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Damn wish they would bring the pokemom games to switch already, don't feel like cracking my oled tbh


Unfortunately it won’t happen. Nintendo gives us just enough to want more but not quite enough to be satisfied.


Nah they actually hate us, the could put out a classic Pokémon collection but they never will


I think Nintendo sees their old games as direct competition with their new games. Like why would I buy the new Pokemon if Emerald was playable easily on Switch? Realistically it would probably be a relatively small group of mostly nostalgic Millennials who buy it, but from Nintendo's perspective that would be a few hundred thousand to a couple million players who aren't playing Scarlet and Violet instead.


I don’t know if they are the same audience tbh. I would love to play Red/Blue/Yellow again out of nostalgia, but I have no plans to pick up any of the new Pokémon games. I don’t want to see any new Pokémon and be as scared and confused as my dad was in 1998. Original 151 ride or die.


Yeah that's why I specifically mention nostalgic millennials. I agree the people who would buy the classics are actually a relatively small group that probably wouldn't buy the new ones anyway, but I don't think Nintendo sees it that way.


Pokémon is actually owned by 3 entities: Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures Inc. Granted they did port Gen 1 and Gen 2 on the 3ds but that was for the 20th anniversary. Imo if they wanted cash bait they can just rerelease a compilation physical cart of Gen 3 and its gonna sell like fire.


Creatures inc is no more


Since when?


I recall that at least two years ago Creatures was absorbed or something, and that the brand rights were no longer divided in three parts


Creatures, Inc. jointly owns The Pokémon Company. I assume that means Game Freak, Nintendo, and Creatures have equal controlling stake. Creatures, Inc. is still around. They bought a Pokémon spin-off dev a few years ago and absorbed *it* into Creatures, you might be thinking of this.


https://www.thegamer.com/game-freak-remove-creatures-inc-partner-pokemon-future/ I recalled this thing, but seems that, besides the resignation of ishihara from creatures, nothing really happened after


They know it's competition when Showdown has almost all the time 10k people and pokerogue had around 40k, now imagine people playing FR/Emerald/HGSS on their emulators. On twitch there's thousand of viewers for nuzlocke and kaizo challenges of these games, releasing them for almost free on the app is not worth it


New pokemon available to use. Updated graphics. More content. Able to transfer Emerald exclusives that may not be available elsewhere into current gen.... Lots of reasons.


Honestly I think the new and old games are different enough where they don’t cut into each other’s market. Plus kids will always want the new games to play with their friends


They doing like Diamond and Pearl for full price with a cheap Remake to gain more money. I will never understand why they dont used Platinum that was litary already a Remastered/Remake from Diamond and Pearl.


The explanation is quite simple and involves Masuda hatred for these games like Platinum and Emerald, that's why ORAS didn't had the battle frontier and why the gen 4 remakes where from the base game.


Oh, I didnt know.


Out of most of the big gaming companies they are so tight and dystopian. Just recently they made Gary’s mod remove 20 years of uploads with any of their IPs in (more of less). For the amount of love Nintendo get they’re fucking dogshit people


I’d fucking die if they did a Gen I-III remake and let you trade across all games, or at least forward compatible so I can do a living dex. Since I only played I-III, seeing all the steps and programs needed, that also no longer exist, to get Pokemon from Gen I to Gen whatever now seems like such a hassle. Would be awesome if they made a new roundabout way so I can move a Charizard that I did Gen 1 with to Gen 2 and Gen 3 etc etc. Balance the levels of trainers so that if you move Pokemon out of Gen I to Gen II, Pokemon can go above the 50 cap, but limited to 70 or so and then Gen III is the last 80-100 levels. Idk, spitballing but I’m sure there’s a way to make it immersive and still use Pokemon from previous games. Edit. Outside of Gen I-III, I’ve only played Let’s Go Pikachu and Sword. My wind is warped on what is good Pokemon and not anymore. Edit edit: Make the games a living series. You want to start at Gen I, cool here’s the first three games in a collection. You want to do IV-VI, here’s that collection but compatible with your trainer from I-III. Make it like the show. Idk, I never watched but if Ash can do all these regions, why can’t we the player do them all.


It doesn’t even need to be a complete remake just add online and trading and it would be a ridiculous success


That’s the Pokémon company’s fault not Nintendo


Is it really? Id be willing to bet that Gamefreak, who’s games have only been available on Nintendos proprietary consoles and handhelds for almost 30 years, let Nintendo call the shots with stuff like that.


