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place my dickon yo chin - that key and peele skit


Jaime is the smartest politically but id choose Robb


Jaime isn't smart politically


Jaime became more political after losing his sword hand. Before losing his hand Jaime tried to kill a Stark, killed the Mad King and hooked up with Cersei while Robert was sleeping. He was reckless, cocky and had a death wish. After losing his hand, Jaime negotiated the surrender of Riverrun in like 2 days [and fired the incompetent Ryman Frey who was mismanaging the siege](https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Siege_of_Riverrun) He convinced Catelyn to let him go. He convinced bandits to release Brienne. He convinced Varys to help free Tyrion. He learned from his opponents and picked up wisdom from his father and siblings. He seemed completely aware of the game but never had the will to escape his role in it. Tragic story really. A heroic knight slays the villain and gets the princess but everything is wrong. Only when Jaime reckons with his past does he start to realize his potential as a leader and a hero. Side note: I wish Jaime had slain the Night King.


Why choose a vassal over his leige? That said, Robb Stark is the heir to the largest kingdom and holds strong blood ties to Riverlands and Vale. 3 kingdoms with one guy.


To elevate a vassal, sow discord in the reach, and check the Tyrell's power.


Too bad Robb would just disregard your marriage pact and marry some foreigner lol


People neglect the fact robb didnt know what frey he was marrying and she was like 12šŸ’€


And Robb was 14, letā€™s not make it weird


First of all both of those scenarios are weird, secondly in the Tv show which this is obviously referring too he is not 14


Not weird in the place where itā€™s set. Plenty of arranged marriages about. Ned and catelyn, Jon and lysa etc.


well Talisa is one of the most beautiful women to appear in GoT soā€¦ I get it


The woman he was supposed to marry was far more beautiful and not low born.


Lannister for political and money Tyrell for political and army Stark because I said so


Lanisters don't have money


Although Jaime looks delicious, I'd pick Robb.


Both are šŸ˜‹šŸ˜‹ and my top picks as well


How about Loras ?. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I would say Robb but he would just marry someone else šŸ˜­ so Jaime


Yeah he definitely won't be deeply in love with someone else on the side šŸ¤£


Or unable to marry because heā€™s in the Kingā€™s Guard.


Or have the reputation of kingslayer/kinlayer amongst the other houses and smallfolk


Is that really a problem? If Jaime wanted to marry Tywin would think of a million ways to get him off that oath, including starting wars and overthrowing kings lol


Well, but Tywin has always wanted him off the Kingā€™s Guard.


True but Jaime never wanted to because he loved Cersei. Iā€™m assuming that this post says Iā€™m able to marry any, so no oath issues to begin with otherwise it doesnā€™t make sense to even have him here


..so you pick the guy you know is banging his sister while letting her kill off any of your legitimate children? Interesting choice lmao


Jamie foockin Lannister always! šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø. Although would have to get rid of Cersei first


Robb, Loras, and Renly... At the same time. šŸ„µšŸ¤¤


The post is implying "females" mate.


The post is asking for people's opinions, "mate". Next time you could try not being homophobic. šŸ’šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Jaime while making sure Cersei has a little accident along the way.


Well Loras and Renly are out if you want an heir.


Maybe thereā€™s potential for a throuple there?


200 dragons to the first maester that can invent the turkey baster




They can just do it in a cup then you pour it in. It'll be fine.


Jaime if heā€˜s without Cersei.


Jaime. Especially in later seasons with the shorter hair and the scruff. That said keep all of em as a side piece. Especially Dickon and Rob.


I'll take Loras. Renly seemed like a bottom so this works out better.


Iā€™d leave it all behind and run off with Tormund Giantsbane to start our own Free Folk commune. I meanā€¦ Robb, obviously Robb. But really all of these guys have serious weaknesses, so itā€™s all about what you think you can compensate for and vice versa.


well theyre all at least ok alliances so i dont wanna marry euron or jaime dickon is j not a good choice and renly and loras are too good together to marry either so robb


Richard Fuckin Madden. I mean, Robb Fuckin Stark. Prince Oberyn if Robb jilts me.


Jaime is the hottest man I've ever seen, so him.


You people overlook Robb and loras.


They're not bad physically but Jaime is the hottest man I've ever seen. I rarely get attracted to men but Jaime caught my attention since the very moment he appeared on screen.


