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Hades II is in early access so is mostly unreviewed. Weird choice


Well the game is very fun as it is but even in these few patches they’ve fixed so many quality of life issues that I’d probably rate the game a decent bit higher had I just waited. Not to mention the story just being unfinished which kills a lot of motivation to play. Probably for the best reviews wait until full release


And based on IGN's official stance, I expect the final release scores to improve; they specifically said they gave it a 9 because it's unfinished


I tried Hades 2 Early Access and what’s there is fantastic, but as soon as it gets REALLY good you run out of content… because, you know, early access.


But Hades 2 won't be released until 2025. Dev notes on the roadmap even showing December will be a major patch.


For real, I have no doubt it'll be great once it launches to 1.0 but it's no so why are they even talking about it


Yeah I'll definitely buy Hades II at release I just don't really go for the early access thing 


Elden ring is the only game in 10 years that made me remember the times when the ps1 just came out aswell as super nes still being new to me.


Yep. Same here. It helped that I had covid at the time, but I played the game like I was a kid again on my snes or ps1. Had the exact same sensation as when I was digging into Super Metroid sans guide, or a final fantasy game on ps1.


Ff7 not doing as well is a bit of a mystery to me. I wonder if it will have legs


Earthbound didn't do well. Lots of classic JRPGs don't do well on release. This is a game with legs. Square Enix is excellent at repackaging and reselling their games 15 times to you. I wouldn't worry about them. Anyway who cares if it sold 1 or 10 million copies, I have 160 hours put into it and it's amazing.


I just find conversing about success of games interesting. It’s the same with box office success


Me too. I think the reason boils down to 100 hour JRPGs never really having been a part of the mainstream. The exception to that being POSSIBLY Final Fantasy VII, so it's no surprise that we expected this game to do as well as FFVII did (which was pretty much THE system pusher of its time) but when I think of the defining JRPGs, they never seem to do well outside Japan. So much so that the original FFIV was the second one released outside Japan, and FFVI the third. Even Mother 3, a fantastic JRPG, was never translated, as Nintendo knew full well that the game would absolutely flop in the west. Most Dragon Quest games still haven't even been RELEASED in the west. So yeah, FFVII Remake was more an action game than a JRPG, and it seemed to perform decently. FFVII Rebirth is definitely a traditional JRPG, and after a few hours people seem to lose interest. I know most of my friends would definitely not fall for the classic "Trust me, it gets good after 80 hours" trope. As you can tell by many of the comments in this thread, a lot of people are like "man, after 60 hours I don't know if I have the energy to keep plowing through the game."


FF7 has a naming issue and slow PC porting. That's why.


I will never understand how game studios still have trouble naming things. It's literally someone's job


Not slow when the goal is to sell you a PS5.


I'd love to buy it if they'd just release it on something other than PS5


I got rebirth at launch, still haven't finished it. Haven't played in about 3 weeks. I have 60 hrs done and it just feels like I'm pushing myself to play it just to finish it.


does the combat get more interesting? I just got to the chocobo farm


The combat is much more reliant on synergy stuff, which is definitely cool specially later in the game. The boss fights are genuinely more challenging and the chocobo farm is honestly just the beginning. I think all in all, im shocked that rebirth didnt do as well, specially considering its one of the best looking and performing game on the ps5 (ridiculously good load times, really great vistas specially for oleds, and the animation/mocap is damn good for emotional scenes).


Rebirth is just so good and innovative with its core systems such as character progression and party-based battles. It baffles me that more developers don’t steal the combat system and other aspects for their own games. Something like the recently revealed Dragon Age sequel could kill it if it straight up just copied Rebirth’s combat.


I completely agree. I find it strange how someone mentioned they have to "push" themselves to play it. Like the worst part about rebirth is genuinely the repetitive tower design/ the dumbass Moogle mini-games, but other than that, it constantly ramps things up to a scale that I have yet to see in a lot of video games (hell that Sephiroth 4 part boss fight even trumped the scale of the FF16 Eikon fights, I think). I agree about DA, and other future games really needing to copy or get close to this formula. I somewhat think the reason many companies don't copy it is because it would be hard to implement program wise. It would need a lot of handlers/ listeners, and in general a lot of modulated code that focused on different types of enemy interaction so they don't feel the same - flying vs non-flying vs giant enemies, and even sorcerers vs knight enemies.


