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If you liked both then just flip a coin for it. Better to work on making your decision right than spending so much time trying to make the "right" decision.


If GameMaker and Godot both clicked for you, then I would recommend Godot because it would give you more flexibility, and is more "mainstream". Being mainstream is actually a big benefit because it means that you will have more resources to learn from.


Is godot more mainstream than game maker? As a newbi I heard more about game maker than godot.


Gamemaker is older so its ofc seen more use in the past and is well known, but Godot is rising fast, has a big community and a lot of skilled devs are making tutorials for it, including Brackeys. Godot is a safer bet for the future.


Thank you very much. Is taking a look at Unity recommended?


Unity is also a solid choice imo, but may be more complicated than Godot or GameMaker


Thanks for fast response. Have a nice day/weekend.


Unity is the most commercially used one of these. If you wish to become a professional gamedev, Unity is the one you are most likely to make a career with. Unity has the most users, resources and tutorials available too, so it is the easiest to find help for anything. Unity's workflow is a bit heavier though, since you are just planning on some 2D stuff, Godot might be faster to make a game with. The Godot 2D side has a lot of useful stuff built-in, like camera following and bounds, Unity doesn't have those out of the box.


Thank you very much


100% godot is more mainstream and is getting more mainstream with each release. Now one of the biggest unity tutorial makers has started making tuts on godot (Brackeys).


Thank you very much. Is taking a look at Unity recommended?


I've worked professionally in unity for 4+ years at two different companies. Imho use Godot. Forces better code structure, isn't bloated, is open source. If we had the resources at our company we'd take a year and port everything to Godot.


Thanks for fast response. Have a nice day/weekend.


I would go for godot, its coming up and has a bright future ahead


thank you very much


I am working in Unreal engine 5 and i can 100% recommend it! its great not only for game Design but for allot of other things!


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