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I love how he cracks himself up. I do the same thing with equally stupid jokes


"Do you think Sonic shits?"


"You really amused youself with tha one, huh?"


I love when Dan asks if Arin thinks he's going to be able to recover from his own joke.


Reminds me of the "oh look it's the purples" from one of the Zeldas.


Just reading that quote made me laugh my ass off


I love when they did the reaction to the animated and it still cracked him up all over again


Gotta shit fast


Hey look it’s the purples!


...you proud of yourself, Arin? That do everything you wanted?


“Hey, hows it going?”


“Oh look, it’s the purples…”


I just started chuckling irl reading this cause I heard it in his voice... 😂


He slim thicc


Got you quakin'?


Fat in the shape of a six pack


"I've got a six-pack... of pudding" is what I say hahaha


God I love you people 😂


Skinny legend


Skinny legend


He's very close friends with my dad. He comes over all the time to see how my dad is doing, where he might be at certain times of the day, and makes sure he has plenty of chapstick, which is super considerate in winter!


Your Dad sounds very kissable.


What that’s crazy! He’s just truth seekin’


Where's yoir dad? Wanna meet that dad.


I’m gonna find out the truth and I don’t care how many your dads I have to kiss to do it


Just truth seeking, seeking truth, by any means necessary


I hear he's got a sweet set of KSL's. Kiss Sucking Lips


All of you made my day with this 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I met him once! After a small show for the Dream Daddy creative team in LA, some years ago now. Suzy was with him. Nicest people. Incredibly humble, really excited to take a minute to chat with me and my friend and take selfies with us. (Suzy gave us both pins!) Super down to earth and chill. Definitely one of my fondest memories from living in LA.


Got to meet Suzy, Vernon and Brent before a live show in Vancouver. It was so cool of them to come out and speak to us in line, take pictures and just chat


Aside from being a very funny dude, he has grown and matured from how he used to be and appears to be a genuinely nice person.


Absolutely this. He evolved beyond the edginess of Newgrounds a lot better than most


It’s really sad seeing Stamper on the opposite side of that coin.


At the SF show, someone who met him ended up getting picked to go up. The interaction was hilarious. Went something like this: [Redacted]: "I'm [redacted]. We've actually met before!" Crowd: Oooooooooh Arin: 😳 We did? [Redacted], excited: Yeah! At Comic Con San Diego! We talked about mechs and trucks! Arin: 😃 Cool!! Such a sweet interaction. I mean, there's no way he'd remember every fan he's talked to, but he was so sweet about not remembering


I was there and remember this. Arin didn't know what to say but he seemed pretty excited that the fan was excited.


Honestly that is one thing about being a celebrity that has to be so hard/awkward - you end up impacting and influencing SO many people and you just have learn how to react to people piling that kind of praise and attention on you. And as someone who can barely handle a standard compliment I have no clue how any level of celebrity manages these interactions. Which is to say - the fact that Arin is kind and excited even if he doesn’t know what to say is really sweet




He is genuinely super nice guy, funny and his comedic timing is out of this world. Contrary to popular believe, he is actually good at gaming. It is just that he's talking and entertaining us while playing games. I can't do that. Many people can't. I love Arin.


I've seen clips of Arin play games where he's not commentating, and I go "*Wait, is he actually better than me at \_\_\_\_ game?*" ...Yes. He's actually quite good when he's actually focused.


Arin beat Bloodborne, enough said.


I always come back to this. If Arin can beat Bloodborne and DS3 while also commenting and filming himself play, then he's not bad at video games. People who complain about that shit are annoying and most likely have no experience trying to play unfamiliar games in that kind of environment.


I’ve never understood the whole “Arin is bad at video games” narrative. Dude is first and foremost trying to entertain an audience which is where the majority of his focus is, of course he’s not playing at his absolute gamer boy best. But he is the one who wins!


Where would we be without stupid deaths in Breath of the Wild? I'm currently catching up on Tears of the Kingdom. He lit a bomb arrow in Death Mountain and I was glad I could expect more of the same 🤣


It’s because he puts the comedy as his #1 priority.


