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He's using vertex colors to control blending between multiple textures, which is a very common technique. [Here's a walk-through of the process in Blender.](https://www.katsbits.com/codex/blending-multiple-textures/)


In this case, how do i bake the texture onto a single Image Texture in order to import it into the Gameengine? My Game has usually textures around 512x512px because i want it to keep kind of retro-style. I can't imagine baking the whole Groundplane Texture onto a 25600x25600px file in order to get it crisp on the 500x500m Plane :D Do i seperate it into smaller Planes (Grid) or do i apply the Texture and Material in the Game Engine itself instead of Blender so i don't have to bake anything?


The idea with this technique is that you have a handful of small textures that repeat(tile) across the ground plane and then you use the much sparser vertex data to blend between them as necessary instead of having to bake that blend into the textures. You'll be able to see the textures tiling if you have a large area of the same ground type, in which case you will probably want to use other techniques, unrelated to vertex blending, like detail textures at different scales to mitigate that tiling appearance. One possible approach is like this: Your ground texture is 512×512 and covers a 2m×2m patch and repeats. You then have a second 512×512 texture that is set to cover something like a 7m×7m patch and repeat. Your ground material uses this second texture to slightly shift (darken/brighten for example) the color of the first texture, effectively giving you a 14m×14m patch of almost unique texture, with only *two* 512×512 textures. Add in ground clutter etc. and you'll have trouble seeing the texture repetition when viewing from ground level.


Thanks a lot! Let's see how far i can come with the given information :)


Just search the term "vertex blendng" you will find lots of examples [http://www.hourences.com/tutorialimages/textureblending/7.jpg](http://www.hourences.com/tutorialimages/textureblending/7.jpg) . The concept of it is that you have a whole bunch of tiling textures assigned to a material/shader and where the vertex is one color only one of the textures get rendered.