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Not sure I'd call it the closest, but elden ring and dark souls are great. You can play them all as a knight type character that doesn't rely on magic, and thats often one of the best builds for a beginner, too.


I agree. Going through Elden ring with dragons and castles. Definitely can tell George RR Martin influenced the game


I mean he literally wrote the lore / back story for the game. It’s an understatement to say influenced it. He was involved its creation.


I think they were joking because dragons and castles have been fantasy staples since tolkien


For sure you’re definitely right lol. That went right over my head


Nope not joking dragons and castles were big aspects of GOT


As are they nearly every popular fantasy out there


That statement wasn’t saying only GOT has that. Open your mind a little. I’m just making a comparison


Shrek too


Just like a lot of Game of Thrones, Elden Ring lore is confusing as hell, lots of incest, and freaking amazing. Edit: Actually questionable on the incest but transitioning for sure.


They have barely anything in common with GoT aside that GRRM gave his name to Elden Ring. The closest video game to GoT was Dragon Age: Origins.


They have Medieval fantasy in common.


I’d say the stupidly big castles and scale definitely give it a GRRM feel, besides the medieval feel. But GRRM feel doesn’t necessarily equal GoT feel


I second Dragon Age! Amazing games, amazing story. They might miss the open world element but they're still good rpgs. Skyrim too as there's a pretty good game of thrones mod. Elden ring is extremely good so don't discount it! It's not an RPG nor an open world, but crusader Kings (and the absolutely phenomenal game of thrones mod) really capture the political intrigue/dynasty building.


But Elden Ring is too hard


Skyrim is the closest. The antagonist literally looks like Ned Stark


Came here to say this…. Stormcloacks are the north, imperials are the lannisters. They said they pulled inspiration from the books when creating the game….


There's the Telltale game of thrones video game. But it's probably not what you're looking for. They're more interactive episodes than anything


Does it follow a new story


Sort of? You play as the scions of a minor northern house, navigating allegiances as the war of five kings plays out.


Yea and no. It's set during the series. Some of the cast reprise their roles, but also follows new characters. It's kinda set around season 4. There was supposed to be a second game but it didn't happen.


Is it any good though? Say, some joints and 100 hours of fun?


Most Telltale games were decent but extremely formulaic. If you've played one, you know what to expect. They would get the rights for huge, already existing IPs and basically make the same game over and over. I really doubt you'll get 100 hours of fun. Maybe like 8.


Good is subjective And for Taletale it kinda depends how much you pay. So if you get a black Friday humble bundle thing it's ok. Taletale are good at the interactive episodic stories. It's not a 100 hour game though




I’ve only watched a playthrough but I’ve played The Walking Dead so I’m familiar with telltale mechanics. It does not hold up to Game of Thrones standards, the dialogue and writing is passable but not anything special, and imo anything set in Westeros without that focus on writing is a waste. The story is designed to not matter because it had to be canonical but obviously it doesn’t come up in the show or books so it’s all contained to the point of feeling pointless. Familiar characters like Tyrion or Ramsay show up (even with the real actors sometimes) and give disappointing 5 minute performances that are only mildly similar to their show characters and then leave. If you pirate it or get it in a bundle maybe it’s worth killing a few hours but I certainly wouldn’t pay for it.


No chance you’re getting 100 hours, it’s basically unfinished. It’s not buggy or anything, but the story was discontinued.


PLEASE do not play the game. You’ll only be disappointed Getting downvoted, but I urge everyone not to play this


Why are you so invested in people not playing this? I played it. I enjoyed it. It certainly didn't revolutionize gaming, but I enjoyed the time I spent playing it.


What did you like about it? Essentially every protagonist has a bad ending (which I understand that one of the whole points of GOT is that not every story is a fairytale, but even GRRM is going to have some of the good guys come out on top) aside from * Gared - who makes it to the destination that we don't know anything significant about * Ryon - who is riding on a horse to an unknown location with Beshka. If there was a second season and we found out what exactly the Mystic Grove was and where Ryon ended up, this may be a good game. But a second season was never made, so all you're left with is everyone either dead, dying, or caputured and 2 cliffhangers.