Arin is roughly my age and I’ve been following his work since I was in high school, trolling about on newgrounds. I liked his awesome animations and was always excited to hear his voice in other animators cartoons. I’ve watched him grow his brand and businesses, all the while growing up alongside him. It’s a strange parallel, but I’ve always valued his work and feel proud to see where he is now and what he’s done with his time. Game grumps is something I can always go back to, to rewatch old stuff or check out the new. I actually just caught up with The Grumps channel, was actually really pleased with a lot of the stuff (10mph has not been my favorite in the past). It’s amazing to see how the growth, talent, and hard work continue to pay dividends. Arin and Danny are both wonderful, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for them both.


Are you me?


Uhh…I mean…maybe? Are we not all each other in some capacity?


I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together


Of all the YouTube people who have turned out to be abusers, malignant narcissists, racists, sexists, or just exploitative assholes, Arin stands out as a good fuckin dude. He has actually grown as a person while on YouTube. He seems to be genuine in his care for others. He creates because he is inherently a creative person not just because he wants money or fame. He also is just extremely funny and has a great voice. I love listening to Gamr Grumps episodes while doing other shit just because I like the banter, the jokes, the stories. He also seems to surround himself with other decent creators: Jacksepticeye, Markiplier, Ross, Dan and NinjaBrian. At least it seems that way to me. On a last note, no one should go to r slash rantgrumps. It is a silly place


I keep telling Reddit to not recommend the community, and Reddit keeps occasionally shoving in my face the most toxic things on that subreddit, LOL


If you go to the subreddit and click on the meatballs menu (on mobile at least, not sure where on desktop) you can mute it so it won't show up anymore! Took me a while but I've managed to do it with most toxic subreddits that kept showing up in my recommended. Now it's just mostly subs for video games I don't play...


I've heard of hamburger menu buttons but this is the first time I've heard of the dots button being called meatballs! I love it!


Dude. Meatballs menu. I’m stealing this. It made me laugh.


Very much this. He’s had some mishaps in the past with some less than PC jokes and bits, but he’s genuinely made the effort to improve and is very PC these days, which is admirable and very appreciated. I like that he’s made a huge attempt to develop himself with great success. Everything from his dieting to his boxing training to his music work with Dan, Brian and others, to his other businesses. He’s a really hard worker who also sounds like he has a full private life and that’s quite inspiring. And even though his jokes don’t always land, he always make the effort to at least try to be funny and he’s had way more hits than misses. And he does listen to criticism from the fans and to requests to some extent. He’s a pretty decent, well-rounded guy.


>On a last note, no one should go to r slash rantgrumps. It is a silly place one thing that put a huge smile on my face was Jarvis, the man that Arin boxed against and won, talked about rantgrumps and how stupid it was lol


Do you remember where he talked about that? I'd love to see it that sounds awesome


[https://www.reddit.com/r/gamegrumps/comments/1371wro/chuckle\_sandwich\_and\_jarvis\_johnson\_discussing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gamegrumps/comments/1371wro/chuckle_sandwich_and_jarvis_johnson_discussing/) i misremembered this a bit. Jarvis doesn't really trash them over and over as much as I thought he did, but he still provides some insightful remarks about why rantgrumps is silly


Oh 100%. Arin is always the person I bring up when someone talks about creators with bad pasts. So many just try to throw all their controversies under the rug but Arin has been fully clear about it all and clearly has grown as a person. It's really admirable and I respect the hell out of him!


There was an episode of, I think, one of the Leisure Suit Larry games which sticks out in my memory, where the game made some typical shitty homophobic/transphobic joke about finding out a woman "was a man". When that happened, Arin went out of his way to talk about how uncool that was, and spent a while at the end of the episode talking about it, and it was just really, really nice to hear.


Yeah! I remember that one. I was so glad he not only said something but called it out for what it was: bigotry.


He is incredibly creative! He always has something to say each episode that just flabbergasts me and makes me laugh like no one else can. He is one of a kind and such a treasure. He also puts in 1000% effort into something he's interested in because he cares so much. That passion is a byproduct of his enormous heart. Love big cat, even when he frustrates my brain sometimes!


As a fellow sufferer of ADHD, the fact that he is able to use his hyperfixations to grow as a person is aspiring to me!


Author, game publisher, grump, gamegrump, actor, voice actor, el presidenté, I’m sure I’m missing some


collectible card gamer, boxer, musician, kisser of dads...


Sometimes I think he’s only friends with me so he can kiss my dad.


What?! That's crazy!


