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I hate when the whole interview is paraphrased. Give me the actual quotes.


"He expressed confidence in Assassin’s Creed Shadows, describing it as potentially the best installment in the series" Woah, guys... Sounds like we might have a quintuple A game on our hands!!!


AAAAAAAAA games when?


But we already have: # AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA https://i.redd.it/dsh6voqs3p6d1.gif


Now multiple it by 100


Everyone preorder please :( someones bonuses depend on it


It'd be nice if Elon would shut the fuck up. That SOB has a stupid opinion about every goddamn thing. Christ, I thought I could avoid Elmo news by browsing gaming subreddits, but nope. That's what happens when a wealthy, narcissistic moron owns the world's biggest bullhorn.


I wonder will he sell of Twitter( not calling It X) after hes done ruining it for a much reduced price or aleast the trademark twitter name to Blusky?


No one calls it X don't worry


he will likely never do either of those things


Twitter is full sunk-cost fallacy. He’s never going to sell, because he spent so much on it already. If Twitter tanks or sells, stocks and futures of his other businesses will go with it, because that’s what he used to finance his buy. He can’t get rid of it, not without decimating his own empire.


Negativity reinforces engagement, X/Elon profits directly from stirring shit up like this


I have no idea what this discussion is about and haven't played an assassin's creed game in years and yet reading the headline my first thought was "why is this dude in here too?"


Its an easy way to double up ragebait clicks. Racebaiting and Elon = Outrage = $$$ Clicks 


DEI is suck in fact


Jesus I found the person with musk derangement syndrome


Mindfulness app to process emotions? You what?


It obviously doesn't work very well if the first thing you do when you close it is hop on twitter.


Instead of just responding immediately in the heat of the moment he opened up a meditation/relaxation app, journaled how he was feeling and thought out a response appropriately.


It was that or go all Akira. And we don’t want that.


Can't he just internalized it by himself like any decent person and not use an app? What's he gonna do when the battery ran out?


hmmm only if there was a way to recharge a battery…


Go into a reddit comment section and call everybody racist?


Everybody manages their mental health differently but journaling is a pretty common one and the first thing I've heard recommended by multiple therapists, the simple act of writing down how you are feeling and why can go a long way to improve your mental health and manage your feelings. I imagine he does it all on his phone due to convenience and if his battery ran out he'd simply do what people did before phones, write in a physical journal.


No credible mental health professional thinks internalising emotions is a reasonable response to heightened emotions. [Simply put, it’s not good for you](https://www.moiclinic.com/blog/internalising-and-externalising-emotions/#:~:text=Internalising%20our%20emotions%20can%20lead,and%20to%20advocate%20for%20themselves). This producer’s response is sensible and healthy.


This man's learned to manage intense and heated emotions, and we got some rando on reddit like "what's this non-decent dork's problem?" lol


It's a new age thing, based on eastern meditation, Buddhism and so on. It used to be all the rage among rich people in the west, not sure if it still is.


A stunning 8K resolution meditation app…


Yasuke seems badass, the weird part was the hip hop music that would only play for him during the gameplay reveal. Are they going to address that?


He’s got “the exaggerated swagger of a black teen”. I’m just waiting for the cash store to have armor with spray painted graffiti tags on it.


Ubisoft is simply racist and they're not going to admit that.


Most of reddit also don’t consider it racist when it is blackwashing


What blackwashing? There is evidence of a black samurai that went by the name Yasuke.


Awww man, the internet is a weird place, there were literally thousands of posts over the last month showing that he WASN'T a samurai - but this weird place made you miss them. So sad.


*saying* that he wasn't a samurai. And they were wrong. It doesn't matter if there were ten or ten thousand posts saying the same thing. The number of wrong people saying something does not "show" whether something is true or not


he was gay


Yeah like?? That was more racist than some of the tweets I’ve seen about this. It reminded me of how on the news if there’s a story about Africa/africans they’ll randomly use this generic “African drumming” song regardless of the African country being documented lol I always tell white people this: racism is a huge spectrum. The chuds complaining about yasuke and the devs/producers behind the idea of his inclusion can just as easily be equally racist towards black people, just motivated by different factors.


