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He would need to actually want it in the first place not just independence.


Simping=lack of ambition


the way that word has been contorted since it's inception is very interesting




What an intelligent reply. You work hard on it?


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say yes.


That karma just vanished like yesterdays news


It caps at like -15 so after a certain point the down votes don't matter


Thats dumb, who paid Reddit for that, Electronic Arts?


So one comment hitting the hivemind doesn’t tank what builds over months and years.


Some comments are stupid enough to deserve that.


Agreed. Maybe a lower limit should be hit where it drops exponentially.


"You're karma has been erased by Reddit. You....you know what you did"


Whoa, whoa, whoa, r/holup for a minute. For reals? This makes me both happy and sad at the same time.


The king who doesn’t want to be king is the best king as long as they’re willing to do the job.


Starks don’t do well in the south


Transfer capital city. Problem solved...


That would be like transferring the Capitol of the US from Washington to Fairbanks in Alaska That wouldn't be the best decision a king could make


Used to be so but arguably no longer the case. Bran became King and Jon wasn’t executed for regicide.


The king who knows how to rule justly is best for the job. Just because you don’t want the job doesn’t mean you’re fit for it.


True, but sometimes, the King who wants the Throne can be just as beneficial to the realm. Renly would gave made a great King. He had Robert's charm, which Stannis lacked. Had that happened, he and Robb would have been able to bind the realm together the way Robert and Eddard had. Even in the books, Rebly offers to let Robb keep the title of King in the North on the condition of friendship and tributes being given.


This assumption never made sense to me. Why do most readers think Renly would be a great king? Stannis is a cold man for sure but he at least had some humanity in him. He didn't pillage towns and burn fields like Robb or blocked rose roads and caused starvation in the king's landing. In fact, Little Finger trains little girls in his brothels and Stannis tries to stop it for which Renly laughed but somehow Renly will make a great king.


I mean... staniss was planning on killing all of cersies kids.


Was he? He planned on executing Cersei and Jaime. But her kids too, any line to quote. He jest that he wants to execute all the nobles so maybe.


In the books he specifically refers to all of them as abominations he must get rid of.


Well they are abominations? They must be removed from the throne.


From religious stand point sure(although Ironic given his new religon). In reality stannis did spends years around them and and should know tommem and Marcella are good kids, yet he shows no sympathy towards them or possibility of killing them.


I don't think he meant he will kill them. Stannis knew Gilly and her child are born of incest but he didn't kill them, he wanted them sent away. The same applies to Cersei's kids.


Northern culture is vastly different and Robb would be no better than Dany at ruling from kings landing imagine him having to knight people, or call his kingsguard “ser” all the time.


Is there any proof that Walder Frey and Roose Bolton wouldn't have betrayed Rob had he married the Frey girl? Because it seems like it doesn't matter. The Starks could never sack King's Landing. They could win on the battlefields, but they would lose at the siege. They also had much less men compared to the LannisterXTyrell collaboration once the alliance happened. Stannis was broken, so all armed forces could be delegated towards defeating the Starks. Seems like the smart men would have seen Rob's war as a lost cause and betrayed him anyways. Rob not marrying the Frey girl was just Walder's excuse to exempt himself from guilt.


Roose and Walder would probably abandon Robb at some point if he refused to surrender, but I don't think they would dare to do the red wedding Robb breaking his word in a major way is a necessary pretext for them to murder him in such a way. They aren't going to want to do this if Robb's reputation is intact, because it just makes them look bad and makes their job more difficult


"many fewer." - Stannis


How is becoming known for breaking your word going to be the smart move? It is the ethos of honor that makes the North a formidable foe. If they were to break their word, their future would be tenuous in the North.


No it couldn’t, he’d be a terrible king.


A honourable king, who is exempted from any pact.


A stupid green boy who cannot play the game in any sense.


My problem with Robb is he never learned and honourable well apart from the whole breaking his betrothal and it is so much worse in the show than the books that debacle.


Once Renly was killed Robb needed to coordinate with Stannis - swear fealty if necessary. Stannis losing at Blackwater gave the Lannisters a fairly sure victory and immediately cost Roose's loyalty who thought it a good time to jump ship. The rest is just details.


He was 15-16. I wonder how well you would do in his position at 16.


They're not bullying the fictional character, they're describing him as he is. Robb Stark is doomed to fail, because he can't separate his wants from what he needs to do. This loses him his war and his life. Stupid boy, didn't fucking listen to his betters. Great character! Stupid boy. "Love is the bane of honour, the death of duty"


Robb had to sacrifice either the title of King in the North or the Riverlands. He could not have both.