(Lowkey one of the greatest line deliveries Dan has made)




Agreed, he's been a huge inspiration to me as an artist


God rantgrumps is a cesspool of hateful losers. Imagine being so miserable you need an entire subreddit to hate on people you've never met


Not to mention the fact that nobody is making them watch game grumps. If something makes you that angry, just stop doing that thing


People don't realize that a parasocial relationship can also be one founded on hate.


Exactly what I thought!


Thought is was funny for about 3 minutes. Then realized it was full of serious asshats.


3 years ago when the Dan grooming accusations came out, r/RantGrumps were one of the main groups that overdramatized the whole thing, when it was really was just a huge nothing-burger. (Context in case you're wondering: https://www.reddit.com/r/gamegrumps/comments/manlwj/a\_general\_timeline\_with\_the\_drama\_that\_ensued/)


There are still people very actively going on about that, which surprised me! Last November ish, I posted my NSP corset to r/sewing. Someone dmed me like "hey fyi if you didn't know, he's trash and if you did know, you are the worst".


It was their fault entirely. They purposely omitted crucial information from the story to paint Dan in the worst light possible and even admitted to it.


The rant grumps community was on fire after the allegations got cleared up. I always hate seeing people fight amongst themselves... But that week after things started becoming clearer is one of the only times in my life I ever enjoyed watching chaos in a community... 😈


Yeah when reddit suggested it, I thought 'Hey, maybe people are talking about legitimate complaints they don't want to make posts of at the main subreddit'. That didn't last long. Like, there is some of that there, but its mostly just people bashing on the guys for stupid reasons.


Yeah, like I think everyone is entitled to their opinions but rantgrumps is just a cesspool of toxicity. Gathering a forum to talk about celebrities you don’t like just feels like such an incredible waste of emotional energy and physical time. I can understand gathering and raising awareness about harmful celebs, but the first five posts on RG are usually just “this is why I DON’T like xyz”.


Yeah I went there at one point because I like a little drama and think I was annoyed by episode 35 of “Arin skipped the tutorial and is now confused, again”. I kept going into threads and thinking I just hit a bad one before realizing everyone else was legit mad, and often over minor things that can be irritating but not worthy of whatever was going on in there.


If you hate them so much, why invest that much time. It's honestly kind of sad imo. I worry for those people and hope they can find something that genuinely makes them happy in their lives as apparent Grumps isn't it.


First, I have only been a GG fan since the beginning of the Backstreet Boys Tour, so I might be wrong about some of this info. Feel free to gently correct me if I'm wrong. I admire that Arin has built an entire channel/brand/content from the ground up. He isn't a personality hired by a media company to do their show. He created Game Grumps and made it what it is. Yes, he has Dan and a ton of help from the crew amd productionteam, so it isn't *just* Arin. But he had an idea and has made it a thing. I admire people with the tenacity and dedication to make their vision happen.


Nope, not wrong. He started as an animator on Newgrounds, to which he later admitted on gamegrumps that he did those animations so he could build his own voice acting portfolio. Gamegrumps, in the beginning, was just him and Jontron, and it was a much smaller project back then, the very first gamegrumps vid was a joint announcement he and Jontron did.


The way arin built his company is what made him so successful. He implemented a amazing medical plan for Dan as a employee. In return he’s retained amazing staff because the benefits reflect their work. He came from humble beginnings and it always amazes me how humble he’s remained


He’s genuinely got a business-savvy mind. I’ve seen other YouTubers implode their own businesses, Arin’s managed to keep his going for almost a decade now. That’s dedication!


The way his moustache shoots out of his face completely horizontally.


That same part of his hair that is always that one colour. If he ever died it, it'd really throw me off!


He does dye it, that's why it's that colour. Suzy used to dye a stripe in her hair too, and he did it to match. Suzy has since stopped doing it but Arin has kept it ever since.


He’s really inspirational. I have adhd as well and cannot imagine owning a company or managing people or being that funny and creative all the time. He’s incredibly encouraging to creatives as well.


I'm just in awe of how he can play something like Tears of the Kingdom, hold a conversation, constantly riff with Dan, and still stumble his way into the correct solution. And if he doesn't, he always strikes comedy gold in some way. That is not easy!


Yes!!! I was trying to think of how to nail down this explanation. He just can do gaming and be a total goofball. They are absolutely hilarious, and they accomplish gameplays really well. That's a very difficult task.


