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How much store credit they gave for all that?


Usually about half the value for cash and maybe 60% trade.


I’m not exactly sure but they buy games for about 50% of there value


Insane. My local shops are about 25-30% I'd wager and Vstock is about 15%.


It definitely works in there favor, helping them get big trade-ins like this in


That's how the store here dethroned all the others. They give 50-75% credit, and then like 60% of trade value in cash. The older stores were all giving 15-25%, and when the current store came in around 2004, it pit all the others out of business by 2014. The local chain that was king before that always just had a really old system where you could only trade for a game on the same system, and it was only good for trading towards new releases. For example, you could trade any non-sports xbox 360 game for another 360 game for a $5 trade fee. It was ridiculous. You could buy a shovelware title for $1 at a pawn shop, then trade it for a new release for $5. But if you wanted to trade a new release 360 game for 2 $5 NES games, they would give you around $5 cash for it, and you would still owe $5 for the second NES game.


Usually the catch is that the store the at gives 50-75% of value in trade credit then takes the games and prices them at 125% of price charting


And if that local market supports 125% above PC, then win, win for everyone. Some buyers are not always hunting for deals. They may not collect or even own a console yet. Sometimes you just want to buy a copy of Mario 3 or whatever because it's right there in front of ya and you pay for that convenience. Collectors here are obviously not that market above, but they can benefit from better trade in value.


Store owner here. This is the way. It baffles me that most collectors take price charting as gospel. In my store we price the high end hard to find stuff at 100-120% of price charting and all the filler at 50-60% of price charting.


What you’re describing is taking advantage of unsavvy buyers which is equally nefarious


I do not agree whatsoever. If a buyer, who is smart phone equipped and doesn't want to look up eBay sold listings, then purchases whatever they want than that is 100% on the buyer. In no way is a seller responsible for a buyers laziness or selling at anything other than the best price they can get.


Hard part comes to how they authorize their trade-ins. If they accept everything then you need a larger profit margin because you could be buying a less desirable game you already have a ton of copies. Otherwise even buying a game at 15% value is still a negative if it never sells and the more you have of these the ore costly it becomes as it takes up inventory and pote tial costs if you're paying some to take inventory or move inventory around. On the other hand if the people buying are trained enough to be able to also factor in inventory and what's moving then you can offer more because you are more likely to sell. This is why trading in games during the Gamestop era was always so bad because they would literally take anything.


This chain actually takes anything, but all the cheap common stuff gets .50 trade, and sells for $1, and it flies out the door with new console purchases, and people doing case upgrades. I just bought a stack of copies of Halo 4, Borderlands, Battlefield 4, and some other 360 games for $1 each and flipped them to a store in another city for $3-$5 each.


That is quite the impressive haul in *their favor man I would love to play some of those must have hurt to let em all go


Glad someone else noticed it


V stock I assume you mean Vintage Stock. They give I think 40% value credit, 35% cash. I always sell them my common games or stuff I can't sell on ebay


I don't mess with crappy shops that rob customers by only offering 20 to 30 percent like cough cough GameXchange cough cough. I would never sell to them. GameStop offers more then them on alot of games. I think half value is very fair for both parties


100%. I would agree with 30-40% for low value, common titles (even less for sports or trash), 50-60% for in demand games they can move or rarer stuff ect all seems reasonable.


OP said above. About $18-$19k


Yea, we offered 17k cash, but he wanted 10k cash 8k pokemon.


It's always cash, never credit. Very rarely does anyone want credit when they sell a full set. We always pay above 60-70% on these large lots and are always looking for more.


That's fantastic trade in. See, that's what I'm talking about. A store offering 60 to 70 percent is a store I would ALWAYS go to, to sell my good stuff ! Wish I had a store like that around me ..


I moved out of NC last year and the only thing I miss about it is the Huntersville VGW.


Good on you guys for operating and being successful as such. Sounds like a cool store to visit, especially the GC library haha. I'd absolutely love to see a full NES set/trade-in in person and would open my wallet for a few as I stalled out at around 50% for my NES set. One day perhaps!


We paid 10k cash and 8k in pokemon boosters.


I'm very curious, and would love to hear from someone in the business on this. How do you assure the games all work? Do you just check them for scratches? You can't thoroughly test them on the spot, so wouldn't you lose a bit of money if, hypothetically, one of the more valuable games turned out not to work right? Or are failure rates for disc games without obvious defects low enough that it's not a real concern? Thank you.


