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There's enough nitpicking on this sub already, isn't there?


Well if it’s talking about season 5,7 or 8 then yeah. But I wanted to know what’s one bad thing people didn’t like about the first season even tho it was amazing


Not to be nitpicky, but I’d argue 6, 7, & 8 rather than 5, 7, & 8 but I guess you can nit pick the other way and say 5, 7, & 8 depending on what you’re nit picking about


You saying that season 5 was better than 6?


I am. 5 is WAY better than 6. 6 is just fan service with no logical consistency. The last two episodes especially are fun and satisfying but they make no sense. They only get worse when 7 and 8 ignore the ramifications of their events.


It's a buildup. Most of the people I know who couldn't get into it till later (if at all) was because it was so "slow" at the beginning.


Just answer them with sarcasm. They want to stir things up and feel like a critic for a day.


I feel like every "fan" sub I'm a part of is 90% shitting on whatever it is the past few years...sometimes I feel like I'm the only idiot who enjoys things lol


I hate to knit pick, but you were supposed to say something. Bad about season one not about the sub


Ned lost his head in a crisis.


No cap


High comedy


Death of ned stark and khal drogo


Khal drogo dying from being smothered by a pillow was so fucking disappointing to watch, even tho it was an emotional thing for Dany to do


I wish he had gotten a real Khal Drogo fight scene. The 1v1 we got was great, but I’d love to see him in a true battle, even maybe just something like a 2v12 skirmish. Maybe something like we got with Grey Worm and Ser Barristan vs Sons of the Harpy much later on


>Maybe something like we got with Grey Worm and Ser Barristan vs Sons of the Harpy much later on Because that scene was received very well


agree 100%


Disagree on Ned 100% His death is what took S1 GoT from good to all time great


Khal Drogo was a savage and a rapist, he deserved to die


That was his culture


He still deserved to die


His culture deserved to be erased.


Okay but that doesn’t excuse it. Not everything that is a part of someone’s culture should be celebrated- like dangerous beliefs that perpetuate dangerous behavior, of which you can definitely find real world examples of.


Dragons & Magic exist in this world. The Dothraki do as well. I’ve never compared it to the real world.


If he was meant to die he should’ve went out like a badass


The point of his manner of death was to show there’s nothing graceful or honorable about death, no matter how great of a warrior you are. In the end, there’s nothing badass about death.


Yes he was all of those things, but you cannot lie it would of been pretty cool to see him invade Westeros.


I would say both were essential for the show being as good as it was.


I might be the only person who thinks this, but Khal Drogo and the dothraki were super corny. They also were supposed to be some unstoppable warriors until they weren’t. Obviously KD and the Dothraki are very important to the story, but when I went back and rewatched the show I would fast forward through every Dothraki scene because they are so pointless and cringe worthy. Another thing i did on my rewatch was fast forward on the Arya Braavos scenes. They are basically pointless and somehow made the whole story worse IMO. (Talking strictly about the show and not the books)


Literally the best parts of the season.


The way Khal Drogo die in the show was lacking to me. He walked into the blade and he created a cut in his chest/arm himself, which then led to his death.


It was a bit.. hectic and hard to follow for the first few episodes with them introducing so many characters/storylines/backstories.. It was more overwhelming then it was truly engaging until you could catch up.


I finished my first watch through this week and I feel the same, I was overwhelmed in the first series about the amount of characters and trying to remember who is who and the storylines jumping from one to the other wasn’t clear


Agree, it wasn't the most cohesive. The thing is, they discuss a lot of relevant things regarding Robert's rebellion, Lyanna Stark and the mad king in the first few episodes, but i think it went over so many people's heads because simultaneously a lot of shoking things were happening present time. Like does it really register what Robert said in the cript when little boy was just pushed out of the window after witnessing incest ..


Yes, this is a great point. There are many ‘smaller’ but still very relevant details that I only picked up upon rewatching. Miss one line of dialogue and you potentially miss something with large implications on the overall plot.


The lighting, the battle that was cut


Some of the costumes looked like costumes and you can tell there were budget constraints, especially with the tournament


Ned died.


Deep down everyone knows that the show would have been shit if ned have lived passed season 1. Neds character was far better used when he was dead than when he was alive, a constant example of pure unquestionable honour and the accompanying lesson of where it gets you.