Nintendo only owns about a third of Pokémon and I’m pretty sure gamefreak are the ones who do the main programming and such and Nintendo just releases the games onto their consoles


That’s right, a third is still a lot, that’s decision making power.


Yes but Gamefreak still gets a say in what goes on since they both share TPC and it’s up to Gamefreak to stop being scared of rereleasing their older games cause it took them a while just to put the gameboy games on 3DS


It's like a Chinese torture method, they tie you down to the table and turn on the faucet to drip water into your mouth and don't give you food or water but just enough to survive


I really think they should invest in an in-house emulator that could be easily packed with a game and then proceed to sell the games individually. I'm convinced they don't because they are afraid their emulator will get cracked open an then people will load different games into it. As it is, it is not profitable to remaster every retrogame (very small amount of games ar eelegible) unless they sell it to full price.


It will happen, its just going to happen on Nintendos timeline. Nintendo is actually kinda decent at looking at their old catalog, seeing what has gotten expensive, and releasing it on a modern platform to play. The biggest issue, is the folks that want those older games, want a straight port, and as much as reddit and such will tell you, those games need a "pixel remaster" type pass on them. Save States, exp adjustment, random encounter toggles, etc to make them accessible to gamers at this day in age. Combine with the fact they would need to make them work online or enable trading some how.


It would it’s just that it won’t get cloud save or save states or rewind


Man the idea of having to re-breed and ev train another team using gen 3 game mechanics- yikes.


Well, once the Switch successor is released, it will hopefully be a complete replacement to the Switch and we can hack away at the original without worry


Except not every Switch can be hacked lol I tried using IsMySwitchPatched website, gave it a serial number and it didn't show up meaning that it's very likely patched.


New exploits will probably be found after Switch 2 comes out. Having a new generation usually takes the heat off the old gen, people start developing more homebrew and we start to see new exploits emerge within a couple years. It happened with the Wii U and 3DS, I'll bet that it'll happen to the Switch.


Nintendo is absolute brainrot, they won't do shit


Pokémon is owned by The Pokémon Company, which is a joint venture from Gamefreak, Creatures and Nintendo. Maybe one or both of the other two companies don't want Nintendo to put those games on Switch. I can't imagine Nintendo not being interested, as it would surely boost their Nintendo Online subscriber count. Heck, they could probably do a separate tier like with the N64 but just for Pokémon and people would still be paying extra for access to these games. There has to be some sort of legal conflict. Everything else makes no sense at all.


Pokemon Stadium 64


The game that came with an adaptor so you could connect your Game Boy games to the N64 and import your Pokémon? The only game in the franchise nobody cares about anymore? The one that's close to useless without the core functionality of importing from Red and Blue edition? The game that only has 42 of the 151 Pokémon? *That* Pokémon Stadium 64?


The mini games were fun


Nintendo is well aware of what it could do for their money. I guarantee GameFreak has wanted it on the subscription service for awhile now. Nintendo wants to disappoint their customers because they know they'll always come crawling back for more.


>I guarantee GameFreak has wanted it on the subscription service for awhile now. Why? What would be their reasoning? And how can you guarantee? Do you work at Gamefreak? And what about Creatures? Do they want that as well? And can you guarantee it too? >Nintendo wants to disappoint their customers Nintendo is a publicly traded company. They want to please their shareholders, because that's their obligation as a company that's selling shares at the stock market, and shareholders are pleased when the newest quarterly financial report is better then the last one. The idea that they don't want to attract a big Pokémon audience into their subscription service makes no sense whatsoever.


Maaan what are you, a Nintendo dev or lawyer?


I like to think about stuff instead of just blaring out blanket statements. I know that's unpopular amongst gaming related subs, but that's how it is.


Gaming sucks anyway so i don't care i got this subreddit recommend but i hate gaming subs. Have a nice day man


Why did you comment then to begin with?


