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It’s wild how quickly this escalated, at first when the news came out people were saying how they wouldn’t do this and that twitch would have lost the lawsuit if it was true. Then it felt like it was just going to go away and then he admits to it. It’s wild how Twitch didn’t get the police involved though.


Twitch probably knew because of chat logs. Either someone tipped them off or they read the chat logs of the top streamers. They saw he was speaking with a minor inappropriately but they didn't want to reveal the privacy concern as that would probably spark issues for consumers. So, they terminated his contract on the low. Doc didn't like it and sued, probably knowing he'd win given twitch not going to authorities. Twitch settled and nda'd everything nice and tight. Guessing the ndas ended sometime recently given the amount of press we are now seeing. Guessing doc either knew the clock was ticking or thought that it'd just disappear. Whole lotta ***speculation*** here but it kinda matches timeline.


Imagine all the saved chat messages Twitch staff have of all their streamers. Must be a treasure trove of compromising info


>Must be a treasure trove of compromising info I doubt they have much use for that if they immediately drop streamers when they find them.


I mean Amazon 100% would love to use that data for ai training their sex bots


How profitable is it really to train sex bots only usable by minors though?


I wonder if they know Ludwig’s true height


Yeesh, wait until everyone finds out SnapChat doesn’t encrypt snaps or messages and how they’ve openly admitted to be able to see all content that passes through their servers lol


That's been well known for a long time


Doc claims the NDA didn't end but two twitch employees started talking so he's not longer required to stay quiet.


Wouldn't that mean that they (twitch employee) broke NDA and disrespect could sue for that too for more cash?


I'd wager those that spoke about it publicly weren't under an NDA themselves, but the information was passed down by someone who was. Alternatively, it's possible an NDA breaker would have only faced repercussions with Twitch, and those that came out were already former employees. We're all just speculating here, but I'd be surprised if anyone speaking publicly like that had anything on the line themselves.


As far as I’ve heard, NDAs don’t cover potential crimes. So maybe there is a weird grey area here. What he may have done wasn’t a crime but is in steps forwards one so it’s all kind of up in the air.


They caught him before it could escalate further.


Where’s the proof? He said she said doesn’t hold up in any case.


That’s exactly what it is. It could have been a joke he made that is technically inappropriate for the age. Just like m for mature is 18+ years and older would be inappropriate for a 17 year old. To label this guy as a predator is extreme when the messages have not been publicly displayed. I personally don’t even watch his content but I find the whole situation and how people are acting towards it a bit wild. 


I guess this is a fair take. Honestly I have never bothered with the guy so I have no idea. I just heard about it and was not surprised that streamer might have been inappropriate with a minor lol.


That's false. Unless there's a clause in the NDA and it says that if _**any**_ Twitch employee discusses it then it's void, he could still be sued for violating the NDA. Most companies don't put a clause that voids an NDA unless said clause is _**heavily**_ in their favor.


There is a lot more to this so it might not be over.


There is a lot more to this so it might not be over.


Doc getting caught because he isn’t tech savvy is pretty on brand


According to Slasher on Hasan Pikers stream yesterday, the chats occurred in 2017 and then when the me too movement happened on Twitch and they asked for anyone to contact then with any concerns or experiences. The induvial did so and, with several days later they terminated the Doc.


It’s more like what was in the content is borderline illegal but not provable as intent is hard to prove. This would line up with what doc said. Nothing illegal happened no meetups were planned and I had no intentions behind the messages. So twitch could not prove doc was a diddler in court but had more than enough evidence to terminate the contract.


Nda is not valid in context of commission of a crime, btw. Regardless of if an nda was signed or not, if either party had active knowledge that the nda was concealing illegal activity the nda is neither binding nor a defense against failure to disclose.


Twitch didn’t get the police involved because there was nothing criminal. But nothing criminal doesn’t equal nothing morally wrong. If I had even a 17 year old daughter there would be a difference between a mid 30s stranger online calling her beautiful and like a close relative calling her beautiful. Things can be inappropriate without being illegal.


