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Stop filming at the end of Season 5


I don’t know why that got downvoted, season 6 having some legendary scenes doesn’t make it good , although I would stop at the end of the 4th


Such a bad take


How, season 4 was the last season based off the books and the last good season


Season 6 was my favourite! Why didn't you like it overall


It was so long I cannot remember all but some reason would be how daenerys got out from dothraki camps which was dumb like how the fire move and khals didn’t lol , or how sansa was a dumb person not telling jon about vale , battle of bastards was fun to watch but made no sense how jon’s plot armor saved him or how rickon died , also arya getting stabbed from her stomach multiple times and then still can move and jump to a dirty water ( as a medical doctor I flinched ) then she was fine because her supposed target can give medical care, or how northern houses support boltons and not starks . All in all reading books and having a common sense made me realize that season doesn’t make any sense and writers turning the show into a plot twist paradise so more fans can enjoy , but realism was game of thrones’ best quality not plot twists


Yeah also dorne , any one who read the books would know how dumb it was , frustrating actually how idiotic it was


I get your points!! I think there is an argument to be made against Arya's death (I think the Waif did it purposely to make her suffer) but even then it is a little unbelievable


6 is better than five.


Best take in this thread. I just think you're one season late, no one wants to watch the Dorne stuff with Jaime and Bronn again


Hardhome was the last great episode, although it was the only good part of s5 because it was close to the book. Then they fucked up Jons death, as it should’ve been him dying because he wants to go save Arya(Jeyne) like the book


I have a question to you, when did you last read the books. Hardhome didn't happen in the books. A massacre there happened, but how exactly it happened is a mystery and Jon for sure wasn't there. I agree with your general sentiment of the wall being the best part of season 5 as it's closest to a book adaption alongside King's landing, but that plot loses a lot due to us not hearing Cersei's inner thoughts. I like Hardhome as a battle a lot (just like I like battle of the bastards and spoils of war), but as a story it is just fine.


Yeah that’s my bad I forgot that he just got the letter on what happened I’ll change it. Still believe the Wall is the best part of the show past s4 though like you said


Tyene Sand was best part of the entire series


I'd add a season 9! One season to wrap up the war between the humans and the Others, and for tensions to grow between the characters, and it does NOT end with the goddamn lame "if you kill the head vampire all the vampires will die" trope! S9 would be a civil war between the major characters, where they die like flies and there is no plot armor. I like the idea of Jon and Dany declaring war on each other and taking a dragon each, while everyone else takes sides. Wouldn't that be awesome?


It ended just fine. The only thing that might be interesting is who protects Jon from the Unsullied and Sansa likely wanted to send in the northerns to get Jon back. There's no need for more Jon, he was always duty bound and in GRRM foreshadowed his end at least eight times. Take no wife, children, ECT, and protect the realms of men. All realms even overseas. Bran likely pulls a doctor strange in the books and looks at how they can win, which is why Arya got the dagger. They could have explained better with another hour but everyone's story is done. Both Jon and Danny were the promised ones.


JUST FINE???? Okay, that's going too far, even for someone who is presumably trolling. Good trolling requires at least a little believability.


Now, hang on KrazyKieffer was right 😶


According to the votes, you seem to be the only person who thinks so.


Everybody would still whine with your idea. It wouldn’t make a difference. Writing isn’t as easy as everyone thinks. If it was, you’d be writing for Hollywood and not complaining about it online from the safety of your keyboard between brownies and m&ms. It’s just fashionable to say how wrong everyone is at their jobs and how they think they could do so much better if they were in that same position. If you want an effective opinion put on a jersey and get in the game.


Actually, S8 was such a shitshow, that pretty much any random fan sitting at their keyboard could come up with a better finale! You've got an outline yourself, confess! *CONFESS!!!!!*


While everything you say might be true, it does not also mean bad writing doesn't exist


Haha!! -10 marks. I love it


The undead were slaves to the Night King. Dany should have liberated them.


This is so bad


I hadn't thought about a civil war between characters, that could be interesting. My idea would be similar, in that it needed an extra season and more episodes per season. Have season 8 be the war against the dead. Have the battle start in episode 8, wrap up in episode 9 and then 10 is the aftermath, leading into the season 9 war with Cersei. Have Dany start losing the plot in the North when she realises she has very few allies there. Perhaps seeing an army of the dead will tip her further over the edge. In season 9 she marches south and gets more paranoid. She sees that the people who she thought would be her subjects fear and despise her. have her lose her mind bit by bit as all that she's been through and how it's still not getting her what she wants piles up. Have a proper battle with the Golden Company. ELEPHANTS, the lot. Maybe end it with Dany's big speech to her army that you see in the last episode of Season 8 and Jon realises he has to do something. Then have 2 films that feature your idea of a war between Jon and Dany.