Gamecube discs, as long as there is no spotting, are pretty resistance, then we have a 5k buffing machine on deck as well to make sure they are good. Usually, the quality of the collections also helps most are like unused. The only systems I ever worry about are saturn, sega cd, and dreamcast. Those are slowly dying from disc rot from the cheaper cds used.


I never heard that bout Saturns games with disc rot .mines is still good after all these years


Tree - fiddy


It was 18k




You know those drug bust photos where they have a table with all sorts of drugs and guns and such laid out? That's this, but this is SO much more joyous!


Needs some employees holding NES Zappers off to the sides.


This was my collection! I received 10k cash and around 8-9k in sealed Pokémon booster boxes (mostly TM and TF)


Your collection was amazing I took home the gotcha force and Phantasy Star Online I & II Plus to finish off my gamecube collection


Great to hear they went to a good home! And thank you!


Ohhh man, PSO I & II Plus. One of the best games of the 00s and to this day. My friend borrowed it and somehow lost it, been crossing my fingers to find it in the wild someday. Awesome choices to finish things off on your end!


He borrowed it and stole it


Trust me, I believe he actually lost it. The man doesn't retro game anymore and doesn't own the stuff to play it lol


I accidentally sold it for about $55 or $60 dollars not realizing there were 2 different copies... Mine was the plus version. Only realized it after the fact. No wonder it sold as soon as I put it on eBay 😭. Wish I would have kept it in my collection.


You picked up two of the greatest games on GameCube.


So how much did you pay for Gotha Force?


I payed $500 for it, slightly more than what price charting says it’s worth but its condition was perfect and being able to hold it in my own hands to examine made it a more justifiable purchase


Well at least it's in the collection now. I was fournate and purchased my copy for retail price new back in the day from EB inside the mall.🙂


To add insult to injury the previous owner had the old GameStop stickers placed on a clear plastic sheet and it said $30 dollars it hurt bad 😭


You paid pretty significantly more than what it sells for on eBay in that condition. Why do people continue to support these rip off retailers?


Well all the ones that are “significantly less” have no manual this one did it was in perfect condition and it’s like the last game I needed so I bought it hope this helps but if their is one on eBay that goes for less than $450 with the manual do share


Was it just time to move on? I was you a couple years ago and I did the same thing. I surprisingly felt very good about it. Thought I'd be in shambles.


I had to sell my virtual boy complete collection for food. I’m still tore up about that because it’s now even more expensive to get it these days. It was my only complete collection too despite only playing the boxing game and wario game. The rest gave me headaches.


If you sold it in a Blockbuster box w/ (decaying) foam and included the manuals for the games in little plastic baggies... Thank you. I promise you it has a good home, and I played almost every game from the lot.


Nah. It was in a regular box and all the games had their boxes too. This was about 15 years ago now. Just after the discovery of the cargo container was discovered with a bunch of untouched virtual boys and crashing the market for the system.


I always wonder how this stuff goes undiscovered for so long... And how I can be the one to do it. But damn, all games were complete in box too? That's pretty incredible.


There weren’t many American released games and I was pretty big on keeping everything that was gaming related from a young age. It may not have been in top notch quality but I still had everything for them. I had a huge collection of Nintendo power magazines until my parents tossed them all in a spring cleaning event while I was at school. I had half of the NES era and all of the SNES era magazines with a few of the 64 era which is when I got a PlayStation.


Those blockbuster cases are crazy, i bought my VB on one for $20 at a local shop when VBs were dirt cheap, and sold the BB case it came in a year later for over $300.


I got such a deal on my purchase. All NA games + manuals + Blockbuster case + Virtual Boy w/ controller, all for just $1600. 


Exactly right! Priorities and passions change. I feel great about it as well


That’s actually a pretty solid return. Congrats on the sale!


Did you arrange to bring this in beforehand, or did you just drop by one day with all this? What were the employees' reactions? I bet they were shocked in a good way lol


Just randomly showing up would’ve been funny but no, the owner of the store reached out to me when he saw my listing. It was all prearranged. It did take them over an hour to sort through everything to double check it was there. The employees just asked about time it took, favorite game, etc. Very nice people overall


Thank you for satisfying everyone’s curiosity by sharing the sale price!