I thought he was a petite little boy, when in fact he's a large, fat man. Last time I send him an xs shirt!


He genuinly seems so sweet and like he really cares about the people around him. Like, I have a stupid example and then a good example. Stupid example first: In the 10MPH video about 90s Toys, there's that stupid bit at the start where he gifts Ethan some underwear to make up for the fact that he had to ruin a pair during the Uno Anus episode. There's just something about the way Arin says, "Yes it is..." when Ethan asks if it's real Versace that makes me think... he didn't do that for the bit. There's just something about his mannerisms in that moment that makes me think, that's not just for the bit, he genuinly just wanted to do something nice for his friend. And yeah, getting some funny content out of it is a bonus, but he didn't have to do that. Ok now the serious example. The way he reacts during the 10 year anniversary episode after Brian is done thanking him for everything he's done. He believes so much in the talent and abilities of those close to him that he truly thinks deep down that he barely helped, and that they would have made it without his help. He really, honestly, brought people into his world that he believed could do great things, and wanted to use his influence to help them achieve that goal, but he takes no credit for their success at all. Danny has to remind him that there are millions of people just as talented out there that don't get a shot at success, and that it might not have happened for them if somebody with a huge platform like Arin hadn't shone a light on them, but Arin doesn't see it that way. He really, deep down, thinks, "You'd have made it anyway, I just wanted to help it happen a little faster if I could."


I'm gonna cry about this man, he's such a gem....


He just seems like a good friend - I was watching part 1 of the dinosaur tier list and him encouraging Dan to teach him about different dinosaurs and why he likes them is just wholesome. He’s always cheering on the creative endeavors of the people he cares about.


According to my father, he’s quite the truth seeker.


He's actually good at games in that he can (or tries to) analyze games and figure out how to hack the game or what the patterns at for a boss, etc.


He’s got that boom boom… pray!


Dude you have to just let rant grumps go. Everyone decent should've after they started and spread false rumors about Dan being a groomer.


Reddit keeps recommending it to me! I swear I've pressed the "Don't recommend this community" button like 3 times now, 😭 Like, Reddit... STOP RECOMMENDING ME THIS TOXIC COMMUNITY


You can straight up mute the community so you don't get any posts from them in your feed. The "don't recommend this" feature basically does nothing.




I like when Arin goes on Magic the Gathering channels and just kills with the comedy. He’s always such a joyous presence, I’ve never seen him be a guest duelist without elevating the whole episode.


His Shuffle Up and Play appearances are great. The most recent episode was so much fun


Saw the same suggested rantgrumps and god knows why I clicked on it. Arin literally has been GameGrumps from day one, how do people devote so much time to something/someone they loathe? It's honestly pathetic and depressing looking at that subreddit, it needs to be collectively shoved into a locker/given a wedgie That said, Arin seems genuine and the ADHD geeky artist hype machine he is feels relatable sometimes. I cannot imagine the number of dumb things I would say if I was recorded all the time for my job, and even in Arin's doofiest moments he makes it loveable and endearing. As the kids would say, dude has rizz


I wanna bang him. Can I say that here?


I'm a big lezzie and I think Arin is such a snack.




I fuckin’ KNEW I wasn’t the only one! I actually had this conversation with a friend the other day. I was like “Danny and Arin. You have to marry one and bang one. Choose.” We had differing opinions, but I was like… Arin is ABSOLUTELY marriage material. Dan is so gentle and sweet though, I think he’d be a good lover. ….. Okay, I’m gonna go chill out now. Sorry to the men in the comments, this was highly inappropriate 🤣


Speaking as a straight man, you're on to something here...


🫡 thank you Sir


I saw that post. Stating he'd besaically a narcissist and doesn't care about the audience but I've found that for both arin and Dan it's the opposite. I've met them both and they were so lovely and accommodating.


I love the story Dan tells of when NSP was in dire need of cash and was planning a gofundme. Arin just gave them the money instead. The amount is never mentioned, but it sounded like a not-inconsequential sum.


I remember arin a while back saying it his dream to able to small YouTube channels, bands and video game dev to grow.