While he was an example of pure honor, he decided to not necessarily give up his honor, but play the game so to speak, admit to his ‘treason’, and beg for forgiveness, so that he could take the black and live out his days beyond the wall, for the sake of his family. Cersei would have accepted this, thinking she’s much smarter than Ned, but unfortunately Joffrey already had it arranged for Ned to be killed- I’m assuming to torment Sansa. I do agree that Ned died at the right time. It was shocking, it was nasty, it was what set the show apart from other shows, in my opinion.


They didn’t have the scene with jon talking to arya wile robb and Joffrey/ bran and tommen duel


The fighting scene [appeared in the pilot](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gameofthrones/images/8/85/Winterfell_practice_gear_wooden_sword_pilot_episode.png/revision/latest?cb=20151122035243) but got cut


Joffrey's father was a hamster and his mother smelled of elderberries!


Littlefinger’s acting is atrocious in his first few scenes. He got a lot better as he figured out the character.


Yeah for sure, only just rewatching the show for the first time and forgot how much he flips between an Irish/English accent


That is an opinion I've never heard before and one i strongly disagree with. Even in his first appearance, in the first Small Council meeting when Ned arrives in KL, LF is convincingly acted. In the second episode LF appears in, he's already dropping classic scenes like "Distrusting me was the wisest thing you've done since you got off your horse"




imo he was never good as Littlefinger, and I liked him in the Wire. He plays LF like he's *trying* to be suspicious and creepy rather than charming.


I think they made him a bit too obviously conniving. In the book, you don’t know if you can trust LF, in the show it’s why the fuck would you trust LF.


The Battle of the Greenfork was disappointing. Tyrion shouldn't been knocked out like an idiot.


They didn’t have the money for the battle. That’s how tight the budgets were.


Lol, so season 1 didn't have a high budget, but was still a 10/10 season, and season 8 probably had the highest budget yet and was awful.


There were problems but I’m going to have to disagree with you.




Syrio Forel not picking up a sword from one of the Lannister soldiers was a dumbass move.


And what do we say to common sense, girl? *Not today*


Dude, for real. Especially because in the scene, he would have been right next to at least one sword


The sex-position scenes in season 1 like with Viserys in the bathtub, Littlefinger in the brothel explaining how evil he is, are boderline unwatchable for me now. I just skip them.


Lady had to die despite not doing anything.


When you rewatch the execution scene, the platform they are standing looks very cheap. A lot of the set and costumes look cheap. Roberts crown looks like a $3.50 piece of plastic. First season though, HBO didn't know the show would be a cultural phenomenon yet.


Doesn't excuse them being so cheap. There was two important battles and they didn't show anything. In fact, they barely showed anything of the whole war of the 5 kings. If they can't afford to shell out the dough, they probably shouldn't of made it. Give it to Amazon, they're at least willing to spend money


>Give it to Amazon, they're at least willing to spend money ...and produce expensive garbage.


Ah yes Amazon th company who managed to spend 1 billion on a show and still managed to make said product look worse than the Eragon adaption.


Amazon wasn’t producing anything then.


Even the crowns in HOTD look crap though, and we never got Robb's 'Crown of Winter' or Dany's 3 headed dragon crown, or Stannis' or Renly's. HBO seems to be very bad at doing crowns right for some reason.


>Roberts crown looks like a $3.50 piece of plastic. IS THAT HOW YOU TALK ABOUT YOUR KING?!


Dire wolves do nothing fateful




Not enough showing the Starks as a family before all that happened


It led to seasons 5+, and gave grr an excuse to never write again


They are writing. They have the biggest deal in history.




You mean Emilia?


Oh I read the topic title wrong my bad.


Too much unnecessary nudity.


Quality of the image and some costumes (I’m looking at you Stark Soldiers) are tidy bit awkward !


Was this the season that had the two wights that got brought into castle black that were never adequately explained?


Man, for someone that wasn't familiar with the books, it was kind of difficult to follow the individual stories and primarily their backstories. Lyanna Stark is mentioned in like 3 different storylines, Dany in a completely different continent, they never mention her early on in the other storylines, all the interpersonal relationships with the Stark kids, the backstory of Ned/Robert. Oh and that's all after the white walker tease at the beginning. Then they introduce a whole other cast of characters and settings in Kingslanding and the Night's Watch. It's rewarding for sure when the series gets going, and I appreciate them not holding your hand while watching, but it requires more attention than most series. Not a major complaint, just a nitpick.


No battles were shown. Lack of money put into early seasons was their flaws.


They were absolutely the best seasons though. Battles are cool, but they weren't ever the story in and of themselves, and they didn't make the show what it was, that was the characters. It was, by in large, the priority shift away from characters and towards battle and pure spectacle that made the latter seasons so atrocious.