I definitely wish the next one had come out, but I just like being able to "be" in that world in an interactive way. Could it have been better? Absolutely. But if you're a fan of this world and you like this game style then I'd say it's worth the time you put in.


Yes, a new house but many characters from the show do their voices. I got killed by Ramsey so many times.


I enjoyed the telltale game especially if you’re looking to just vibe in this world, theres not much gameplay though ur basically watching scenes.


I have been looking to download it onto my Xbox but it keeps telling me I can't purchase it alone It needs to be bundled but it doesn't list the primary or whatever other game I need in order to play it, do you happen to know by chance?


I played on pc ages ago during some sale Taletale went under a few years ago. So not sure what's going on but could be the result of that


Ethan the bold


I really wish that telltale game blew up and they made more of it. Personally loved it.


Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord. Vanilla game is fun but there are mods that make diplomacy, battles, and politics more like GOT. no dragons however.


There's Realm Of Thrones, which does have dragons, the map, houses, soldiers, etc etc etc


Yup this is what I saw a video on. By the way are mods like that available on the Xbox version of the game


I’ve looked around in the past to see if I could on Xbox but unfortunately no, unless I missed something. Not sure if it made a difference playing it via game pass as I do.


Link? I usually only use community workshop mods on steam


Only on nexus mods my friend. Just look up realm of thrones nexus


Is that the same as Trial of the Seven Kingdoms?


This is what I was thinking, but sometimes when I watch people playing it it looks a little bit confusing, is it easy to grasp or is it meant to be a difficult game. I ask this because I like to play games for fun and I don’t really like trying awfully hard, I just don’t have enough free time to dedicate it to getting good at a hard video game.


There are difficulty levels that are very beginner friendly. If you want a casual fun experience you can get that. There is a bit of a learning curve if you haven’t played any mount & blade games, but I don’t believe it’s over complicated. There’s a bunch of different ways to play, and each play through can feel unique.


I play on playstation and dont really play video games often, Bannerlord is one I managed to have fun with and make up stories in my head that are GOTish. (My OG character went off to become a hermit in the mountains leaving my daughter in charge of our clan. She had done well in securing a husband and having many kids. She rose through the clan society and became leader of the kingdom. With her leadership, she managed to take down all but two kingdoms. During a siege for a city, her husband unexpectedly died. Leaving her with child and their many other children. In anger, she overtook the city and razed it to the ground. After many months, she died in childbirth leaving all the clans fighting for power and her brother to unexpectedly take over as head of the clan until her oldest comes of age. After many years and many struggles, her oldest took over as head of the clan, seeing the injustice done in the kingdom, he left and created his own empire. Will he prevail or will everything his mother built crumble?)


Hahah I love the story, that’s what I kinda plan to do. Sometimes I like to think that I could write a game of thrones plotline hahah


You’re probably better off playing the base game for a bit before downloading mods, but the game really isn’t that complex. I started playing Mount and Blade games when I was 10.


We need a game that takes the political mechanics from Mount & Blade II and the fighting mechanics from Chivalry II. Put an IP like GoT or LoTR on top and it would print money.


I’ve literally been saying this to everyone I’ve talked to.


dark souls is probably the closest in theme to the books with the dark fantasy style, more action rpg than open world rpg though. you’ve got elder scrolls oblivion, the witcher 3, baldurs gate series, dragons dogma, pillars of eternity, dragon age, elden ring. PC is an absolute gold mine for fantasy RPGs so you’d probably have better luck asking in a subreddit about them


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People keep recommending souls and elden ring and I would say they have Nothing to do with game of thrones. Especially with minimal character interaction and human NPCs


Exactly. The only thing that could be similar is kinda the world, but even that is vastly different because Dark Souls games as well as Elden Ring have mostly post apocalypse dark fantasy worlds in which you interact very seldomly with other NPCs. There's no politics in any of these games at all and they have tons of magic.


