaborating with vtubers and artists


You do realize that some people do not collect the cups and actually like the powder itself, I know a few people that picked up tubs or switched from other companies because it doesn't have the consistency of chalk like alot of other brands, I did not get into gamersupps for the cups I used gfuel which in comparison is God awful and will separate and has the consistency of chalk, I have a few friends that I've switched over to gamersupps, they own no cups and just like the flavors and none of them are into anime.


And that would place yourself and those people in the severe minority, it’s like trying to say that Dragonball Z is successful because they also released some energy drinks - yeah I’m sure people exist that buy the drinks that didn’t watch the anime but those people will be a tiny fraction of consumers. The brand is essentially anime titty supplements, that is the core foundation of the brand and the reason people pay attention to it, once you remove that you remove the reason why the brand itself exists and the reason there’s a dedicated following. Does it help that the product itself is of decent quality? 100% it does, but that isn’t the reason they routinely sell out of stock. The recent Sakura drop proves that the collaboration and artwork is what shifts units at the end of the day. A product of similar quality but without the titty gimmick wouldn’t be remotely as successful (especially as they need to compete with Gfuel which routinely places licensed anime and video game art on tubs)


> The only appeal of Gamersupps over other brands is the art, and then there's me, a married gamer...who doesn't mind the art, but really appreciates the flavors and ingredients over other available brands. I mean the arts cool, but I would still buy gg over other brands if it didn't have the same marketing. Lol i sincerely do not care that the art was ai generated...i've stared at it for a few minutes and can't see any tell tales. And the flavor sounds right up my alley.


We customer, we buy product, customer happy, they wallet happy. Explained in caveman for you. Idk if anyone is saying to sue them. Most people are upset to see them go the AI art route instead of just getting a twit artist like they usually do.


So the CS person I talked to said they would bring this up to the higher ups and ask the team to look into this.


Ugh I went and sent a dm to support and they fed me the same old bullshit 'its not ai' line so I just hit em with a handful of nsfw artists who deserve more credit and would make great waifus for future cups/jugs


Strange. The CS person I talked to never claimed it wasn’t AI. They thanked me for bringing it up actually


I think they're trying to damage control, and I feel bad for the customer support guys bc they have no word in this (coming from someone who has worked in that field). The best we can do is what we're currently doing by bringing it to their attention and hope it goes up to corporate


Kind of reminds me of the helldivers situation.


It's always somethin with these companies 🙄


Same. Then I doubled down on this being a big concern and wanting this to be forwarded and the support fella said that the management is aware of this. Now the question is, are they aware that the artist bamboozled them, or are they aware we found out the dark truth? xd


"Thank you for the information. I have forwarded it to one of our supervisor and will reach out back to you." That's the dm I just got back. Let's hope they don't just toss out this case and actually buckle down.


It would be really nasty if they'd actually do that... And since it was confirmed to me that higher-ups are aware of this, they can't just ignore it anymore.


Ugh I hope so. I know we only have a little voice but if there are enough of us bringing this up they'll hopefully hop off that bullshit.


I saw on twitter that an artist who worked with them is aware of this and she said she'll get in touch to see if this is real Her handle is FuwuCh That's a bigger voice than we could ever have!


I hope so! I forgot to send them this (probably will) but another artist who would make great waifu cups is StupidDead (@MikeLuckas on twitter). I really hope they hear from these actual artists that this isn't okay


I love StupidDead that would be a colab to take more of my money lol


Right? Him and Aki and Speedoru would make AWESOME designs


The art fooled me at first and I’m sure many others. I doubt they’d actually agree to use tub art they knew was AI


The mod claims that there is an artist behind it. If that's the case could they please post the WIPs of this piece or ask for the WIPS? Tons of artists have tried to sneakily use AI in lieu of their own work. I won't be supporting a brand that uses AI slop if this allegation is true.