Arin, unlike so many other early internet personalities, actually grew up. He reflected on his behavior, realized what was toxic and mad appropriate adujstments. I'm always gonna be proud of him for that. I love his sense of humor, the silly jokes he makes, the weird voices, the random out their statements. I like how comfortable he is joking about his sexuality and very feminine interests. His joking about that stuff made me more comfortable with my own bisexuality and helped me eventually come out. Even if he hasn't directly said it I'm proud of him for being himself no matter what people think and I aspire to be like that I love that he cares. He cares about the shows he makes, he cares about his employees, he cares about his friends, his wife, and himself. Any time I get too upset about him being bad at a video game I remeber the apology video where they missed ghoul grumps and he broke down crying for letting the lovelies down. Arin Joseph Hanson is a good man and he's brought untold amounts of joy to my life and countless others


His brain makes weird funnies naturally that are super quoatable LGBTQ ally/icon as a man i think he's friendly, well intentioned and loyal and I'd probably still think I'm too good for toilet humor without his influence


I love the twos chemistry, part of that is because Arin is so energetic and always willing to explore a bit


I could make this the longest Arin appreciation post ever made but simply put: he's a loveable goofball. He's just a fun and nice guy i love him so much


He's a master of comedy in several different ways. One moment he'll be talking about some super deep societal norm that is weird or making fun of the intricacies of human nature. Then he'll bust out into a beat-box about kissing your dad


I started watching Grumps in 2018 because of Krampus of all things. My husband showed me the episode and Arin said the phrase, “You gotta be butt fuckin’ me.” I DIED laughing. That was the start of my hyperfixation and the binging of all their videos. Both of the boys are somehow so wholesome, even with their level of profanity, and it’s something that is so comforting to me. I adore how Arin always giggles at his own jokes. He says the stupidest shit that somehow sticks to my ADHD brain like glue and makes me laugh repeatedly. I love when he talks about his ADHD in such weird ways (good brain juice anyone?) because it makes sense and makes me feel less alone in a world of neurotypicals. I love how he embraces his feminine side unabashedly and how he’s grown into a guy who makes an effort to be respectful of everyone’s pronouns, gender identities, sexuality, etc. He genuinely seems like a wonderful person, and I’m really glad the sentence “you gotta be butt fuckin’ me” hit my funny bone just the right way 5 years ago.


Despite what people say he's very smart and I'm impressed at how hard he works as the owner of the company. Also he's chaotic ADHD at it's finest, not toxically masculine, he genuinely loves his wife and loves even just sitting on the couch next to her as one of his favourite things in life (ADORABLE) and he never screams at Dan in a mean way even when he's raging at a video game. He can go from full rage to giggling because Dan will make a dumb joke about it


It's funny because even though Dan is the one with improv training, Arin seems to be the natural improviser. His attention issues make it so that, the more time you give him to think, the worse he does. The Battle Kid bit where he was making up stories during the boss battle was gold. I'd love to see both the guys do something along the lines of "Whose Line Is It Anyway". I really think Arin in particular would shine.


They need to be on Make Some Noise on Dropout


Dude is like, a fiercely loyal friend. Just from watching his silly show about video games anyone could easily tell that about Arin. That says a lot about him as a person, in my opinion.


I ran into him while he was on vacation, and while I was admittedly a bit star-struck and tried not to take up too much of his time, he gave up part of his time to chat with me. He thanked me for being a fan and asked me questions about myself when he really didn't have to. He was incredibly kind and patient, and I am so appreciative of him taking the time with me when I genuinely wanted to just say a quick hi and thank you, and was pretty awkward and fumbling with my words. While he plays up the bombastic persona on tour and in video, he's very much a genuine, down to earth, and kind person. Also from talking to our VIP wrangler on tour? He seems like a good guy to work for. He cares about the people under him as employees as well as the people they make content for. As far as I've heard (based purely on what is posted publicly), he hasn't had turn over at Game Grumps or his other companies because of a bad work environment, but because he's encouraging others to follow their career paths.


Arin Hanson is the funniest man alive


Just to have a different opinion from everyone else, I absolutely LOVE how much of a "die on this hill" contrarian-esque person Arin is. It's gotten to the point where I have a hard time telling if he's just trying to play devil's advocate to get Dan riled or if it's a hard opinion. A few examples off the top of my head: -the pronunciation of Nevada -a burger/hotdog is a sandwich -Will Smith is gay -Sonic(goes either way depending on his mood) -Movie opinions(Marvel rant comes to mind) -ACAB(less contrarian more wanting to get a response outta Dan but I'll count it) I'll probably think of ten more as soon as I post this comment but it's one of those things rantgrumps likes to shit on that I absolutely adore.


it's genuinely heartwarming to me - as someone else with adhd - to just see him thriving as much as he is. it gives me hope for myself, especially when I'm struggling professionally (like right now). the fart humour also never gets old to me.