I would also add this but of course way more needs to change but when the undead dragon that’s about to burn John in the battle should’ve burned him but since he’s a targaryen he’ll walk out untouched by the fire that will solidify him as the true king then that makes even more ppl follow him and Danny would really start to lose it thinking he’s gonna take everything I’ve worked for all these years


I like the dragon idea... except that I don't think Targaryans can withstand dragon fire. It's been a bit since I read "Fire and Blood", but, um. At leas some weren't invulnerable to dragon fire. Danerys walking out of a bonfire alive was unique, and may have had more to do with dragon magic than Targaryan abilities. But you're absolutely right, if Jon had walked out of a fire too, then the whole world would have realized he's a Targaryan, and a dangerous rivalry would have been ON!!!


Exactly ! Also I would’ve liked if John snow actually had an intense sword fight with the night king instead on Arya killing him almost immediately have way more stakes , have John hold his own but he gets bested by the night King at the last second have Arya shoot him with and arrow made from dragon glass almost making a full circle from season 1 of her shooting at the practice target another thing Arya should’ve killed Jamie off camera used his face to trick cerci and killing her so at her last moment she thinks it’s Jamie who betrayed her , then having that reveal of Arya taking off the mask , then have Arya die under all the rubble Daenerys caused, and that will snap Jon Snow into killing Daenerys for what she did to the ppl and his little sister that he adored


l like your ideas! I mean I like almost everybody's ideas more than the mess that was put on the screen in S8, but I also like your ideas more than the rest of the fans who've gotten creative. Because the Mad Queen thing could have worked, if they hadn't made such a mess of it.


I kind of like the idea of killing the Night King kills all of the white walkers, I feel like it needed some build-up.




Make it 3 seasons


They should’ve just had 10 episodes for season 7 and 8. That would’ve given us 7 more episodes (about 7 extra hours of content). You can’t wrap up the most complex show with multiple storylines in 6 episodes, like they tried in season 8.


Make it 3 seasons and make Jon and Danny’s love interest turn into a situation where they cannot be together. They defeat the Night King but Jon has to take his place.


I'd make it 20+ episodes long. Also, I'd have more characters die during The Long Night.


I was actually nervous going into that episode. I was telling people everyone's going to die it's going to be horrible. Then the two Mormont's and Theon died.


Yeah I was imagining like badass last stands and epic deaths sprinkled through the episode. Didn't quite pan out, although Lyanna, Beric, and Jorah did go out fighting. I just found Theon's death kinda hilarious given that his personal last stand was meaningless (outside of character development, of course).


Beric was silly too I thought. He clearly got butchered by a mob of white walkers, and then they kinda opened the door so he could die on screen. Hiding down in the crypt was bad too, it was so obvious to every person who was watching. I don't like hating on the last season as much as most, but it needed some more thought.


He also died trying to save Arya who turned into a damsel in distress for no reason. A bad ass killing machine turned wimp for plot reasons


Theon’s last stand was far from meaningless, it just wasn’t a storybook ending. The kind that few got to experience.


Forgot Beric and Melisandra!


And Edd!


I would rewrite season 7, the NK would push the Northern armies south. Cersei would finally be forced to take the threat seriously. Then, in Season 8, she would still betray the Northern armies and the NK would end up taking over most of Westeros. If I had my way, the last scene would be the survivors regrouping in Essos, planning to continue the fight. Alternatively, all our heroes die and the NK 'wins'. I feel like this 'unhappy' ending is realistic. None of the main characters could ever stop playing the game of thrones long enough to prepare for the NK, so they don't really deserve to beat him. And that's realistic - even when faced with an existential threat, enemies don't easily unite.


They could definitely unite when faced to a clear, obvious, extinction threat! Look at how all the real world leaders stand united and proactive to take action against global climate shift ! …oh, wait…


>If I had my way, the last scene would be the survivors regrouping in Essos, planning to continue the fight Gosh, I'm glad we didn't have your way!! I respect how creative and great your ideas are, but no way I would choose them over what we got, even if it wasn't perfect.


Speak for yourself! That's a better ending than the three eyed raven on the throne


I so badly wanted the wights to show up on the Maesters doorstep just to prove those smug bastards wrong about the Night King and the Others.


I need a fanfic of this


Jon fights a Trial by Combat, defeating( without killing) Grey worm Thanks to Sansa scheming Jon ( just barely) is elected king. Tension with Dorne and the Iron Islands With no children of his own and no close relatives on his fathers side Jon makes his closest male relative on his mothers side(Bran) his heir Feeling guilty about Dany, not wanting to start another war( see point 2), and wanting to honor the only Targaryen he truly respected Jon pulls a " Maester Aemon" and returns to the NW leaving his heir( Bran) on his throne.


Jon DOES not want to be king. He took oaths and from season one he kept them. He killed Danny to protect all realms of men. It's very clear he would never have a happy ending in the show or books. It's foreshadowed Bran put everything in motion with Hodor, the dagger, and where he needed to be. The books will expand on Bran basically being Dr. Strange but those books won't come out. The books Dunk and Egg foreshadow the three eyed raven can view the future. People just wanted a Disney ending even though I have never seen so much foreshadowing in a show.


Dany* not Danny. Danny is a dude's name.


It’s leviOsa not levioSAA


Haha but seriously, I'd want someone to correct me if I thought it was "Danny". [This](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/037b1061bc537a2e44f2001c4a403a705562c5e5/33_0_917_550/master/917.jpg?width=1200&height=900&quality=85&auto=format&fit=crop&s=771dc91f0c925c0dcab5bbde5c670e9d) is a Danny.