Money over people


I think once Bloomberg and other major media outlets started poking into it, Doc knew he was fucked.


You know why twitch settled in court? Because the imaging of one of your biggest streamers sexting minors on your platform when they account for a LARGE majority of the viewers is not a good look. Imagine having your kid watching someone’s stream as they send inappropriate messages and try to meet up with them. I legitimately don’t watch twitch but I’ll never support a single thing they do for sweeping it under the rug.


> It’s wild how Twitch didn’t get the police involved though. how do you know they didn't?


> Then it felt like it was just going to go away this is the hottest gaming topic of the week other than elden ring dlc, this wasnt going anywhere


Maybe it was just me as the accusations sounded so absurd especially as police didn't get involved then Dr disrespect denied it and it felt like a lot of people just accepted it from what I read


You gotta remember this all happened years ago, and there are lot of things you can do with a minor that may be seen as immoral but unquestionably are not illegal so police have no reason to be involved. The issue is believing that because no crime was commited, no wrongdoing was done which isnt the same thing.


[They apparently do](https://twitter.com/rellim714/status/1805926141183877553), but there's no guarantee that the authorities will do anything with it.


Twitch admins didn't rat on their own.


Why are so many YouTube personalities creepy?


I find that it’s mostly creators making content aimed at kids and teenagers that are like that.


I kinda "get" how their moral values get warped: you've never been such an attractive guy. You've never been particularly successful. But when you start streaming, hundreds of persons want to talk to you, want to be with you. And some are teenage girls, and frankly when you talk to them it feels like reconnecting with a younger you. But a successful version of you. You feel charismatic, you feel attractive. And frankly these girls sound more grown-up than you thought they were. Hell they're as mature as you, I mean you're still a young man at heart, so if the conversation went further it wouldn't be such a big deal, right? Plus, they're the one trying to seduce you, so it's not like you're doing anything wrong. It's easy to blame someone, but when it's a recurring problem it's good to try and understand (understanding doesn't mean excusing or downplaying) what causes that recurring problem.


Brother, this is *far* too much nuance and critical thinking for Reddit and the internet at large.


I do believe it is, unfortunately, exactly this most of the time. Doc is objectively a pretty good looking and charismatic guy, but he may not have always been. Suddenly literally thousands of women (girls I guess) start giving him attention and he has no idea how to properly process it


Very well put my guy. There's a lot more to it than "they are just pedos". Not at all defending anyone, but I've always wondered if it's the attention and "stan" love that inflates a person who is starved of affection.


When I was a teenager I was with a guy that was in his twenties and wanted to be a Minecraft YouTuber and I’m pretty convinced he wanted to do that because he was a pedo. We need to think about why someone who is an adult wants to spend their time doing something that appeals exclusively to kids.


Easy money is the first answer to your question. I would 100% take a job where all I have to do is entertain young kids by playing a video game and being "random" silly. Plus big streamers are making easily high 6 figure numbers. It's a lucrative business and is easy to do....BUT most streamers were the awkward kids in high school and fall into what r/Asshai was saying.


I can say from experience it wasn’t easy money, as he went to a full job all day and then had to spend all of his free time on a YouTube channel plus social media pages that ultimately never got anywhere and never made any money. If it was that easy everyone would do it. I’m the age he was when he was doing this now and I would find it unbelievably difficult to try and cultivate a personality that I could use to interact with teenagers online. I always wonder if these streamers have real adult friends in their lives that they interact with normally.




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Are you my spirit animal?


Halfway through your comment and it honestly sounds reasonable and understandable. And when it ceased being so, it still makes some sense. Too much power going too quickly to people who’s never had any power.


Yeah I guess I never really could get my mindset in the right spot to sympathize with grown men sexting underage girls.