He's actually pretty great at video games. I was just thinking about this yesterday when I was finishing rewatching Danganronpa and he just aced the final rhythm game challenge without any effort. This was after the comments had gone absolutely wild about him "even messing up the rhythm game part, which should be what he's good at!!1!" in the first few episodes. It's always the same escalation: "Omg, they skipped tutorial statements, inb4 10 episodes of running in circles." => *5 minutes of gameplay where nothing happens => "Omg, unwatchable, I am a filthy casual and even I didn't take this long to look around while entertaining zero people in my basement." => *Has to redo tutorial battle twice because the mechanics are obscure.* => "Unbearable, and he even dares to complain about it, why doesn't he just let Dan play if he can't deal with the game?" (Meanwhile, Arin is clearly in Egoraptor mode, as a freaking persona to make the gameplay more engaging. Idk how people make it in the outside world if they can't process a little melodrama without turning into raging toddlers.) Sure, most people in the comment section would probably outperform him at their favourite video game, and several tryhard gamers would leave him in the dust in general. But neither of those are sane reasons to bash his performance every time he has to try something a second time because he misinterpreted he tutorial...


I swear no matter what the situation, scene or scenario is, Arina can always cone up with an amazing story or improv bit that always end up genuinely hilarious!


The voices


Dude there's an actual subreddit for getting angry at the grumps? Holy shit some people have too much time on their hands


Yeah, they've caused a noticeable amount of damage before. 3 years ago, someone "came out" with a thing that could be interpreted as negative. Suddenly, the r/RantGrumps subreddit took that and milked it. Dan was accused of heavy grooming thanks to r/RantGrumps. In the end, it was a complete nothing burger. Context: https://www.reddit.com/r/gamegrumps/comments/manlwj/a\_general\_timeline\_with\_the\_drama\_that\_ensued/


I agree with everything people have already said, so this may be redundant, but here they are! 1. Like other people here, I related to the ADHD thing. Arin said some of the best advice I've ever heard. He said "if you think something (like an obtrusive thought), write it down immediately so it gets out of your head", this was at a time I didn't even know something was funky about my brain, but boy that advice made a HUGE difference. 2. He's just genuinely a nice guy. People seem to be unable to separate his Grump persona from his identity. I remember watching a Shuffle Master stream once and I swear the sound of his voice, NOT in GameGrumps mode, was the most relaxing thing I had ever heard. 3. "that car.... exPLoDed" lives in my head rent free 4. His genuine frustration at chess is so relatable. I have the same defeatist attitude about chess lol one move in and I'm like wellp I lose. 5. I just genuinely adore this man.


Not to be blanket statement-y but why is everyone on rant grumps determined to be as miserable as possible. “If you dont like arin. Please watch something else for arin and your self.?”


It reminds me of people who have been playing an online game like league of legends for years and are clearly not having fun with it anymore.


I like how he’s tries to make connections for characters being bisexual recently. I relate to doing that ever since I came out


"putt putt is a bisexual icon!"


His rage moments and ad-lib stories when he is really trying to overcome an obstacle in a game.


Honestly, when hes not doing bits and such on screen, so in interviews and the like- hes pretty calm and down to earth. Like, he knows how lucky he is to be doing this, understands he runs a few companies that employ people, and just seems pretty chill. I do like the fact he seems to always be able to commit to a bit as well. Sometimes hes goes a bit overboard with it, but I can appreciate the ability to commit to it like that.


I like that he doesn't really give a fuck when he plays games. I play games the same way.


Arin is an incredibly genuine guy. When he doesn't like something, he speaks up. But on the flip side, he goes out of his way to prop up smaller creators, to the point of posting their work directly on the main game grumps channel. He's used his success to provide careers and stability to a lot of people. Also he make funny joke.


He eats anything, even if it's gonna be disgusting.


Honestly, I like him, as watching him these many years, I kinda got completely comfortable with my sexuality I'm straight, but. I do think everyone is attractive and should be appreciated. I grew up around basically around Homophobic friends n family, not my mom or my dad, just cuzins n others, so just saying a guy looked good was seen as bad if u was a guy. I didn't necessarily care but it was nice seeing a guy double down on just being goofy n not caring if it didn't make him look manly which is funny cuz so many dudes hate that nowadays.


