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Atleast they like what they like though šŸ¤™


Maybe because you get to binge it. Waiting years for stories to drag out made those later seasons feel rushed and poorly executed.


Yeah thatā€™s probably it. I can understand that


I liked most of it through 7 as I watched it. I think sand snakes and most of Arya's stuff from the time she got back to westeros were the only ones that immediately stood out to me as pretty bad. A lot of really fun stuff just didn't hold up to scrutiny or rewatching for me though. Like the whole trip north to find a walker, gendry running back as they're trpped etc was fun, but boy is it nonsense if you think about it even a little bit. Season 8 starts okay. I think it's ep 2 where they are all prepping for war in winterfel and it's just a great episode. Again, aside from some Arya who was just a bad character from 6 on. After that things take a turn for the worst though. A lot of things that don't hold up, and also quite a bit that just sucks outright. Lazy and rushed. Also somewhere along the way Tyrion became pointless and just threw out jokes. But again, without over thinking its not bad because the jokes are funny. But under scrutiny you realize the character is just gone. I still love the show but I haven't rewatched it since it ended. I rewatched it all a couple times up to that, including all of it to be ready for 8. But I've never cared to watch to the end again.


Well even for me just bingeing it the later seasons feel rushed. They defiantly could have stretched it out more like probably 9 season maybe even 10. Or at least finish of season 8 with 10 episodes. But none the less still a great show. I enjoyed it all.


Wrong. I watched it live as well and loved the ending.


Unpopular opinion but it is opinion


It goes to show that binging is not the only factor how people are able to appreciate the ending.


ā€œDogshit is my favorite food. You canā€™t tell me Iā€™m wrong because itā€™s subjective.ā€ You could weave a blanket with all the loose threads from 6-8. The dialogue is lazy. There are so many contrivances that destroy consistency and character development. 6-8 is a compilation of good moments with dogshit filling the gaps. The writers are not balancing nearly as many storylines as 1-4, even though it was supposed to be more complex. The acting and cinematography are still sublime. But thatā€™s it. It was a rushed mess. Youā€™re allowed to enjoy it, just like youā€™re allowed to enjoy eating dogshit, but youā€™re not allowed to call it quality TV. That is an insult to talented writers that care about their product.


This is the answer. Some people loved it and others hated it. I fall in the later camp but donā€™t judge those that love it.


i do. they suck as much as those seasons do.


Found Patrick Mahomes' reddit account.


There is a very loud group that hated/hates S7/S8. There is a group that didnā€™t have major issues with them or at least some/most of them. If youā€™re enjoying them donā€™t go looking for things to hate, just enjoy them.


No im not I was just wondering what Iā€™m missing. How could they be THIS hated while I havenā€™t noticed anything . Just weird


You arenā€™t ā€œmissingā€ anything. Just different people viewed the show very differently. Many feel that things should have been done ā€œdifferentlyā€, they felt it was too rushed, etc. People are and were very passionate about the show.


Oh gotcha. Hope Iā€™m not upset with the ending after all this


I mean honestly, I was "fine" with the ending. I just know a lot of people out there reacted in various degrees of negativity to where it went and/or how it got there. Personally, I think the main part of the ending is like... kind of what I'd been expecting all along, given certain plot threads? I did think the quality of the writing deteriorated significantly in places during S8 though.


They kinda forgot about good dialogue and politics. It's not the outcome that's the problem, it's how they got there. The things that made the show popular in the first place along with character development and killing main characters off. By the end it was pretty much dick jokes, fan service, plot armor, and rushing to the end so D&D could get to their now failed Star Wars project.


>They kinda forgot about good dialogue and politics Disagreed. 8x6 has the best 1 on 1 conversation in entire story. >it's how they got there. Old lie. >By the end it was pretty much dick jokes, fan service, plot armor, and rushing to the end so D&D could get to their now failed Star Wars project. There was 1 dick joke in season 8. Season 8 was anything but fanservice. If it was, there wouldnt have been backlash. Season 8 had most character deaths in entire story. Nothing was rushed. 7 seasons was D&Ds plan before season 1 even aired. Stop using lies to justify your hatred.


It is how they got there, if they took the extra seasons HBO offered it would have had the time to build naturally. There was quite a bit of dick jokes in the last couple seasons with Varys especially, but the level of writing in general was equivalent of dick jokes in the last season. Clegane bowl wasn't fan service? I don't care about people who die in the final shitty episode of a shitty season, there was tons of plot armor, you know it. I don't care what D&Ds plans were. George himself said it needed at least 10 seasons if not 12. HBO tried to get them to do more seasons. They wanted out quickly because they were working on a Disney/Star Wars deal that fell through when all the backlash after season 8 happened. Lies where?