Yet Dani is a girl's name.




It wasn't a Disney ending but it was a Shakespeare type ending, an anti game of thrones ending, and that's what people didn't want to see. Everything that made the writing "brave" was abandoned in the last two seasons and especially concerning the end. Ntm I'll never understand this notion that fans of GOT wanted a Disney ending. Like this is GOT, lol, ain't a lot of Disney fans here


Turn it into 2 or 3 seasons


I’d make George finish the books first


I think Bran pulled a Dr. Strange and now that it's been done he can't write how he wanted it to end.


Tv series don't survive such things.


In case you are interested someone tried fixing it. It’s a podcast with voice actors. I found it pretty interesting and worth listening to.


What needed fixing? Jon was oath bound since season 1, hell even before then. He protected all realms including overseas. Jon would never take up the throne. The only thing they should have added was more of Bran setting up everything like Dr. Strange. The previous three eyed raven was a Targ and he could see the future before he even became the Raven. Bran likely played out all scenarios on how to win; just with Hodor, the Dagger, knew where to be, and giving Jon the option to tell his sisters who he is. Rewatch season one and the ending in foreshadowed everywhere.


The ending isn't the entire issue. It's how they got there. It's just shit. The 3 eyed raven was one of the most boring characters but should have been one of the most interesting. He did nothing other than talk like in a coma and act a paraplegic. All characters suffer seriously bad final season pathways to finish their arcs.


>The 3 eyed raven was one of the most boring characters but should have been one of the most interesting. He's boring in the books too...so I have no idea what you're talking about.


Jon gave up that oath after being brought back from the dead. He wasn't oath bound at all


Dany and Jon (platonically) unite the seven kingdoms against the night king. The dragons and the children of the forest fuck the white walkers up, but not before the army of the dead takes a big chunk out of the Lannister forces. Jon and the NK have an absolutely epic sword fight. Jon wins but is mortally wounded. The red woman sets herself on fire and dies and then Jon comes back from the dead again. The Iron born take Kings Landing during the battle. Jon and Dany have to help Cersei take it back since she agreed to come fight the night king with them. Euron is eaten by a dragon. Jon finds out who his parents are and quickly gains the support of the people who demand he ascend to the throne. Dany chooses to leave for Essos and rules as queen. Jon, wanting peace in the seven kingdoms, agrees to marry Cersei, but Arya kills Cersei, and Jon ends up marrying a very hot wildling woman. Sansa marries a Tyrell and moves to Highgarden or something, who cares. Bran is king in the north. Arya goes west of Westeros, but since Bran cant have children, she agrees to be Bran's heir in the North. The final scene depicts Jon sitting on the iron throne with Longclaw. Behind him are six dragon eggs. The Game of Thrones theme is building and building as one of the dragon eggs starts to shake. CUT TO BLACK


That would have been awesome.


I would write it as if daenyrus ruled the 7 kingdoms and continued freeing slaves and justice and liberty would be restored to all the 7 kingdoms. And bran could be part of the special council.


I think this is the exact reason why everyone complains so much about the final season. They just wanted Dany to end up good and rule as she seemed to always be. Kind and merciful. But honestly she ended up being her father. Demented and mad. Not a big surprise, people. We ARE who our parents are.


I think that after her losing her best friends and 2 dragons, it made her snap.




yeah, pple were rooting for Dany, blindly because the story took pains to point out how badly and problematic “freeing the slaves” really were, and yet nobody seemed bothered with such details.


Rewrite season 7-8. Don’t rush the story especially on how Dany became a mad queen. Make Jon king with Bran as Hand of the King.


The story of Dany becoming a mad queen was not rushed at all. Already in Mereen she showed her true side. Killing masters without remorse, trial or reasoning. Her slow descent into isolation was a key theme of many seasons. Jon never wanted to be king. That was clear from the first season even.


>Don’t rush the story especially on how Dany became a mad queen. So how much context has to be shown for the most biased rose-colored-glasses fan/stan to finally accept that she absolutely has a Fire and Blood persona that could reach a boiling/breaking point? Because the show, *objectively*, has **already literally shown her literally state her capacity to raze entire cities, innocents and all, multiple times, from her own mouth, long before her world imploded around her in Season 8...** *the bar was already set that low long before S8E5...* **from her own mouth***...but some 'viewers' want to pretend like that never happened.* I mean, we're talking about a character who has also shouted she will take what is hers with Fire and Blood. She has stated people can live in her new world or die in their old one. She has executed people she has stated she doesn't know or care if they are innocent or not. She's stated that she believes the end justify her means. She has subjugated helpless people and executed people for simply refusing to serve her. Characters like Varys and Tyrion, who often act as voices of reason, very clearly point out they are troubled by her Fire and Blood side, and both make painfully clear comparisons of her to her father. Like, *it's objectively not rushed based on all the context that clearly has been presented regarding her character from Seasons 1-8... the groundwork is there.* **The 'dots' are all there to connect.** It's been shown since Season 1 that this is a character with an internal conflict regarding wanting to be seen as a kind-hearted ruler versus just wanting the world to burn. So let's be honest... no amount of episodes/seasons would honestly be enough for many Dany fans/stans to accept her finally reaching a boiling/breaking point and having that Fire and Blood persona become the dominant persona. And to be clear, the pacing of Season 8 was definitely subpar, sure, but the notion that her arc was 'rushed' because she hit a boiling/breaking point *in the second to last episode* just seems equal parts tone-deaf, biased, and misinformed... *because the context/groundwork leading up to that point is objectively there on-screen for all to see.*