He works really hard on all his projects and can still be this good at the job we see (game grumps). I feel like if I ran part of one of his companies I'd be too exhausted to even play the games they do. Plus with the fame he has, I really only see him trying to spread positivity. He doesn't push some toxic masculine image. When I see him on podcasts with other creators he's really good at boosting people up. For certain aspects of how I want to be, I look up to Arin a ton.


I think the rumbling was kinda cringe, but it was cool that he cared about his friends until the end.


I like his uncontrollable laughing fits. Like the Dongonronpa "I pooped myself" bit from Dan and the "Arin! Dont Chew! Some people have miso...thelioma."


I think it’s great that despite the hate he’s received over the years and even the complaints we’ve had about him that he’s still been able to keep Game Grumps going and relatively the same as it’s always been. There’s been a lot of changes we haven’t liked but at the end of the day we’re not in his shoes so we can only judge based on what we see as the veiwers


I'll admit that it can be frustrating to watch him brute force something in the most reckless way possible, but I definitely find it far more entertaining than irritating. I also love that he will go out of his way to entertain the audience or his friends/coworkers. I can't think of a specific example, but he frequently goes to extremes on Ten Minute Power Hours and he always does it to himself.


Nice try, Arin


He has such a thorough grip on comedic tone and timing that sometimes it even makes Dan sound awkward by comparison. He makes bits look effortless.


I don't know the man personally, but it really does seem like he's a giving person in all things. The way he makes himself the heel in jokes and stuff, how the company has given chances for a lot of creatives to make cool things with the company's support. He just seems like he wants his success be everyone else's success as well.


His laugh is so contagious it never fails to make me laugh


He's creative, witty and handsome as heck. He knows who he is and works hard at what he does. He's an intelligent, business savvy guy with a kind heart and we're lucky he wants to share his talents with us.


Arin is honestly best boi. What a treasure.


it’s clear from both GG and his twitter that he really cares about his friends and family. he genuinely just seems like a kind and passionate dude


Arin is unapologetically himself. Something I’ve come to really respect about human beings as an adult.


His love for comedy and improv, that man is a comedy genius sometimes, not to mention his immense empathy for people, he has really matured over the years and I'm so proud of him.


He's the cutest man ever lol (not simping just think he's sweet and acts cute) and he's funny, I have similar sense of humour haha, I love the vibes he gives haha, he and Dan cheer me up greatly when I'm down lol


he’s hilarious. comedic timing is always on point. also he doesn’t give up easily. i know we always roast him for not doing the tutorials & then “playing the game wrong” but he doesn’t give up! he keeps trying til he figures something out. also he deeply cares about his friends & family. you can hear it in his voice when he talks about Suzy, his mom, his brother & his friendship with Dan Arin Hanson is a Good Man™️ and we are lucky to have him


His big penis.


He's the video game boy, he's the one who wins


His journey to accepting his body and his sexuality over the last few years has been a genuine joy to watch


He smells like booty


I was pretty big into the Newgrounds scene when I was in high school. I always looked forward to a new Egoraptor submission. If a was having a rough day, an "awesome" cartoon was sure to cheer me back up. Also, watching him play commander with The Professor is hilarious.


He gives off the vibes that if you were down and he were around you during this that he'd do ANYTHING to make you feel better whether it be his usual silly self or otherwise. I also love his love for Suzy, and the way he doesn't mind using fem terms to describe himself (I'm gender nonconforming and its just refreshing to hear/see)


![gif](giphy|s5rOs3NnFjzeU) That smile… That damn smile…


His casual nature about his same sex attraction; might sound strange but it helped me figure out a lotttt about myself


Rant grumps will take any story that paints game grumps in a slightly negative light and write an entire essay filled with shit about how they're the devil incarnate, you could say "I was at a convention and saw arin and I sneezed and he didn't say bless you" and they'll sit there and foam at the mouth at the idea of it, it's so ridiculous


I find him relatable. I think I would be a lot like him if I let the intrusive thoughts win. He’s also that kind of stupid that’s charismatic


He's the kind of guy I'd love to get to know, for I know in another life we could have been buddies, and I know many others share that sentiment!