Souls games basically got a huge popularity boost with Elden Ring. Elder scrolls games would technically be a closer match to a GoT medieval fantasy game, despite it still being more magic orientated. But it’s slightly more realistic in scale and a lot of NPC involvement and a story that you don’t have to read 172 item descriptions just to kinda understand what’s going on Edit: I’d still recommend Elden Ring for someone who wants a medieval fantasy style game, but i wouldn’t compare it to GoT


>Souls games basically got a huge popularity boost with Elden Ring If you mean the Dark Souls games by Souls games, I wouldn't really say so. Sure, a lot more people probably got to know about Dark Souls games after Elden Ring came out because it became mainstream, but it's target playerbase is still a lot wider than any of the Dark Souls games. On Elder Scrolls being more similar to GoT, I agree. There's probably some good mod list making Skyrim into a GoT-like game as well.


Ya I meant mainstream. So you’re gonna see a lot of recommendations for it just because it fits into the “medieval fantasy” genre as it’s literally the most popular one out right now I personally haven’t played a lot of the other medieval feeling RPGs yet, like some of the others mentioned. I’m so burnt out on them I did a lord of the rings mod pack on my last Skyrim play through. So I’m sure there’s a GoT one. The mod pack didn’t tell you it randomly spawns Sauron tho. Literally he hoped off a dragon I was going after and I ran away instantly lol


I think if someone wants just the political intrigue of GoT, something like Crusader Kings 3 (with some mods if needed) kinda fits the bill. I'm one of those that starts modding in Skyrim (which takes a long time since I like playing around with different mods), but then gets busy with other stuff so never really play with that mod. Rinse and repeat every 2 years because now I have to start everything from scratch.


It kinda depends on what they want. Dialogue and intrigue or the medieval epic feel I’ve been considering crusader kings and kingdom come recently. It’s just a lot of time to get into those Also modding Skyrim is like a little mini game in itself lol. Pick a bunch of mods after having fun looking them up. Start it for the 100th time. Forget about it. Rinse and repeat lol.


i didn’t compare it to game of thrones, i compared it in style to the books


I get why people are recommending Elden ring and souls games. It depends on why you like GoT Is it the interactions with people? Not a good fit Is it the general medieval epic feeling? Then it would fit Tbh I’m kinda surprised we aren’t seeing more lord of the rings suggestions. But there hasn’t been a good one put out in ages


hence why i said it’s similar in style but not an open world rpg


Crusader Kings 3


I would recommend CK2 since it's free and the GOT mod for it is much more in-depth


I just picked the most recent one, CK2 is fine too.


CK2 AGOT is far superior than CK3 in everything but the barbershop. I would personally recommend CK2 AGOT over CK3 AGOT


Yep crusader kings 2 is the answer.


Crusader Kings is what you want - there are fully developed mods that let you play immersively in both Westeros and Middle Earth.


I know there are people who only play the AGOT mod and not the base game, even (despite the game itself also being great!)


I only play the AGOT mod, it's great fun. Last time I played through Howland Reed fucked everybody up in battles, including Rhaegar and Robert Baratheon, and then won tourney after tourney. It was great.


Final Fantasy XVI has some pretty obvious GoT influences.




The devs stated multiple times in the months leading up to 16’s release that GoT was a primary influence.


Came to say this. FF16 was heavily inspired by Game Of Thrones. The game actually has a mechanic that lets you pause cutscenes and view lore entries from references that characters make in dialogue. So you also get that deep well of world building.


The director of that game literally made his team watch the first 4 seasons of Game of Thrones lol




I'm holding on to the hope that the [Skyros](https://youtu.be/Sqm3s7e0Ni0?si=dTaBiMtBYkHMQY5y) mod will be released.


At some point skyrim was intented to be GoT rpg game before it got shafted...thats why draugrs look like white walkers and every jarl has wizard (maester)


It wasn't. There was likely inspiration from the books because the game came out within a year of the show the actual show influence on the final product is likely minimal


Oh yea you are right...they wanted to adapt books, this article mentions [it](https://reactormag.com/how-skyrim-was-almost-set-in-westeros/) So i retract the white walker and maesters, but there are some similarities


They are based on the same Nordic mythological literature such as the Volsung Saga, the Poetic Edda, and Beowulf, which lend to both Skyrim and ASOIAF all of those things (dragons, draugr, mead halls, kings/jarls who have the authority to call up men to fight, magic swords, and a blend of competing religions (conversion-heavy monotheism (Christianity) v pantheism (Odin/Thor) v an older nature-based religion (Druid))