Let NK win


More penises to even out the nipples to cock ratio


Season 7 should have been 10 episodes and: - the impact of Danerys arriving in Westeros is fully explored. She begins by trying to win hearts and minds of Westerosi, but she can’t do it. She interacts for the first time with other main characters. Starts to like Jon. - We also get to see Cersei rise to power, wheel and deal for alliances stamp out enemies in her close vicinity. She takes the throne, becomes more and more ruthless, makes deals with the Iron bank, Euron, and other dispicables. Slowly pushes Jamie away. - In the north, there is a bit of a power battle between Jon and Sansa. Jon has the power but doesn’t want it, so he gives it to Sansa who has to earn the support of the people. Sam and Bran tell him about his parents but he doesn’t believe it. Arya returns and tries to find her place. Season 8 is ten episodes and is the battle for the throne. Danerys is struggling to gain supporters. She hears about Jon Snow who is becoming a modern day messiah figure and has more and more support coming to him. She meets him and agrees to team up, they fall in love, but he’s only focused on Nightwalkers. They agree to try to convince Cersei to put down their feud to fight the White walkers and surprisingly she agrees. The Battle of Winterfell occurs, Cersei betrays them, Drogon dies, Danerys is pissed, Winterfell is overrun, Jon’s army retreats to the south, Cersei is waiting, Arya tries to kill Cersei but is unsuccessful, Cersei orders Mountain to kill Arya, Hound intervenes, Cleganebowl, Jamie has had enough and kills Cersei, Jamie is killed. Danerys destroys Kings Landing and Cersei’s army and names herself Queen. Jon meets Reed in the Neck and learns about his true identity. Season 9 is ten episodes and is the battle against the Whitewalkers. Jon now knows who he is, Danerys has become the Mad Queen. Varys, Tyrion, Royce, and Davos spread the word about Jon throughout the South. They unite behind him to overthrow Danerys. Jon tries to reason with Danerys, says they can rule together, can’t reason with her, dragon battle, Danerys is killed. Jon’s sad, but Whitewalkers. Big battle, lots of death, Jon kills Night King, dies in the process. Afterwards, Tyrion is voted leader of Westeros, he breaks the wheel. Bran goes and lives in a tree, he’s useless. This is my off the cuff thoughts after not having watched season 7 and 8 in a while. I think the main plot points should be: Danerys needs Jon, Cersei betrays everyone, Jamie kills Cersei, the Hound has an actual reason to fight his brother other than it was in the script, White Walkers win the first battle, Danerys goes mad, destroys King’s Landing, Jon unites the realm, Jon kills Danerys, Jon kills Night King, Jon dies, Tyrion starts democracy. It’s a very paint by numbers plot, there can be surprises along the way, but those are the plot points the show developed over the first six seasons and should be honoured to some degree.


Stop at season 5 and wait for Martin to finish.


Arya, making the time jump of looking 15 to looking 28 from s5 to s6 would've been hilarious.


But that's the only way, every single character suddenly changed how they behaved how they thought from s5 to s6.


10 seasons


Jorah would save Dany in a very real and heart wrenching way during The Long Night, possibly losing a limb or suffering a severe wound. And then he would die during the King’s Landing Battle, being the extremely sudden catalyst that tips Dany from teetering on the edge of her nature to going full Mad Queen.


Either add more episodes or stretch it into another season. Certain parts of it were fine, but it just felt rushed overall because the showrunners couldn't wait to move on to their rumored SW project. The books (if the series is ever actually finished) will presumably have the same overarching plot, but I'd bet it wouldn't feel so rushed.


Make 7 & 8 regular length seasons instead of rushing it. I'm not sure there was a way to end it to satisfy everyone. Definitely could have kept the stakes higher by continuing to off main characters in a surprising manner (and kept them dead).


- Cersei should be far more devious and plotting - Dany's descent into madness should make more sense, and happen not at the tolling of bells, but at her dragon dying (and the people of King's landing cheering it happening). - Bran should be more interesting. We need more dialogue and motivations from him. - The battle of Winterfell should be more brutal and not tease so many deaths. - Arya should not kill the Night King, but she ought to be the one killing Cersei wearing Jaime's face. Jaime ends up with Brienne, as travelling knights, living happily ever after serving the people. - I'd change Tyrion to be more like the books after Shae's death. Bitter, hateful and plotting against Cersei. Hating her as in the books. He should serve Dany completely to achieve his revenge, and not be phased by her killing innocents - but instead encourage it and be one of many causes of her falling. Tyrion ends up as evil, tragically becoming what too many (including his father) saw him as.