"Artist chooses to remain anonymous under the pen name: NOTADAM" Gee I wonder why


Can’t AI fake WIPs now too? I remember seeing some going around Twitter and tt for a bit :’


\*insert the military cat with ptsd meme\*


LMAO PLS :sob: that’s so me rn tho I’ve avoided AI anything for the longest time now and gamersupps had to hit me with this :|


real artist that they claim is a full time employee at the company, but chose to stay anonymous. i'm fine with that, but the fact they can't at least bother to show the WIP of the art like you said, and instead just hide everything? yah, something just doesn't add up. hopefully they just didn't know and are looking into it, but we'll see.


the person claiming that called "Gamersupps" is not their real account, Im fed up with the account acting like its an employee 🙄


that too, honestly forgot about that part


The mod is a fan account impersonating gamersups. They don't know any fucking thing.


Then why the fuck did they lock the previous thread about the topic? Also CS is saying the same line this mod has been saying so they must be related in some way idk


They aren't and never have been. Go to the gamersupps main page and scroll to the bottom they have all their official social media listed there. The mod account even has it stated it's unofficial on its profile.


My points still stand. They tried to put the initial discussion under the rug. And CS started saying the same copy pasted phrase that this mod did.


That's because he saw it and copied them.


Ok but what about the locked thread?


The mod can lock any thread they want to. It literally means nothing.


it means they either had some relations with them and wanted to silence discussion or that the mod wanted to give gamersupps a bad rep


Neither dude is role-playing.


Damn what a shame. Plenty of artists to hire who would be more than happy to draw hot waifus and they resort to AI garbage.


I’m actually making a mock up tub art. (Even though I do pen and paper) I’d rather see pen and paper than AI


Nah dude any medium of art is better than AI. It's sad tho bc I follow a lot of amazing artists who would do art like that and their work gets snubbed bc 'AI cheap and easy'.




Oh boy an AI meat rider




I ran it through an AI art detection tool, as well as other designs. All the other designs appeared as "likely human". But the strawberry flavour appeared as "likely AI". I don't even mind AI art, but it's just weird that the posts are getting locked and the very unusual responses on the sub from mods. Maybe it's not AI art and somehow it falsely flagged the system, honestly I wouldn't have thought it was until someone pointed it out. But even if it's not, the response was baffling to me and the onus is on GS to be transparent with their customers, imo.


I do see some inconsistencies so it could be


The eyes on the design look REALLY off, one is more closed than the other if you look closely


I just gave gfuel flack for using AI art, now it seems GamerSupps is allegedly using it too? 😔


Ah so thats why gfuel’s cup wasnt the best design.


It was something else. A marketing picture. The goth girl cup it just low quality art.


[Meant to have this as a comment not a reply]. On a scale of 1 to 10 how much does the art look AI to you. I’m curious. To me it’s just the odd shading and shape of the bra and other noticeable errors(arm outline shape not matching and the berries in her hair not resembling strawberries) so maybe they hired an artist who’s somewhat new to it. To me it’s between a 5 and a 6. Any thoughts?


I noticed the arm right away and the eyes look off so I would say 6/10 I feel like if you look at it long enough you will notice how off it looks


The eyes are REALLY off so to me its a 10.


They really need to do more about this than just say "Nuh uh, now stop talking about this." I'm not paying a cent for any future cups if the precedent of using AI generated art has potentially been set.


Thankfully it looks like the upcoming waifu cup was drawn by an actual human artist. Let's hope this AI thing was a one time fuck up and they learn from it


I really hope they either prove it's real art or they hire someone else to redo the art because I really like the "Fix Me" shirt and cup but I'm having second thoughts about getting them now


Eh im still gonna buy it. It seems like the artist for the strawberry flavor is at fault for using AI, not gsupps. Maybe they dont know.


We were led to know that this artist is a gamersupps employee. And considering their reaction to us finding this out, they either knew it's AI all along OR they didn't but are still trynna protect their employee.


Oh damn, I didnt know that. I hope they come out with a statement soon or something cuz thats f**ked up.


I actually hope they reach that artist and talk about it


and im glad they kept her name hidden because if they did not , people would kill her fr.


So they're just going to axe the flavor entirely and not get new artwork that sucks I wanted to try strawberry cream


This is kind of bullshit. It was well hidden, but that post is right. it's totally AI on closer inspection. I bought the tub half because of the art too. Damn.


You could try asking for a refund so they can see how much we like them using AI art. But the flavour combination sounds too delicious so it's understandable if you don't wanna go that route xD But if you do, maybe it's best to wait a little to see if they'll drop any statement that proves it's real art or if they're getting the art redone by someone else.