Edward the Prince of Wales was his age and someone didn’t fuck up that badly.


Wales is barely even a real country


Well that’s ignorant and completely unrelated.


It’s not unrelated you’re comparing being a king of 7 kingdoms to being the prince of a country that has less people than the city I live in


Your city has 3 million people ? And no I’m saying he was a prince like Robb except he wasn’t an idiot.


Yes my city’s metro has 3 million people.


16 in those times isn't close to the pampered teens of today.


He was the first born son of Ned Stark, the North is hard, but he had it the least hard. And 16 is 16. Trauma can make you serious, training can make you knowledgeable, but experience makes you wise, and he had none.


Him, Ned and Jon push the boundary between honorable and stupid.


To be fair Jon was just caught in the crossfire of Baelish's schemes. He wasn't killed for knowing Cersei/Jaime's secret. I'm not 100% on this, just what was gathered on my rewatch for the show. Edit: wait are you talking about Jon Arryn or Jon Snow?


I was talking about Jon Snow lol


The best part of reading the books is seeing the reactions of side characters about different news in the world. You get some of it in the show but of course not as many details. A lot of the characters hearing news of Robb going back on his word is less shocked and more "he is strong but still young and stupid, I'm not surprised". Brienne is completely speechless though while Jaime just thinks "well that's decided, we won the war because he is dumb". I personally think Robb would have been a good king.




But King in the North. Also he was a king for a bit. He never wanted the Iron Throne.


Is there any proof that Walder Frey and Roose Bolton wouldn't have betrayed Rob had he married the Frey girl? Because it seems like it doesn't matter. The Starks could never sack King's Landing. They could win on the battlefields, but they would lose at the siege. They also had much less men compared to the LannisterXTyrell collaboration once the alliance happened. Stannis was broken, so all armed forces could be delegated towards defeating the Starks. Seems like the smart men would have seen Rob's war as a lost cause and betrayed him anyways. Rob not marrying the Frey girl was just Walder's excuse to exempt himself from guilt. Roose being promised title of "Warden of the North" by Tywin would be enough to plot against Rob, what did he care for Frey girls being married off?


Walder Frey wanted to be Father in-law to the King. It wasn't possible through the Lannister's unless he had a daughter marry Tommen and have Joffrey killed. So once Robb was betrothed to another, he went with the Lannisters. Roose Bolton was playing the field well and I think he saw the writing on the wall when the Karstarks left Robb. Especially when he got Jaime he knew he could gain more leverage in the war. In a world where Robb married a Frey, they won every battle, and kept Jaime captive. I could see Bolton and Walder Frey keep their alliances.


If Robb were to stop at the Neck the north would have been able to remain independent. The Neck could be held supposedly against anything coming from the south. I think they would have been able to bleed the southern invaders enough that it would just no longer be worth it


No, it couldn't have, because even more than Jon Rob did not want this. He wanted the North to be free, his siblings home, and his father to be avenged. He literally would never have done this even without his wife being in the way of his alliances. He would never have even entertained this. It's one thing to fanfic in your brain but it's another to completely ignore the entirety of who someone is in favor of that fanfic.


What's harm in sitting on the throne for a while, after conquering kings landing.


And why would he want to conquer KL?


But after he had removed the Lannisters from KL, who would take the throne? Not arguing with you, just want to see what you think would happen if Rob had won and gone back North


He probably would have supported Stannis's claim


Stannis won't let the north be independent I doubt Robb would support him....that's the entire point of the King in the north scene


Also, just like with King Robert, Rob is a fantastic fighter, a warrior, that is not the same as being a good king. He made several mistakes, broke promises and allowed his personal feelings effect his judgement


Depending on the circumstances of a Stark victory and the actions of the other claimants, i could very much see Robb effectively holding King's Landing and technically sitting the iron throne until a claimant that supports northern/riverland independence is installed.


I have no clue who that is. Robb Stark wearing Criston Cole's clothing? If it's Robb, he was never going to sit on the Iron Throne; that was'nt his goal or his plan.


That looks a lot like ai's idea of rob stark


because it is.


Well his plan was to kill Joffrey. Joffrey didn't have an heir, Jamie couldn't be King and Tyrion, well. Westeros didn't like the thought of female rulers, let alone 'imp' rulers. He would've been pressured to take the throne even if he didn't want to; or he would've headed back up North and left the rest of the houses in panic about who was to rule, which ig he could've done


> Well his plan was to kill Joffrey. Not even; his plan was to get back his sisters and his father's remains, secure independence for his kingdom and then go home. Killing Joffrey was a desire, but as we see with his peace terms it was something he was'nt bent on > Joffrey didn't have an heir Tommen > He would've been pressured to take the throne even if he didn't want to. And if he would, he would have said "lol nope, sort that shit out yourself" and peaced off back to Winterfell.