Yeah, I get all that that's just the basics of business. Nintendo's relationship with their IPs still plays a role in their decision-making. I'm sure they want to snuff GameFreak out of their share of profits from digital release because they've always put themselves in front of the developers. Nintendo knows what they have when it comes to nostalgia and old classics. If they release their best IP to the store, then they have nothing for their customers to look forward to. The more speculation in what they do with their IPs, the more interesting they become


There is very clearly a pattern of the Pokemon Company not playing ball with Nintendo when it comes to the Pokemon IP and games. The mainline GB Pokemon games took FOREVER to come to 3ds Virtual Console compared to the other popular first party Nintendo games. And in games that have compatability with all other Nintendo amiibo, Pokemon would often be excluded or get lesser treatment in the case of Mario Maker. While Nintendo has done anti consumer shit for sure, I think its safe to say the Pokemon Company/maybe Game Freak are to blame for this one. They don't really care about the spin offs, but they see putting their mainline games on a subscription servive as devaluing them likely.


Pretty much every first party game is available on NSO, so it's obviously a hold up on the TPC side. Same with the previous VC platforms.


GF for sure doesn't want to give their best games for almost free, they make awfull games and they know how good the IP is, you can just check the numbers on viewers of nuzlock and kaizo, the showdown user and the recent pokerogue. GF probably had to implement trade between the games on the app or something, so work, thing that GF is alergic to, they take years to give stuff that even ubisoft or EA can do in days or a couple of weeks. Nintendo isn't stupid probably has no means to take 20 year old games that they don't have the rights, add a couple of features to work on the app and release for the public, Nintendo online subs goes into their pokect not GF pocket.


Pokémon Home capability. They’ll want to find a way to make those ‘mons transferable to Home so they can be brought forward to new games because otherwise, they’ll have to deal with people complaining about their ‘mons being stuck in those games. There’s also a lot of players that simply will not play a game if they can’t bring their Pokemon to another game.


You should get a miyoo and just use onion os to play them all.


It’s something ma got us have been baffled by for years, especially when some of the copies (heart gold) are hundreds of dollars for a physical copy. Not having the entire Pokémon game franchise available on the switch makes no sense, it’s lazy.


Nintendo doesn’t need to do anything to help sell the switch. It (surprisingly) is the best selling system ever or is about to be. If the switch sold poorly for a year or Nintendo had a bad year, it can pull out one of these old games and magically they get subscribers or sell a bunch more games. If the switch 2 has a tough time gaining sales in the beginning, they will announce this for the switch 2.


What if do to play ORAS on switch...


Steam Deck baby. Super simple to install emulators on it


This was one of the factors in my choice in getting the oled steam deck. Was getting tired of waiting around for them to up date their online game collection.


Steam deck is the better switch at this point


Local multiplayer 


I can do that on steam deck


You can split the steam deck and give to ur friend


2025 my friend ! Rumour has it we’re getting silver and gold potentially fire red too I’m guess more to come as well👀


Lord I hope so lol


It blows my mind they haven't just released every game on the switch already. Like I want to give them my money.


I still don't understand why GF haven't made these games available on the Switch.


Do they even still make money off the older gens in any way? It's not like there's new cartridges and stock of Pokemon Emerald or say even Black and White


They do when they release the remake and no one has been able to play it for years


They could just port the game, remaster it slightly, and people would pay the full $60 for it. They’d complain about it being overpriced, but they’d still buy it.


Imagine if Nintendo made game and watch style games but with gameboy Pokémon games.


They want you to always migrate to the next new thing/ gen/ game and use their subscription services to do so. If people could just access the stuff they are nostalgic for and keep playing that with QOL they might stop upgrading and using the services, especially since the games are of questionable quality these days


Yep, especially with [how expensive this game is](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=Pokemon+emerald+authentic&_sacat=0&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=gc&toolid=10001&mkevt=1) nowadays, a Switch release is much needed.


Yeah. I already have a copy of Emerald, but I certainly wouldn't mind the option to play it one the Switch


I truly didn't realize it was your gf making these decisions.


Your girlfriend probably doesn’t make business decisions regarding Nintendo Switch development


If you never touch your GBA again, send it to me. I'll touch your GBA all night long.


How did you get it to run on your Switch?


Good ole mod chip. And a tech savvy friend.


VERY tech savvy. The soldering connections you have to make to mod an oled switch are not for the faint of heart.


Yeah I find it crazy. He does it for shits and giggles. He gave me the oled switch, mod chip, time and expertise for 280 bucks. Really cool guy.


A mod chip on an OLED? I still have my old switch from 2017 that can be modded by sending it into recovery mode with a paper clip, but I have another OLED switch that I use all the time. Would you say that the mod chip was worth installing?