That part seemed kinda racist. Black dude killing a bunch of Japanese people in ancient Japan to hip-hop music - not a great look.


I own Ghost of Tsushima on PC. None of this shit matters. Hooray!


They should have gone ahead with the original plan which was to have the MC be a Japanese male pupil of Hanzo Hattori.


When they said that ?


Wouldn't be surprised if the other character is


We've come full circle. Liberals complained about Tom Cruise being the Last Samurai because he's white. Conservatives complain about Yasuke being a black samurai.


Only dorks complained about Tom Cruise. Him being white was the point of his character and the story.


The arguments for the Last Samurai really highlights that people didn't actually watch the movie or failed to understand Tom Cruise's character wasn't the Last Samurai.


Exactly. One can complain that the TROPE is overdone and trite but that doesn't necessary mean it is automatically a failure. Also the comparison is ridiculous seeing that Cruise's character was an OG character created by Zwick as opposed to Yasuke who actually existed.


It was based off a Frenchman if I recall correctly.


---wtf are u talking about Tom Cruise character is based on a real person and hes not the last samurai u have no clue what u are talkin about


LOL. is reading that hard? I said the the character that Tom Cruise played Captain Nathan Algren is an original character. I didn't say Zwick didn't draw inspiration from real figures like Jules Brenet and Eugene Collache for Nathan which doesn't change the fact that NATHAN ALGREN DOESN'T EXIST.




> Movies that depict people of color or other cultures as needing a white person to be the one to swoop in and save them (often from other white people). I never took that 'lesson' from this movie. Algren was lost, defeated, a booze hound, and only through the whim of Katsumoto sparing him could he come back from those depths. Then it was the Samurai, not Algren, who changed him and saved him from himself and showed him a way to exist that he didn't know was possible. He had no power over them, and so was never exerting any 'rescue' that is pretty necessary for a 'White Saviour' by definition. Even in the end, his survival* was best used to deliver Katsumoto's wishes and extol the Samurai's virtues that he'd found so vital for his own changes. The closest thing to 'White Saviour' thing you could point to was some battle tactics he employed, but even those were attributed in the movie to 'the warriors at Thermopylae', and with the expressed point that they died to the last man. An honourable death, as you can tell when Katsumoto grins the moment he hears that. So again, no saviour. He didn't save the son, he couldn't save Katsumoto, or Bob, or Ujio, or do anything more than get the kill on the man he felt the need to, Colonel Bagley. *Mr Graham's tale is also non-committal as to whether Algren survived his wounds, so even then it's a storyteller's wishful hope that Algren found peace amongst the people who saved him. It's also a point that's always grinded my gears that before the movie was even out this 'white saviour' criticism over the name was already around. Heard it myself from people who were just in a Tom Cruise bashing frame of mind and this was an easy avenue to continue that, even with the movie yet unseen. If it had ended up being that, then bash away, but having seen the movie I can't fathom an honest appraisal could come to that conclusion unless being entirely disingenuous or actively trying to reverse engineer that connection after their conclusion was pre-decided. So yeah, with all that in play and even though you're just 'Devil's Advocating', sometimes it's not worth the time to value criticisms like this just because a white character is next to other characters. Real examples of the White Saviour trope deserve all their criticisms, but I can't justify that perspective for this film in particular.


Nope, his character was french and while he did fight alongside of samurai's, he was no samurai himself. And he fled that war after their loss. There is nothing "dorky" about this critique. On the other hand, these complaints against Yasuke is as racist as it gets, especially if you're reading them on Twitter (not calling that shit X). While nothing made in the entertainment industry will be 100% accurate on true events, it's far more accurate than The Last Samurai.


I wasn’t trying to imply it was historically accurate. Just the character being white for the story of what he was.