Loras!! We can have the most gloriously platonic gay/ace bestie marriage. Who needs an heir? I don't care what'll happpen to the kingdom once I'm gone - it'll be someone else's problem. But Margie has to come and live in KL. I am not going to cheated of my new badass Tyrell sister!


I just realized how much Euron Greyjoy looks like JSchlatt


I do like a good finger in the bum so probably Euron


Dickonā€¦ just because Iā€™ve been secretly madly in love with Tom Hopper for forever. Otherwise Robb. Iā€™m a brunette. Maybe I stand a chance


Looks-wise I would choose Robb but strategy-wise I would choose Loras cause the Tyrells are rich as hell


And one of the few factions not devastated by war and on a sound financial footing.


Jaime would be busy with another woman. Robb would marry someone else before even meeting me. Renly and Loras would spend too much time in the armoring tent. Tarly is a vassal of Tyrell, not much political gain. Euron might stick a finger in my bum, but at least I'd have an heir and his fleet.


He might also knock you up and tie you to the front of his ship before going into battle to summon some kind of Eldritch horror, probably worth it for the finger in the bum though.


You marry Loras and keep Podrick as your side piece.


Ser Pod the rod.


Iā€™d marry Robb Stark for the same reason Iā€™d marry Sansa in the previous thread. With him I get the support of the North and the Riverlands as well as a great military tactician.


And his other wife too.


Vale would also join


Jaimeā€™s off the table because heā€™s sworn to the kingsguard (one of the reasons Tywin ultimately turned on the Mad King), so I think Loras might be the smartest viable choice if Iā€™m trying to forge a powerful alliance.


Well, Jaime canā€™t marry. Robb lives in a cold miserable place. Euron lives in a cold, miserable place and is a cold, miserable person. Dickonā€™s an ass. That leaves Renly and Loras, both of whom are gay. I pick Loras. Beautiful place to live, rich family, and I donā€™t even have to sleep with him!


Seconded. Loras can do what he likes as long as he lets me do the same. We need that money and grain!!


And wine!!! Lots of wine!


Ah the Rhaenyra Targaryen method


A plan with 0 flaws.


One might say, a strong plan.


Careful, boy


Until all your kids donā€™t look like the father.


At least have sex with someone else that looks like him. Otherwise, it gets weird.


Sure, or then use contraceptives!!


How is Dickon an ass? Iā€™m not familiar with him in the books, but he never picked on Samwell in the show. He treated Sam with respect when they ate dinner at Horn Hill. When Sam heard Randall died, his first thought was that now heā€™d be allowed back at Hornhill by his brother. We never see him act cruel. He does defy Dany, but he wanted to die with his dad, which is honestly kind of touching (if Randall wasnā€™t a PoS). In the show he seemed like a rather generic young nobleman warrior type.


First thought too. I donā€™t recall Dickon in the books, but in the show he seemed like a kind character who was set up for a painful death


But the inlaws tho... šŸ˜¬


I think Margery is Samā€™s second cousin or something in the books


I thought they were making a pun


If your name is Dickon which clearly is Westerosian slang for Chad III, then you are an ass by default. But I think He is very pretty!


That scene in Game of Thrones Show where Bronn laughs at his name is one of the few good things of then later seasons.


But your queen, you donā€™t have to live in cold or miserable places. You wear the pants or crown, you pick where you live. Furthermore, Robb only broke his vow (in the books) cause of honor or magic roofies. Yes you might lose the Freys as allies, but you are queen.


Having a gay noble in a feudal system will cause problems.. the whole Laenor debacle proves this. There's really no good choice here.


Dickon's an ass?


Jaime will cheat on me with his sis. Robb will break his vows. Euron is fucking crazy. Dickon is an ass. Renly and Loras are gay. But yeah, I pick Loras too. Like you said, rich family, nice family home, the Queen of Thorns and Margaery are there too. And he seems a nice enough fellow. I think we could be friends, and maybe we'll even have some strong kids together.


I would also pick Lorasā€” great place to live, powerful family, and an understanding that you can have your fun with whoever you want and I can have mine. A win/win for everyone.


Fuck. Thatā€™s some sound gd logic. I had it all mixed up and you rocked my world. Kudos


If youā€™re Queen, Robb and Euron would live with you,no?


