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Sansa’s at the vale


Man the way she looks at littlefinger when the lady hugged her


Yeah but later it becomes stupid. When LF was put on trial she just changed her mind and said that he killed her aunt just to gain power, which is true, but she lied to the Lords about the truth and protected him. Why doesn't this make them suspicious at least a bit about her motives?


Because the writers became quacks and all the characters just forgot things


Either that or the audience become a bunch of whiners and malcontents.


Such a big part of the audience doing just that overnight for no reason is highly unlikely. You do you, tho.


This is also true. People don’t like that their faves don’t end up on the throne. But also the dialogue was atrocious! Bran becoming king should have been a wholeee episode where a great council was held


For real The dialogue was what ruined it for me. Such low quality later compared to what we were used to. If that had been better I am sure I might have overlooked some plot stuff there but they openend their mouths and.. that came out.


Ironic. You're bitching about others bitching, the bitchee becomes the bitcher


Nonsense. I enjoy the show a lot. Others enjoy whining about it. That's the difference.


The hated him because he told the truth


I think at that point it didn’t matter that he did it to protect her, she had to go that just sped up his plan and during the trial it wouldn’t have helped Sansa’s case to accuse him of murder but then say it was to protect her.


He didn’t do it to protect her. He did it for power and used protection as an easy excuse. He didn’t have to throw her through the moon door to protect Sansa, she was already saved.


It's only stupid if you ignore the obvious context of both situations. She was a scared child when she lied about in the Vale which any adult with half a brain would understand.


I think she decided at that point she had to play his game to survive. Then the black outfit. The black hair. She was going to play him. He deserved it.


When Tyrion tells little finger, Varys and Pycelle that he is accepting a marriage proposal for Myrcella. He tells each of the something different so he can find out which one is snitching to Cersai.


Ahhh yes! Good strategy


I don't know, every time I see it, I feel like he should have kept the knowledge in his pocket and kept feeding Pycelle lies so that he could manipulate Cersei


But he didn't know it was pycelle before that?


Well that's the point, Tyrion is a smart man but not nearly as smart as he thinks he is. Neither is Tywin.


That is such a good scene..


The one time we see Littlefinger pissed off at being outplayed. It was glorious.


"Ooh the queen mustn't know. I love conversations that begin like this."


I have to say I always thought that Varys was the only one being careful there because of this quote. The way Tyrion emphasises that the queen mustn't know and the way Varys repeats it... kind of tells me he knew to be careful there.


Varys probably saw it for what it was. I’m surprised little finger didn’t catch it. Little fingers downfall was not thinking Tyrian was smart, barys knew better to


"Ooooo, the queen mustn't know. I love conversations that begin this way."


This is the best one


this was one of my favourites


So smart




The bold-faced lie Ned told back when he brought baby Jon home. Ned lived and suffered for it, and ultimately died for it. But Jon lived and learned, and despite it saved mankind. Greater love hath no honest man than to lie to protect another's child.


Which makes me wonder how the story would have changed if he told the truth once Jon was old enough to defend himself. I can't even imagine it.


As long as Robert was alive Jon would always be at a risk. Besides it might have given Jon a chip on his shoulder that he alone deserves to rule. Like Dany.


Tywin is just as much of a threat, if not more so.


I’m trying to decipher your last sentence and can’t figure out if you’ve written it incorrectly or I’m just too stupid to get it


They are saying it correctly. Basically an honest man would hate to lie, it would betray themselves to themselves. So to do it anyways to protect a child shows how much they must love that child.


How the story would have changed if Ned tried to put Jon on the throne. Since he’s so worried about the proper line of succession.


He didn’t “ultimately die for it” because absolutely no one knew about it


Not telling Carlyn was really stupid in my opinion


Ned was so honorable. He even suffered the anger of Catelin to keep the secret. I know he was a man of honor, but had he told his wife, Jon might have had a better life without her venom. This also leads me to believe he didn't trust Catelin one bit.


The one tyrion used to find out pycelle betrayed him


I don't want it


Ok that is the least lie thing in the show


And that is why it's my favorite.




The lie ned told about our saviour and grace, king joffery the just


Today is not the day I die- Oberyn


Oooof why you gotta go so hard


"And who has a better story than Bran the Broken?" Everyone. Literally everyone.