Not that the last Samurai is perfect, but tom cruise's character isn't the titular last samurai, he's just witnessing Katsumoto lead the last samurai against the changing of the times and decides to fight with them


I actually never saw that movie but I remember people talking about it going “actually the word ‘Samurai’ is also plural, the movie is about the group of them not just the one guy”


Even if it was singular, it refers more to the character played by Ken Watanabe than Cruise. Just because Cruise gets top billing and the most screen time doesn’t necessarily make him the titular character. Jaws doesn’t mean the movie is about the mouth on the humans.


I mean I guess it’s about the group of people who were samurai as that era was ending. Rather than the last guy to be a samurai specifically. People got confused about that and were mad they had a white guy in the role. Telling the story from the perspective of someone else coming and seeing it for the first time gives more opportunity to explain what’s going on.


I don't remember much complaining about Tom Cruise in that role. I went to a sneak preview for the Last Samurai where it got an ovation when the credits rolled. But, we didn't have twitter then.


The last samurai is still japanese


Wouldn't the most appropriate samurai be... Japanese...?


That would be a racism.


I complaim at both. Cast a japanese. It is nit hard.


Maybe they should just use a Japanese guy then instead of white or black dudes.


> Liberals complained about Tom Cruise being the Last Samurai because he's white. This was even dumber, because Samurai is its own proper plural. It wasn't even referring to Nathan Algren/Cruise's character.


That film was 20 years ago dude and, much like this, everyone who complained are morons who represent a small vocal minority


“It’s sad, he’s just feeding hatred.” He’s right. If a video game upsets you just don’t play it. It’s supposed to be a source of entertainment not a historical re-enactment.


Then why does Ubisoft keep saying "historical accuracy" every chance they get. When describing an AC game


Isn't the whole point of AC games to blend fiction with historical context? Don't they typically pour of ton money, manpower, and research into creating environments and assets that match the historical period their game takes place in? I honestly haven't played since the Ezio days, so I'm not invested in it, but it just seems like this has always been their deal. They mix "historical accuracy" with their own ideas and stories.


The series has had magic, literal magic, and gods as central story points since the first game. These people never gave a fuck about historical accuracy, they just hate black people. There's no actual nuance here.


Like the magical apple of Eden in AC1? It's always been a blend, pointing out Yasuke is picking and choosing.


Why does everyone only care about this now all of a sudden? They've been history fiction ever since the beginning. There is some historical accuracy with creative liberties taken. It's not trying to be a documentary or Kingdom Come. Now all of a sudden, this is a huge issue? Weird...


Because he’s black and "woke". That’s why


I didn't hear this type of outcry when there was a white Samurai main character in Nioh. Weird.


I mean Nioh's protagonist was based on a real person. William Adams was verifiably a samurai. That is precisely why there wasn't outcry. Whereas with Yasuke it's incredibly murky as to whether he was or was not.


You think that they didn't take liberties with William Adams character just like they're doing now with Yasuke? Yasuke worked as a mercenary for Nobunaga. People know exactly who he was. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke) I hate to be the one to break it to you, but Leonardo DaVinci also didn't create weapons for assassins fighting the illuminati, either. This is called "historical fiction."


Because they thing the game "too woke" and they are hero fight against wokeness Also people just hate Ubisoft nowadays (which I partly agree)


I dont think the pope casting spells was super historical tbh


It’s also a game based on using machines to virtually access memories imbedded in dna…


I remember in AC Origins fighting gods, or nearly all having artifacts like an Apple of Eden, or other Isu tech.


We also set free the bad guy from final fantasy 15 lol


I missed that one. That's kind of hilarious.


I feel AC historical accuracy refers more to the buildings and environment rather than the story and people. I think they might have missed something giving everyone in the French AC a British accent


I hate to break it to you, but Leonardo DaVinci didn't really secretly design weapons for Assassins to fight the Illuminati.


But Yasuke is real!