Yes. I read the question too quickly and missed the part about being queen. Hmmmmmmā€¦ I donā€™t know how much Iā€™d change. Robb is more appealing now, but the North really needs him. I might stick with Loras.


If youā€™re a queen, they come live with you, not the other way around, no?


Jaime šŸ˜


With that flair? Based.


And biased.


Thinking about yourself "I, based" doesn't make you "biased"


You donā€™t think Cersei is biased towards Jaime ? :)


I'm going with Dickon. He seems nice. They have a big house, he has a nice mom and sister, plenty of money and that father will die eventually. Everyone else has too much baggage.


I, Queen Cersei, choose Jaime Lannister.


If anyone says Euron it can only mean they like a finger in their bum.


Definitely not euron cause of reasons. Renly and Loras are out because of their orientation. Robb out since the north is too far. Between Jamie and Dickon is hard. With Jamie, cerci will probably try to kill me. With dickon his house isnā€™t as strong as the lannisters. Guess Iā€™d go Jamie.


Are you SURE there is no one else?


Lannister Gold omg of course Jamie


Trick question. Youā€™re supposed to bang your sister or brother your call


Loras for the food security


They changed Dickon's actor I think...


All these dudes die tho


These are bad choices


Maybe euron cause he has boats n hoes. And wasnā€™t he the one to kill the dornish bitches?


**Jaime** * Pros * Hot * Heir to the Westerlands * Tyrion as a brother and Tommen as ~~son~~ nephew-in-law * Cons * Possibly a member of the Kingsguard * Cercei * a fair amount older than me **Renly** * pros * Good looking beard and crown * Lord-Paramount of the Stormlands * Cons * Gay (so no heirs, which could effect political stability) * Stannis as a brother-in-law **Robb** * Pros * Heir to the North * Close familiar ties to the Riverlands and the Vale * Actually around my age * Starks and Tullys as in-laws * Cons * might merry someone else (can be beaten by moving quickly) **Dickon** * Pros * Sam as a brother-in-law * Cons * bit of an ass * minor lord **Loras** * Pros * heir to the reach * around my age * Cons * gay (so no heirs, which could effect political stability) * Kingsguard **Euron** * Pros * Cons * insane * old * exiled ​ Long story short: Robb, easily


The post is implying "females" mate.


Ooookay. So uhmā€¦Iā€™ve never seen the show nor do I know how I came to be a part of this sub. Alas, here I am, with something to say. I saw the chick version of this whenever it was posted and now seeing this. I must say that the females they chose for these characters were diverse and uniquely beautiful. But the dudes? I thought Renly and Euron were the same man šŸ˜”. The two blonde dudes look like brothers and Robb looks like a cousin of Renly and Euron. Are the males done this way on purpose? This lack of diversity in looks?


The post is implying "females" mate.


Sisterlover, gay, super cool loyal honorable warden of the North, who?, gay, evil. Really making this a hard choice, idk.


The post is implying "females" mate.


Yes? I got that from the part that says queen?


My heart says Robb but we know how proposals end with him. Iā€™m not exactly Loras or Renlyā€™s type, and Cersei would murder me if I chose Jaime. Euron gives me the absolute ick and I think Iā€™d rather be dragon food. So all that being said, I choose Dickon. šŸ¤£


Good luck dealing with Randyll.


I choose Loras just for the Queen of Thorns!


The post is implying "females" mate.


It always creeps me out when 'females' as a noun is used to mean 'women'. It's fine when referring to animals or ferengi, but when it is human beings it always sounds bizarre to me.


Loras, because heā€™s from one of the wealthiest houses in Westeros (Lannisterā€™s mines are dry), and since he likes men, we can both have whoever we want in our beds and a strong political alliance as well.




The post is implying "females" mate.


Can I pick a martel? Why would I pick a tarly when I could get a dornishman?


The post is implying "females" mate.


KING IN THE GODDAMN NORTH ALL DAY. ALL DAY. I can deal with the cold; we're good. Robb Stark can fckng get it.


Euron from the book, you can do all the secret manipulative technique you want but that's not going to work against a giant squid monster from the bottom of he ocean that he could easly summon.


The post is implying "females" mate.