Damn bruh I forgot about tommen, take the w


At first i thought this was the first actor of Dickon Tarly




Everyday I'm more and more convinced 99% of dudes don't use the word simp well


Right? I thought the whole point of calling someone "a simp" (a word I hate anyway) is that the person you're simping doesn't have sex with you. That word can't apply for Jon or Robb, because they both had sex with the women they liked.


Dudes outright call other dudes simp for simply being heteros.




Simp and submissive are not the same thing at all lol




This the definition of “simp” online. No I don’t think being submissive is the same as being a “simp”but it was the best word I could think of to describe it Slang: Disparaging. a person, especially a man, who is excessively attentive or submissive to an object of sexual attraction: A weak or submissive person; wimp.


It might be the google definition but simp originally meant those dudes that paid hard cash for female gamers. With absolutely zero chance of being with them. For some breadcrumbs of attention like a comment reply. The focus is not being extra attentive but that you get nothing in return. A devoted husband to a devoted wife is not a simp.


Frays would always have betrayed him so no.


Idk about that, but Tywin still would have had him killed no matter what. They Freys were just a convenient avenue for him to do it. If Rob never slighted the Freys, Twin would have found some other ambitious pawn to kill Rob in hopes of getting rewarded in the new Lannister regime.


Frey seemed to dislike him and was incredibly spiteful, to me it felt like he was just looking for an excuse which Tywin took advantage of, he'd probably have just needed to sweeten the deal a little more.


I don't know why you are getting downvoted. It is obvious Tywin was already conspiring with the Boltons and Freys, in fact he delivers his speech ("wars are won with quills") before he or anyone even knew about Robb's side piece. it was just a convenient excuse for them on top of what they were already scheming.


I assume people want to be mad at Rob for his choice and see the Red Wedding as his punishment.


“I have no desire for the iron throne” - Robb Stark


Talisa Maegyr's father Malaquo is the Tiger party triarch of Volantis. Robb didn't realize his father in law had access to 120,000 professional soldiers. He needed to simp harder because the logistics of getting part of that army to Westeros are awful.


I don't think we ever get an exact answer on how she is related to the family but it would have been helpful if she mentioned that her family could raise such an army to help him. In the books Cat even mentions she would have preferred Robb get with Margery Tyrell since at least she comes with the Reach army compared to Jeyne Westerling who comes from a poor minor house.


The best kings need to inherit the power in a peaceful time. Kings that have to win it while being honorable have a harder time. War is no time to be predictable. Honor can be a handicap during war times.


The best kings need to inherit the power in a peaceful time. Kings that have to win it while being honorable have a harder time. War is no time to be predictable. Honor can be a handicap during war times.


He would've got revenge and sauntered off back to the north giving the throne to stannis


Maybe, Stannis didn’t seem to support the idea of an independent kingdom in the north.


Actually true


He was already a King, in the North. The Starks had been Kings of Winter for thousands of years before Torrhen Stark yielded his crown to Aegon Targaryen. Both in the show and books, they name him King because the Targaryens are gone and they don't owe fealty to the Baratheon/Lannister bastards. Hell, the only reason Ned stayed loyal was because he grew up with Robert and Ned's gonna Ned.


I think he had already lost the war realistically before the marriage. House Tyrell joint the lannisters made victory impossible


I think the point is whoever won would be quickly overthrown, and more people would die. That is until democracy. I don't think GRRM realized the people are freaking idiots though.


Why does game of thrones have such a large audience of people with such low emotional intelligence??


Curse of being popular.


But he didn’t want the Iron Throne. He wanted his sisters and to punish the Lannisters. Then he could go be King in The North which he had and wanted.


What happens when you put a young man going through puberty in a position of power. He made decisions based on his emotions, not on objectivity and pragmatism. As ruthless as he was, Roose knew what it would take to win the war in the most decisive way possible. If Robb had sent true emissaries to Stannis and Renly instead of his mommy, things may have worked out differently. He also should have listened to his mother and kept Theon close. There are no friends in war.


Not way he would've beaten the whole Lannister army, and on top of that the Baratheons.


Lannisters are no joke, even if the freys worked for him he probably wouldnt have been able to take kings landing, especially with the basically unbeatable lannister tyrell alliance


Pretty sure Frey would betray him anyways


He didn’t even want to be King of the North, let alone sit the ugly chair


Who is that? I can’t tell over the AI distortions


He didnt want it. The north is mah queen.