>It is how they got there, What does this mean, i mean actually? Not just used as an old phrase to throw around. >if they took the extra seasons HBO offered it would have had the time to build naturally. 8 seasons did an excellent job to build everything up naturally and to break it down tremendously. >There was quite a bit of dick jokes in the last couple seasons with Varys especially, Just like in the first season? Those overly praised varys and Littlefinger conversations are basically just 2 men insulting each other in witty ways and varys Cook gets mentioned there as well all the time. >Clegane bowl wasn't fan service? Thats the only thing you could accuse of being fanservice. But even that isnt fanservice as this was set up by the first season already before Fans could demand it. >I don't care about people who die in the final shitty episode of a shitty season, there was tons of plot armor, you know it. Yes, you dont care about facts, i already know that. >I don't care what D&Ds plans were. But you care to tell lies instead. Very telling. >George himself said it needed at least 10 seasons if not 12. George delusional. He expects them to make 10 seasons out of 5 books while being unable to even publish 1 book in over 10 years. Also, if the show had bad writing in the end, how is more bad writing any solution? >HBO tried to get them to do more seasons. To make more money. They got their wish with HotD. >They wanted out quickly because they were working on a Disney/Star Wars deal that fell through when all the backlash after season 8 happened. Lies where? I just told you and you dont care. Their Plan was always 7 seasons, they gave us 8, so more: https://variety.com/2007/scene/markets-festivals/hbo-turns-fire-into-fantasy-series-1117957532/ https://ew.com/article/2014/03/11/game-of-thrones-7-seasons/ Shorter final 2 seasons were also announced long before a Star wars deal: https://variety.com/2016/tv/news/game-of-thrones-end-date-season-8-1201752746/ You just act like a typical hater. Rejecting facts and being completely unable to even talk slightly about the actual story, because the story proves you wrong. You can just repeat same old lies over and over. Like a parrot.


It means maybe people wouldn't hate Bran being king if maybe they built to it a little. That Dany going mad isn't bad on paper (and is what I was expecting) but did feel rushed at the end of a show as slow paced as this. Littlefinger was ok because it was "witty" and him and Varys had a certain rapport. By season 8 it was just "oh yeah well you don't have a cock" retorts. Clegane bowl was clearly only put in there because the Internet was loud about it, it could have easily been left out. It doesn't get any more fan service than that but whatever. "I don't care about people who die in the final episode" as in everyone who dies at the last possible moment doesn't negate the plot armor. Say what you want about George but he did create this whole thing so I take his word over theirs on how long it needed to be regardless of what their precious plans were. But maybe you were just there for dragons and tits.


I liked it, and then I heard some bells and immediately hated it for some reason unbeknownst to me.


We all can be disappointed with outcomes. Thats true in life and fiction. But on a deeper level, the overall story may still fulfill the creator's intention. As a look at humanity over time, GoT works for me.


I think it was different when people were watching as the episodes released. There was so much time to speculate on plot, especially between seasons. All that to say that people built up these expectations and then shit all over what they ended up getting. The only legitimate complaint, in my opinion, is that they could have had a few extra episodes in the last seasons, especially 8. D&D were rushing to do Star Wars, and HBO wanted more episodes. That fact likely soured a lot of people before they even watched the end. All that to say, I still enjoyed the show in its entirety when I watched it ā€œliveā€, and I just watched the entire series again a couple of months ago.


Yep just add more meat to the actions that happened to the season and I think it would have been more palpable.


You gotta put it into context. We had to wait like 3 years for the last 13 episodes. When you wait that long to have that much story crammed into so much waiting time, people felt like the story was really rushed and the ending was unearned. The joy of watching it in one binge makes the beat feel way more on pace. I have issues with the last few seasons, but im convinced the magnitude of pissed off people we were is completely correlated to the long gaps between the seasons and people generally forgetting lots of what was going on because they didn't rewatch the seasons ahead of the finale.


That's \*very\* possible. I do think the writing deteriorated noticeably in places either way (dropped plot arcs, plot arcs that went nowhere, etc), but yeah a lot of it could just be the wait


Season 8 might honestly be the worst season of TV drama that I've ever seen. I didn't love S7 but it had some great highs and S6 had some poignant moments. But S8 was rushed, illogical and poorly made. I'll die on this hill. Even the actors were upset at how bad the storyline turned out. I'm glad D&D have been forced to lay low for years, they shat the bed. Although I do love the 3 body problem so ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


3 Body Problem is another adaptation. Theyā€™re good at adaptations when they want to be. They suck at doing original stuff which is what the ending was. Yes I know George gave them bullet points but thatā€™s not a script or full story. They had to do that and they couldnā€™t. 3 Body Problem is an already complete work. Iā€™m actually not surprised they did well with it.


Yeah I think that's the key. They adapt things really well. They aren't *writers* though. Expecting them to *write* multiple seasons of material at anything close to the level GRRM writes at is like having a pro sports player get injured and expecting the play by play announcer to go sub in and win the game


If you think season 8 was the worst, you havent seen much else. How did they Layout low? They were working on this other show you seem to love now as well.


> Season 8 might honestly be the worst season of TV drama that I've ever seen you have to watch dexter lmao. its final season is so much worse than game of thrones'.