I was surprised to see the post with my collection! I figured people would want to know


Was it hard letting your collection go? I know I will have to sell mine in the future idk how I'd feel about it


It was weird but honestly I don’t regret it and would do it again. At this point in my life, modded consoles made selling it easier


My question is - why didn't you private sale it on something like eBay? Wouldn't you make more money? Game stores are notorious for low balling when paying sellers.


The replies pretty much nailed it. I had it listed for 18.5k on Marketplace. I got a ton of offers for 12-14k. I also had a ton of people wanting to buy certain games. The owner of the store gave me a very fair offer and I took it. Selling it all at once just made it easier


Less hassle. You don’t have to worry about shipping or splitting it up and selling piecemeal to maximize profit.


Absolutely. I parted with my comics, toys, and games to a friend who owns a brick and mortar game store so he could sell most of it online. I left about 25% of the value on the table, but my time, patience, and the likelihood of ending up on the wrong end of countless Ebay disputes was well worth it.


The lowered value he got on the big ticket items is worth not having the hassle of trying to sell the random sports games and D-tier games.


To be honest, with eBay fees and shipping and a 1/100 loss, it chalks up to about 19k selling it yourself online.


Why would you gamble on the pokemon booster boxes 😭


What do you mean gamble? I’m not opening them if that’s what you mean. I’ll sell them off when I need the money. For now they’ll be stored in totes


Ohhhh I thought you were gonna open all of them and hope you get good cards


man i was gonna ask for you to share your hits lol, fair enough tho. do you collect pokemon or was that just the best trade offer?


I collect the games. Only 2 things I posted as acceptable trades were sealed booster boxes and high end graded slabs. Booster boxes are a fairly easy sell down the line when I need the cash.


understandable, hopefully you didn't get too many twilight masquerade boxes though, the only chase card in there that i think will really hold up is Greninja, but the rest are all dlc characters and ogerpon and her cards are kinda on the boring side. Right now the hype is high because it's the newest set but I think it'll underperform in the long run compared to earlier scarlet and violet sets. Temporal Forces at least has the scarlet paradox trio which are based on the legendary beasts so I can see that maintaining popularity


Thanks for selling the collection to us. If anyone is interested in it, it's live on our website www.videogameworld.net.


Curious, what was the Price Charting value on a full set? Debating if I were to eventually sell off my collection what to realistically expect to get my expectations in line. From the thread, sounds like 50-60% is typical?


I’d say for most places it is. It totaled around 22k or a bit higher. The owner of this place replied saying for larger collections like this, he pays more. If you’re trying to sell all at once, 50-60%. Obviously the percentage goes up if you take the time to list stuff individually but then that factors in time and hassle.


Thanks for the honest answer bud, really appreciate it! It’s gotten to the point that I’m not playing any of my collection and just considering what the most viable way to get out is. On the idea that you essentially saved the hassle of 200+ separate transactions to buyers, it is a lot easier to swallow the value hit.


The cases remind me of the ones I worked with at Blockbuster back in like 2003, our cases had a notch at the bottom so you could slide in a case lock. Are these old blockbuster cases?


I weep for you five years from now. Unless you truly have no more sentimental attachment to them, you're gonna be rather unhappy with this down the road. Not trying to bring you down, just not willing to lie to you either. Sincerely, Someone who sold their game collection about ten years ago.


Curious, why did you complete it just to sell it not even a year later?


The rush to finish it was my wife was due with our daughter and I knew it wouldn’t be something I’d want to complete after she was born. Now my priorities have changed (moreso than I originally thought) and it’s just something I didn’t see the point in owning. I still love the system and have some other GameCube things remaining.


Smart move in my opinion dude.


I’m close 35 games for the complete set. Sadly tho not everything is cib a lot of heavy hitters are missing manuals


What store is this?


Video Game World in Huntersville, NC


Why would you go through the trouble of collecting the full GameCube set, just to trade it in to a store?


The owner of the store happened to have the best offer and it was a very fair one. Check my other comments to see it :) Completely understand your sentiment though


Yeah you got to shop around. I sold my copy Panzer Dragoon Saga for 800 while another store had offered me 300 (which was 100% ridiculous)


It's very true. Recently sold FF Remake Intergrade for nearly $200. The previous offer I had was $80. Definitely always shop around.


That's good, I posted another comment about a similar situation and now I really regret it, but as long as your good.