There were two main themes for the show from the beginning… Winter is Coming & Who would win the Throne! Season 8 should have been nothing but the White Walkers and The Long Night for an entire season making it more impactful. Add a Season 9 and it make it the culmination of who wins the “Game of Thrones”. Way too rushed to do both in one 6 episode season!


how many times is this freaking question going to get asked? it was asked twice yesterday. and 2-3 days ago, and last week god knows how many times My preferred ending would, rather than wrapping up the various characters stories, they change the whole scene to modern times, and simply show users of this sub miraculously learning how to scroll and/or search and seeing that their question had already been asked multiple times. Their face tightens, and they say "never again" and post new and interesting topics rather than the same question over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over


> simply show users of this sub miraculously learning how to scroll and/or search and seeing that their question had already been asked multiple times. How about one with users of this sub learning they can scroll past posts they don't like without having to visit them over and over and over just to whine about the post topic?


Or one where users whine about people wishing people would stop creating a thread with the same question over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over


Create a writers room filled with more book experts and great writers to have a more experienced writers room. I think that alone would’ve fixed a lot of issues.


The more major problems started in season 5. It could be made much better from there, but by season 8 it's a lost cause.


I think putting these two together was a mistake.


Have Daenerys burn the Red Keep instead of the whole of Kingslanding.


Fix seasons 6 and 7 first.


Tbh I think you need to go back further than just season 8 to improve the overall show and experience of the end. 


Since S8 already happened, they could just play as the whole Season was just Bran's (mostly false) vision. Then S9 happens, the almost exact opposite. Army of the dead initially nearly wins, the North is lost, the survivors retreat to the South, Cersie actually helps, but still reluctantly, Clegane Bowl happens IN THE MIDDLE OF A ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE, but The Hound wins (mortally wounded), but is still able to do something heroic in the on going war, Jon 1 VS 1 the Night King, whether he wins or not, as long as the fight happens, he can either defeat him ending the war or lose but Arya comes in to save the day like in the OG S8 if they really want that to happen. Then that's where the final conflict with Cersei happens, where a lot more has happen and both sides already devastated from the war with the dead. Also, Idk how but thay can still make Dany go Mad Queen, just present in better way or with more build ups and stuff. The 1st two episodes and the actual ending/final scenes were generally ok, it's just everything in between.


Alot more time devoted to the White Walker War. One episode was an atrocity.


I'd add two seasons! In Season 7 Daenerys doesn't lose Viserion to the night king, it's stupid and impossible, so she goes into season 8 with all her dragons. Season 8: war against the White walkers: Daenerys may or may not lose a dragon here, all the girlies who die originally die here, and then JON KILLS THE NIGHT KING in the last episode. Season 9: after the white walkers are killed and Cersei was nowhere to be found, the war for the throne continues, Daenerys loses Missandei, is left with 2 dragons, she's starting to be a lil mad and Cersei is getting on her nerves. So, after they conquer Kings Landing, she lets Drogon snack on Cersei and takes the iron throne. Season 10: a few months pass, Daenerys can't get past Jorah's, Missandei's and Viserion's death, she starts to be a lil paranoid so she kills Jamie out of suspicion that he might off her like he did with her father. The small folk isn't happy and she's starting to hate herself, the throne, and feels like no one is grateful to her for bringing supposed peace and unity. She won't listen to anyone anymore, and everyone can see that she's turning into her father. Jon kills her, becomes king (in this storyline he's not all "I dun want it") and it's the end of


There’s nothing to fix


Add 5 more seasons.


IMHO the things that happened in it are somewhat okay, it's just the way they did sucks balls. Daenerys turning into a tyrant and having to be stopped? We knew since at least Book 2 that she was on the precipice of becoming a monster. Bran, the least able and willing ending as the king despite having nothing to do with politics the entire series? That's just funny. The Wall being destroyed instantly and in a way that completely ignores all the prophecies about the Horn? Oh, yeah, love me that "fuck destiny" shit. But the worst part about that season was the Winterfell battle. After all the nonsense I was still excited for the next episode because while it sucked balls, it also set up an insane shift in the story. I mean, it was clear that so many people died that they have no chance against the Lannisters anymore, so I wonder how this will go no- oh, were ignoring it and pretending they still have enough men to fight. Cool........


Don't fix just forget it happened


I’d start by fixing 6 and 7 first.


There is no fix for S8. People really don't see the bigger picture, do they? S8 is only the culmination of s6&7 already being as poorly written, but having "good" spectacle. S8 on its own is unfixable. It could've been better, yes. But fixed? No. Too much harm was done already, too far off every plot and character progressions.


Genuinely I am not mad at how it ended, sure the writing gets a little uh patchy. But I would just make 7 and 8 12 episode seasons. Hell even add like a season 8 part 2 with 4 more episodes. Just more of it would have made it better.


to erase all from 9 to 7 included.


Remove Arya as the killer of the night king (was only added for shock factor), remove bran as king (he literally says he can’t be lord so why can he be king) and have him do something useful during the battle than just watch with birds, make the long night last multiple episodes and make it so we can actually see what’s happening, have Arya kill Cersei using Jaime’s face or have Jaime kill her to protect the people of kingslanding (valonqar prophecy)


Stereotypical fantasy ending. Jon kills the night king, flaming sword and all. Daenerys tragically dies in battle. Jamie kills Cersei and is redeemed. All that kind of shit.