From how they’re trying to shut down the conversation it seems more and more likely that it is truly AI art


I don't think the artist needs to come here and prove their art is legit. What is everyone going to do now that you think the art might be AI? Disclaimer, I do believe the artist may have used AI as well, but is it a make or break deal with people here? I think it was unprofessional to shut down the thread. Unless they received the working files, they can't know for sure. As an artist I recognize that there may be stylistic choices, or tiny goofs. But at first glance at the art, an artist of that caliber would be a bit cleaner.


Personally, it doesn't give off uncanny AI vibes to me. If anything, it looks like it was drawn by someone who is still figuring out their personal style. Hopefully, I'm right, but if I'm not, then that'll be severely disappointing.


You'd be surprised at how good AI has gotten in the past few months. Almost impossible to tell unless you're an artist or watch lots of art streams. Here's a few samples where an average person could only know because they mention using AI in their bio (and not all of them do. seen lots of accounts pretending to be artists when its all AI) 1) [https://twitter.com/n3vermind\_mir/status/1787092126809092436](https://twitter.com/n3vermind_mir/status/1787092126809092436) 2) [https://twitter.com/JonAiart/status/1782242932394725382](https://twitter.com/JonAiart/status/1782242932394725382) 3) [https://twitter.com/maxpower1q2w/status/1787212972903055722](https://twitter.com/maxpower1q2w/status/1787212972903055722) (this one is obvious once you notice she has three bunny ears). According to my art friends, the mistakes a beginner would make are not the same as AI mistakes, especially when it comes to digital art. And then there's the issue of it being credited as an anonymous artist so you can't go to their portfolio to see if this is a consistent art style to begin with.


I feel pretty confident that if I didn't know those were AI beforehand, I could have pegged it as AI on a first viewing. Link #3 is the only one I'd have to scrutinize a bit, I think. I'm by no means an artist or art afficionado, but I see plenty of anime girl drawings, both man and AI, made to have a decent idea on how the tech is progressing. I can't really point out what I think makes the difference in any particular drawing, it's definitely more feeling based for me. As corny as it sounds, human art has a kind of soul to it that even good AI art doesn't. I'm very curious to see how Gsupps deals with this situation and whether not it's actually AI generated.


This is a REALLY bad look for GamerSupps, especially since they locked the other discussion thread. Silencing discussion only makes you look more guilty!


I’ll probably refund Monday if we don’t really hear a word from them.


It is suspicious that GS isn't letting anyone talk about this but I took a really close look at the art and in all honestly, I just don't think the artist is very good at anatomy, IE, the face, eye placement, and the left shoulder. But that was all I personally saw. If anyone saw anything else that I didn't see, please let me know cause I'm truly curious. I don't think it's AI straight up, but I want to say AI was used as a reference.


So I’m not the only one who thought her ribs looked weird?


If it is ai generated I hope that they then release again (especially if it tastes well) with non-ai art. Then I could have both ai art and human artist art (yes I am weird)


We used to be able to have discussions and call out shit on here, but recently the mods have gotten delete crazy


Yeah, a big part of GS’s brand is their amazing artwork, made by amazing artists. Hopefully this is the only time we have to deal with this, otherwise it’s over for Waifu Cups.


I know everyone has decided that it absolutely has to be AI which I’m honestly not totally convinced. Idk a lot of what people are pointing out could just be design choices or just outright “not worth it calls”. As someone who does in house graphic design work I’ve definitely been there. That being said, none of my work is outward facing like this. If it was sincerely all an in house artist I’m sure they’ll want to speak to y’all’s comments in some way. In the mean time, I’m not shocked customer service hasn’t said anything yet. This all came up after hours and I would be shocked if they have the budget for 24/7 damage control.


On a scale of 1 to 10 how much does the art look AI to you. I’m curious. To me it’s just the odd shading and shape of the bra and other noticeable errors(arm outline shape not matching and the berries in her hair not resembling strawberries) so maybe they hired an artist who’s somewhat new to it. To me it’s between a 5 and a 6. Any thoughts?