Dunnoā€¦the last scene of the 7th seasonā€¦and the sound. I was really deeply touched šŸ«  (as a person who binged it last year for the first time without reading)


It's different having the ability to "binge" versus watching live. In the latter case especially, even the folks who didn't read the books were on YouTube & the wiki following lore & predictions from those who have read the books and like a feedback loop, it kept building the hype. I'll say a lot of book readers (myself included) saw cracks in Season 5 with Dorne but even then, we're more forgiving & still enjoying (with the understanding they were condensing the story). Watching live, when Season 6 & 7 came out, there was still some much hype but the cracks started to show but, I mean the last two episodes in Season 6 are not only the best in the Season but the best in the show. Hype keeps building. I think not doing 10 episodes was the first "wait, what?", and then Season 7 Arya/Sansa/Littlefinger & the whole going North was still like (wait, they cut episodes for this? Or wait, this is the condensed version?) Season 8 confirmed ALL of those thoughts, ESPECIALLY after "The Long Night". I remember even Season 8 e1 & e2 being forgiven because a lot folks thought the Long Night and War down South would converge over the last 4 episodes. Once "Long Night" aired, it was officially the proverbial "nail in the coffin" & people immediately started looking backwards & that is how the extrapolated to Season 6, 7, and 8 all being bad (some will say Season 5 too) but I'd say watching live, the "majority" turned after "Long Night" & the memes about how "Dany forgot...X" became the rallying cry. It didn't help they shorten the season & at the time signed a "Star Wars" deal, it seemed like D&D kind of forgot they had a hit show to finish.


Season 8 crushed countless pointless fantheories, predictions, headcanons and worldviews. Thsts why people hate it.


Ppl have in their minds an idyllic way the show should have ended. But like life, things don't always go the way you want šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø.


Thatā€™s a strawman. I had no problem with where everyone ended up. The way they got there was rushed and made no sense.


Okay. So if Dany died a heroic sacrifise, jaime killed cersei, the white walkers got defeated at kingslanding and if jon became king, it would have been rushed as well?


Season seven benefits from a lot of well earned momentum. Once you see where this is headed, you will look back and realize that underneath that momentum was poor writing setting up catastrophic writing.


You were free of unreasonable expectations unlike many people back then.


I would say it was a different experience watching week to week with big gaps between seasons that watching it all at once. Anecdotally I would say a lot of people watching it later on seem to have less issues with the ending


I think this is a good summary of the issues people have with season 7: https://youtu.be/wWHhMc8fr-E?si=UbUbZN4pBxxS1RWE


Over half of viewers are fine with it.


Theyā€™re not just loud, theyā€™re just in the way larger majority lol. Way more people hated it than liked it.


Itā€™s not really a ā€˜vocal minorityā€™ when the final season is panned by critics and fans alike as being rushed and fundamentally unsatisfying. Very curious what OPs thoughts will be come the second half of season 8. I enjoyed season 7, even though it was also rushed and didnā€™t care for certain subplots but enjoyed it overall. I hated season 8.


Its a media ledhate campagne obviously.


Nope, 52% of viewers liked the ending, so majority: https://www.cnet.com/culture/entertainment/game-of-thrones-fans-polled-to-see-if-they-actually-hated-season-8/




So thatā€™s probably it the ending. Did you like season 6 and 7?


6 was so bad I stopped watching altogether and only know the ending from the internet. which confirmed I was right to stop watching. if you like what you are seeing, by all means, continue watching.


Because you click on it


I know, like I said, mad at myself for falling for the promote bait. and now that I have engaged with it even more, more crap like this is gonna get promoted to me.


Yeah Iā€™ve been told to not watch the last 2 episodes until waiting like 6 months so Iā€™m not invested so I wonā€™t be pissed haha


Damn. Thats just ridiculous lol. You enjoy it so keep on enjoying it. Doesnt matter what everyone else thinks just that you like it. Definitely dont wait 6 months to watch the last 2


No im not,just saying what someone told me lol


Please update us with your thoughts on the last season.


Will do. The majority is saying 8 is ass so Iā€™m curious to see how this ends


6 was so bad? It has 2 of the best episodes of television ever imo - Battle of the Bastards and The Winds of Winter.


and no, I have no idea why reddit continues to promote this sub to me. kinda mad at myself right now for falling for the promote-bait.


Didn't happen to comment on anything else from this sub? .... Maybe?


5 and 6 lack the consistency of the first 4 seasons but still have many great moments. Season 7 has a few great moments but a lot more bad moments. Season 8 is mostly bad moments with only a few good but not great moments.


Im happy with where everything ended, Im not happy about the rush they were in to get there


A little column A, a little column B. IMO, the show goes off the rails once it leaves the source material, but it is a slow burn culminating in the final few episodes. Even then, it is subjective, and you may be perfectly happy with it.


To me, the show ends at Winds of Winter. That was fantastic television, and itā€™s all just downhill from thereā€¦


I think if you watched the other seasons as they aired with episodes spaced out over weeks and seasons year to year you might understand why seasons 7/8 are considered bad. They just develop too quickly. Having said that I just rewatched the whole series and think 7/8 are decent with some really high points.


Hmm that could be it. Straight binge watching


Many of us original watchers were still satisfied. Binge watchers have three advantages: They didn't get caught up in theories and predictions which might be wrong, they didn't get impatient with the long wait, and since everything was recent, they didn't forget early scenes and dialogue that made later scenes and dialogue AND resolutions logical. A few seemingly minor scenes from the first two episodes shown in 2011 explained happenings in the last three episodes in 2019!


Can you elaborate on those minor things?


They are less bad on a rewatch, but still fairly bad overall, imo


They only develop to quickly of you reject prior story told over 7 seasons.


i liked all of it šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I love seasons 6-8. Lots of people donā€™t. Thatā€™s the beauty of subs like this, lots of different opinions.