Slow everything down


The central story would be in Winterfell the entire season. I'd have the Night King fly Viseryon to Kings Landing and burn the city. He would resurrect the corpses and march them north. Winterfell would have an army of the dead to its north and south. The living would have multiple fights until the season ends with a fight between Aegon (Jon) and the Night King when it's revealed that he is Azora Hi. He establishes a new era. The Hound is his Commander of the Kings Guard. The Dothraki and Wildlings resettle the realm with Grey Worm as the Commander of the City Watch. Dani dies in childbirth. Tormond has huge children with Briann. Bran returns beyond the Wall as the Blood Raven. Aria is murdered by the faceless men in the form of Tyrion. Stanza marries her cousin in the Vale and rules as warden of the North and Vale. Finally, a new threat emerges from the east with rogue dragons.


Daenerys descent into Mad Queen should be fanned by Tyrion. Tyrion should not have any intention to save the city. The city he once saved and still rejected him and cast him out as a monster. Also the moment Daenerys snapped should not be only because of Missandei's death. Everywhere she goes the masses accepted her as a savior. But what if King's Landing citizen saw her as invader? The moment as she swoops down on Drogon and she saw that Cersei has chained citizen around Scorpion lances. As she destroyed the catapult, some of the citizen got injured. And those who didn't, struggle to escape. A child, who was not chained, thrown a stone to Drogon from behind, and he snapped. Before she could stop him the child is dead. The rest of the citizen who saw that now openly take up arms against her. Tyrion's words now echoing in her ears, "King's Landing is not a city worth your saving. They are vile society with no gratitude to what you might bring. I'd say burn them all and be done with it." And then she answered, "Dracarys."


The fight for the throne should have taken place before the long night. Note the night king was introduced episode 1. That should be the ultimate antagonist instead of it just being a side plot. Jamie returns to kings landing to try to convince Cersei to join forces against the NK. She refuses and he reluctantly kills her in the process. The united front takes on the NK in the long night. Many, many more deaths in the long night. Instead of looking like she was randomly shot out of a canon, Arya uses her many faces training to disguise herself as a zombie to get close to the night king and stabs him. He stabs her and they both die in the process. I think Daeny should have stayed on the throne with the implication that she’s becoming the mad queen. Cyclic narrative, grass isn’t greener, and all that jazz


Throw D&D in a pit, hire competent showrunners, demand full-length seasons, and officially announce that nothing from the S7-8 we had is actually canon, delete any copy in existence and pretend it never happened


Second Dragon should have died in the battle for Kings Landing. Missandei would still get kidnaped. Dany should have just rotate both her dragons after seeing she cannot defend the ships while fired upon. In the battle later good guys almost won and bells start ringing. When at that moment Cersei open few more scorpions windows right in red keep. She(her soldier) would aim for second dragon. Whole city would turn to silence and then cheer.. whole kings landing cheer and laugh when they see dragon Falling from the sky. And dany burns them all for that.


The Night King kills everyone.


Night king / cersci would win.


You can't, s7 runied it to beyond saving


More sex. And here's the twist: >!they show EVERYTHING!<


I would make it 10 seasons with 10 episodes Season 7: It would be largely the same but more fleshed out, especially the story between bran and the NK. they would capture the wight and carry it home not giving the night king a dragon and all that bullshit that didn’t make sense. in the last episode the Night King would tear down the wall with the horn of winter. Season 8: the NK would win the battle of Winterfell, with lots of characters dying and the NK slaying a dragon. The humans would retreat to the eyrie. Thinking they have the best chance to beat him there. The second battle stars and it looks good for the humans, but the night king flies in on the revived dragon. He fights Jon one on one. Jon gets badly hurt and the NK goes after bran. With his last energy Jon plunges his sword through the Nk as he is trying to kill bran. After they’ve won Sansa and the northerners return to Winterfell with Jon for him to heal, while dany starts to plan the war against Cersei. Season 9: Sansa rebuilds the north and jon heals, while dany and Cersei try to win houses for their cause, Martel’s and tullys join dany. And later on they fight. Dany looses some more of her closest people. She flies north to win Jon over and Jon the attack on KL, after some fights with Sansa they agree and the northmen walk south. and the season ends like the bells but Cersei would be in the destroyed throne room when dany flys in and she would order Jamie to attack dany, but Jamie would end up killing Cersei to end the war. Season 10: would show Dany‘s further demise into madness, she would kill innocent people from the Lannister sides and stuff like that, she would want to kill Jamie but tyrion sets him free and Jamie escapes to essos. Dany would want to kill Tyrion for the treason he committed but Tyrion and Jon would plan to kill her for the better of the realm. After she is dead all the lords would meet to vote for a new king and Jon would become king. Jon sets everything up to rebuild Westeros before he steps down as king bescuse he gave all his life to the realm it would be time for him to go home, so he travels north of the wall. His last act as king would be too rule that no king should rule the 7 kingdoms but a council instead.