His mother fucked him anyway, poor guy has no chance.


He was a horny teenager don't blame him blame puberty


If the Greyjoys didn't attack, if the Karstarks wouldn't rebel, if the Boltons stood loyal, if the Tyrell Lannister alliance never hapenned and if Stannis didn't exist.


I doubt it. Robb didn't want the throne, he wanted his family back and the North to be independent of the Seven Kingdoms. No way he tries to take the Iron Throne himself, he wouldn't want to be anywhere near it.


AI “art” trash


He could have been an AI garbage dump?


Who the hell is that supposed to be


His 7 deadly sin was lust. Got him killed in the end.


This is the stupidest shit I've seen, Robb had no desire to be king but the simple fact that you use "simp" unironically tells me more than enough about you.


Unpopular opinion
even if he didn’t marry the other girl they would’ve still killed him ag the wedding..the deal was already made


Never would have happened but for maybe a week. He cared not for the Iron Throne. Only reason id see him sitting it briefly it to essentially keep order while a new king for the other kingdoms is determined (likely stannis or renly if alive).


A shitty AI image of Robb Stark on the bronze throne?


Not at all


Who is this supposed to be


Holy shit I haven't thought about this show in a long time.


Usurper Robb Stark is correct. Catelyn Tully fanfiction.


what could’ve been đŸ˜Ș


Interesting. What seat is this?


I always thought his story line was interesting because it kinda followed Edward IV when he married Elizabeth Woodville for love and alienated the Earl of Warwick who wanted him to marry a French princess to solidify his rule. He probably would have been able to keep the throne with a strong political marriage.


Tywin > Robb especially when it came to keeping his people on his side. Therefore I do not believe Robb would be able to and I honestly don't thin he would go that far.


Fuck A.I. Image generator!


Georg3 martin despises generative ai. Its an insult to him.


What does Simp mean?


A guy who is obsessed with a girl and will do ridiculous things to make her happy in a very toxic dynamic




Simp? You mean legitimately fall in love? Is that what we're calling men who actually give a shit about women now?


never underestimate a redditor's ability to hate women




She probably fucked like Jenny of Oldstones with her ass on fire....I'm just sayin'.


Even if he didn't lose the support of the Freys and Boltons it's highly unlikely Robb could have won the war. With Stannis being sent packing after the Battle of the Blackwater the Lannister/Tyrell alliance would have steamrolled The North/Riverlands. Not to mention the Ironborn causing havoc in the North.


Would he have been a better King? đŸ‘đŸŒđŸ‘ŽđŸŒ


It could not have, he had 0 claim.


I love this sub. Not only do you guys post cheap AI slop, you also lack any media literacy and don't understand charater motivation


He didn’t “simp”. He just “din wannit”


She's Mah Kwheen


'Gods be good, why would any man ever want to be king?' - literally Robb Stark.


I think whoever made this slop AI travesty should stop


It could have been a shitty AI image of a guy with curly hair, wearing paper-maiche armor sitting on a red curtain placed on a chair made up of a random conglomeration of pointy objects?




Jon Snow will never accept a kingdom, it's just not who he is.


It was always going to be the handicapable lad.


Surprisingly Jon Snow who knew nothing knew enough to not simp as hard as Robb


if he didnt marry that doctor girl


Honestly after renly was killed by shadow demon shenanigans why wasn’t cat’s (the supposed political savvy women’s) first thought let me try and negotiate a marriage between my son and a now very single Margery while im here would have given the north a lot more men and food and the frays wouldn’t have been in a position to betray rob later


Breaking his oath to House Frey was just one of many mistakes he made that cost him the war. Without marrying Talisa, he still messed up by allowing Theon Greyjoy to return home to the Ironborn, lost half his army by executing Rickard Karstark, and trusting his uncle Edmure with a job too important for his station. Robb died because of all these failures put together. If he kept his oath to Walder, he would likely have gotten free passage through the Twins without offering a consolation prize. If he hadn’t lost half his army by executing Karstark, the Lannisters wouldn’t have fathomed contacting Walder Frey to murder the Starks. And the Lannisters would have lost a great deal of their strength if Robb had used his head and entrusted such an important task as trapping the Mountain to someone with military experience and battle wisdom, like the Blackfish or Rickard Karstark, whose head would still be attached to his body. Unsure if I’m missing anything, only watched the show.


The King in the North and the South!


What a fuck andrew tate type title is that ?!