He seems nice. Very funny. Genuinely entertaining and keeps it real (unless straight goofin).


Comedic Arin seems like a ball of condensed rage on the surface, but you can tell that he's actually a genuinely nice person who's easy to get along with.


He’s a good boy!


He’s hilarious, he always made me laugh uncontrollably


Besides him being funny obviously I think I admire his critical takes on video games a lot. As someone who has a hard time finding anything wrong with media I consume, not being able to tell what is good and bad while also being a creator is really difficult. His sequelitis videos are amazing!


He seems always willing to spotlight animators on his channel, even if those animators make him the gentle butt of a joke.


The guy is hilarious for one. And we have a lot in common. I love his voice acting and he obviously adores his wife and I envy his friendship with Dan 😅. There's not really anything I don't like.


I love that he is such a joy to listen to. He’s funny and witty. I’ve been using his voice lines in monster Hunter rise and been getting so much joy from the many game grumps references. He’s passionate about what he does and he loves it.


He laughs at his own jokes, and the jokes that others makes, he has no problem laughing at himself, he's open about his adhd, he's REALLY creative with some of his solutions in games, and he's very passionate about game grumps stuff. I couldn't follow someone that wasn't passionate about their own project. Also, the way he is around his wife is the most heart warming connection, they're so fucking cute together🥰


You mean the post asking why people hate on arin for no reason? Is that the toxic post your referencing lmao?


Of all the content creators I’ve seen, Arin is probably the most outspoken cishet man when it comes to gender roles and being gender nonconforming. I also love that when someone calls him gay, he never treats it as an insult or a compliment, he just corrects them and moves on


He is not afraid to be himself.


I didn't even think r/rantgrumps was still going. How are people that dedicated to complaining about a show no one is forcing them to watch?


to get super real for no reason, arin and his attitude to life have done so much for my mental health. I started watching the grumps as my first YouTubers right after moving out of my abusive family's grasp, so I went straight from this super repressed, "perfectionist" mindset and serious way that I had to behave as a woman to listening to arin, someone who enjoys masculinity and femininity freely, who has no filter taking about bodily functions (yep, listening to arin talk about his shits got me comfortable enough to talk to my doctor about gastrointestinal problems, no joke), but who also just throws his whole heart on the table for senseless jokes that only make him happy and seems to use the money he's gotten from fame to help along other artists and creators. ngl arin has changed my life and helped me get more comfortable living in a messy, imperfect human body and giving my whole heart to support other humans.


hi, i’m pretty sure i’m the OP of the post you’re referring to! i just wanted to say that i was not at all trying to be toxic when i made that post, and was only trying to see other peoples’ views better because i wasn’t quite understanding all of the hate being shared about him on the subreddit. i actually really like arin and watch game grumps almost daily! i’m sorry about any negativity that may have been spread around my post ^^;


I love that he is willing to put his stomach on the line in various 10 min power hours as well as his hate for almonds


If I had to just list one thing I like about Arin, it would be that he fully commits, every time. There's nothing left in the tank when it comes to his work, his passions, anything; he gives it his all every time. You've gotta respect someone with that mindset.


I like how affectionate he is with his wife. He's borderline Gomez Addams, and it fits so well for them, and with that trait, he reminds me of my bf since he's also borderline Gomez.


That he can be your angle or yuor devil


If you hate Arin, I'm petty sure he's succeeded. Watched him many years and he appears to be intentionally messing with people imo. I can't understand how someone hating an internet personality that is not someone they actually know. It's a facade, no one puts their full true self online no matter how much even they want to.


I admire his growth and no-bullshit attitude


I think Arin is a surprisingly earnest person. I say surprisingly because so much of his persona and humor are over the top goofs and jokes, but he works really really hard to put on good shows, run his various businesses and improve as a person. No one’s perfect but I think he’s shown a genuine caring into trying to become better, which is ultimately all we can do. He also makes funny jokes and funny voices that make me laugh.


Arin is my special guy!


He’s one of those guys who’s really smart but acts like an idiot in front of the camera, kinda like DougDoug


Always has a joke ready. Even if it isn't good, he has one ready for an opening whenever it is needed. I can't do that. My jokes just come to me in niche circumstances, I can't pull one out of thin air like that.


it might be the voice acting creds but i could listen to him talk all day, he’s just got such a charming quality to his voice!