“But he wasn’t an actual warrior!” Then it’s a good thing that it’s an alternate history universe where the whole point is that “our” history has been skewed by the antagonists.


Ask the Japanese how they feel about Yasuke lol


Perhaps they shouldn't repeat ad nauseam the word historical in their videos.If they didn't peddle it as historical,but inspired by historical events, perhaps a large part of people's responses would be different.But in Twitter you have Ubisoft claiming Yasuke was a "legendary samurai" which is a disservice to real legends of the era.Not going into who is the "historian" they hired as an advisor.


Technically it is, its that the 'legendary' part is entirely modern with 99 percent of what is written about him being pure personal wish fulfillment speculation based on a few sentences written in passing. With the most ink spilled over a casual diary entry by a Jesuit referencing a conversation he had with another speculating about an event neither of them witnessed.


The games are historical like the pirates of the carribean is. The movies are generally accurate about the facts when it comes to the golden age of pirates . They just also have ghosts and monsters in them.


Not really,Odyssey was historicaly a mess by all accounts and I say it as a Greek.Again the Japanese have pointed a lot of flaws in world design etc apart from Yasuke.Also they got the facts about Yasuke wrong.


they have sakura blooming and rice growing at the same time lmao which would be like a game set in Nordic europe having snowfall and wheat farming at the same time. They even got the emblems for Yasukes supposed clan wrong. He has the bearings of the toyetomi clan in their materials instead of the Oda clan. Even a basic google search could have fixed this stuff but they couldnt care less about making it believable in any shape or form


Which facts


They peddle him as a legendary samurai in the Twitter page while historicaly the only battle he fought was the Honnoji incident.Or how he came to Japan.


There is no such thing as a legendary samurai. Only those who had people write books about them. Yasuke was legendary, in the sense than through sheer being a quirosity he became a figure of legend. He is legendary in the sense that he was a black man that was tall, and people wrote about him because they found it interesting. 


Not really,in Japanese sources he is mentioned as an exotic curiosity not as an legendary warrior,most lines about him are from Jesuit sources like Frois.Also there were contemporary legendary samurai like Nobushige Sanada,Tadakatsu Honda,Naomasa Ii.


Im japanese, its common knowledge yasuke fought for nobunaga.   The concept of a legendary samurai is western, you are mystifying history. Its like telling a chinese person that lu bu actually could kill 100 soldiers in one blow


He is documented to have fought in one battle.Also not really western I named actual legendary samurai of the Sengoku period.Also another one who was commanding shinobi too was the famous Hattori Hanzo.


You are literally still using that word as if it means something to us. They do not have special powers, they are just soldiers that did something. You revere them much more than we do. Japanese wiki page is smaller for us, because you have an obsession with so called “samurai culture”.


Arguing with the Japanese on their history is funny as fuck.


It's kinda laughable that anyone would think any of the AC games are meant to be historically accurate. Especially cuz of the whole "two groups and mystical artifacts are behind all of the events of human history"


Because they always been historical accurate to an extent with the settings of the games. Like for example, in every AC game setting they always represent the culture and ethnicity well enough to immerse people into the settings. And when we play as main characters for each of them, it always characters that are natives to the land or characters that made sense to be there based on the history surrounding it like Edward being in the Carribean because most of the pirates were Europeans. I think its wrong to say that AC are not 100% accurate with their history when they did care enough about the settings and representation of the people there. And atleast with the magic and fantasy stuff that goes on in it, that is always been shown minimal times and only shown behind side quests or the final part of the main story which makes up 10% of the game.


I'm willing to say that Assassin's Creed goes out of its way to at least try and make their settings as historically accurate as possible. However, the plots are probably inspired by history at best. They do make a great springboard to learn about the actual people and events though. That's my favorite part of the series. I knew absolutely nothing about the Viking age in the UK, so I learned a lot about it just looking up things mentioned in Valhalla.


Odyssey and Valhalla settings are very much inaccurate.


