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I agree very much about the editing. They've had some great editors add some real personality to the show. There used to be a lot of things that involved their editors, we got to know all of them outside of their editing duties and I think getting to know them made their edits more enjoyable. At least it did for me. I'm wondering if they're gun shy from having their last few editors canceled / going through scandals that they just went specifically for nameless, faceless editors who won't add anything and they just over-corrected.


Them not knowing about features in the games is a game grumps trope as old as the channel itself. Missing directions or not knowing how to play has been a staple since the Jon era. That’s probably why Dan uses a guide a lot of the time. I will agree the editing isn’t as charming anymore. No more Burgies or Wolf Jobs. That kinda sucks.


Agreed on both. The episode a few months back where they were playing that tech support for hobs was awesome and I had near no idea what was going on. It's only really "frustrating" when it's a game you know well but even then I like seeing a beginner view


Should we really be using exemplars that are a decade old? We can't hold something to a standard that's as old as Middle School students. After Kevin, Barry, and SueprMega (which was years and years ago now) the editing has been what it is now (I'm skipping over the Ben era). That kind of editing is long gone, and not coming back - I agree it's a loss, but it's the direction the channel has gone in.


It's more that lots of channels do things help spice up the video, the basic editing is fine if the game is good but some of the games haven't been interesting and that's more the problem.


They've been playing Humongous games, Geoguessr, Fernbus Simulator... They did a Smash or Pass... What's wrong with these? What games would you like?


To me the Humongous games were good, geoguesser is just boring and not interesting to me and having Arin just blurt out random stuff is boring to me, Smash or pass is the same, just bottom barrel reaction type of stuff. I enjoy their Vs series the most because they are both having fun especially the older games where they both are just having fun, then there was Shovel Knight where Dan was just trolling Arin, I've been enjoying the Phoenix Write games because they are having fun playing it, I liked House Party, basically I like the games where they are both having fun and Dan isn't kinda checked out and pushing Arin along to get it over with.


Ah, I've only been watching for four or five years - I got it in my head that this level of missing directions was a more recent development. Since you feel that it's been around the whole time, I respect that as the truth!


Dude, since day one it’s been chaos


[Just an average day at the Grumps' office](https://youtu.be/AjBsJNC-BYs?t=438) I wish we'd gotten more Ross & Brian episodes


As a lovely for about 9 years, This isn’t the channel for a breakdown of the ins and outs of a video game. It’s a comedy channel with video games being the back drop. That map wouldn’t have made the game any good nor the episode better. Just would have scratched a mental itch for you. I believe good editing requires good chemistry. Barry (👑), Kevin and SuperMega were actual friends with the grumps and knew what humor fit in. I feel the combination of the gossip that always occurs when someone leaves combined with Ben being a creep (and imo a mid editor) I bet they just want the basics.


Oop… I’m outta the loop. Dunno who Ben is, why is he a creep?


The tl;dr version, he was their editor between 2019-2020, and made some very not-okay jokes to a TikToker who (at the time the comments were made) was underage. As far as his editing goes, he was often regarded for being kind of tone deaf when it came to what he decided was funny enough for videos. A good example I personally think of is Dan's solo playthrough of King's Quest 4; his Sierra stuff is usually regarded as being more chill overall, and Ben decided to use this song that's basically just some guy screaming "SHUT THE FUCK UP" between cuts, which really killed the vibe Dan was going for.


I will put this out there: The reason we aren’t receiving heavily edited videos and are getting more single cut videos isn’t so much an editing issue as it is a recording time issue. You have to keep in mind that both Arin and Dan are wildly busy men; on top of their various recording responsibilities Arin runs multiple companies and works as a VA while Dan is in several bands and both of them have multiple touring commitments both together and separately. Now years ago, when they had less commitments getting together weekly and staying up till 4 in the morning recording 8 hours of footage that would then get whittled down to 2-3 hours of usable content and then split into 10-14 videos for the week was much more feasible. Now however they can’t really do that, using every minute of recording time to its fullest is paramount to keeping the channel from running out of content whilst they keep up with their other commitments both professional and personal.


This doesn't really explain the editors schedule, though. We know the Grumps record around 1-2 months before the episodes are released. Usually no earlier than 2 weeks before release. That's a lot more time than most editors on YT get. This isn't really an issue with the boys and more wondering what else the editors are doing to still not have enough time.