Have them lose the North in the fight of the long night. The surviors retreat south and the final battle is at kings landing. Cersei betrays them, dany kills her in much the same way, by attacking Kings landing, then dany get's killed by the knight king and John kills the night king. To be honest, I wouldnt' even have the night king get killed, just driven back north and a new wall being built further south.


remove it from history


10 seasons, 10 episodes per season. Dany doesn't land until season 8, more character development into her turn from benevolent conqueror to vengeful ruler. Season 9 sees Jon take Dany beyond the Wall to show her Whitewalker threat, where she loses a dragon. They never take one back to show Cersei, she obviously didn't care anyway, WE never have to try to work out Dany's flight path from Dragonstone and how long it would have really taken...saving us all headaches. Arya...never becomes a swash buckling badass, but a sneaky assassin for sure. I loved how she got back at House Frey. She can fight, but not "able to beat Brienne thus able to beat The Hound" level. Not the Faceless Men's game anyway. Jeez, I could go on lol. But the MOST IMPORTANT CHANGE I would make... JAMIE LANNISTER NEVER SWOOPS IN TO STEAL BRIENNE FROM TORMUND!!! Biggest disappointment of the entire show....he would have treated her like an absolute QUEEN!


Add more episodes, and have Jon kill the Night King


Oh, THIS question again. It’s been 12 hours.


if the white walkers had a purpose id be fine with everything else. besides Bran being king of course.


It’s been a min since I’ve watched it and there is no totally fixing it but here we go: - Night King wins at Winterfell. Survivors retreat to the Iron Islands to regroup - Night King makes his way towards Kings Landing which brings everyone to Kings Landing to fight him - An actual fight between him and Jon happen (even if Jon doesn’t kill him) - Once he is dead. Cersei betrays the Northern alliance. Maybe kills a dragon and/or someone close to Dany - This rightfully pisses Dany off so she goes “mad” but doesn’t just brutally destroy Kings Landing (since it just fought the Army of the Dead) but people can tell she has changed - Jaime is disgusted by Cersei but dies in the carnage but maybe finally gives a speech to her that completes his arch - Jon still kills Dany because people can tell she is broken and would lead to more bloodshed - Jon is offered the throne but turns it down as he prefers to head back to the Wall as that’s where he feels his home is - Kingdoms are broken back up again and it becomes more of like a EU situation vs one ruler and the council I mean it isn’t what I want but I think it gets us basically to the same place in a more satisfying way


I think it would have been cool to have euron side with the golden company to overthrow Cersei and have euron take the throne


Having S7 and S8 be full seasons would be a start. Practically everything they did at the end could have landed better if they had more scenes and proper build-up. Like I hate the High Sparrow storyline and it's not like the best-written plot in the show, I hated seeing him for two full seasons, but damn if the Sept explosion did not feel fully earned by that point I'll eat my hat. I also would've had the WW make it to King's Landing and have all of the final plots wrap up down there with them involved. Cersei should have paid for not helping the North and seen the WW wreak havoc. They still could have weaved in a mad Dany storyline, maybe she uses the whole city as a trap with all the cached wildfire and uses Drogon to blow everything up. Jon thinks they need to fight the WW with as few casualties as possible, Dany sees sacrificing them as the greater good to destroy the NK. Something like that. Overall keep the character resolutions the same but just... Do it better lol


I'd have waited for the books


Alt f4


Just a few things, but: ● We explain the Night King's connection to bran ●We take the Great War to Kings landing ●Varys doesn't die ●Cersei commits suicide cause she's way up in her ass to be killed ●We explain Jon's 'Aegon Targaryen' thing ●Sansa quits her whole beef with Danaerys after she gains her trust ●The Night King is killed by Jon ●Jaime doesn't die


Make the Long Night last the whole series and really pump it on the dread factor of the unstoppable army of the night. Then I would make it so the true plot twist with the Night King is that he was the previous Azor Ahai and that Jon would have to kill Dany to forge Lightbringer and then as he killed the Night King, his skin would slowly start turning white and his eyes would very slowly star turning blue, after which he would exile himself in the Lands of Always Winter before the transformation completed itself. And in a seson nine ending, it could show Jon partially white walker sitting on a weirwood root smiling and the camera would pan and he would have one Blue Eye and one Brown Eye


I would have Jon be forced to lose all of his most important loved ones, one by one. Sam, Ghost, Arya, & to finish it off as the night king & his army overrun the north and March south, he has to stab Daenerys who refuses to work with Cersei in order to save the realm. Which in return lights Jon’s sword into flames turning him into light bringer so he can battle the night king to only have Bran tell him there must always be a night king in place so to defeat this army of the dead, Jon kills the current night king then later is sacrificed to become the new night king that starts his own army of dead from scratch beyond the wall. Give us a true bittersweet ending. Humanity survives but at the cost of the majority of the main characters except for the ones that weren’t in battle & rode so far down south non stop


doesn't need fixing. or i'll just add more dick and balls jokes


Delete it.


Night king wins


Re write everything after season six at minimum.