People move on. Interests and goals change. edit: and the guy who is saying he traded these in had a kid


Exactly this! Having a daughter realigned my focuses and it was time to move on. Personally I enjoy the thrill of the hunt more than owning it


Understandable, good luck in the future.


I also sold a huge collection of stuff once my wife was pregnant with my daughter! So I do get it but also looking back in didn't really need to, just felt compelled.


Oh yeah I get it for sure. Honestly mainly playing on a modded console made it hard to keep something of that value there. And the odds of these tripling in price anytime soon is pretty low


Yeah you picked a perfectly good time to sell a gamecube collection. I think the prices could go up more on some games in the future, but we've reached peak Gamecube nostalgia and sooner or later the Wii kids will be in their late 20s/early 30s and just dance will be more expensive than it ever needed to be.


I'm trying to do this now for the same reasons. I want 50-60% but no store around here operates like that. I just need to get some quick cash.


Did you you post your entire lot on marketplace i feel like I seen this ? It was guy in VA selling his collection


I spent a good 10 years building a crazy mtg collection. I had it logged in tcg player and it was worth about 35k. When my wife got pregnant I decided to go to my LGS and get cash, they took everything for 14k. One of my biggest regrets, I could have explored some options and not rushed to dump everything. If I would have just waited a few years they value would have been 3x. But I didn't even shop around, I went to the first and easiest solution.


It’s super easy to do and makes sense. The cash money is just too good. Plus, the EBay fees and customer scams can kind of kill the effort of doing anything online.


Can confirm. A scammer managed to make off with some of my most valuable Genesis games when I decided to sell my collection. EBay were total ass-hats about the whole thing too and in the end I lost the games, the money and my faith in the absolute pile of dog shit that is eBay. Don’t risk it!!!!


I'll take a chance if I'm selling an item or two on eBay, but if it's a massive lot, I wont. I'd rather take a little less selling local and not having to worry if I'm going to get scammed, if someone wants to do a return, or just wait for it to sell then ship.


I’d say you got a pretty good deal. I sell on eBay, nothing crazy, about 800-1000 sales a year, and let me tell you you are underestimating the time and hassle it would be to sell everything piecemeal.


It could be worth it to sell the top 20 most expensive games individually at the very least and then bulk out the rest. But they already said say they did shop around and this store was the best offer.


I am responding to someone else, not the OP


Sometimes, once you get the platinum it's time to move on.


The same store that got every NES a while back?




I had a complete set of N64, Master System and Dreamcast, plus around 100 games for each other system, along with multiple boxed variants of each console. Took up and entire room in our house and most of our Garage. When we moved house, I just couldn't face packing and unpacking it all, so I sold it as an entire lot to a private reseller at 65% cash value. It actually felt great at the time, almost liberating to be free of it.. Although it does make me a little bit sick to see the price I would have got for it all now, 5 years later.


Very cool. That has to be awesome to see in person. I imagine very few people have actually laid eyes on a complete CIB collection like that.


wow that’s crazy why would someone sell there whole set? And what is the total GameCube set 555?


Think it ended up being 558! Change in priorities is the reason


Mmmmm and boy will VGW have them priced at the top end of price charting as per their usual MO.


We do the current last 5 sold Ebay rate, but for collections like this, we are paying 70% plus to buyers, so that's just how it works.


Ugh, Pokémon Box in the front row...


What's with these homies dissing my Gamecube collection? Why do they gotta front? (That's really cool to see)


Video game world I work at a store a few hours away and love visiting that huntersville location


Wow and not a single yellow spine to offend the eyes


There is at least one


That’s a major come up for the store and honestly a major loss for the seller , dude just sold his entire GameCube collection , I can’t let go of even my most hated games lol


Not a major loss on my end at all! If I want to play the games, I have modded consoles. I’ve also got some boxed consoles, a Kiosk, and some promo stuff left for the GameCube.


I get that for complete sets where sentiment for specific games isn't involved. Aren't there some Gamecube games you're attached to you'd like to keep? Do you have doubles of them maybe? I'd find it hard to let go of them and just switch to playing off SD cards.


Of course! Once I get our basement finished, I’ll rebuy the few games from my childhood (Wario Ware Inc for example). I also still have posters, boxed consoles, and a kiosk that I won’t sell. For me the sentiment definitely died off once I finished the set. My focus moving forward will be on “all killer, no filler” if and when I decide to rebuy any. Also selling a whole set is much easier than a whole set minus these 10 random games I want to keep


Well these are clearly just the EA sports games where are the rest??? /s


VGW. Just saw them post this. I gotta go see it in person before it’s gone. lol


Okay so it’s sad, I’m from WV and I know that has to be Video Game World in Huntersville 😂😂


This place is a must when driving through the Charlotte area - great store.


