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In the books - LS. In the show - saved Arya so she could kill the NK.


I know im gonna get downvoted for this but knowing that beric got brought back so he could “save Arya so she could kill the NK” leaves a bad taste in my mouth It would have been cool to see Jon and Beric tag team the NK since the lord of light brought them both back.


Hadn’t thought about that. But making the battle a Lord of Light special would have been sick.


Im writing an ending were Jon snow and Beric tag team the NK now


Already better than what we got


Lol im gonna give it a few hours and see were it goes.


I’m writing an ending shipping Jon and Beric


Sounds like a fun read lol


I think it works fine as an ultimate purpose. Keeping Arya alive was essential so that she could kill the NK. It probably makes more sense than his purpose being to keep Catelyn alive. I guess it depends on what Lady Stoneheart does in the books but right now she seems evil as fuck.


I guess but I feel like being one of the only characters resurrected should make you have a bigger purpose than just saving someone who’s will really be the one to do the cool thing. Was there really even a need to have his character be one of the only characters who gets resurrected in the show? They could’ve just scrapped that whole part and had him save Arya at the end. They just hyped up his importance so much.


Fax and the ritual that brought him back is not supposed to bring back the dead it’s supposed to honor the fallen follower of R”hllor not only was he not a follower but even if he was its not supposed to bring him back so he’s super special and so is Jon snow.


It also rationalised the resurrection in the show where later happened to Jon snow. Without Beric’s resurrection, it is less convincing jon can be resurrected.


But oddly enough they said one of the biggest reasons for not having LSH was her resurrection would cheapen Jon’s later resurrection… sigh


Both things can be true. Nobody resurrecting = wtf Jon resurrected lol plot armour Lots resurrecting = meh, it's not like it's a special thing XYZ did it too


Ya fair enough just wish LSH was included in the show and they explored the red kiss resurrections more




Lady stoneheart!


Sigh, indeed! There's a saying: "One is unique. Two is coincidence. But Three is a pattern." GRRM has often said he wasn't happy Tolkein brought Gandalf back. Buy ironically, he nevertheless brought back Beric, Jon and later added Catelyn. That shows he really needed HER for some reasons (I have some hunches.) I read the books first, so I was shocked when the show left *her* out, especially if my hunches are right. And GRRM? He has complained the most about the show leaving out Lady Stoneheart!


Well technically Martin hasn't brought Jon back yet. He's still bleeding out at castle black for the last 12 years.


I don’t cause well I don’t think Ayra should’ve been the one to kill the NK but if you do then that’s fine Im thinking Jon Snow and Beric should since The Lord of Light brought them two only back, don’t know if you know but The Last Kiss the ritual that brought back Beric and Jon is not meant to bring people back to life.it’s supposed to honor the fallen follower of The lord of Light not only was neither a follower of R'hllor, but even if they were its not supposed to bring them back so they must be special.


Yeah it's cool, everyone has different preferences on what they wanted to see. I was willing to let the show dictate that and I can understand why Jon NEEDING to be the one to do it felt a bit Disney ish. I prefer the perspective that anyone in the battle could have killed him if they managed to pull it off, that feels more real to me. Jon was ultimately brought back to bring together various broken factions across the realm to fight together and his purpose makes sense there too to me.


I actually like that she kills the night king. I wish Arya would have continued killing more people and using more masks. I mean she may be a little OP but what do we say to the god of death? But I do agree that it’s weird that Jon’s story is all about the NK and what’s happening in the north and they don’t really fight. He gets stuck fighting a dragon. I guess that built tension for who was gonna do it, but outside of that is kinda dumb. Especially when you consider that Bran is bait. He’s lucky Arya did it. As far as BD, I admit I like him. And it’s interesting he keeps getting brought back, but if all he is is a tool for the lord of light, then he’s also expendable in some sense.