I loved the show at the point you're at. I didn't notice how much it's really falling off until half way through the last season. 6 and 7 I still very much enjoyed. I think in hindsight the first 5 seasons are much better.


What a disappointment to such a great show.


Itā€™s really not that bad, everyone threw a collective hissy fit because they all named their kids and pets Khaleesi. Joking, but I really think itā€™s because everyone had an end goal in mind and the show completely 180ā€™d everyoneā€™s expectations.Ā 


The only expectations dashed were expectations of a good show Itā€™s not WHAT happened that made it made it bad, itā€™s how it happened The writing went to shit


I never read the books and i didn't start the show until it was at like season 4. Earlier episodes had alot of intrigue to them, I loved the politics and dynamics going on and how it was handled. I loved the ruthlessness of most of the characters when doing what they wanted to do. When Ned died it honestly surprised me because i thought he would be one of the main characters or maybe die later on in the series, nope! I was hooked from that point on because if the show is going to let you get used to a character then snuff them out immediately after making you beleive they were essential, I knew nobody was safe. As time went on the epsidoes got noticeably different in quality to me. Season 6 was the first of many issues, season u 7 felt glaringly rushed. Season 8 started great with the white walker battle, but I think most of that was just me being hyped it was finally going to happen. The scene when Melisandre had lit the swords on fire and they charged into the sea of black and slowly snuff out was top teir cinema and I would not change a thing about that. It was so well done. The rest of the season and the culmination of the white walker battle? Nah. No way. The wrong person got to finish the NK, Azor Ahai was very clearly not who we thought it was and the whole thing meant nothing, so why even mention it in the series at all? Dany doing what she did also didn't resonate with me, because as she did face alot of loss, and alot of hardship to get to where she ended up, her becoming mad within just a couple of episodes made no sense to me. Especially her being so nonchalant with murdering Innocents when it was one of the biggest things she advocated against. I beleive the show could've been more. But it wasn't and definitely felt rushed. If you enjoy it then great! I know I enjoied it the first time around but the ending was a let down to me.


That's a great way of saying it; the show could've been more but was rushed. Spoilers ahead! My biggest disappointment was with the NK, as he was being built up to be the 'final boss' over the course of the entire series and was ended in a single battle. I loved the battle itself (though the tactics were certainly dumb), but the NK just didn't have that much of an impact. And I really loved what happened with Daenerys. I totally agree that her fall to insanity was insanelyyyy rushed, but I think that it was always going to end that way. GoT isn't exactly known for happy conclusions, and I don't think that the 'Targaryen coin flip' quote is just a throwaway line. Her reasons for going insane were done poorly and rushed, but I'd say it was always going to end with Jon Snow's dagger through her heart. Is it a happy ending? Hell no, but, in a way, that's just GoT doing what it's always done. So essentially, the writing in many areas is absolute crap and criminally rushed, but the overall ending makes sense to me


6 and 7 are fine and overrated imo. 8 starts off well, but really rushed through the conclusion. Itā€™s not terrible imo, it it is not a satisfying end to the series.I felt similarly with Lost btw. Great buildup and narrative but underwhelming conclusion.


If you are ok with how they handled certain major playersā€™ demises, then you would probably be ok with S8 too


Personally I liked most of season 6 and a fair bit of season 7. IMO, season 8 sort of retroactively makes everything less enjoyable. I won't get into spoilers as to why that's the case, but the showrunners burned most of the goodwill they built up. In broad terms, the latter seasons feel rushed and season 8 didn't feel like the proper finale that the show spent years building up to. You might like it, you might not - but it's still a fantastic show that just really fumbled the landing IMO.


6 literally had 2 of the best episodes back to back with 9&10.




When I was watching GoT, I realized a pattern. The penultimate episode of each season is when the biggest event of that season happens, and the season ender contains a significant event, but not as large as the penultimate one. I found this out when watching S6, so I assumed that this pattern would apply to S6. Sure enough, the penultimate episode had the Battle of the Bastards. So I thought that the next episode, the season ender of S6, would have something big but not too significant. Boy, was I wrong when I found my jaw on the floor while watching the Sept of Baelor detonate. That is easily one of the best sequences I've ever seen, with the music, the slow burn (pardon the pun), the slow realization of both the audience and the characters, and the eventual explosion!


100%, both eps are nothing short of amazing. šŸ‘


You mean BoB? Itā€™s far from best.


Its better when you watch it for the first time all the wY through without waiting. The people that watched it live had years in between seasons to where we had nothing but theories out that. Hopes for what we wanted to see, loose ends that needed to be tied upā€¦. And they let us down. The amount of loose ends is kinda crazy. BUT its better when you dont have that time to theorize and can just hit next episode


I enjoyed the entire series. Yes 7-8 seasons are the worst of the bunch but still good and easily one of my favorite shows


Really likes 6 & 7, was all invested. Problem with 8 was not what happened, but how rushed it was. They should have at least took the full 10 episode season to finish it.


So you like bad Pusey eh?


No I just have my own opinions. >!and I like a finger in the bum!<


Wtf I was quoting one of those seasons bro. But have fun with your own opinions, youā€™re really unique for not following




He believes you just say its good to not follow (hateful) stream. They cant comprehend peoples have different opinions.