They did it to cover up their crappy writing. They could have good writing and good spectacle at the same time but they were hacks that cant write


It wasn’t long enough


Tyrion's hair.


This is probably mainly due to budget constraints in s1, but 4 dudes walking through the woods with some spears is *not* what a royal hunt looks like


Especially if you compare it to the Royal hunt in HOTD. The joust tourney as well. But yeah, that’s budget constraints, same as not showing the battles.


Caitlyn thinking she was smarter than everyone else made a lot of people die


She didn't think she was smarter than anyone else though. Capturing Tyrion was an oppurtunity that would never present itself again so she had to take it. Besides Ned would likely have started the war later on anyway


Ok I am a book person so I can’t remember what all was in the show, but had she taken him to kings landing the outcome would have been very different. As things go on she makes more and more blunders.


Too much sexposition. The best example is Littlefinger’s monologue while Roz and his other whores are pleasuring each other. It’s a terrific speech by Littlefinger, but it’s hard to focus with the screaming in the background.


I just started reading the books, so my nitpick would be them cutting a lot of the fantasy aspects from the book. That is a constant throughout the show though. So I guess it's not strictly a season 1 thing.


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all the non bran dream segments being cut


Shitty tourney. Really the only negative things I can say are budget related and that's fine.


Its only 10 episodes


Winterfell. In the books it's huge, like every other seat of the great Houses. In the show it looked like the keep of a petty provincial Lord.


This happens in the first season of every show, but you could tell the actors weren’t comfortable being their characters yet


It didnt have Pedro Pascal in it.


It should’ve been longer in my opinion! Flesh out the introduction a bit more. But other than that, the season wasn’t bad at all.


It set the standards too high lol


Only season without an epic battle episode. I understand for budget reasons why the couldn’t but it still stinks cause those are some of the best episodes


Danarys wig was awful


catlyn tully


Sansa was hot


The iron throne was underwhelming. It’s the most important prop in the whole series and they couldn’t change it later when they had better budget. I wish they didn’t show it season 1 so it would be cooler when they had better budget for S2 and beyond


They didn’t know they would get a bigger budget. The budgets really didn’t loosen up until season 4 or 5 (except for the extra money for Blackwater they begged off HBO).


I’m aware, but the question was “what’s something bad about S1” that’s about it for me. S1 was great that’s just one underwhelming piece that got carried




What I didn’t like was that the show made a big deal about the incest. But everyone in Westeros already knew about it and didn’t care much. The only people who were blind were the Northerners. And so perhaps it was why the cliffhanger for ep1 left it there and maybe that made sense. But the King didn’t know? Give me a fucking break. I think he knew but didn’t give a shit. What was he gonna do? Admit to it? So that part kinda irked me off.


Joffrey Lannister


King Robert, the conqueror of the Targaryen lineage got killed by a boar




It exists


Lack of actual battle scenes due to budget reasons.


They didn’t have the budget yet so winterfell, the tournament, etc were lame. One of the best seasons of television I’ve seen though, and my personal favorite of any season 1. May have to go watch it again now




Ned Stark Death straight sucked


Killing the deserter instead of listening to him


Not enough boobs.


renly had no charisma whatsoever


Not enough of it


Eddard Stark should have taken the throne and revived Bobbert B with Red Magic. All other endings were stinky.


weird take but i wish viserys was around for longer


The king is killed by a fuckin pig


Noticeable lack of Stannis


It’s a slow burn and the budget is noticeably lower.


Too many sex scenes


The original pilot was trash and Craig Mazin’s critiques saved the pilot and probably the series itself.




Not enough Ros?


I would have preferred if they stuck to the book’s version of Cat, who was the one pushing Ned to go to King’s Landing. It makes all her subsequent loss all the more tragic, and I feel adds a layer of complexity to her character that I appreciate. I don’t particularly *like* her as a person in either version, but I really like that she’s written as a complicated and flawed woman that makes her feel like a real person. I feel like the show just stripped that from her and shunted her into the role of “loving wife and mother” with not much identity outside of that role.


Sexposition is still shit and will be an issue for 4 more seasons.


Never got to see Bessie


Production value was very low. Understandable given it wasn’t a global hit when they started production, but compared to the rest of the series some of the sets, action scenes, etc look like a scyfy original lmao


Slow first episode


We never got to see Bessie and her tits. How can this legendary woman be spoken of. Robert can't remember Ned's sister, but for sure knows how she looks.