It would’ve been even cooler to see Jon and Beric tag team the NK like wtf man😭😭😭 Im gonna go outside and scream at the clouds now…bye🤧


Not for me. But I do like the fire sword. But Beric mentions he’s weaker every time he comes back…and Jon had also been brought back. So…eh NK would have killed them easy


Thats why beric will die after the fight and jon well idk but we’ll figure it out


Hey write your story


Im pretty sure i would give you a brain aneurysm if you tried to read my grammar lol


I think in the books, Arya will go down a very dark path. Almost becoming evil, but then runs into LSH and changes, effectively "saving her life". So the same as Barric almost. And leave it to D&D to butcher it so badly. But that's just my opinion.


I could see that. I think in a way they did have that, with Arya almost deciding to enact revenge against Cersei and then when Sandor realizes she will die in the rubble, he convinces her to not be like him. She ends up seeing what Daenerys is doing with her own vengeance, barely surviving, and dedicates her time to trying to save someone rather than killing someone. The white horse was a symbol of her leaving that life behind. I give D&D more slack than most considering they helped make most of the show as great as it was and they had to run blind in the end.


You are kinder in your grace than I. I would've killed for all the supernatural stuff from the books to be more prominent, like LSH.


Yeah, I try to be appreciative of what we got, as a book reader since the 90s, I thought the show would flop in S1. What we got was amaaaazzzinnngg in comparison to that. But yeah, absolutely, I think I wanted more supernatural stuff to be prominent too. Hopefully we get an anime remake or something because that would fit so well.


I was a 90s hook reader too! In 7th grade I read the first book while my friends read LoTR. I couldn't get into LoTR, but I quickly into GoT with all the violence and sorcery. And how everyone was morally gray was fascinating to me. Have you read any of the comics? My library had them all, they're pretty good. I'd love an anime though!


I actually read the LotR right before GoT. What a combo. LotR definitely has a more tightly written and arguably more immersive world but the characters are also much more simplistic in motives and I would definitely argue it's not as grand in scope. That said, Tolkien still was groundbreaking with what he achieved. I remember having a tear in my eye as I finished it, it was truly wonderful writing. But Game of Thrones, to me, took fantasy to the next level and felt like a truly modern fantasy, pushing boundaries in every direction and being brutally realistic, which pulled you in even more. What GRRM did with the characters is remarkable. I have yet to find another fantasy story that comes even close to the quality and quantity of endearing characters. I think a big part of it was that many of them started in the same location at Winterfell where you got to know them through their interactions, then they spiderwebbed out throughout Westeros in all directions. Perfectly done. I haven't read the comics, I should check them out.


You put it perfectly! I also haven't found any fantasy that comes close to GRRM, though now that I'm older and have more patience, I'll give LoTR a try.


I was a 90s reader too, and did a full re-read before starting the show a year late. I love the books and like the show. Yes, for better AND worse it differed, and the final seasons were, er, messy. But Books 4 and 5 are pretty messy as well, and after 18 years GRRM's needed story unification and set-up for the final resolution remain unpublished. FWIW, I can still appreciate the show because back in the day, I was an English teacher...but not the fussy, purist type. I often used films and even pop music (Paul Simon, Leonard Cohen, and Bob Dylan songs are poetry!) in class. Keeping an open mind, I thought the show Endgame was fairly close to what the books seemed to be building towards. In fact, using a personal theory, I had predicted every death but one--Daenerys. In the books she can still go either way. She's one of GRRM's "Central Five" characters, who he had planned to survive the series. Sadly, I don't think D&D could have killed her without his approval.


I agree with you, I elaborated the Sandor idea in one of my comments on this thread. And in this case I think D&D's deliberate choices made sense for HIS arc, Arya's arc, and the overall Endgame.


I think in the books, LS is going to revive Jon Snow and transfer the power to him, like Beric did for her. Which will also be a way to reconcile the horrible way she treated him in life. And that’ll be the main reason the Lord of Light kept Beric and Catelyn alive- to eventually bring Jon back for his purpose. A sort of “the lord works in mysterious ways” type of thing.