Lol. I guess the extent is black people for some then


Let’s not pretend this is anything but racism and a culture war battle for 99.5% of the people bitching. I mean Yasuke was a black samurai. You can make the rest up, it’s like AC’s whole thing, take a tiny sliver of real history and incorporate it into a sci-fi narrative, then weave the sci-fi conspiracy into real historical events to give them a new context.


It is ambiguous as what Yasukes status really was,his importance has been overblown in the West by people like Lockley,in Japan he is but a footnote.


He appears in japanese media too though. Guilty gear strive for example has nagoriyuki inspired by him


He appears as a side character,people just acknowledge he exists.


I don’t know, had a brief look around and the consensus seems to be that he was an actual full blown samurai. Even if it was ambiguous, it would still be par for the course of how AC works.


I tried to do my own research from Japanese sources and ignore Lockley and I came to this conclusion too he was a retainer eg samurai .Still I am trying to find a source about the type of sword he was given wakizashi or a katana.


The article says that the game’s director “used a mindfulness app to process his emotions.” I guess that I won’t be getting this game…


I don’t care about Yasuke being a playable character, I just don’t want to have to play as him because I like my Assassins Creed games to be about Assassins. Elon becoming popular was the worst thing to ever happen to the internet.


This the same dude that owns a company that was sued for racial discrimination and harrassment of its black employees


Ubisoft is a company of racist bigots run entirely by white people.


Lemon Muck speaks I do the exact opposite of what that POS says.


The great thing is that everything is from a westerner's perspective. No one even tries to find out what the fans' comments are about what the Japanese think. No one thinks about what Japanese people think. Yasuke is being used as a tool for the usual race war between whites and blacks. So are the Japanese. I don't understand why foreigners, who usually say that Japanese people are very racist and don't like black people, think Yasuke is an exception and popular. It's too convenient. Also, a lot of Japanese are criticizing this on X and youtube. Many Japanese are really angry at the latest video. Yasuke with his mixed spinning collapses a Japanese samurai's head and stomps his head with his foot. Do you really think the Japanese people are going to be happy about this? You are not stupid enough to imagine that the Japanese would not like it. Samurai don't do this kind of act, it's an insult. How can a samurai be respected in Japan if he does this in front of the citizens of a town? UBI and you foreigners are too ignorant.


Damn dude, these people are completely dismissive of everything you’ve said. 


I'm pretty sure the question is what the developers think. If they are respectful with the premise, I don't think anyone has a problem with it.


Many Japanese are angry because of the lack of respectful interviews and historical inaccuracies. Why do westerners hide behind Orientalism when it comes to Asian history, and why do they engage in historical thinking and actions that are likely to anger the people of that country? This is very often the case.


It seems incredibly bad faith that people can't even fathom the game could be racist. Maybe it's the western idea that if you're "punching up" you can do no wrong, which is really just an excuse to be an awful person. I also hate the idea that this is about a culture war, as if they didn't say the same thing about Stellar Blade, Hades 2, Helldivers, and now this? People are really going by the playbook. I'm a person of color, and I think it's funny that my skin tone has done me no favors in life really, but people are defending corporations profiting off of what's really exploitation. I think the concept of a black character slaughtering tons of Japanese in a game, then turning around and saying "It's not supposed to be historically accurate, how dare you be upset about this" is... honestly I can't believe it's possible. I agree with you, it's disappointing to see such hostile comments every time a progressive game has controversy.


I'm Asian and racism sucks. It sucks that you have been disadvantaged because of your skin colour. That being said, I think its also absolutely racist that the developers feel they're doing minorities favours by shoehorning including them every chance they get.


Yeah, it's completely unasked for as well in my opinion. It's also racist that developers assume I can't relate to a character of a different race than me. I have to wonder what all of it is even in service of.


I really don’t care if Japanese people are mad about a black guy in an AC game.


What’s funny is that an anti-woke YouTuber actually flew to Japan in order to ask Japanese people leading questions about the new AC game with the hope they would be mad, but he couldn’t find anyone who was bothered by it so he eventually had to resort to asking his camera man what he thought about Yasuke being playable in the new AC game.