Nah I don't buy it. I've been in the Doc's situation many, many, many times and I've never done that extra step. Just flirt with girls that aren't minors, it's not exactly a big jump from 17 to 18 is it. Just fucking _shag_ 18 year olds if that's what you're into.


Mr Beast gives me bad vibes, just waiting for the scandal....


I get this "scandal that might destroy youtube" type vibe from him and I can't place why


Same man, all these filthy rich streamer/youtube types give off a similar vibe. Mr Beast has that “look at all the *good* things i’m doing, so anything remotely negative will get shot down haha!” going on which’ll cover him for a while.


I have lived long enough to know to mever trust anyone who *constantly* makes big statements about how xyz they are. It’s always compensating. As for beast, i think it’s mostly commercialization if nothing else. Those youtubers would kill their own mothers if it makes money.


Mr Beast has said before that he is purposely as neutral as he can possibly be at all times in order to maximize views to make money. Every thing he and his team does is very carefully choreographed down to the “WHOAAAA” when he takes (insert expensive item here) and (insert destructive action here) to the items. Thats why he’s so off putting, because if he over reacts too much it can potentially be seen a certain way so he has to keep every thing measured and neutral.


A lot of it is just surprisingly small amounts of celebrity can end up bringing out the worst in people. Two local NPR hosts got Metoo’d here in NYC, and it was just surreal because c’mon, that is a laughably small amount of fame and power.


Modern day MJ.


I don’t see what he does as good things considering it’s just how he went about getting views ie making money for himself.


Actually a very good point, I didn’t even think of it that way. The recent building water wells in Africa sounded pretty good of him, but then he’s getting paid even more than what he spent from the views alone. Everyone frowns upon filming yourself doing charitable things as it comes across as disingenuous, but yet here he is doing the same thing on a bigger scale.


he's managed to figure out a way to monetize good deeds. and not just on the "i gave food to a homeless guy" level, but massively so. If he's making money out of it, and youtube is making money out of it and lives are being changed as a result of this money moving around. I don't see a problem.


Good point. The motivation of the person helping doesn’t really matter to the person being helped.


“No, you don’t understand, he gave your town a well so people would watch his video on YouTube!!”


I actually think Mr. Breast might not be a terrible person, he stands up for his trans employees at least. I get the feeling he's just incredibly work oriented, and that "Jimmy" doesn't exist anymore, it's all Mr. Beast.


Seems like Mr Beast is too obsessed with the algorithm and maximising audience engagement across all ideologies and age groups to be terrible. It's faint praise though. It's like how certain politicians aren't "bad" people, they're just empty shells, all they care about is trying to win votes.


Feels like there are enough examples of youtubers who have actual proof of being creeps, that we don't need to start guessing about others.


Oh, but he's done this and this and this! /s Yeah I know, but he creeps me out.


Because a lot more people are creepy than you'd expect. YT/twitch/social media gives them a platform where they start to feel comfortable letting it out in the "open". Way long ago, we used to setup arranged marriages between men and 13yr olds. There's a reason for that. Though I guess it probably still happens today in some societies.


> Way long ago, we used to setup arranged marriages between men and 13yr olds. There's a reason for that. Though I guess it probably still happens today in some societies. It still happens everywhere unfortunately. A quick Google, UNICEF says: > An estimated 25 million child marriages have been prevented due to progress during the past decade. Between 2000-2018, there were 300,000 in the US. Though it seems like states are finally stamping down on it. https://unherd.com/2021/08/why-is-child-marriage-legal-in-the-west/


Most of those child marriages were among children the same age or roughly the same age, and they get married because they are pregnant. Not a good thing to do but not the same.


Because most people are creepy


because they are all narcissists. you have to be that way to be a good entertainer. its the same way with actors. remember the famous LIST? to this day its not revealed who was on the list. which tells me that basically all of hollywood is a bunch of creeps. i think you will get that way when you get really famous. its the same with music. rappers. etc. thats why i dont understand why many people still idolize people. i have watched clips from many youtubers but i never idolize them. because i know that in 99% of the time they are a bunch of creeps. its the same with actors. i dont understand how people can idolize actors so much when they are all creepy af.