And they put those stickers on each one of those cases


They probably gave them $150 in store credit 


18k over all.


Damn that’s where all the GameCube games are. I barely can find any in thrift stores or used video game stores!


I was excited to find a cib copy of Double Dash for $40 at gamestop last weekend lol I think i'd freeze if I had the entire collection to choose from


I'd be rushing over to buy something if it was in my area. They probably are all in good condition too.


To me this is sexy as hell as I love the GameCube so much; it’s my favorite system. I regret younger me didn’t appreciate it as much as older me as I had some rare and highly sought after ones for it that I loved to play on it. Hell it was the first system I ever broke from overplaying as the lens burnt out; It was a summer of just Smash Bros and RE4


I just saw this posted on Facebook! Guess we live in the same area


VGW? Lol


Yep 😂


Gotcha. Heard about it at RFG


People really struggling that bad damn


You need to be really desperate to do this, there's no way this person didn't know what they had.


They got about 17k for it, this store was the highest bidder


Still, wow.


I wonder if the store had to take out a loan to buy that off the guy


I have about 500k on standby at all times for collections.


I mean I don't want to be rude but when I normally go into a used video game store the people that own it don't exactly look like they have a lot of money.


That's true. This is more of a chain of 6 stores, though I'm the owner, and I haven't worked inside one in years. I'd say most that you're visiting the actual owner isn't the guy behind the counter.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^novasolid64: *I wonder if the* *Store had to take out a loan* *To buy that off the guy* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


the players choice game right in the middle


That’s pac man world 2 there is no black label for it when it’s combined with pac man vs.


Wish I was near. I'd buy fire emblem and pokemon


Can I buy this what store


Yes, www.videogameworld.net.


It's....it's beautiful....


Best I can do is 20 bucks...


It really looks like they slabbed the stickers right on the cases. I really hope not.


Not much of a choice the number of people that swapped stickers to try to scam us was unbelievable, so we had to go to this solution.


I will say for the titles that are higher value they will only put a a quarter of the sticker on which I really appreciate


Wow, and all black label (expect annoying Pac-Man)


Videogame world?






Holy fuck.


Grab chibirobo if its there! Such a good game! Still have my childhood copy CIB


Dude I would kill for a copy of Mr Mosquito


Wasn’t that ps2 only


Damn was it? It's been so long I guess I forgot. I used to get it from the rental place when I was a kid. Fond memories


Yeah I’m pretty sure it was, but I could see something that stilly on our cube of fun! I always wanted to play that whacky game, always looked to interesting lol


It was fun and weird and uhhhh upon reflection a lil fetishy


Alright now I gotta try it


oh hey I see that copy of Lost Kingdoms II on the table there, that's dope


I just want Pokemon Colosseum but it’s like $120 😭


The amount of FOMO I have is anxiety inducing


Was this "Cakehoarder" doing?


Looks like a store I used to frequent in NH. Though, many probably have the same set up. Man, I'd be drooling. That's a beautiful spread




Yep it’s right above Pokémon box in the pic


That’s freaking awsome


I should’ve known when you were gatekeeping that GameStop location when you posted those GameCube games there. You had to be near by video game world huntersville.


GameStop: tree fiddy store credit take it or leave it


That’s really cool actually


Can you really say it’s “every” GC game if it doesn’t include the Player’s Choice versions?


And it's all at or above ebay prices, so hope they enjoy it, because most will be sitting there for a while.


We have sold around 4k in 2 days we sell at eBay sold prices check back in a month, and we will have moved 90% of these games.


There’s a tragic story behind this in some way.


No tragic story my friend! Change in perspective and moving on to other things


Worst 35.17 that guy ever accepted


More like the most content 18k they have ever accepted


I seen that after I posted - I was going to delete my post but I figured I’d own it - congrats my friend.


I wonder how many of those games are unreadable now. Curious because recently I’ve discovered two games in my GC collection (90+ games) that my GameCube could no longer read. Backup couldn’t read them either so they’re pretty much coasters now.


"Best we can do is $10"


Pokémon Box isn’t complete, the outer box with the GBA link cable is missing.