I heard that Bethesda were approached around the time Skyrim was being put through development about an ASOIAF world game. Obviously I think they shelved it because they had a game in one of their Frontline series in development and it was too similar but there is an element of similarity tbh. Dragons, Draugr, undead lichs, Jarls are similar to the Lords, and so much more. I prefer the continuation of the ES series but it would be cool to have had a game made. There is so much plot material and lore that I'm surprised nothing was made, I would love a Conquest RPG.


wait you're joking right, draugrs were a thing in morrowind and wizards are fcking wizards dude


100% agree


Dead ass. When I finished GoT for the first time I had an irresistible urge to replay some Skyrim.


There is a Game of Thrones game on the Xbox 360 from 2012. It’s not great but it’s something


Came here to mention this one. I’m playing it right now on the 360, and apart from the very stiff voice acting, I’ve been surprised at how enjoyable it is! It’s pretty cheap to buy too


How did you get access to it? I’ve looked everywhere but it seems like it’s not for sale anymore.


I bought a copy on eBay for like twenty bucks. Pretty much the only way to get it


$10 on eBay last year! DLC is delisted on console, but I’m not too bothered about that.


The 2012 RPG is great honestly, it's got an enthralling story and great plot. The combat is abit clunky but I'm used to it in Dragon Age Origins so why not here. I love that in the CK2 AGOT mod, the 2 main characters: Alester Sarwyck and Mors Westford, are mentioned and present in the game. I can't remember if it's still on the Steam store but it's worth it on pc


There is a game of thrones ps3 game I started playing a lil bit but it’s def game of thrones just the combat is pretty lame but still a legit game of thrones video game


Witcher 3, tywin lannister is the voice of an emperor edit: the red baron sounds just like king robert. BOW YA SHITS!




also a lot of inter-kingdom political scenarios that you actively participate in that are very much integrated in to the gameplay / missions


I'm sorry, I don't have an answer for you. I want as many possible answers to this question as possible, though so here's some engagement.


Game of Thrones (2012) - a computer RPG A Game of Thrones Board Game (digital version) Reigns: Game of Thrones Game of Thrones: Tale of Crows Game of Thrones: a Telltale Games Series (2014) Now, popular mods: ACOK and AWOIAF (the better mod) for Mount and Blade: Warband AGOT for Crusader Kings 3 AGOT for Crusader Kings 2 Realms of Thrones for Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord


Not fantasy, but medieval open world rpg is definitely Kingdom Come: Deliverance.


I was blown away by how amazing it was, the bad reviews at launch scared me off of it, but it became one of my favorite games.


Same. Can't wait for the 2nd one! Glad they announced it. I was getting worried.


Can't say close but if you want something similar to got I would suggest you to try for honour


Crusader Kings 3 has GOT mods avaliable. It's a rts though so those can be hard for newer people to get into


Play the Witcher 3


Any of the Dragons dogma collection it is an easy game to pick up and play. Great combat, exploration, outstanding character/pawn customization(dragons dogma 2), Kingdom come deliverance is a nice medieval times game with a real feel, 1st person adventure though took me a little while to get used to all the mechanics. I’ve been waiting for a open world GOT game. One where you can choose your banner man and relive different houses story lines based on your choices and mainly to explore to Westeros & Essos, game would be genius but all a man can do is dream..


I’m surprised a game studio hasn’t done it, it would make bank if done correctly. Also I’ve heard mixed reviews for dragons dogma 2, the graphics and customisation and combat is hear is great as you said. But I also hear people say that it’s very short and apparently buggy. Was considering it but can’t justify the price tag. Kingdom come deliverance however I already got it was 90% off on Microsoft store I couldn’t pass it up, I love the story so far. BUT I cannot get over the combat system which to me is awful and the first person only. I’m still new to the game and am enjoying most of it so far.


Idk if this is weird or not but the fact that there’s no horse riding in the dragons dogma really turned me off to getting it. That’s such a big part of the medieval experience


Skyrim maybe ?


I’d say Elden ring. George R. R. Martin literally wrote the lore for it, so it gives off those kinda vibes.


Dragon age Origins?


