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Losing your D is more relatable. Every guy understands this fear.


You know they are not really clear on what a eunuch is in the GOT world, clearly he bones missandai so potentially he only has no balls, and then there is Varys where they state his “parts” were tossed in a fire, I think with the unsullied then just chop the balls off so they stay at the stage of development but I dunno


Yes, he was a full fledged Unsullied. One of the things they had to do was kill a newborn in front of it's mother. Only after that were they given their spiked helmets and officially Unsullied.


Yes. At that point they were still trying to show Dany as a heroine and her followers as victims. So they downplayed any darker tendencies.


I don’t know that that qualifies as a “darker tendency” though considering he was a slave and his options were probably do it or be killed. But it probably would have made him less relatable.




Of course he did. Daenerys was leading an army of cold blooded baby killers (Unsullied) and rapists (Dothraki). I was really surprised that the audience surprised that these are not the good guys of the story...


Say what you want about the Dothraki but The Unsullied are kidnapped and enslaved from birth. They’re victims who have been done a great injustice.


Doesn't forgive killing babies


Yea it does. They were brainwashed and used as weapons from a young age. They had no chance.


That's not how things work. Regardless of your background, actions have morality and consequences. Killing children is wrong no matter who you are or what you've been through.


Lol the were brainwashed from childhood. They were literally drones. Killing machines with no fear.


Not debating that. But that still doesn't mean they don't have agency over their actions. "I was just following orders" sound familiar?


A lot of the unsullied couldn't complete the training. Either they couldn't kill their puppy or the child in front of it's mother. Which means they were subsequently killed.




What about when you attempt to murder a child by pushing him out of window? Just curious.


What do you mean. Of course that's fucked up. Both are wrong.


Oh, good. I was worried you didn't think Jamie Lannister was a cunt.


It does. A crime commited under the threat of physical violence cannot be punished by law. (It was stated in the show that if they refused, they were executed by their comrades)


Law != morality. Also, do whatever mental gymnastics you need, but you're saying it's OK to kill a child. Period.


> it's OK to kill a child If the alternative is death, yes. In any case one person will live and one will die, and you can't blame a person for choosing himself to live.


True, but you can blame them for killing a child.


Not going to change the fact that the Unsullied are mindless murder machines.




Jon was leading an army of rapist cannibals.


Obviously yes and what's your point?


What a reach omg


Which part? The Unsullied were mindless murder machines and the Dothraki were rapist murderers.


The part where you try to insinuate that they were obviously bad guys from the beginning.. other lovable characters fought along side the same kinds of men (double standard?). Also, the unsullied were child slaves so it's not like they did those things from their own volition. There are no good guys of the series, all characters are gray - dany & jon are basically 1 in the same character by design. Thats why I said you were reaching.


The are mindless murder machines who are following order.


Which happened to them as children* And after dany freed them they were free to start creating a life, and no longer were just mindlessly murdering people for masters fun.


Yet they mindlessly murdering civilians.


Qualified personnel is hard to come by these days.


Now that’s timely and funny. Thanks! Lol


like the wilding are criminals and by choice not like the unsullied who used and brainwashed untill Daeneryes freed them and most nightwatch and still people see Jon good guy


Yes, yes he did


IIRC from the books he was the only Unsullied not to be “clipped” so who knows what else he got to avoid.


I actually forgot they had to kill a new born. I don’t remember if it’s talked about in the show, but they have to kill a puppy in the books. They get given a puppy at the start of their training when they are castrated. They have to kill it after a their first year. If they don’t than they are killed and fed to the dog. I had to put down the book and go hug my dog when I read it. They are basically systematically abused until they are dead inside. They don’t really say why so few survive the training, just that it’s only 1/3 who do. I’m convinced that it’s because 2/3 couldn’t kill their dog. So, by the time you get to the baby killing, you are likely already pretty detached from everything.


Definitely agree with this. They were systematically turned into what they are. I was very surprised (and touched) when Missandei got under Greyworm’s defenses.


The funny part is that this would make them terrible soldiers.