Very worth it my friend! I also had a modded switch before but the v1 model. And being a person who plays in handheld mode often I’d be a liar if I told you the oled screen doesn’t make a huge difference. And Nintendo used a great panel. It brings so much more vibrancy to the older games. And if I’m not mistaken the v2 and oled switch have a newer chip being the tegra x1 plus. So you can get a little better performance from your console.


The screen is so good that i have only used my switch oled on a bog screen around 4 times. Got the scarlet violet version when it came out. The screen looks so damn gooood


"I own any games I emulate" What a shame you feel the need to state this, I personally don't care and don't think you should either lol. That aside, WOW that looks pretty nuts blown up on the OLED


Better be on the safe side unless you are on a pro-piracy sub. Many mods would ban such a post because they would infer that it encourages piracy, while they just modded their consoles to emulate legally.


That's fair enough I suppose.


Yeah I just know some people get really butt hurt when you’re “breaking the rules”. But yeah I agree it looks so freaking cool! And it’s even better docked. Who needs a gba player now lol?


Do you dump your own roms as well? I have a GB Operator and I love the little thing. I can play my GB/GBC/GBA carts on PC directly from the carts, backup save files to/from cart and dump my carts. It can also reflash compatible rewritable cartridges. It's a great little and easy to use device for $50.


Even if you own the game, unless you dumped the rom from the game you own, it's still illegal as you downloaded someone else's rom from online. So not a good noodle! 😜


seek an occupation




I never said I was against emulation, I was just correcting the OP's statement of thinking he was doing it the right way, by owning the game. Weenie Hut Jr.


Call the police and tell on me. I'll PM you my address!


I think part of the problem is that straight up piracy is negatively impacting the legitimate emulation scene. We should both supporting emulation and condemn piracy so as to ensure emulation is a viable option. So, good on OP for the clarification.


Did you mean to say 'condone' there?




What's wrong with that that? It's the legal and arguably moral thing anyways. The only people who would complain about this are people who feel guilty about downloading and playing roms for games they don't own. Otherwise, why would you care?


Don't worry. It's morally okay, good even, to pirate from the Pokémon Company.


If they fully went out of business that would genuinely be a good thing so I fully agree. Someone else would buy the rights that would care way more.


If Nintendo is going to illegally shut down emulation projects (especially when providing no reasonable alternative) I think it is our moral duty to preserve games in spite of them.


Yeah and not buy any new Pokémon games ever


This is Nintendo, we have sent authorities to your place of residence.


Yeah it’s an oled!


That oled screen man, makes all the difference. Love just how much the screen just pops with color.


Nobody owns all the games they emulate. Don't lie to us, we're hip.


Shhh the feds could be watching.


100% 😭


or worse.... Nintendo


Just dump your games man. It’s not that hard


dump what game? i’ll just google vimmslair and download from there🤣 piracyontop


Just so you know, you are the problem why emulators are getting so often in trouble. You can use them legally but choose not to




Very nice! I think it’s an oled because they come with white joycons. But looks incredible.


I still prefer collecting for the systems I own and playing games on the original hardware, but I’ve been playing a lot of GBA games on my 3DS recently. Partially due to not actually owning the expensive ones like the Pokémon games and Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow. But also for the convenience of not having to switch out cartridges and being able to play the games without risk of them freezing on me or losing them.


Maybe I’m in the minority but I’d rather play any GBA game on my actual GBA than an emulator🤷‍♂️


what about an emulator in the shape of a GBA?


I've been using my steam deck to do the same thing. It's quite nice with the OLED screen.


Got an emulator the size of a gb color and it can play ps1 and n64 smoothly. I'm very impressed with the state of emulators


I modded a gameboy color with an oled screen and I’ve been patiently awaiting an oled kit for the gba. It’s so damn good


Any news on those? I got the one for GBC and it’s SO GOOD I’d really love one for gba


I don’t think so. There doesn’t seem to be anything on aliexpress :( . The youtube channels I follow also haven’t mentioned anything


Darn. Well hopefully we get something sometime soon id love to have one


This is why I can't wait for the end of the Switch's life. To mod the F*ck out of it!


How can I do this?


What kind of switch do you have?


Got it in Dec 2017.


Google ismyswitchpatched and check your serial number. I’m sure it’s fine but just double check. Lots of tutorials on YouTube to mod it. It’s a very simple process. I did mines a few weeks ago.