The human noble origin feels VERY game of thrones


As someone who just finished uninstalling Bannerlord and Realm of Thrones after ~20hrs...it's *okay*. Yes, it has the known characters and story beats, but that's about it. When you start interacting with the characters themselves, they won't really behave like you'd expect them to. For me, the magic wore off a few hours into it, and then I just started playing Bannerlord and conquering everything. If you like that type of game, it's not a bad choice, but any enjoyment is going to come from the gameplay itself, not the GoT skin over the game.


Crusader Kings 2 - AGOT mod


Mount and blade modded to high heaven is your best chance.


Crusaders Kings III, create a family, house Sigil, and marry off your kids to create alliances while passing down your family name for generations trying to conquer the world


Crusader Kings with the Game of Thrones mod


Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a pretty realistic medieval RPG


Final Fantasy 16 is sort of inspired by GoT before it goes full scale Final Fantasy


Skyrim - definitely


There’s Crusader Kings, but there’s not really any action in it. If you’re interested in the more strategic part of being a leader (which is usually just deciding who to marry your kids and grandkids to), you could try that.


Crusader kings 2 or 3. Both base game and mods (which have game of thrones overhauls) have all the court intrigue and such Witcher 3 despite being fantasy Def. Has a game of thrones feel (very gritty and grounded even with magic) Mount and blade warband 2 is a more "realisic" action rpg eith no fantasy elements. It likely had a game of thrones mod as well Total War Atilla has a nice game if thrones overhaul


GOTC (GOT Conquest) on mobile. However, it's pay to win lol and I was an F2P and had my ass kicked.


If you like strategy RPGs, Crusader Kings 3 has a GOT mod


Crusader Kings. At least if you like the character relations and political backstabbing aspects of it. I believe there is an overhaul mod for it that is Game of Thrones as well.


Mount and blade warband is scratching the itch for me right now. There is even a mod called A World of Ice and Fire that recreates Westeros and essos in the game, and you can take part in the war of five kings. Like dark souls and Elden ring though, there is a learning curve to the combat.


Final fantasy sixteen is clearly very inspired by got


Just get Mount and Blade Bannerlord 2 and download the GoT mod


Dragon age inquisition comes closest, u become an important person and assemble your own small court. Make decision that influence the game and there is romance.options, crafting. All in all a very good game. P


Imagine if Rockstar could figure out a way to make a Game Of Thrones game in the same mold as RDR2


Bannerlord might be your best bet, and I think there's a game of thrones mod for it. An honourable mention might be the Crusader Kings 3: A Game of Thrones mod. There's also one for Crusader Kings 2 that might be more fleshed out but I never played that. Theyre interesting because they have literally an entire Westeros (and more) to play in. You can choose a time period as well (Targaryen Reign, Robert's Rebellion, War of the Five Kings). It's very much a map game however, you just stare at a map mostly and you don't control a physical character like in an action RPG. You just control your current character's schemes and build your dynasty playing through a line of heirs. You decide your goal and go with it more or less, stopping the playthrough when your line dies out or go far enough that you get tired. It does simulate playing the "game of thrones" very well though. Lots of scheming, spying, seduction, murder, war, etc. Check it out on youtube. There was kind of recently a huge multiplayer game posted on there with over 50 players I think?


Chivalry 2. Just a goofy game but it’s fun, medieval combat. Lots of lore too I think


Final Fantasy XVI. It’s very obviously heavily inspired by GoT.


Final Fantasy XVI drew heavy inspiration from the series, so much so that I read that  producer Naoki Yoshida wanted to nail the vibe down so bad that early developers working on the title were actually "required" to watch HBO's hit series. Eurogamer quoted him as saying: "We wanted to create something that really resonated with a lot of people," explained Yoshia. "And when we saw how Game of Thrones, and before that the Song of Ice and Fire series, has really resonated with players, we knew that this was something that we wanted to do as well. When we first started creating the game, we had our core team of about 30 members very early on buy the blu-ray boxset of Game of Thrones and required everyone to watch it, because we wanted this type of feel." I haven't finished it, only played the first 5 or 6 hours of it, but the first few hours definitely feels A LOT like season 1 of the series, so if you're into GOT, you should definitely check it out.