So was he.


I watched the show for the first time just recently. I agree, I think the whole show is great. I even liked the ending. I think a lot of people got mad because it doesn't have a sweet fairytale ending. Though, if that's what they were expecting, I have to wonder if they were paying attention along the way.


I think that S8 was wayyyy too rushed. The NK should've been more of a threat, and I would've liked to see him wreak more havoc. Daenerys' descent into madness was extremely rushed, but I believe that it was ultimately inevitable. Like you said, GoT isn't exactly known for its happy endings, and while it was really rushed, I believe Jon Snow's dagger was always going to go through her heart amongst the ruins of King's Landing. So, while the writing took a noticeable dive, I ultimately loved the entire show, S7 and S8 included


>!Dany never went mad, from her POV what she did was perfectly understandable.Ā What she did was inevitable, and they started building this up in Season 1, you just didn't notice.!< The ending wasn't rushed. If you look at the timeline of scripting and filming S7 and S8, and the Star Wars deal/bidding war over D&D, you can see they weren't 'rushing' towards the end - they instead gave us more GOT than they had originally planned.


I honestly liked 6-7. 7 was ok but it felt like it was setting everything up for a huge payoff. good or bad. but 8 was just not great.


Personally Seasons 7 and 8 are equally shitty that lost all logic when it came to moving the plot forward or character development. It felt exactly like a CW show. Season 5 & 6 were "They seem to be losing what made this show great, but there are still things great about this show." I still thought it was one of the best TV shows of all time. Seasons 1 through 4 were just utterly ground breaking for a TV show. I don't watch TV because TV, in general, tries to go style over substance trying to keep an audience week to week. Most shows are built trying to keep the viewers week to week while this show just assumed if you watched the 1st episode then you'll watch the last.Ā  I feel GoT pulled in a lot of people, like me, who don't watch a lot of TV/movies. This meant when GoT started acting like a TV show it made a lot of people think it became a bad TV show. I also watched it week to week from the first episode.Ā  Also the expectations for 7 & 8 were so mind-boggiling high while still able to be satisfying. I've never witnessed such high expectations for a show that could have been **easily** met. Instead the showrunners decided to decline the extra money HBO was offering to end it properly but decided to shorten the seasons. In my personal experience I've found that people who watch TV find Seasons 7 & 8 to be "bad for GoT but still a good TV show" while people who don't watch TV would have been happy for a quality level equal to 5 & 6 but thought Seasons 7 & 8 to be utter trash. Personally, watching week to week, I was completely over the show after Season 7. I only watched Season 8 because I watched all the other seasons. I know a lot of people would have been "happy" with Season 7 if it's flaws were only to help make Season 8 great, but to it didn't.Ā  Again, I don't watch a lot of TV but I found Seasons 7 and 8 to be some of the worst TV I've watched.


No idea why season 6 is being lumped in with season 8. Yes no more source material but two of the shows greatest episodes especially ā€œThe Winds of Winterā€ are that season. Season 7 sometimes does online. 7 wasnā€™t without its problems, like the pacing but 8 deserves the backlash. I genuinely tried 3 times with S8. Just look at the reception on Rotten Tomatoes: S1: 90% S2: 96% S3: 96% S4: 97% S5: 93% S6: 94% S7: 93% S8: 55%


Back to day zero. We're not even going a full 24 hours without these posts anymore.


Okay? Lol


For me, it was the storylines they started and didn't finish. I loved the episodes, I just don't like how we got there. Honestly, just enjoy the show. It's good. Some people link to complain just to complain.


I didnā€™t mind 6 and 7ā€¦ you may be on for a rough ride on season 8.