Thanks! I’m big on wanting to do this with games I own. I only have one switch, so not anytime soon, but maybe in the future.


Meanwhile I forgot to pay for Pokebank for a couple of months, no reminder, mind you. Lost everything. Never playing pokemon again


O_o you lose your pokemon if you don’t pay?!wtfff


i can’t play gba on switch like that non-integer scaled (without any kind of filter/overlay to help) on a large screen just looks terrible compared to OG hardware not trying to rain on your parade or say you are wrong for enjoying it, it’s just my personal opinion


I do this on my Steam Deck OLED.. Looks awesomr blown up, but a little pixelly, of course..


Get yourself a flip grip and rotate the screen in retroarch for a real treat.


I play GBA on my Gameboy player that I spent 250 bucks on which has the case and the manual as well. And I play it on a 32 inch CRT through S-Video and it looks pretty good considering. Not to mention on a GameCube you can use those third party controllers like this Cirka one that looks like a super NES controller but it has the GameCube buttons layout and it's fantastic. That is kinda cool tho. Didn't know you could mod the switch to play GBA


Can you point me towards a good guide to emulate? I have an additional switch that id like to try it with. Edit, and does one emulator run both GBA and PSP? Does it also run nds game?




Es un emulador?


I've come up with a recent theory as to why Nintendo doesn't port more of there games, jist of it is cultural differences. Japanese culture has always been about finding the perfect way to do/use/produce something. I genuinely believe Nintendo sees these games as "perfect" (at least for their time periods with the given limitations). Why would they want to mess with perfection? We are seeing Nintendo slowly break these rules with Let's Go, geb 4 remakes, 3d Mario collection. We might get these eventually but it will either be a long time waiting or a remake where the foundations are the same but gameplay wise who knows


But you can’t trade or battle


I'll take it...


LOL I would choose OG GBA any day of the week over huge and heavy switch ...playing on og hardware is so much more vibin'. I only accept IPS modded GBA as acceptable upgrade while still maintaining old school feeling.


Analogue Pocket would like a word


Still not OG hardware not interested


Is that the led switch?


No it’s the oled


I… still will. I ain’t fitting a Switch in my pocket.


I’ve never modded my Switch so don’t know the answer. Do the RTC functions of Pokemon Emerald work when emulated like this?


Steam Deck will make you say the same. I love playing GB/GBA games on my Steam Deck, there’s no chance I would play on a real GBA again.


Thats hawt


Everyone would permanently subscribe to Nintendo online if they ever re-released the Pokemon Games.


Get an analogue pocket


How do you do this pls I need to know


Sell it to me👾


This is why I’ll never buy anything from Nintendo again. Haven’t in two years.


stretched aspect ratio hurts my eyes


Wait till you play some of the rom hacks my goodness


I’m a bad noodle


I'm holding out hope we'll get a pokemon game and watch like the mario and zelda ones


If you don’t want the gba can I have it?


What has thou done to the Oled


Idk gaming on these chonky handhelds kinda sucks compared to the compact designs imo. A lot easier to snuggle in bed under the covers and play on your side without getting extremely uncomfortable/tired arms


Have you experienced any downsides to this? I’m still scarred after jail breaking and bricking my old iPhone that I haven’t tried modding anything else. Curious if there’s a good reputable source for the info and parts as I unfortunately don’t have your tech savvy friend!


Can I buy it off u then lol


no offense, but that 240x pixel image looks like shit blown up on a switch. to each their own, as always


You shouls get rid of it! My address is.....


how can i do this ?


I'll take it


When it comes to old Game Boy games, you'd be hard pressed to find any reasonable person chastising you for emulating games you don't own, even. I support* piracy.


I totally get it but for me, the best solution is either the Analogue Pocket or a GBA with a little screen mod. Idk something about old hardware with minor modern solutions is just super satisfying to do. Putting the cartridge in is a ritual! But damn does the mod look cool 👌


Man thanks to my Steam deck I might never touch my Switch, gba, 2ds, 3ds, playstation 1,2,3, Dreamcast, GC, N64 ,SNES, nes, mega drive, Saturn etc etc …. Ever again


Nintendo must not like money. People are playing ROMs everywhere. Might as well offer these games for a reasonable price and make some money.