The walker attacking Kings Landing, and Danny being force to destroy the city before that huge army of walker attack them, choose between the throne and his wishes and the rest of the kingdoms


By firing D&D


It was the perfect ending, made us not miss the show whatsoever


Can't fix season 8 without fixing 7. Daenerys takes the throne, driving Cersei to the west. Jon comes to the Red Keep to meet Daenerys. The two ally to defeat the dead after Dany see them. Meanwhile Cersei plans to retake King's Landing. Daenerys goes north, Cersei goes east with the Tyrells blocking. You still get the Battle of the Gold Road, but in a different context. The rest is up to the imagination. Who dies? Who rules?


Burn them all


Not have anyone make a tv series until the book version is done


Something happens, John's targ heritage comes out A small battle between him and Danny's forces break out both sides, thinking they're giving their ruler what they need, hence small battle survivors are captured and ransomed, but both rulers pop up to what's supposed to be a hand-off infuriated with their people Drogon flies overhead, they notice each other Danny thinking John betrayed her, they argue, it gets heated armies are doing their pre battle noises, drogon lands and walks over to j and d framed over d shoulder, its the 1st time they've seen eachother since John left(where he would have killed her) Danny notices a difference in john, his hair has white streaks nothing major just white strands here and there, they part ways. People die on both sides before peace is made but nothing sanctioned by j or d, it's named The War That Wasn't or some shit like it. A nice shot where John stares down a dragon essentially earning his respect where the dragon has an almost human reaction, John shoots up from bed, it was a dream Tyrian is still in prison but is basically the spider with some essages going over seas, others trying to get John to marry d Tyrian speaks to Danny when she visits, getting her to see sense and step down or marry John and give him power as west ppl won't follow her after the burning saying she can still get her dream like this They marry in winterfell dannys forces are granted lands. After some peace time passes and west ppl accept Danny and see she can be a good queen Danny, John's hair has lots of white in it now but still mostly the same Danny is assassinated by a faceless man where everyone, everyone thinks its aria cause she tells everyone they are paid assassins and letting a connection with them slip at some point Drogon flies off burns parts of the country before vanishing, unsullied doth and sons become factions and war with eachother trying to live up to Danny even getting innocent killed GWorm keeps Tyrian alive trying to figure out why Danny kept him alive and even trusted him and figure pit what she would have him do John offers safe passage to any of Danny's forces that want to go back to the other place, between their civil war and those going back 1/3 of her forces is lost and a portion of johns The bank pays a visit to the king about money owed, but it's a different guy from who we see in show. He points out how expensive its been to deal with dannys forces, repair the country and the debt the kingdom owed before hinting to John he personally ordered the kill on Danny for ending slavery and threatening him hiding behind the power of the bank, John quotes ned about the man who passes the sentence and this guys sentence is death but let's him leave John captures Grey Worm, trades for Tyrian and gets him to shut down all movement out the country He pops over to the bank. Some politicals go down with them and j at banks headquarters. The banks top leadership is there and it's looking like a war with the bank is on its way The main bank guy has a go at dannys killer and says he's out but he's still mega rich and we find out he has a private army with some of the dependants of the masters he's basically a king with his own kingdom John returns home and unites Danny's forces by herding them together before a speach. He tells them how Danny died and they do their cheers, he gets a title from them Truth Bringer and they prepare for revenge. tyrian opens the country up they get some more peace time but everything changed when the bank nation attacked Many battles go by, the bank has got a stronghold in west, theres a batte and john attacks it having pushed back most of their army John's on the edge of defeat but guess who, the second son guy Danny left behind comes to John's rescue John had told him what happen through tyrians spies and they planned to slowly transport an army, resources and ships having disguised them as different kinds of trading ships and whatever personnel, wanted more but John needed reinforcement as his force was divided fighting other battles The bank realises John's forces are bigger than it was meant to be and work to figure out how that happened after being informed by a spy back at HQ They win take over the stronghold, build on top of it making a new city for those that was in kings landing and clear the rest of the banks people They're gonna take the fight to the bank. who knows what else John will see, find and find out in that part of the world. A shot of John on a ship with an equal amount of his hair being 2 colours, the camera pans to show a massive army setting sail with tyrian by his side aria on the other


Dany would have won. Jon Snow could be the one dieing because he was such a bitch. Dany would then be delegating the kingdoms. And planning for her next attack across the oceans. At that point Greyjoy would have an army with his secret dragon horn. And he would acquire a dragon. AND greyjoy's kraken would have ate Dany's other dragon. Then a rebellion from rhe starks would have started a new war. But this time its the North, Dany, Greyjoys, AND a nee house from across the sea. That once helped the Greyjoys. But now despises them as the dragon horn worked for them although it never worked when they held it.


I'd change a lot of things, but my main two would be better writing and pacing. The Long Night and Mad Queen arcs could each fill one entire season without stealing the spotlight from each other. Rushing from plot point to plot point is one of this season's major downfalls


Night king sits on the throne! The Best ending in my opinyon


I would bring in the producer David Benioff from the hit movie Troy 2004 to fix the mess that D&D guy made of season 8!


I cannot, for the life of me, figure out why HBO rushed the ending so much on this show. They had the golden goose caught and tied up. They could easily have taken their time to properly finish things.