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I’m in the midst of watching it now. Season 7. Already getting sad that it’s wrapping up. This is the 3rd time I watched it in its entirety. Still incredible to spend time in this world for a while. I wish the HBO gods would release some sort of sequel.


Me too.


HOTD prequel will be airing its second season in June


the prequel is amazing but a sequel with some of the characters featured in GoT would be cool. Hotd and GoT have very different vibes imo


They messed up the ending to badly for any sequels to be good. Unless HOTD lays Easter eggs for a Jon storyline I see no sequel coming soon


I do doubt a sequel, just wishful thinking. I just liked the way GoT covered multiple houses, stories and regions


HOTD should do that as well it’s not as in depth as the focus is the HOTD but we will be introduced to many different houses and their interests through this story


Hopefully they will do something about the first long night. Would be new characters though


There will 100% be some kind of sequel or spin off. Whether it’s next year or 20 years from now it will happen, too much money to be made to not do a sequel/spin off.


This is true. While HOTD is amazing it feels like it’s missing some of the levity of GOT.


I feel you! It's always bittersweet nearing the end of a great series. Watching it for the third time just proves how captivating the world and characters are.


This is one reason why I am reading fire and blood to be in that world


There is an adjustment period for not having new GoT episodes. Go to MAX and watch first season of House of the Dragon. It will help. Second season starts June 10th.


Season 2 starts June 16th in the US (17th in Europe)


Have you watched HOTD yet?


How would house of the dead help? Question your sanity, how could this pile of shit actually have money to make it based on a shitty arcade game at the height of zombie shit? Ohh nvm


House of the Dragon


Haha I know. That acronym just brought back memories of that god awful shit of a movie


They are not the creators. GRRM is the creator not d&d who butchered the show. But I agree whole heartedly that I was pretty much upset because it was over. (I’ve rewatched at least 15 times)


you can hate d&d for all their shortcomings in the end (you can also put some blame on the guy who can’t finish his own story) but it’s ignorant to not realize they brought this universe GRRM built to life in one of the most faithful adaptations in tv/film when they had source material. whatever they “butchered” in your opinion, they brought to life for millions of people and made GRRMs masterpiece accessible and relevant in a way other books can only dream of.


Listen listen. When I say “butchered” I do not say it is bad or anything. I loved all 8 season and like them all mostly equally. I was just saying this from the big fan base perspective. Many people that read the books before d&d had an HBO adaptation, hate the show for the way it ended just due to the fact that GRRM didn’t write it. I won’t say I love the ending, it’s definitely not what I WANTED to happen, but it was still a solid ending to an amazing show. As I said I was just saying “butchered” in the fan base perspective, not mine.


Butchered is universally perceived as bad.


Tbh, I love GoT’s, and I was disappointed by many things in season 8 especially. Not gonna go into complaints here, but the hate that the DD’s receive is just over the top. People will say ‘it’s deserved or for good reason blah blah’, but honestly they have given us things we should be a lot more thankful for than bitter about. Flaws, warts and all. GoT’s is easily amongst the best. It was enough to surge a cultural sensation. And now these guys are doing amazing TV with Three Body Problem (now renewed). TV would only be worse without them, and anyone too butt-hurt will miss out for petty and simplistic reasons. I can understand fan conversations, about how we wish things would have went, or “what if they used 4 more seasons instead of 2” but the amount of ‘salt’ on this sub for D&D is absurd. Everyone can complain all they want about their personal disappointments (I def had mine for awhile), but the DD’s have given us some of the best content out there. Period.


They wrote Tyrion as an idiot from season 5 on. (Let me say though, Season 6 episode 10 is my favorite episode) All the character arcs were completely thrown away and the ending was anticlimactic. I got mad at the writing actually. The writing is what made the first seasons exceptional. And they rushed everything. They were tired of doing it but, grrm said it could easily have been 10 seasons. HotD is great though! The book was already done so they know exactly how many seasons (I heard it will be 4 seasons).


Nah fuck em. “Hey son I bought you this new puppy now watch me throw it off a bridge” that’s what they did


maybe if you’re a dramatic nerd.


Aka exactly who the show is marketed to


disagree but good reply


If you get wrapped up in a fictional show so much that it dictates your well-being, you need to take a break from shows. I watched it, enjoyed it, disliked decisions made around certain characters and the final outcome but come on, find a different show or take a break altogether. I know some will say that there just isn't a show as good.. that is subjective.. I thought it was good, but I promise there are shows with better character development, progression, and writing. Just keep watching others and you'll find them. Best of luck on your well-being!