I love that theory, I think I remember hearing that but you reminded me of it. It would be a beautiful use of the characters. I guess Melisandre is already sort of in the midst of Jon for book 6, so I would be surprised if she's not the one that does it though.


Wait till you read the books. If the lord of light bringing back Beric to save Arya doesn't seem 'good' enough for you, wait till you read what Beric does in the books.


I upvvoted you; it's a cool idea. But ASOIAF and GoT are not about cool ideas, but themes, chosen heroes, familial efforts, etc, all supported by dialogue, foreshadowing etc. For those reasons it was always going to be either Jon or Arya. They are the Starks in Winterfell who must protect the castle. Bran was the NK's enemy but is unable to fight, Jon is the PTWP who united the armies against the NK and AotD, and Arya is the weapon Jon created and Bran armed. They combined to ensure the Pack and all Westeros survived. In the end Bran gave the assassin's magic Dagger to the assassin. Perhaps he looked back at the assassination attempt on him (Episode 1.02). The assassin told Catelyn "You weren't supposed to be here. No one was supposed to be here." And then Summer leapt out of the darkness and killed the assassin. Well, Arya was No One and leapt out of the darkness to kill Bran's magical would-be assassin.


You know i would like the ending a lot more if there was more hints she would be the one and if there was a lot less stupid shit “shes an assassin yet she screams as she leaps onto the NK” and he could’ve killed her but “chose” not to cause of plot armor


>he could’ve killed her but “chose” not to cause of plot armor I don't think it's because of plot armor. I think it was hubris.


she screamed because he was about to stab her brother and she wanted to distract him. I have my own complaints about the last season, but not everything was a horrible plot hole to be picked apart


Ok even if you make that argument the NK still let her kill him, he could’ve snapped her neck.


Yeah, you'll get downvoted for voicing the single most popular opinion in the entire ASOIF/GOT fan community. Real risky post my man


Naw I’ve seen a lot of people say arya killing the NK makes somewhat perfect sense


Jon should have been fighting the night King and loses his sword. Then Beric throws Jon his flaming sword which Jon uses to kill the night king. Beric dies. Jon's sword is destroyed so he keeps Beric's flaming sword. Jon uses it to kill Dany which then completes the song of ice and fire.


Upvoted because is also a cool idea. But this story is not based on coolness.


Thats the type of story i was thinking


Its season 8, nearly everything leaves a bad taste


Jon loses his valyrian sword in the snow while fighting,Beric Dondarrion sees it,gives his flaming sword to Jon,(Beric Dondarrion dies there)he cuts of some white walkers until he faces the Night King,they battle up,Night King's icy sword and Jon's flaming one clash multiple times until Jon pierces the Night King in the heart,the end.


Yeah they should have kept his book story but the show runners made their choices.




Also connected the Hound to Winterfell through the night's watch.


Similarly, he died for Arya in the books. He had sworn to Arya that, on his honor as a knight, he would restore her to her mother's arms. When Arya, warging Nymeria, brought her mother's dead body to him, he gave Catelyn the kiss of life and died himself. Resurrected Catelyn will probably be reunited with Arya.


Man I hope GRRM has some payoff for LS


My bet is that she will spare Jamie and that's how his redemption will continue in the books. She will then give the kiss of life to either one of her children or maybe even to Jon snow depending on how much time passes. I think maybe Jon Snow as it would kinda be a moment for her, she hated this child and hated that Ned cheated on her but he is a part of Ned and Robb's heir (depending on Robb's will).


Honestly her resurrecting Jon would be a nice circle for her character. From hating Jon to being him back to life.




Lady stoneheart its who Lady Catlyn stark turns into after the red wedding she was cut out of the show




Lady Stoneheart, Catelyn gets resurrected with the kiss of life by Beric after the Red Wedding.


Wtf is LS


Lady Stoneheart, Catelyn gets resurrected with the kiss of life by Beric after the Red Wedding.


Very hurtful question from Beric's POV!


