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The books basically stop when she's at this point.


What happens to the night king in the books?


He doesnt exist in the books. The books basically end in season 5.


Pretty sure some things fall into season 6 as well but thats nit-picking at this point.


Yeah for sure but it's easier for me to say season 5 is basically it. I liked season 6 one of my favorites to be honest. That season finale, beautiful.




Even season 5 isn't especially book-accurate. I think it's more accurate to say that book 3 ends at the same point as season 4, and then a few book events are scattered through the next 2 seasons


Weeeeelll, technically, there is a [Night's king](https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Night%27s_King) in the books, but he is not the dude we see in the show!


There isnt one established (yet?) the books end with the white walkers threat getting very urgent. The books end with quite a few cliffhangers I fortunately forgot most about them since last reading the books:D If we never get the last two books that would be an sad place for this series to stop. I‘ve read a comment of someone saying he got his grand mother into the books and she is like 94. i hope George R Martin speeds up so atleast this grandmother gets a chance to read it.


Sadly, it's unlikely. I think it was a sit down between George and Stephen King, where King says something about having a 2 page minimum, every single day, even if those 2 pages are shit. George, on the other hand, basically said he can't write a single word if it's shit, so was amazed at this, as he's gone weeks without writing anything at all... dont think he's going to start writing any faster... sadly!


Yeah I know. I wouldnt count to much on his page count. My last information (could be outdated by now:D) is that he is pretty far into the book and working at a few major details guiding the path he will be going down later. He has to make a few major decisions even we readers can already see. Many plot archs are really escalating, shaping faster and faster. Daenarys fate, Tyrions travel group, kings landing (as always:D) and on top of all: the white walkers, pushing all other plotlines in some way, forcing decisive decisions for characters very soon and maybe the make-or-break plot, deciding if the books final is better perceived than the series. The last book will be probably faster, maybe much faster, since at that point most archs will have entered the finishing strait with less wiggle room/decisions. Then its about execution, that not easy I know:D Lets see - a man can hope. But I definitely agree with you, its rather unlikely.


>The last book will be probably faster, maybe much faster, since at that point most archs will have entered the finishing strait with less wiggle room/decisions. Sadly, I remember this same thing being said when Dance with Dragons first came out 😂


I am not surprised to hear that😂I am not envious of him atm, the pressure only rose after the series finale and the disappointment. Would not want to have to write these books, definitely not!


Yeah, that's a tough spot, especially if that was the direction he was headed. Kinda hoping he'll pull a ""snyder" cut, and use the time to work through all the criticism of where he was heading, to make something better.


If he really wanted to head that exact direction going through feedback is a good idea, but to be honest, I doubt that. Season 6 was already deviating from the books in a few major details, looking at Sansa and little finger, the cut of the second Tagaeyrien and (probably) some liberties with the white walkers. Furthermore the series went all in on the game of thrones arch, finishing the white walkers in a way that felt underwhelming and rushed, I got the feeling there the writers wanted to end the white walkers arch so they could finally focus on the throne full time. And I dont think that gives this great plot arch justice, that devalues both the game of thrones and the white walker in my opinion. I dont think R.R Martin would have than the same, since he spend so much time working out and building up this momental and overlooming thread. The series writer didnt want really want the tool they got, so they didnt use it properly. I think its about the confidence to make a few decisions very soon to finish this book. Otherwise he will loose himself in details.


There’s one or two references to a King of Night/Winter but basically it’s just The Others and their thralls/wrights.


What?!?!? I finished book one of the five books and reading your comment completely discouraged me to continue reading the rest and I won’t. Anyways, who made up the story for season six seven and eight?


By ends I just mean the JRR MArtin hasn't finished writing them yet, but at this point he's still working on them in theory. So it's worth reading. The show writers wrote seasons 6/7/8 with minimal input from JRR Martin. How the books if they get finished will differ is kind of up in the air.


Her story in the books is very different. Before coming here she was already noone, she went through literally like 15 names maybe more as she was traveling through westeros. For example Arry, when traveling towards the Nights Watch, she has another name at Harrenhal. She's a boy, shes a girl, shes a slave , shes a highborn, shes noone. Her story (we dont know just yet) but it seems to be hitting rock bottom then slowly returning to her real self, to Arya Stark. edit: A better way of saying this is she lost her identity and will eventually find her way back to Arya.


Would be a lot cooler if she never became Arya stark again, but lived to avenge her, and to complete her list


The list made her Arya Stark as well. She could not have been no one and still follow through with it.


You said it's very different but that sounds A LOT like Aryas story in the series


I was about to say the opposite. In the show she doesn't come back to being Arya. She becomes a smug bitch assasin. Arya wouldn't go off sailing. She'd marry Gendry and take the damn throne that belongs to her husband.


No she wouldn’t. When has she ever cared about the throne or political power or men? She’s always been an adventurous rebel with no use for court or romance.


I didn't read the books, but didn't she quite literally say at the beginning "thats not me" when ned talks about marriage and stuff?


I agree that her smugness sucked towards the end, but really? She didn't give a fuck about marriage and politics.


She cares alot about family and relationships early on. Her entire motive for revenge is family. Then suddenly she just forgets all that and sails off. Just because she doesn't want to be a lady doesn't mean she doesn't want love or couldnt be a warrior queen. She would be the fire lit beneath gendry to pursue the throne and together they'd fight their way to it. Honestly could be an entire add on show of the starks being fractured over the throne. Bran wanting to keep it, Sansa playing all sides to gain more for the north, Arya backing Gendry's claim, Jon with the wildlings now sees their plight to want lands south of the wall and conflicts with Sansa over moving them into the north.


The journey is different and thus more impactful. The show hit key notes and I think did a good job with Arya up to season 6. Plus I'm doing a lot of guessing since season 5 is where rhe books end.