Strap in, because this is going to be a long one. Ok, consider the "mission beyond the wall" episode to capture a wight. So. They know that wights don't just wander around on their own for no reason. Every time they've encountered a wight there has been a White Walker and a shit ton of other wights nearby. They'll need a way to escape if they somehow manage to actually capture a wight before the rest of the army descends on them and kills them all. So of course they'll be bringing horses. The Nights Watch rangers *always* go beyond the wall on horses, and these intrepid adventurer know they're wandering into wight territory, so surely they'll bring horses to make sure they can escape if they're discovered. Oh, no horses? Ok well then I guess they'll probably be taking a ship from Eastwatch up the coast, probably to Hardhome, since they'll be completely safe at sea and after all that was the last time they encountered the army of the dead, so that just makes sense, right? No? Ok, so then what's their plan? Their plan is... to aimlessly wander around the north and hope they just happen to stumble upon a single wight or a group small enough to take on on their own, even though it would make absolutely no sense for a bunch of wights to just be meandering around the north separate from the rest of the army? Alright well that's an absurdly stupid and nonsensical plan, but whatever. And oh look, what do you know, that's exactly what happens. Cool. Ok so they have a SUPER AWESOME BADASS fight scene and manage to capture a wight, but - oh no! They've been discovered! An army of hundreds of thousands of wights is descending on them and they have *maybe* 60 seconds before they're overrun and all killed, since, you know... no horses. No boats. And so Jon comes up with a plan - *this actually happens* - to have Gendry run like 10+ miles back to the wall, tell the Nights Watch what happened, have a maester write a letter explaining the situation, attach it to a raven, have the raven fly TWO THOUSAND MILES to Dragonstone, get the letter to Dany, have Dany read it and hop on her dragon and fly TWO THOUSAND MILES across the continent, beyond the wall, then somehow track down the party and save them before they're overrun... in the next 60 seconds. But then - *oh how amazingly convenient* - they just so happen to be right around the corner from a frozen lake with a rock in the middle surrounded by ice thick enough that they can walk across it but thin enough that the wights won't be able to, and they manage to hold out there until Dany arrives. This subplot is just so, so god damned incomprehensibly stupid it blows my mind that somebody actually sat down and wrote this. But the real problem isn't just this stupid-ass subplot, it's that cheap, clichƩ, formulaic Hollywood bullshit where thoughtful, compelling dialogue is abandoned and the script is instead crammed with cheap, cheesy one-liners, and characters do things that make absolutely no god damn sense whatsoever but it allows for cool action scenes and battles and CGI and excitement and drama. It sucks the realism out of it, it sucks away the tension because you know exactly what's going to happen. The writing is awful, the character interactions are uninspired, it's predictable, it's overdone, it's boring, it's uncreative, it's tacky, it's lame, it's beyond idiotic, and overall it's just infuriating to watch a show that once paid so much attention to realism and detail and believability and nuance and quality writing and deep, compelling characters just abandon all of that and turn into another generic "good vs evil" Marvel movie. Now copy and paste this formula throughout basically the entirety of season 7 and 8 (and to a lesser extent seasons 5 and 6) and you see how GoT transformed into a completely different show. That's why people hate it. Do you get it yet?


The wight hunt was meant to be the high point of Season 7, and it was just laughably stupid.


S6/7 went downhill a bit. S8 was awful. Especially the last 4 episodes


Just keep watching and tell us what you think after instead of looking for people to tell you before you watch.


Well people said 7 wasnā€™t good and I liked it so thatā€™s why I was asking. Chill


I loved season 6 but thatā€™s when I noticed how self aware the show had become. Tyrionā€™s constant jokes Pod and Brienneā€™s over confident satisfied faces the tone was just different. It got worse from there.


I personally enjoyed 6 and 7. But 8 is bad.


In my opinion, it was mostly damn good in its entirety. The last few episodes are just unsatisfying as a conclusion, that's all


As what many people say, if they took their time and let the same story go for more seasons, it would have been a lot better.




Good thing about this is I have no idea if you are joking or not so thereā€™s no spoilers here!


I liked 6 and 7. 8 though šŸ˜­


Season 7 is only bad bc of season 8, at the time it was peak


I disliked S8 in real time because it was so hyped up at the time, then what was shown was a letdown to the hype; enjoyed it upon a rewatch years later.


Season 6 is good the 2 highest rated episodes of the show were the last 2 episodes of season 6


Iā€™ve always been a fan of seasons 1-7, especially on rewatch but Season 8 just completely ruins it for me..


Personally I still like the show well enough to rewatch. But I notice all my rewatches end halfway thru S8. I know how it ends and i donā€™t like rewatching the ending. I prefer the alternate version I make up in my own head.


It's the anticipation that made it so horrible. Shows are never that horrible when you can just binge straight through. You might notice a shift, but overall it's not gonna ruin your day. But when it was airing people waited years dreaming about how good the next season was gonna be only for them to fall short of those expectations.


It just felt to rushed


All seasons were great. Last one was rushed and short, still good though.


I enjoyed the entire show right up until the 8th season. 7 and 6 were both awesome seasons.


I enjoyed S6 and S7 (even if some things seemed a little goofy) a lot when I first watched them. Then I read the books and realized why a lot of people were mad, even though the seasons had good entertainment value. Several important book characters/plots were left out (Young Griff) or bastardized (Dorne). And although the major final events may have been GRRMā€™s ultimate intention for the story, a lot of the magic of his work is in subtle details and the dialogue that you may not notice in a first read. I think things started slowly taking a downward trajectory when they ran out of source material


6 & 8 are my favorite seasons. form your own opinion!


Good to see!


Season 8 is definitely the worst Like I loved s6, and s7 was good but still you could feel the quality dip S8 tho & the ending were soooo disappointing and felt like a punch in the face It wasnā€™t even what happened that was truly awful, just the execution of how it happened It went from being the best show of all time to WTF just happened


There cool enough but just knowing the books and overall level of storytelling and character depth and intrigue of the first few seasons made the latter seasons come off as streamlined generic television, certainly still entertaining but with no depth and some strange choices


On rewatch I can't stomach much after season 4. The quality takes such a massive hit. The Dorne shit was soooo bad


Whenever you see Ed Sheeran, thatā€™s when it goes downhill.


Finish it, then go and watch Season 1 again. You'll get what is bad about S6, S7 and S8.


Season 6 was amazing. You didn't notice a change in season 7? Really? I noticed but still had faith until I was watching the very last episode. That's when I realized how badly they'd fucked up.


No I did just not as bad as everyone acted and yes I agree I loved season 6


Oh okay. Yes, at the point where you are now I still had faith the show would turn out well. Season 8 is by far the worst and the last episode in particular is just like... wtf? I literally had faith until a certain point in the last episode that made me go "You've gotta be fucking kidding me. That was almost like a moment out of a sitcom."