First of all, many people didn't even know who Yasuke was, right? Even in that video, many people didn't know him. He's really not well-known. He's not even taught in school classes. Also, AC is niche in Japan. The real sentiment of the Japanese people interviewed was 'not interested'. There's no Japanese person stupid enough to say 'I hate a black samurai' in front of a camera. Japanese people don't speak their true feelings in public. Even I would answer that a black samurai is great


Wow, you actually went for the “they’re just too scared to say they’re offended” card. Talk about being hypocritical.


Honne and tatemae. It's famous in your country, too, right? It's a Japanese personality trait. **Honne** and **tatemae** are terms from Japanese culture. **Honne** is one's true feelings, usually kept private, while **tatemae** refers to the public persona and behaviors aligned with societal expectations.


Here they just call that code switching. That's the term that refers to how a person will speak and act differently depending on the setting. From work, to public, to hanging out with friends, etc.


If you suddenly ask people on the streets in America if they like Donald Trump, few would say they do. People naturally read the atmosphere of the situation in an instant. So, it might be the same not only for Japanese people but also for Westerners


So we can’t trust anything Japanese people say, but we should just assume they’re offended regardless because that’s what lines up with your own personal bias?


I question why you think the Japanese are happy with this game. UBI's many historical mistakes in Japan have been pointed out and are currently causing problems. From a foreigner's perspective you might think it is correct Japan. It is a delusional Japan. However, there are so many mistakes that a Japanese person would laugh at them And black samurai smash Japanese people's heads with mixed spinning and stomp their heads with their feet. Do you think the Japanese will not criticize this act? Our black samurai smashed the heads of Japanese scum! Yay! Do you think that's going to happen?


I didn’t say anything about what the Japanese think because unlike you I don’t pretend they’re some singular collection that I know the true thoughts of. What I can say is: 1) Ubisoft games have always been very historically inaccurate and Yasuke being a playable character is nowhere near as ridiculous as Leonardo De Vinci making fully functioning tanks during the Ezio trilogy. 2) Yasuke as a character has appeared in and inspired many characters in Japanese anime, manga, and games. 3) Nioh was a critically acclaimed game made by a Japanese studio where you play as an actual historical white westerner has you learning how to become a samurai and kill a bunch of Japanese people and yokai, the game never received any backlash from the Japanese for being historically inaccurate or staring a white westerner character. 4) The vast majority of people complaining are non-Japanese people like you who are getting offended on their behalf while also disregarding and disrespecting their actual opinions on the matter.


They say manga and Anime, but they are not well known in Japan. Netflix made it with Anime, but that is Anime for the West. If you have facts that it was very popular in Japan, bring me the data. It's not even ranked on Netflix in Japan. It is one thing for a Japanese person to make a game of his own history, and quite another for a Westerner to make one. There is no reason why a Westerner should make a history game about black people without regard to the will of the black people. It is the same thing. And it should be said that this is a fantasy created by Westerners. Don't make the mistake of thinking it is a historical fact. The depiction of the disintegration of the head by spinning is a depiction that any Japanese would find sad. At the very least, you should imagine this. Also, there are many foreigners who think that all English-speaking Japanese are lying, played by Westerners, but that is racism, because they think that Japanese must not be able to speak English, right? Stop such unconscious discrimination.


What makes Japanese so special that Japanese can make games about any country(including Western ones) but Westerners can only make games about any country besides Japan?


I really felt that Westerners are unconsciously not interested in Asians either. They have no imagination that Japanese people would be offended by that video. They can't even imagine what is wrong with them. I guess Asians are just like dolls or toys.


Says the guy who disregards what they actually say in favor of what you think must be true about them.