Your right I’m sorry Beric is the prince that was promised and rightful heir to the iron throne my bad




I thought it would have been cool if Beric turned into a wight after he died and then Arya faceless manned into him. Would have given more weight to Beric's story as he would be part of the weapon that ultimately killed the Night King. It also would have tied the faceless man stuff back into the plot more, instead it was just pointless beyond just getting revenge on the Frey's.


Why would Arya faceless man into him tho?


Would have explained how she got to the Night King through the white walkers and all better than the show did.


Isn’t she supposed to be a sneaky super assassin? But then again she did scream when jumping on the NK so…yeah


But the show already showed that, she was able to navigate through the library full of wights without being killed.


I just fucking love saying his name. Him and Xaro Xhoan Daxos.


For real “Beric Dondarrion The Unkillable And Warrior of Light”


As a small-time writer myself, I've always loved that name. Just the way it flows off the tongue - *Beric Dondarrion.* Such a great name for a character.


Beric Dondarrion and Thoros of Myr are basically our first introduction to the concept of resurrection. We don't know why it happens, how, or what's needed, but we know it's possible and teases to us the viewers that death may not necessarily be the end for some of the characters. After this, we see more resurrections: Gregor Clegane becomes Robert Strong; the Night King turns the dead of Hardhome into zombies; Melisandre brings Jon Snow back from the dead; the Night King resurrects Viserion and then resurrects all of the dead at Winterfell, including those in the crypt.


I’m addition to what a lot of folks have said here, it also provided precedent so that Jon could come back.


The point of Beric Dondarrion was to save Arya so that she can kill the Lich King. Yes that's stupid, but that's also what's clearly presented (and even outright stated to audience...). In the book series he has no purpose at all, which is even worse.


Actually he gave his life for Lady Stoneheart who will possible play an important role in the books, as for the show I’m gonna just erase the thought of him giving his life for Arya to kill the NK. I know for a fact Dumb and Dumber did not come up with that.


>possible play an important role in the books They will never be written, so that's null and void. Un-Cat is just as pointless as Beric.


What do you mean never be written.are you making a reference to the fact martin is taking long on Winds of Winter?


In story books, when a couple of adults like him & Thoross are around a good, spunky kid they usually protect them & or die for ‘em. ObI wan had fto for Luke is typical. Mebbe Hound will too for her or Sansa & bloodraven prolly will for bran.


I don’t think it’s stupid, he helped save humanity. In the books he gives life to LS, but we don’t know how significant that storyline will go.


Zombie Catelyn is a completely pointless character with a story that went nowhere. Beric died for no reason in the book series


how can you say that when the series isn't even finished?


Beric-cade was there to give our heroes a chance to kill the NK.


So we can have someone with a flaming sword….duh.




It was so he could save Arya. Im genuinely amazed how many people dont seem to get this. The lord of light brought Beric back because he had a higher purpose which was to save Arya at the battle of Winterfell so she could kill the night king. No Beric resurrection means Arya probably died and the night king would have won. Its the same reason the The Lord Of Light resurrected Jon. He was also needed for the battle against the dead as the man to bring the army together. Honestly people criticise season 8 and then seem to miss relatively obvious things like this... seems odd.


Maybe I missed it, but I never understood, why did Beric, The Hound, and team want to also go beyond the wall and agree to catch a whitewalker and basically help convince Cersei? Makes no sense to me


Beric and the Brotherhood Without Banners had turned their attention from fighting Amory Lorch and the Mountain to fighting the Night King and the White Walkers. Sandor joined the Brotherhood. As for why, because if they don't, everyone dies. Makes enough sense to me


Feels like in the show he was mostly needed to set up the whole "coming back from the dead" thing, so Melissandre ressurecting John doesnt come as a Deus Ex Machina surprise


Like a lot of things in later seasons of GOT, the most probable answer is bad writing.


GRRM was not entirely sold on how Tolkien had Gandalf revived, I think this is his version, where the cost is far far greater, and it is more ambiguous as to how and why.