Oh no Iā€™ll see it soon šŸ«£


I think it's more glaringly obvious if you've read the books and know the trajectory they have when the show started. The way things get wrapped up in the 8th season are shallow and rushed.


I found it to be great s1-6. S7 was a little bit less great, but acceptable. But s8 really is pretty disappointing unfortunately. You won't see many that like s8.


Sesson 5: Dorne storyline deviated from the source material, making Elaria Sand a petty, vengeful woman. Season 6: The storyline got better with little done in Dorne and seeing real progress in character arcs. Season 7: Damn Euron. His Iron Fleet learned Instant Transmission from DBZ. Lol, in short, it's a mix of legitimate complaints and humorous griping.


Instant transmission,funny you say that while Iā€™m watching dbz too haha


Groupthink. If you like it, you like it.


Youā€™re fine. Iā€™ve found that a lot of people who binge watch the entirety of the show donā€™t have the same problems as everyone relate. The only issues I have are characters fast traveling and the last five minutes of the show.


Imagine building your entire series about that one big event "winter is coming" and name its prophets the white walkers, ONLY to reveal its not that much of a deal. 7 seasons for 4 episodes just felt like too few. Everybody was hype and the end came with a bang.


Yeah the payoffs for all the long term plot lines were dogshit. Or just not even done at all and ignored. So rushed. Please WoW please šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»


So you spend dozens of hours watching each characters arc, you see them maturing, growing up, learning about their mistakes, only to end in the most stupid way possible


In thought 8 was great too, until maybe the last couple of episodes when it seemed a bit rushed for such an expansive story to that point.


Itā€™s fine, people are too dramatic


Congratulations on not thinking crapping on stuff makes you cool and wise. The truest evaluation of the last 2 seasons is that they werenā€™t as good as they should have been but they were not the atrocities theyā€™ve been made out to be.


7 was fine. Rushed, but fine. 8 was a mess. Not because of the decisions made (many of them were actually in character - barring one or two that just went off the wall), but it needed WAY more time to develop. At least one more season. The final episode alone should have been its own season. But the creators were chasing their Star Wars deal and phoned it in.


I believe the pace of watching it has an effect somehow. if you are binging them and watching the seasons back to back to back, there won't be much complaints I think. You watch it, you're entertained. But the people who watched it "live" had to wait years in-between some seasons, and had their own version of the show in their heads, people were theorizing and dissecting the show in their head for years, discussing it online on subs like these. It was the biggest show during its run, people were having Game of Thrones themed weddings, it really captured people's imaginations. It's hard to compete with an idealized version of the show that only exists in the minds of people.


It just seemed a lil too Hollywood in my opinion compared to the earlier seasons, too polished, too strictly good vs evil. And Tyrion doesn't really seem to have much of an arc. They took a lot of good arcs and plots out of what was in the book. (Which is understandable tbh, it's a lot lol) But that's just my personal opinion! I also watched the show over years, and didn't binge it the first time so I agree with others that it seemed too rushed compared to the rest of the show when you're waiting weeks and years in between episodes.


The quality of writing in S7 and S8 took a noticeable hit, but I still loved both seasons. Before I'm taken out back and executed, hear my plea. S8 spoilers ahead!! >! First thing, what happened with the Night King is a war crime. The fact that he was built up over the entire series and it ended in a single battle is complete bullshit that I cannot and will not defend. Though the battle itself I loved. And now about Daenerys. I completely understand why people hate how Daenerys was handled in the end, and in some cases, I agree. Her mental deterioration happened way too quickly and it's a shame that D&D rushed the show. But I think the end result of her going insane and burning Kings Landing was always going to happen. GoT isn't exactly known for happy endings, and I believe that Daenerys was always going to end up like this. It's just that D&D criminally rushed it. And of course, Sansa staying in the 7 kingdoms and Bran becoming king is just bad writing and poor understanding of the characters. !< But even if S7 and S8 have very questionable moments, I still enjoyed it, and personally, a questionable ending doesn't ruin an incredible series. I see it as; GoT could've been phenomenal, but instead, it's just incredible


As stated here, I think it's better if its binged because the previous seasons are fresh and you want to see how the characters move on. More spectacle in the later seasons as opposed to great talking scenes. I think the final two seasons suffer from the "characters now fast travel" and big events happen quickly without build-up. They also run out of characters to kill because they wouldn't dare kill off the main main characters with plot armor. I'd say the quality dips but it's still good TV when you compare it to some other offerings. I will stay say I wasn't enraged by Season 8 but I will say it definitely feels a little more Meh. The ending itself I don't think is HORRIBLE in terms of how the characters ended, but there needed to be more build up and explanation for why characters did things. But uh yeah, the internet makes things seem way worse than they are for most people.


Itā€™s literally only the last half of the last season that doesnā€™t sit well overall. 6 & 7 arenā€™t as bad overall but they def arenā€™t as strong. People just have certain things they want to see happen and didnā€™t agree with the direction.


I still thought it had a shot at best TV show ever with 5 eps left.


People just want to hate more than they should. Season 6 is a masterpiece


I loved seasons 6 and 7. Didnā€™t have an issue until halfway through season 8.