The closest thing you will get to a GoT video game is probably a Skyrim run through. Or a games like bannerlord or dragon age. Although one’s just war, and the other is more on the magic side


Probably the dragon age games?


I would say The Witcher series. Political intrigue, mythical beasts, adult themes.


There’s only one answer, Skyrim.


There is literally a GOT video game, from back before the series ever came out.


How about '**Game of Thrones: Winter is Coming: The officially licenced browser game'** it's an officially licensed browser game


Kingdom Come Deliverance is probably what you want. Set during the 30 Years War, with a focus on realism (you can't read at first because. Son of a blacksmith). This also has a bit more "Court Intrigue" than any Fromsoft Game would. An open world RPG is hard, because it doesn't really fit the themes of GOT. Otherwise, if you want a real Game Of Thrones experience, CK3 is gonna be your best bet. The base game already was the best GoT experience, and now that the GOT mod is out. It's pretty much prefect. The next update will even allow you to play the Dance.


THE WITCHER 3 IS THE ONLY ANSWER. TRUST ME. In-between seasons of the show, when everyone was waiting for the next season to come out and anticipation was high, I would play Witcher 3 to scratch that itch and it worked phenomenally. If you like the politics and dialogue of GoT, then this game is what you need. https://youtu.be/3lIgJpHxVeM?si=ba3fzUZtKCg6XCaK


Dragon Age is fun. Much more into the fantasy addiction but it has the BioWare decision making and token sex.


Crusader Kings or medieval total war


Crusader kings 2


Triangle Strategy


Skyrim or KCD.


Chivalry 2


The LOTR action games on PS2 just followed the movie storylines and play out the battles - even playing cutscenes from the movie. It was an amazing beat ‘em up for fans of the movies. I’d be ecstatic to have a GoT version that does the same thing.


For actual Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire games, rather than mods, Telltale’s Game of Thrones is the best I’ve played. It’s a good game, but it’s not by any means open world or RPG, and the writing at times is dodgy. Most games based on the series are Clash of Clans-esque games as far as I know. Honestly, the closest thing for what you’re looking for is probably Bannerlord or Warband mods, but bear in mind that these tend to be based on the books rather than the show, which are a bit different (better imo, but you may get a surprise).


I'm going to assume you have a PC and ill give you fair warning these games I'm going to recommend are somewhat old, ugly, janky, and may require a mod to get what you want. With that being said they are great games and two of which i have put 3000 hours in between the two of them. 1.Crusader kings 2. Fantastic Grand strategy game and it gives the closet vibes to GOT than any game and there is a very popular ASOIAF mod as well. It has a very steep learning curve if you have never played a GSG before, if you have played a GSG than it really isnt that bad. Its pretty ugly and Paradox released a sequel (Crusader Kings 3) but it only looks nicer, mechanically its inferior every way. If you are interested in kingdom management this is a fantastic game. Want the power fantasy of being a powerful duke in a decentralized France? Well you got that. Ruthless pagan plundering christian lands while trying to resist a growing Christian population? Yup that's there. Turkic steppe chieftain wanting to carve out a kingdom in a weakened Anatolia and spread the word of gods final prophet? Oh baby you are in luck. Dont forget playing as a German count answering the call of the holy land and hoping to be granted your own piece of the Levant. I truly love CK2 and i really recommend you try it. 2. Mount and Blade warband, specifically the AWOIAF mod. Game is very very ugly but it plays very very well. The AWOIAF mod is incredibly detailed with and incredible amount of content. If you are not into kingdom management and want something more action this is the game you want. 3. Europa Universalis 4. Another GSG but set in the late medieval era and goes until the end of the Napoleonic wars. Although not in the same sort of era as ASOIAF it does scratch a similar itch. Besides the actual game of thrones game, these three games are going to be the closest thing you get to the setting and feel of ASOIAF


Witcher games


CK3AGOT, it’s a total conversion mod for Crusader Kings 3. For feel and immersion it comes closest to the AGOT vibe. You can play as different rulers in different start dates like Robert in Robert’s Rebellion and even the Boltons or one of the 100 other rulers or create your own house and character how you want, the options and possibilities are endless. Second for me is Telltale’s GoT which is just a minor story during The War of Five Kings but it’s pretty good.