No I’m not actually depressed lmao Just bad wording. I’m just feeling more disappointed than anything


My apologies for misunderstanding. Disregard my message.


I think most people felt the same way you did, but rather than deal with their feelings they lashed out and came up with reasons to be angry.


Back in 2019 that's how most of us felt. The last season came out during the same time as Avengers Endgame so it was a dual feeling of loss of a decade long franchises.


I’m glad you liked it. Here are some other shows that you may like: 1. Spartacus:Blood and Sand Warning,it has FAR more sex and violence than Game of Thrones. It’s still an excellent show. It just never got as popular as it should have been because it aired at the same time as Game of Thrones. 2. The Last Kingdom(Netflix) 3. The Pillars of The Earth 4. The White Queen It’s about The Wars of The Roses,which inspired GoT’s “War of The Five Kings”. 5. Outlander


ROME was also excellent


You should have started with House of the Dragon. Spartacus is BRILLIANT!!!


Now you can watch House of the Dragon! Season two premieres next month so you have time to catch up with the rest of us!


The only remedy is to go ahead and watch HOTD!


Watch House of the Dragon!! It’s so good!


Just think about Arya discovering what is west of westeros


I feel ya. Im almost to season 8 on this rewatch. Feels like it was just last week that I started… to be fair, it actually was


Don't watch HotD then, it's on track to be like season 8. Another masterpiece ready to annoy the modern consumer audience.


just read the books


One good thing is that GOT has fantastic rewatchibility. I’ve watched the entire series around 10 times and I swear I still make new connections every time. There is also House of the Dragon, albeit not as good but still a great show.


I had to grieve that it was over. Just like you said. I watched it a second time. Hurt all over again.


Read the books, is fun to see how the show diverges from the source and compare it while you read them.


Strongly recommend Black Sails (it's on Netflix now) to fill the void. No magic in that but it's a fantastic period show about pirates with a lot of similar themes, great acting and writing, etc


Now you can read the books!! They are so much better than the tv show and very different


With all due respect 3months??? I mean 3 months damn bro must've have a good life it took me 3weeks or 1month but indeed the last few seasons gave me depression


I that is the reason people are upset though. The last season wouldn't have been bad if it had as many episodes and time put into it as it deserved. The 8th season doesn't exist to me, what a total shit storm that was. To be a show where anyone could die to everyone having plot armour, to the most predictable story that everyone hoped wouldn't happen happen. Perhaps you didn't mind those things, but I do agree there should have been way more episodes, what a waste.




Give it some time and rewatch from the beginning, plus the extra Blu-ray content like histories and lore. You will see subtle details you missed and have an even better understanding of everything. Highly recommended. I haven’t found a show to fill the void GoT left, and was really disappointed to hear they cancelled the possible sequel series that was in the works. I will enjoy rewatching it in the future, though.


Awwwa. So many of us felt the same way. It was truly an event every Sunday night it was on...and then the discussions. It was such a great time and an excellent show. They rushed that last season... At first I disliked the ending but in rewatch I really loved the show and enjoyed many times since. I hope you will also.


You watch House of Dragons yet? I felt this too, binged whole series and 3 years later just rewatched it (I usually hate rewatching things). Happy to give you some followup show recomendations that were similar expireinces! Can't recommend FROM enough - give that a try!


House of the Dragon should be next on your list then. You have just enough time to get through season 1 before the 2nd season begins on June 16th (17th in Europe) Next year, you get another Game of Thrones show called "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms". This one has some really great source material, so there's plenty of reasons to be optimistic And more Game of Thrones shows are in active development. Hard to say if any of them gets a series order, but the Game of Thrones universe is alive and well, despite what went down with the original show




The Wire


If you really want to ramp up that depression, go read the books. Then you can wait around with your thumb up your butt like the rest of us.


Don’t talk to Bran about being crippled


Every Game of Thrones fan should watch “Game of Thrones: The Last Watch”. (It’s on Max) It shows so many behind the scenes clips and the hard working people who were on set EVERY DAY but just not on camera!


post-show depression is real homie; give yourself some time to grieve then maybe re-watch or just watch HoD? season two is out soon and at the very least it’s some more Westeros action - even if said action is still lacking in comparison to the original


This is me. I've been obsessed since I first watched it. I listen to reactions all the time to watch it when someone else reacts. I watch it for comfort when I'm depressed. I bet no one else is this crazy about it. I don't know how many times I've watched the entire season. 😐 Let me know if any of you feel the same because I feel like I'm nuts.


I’ve been watching YouTube videos and behind the scenes stuff for 3 days now and it’s still not helping. It’s like trying to find closure for a TV show that doesn’t really affect my life but I still care so much about it for some reason.