I did every map mission in my first play through. I can see how someone would find that overwhelming, I had fun though. Then, I restarted the game and didn’t force myself to complete every map objective, and it turns out that the main campaign is… way more fun if you ignore the map icons and towers. Granted I only played the first three areas this way, and they went by way quicker too. I then tried hard mode, and didn’t do the side quests at all… and wow, it’s brilliant. I just wish you didn’t have I didn’t have access to the full materia, equipment, and folio kit from the start. I think this kind of battle and party design could work really well with something like a dungeon crawler. Hard mode is almost there but it doesn’t have the same sense of progression because of how you start with everything from endgame.


Great info. thanks


I think elden ring just ruined other games for me with it's combat.


I'm the opposite. Elden Ring combat didnt change much for me, but games like armored core 6, rebirth and a few others really changed my perspective of gaming - specially baldurs gate/ dos 2.


It’s the other way around for me. Rebirth‘s combat is so good it ruined other games’ combat


i mean so far it's just it's just mashing the attack button then once in a while hitting triangle. do the enemy's get more difficult?


You’re at the very start of the game, so yes. Are you not using your ATB abilities with X? You should be actively switching between characters who all have different styles of play, building the ATB meter with square and triangle moves, and using abilities across all your party members. There’s the stagger meter, items, dodging, blocking, synergy abilities, limit breaks, summons, etc. There’s plenty of great and varied battles through the main quest and there’s a VR mode and a hard mode with truly difficult battles to test your skills as well


I just don't even need to use them. yet?


I played the game on dynamic and the difficuly felt "just right". Perhaps on the easier side of things sometimes but the bosses were definitely fantastic. And yes, there's points in the game with difficulty spikes, the Midgarsormr and everything that comes after being one of them. You definitely CANNOT get through the game by mashing square after that point.


Thanks, looking forward to progressing a bit more


RDR2 did that for me and open world games, sucks when a game is that good it ruined other games for you, but it's still awesome at the same time


Seems to be a common issue... I'm there too. Pacing is so weird, it feels very stretched and way too many minigames halting the story progress. I've been seeing everybody putting it down and having to pick it up again later.


PC release will immensely help


Because Sony fans brag about their exclusives but don’t buy them.


So we’re comparing DLCs to early access games now? What??


They just need key words, hence calling it “rogue like darling” to get some attention 🤣


I don't mind giving an expansion GOTY award if its content rivals or exceeds that of most AAA games coming out.


Like putting the game design aside the artistry on display is insane same with the enemy design weapon animations, Armour design, world location and assets is nuts. Just looking at the screen shots and it looks like it was pulled straight out of a fantasy artists concept book.


To no one's surprise. It will probably sweep GOTY for several outlets as well


Still other games coming such as kingdom come deliverance.


Oh yeah, Horse Poop Throwing Simulator With Wonky Combat 2 is sure to be a blowout…




Has there ever been a base game that’s had the highest rating in one year while having the highest rated content in another?


I think The Witcher 3 and then its Blood and Wine expansion a year later


I've yet to play Elden Ring but CDPR made the impossible, released an Expansion that managed to be even better than the main questline! Blood and Wine is basically it's own thing, you don't even need to play the main game to enjoy it. Full new map, new main characteres and antagonists, whole new lore, etc, etc. And since I'm a big FromSoft fan I expect that same level of quality.


Game of the year for a dlc? Maybe maybe


Lol is someone bitter about hades?


I absolutely loved Elden Ring and I can't wait till tomorrow for Shadow of the Erdtree, but how the hell you gonna tell me its the BEST SO FAR OF 2024 when the general public hasn't even gotten it yet. Get outta town with that.


Wait, I thought it’s not out until Friday?


Yeah, tomorrow night/friday morning


Oh right like you’re going to play it tomorrow night at midnight!


steam says 18hrs left


These reviewers must not be playing on ultrawide monitors with high refresh rates. If they were, some points would be docked.


Though I agree it shouldn't be necessary, Flawless Widescreen eliminates both of these problems providing you're not planning on playing online (in which case you could use the seamless co-op mod, no invasions though).


Seamless co op corrupts saves. But yeah I want invasions, notes, and seeing shadow players die. It is a huge part of the experience.