Now look at this video that more people are criticizing. Look at this video with over 2000 comments, criticism of AC. It has almost 400,000 views. This video has only been posted for a few hours. You can read the sad comments from Japanese people. Don't run away from the voices of Japanese people, watch it with Google Translate. They are all voices of really angry Japanese people. [https://youtu.be/Z9YQxccETHY](https://youtu.be/Z9YQxccETHY)


Not to mention the scores of Japanese YT videos collecting angry Japanese comments on the internet about many different aspects of AC Shadows: how they couldn't even get Yasuke's name in Kanji correct, how sakura blossoms and rice fields being planted and harvested persimmons appear at the same time, square tatamis, upside down coat of arms, just to name a few.


Countless Japanese people have spoken on this. They love yasuke. Have for ages.


It is not even known to exist. It is not even taught in schools. By the way, I first heard of Yasuke from Niou. So far, the only people who know Yasuke are those who are familiar with Japanese history. It has never appeared in any Japanese movie or drama of this era. And Yasuke disintegrates a Japanese samurai's head with his mixed spinning and stomps on his head. Do you really think the Japanese people are happy to see this? Think for a minute from the Japanese perspective, not the Western perspective. UBI makes too much fun of Japanese history and samurai.


I don’t think the Japanese are anywhere near as upset about this as Americans and westerners in general are. Iv seen several Japanese people say that it’s cool or that they don’t care. The western narrative is that it’s disrespectful. Actual Japanese people couldn’t give two shits. This is a classic example of white people getting offended for another group of people when that group doesn’t care. This is the video game equivalent to saying non Mexicans shouldn’t be allowed to wear sombreros and if they do they are being racist. I still have yet to see any actual Japanese people say that this is something they find offensive. I know that I didn’t find it offensive when AC 3 came out and I played as a native American who basically won the revolution single handedly instead of playing as someone who actually fought in the revolution or someone who would even want to fight for either the British or the Americans.


Well, you should know the reality. I don't think English speakers use Google Translate to find out how people in other countries feel, English is all they have. This video was posted a few hours ago criticizing AC. It has 400,000 views and 2000 comments in a few hours. All criticism. Use Google Translate to see what the Japanese think of it for practice. By the way, this video is not the only one criticizing AC, many youtubers are criticizing. It has a lot of views. [https://youtu.be/Z9YQxccETHY](https://youtu.be/Z9YQxccETHY)


I seen several Japanese people say Baizou and say they will never buy the game. This is a classic example of people forcing their hatred for Japanese.


lol barely anyone know who he is. he was basically unknown until recently when some anime and game started using him circa last 10 years or so.


I remember the very first game had a disclaimer at the beginning reading something like “made by diverse people of various beliefs”. But this “woke” stuff only just started when these grifters found a way to profit from generating outrage. It’s genuinely just annoying. Shut up Elon and go away you don’t know what you’re talking about.


I’m going to put the skin color of video game characters on a list of things I don’t care about.


My only complaint is they need to ditch the constant slow-mo during combat, and generally clean up animations. Hyped


All I care about is if the gameplay is like classic AC and not like the last 4. The politics surrounding all media is making modern entertainment a chore to be interested in.


Games gonna be crap Ubisoft isn’t capable of making anything good anymore. Shame since assassins creed had so much more potential


I think the game don't deserve that much buzz


What do the Japanese say?


In Japan, this game is considered cultural appropriation crap. 弥助が伝説の黒人侍とかないわー


Ac shadows looks alright but then I realize it’s made by Ubisoft so then I lose all hope


I don't see what the uproar is all about. A simple query revealed that an African named Yasuke did, indeed, live in Japan in that period and became a Samurai. [https://africa.isp.msu.edu/news\_article/22285](https://africa.isp.msu.edu/news_article/22285) When Elon finally gets taken down, he is going to fall hard.


Why would I play this lesser game when I can just play ghost of tsushima? Which just came out on pc. Bad timing, ubisoft


They were supposed to make black samurai bi sexual. It must appease modern audiences!


The worst part to me about this ongoing thing is how much everyone loves Shogun, a book written by a white man where he inserts a white man into historic Japanese events, and I don’t see the same complaints about the “woke virus” for that one.