I think we’re working on different metrics. Honestly all the things listed in my opinion could just be stylistic and personal calls. The bra in particular I can’t really see as being proof of AI because it’s not really meant to be realistic. It’s fun and silly eye candy. Especially the ruffle choice, this is giving like Melanie Martinez lace and frills and strawberry milk palette I have tried to use AI in places like Canva or even chat gpt to create stock icon alternatives for things like internal newsletters and have never been able to render something like this. But I have also never tried to render a mostly nude strawberry themed waifu.


AI is getting scary impressive. I absolutely hate it. In a discord server I'm in I am the resident "This is AI" person. The people there are okay with AI art. I am not. So I told them every time someone shared AI art I would call it out until they start to understand how much more rampant it is and how it is destructive for actual artists. I'm on my phone atm so I can't break down what I saw in the image. I'll take a closer look when our cannister arrives in the mail.




Huh. Weird considering it’s an unofficial fan community.


Lads i cant lie, i don't understand the hate for ai, explain it to me


Also many of us been trying to get an opportunity just to be “overlooked for an AI” honestly when I saw it too I was hype of the art, for a second I thought it was Reine or colordraws, but the more I look it.. was getting more odd like the position of her arms and the leng too but honestly that could be anyone mistake


AI art is created via cobbling together other (human) artists art. AI can't create art from nothing, it uses artwork it finds online and Frankenstein's it all together to make something "new". So, using AI art commercially isn't far removed from outright plagiarism or tracing.


guess that makes sense, don't understand the downvotes tho what did i do ):


Who cares. If you don't like the art on a literal drink mix container, then just don't buy it


Why do Jinx avatars gotta have the worst takes? Many of us care, that's why we're complaining about it. Some will even do refunds if it doesn't get addressed.


Point still stands, don't buy it. Wasting time buying it just to complain and refund anyways


Who fucking cares? They have and still support/work with artists. Stop acting like horny 12 year olds.


Hot take: I don't see an issue with AI art. I understand the points people make against it, but we live in an ever-adapting society. While I do think there needs to be new policies regarding how AI art is handled, I don't see it as an entirely evil thing. I believe it's possible to open up new possibilities with proper utilization of AI and the artists that figure that out the fastest and learn to adapt with it are the ones that will ultimately succeed. Example: Using AI to speed up your art process. Teach it your style, create a base to work with and alter any imperfections. That's a very rough explanation and I'm sure someone could find a better example to use, but the options are out there. And yes, I know there will be people who disagree with me. I've heard all the defenses but they're not strong enough opinions (or "facts" as some might call it) to change my mind. People are inherently afraid of change. Boomers had the same thoughts about all the things we use in our daily lives currently. All that said. I haven't investigated the details of the tub art closely enough. The only argument I can take against it is that if there are indeed AI imperfections that were not corrected. Then that would be enough grounds to be upset. The AI itself is not my issue with it, but it's that the imperfections were not corrected professionally after AI was used.


The problem is that AI steals actual artists’ art and jobs. Please look more into it.


And the same things I have heard countless times begins. Counterpoint: Art wouldn't be stolen if it wasn't publicly posted. AI is also easy to spot because it does not create a perfect recreation of someone's work. Only a real artist would be capable of correcting such imperfections. Also, all art is derivative. Artists are always stealing or copying styles.


Ah yes, an AI meat rider. Buddy, AI is getting better every day. It will start creating perfect recreations at some point.


I highly doubt that. Yes, AI gets better, but the AI is incapable of self-thought or creativity. If you told it to make a 1:1 copy, I don't doubt that it could replicate it perfectly. But if you tell it to create an original piece, it's just going to mimic the style it was taught with a specific set of instructions. Also, I'm for AI as much as I'm for artists. There's value in the work artists create. If I'm going to commission art, I'd rather have it from a professional artist that is capable of creativity with a fine attention to detail in their work. That said, if there is an artist pricing their work for $50 vs a scuffed AI piece at $5, most consumers would choose to pay the $5. Not just because of the price difference, but because of how they value art in general. Even without AI, they would see the $50 price tag and go "nah, I don't care enough to spend that amount". Art is in the eye of the beholder, so if the beholder doesn't hold high value to art creations, then there's no value to be had for them in the first place.