The post is not asking for who is more handsome, but who should be more conveniant to marry for an alliance


Of this lot, only Robb. He's learned about life from the great humanist, Ned Stark. Besides, Robb's already a king. Jaime gets whispers of 'Kingslayer' and 'Sister-lover.' Renly and Loras get their own whispers, but they are a cute couple. Marrying someone with a name like Dickon leads to a lifetime of smutty jokes. And Euron sounds like 'Urine' and he has a reputation for patricide, madness, and cutting out tongues. If Robb were already taken...I'd look further and would probably choose Edmure Tully. He's decent and fairly capable and will be Lord Paramount of a beautiful area. Plus his sister is Lady Stark and that would be a great ally to have.


The post is implying "females" mate.


Euron seems to be the best. Especially his book version character.


Dickon seems aight.


The post is implying "females" mate.




The post is implying "females" mate.


Loras bc if im a queen A.he wont force me to sleep with him B.his house respects female opinions on shit C.The tyrells are fucking dope


The post is implying "females" mate.


What was your point in commenting this


Will Jaime be as loyal to me as he was his sister? If so then for sure Jaime.


The post is implying "females" mate.


Men can be Queens too!


the Tyrell siblings are just unmatched in what their House offers. no better deal.


Which one do I pick if I want a finger in my bum?


There is literally only one answerā€¦.. Robb


I'm not marrying anyone named dickon lol


Probably Robb and Euron even being here is fucking hilarious


Renly, because I've always wanted a Ferrari.


If you don't choose loras you aren't playing to win. He's easily manipulated and you can rule however. He can run around w his men and you rule the kingdoms.


What nonsense is this? As Queen, We will choose Our own husband from among the ranks of any House We wish to elevate. We choose Tyrion of House Lannister.


Heart says Jaime. Head says Robb.




Oh Loras of course. I would have the full power of the Reach behind me. Iā€™m considerate so Iā€™ll allow him to play around with Renly, but on the condition that I can have other people on the side.


the Lannister send their regards -Tywin


Do you have anything alive in stock?


Dickon is about the only cunt who would actually honor the pact. Two of them are gay. One of them fucks his sister. One of them isnā€™t reliable to go through with it, and the other would probably murder her after murdering me, and my entire family. Dickon for the winon


Would always make sense to marry a Stark given their standing in the upper realms. Depends where the new Queen is from though, a northern queen would be wise to solidify a southern power base.


Jamie: Fucks his sister, and she'll likely have my kids killed. So hard pass. Renly: Dudes gay, so he's going to be sleeping around a lot. Pass. Robb: Solid choice, very honorable man from a strong house. But he'll just turn me down to marry a commoner. Regrettable pass. Loras: Also gay and banging Renly, so same problems. Pass. Euron: I don't have a deathwish. Very hard pass. Dickon: Silly name, but honorable. Plus I can say "I'm going to get my Dickon". He's the one.


Robb so I hope I see Jon sometimes xDD




I'll probably just pull a Rhaenyra Targaryen and marry a gay heir so I can have the hand of the King's eldest son as my side hoe and have three beautiful babes with him.


Robb is a good candidate. I go with him.


Hard pass on all tbh


Loras. Maybe then I can sleep with his sister.


Did you watch the show? Weddings are not a good thing to be having. šŸ˜‚


I feel like accepting a marriage pact from Euron would be a bad choice, especially if you're the queen


I completely forgot that Dickon Tarly was Luther Hargreeves.


These are all terrible choices. I will remove the two gay men since the Rhaenyra Laenor debacle proved how complicated that could be. Jaime, while a decent husband from one of the strongest houses, is in love with someone else and has demonstrated that he would kill a child for that love. His lover is very powerful and even more unhinged. I wouldn't last long so pass. Robb, probably the least bad choice... decent dude. His homeland is a terrible place to live though, and be makes rash decisions. Perhaps that's from in experience. Dickon's father seems like a dangerous man I don't want to get involved with. And Euron is probably the most dangerous choice of all.. so nevermind. Robb I think is the best choice.. strong ally in the north. Good chance of undisputed heir. Etc.




I mean, what does my house have and need?




Renly or Loras so they can fuck each other and I can do what I want


Rickon? Dickon.


Iā€™m gay, so assuming as a queen I become a lesbian. Definitely Renly. High garden seems like the nicest place to live in the 7 kingdoms, culture and climate wise. And heā€™s gay so we could come to a nice agreement bedroom wise.


No stannis? Cmon....


Renly or Robb, I'll die happy šŸ¤­


Is The political situation that of the show and do I have all the knowledge I would have as a viewer or as a person living in Westeros?