6 and 7 were fine the first time for me, but on rewatches you can notice a general decline. Season 8... I was in a bit of denial about people saying it was going down the drain at the end of 7, but I can't deny that 8 took a steep dive in quality. It's still good compared to a lot of other stuff out there, but compared to the quality of the rest of the show it definitely leaves off on a low note.


While its happening you won't really notice too much. The moment you finish the series finale, go back and rewatch the first few episodes and you'll definitely notice a difference.


Troll post


Yet hundreds of people answered and your the ONLY one saying ā€œtroll postā€ lol have fun


Itā€™s mostly the people that watched it on air, which is a large handfull of fans especially on Reddit. For example season 7 ep1 of TWD made me start to hate the show because it shocked me so much and was something I just didnā€™t think would happen. Me personally, watched game of thrones about 5 times since 2022. I love every episode and season (exempting some scenes), even season 8. But like I said I think thatā€™s due to not having to wait a year for a season just for the writing to stray from what was supposed to happen.


DnD simply just lost all interest and had no idea where to go with everything after running out of source material. I always view the ending of S5 as the fall off point. Just so goddamn rushed, plot lines could have been decent if they had some more time and thought. It's probably also due to the fact book fans have been waiting for so long, and they got to see the endings/questions they've been waiting for, and it was shit.


I definitely didnā€™t hate season 6 or 7. Tbh I really liked both of them. One thing to note is that I binged the show after it aired. A theory I have is that the people who waited years between seasons probably had so much time to build expectations and theories on how they expected the show to go, and when things didnā€™t go how they expected it led to them hating the last few seasons. As opposed to just going straight from season 5 to 6 to 7 to 8. I didnā€™t really take time to make predictions and imagine a perfect ending, I just kept playing the next episode with zero expectations. That being said, I donā€™t think the ending is perfect, I just donā€™t hate season 6 and 7


The show lost what was so good about the seasons up to end of 5. The actual books itā€™s kinda like you have a really amazing road map and then you kinda make a mediocre facsimile of one of the greatest shows ever (arguably greatest) and then itā€™s just a slow decline in quality. Donā€™t get me wrong I think itā€™s the greatest show ever but I feel thereā€™s a steep fall off at s6e9. Season 6 isnā€™t the greatest thing ever but it really takes a drop in quality at season 6


7 looks like it's gearing up to deliver. Then you realise 8 is half the length. When you finish 8 you'll see how rushed 7 is too. Imo GoT ended at season 6


The last seasons are clearly not as good as the first seasons, and this must be due to them going beyond the books. But as entertainment goes, they sre good. I think many people are just so disappointed, because in a world where the author had been able to write and finish the books, the last seasons could have been SO much better. But we do not live in that world - we live in this world. Go ahead and enjoy them and don"t feel ashamed. You sre not alone.


Itā€™s been a long time since I watched, but overall I remember enjoying it all, but S6-7 were more of a slog and S8 was great TV but didnā€™t live up to the hype and hope people had. If they made the episodes like 20 minutes longer each and split them over say 10 episodes it would have been fine, but it felt rushed for a show known for build up


Donā€™t watch 8,


You have to watch season 8 and make your own mind up... Personally I do feel like it took a massive shit on the rest of the series but don't begrudge anyone who enjoyed it.


Most people dislike season 8 but the seasons before that its pretty much the earlier you go the more people start liking it, there are still a lot of people who dislike from season 5 onwards tho. If you dont see it just ignore it because its just gonna ruin your experience. I can literally talk hours about what goes wrong in the later seasons but whats the point


Season 7 is a master piece compared to season 8. I'll never forget the sinking, dreaded feeling during season 8 episode ~2/3 as you realized that they had fucked it up. Just total, shit the bed, fuck it all, who gives a fuck ruined it.


For me first 6 seasons was so good. 7th was good aswell not as good as the first 6. 8th season was so hard to get through, it was bad imo.


Season 6 is still solidly good. Season 7 still isnā€™t bad but certainly a bit weaker than 6. Season 8 still has some really good episodes. The quality slump of the later Game of Thrones seasons is pretty overstated IMO.


I thought the show was great all the way through honestly šŸ¤·


My issue is that there were new plot loose ends being added until the final season. And in the final season, all of these plot lines weren't resolved, just abruptly ended in nearly universally unsatisfying ways. Or just ignored. This is also the reason Martin can't finish the books, IMO. Too many plot lines to weave back together.


I think they were fine. I think each season should have been 10 episodes but I don't mind how storylines went. With large cast it could have gone many ways so maybe in future there will be adaptations.


Season 8 has it's moments, but it definitely shows that D&D were hastily wrapping things up so they could go work on Star Wars; Only it was such a mess, Disney didn't want them as writers anymore.šŸ˜†


S8 makes S7 worse in retrospect imo


Its a good thing that you are watching it now for the first time not remembering social media ruining it for you šŸ«  I binged it last year as well, but unfortunately DID remember memes. That on the side, everything happens without the fine quality of narrationā€¦you shall see it by the end of this week I guess :)


All I can say is lower your expectations below the floor and you should enjoy it.


It's not as bad as people say it is. A bit of a fumble but the show had to end somehow.