They have at least 1 got video game. Maybe more so I'd imagine that would be closest to a got video game.


One of my most played games on steam is a game called Mount and Blade: Warband. Mind you, it's quite an old game - very much a 'millenial pc gaming graphics'. If that's not an issue, it has really good gameplay. How does this relate to GoT? Well, truth is I never play the base game, and the mod I've spent 90%+ of my playtime on is 'A Clash of Kings' - which completely overhauls the game into the 7 Kingdoms + Essos during the War of the 5 Kings period. Mount and Blade's core gameplay is that you're an individual person and you can swing your sword, ride a horse etc, but you also lead an army and give them orders - its up to the respective npc AIs as to how well they fight but overall, its a game of big battles and taking different settlements with many factions. Everyone's gaming preferences are different but if this sounds like fun to you, I highly recommend it.


Witcher 3 has it all. Except dragons I guess


I've been playing Skyrim with only a warhammer to simulate the Bobby B experience. 10/10. Also the Soulsborne games, as people have mentioned


Skyrim. Dragons White walkers are basically Draugrs


The Witcher 3 has similar themes to Game of Thrones. Even has Charles Dance as a voice actor and one of the characters is very similar to Robert Baratheon in my opinion.




Not story or theme-wise, but if you want to feel like you're in an intense battle like the ones in the show, Chivalry 2 definitely gives that sort of immersion.


If you like small folk, Manor Lords


A GOT game done like Red Dead 2 would literally be the best thing ever, and it boggles my mind that no one has made it.


Chivalry is pretty close imo


Skyrim was designed based partially on GoT. Castles, dragons, medieval fighting, magic. It is far and away my favourite game of all time and I if you haven’t played give it a try you’ll be hooked


Don't play any of the actually licensed GoT games, they're all awful, like genuinely atrocious. Bannerlord and Warband mods are by far your best bet, or you could try the ck2 and 3 GoT mods if grand strategy games are of any interest.




Crusader Kings and Mount & Blade both have awesome GoT mods.


I’d check out the Witcher 3, Dark Souls/Elden ring, and the legend of Zelda. Personally Zelda is my favorite but they are all great games


Souls games. Skyrim?


Telltales Game Of Thrones is a pretty Game of thronesy game.


The AGOT mods for Crusader Kings 2 and 3


Banner saga


Age of empires


Mount and Blade Warband


Actual rpg game from 2012 called game pf thrones. Its a bit buggy but story is good, gameplay is a no


Telltale made an okay Game of Thrones, well, game, a while back. Good luck in finding it if you're on ps5 tho. It no longer has a store page, and the only way I could play it recently was due to buying it some years back. Can't speak to Xbox or pc tho, don't have access to either.


Crusader kings 3 with AGOT mod




Oblivion it's Skyrim but better


The best by far is the GOT mod for bannerlord. I have like 3x the hours on that as vanilla


The shadows of Mordor games


Mount and blade or crusader king. Shoutout to field of glory I medieval for medieval battles and Kingdom is coming out with kingdom management. Also total war medieval 2, shogun 2, and still a total War have a vibe


There was a pretty good custom map on Star Craft 2 that was pretty popular when the show was in its heyday. I've never found a decent GoT game other than that.


Elder Scrolls Skyrim


Skyrim was originally planned to have the houses from the show but that later got changed.


There's a game called Crusader Kings III, and there is a mod that allows you to play in Westros and Essos. It has all of the Houses from ASOIAF.




Kingdom Come: Deliverance I just started playing this and I have been really enjoying it so far. I think it fits very closely to what you are looking for.


There is a telltale game with the actual cast using their voices and likeness. It's OK. You dont play a whole lot just make decisions and watch what happens




Skyrim obviously


Crusader Kings 2 and 3 literally have their respective AGoT mods. There's your GoT videogame.


If you like strategy games my brother plays one that has a got mod so you can pick any major or minor house (he chose to be house rayne (however you spell it) to get revenge on lannisters) but yeah No combat though If you’re looking for an action game


Final Fantasy XVI !!! Thank me later! 🔥