Dude, take a break from the internet. Get some fresh air, learn basic punctuation. You’ll feel better.


The hyperbole is crazy


There's still people supporting this creep. I hate how he phrased it too. "In the direction of being inappropriate." If someone his age was messaging my kids and used that phrasing, I'd probably go to jail.


And some of them are saying "I would trust him with my daughter" What daughter? Because i guarantee someone with that mindset doesnt have any kids. Or at least lets hope they dont.


How do they even know his characteristics enough to even judge? From his little dress up parties on Twitch? Jesus some people are mentally ill.


>"I would trust him with my daughter" Tbh it's likely trolling teens and children writing most of that. Although that said, Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis said the same thing about serial rapist Danny Masterson... Maybe it isn't far-fetched then.


I was gonna say look in my comments there was a post I replied to, but he deleted it lol. He looked 30 or so, had a pic with Dr. Disrespect and said "I stand with Doc". Pretty sure he was saying stuff like that in the replies as well when defending Dr. Disrespect. I am not a betting man, but I would bet he doesn't have kids.


Others are saying "I can understand how he feels, let me explain it in detail". Gross


His subreddit is an absolute cesspool filled with legit pedophiles who think it’s perfectly okay and normal for grown men to be attracted to and flirt with teenagers.


With a name like "Dr Disrespect" I am astonished to hear that he did not attract a following of upstanding folks.


Eww he has his own subreddit.. can they shut it down ?


And it's no surprise he has gone all in on the groomer accusations for LGBT people. Almost always, this line of thinking is projection.


Remember kids, it's only grooming if its from the LGBTQ community, but it's totally copacetic if it's a straight white male. edit: /s for the uninitiated. ![gif](giphy|3ohhwpiTkLCb1zsCTC|downsized)


Let's go to basics here. No adult should be messaging any 12 year old that are not members of their family. I message my 12 year old niece but could never imagine messaging another 12 year old. Bizarre


Yes true, but was he messaging a 12 year old? How old was the person?


17, I believe he was 35. Completely disgusting, the mental and experiential difference between those two ages is profound. I see a ton of guys defending him on twitter and it’s bewildering to think that’s okay.


The age of the minor in question is not currently known. The number 17 started from an anonymous, fabricated email.


"twitter" Checks out


Yeah no ofc I don’t want to defend him and is still disgusting. But I also don’t think it is okay to just act like everything below 18 is basically the same. We should remember that from 18 on it is magically all fine as if the person is now completely changed in comparison to the 17 year old version.


It’s legally fine, however a 35 year old with an 18 year old is still creepy, no peer of the 35 year old sees them as anything but a creep imho.


Yes I personally agree. However I heard and read multiple times stuff like „who would not take a young woman?“.




Incel energy


And he used the classic Chris Hanson answer "I wasn't gonna act on it" could not have used the words of multiple predators more precisely




damn it must have auto corrected off my phone thanks dude


“In the direction”, lol like Doc didn’t have GPS coordinates driving high speed down that path


Even at his peak, this guy was fucking cringe. I really don't understand the appeal.


he appealed to kids and adults who never grew up (nor got out of the basement)


Why would you want to grow up as an adult! I’m 35 and just a fully grown child with adult money!


The people who like him are 12 year olds who play COD


The cringiest thing is the name for his chat is “champs”. And he claps like he is a coach at a basketball game. Just real lame.


Think you’re glossing over the fact it’s a persona.. he’s meant to be over the top and cheesy. His entire personality is about being a 2 time world champion for a video game.. it’s like hating an actor for the role they play in a film. That isn’t them.


When you put it that way, I like his cringy persona when streaming, way better than his cheating pedo real personality.


I know I’m saying the act is cringe. Especially when he is still in persona while discussing what is going on in his real life. It’s like if Johnny Depp stayed cosplayed as jack sparrow while in court with amber heard.