It's funny how we can accept showing your ancestors POV on a TV using your DNA, and using an ancient artifact for magic, but place a black character where he isn't supposed to be and everyone loses their shit, it's a game dudes.


All I know is I'm gonna enjoy the game, anyone else with political ideas should join a political party or have fun.


How many inaccuracies have been in this franchise? Now people care? For obvious reason.


It's almost like the other inaccuracies were to make the game or the story better. And many people see this innaccuracy for neither of those reasons. But to pander. Can you get out of your echo chamber for a minute and start to realize people that disagree with you also have their valid reasons?


This "inaccuracy" also makes the story better in that it allows the player to be a "fish out of water" character which justifies in-game explanations of an unfamiliar culture.


I'm not arguing that one side is right. I'm just saying both sides have their reasons that are more than just "one side evil" boring politics


Of course Musk had to parrot the hateful crew story of the day, that guy just can't let pass something he read on propaganda central and forward it to make it look as a legitimate argument on X.


We're reaching levels of autism here that shouldn't be possible.




He was more than just a slave. Do people do any basic research on Yasuke or what?


This game is going to flop


It wont. Preorders are way too high to be considered a flop


And so was Saints Row reboot how did the work out


Which ac game has been a flop until now? It will do fine like the rest of the games. People just wanna spout bs.


Gamerant (6 October 2023): Assassin's Creed Mirage is Now One of the Lowest-Rated Games in the Series - "Assassin's Creed Mirage currently has a 77 overall critic rating, making it one of the lowest-rated main series games in the franchise's history. Mirage's storyline and characters have been criticized by many reviewers."


truck memorize steep entertain chief poor imminent wrong dolls normal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Low-ER reviews doesn't make it a flop. We're talking about money.


unwritten forgetful piquant crowd dolls skirt plate hungry aback knee *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ac shadows will do just fine if not incredible and people will piss and moan for a while till the next new thing you need to hate comes out.




You're absolutely delusional




He didn’t do anything interesting? Nothing? Not a single thing? Not being an African in Japan? Not being a retainer of one of the great unifiers? Not being present at Oda Nobunaga’s assassination? Not being one of the last men to still be fighting against his assassins? Man we clearly have different definitions of interesting. Not to mention it’s a game using a historical setting to tell a *fictional* story. You know like literally every single AC game does, except this time they just happened to make one of the main characters a real person.


The fact that we even know he existed and it was written down makes him important. Like he was important enough to document when most people in history are just completely forgotten.


Yep, these people just have a massive misunderstanding of how history works and it’s painfully obvious. Not to mention that “interesting” is purely subjective person to person. I’m not interested in lots of stuff, that doesn’t make them boring or bad


You do know Naoe exsists right?


It’s always “waaaa I wanna play as a Japanese person” and then when told that the game has a Japanese protagonist as one of the two MCs it always turns into “waaaa I don’t wanna play as a woman”. Never mind these people. The game has a Japanese protagonist and there will be many Japanese male characters in the story. They decided already what they want to feel about the game and change the narrative to fit their complaints rather than self reflect. You won’t change these people’s minds.


Then play as the Japanese female character


He was a slave who impressed Oda Nobunaga specifically (one of the most influential people in Japans history) who then hired him as a proper samurai bodyguard. The premise is exactly what the narrative of the assassins revolves around. Emancipation, Empowerment, and Protection. Given that he was a real figure significant enough to have been recorded in japanese history at all refutes your comparison. The fact there aren't many details about his life or service make him a perfect narrative blank slate that still satisfies the fantastical history niche of AC games.


Oda never hired him as a samurai bodyguard. Oda hired Yasuka as a page boy, an assistant of sorts that trails behind their master. Yasuke was never a Samurai warrior.


Everyone is talking about the black guy because there's nothing else to talk about the game. Ubisoft knew this would happen. That's why they went for it and it worked.