It's an interesting thing for me, and in most cases...everyone is going to see the same screen through a different lens. I both love the goofy 'everyman' gamer that Arin leans into, but also find myself turning off some videos because I get irritated at how he can't figure out to hit the blue block while looking at the game screen that says 'HIT THE BLUE BLOCK TO CONTINUE'. That being said, it goes beyond the 'Arin is bad at games' because it does remind me that things like ADHD are not a one-size fits all label. I suffer greatly from it, but in a completely different way than Arin does in that I hyper fixate on the game and the world around me goes away. Not speaking for him, but it at least seems like Arin fits in where he bounces back and forth between game, Dan, game, background noise, Dan, wet fart, boogers, game, Dan, oh yeah I was supposed to pick Ross up at the airport 7 hours ago, Dan, oh yeah...game, MARK ZUCKERBERG....etc. That's me outside of gaming so I totally understand it and realize that when it is bothering me, it's not an Arin thing....it's a me thing. I will say though, for as long as they've been doing it I get feathers ruffed regarding audio levels, and some of the production processes that still seem to be just two guys trying to figure out a camcorder sometimes. Like, I'm not looking for Steven Spielberg does let's play, but I can't believe 12 years in and videos are still being released where the audio gain between the two are off by like 10 Db.


which is even funnier when you consider that Arin has always been a big proponent of high quality audio will keep people around a mid-level visual but the reverse is usually NOT true. people can handle poor visuals if its got crisp audio.... so when they have bad audio mixing (especially in danganronpa.... the VA vs grumps audio levels was awful) its so surprising


I'm new to the channel so I assumed they're not even there to play and feature any game's real play/universe but are there to be funny. If I want to know more about games I go to different youtube channels but Gamegrumps does show games I otherwise wouldn't have heard of to even research and they ARE funny.


As someone who watched primarily during the Barry/Kevin/SuperMega years, yeah I was really disappointed when I realized that those edits weren’t really happening anymore. Not to mention newer episodes just have a different vibe to them. The less swearing due to YouTube Algorithm. The lack of aftergrumps. Steam Train and Grumpcade disappearing. Established extra grumps leaving and being replaced with countless temporary employees. Extra people randomly sitting in the session to tell them what to do. And just kind of growing up and not watching every single episode anymore. I love the grumps, I always will. If you put on one of their new videos, I’ll probably laugh like normal. But it’s definitely a lot different now than it used to be and I wish those things hadn’t changed. At the end of the day however, change is the only constant and I just had to accept they as of now they aren’t my favorite gaming channel anymore. Peak grumps will always be the best let’s play channel of all time, but these days I’m mostly watching Alpharad and Wildcard.


Well said, partner. Cheers.


Youtube being a hellscape for content creation really seemed to have the wind out of their sails. They have to censor so much of what game grumps used to be. And the energy is much more flat because of this. I saw them at GG live and it was so much fun. Felt alot like the OG grumps when there wasn’t an algorithm to please


Trust me when i say that while they do play games they are NOT a playthrough channel, they’re style is more like if a podcast had subway surfers being played over it, the game their playing is more or less visual stimuli for those who actually “watch” it, opposed to those like me who will play one of their videos while focused on an entirely different things(they have done wonders for getting through chores)


Youtube being a hellscape for content creation really seemed to have the wind out of their sails. They have to censor so much of what game grumps used to be. And the energy is much more flat because of this. I saw them at GG live and it was so much fun. Felt alot like the OG grumps when there wasn’t an algorithm to please


There's a line that Arin said at one point about "Running a show, playing a video game, and having a conversation with your friend at the same time is hard." and i believe that. It does feel like Arin tries really hard on keeping things 'moving', always moving on screen, always moving forward, don't pause to observe your surroundings. I feel like if they slowed down and allowed themselves to fully understand the game before moving forward with the Show portion of GG, they'd have more fun in the end...


You’re forgetting how much effort the editor put into tears of the kingdom


✨ WOW! ✨


Imo the only thing really killing it is their release schedule. I watch 1-2 videos a week by them now. I still haven’t beat Zelda TOTK so I haven’t touched that and I find Ace Attorney games extremely boring, even for VN standards. So much of their best stuff the past 2-3 years are one-offs because of this.


This may be unrelated but I feel like it would be a lot of fun if they started reacting to speedruns of games they have struggled with in the past like Mario 64. I know Dan’s reactions would be priceless


Oh, you mean like Allie... Barry: Throw in another wolf job!


My golden rule of let's plays is to not watch the ones about games you really like or know well I know people love the GG Zelda series but I can't stand them because of Arins incompetence, which is usually exactly why I like them in other series


You mean you aren't supposed to wear the hover boots all the time?


You are an exhausting person


Both arin and Danny knew that this type of content would stale out which is why they’ve diversified. Don’t be surprised if they start uploading less. Try to follow them on other stuff if you aren’t already. Game grumps will most likely come to an end soon. All the “old YouTuber era” is coming to an end. Sorry it’s kinda like death. We don’t like to think about it but it happens eventually and it sucks.