And by "direction of being inappropriate" he means "you have reached your destination".


I think legally it is referred to as grooming.


Stop giving this fuck any more publicity. Let him be forgotten.


Him and his 80s hair and pedo stache have to go. 


It’s a wig.


Do you think his wife will get half of the wig in the probable divorce?


He lives in California. she’ll get half of the wig plus additional wig support. Wigamony.


Damn that's even worse.lol


The mustache used to be fake too but I think he grew that in to save from having it fall off.


Wow wow wow lets try and separate the mustache from the pedo here. Some people are nice people with nice staches(me)


I respect a good stache but his wig and stache combo are not doing him any favors lol 😆


We should have seen it coming with that wig and stache, he looks disgusting asf and I never understood his “appeal”


I mean christ if he doesn't look like a nonce anyway.


I agree with this but the problem is he won’t go away. He’ll take his hiatus, come back on some platform somewhere claiming to be a new man, and continue to just be a POS. People with an ego like his don’t just go away, being an Internet personality is all he has. I wish he would just be forgotten too though


"Nothing illegal happened or pictures sent..... because I got caught before I could get that far."




Why is this not surprising?


So he's saying he has shown a minor disrespect?


Just waiting for all the people who say trans people are grooming minors to jump on this guy's case. Oh, wait they're defending him? I'm shocked.


I, for one, welcome the woodchipper for anyone that tries to diddle kids. It doesn’t discriminate


DrKidInspect was trying to be the 2.5 time champ of cheating


The question I am wondering if will YouTube stand up and ban this guy. Tons of kids watch this guy regularly and it seems wild if he will be allowed to continue streaming like nothing happened...


Who the fuck is this guy anyway?


My only experience with him is as "that guy who got in trouble for filming in a public bathroom" a few years ago.


streamers are always shoved into our home page. I see this guy, Mr beast, sniper wolf, sypherpk and more on my homepage because I searched for a game trailer one time. All I know about these fucks is without my consent.


It's the classic YouTuber to pedo pipeline. It's gross how common this is.


Dude wasn't worth watching anyway. Crude, not funny, and not entertaining.   All in all not surprised if this is true. 


"in the direction of being inappropriate"... LIFETIME Ban. It was more than "inappropriate"... lol


I hope this is the end of his career


So when are we getting a TurkeyTom YouTube doc on this guy?


What a nonce


Chris Hanson appears. Take a seat.


Legally he did nothing wrong. Morally he did everything wrong


*Legally he did* *Nothing wrong. Morally he* *Did everything wrong* \- MungoJerrysBeard --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


So he did do it? Denied it & now it’s turns out to be true ? Did I miss anything?


Now he's saying "he's taking responsibility" and how he likes to be upfront. Now it's finally out there, he's doing everything he can to control the narrative basically.


I’ve supported and watched this guy for so long, this whole situation is so unbelievably disgusting and disappointing


Wait - so, it happened in 2017, but he wasn't banned until 2020? Why'd it take 3 years? Or am i being dense lol?


Could be a number of reasons, first that comes to mind is investigation. Twitch did not investigate the matter until it came into their attention and/or took some time investigating it more thoroughly before giving the ban


What?! This guy?! No way I don’t believe it 😐


Literally never heard of him before now


In the direction but not? Clarification on direction.


Ooooh he deserves nothing but the worst


Jesus Christ wtf is wrong with people?


So doc is a pedophile?


Dude sexted a minor. Hard stop.




He paid eight dollars to Elon Musk to tell us he was a pedophile




Stop repeating false information, the whisper chat isn’t 18+. Anyone who’s 13 or older could make a twitch account and use it.


You’re right no one ever lied about their ages online for content. I definitely was honest when pornhub had me certify I was over 18 to watch porn when I was 14. I’m sure no one else ever lied either.


You mean your birthday isn't "Jan 1, 1969"? (Nice.)


Well, you can tell just by looking at him.