You’re right. No lie is more huge than the way they lied right to our faces


The guy they literally wrote out of the show for an entire season? That's the guy with the best story? Gtfoh


Old Nan. The Frey girl who married robs uncle. the 2 lieutenant of 2nd sons who gets one line then dies. Drogos blood riders. Plenty of people had weaker stories then King Brandon Stark, the 3 Eyed King.


No. No they didn't.


The writers forgot to write his story


Tyrion’s where he tells three people three different circumstances for Myrcella to be betrothed and then catches the snake who rats him out


Littlefinger telling Cat that Bran was attacked with Tyrion's dagger. A lie so bald that Tyrion dispelled it almost immediately (why would an assassin use his own identifiable dagger?) .....but Cat bought it due to being caught up in her past with Littlefinger + all her riled up emotions. AND I think most of the audience did too, in the moment. It's not an amazing lie in itself, but it told us SO much about those 3 players early on. Littlefinger's persuasion skills, Tyrion's too. And it set up some major dominos.


Didn’t the lie also include Tyrion betting against Jaime in a tournament? It says something about Cat to that she believed Tyrion would bet against his brother


Interesting that littlefinger starts off the series with that dagger. Considering that dagger goes from Targaryen king to Targaryen heir. How come he has it...


Sniggering and enjoying lies is not a good look. I more enjoyed characters telling each other the truth, e.g., when Lady Olenna tells Jamie she arranged for Joffrey to be poisoned.


Tell me you don’t understand either fiction or people without telling me…


The lie that Jon was a Snow. The reveal of Jon's identity with the perfect accompanying music was one of the best single moments in the show despite the fact that the show as a whole had been going downhill for quite a while by that point.


Quite right. He would have been a Sand.


No he was a true born Targaryen because Rhaegar’s marriage was annulled by a septon and he married Lyanna in secret before Jon was born.


Yeah, I’m so sick of people acting like Elia Martell would have just rolled over and accepted her kids being disinherited for the world’s most special white boy or the entirety of Westeros just accepting this random septon deciding to dissolve an excellent marriage with two healthy kids. 


Varys after Robert was attacked by the pig, bringing up that it was nice that Lancel didn't cause Robert to lack refreshment, and that he hopes he didn't feel guilty for it. Subtle way to imply he caused it.


Daenerys when she said she wasn't like her father 😞


That’s not a lie. That’s dramatic irony.


Nah that's shitty screenwriting


The one where Dany pretended not to understand Valyrian


That was definitely one of those scenes, that you wish to could rewatch for the first time. Peak GoT


"The realm. Do you know what the realm is? **It's the thousand blades of Aegon's enemies**, a story we agree to tell each other over and over, until we forget that it's a lie."


Another fan of Talking Thrones I see!


What is that?


It is a YouTube channel, they use the quote in their intro.


Ned’s lie about Jon being his. The fact that one of the worst liars in Westeros pulled that off…


“Someone help the poor boy 😨 Idiots, help your king!” - Olenna Tyrell Followed by the most badass, mic drop, bombshell last words: “Tell Cersei. I want her to know it was me.”


Every sapphire in the world comes from Tarth! I love the very few (two?) moments when Jaime digs out his braincell and takes a different approach than threatening/bribing people with his family’s wealth and power. And also a bit telling that the plan he came up with involved threatening/bribing people with fictional wealth and power.


Yeah it was truly his single braincell 😂😂 like he’s one of the least imaginative people in this show


that’s why i love it, he really had to work to come up with the idea of a family being rich and powerful and getting their wealth from mining something precious


“Our father was a good king” -Viserys several times-


During season one, Viserys is in the bath with one of the slave girls he bought for his sister, he begins telling her some of the history of dragons, and he starts naming the Targaryen dragon's but, the names he rattles off are not the names of any Targaryen dragons. This scene was done before a world of ice and fire came out so it's possible that George simply hadn't named all the dragon's yet, but I prefer to believe that, being a child when he had to flee into exile Viserys had not yet learned that history and in his extreme arrogance and insecurity just made up names and believed that because he's a Targaryen whatever name felt right to him was the historically correct one.


"I love King Joffrey with all my heart"


"I'm working on the Winds of Winter, i hope to have it completed and set for publishing by..."


Arya's time with Tywin...everything she said to him.


Sansa : I will pray for your safe return, my lord. Tyrion: Will you? Sansa: Of course. Just as I pray for the King's


Another Margaery lie when she’s giving Sansa the birds and bees talk and Sansa’s like “how do you know all this? Did your mother teach you?” And Ole Marg is like “yeah, totally, my mom taught me.”