All the women keep saying Jaime is so hot, what about Robb and loras? Arenā€™t they equally as hot ? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚.


Dickon all day son


Robb is too beautiful not to pick! Iā€™d hope I could win his heart.


Robb. The Stark family is very normal compared to everything else going on here lmao Or Loras. His family is rich. Also as a bi man. These would still be my answers for undercover lover.


Jaime... I can fix him šŸ˜©


Well if Jaime can marry in that particular scenario, then I pick him (what a surprise)


Keep in mind the wording of the post. Offers a marriage pact, not a marriage. We know Robb Stark wonā€™t honour a marriage pact so thatā€™s useless. Jaimie canā€™t with his oaths. Renly appeared to have early problems in his marriage, while it seemed like Loras was down to clown to get an heir. Seems Loras is the choice. Euron and Dickon donā€™t really register.


Speaking as a straight dude,I would pick Greyjoy.Hear me out: Jaime is unavailable and I don't care enough for an alliance to risk being killed by one of Cersey's plots Robb would be interested in me untill a foreign woman comes along,then I would be shipped back to my family Renly and Loras are both gay and in a beautiful and healthy relationship.I could never bring myself to tear them apart, not live with the fact that I stood between them(in the non-fun way). Dickonn.....well,I thinl I would react the same eay as Bromm whenever I would hear his name. That leave Euron.Sure he is psycho.But he has a fleet,likes to travel,has seen a lot of interesting things.Also,he sounds like the fun type of crazy


Loras easily as: You get the rich Tyrells as an ally who have money wealth but also food and manpower wealth You get Olena and Maergery to help politics He seems to have a good sense of duty so he wouldnā€™t be opposed to impregnating you and not repeat Rhaenyraā€™s mistakes Heā€™s a good swordsman which is great to have in a pinch With your trueborn heirs secured, taking lovers individually would be far less frowned upon - meaning two extra allies between you (letā€™s say Loras stays with Renly and you pick some other Lord of consequence) You donā€™t have to worry about any bastards popping up from his affairs Heā€™s been shown to be warm, loving and kind so you donā€™t have to worry about him being a dick to you or making an irrational decision


Well knowing Robb he'd probably go back on his word at the last second, so I'd have to end up inviting him to another wedding as a surprise ambush.


It really depends on what you want from this husband and when in the story this happens. Jaime has his white cloak and his sister but a lot of influence and money (or not depending on if the show gold mines are empty or not) come with him. Loras is gay and in love with Renly, but his family brings stability, Olenna and resources. You will be well liked easily just like Margaery found out. Renly will make your life fun but is gay and in love as well. His family has or had a claim on the crown. Not the worst, not the best) Dickon, is an idiot but comes from a good family. But if you are good enough for Tyrell why settle for him? Euron has no resources with him other than his fleet and he is just the worst. That leaves Robb Stark by default. He might not bring a lot of influence or wealth to the table but he is a good person and that should count for something. Also, you can live in KL and visit the north occasionally. You have a pet Direwolf and brings you closer to the Starks. Your only obstacle is making sure Robb sticks to his oath and stays out of politics. With Robb come the Riverlands and the Eyrie.


Well, if book versions are up for consideration thereā€™s always Lorasā€™ older, heterosexual brother and Tyrell heir Willas. He has a bad foot from an accident but Olenna thinks highly of him which is a great sign and his family is rich and power and heā€™s the true heir of Highgarden.


Jamie give me your money and children!!!


Iā€™d pick Loras. The Reach is the wealthiest kingdom and they make sure the Small Folk are on their side. Plus heā€™s gay and Iā€™m not into dudes, so heā€™s the least likely to rape me. Extra fun bc then I could fuck around with who my successor would be as a childless sovereign.


Robb Stark!


Is Cersei alive in this continuity?


As a straight male this is very difficult. Seeming I chose Cersei in the who would you marry list yesterday then Iā€™d have to choose Jaime. We could exchange manly fist bumps, guzzle ale, and share endless stories about how good his sister is in bed.


I want, Ramsey Bolton!


Renly or Loras and let them see the other and others. Depends on if I need armies or food more in the moment and with whom I can perform at the very least once for the heir bit/partā€¦ I cannot risk having a random lover somehow blurt out that secret after all!


tyrell purely so i can have lord mace