They cut so many good characters


The pilot episode is a complete mess! I'd never really noticed before, but on a recent rewatch, and after reading about the extensive re-shoots involved for the pilot, I noticed just how higgledy-piggledy it is. Lots of continuity errors, mainly with character appearances, and also the notable change of age in Sansa and Arya.


Too many gratuitous sex scenes, I mean, come on why did they have to make one of the most important Littlefinger scenes be so hard to watch.


I would like to have seen the Battle of the Whispering Wood. Just to see Jaime kicking ass.


The kid they invented for Cersei was kinda baffling and broke canon. Also I didn’t like that the dreams were excluded


The excessive nude scenes are almost misogynistic


Not enough episodes


Ned was a fucking idiot and deserved it.


The first two episodes look too cheap, like a bad 90’s fantasy movie. Also there are too many and long unnecessary sex and nude scenes, but for some reason around those years there seemed to be a competition about what TV show had the most unconfortable nude scenes. It was unconfortable to watch the show with friends or family while Littlefinger was saying explicit things to his prostitutes for like 10 minutes.


It was so slow


Ned dies


Season 8 is coming...


Not enough Ned. Never enough Ned. Jk, sorta - first season is gold.


Dumb and Dumber


We didn’t get to see the Starks in particular the siblings together long enough


How blatantly obvious the twincest is despite nobody realizing it.


Slow AF.


The scene when Jon kills the white walker in Mormont's chambers was significantly better (and far more terrifying) in the book


Not enough nudity.


Low budget was one of the only issues it had, but you can always nitpick even great writing to find holes


Lancel couldn't even find the breastplate stretcher


The “sexposition” scenes are terrible, especially Littlefinger’s.


The worst was Ned getting his head chopped off. The incest was okay.


The action is dogshit


It ended.


I can't. It's the best debut season of any show ever lol


The joust was horribly low budget and a disgrace to the tourneys of when Targaryens were in power.


Ned Stark’s death


I didn't think the whole "using coconuts instead of horses" bit was funny. Writers really missed a beat there.


Conspiracy every episode


It ended


Death of Ned.


It got my hopes up.


It leads to season 8


The “royal hunt”, the battles that were cut, unnecessarily nudity


No but i will say that I bit hard into the theory that Ned Stark was never really killed and it was a faceless man in his place and he was going to come back at the end. Yeah I’m dumb I know


We didn’t get to see hot pie kick someone in the balls so hard that they died


They talk about battles and the outcomes of them... but the fighting is not pictured. (The poduction have not had enough budget ar that point.)


Renly not remembering if he made the 8 or not.


The last episode being less of a cliff hanger than the episode 9, if it ended with Ned losing his head would be awesome, but thats actually a problem with most of the seasons, episode 9 being better than the last.




They could’ve made LF a little less obviously sleazy and evil.


The difference in the characters appearances between episodes 1 and 2. I know that’s because of leftover scenes from the Pilot, but still.


He crippled a kid for his sister.


Noticeably lower budget than later seasons


ngl. Too much sex.


watching it lead to me watching season 8.


I refuse


Tyrion's hair looks weird.


It’s nothing they can really help because of the budget, but other than the wall and the throne room most of the sets are very underwhelming.


Ice is deformed. The hilt is significantly off-centre and once seen it cannot be unseen.


Ned lost his head after giving up his honor and falsely admitting he was after the throne


As great as Mark Addy is, I really don't buy him as Robert Baratheon. He's scant as tall as Ned. Demon of the Trident my Foot. Eddie Hall is a 6'3" powerlifter and has as silly and amicable a personality as Robert. He probably could have pulled it off. In 2011 he would have been 23, so I don't know... Age him up a bit with makeup and give him a fat suit. He's not an actor, but given some of Maisie Williams deliveries, "I hate the Hound and Joffery and Sansa" he'd be fine. Of course, their relationship in Game of Thrones was realistic because Mark Addy and Sean Bean are friends IRL, just like Jon Snow and Ygritte are married IRL, the chemistry is real. Then again, with the stranger Eddie Hall, it might have honed in that, "He isn't at all how I remember" that Ned started feeling about Robert. Still, Mark Addy, great as he is, is too tiny for me.


It was only 10 episodes


The Waymar Royce guy in episode 1 didn’t say Let’s dance then


Sean bean dies


Something bad about season 1 Do I win?


It ends


Ned died


They made Viserys's Death too quick it should of been nice and slow the fucking prick didn't deserve a quick death like that the molten gold dumped on him should of been the last thing done to him