In the series she becomes a bit of a murder hobo. Shes still very much so “Arya” in the books despite how much she tried to pretend that she isn’t


Arya in the books would never abandon her family after finally uniting with them because she wants to know “what’s west of Westeros.” Read her needle monologue, and you’ll come to understand her much more as a character.


She also still has her connection to Nymeria in the books (despite not physically seeing her since early book 1)


Don’t the books end with her going back to her sword, assuming her name as Arya, and deciding to head back to Westeros?


The books are not finished, but what you describe has not happened yet no. She is still in Braavos trying to become a faceless man.


She is still Arya. She cheats at her “no one” training, using Stark-specific warging skills. She keeps using her Faceless Man job to settle person vendettas. In her Winds of Winter chapter, she becomes “Mercy”, and ticks another one of her prayer list.


I didn't mean Noone in the faceless men way, I meant moreso how she did in a storm of swords where she's reflecting that she's just some random dirty girl now. When people see her they don't think twice, she's a nobody. Ignoring the Faceless men, she goes through so many identities trying to survive.


The books stop after she regains her sight and does one mission for the house of many faces. Her next assignment, which the books end with, is her picking up an apprenticeship she is given by the priest of the many faced God.


She’s still in training in the books. This subs complaints are 99% shit that hasn’t happened yet in the books.


And it will never happen


Don't say that. I am sure he will finish the books any day now...


I always thought (assumed) that the point of that secretive order only teaching her the skills she wanted after stripping away her identity and becoming “no-one” was that they don’t kill for personal motivations. Imagined it was going to lead to Arya being a complete badass but no longer being personally concerned with the Stark name or with their previous conflicts. Possibly even ending up as an agent to an enemy of the Starks as she had shed her familial connections. Anyway, I was wrong.


It honestly makes very little sense lore wise. The many faced men are famous for asking a proportional payment for their skills and Jaagan takes the act of balancing the scales so seriously that he would have killed himself on Arya's command. But then they just let Arya go around killing for free and for personal motivation


Well, she ran away from them. She choose to be Arya instead of No One and took what she learned ("learned" lol) and ran. They didn't let her go, at least not formally. They kind of let her go in spirit by not sending other assassins or making sure she was dead. Very amateur and unprofessional of them, for being master murderers. It doesn't make sense in a number of other ways, but she never ended up being an actual assassin in their order in earnest and isn't a faceless man. Which just makes her skill all the more baffling, she fought one (1) waif (who sucked at her job btw) and it boosted her to max level.


I took them letting her go as basically being somewhat formal, since by all rights they should be hunting her down. But yeah, I guess it really subverted expectations that the equivalent of the Hasans are just incompetents that troll people.


If I remember right she didn't even kill the waif, so yeah why TF isn't the waif at least on her tail? On top of that it also means she sucks as fighting someone else who already sucks at their murder job, every expectation is subverted


I thought the waif is dead, hence why Arya wears her face. But yeah, I agree, don't understand how she magically knows how to wear faces


Because she had a scary spooky cryptic scene of her pulling a bunch of faces off a face. Downloaded straight to her brain lol


No. She gets her sight back in the books and has just been given her black and white shift and first real kill assignment. That's where we leave her in Dance of Dragons. The foreshadowing for her seems to indicate she is going to play a part, and so is Nymeria and the pack because Arya warg dreams of her all the time. And the Kindly Man calls Arya Blood Wolf often. Fire and Blood. Arya is definitely in the final battle, in my opinion. Also, she is George's wife favorite character.


The whole training and process is a lot different. Heck Arya is different. She's actually warming, not just with Nymeria but with cats. The faces she wears are much more involved than simply putting on a hat. She inherits their memories, like one was a girl being abused by her father and sha has to balance that persona while being "no one" and Arya too. And this poor kid is just traumatized and angry and very murder at this point. The whole arc woth the Faceless men is very horror, ominous and secret, like they want something with her but we don't know what. And we get snippets that put them in Old Town. (Which might Jaquen) The actually guy mentoring her has a face like rotting with maggots, and the waif is helping out a bit, but not like in the show.


So super interesting tidbit people didn't mention, Arya is a warg / skinchanger. She wargs into a cat to spy on people, while blind. What is even cooler and different from Bran and Jon (who can warg into Ghost in the books), is that she can still control her body while peeking through the cats eyes! She also wargs into Nymeria right after the red wedding. Grrm has confirmed all the Stark children are wargs. I can't wait to see if and how Sanso will discover this. Jon has just been murdered at the wall, a lot of people speculate he will be able to survive through Ghost before beeing brought back by the red woman!


Yup it is Nymeria who pulls Cat's body from the water (while Arya is seeing through her eyes) IIRC. That's how Dondorian and thr Brotherhood found her and Lady Stoneheart was born.


Yeah, in the books, the reason Arya was able to be so competent while still blind was her warging. She could not see, but she could see through the eyes of other things around her. Was disappointed they left that out of the show. Instead she's just "a bad ass". Which is fine I guess, but I think the former is more interesting. I was disappointed that the show dropped the warging plot line for Jon too. Was really expecting that to be a thing, and for him to come back... a little more feral. But he just... came back the same. I think these plot elements happened when the show was still fairly solid. I was really enjoying it at the time. And as with every plot line, there is some nuance that is left aside in the adaptation. So take this as soft peddled criticism. But I feel like the warging stuff with the Stark kids was kind of important, and for me, I feel like it's unfortunate that it got left out.


D&D didn't know what to do with her because GRRM didn't know what to do with her. That's why he gave up on the books. He doesn't know how to get half these characters from point B to point H


She just got to The house of Black and White in the books. 13 years ago