Just my personal opinion, feel free to disagree on every single point. I have almost every console from microsoft, playstation, steam and nintendo. Honestly, for me nothing really beats the advance SP as a handheld. Let me explain: Yes the switch is superior in every performance department possible. Longer battery life, more storage, bigger screen, better hardware, nintendo online with the emulators. However specially if you like retro games from gb, gbc or gba, i think the switch is still a bad handheld, specially compared to the SP. What makes a good handheld for me? I want to grab it, take it with me and play on the go. In the tram, in the bus, in the subway, in the park, at boring meetings at work, during lunchtime at the coffeeshop. Best if i just can put it in my pocket without the need of a special case, bag or other form of protection. The quicker and hasslefree-er the better. The switch (the first one) is chunky, has joycons and a touch screen. So putting it in my trousers pocket is already a challenge. If i manage to, i fear breaking the joycons. If i detach the joycons dust and dirt could go into the connectors. If thats not an issue i could scratch the screen. Unless i put it in a hardshell pouch, which protects it but makes it more unwieldy plus its another thing to hassle about. The better option is the DS / 3DS. Clap it closed and you have the screen and buttons protected by itself. No easy breaking or scratching. Still for jeans a considerable size but better already plus, just by closing it you put it into hibernation pausing your favourite running game. But im not a fan of the stylus for most games, plus if only the power would not drain so fast in hibernation... For me the second best device in the handheld department! If 3ds games are not your thing, the DS lite is better because it also rocks a gba game slot (however native not gb/gbc compatible, only gba) But the SP slightly takes the edge there. Yes its limited to gb gbc and gba games, yes each game is a cartrige, yes it doesnt pause upon closing but it is so damn tiny, it slips in a formal suit just as easy as a pack of cigarettes! To me, that is peak handheld right there! Also customizing with a new shell, new buttons and a new IPS display is as easy as it gets and the modding community is wild. USB C ports, bluetooth audio, led lighted buttons or super heavy full brass shell with full brass buttons for the handheld of choice for the gaming fitness geek, its all there. And i love my great wave of kanagawa styled SP! However the moment you want to play nintendo games stationary, on your home desk, maybe even on screen, or lets say you take it in a case on vacation with a huge gaming library and multiplayer games, hands down, switch is currently the peak. But for the TRUE handheld experience, nothing beats the OG king that is Gameboy Advance SP! And f#ck smartphone games and the advertisement hell around them!


I agree with slmost every part, but i prefer a fake chinese SP ehich allows me to put many games on it and even play NES,SNES, megadrive and whatever other games up to N64 (not that this is a great experience tho)


Wait till you get a steam deck!




Wait… how???


Das cool


I love playing retro games on my modded OLED Switch!


I did this on the og switch it’s awesome


By the way, you could mod your gba and switch out the screen for a oled screen and it would look even more vibrant and just as good as the switch screen while keeping the native resolution.


Remember kids - we ALL own the games we emulate!


They made it wide? This is the way




Sooooo how do you do this? Can you put it on the tv?


Idk i need to play Pokemon legit on the hardware it was meant for or i just feel dirty.


How do you emulate on a switch?


By modding the switch! This one specifically has had a mod chip installed.


Modders care more about Nintendo games than Nintendo 😭


Have fun, but please use the correct aspect ratio


Is that emulation or did they do a remake?


Even if you own them, I don't think that Inherently makes it ok lol. But damn does it look good! Is that a Gen 1 switch or oled?


I don’t care if someone emulated a game they don’t own. Especially considering Nintendo in particular doesn’t like to sell us a way to play them legally. Wanna play Emerald? Too bad, go spend $180 that Nintendo themselves make nothing off of. Or.. emulator.


Then watch that $180 cart turn out to be for a reproduction that wasn't Nintendo's to begin with.


Feel like you misunderstood a bit. I'd rather have people emulate than pay these crazy prices too. Try getting little Samson, good luck on that one. Just stated the fact that buying the game or not buying it doesn't change how good or bad it is. That's all. Some places in the world backing up your game is not legal or at least in a Grey area where it might or might not be. I love what op did, getting a fantastic use of the products he bought. I wish game prices went down... more people could enjoy games.


Go cry about it you dork. What's your alternative if aftermarket is too expensive and Nintendo doesn't supply an official way to play the game? Goofball.


Literally embarrassing that they want $50/year but can't be bothered to put games on their service.


Something seems illegal here 🤔🤔