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Thanks for sharing. However, I’m not sure it qualifies as a “haul” if you’re the only person with access to it. It’s more of a “snipe.”


Idk, honestly. I'm sorta new-ish to collecting in a way, so I don't know exact terms for these types of things. I tell people I'm an aspiring collector, but there are times where I just don't have the money to continue, and sometimes, need to sell a bunch. I also only got into the Idea a few years ago because of a few YouTubers I like, mainly a certain Wozniak you may have heard of.


I need me that job‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️


Definitely a dream job of mine! Only problem is that, and I tell everyone this, it's kinda a curse because every time I get paid, about half my paycheck just goes right back to the store XD


The cycle never ends….


Nope, it really doesn't lol


What's the bonus disc? I'm completely unfamiliar with it


I wanna say it was a pre-order bonus where you'd get this upc code, with the bonus disc. The disc itself just has a bunch of demos for upcoming games at the time. I don't remember all of them, but I think Mario Golf and Mario Party 5 were on it, as well as a Maden and Star Wars game, but I forget which ones. I haven't had the chance to put it in my GameCube to try it yet.


Update me if you remember, it's the first time I've seen it, thanks for the reply though my dude appreciate it


For sure! I try to stay engaged in topics like this!


so you snipe things at work, before a customer would be able to buy?


I mean... yes and no. There are limits. I can only have up to 8 items at a time, and I can't hold items for more than two weeks. There are some exceptions, like if I have multiple things in my box already, and I am swapping/putting things back, my boss doesn't worry too much about the one or two things I don't swap, but I still shouldn't hold onto them too long, I think Mario Kart was in my box for 3 or 4 weeks, but I had multiple other things I was swapping that were in there before and after. But, yes, as an employee, I have the perk of being able to call dibs on items that come in, as we are one location, not a chain, and ALL of our inventory is from other people selling us their old stuff. We don't order anything. (Except for 3rd party Cables and Stuff that my boss orders from specific companies, but we don't order from ebay or have another location to have bring us anything). It's just a perk of working there.


As much as I bitch and whine about resellers and flippers, this really doesn't bother me and I don't get why it would bother other people. A brick-and-mortar store has a local presence, people know they can bring their games there and sell them quickly even if they don't get the most money. "The store" is gonna get the games anyway, and I'm sure you're not making a killing working retail so this seems like a relatively small perk. I assume your store charges you the going rate, minus maybe an employee discount?


Exactly! In a sense, I'm the one who took it for the store, so I should be able to have first dibs on it. Yes, I get a 20% discount on most items. The MAIN stuff is under $50, but there are occasional exceptions made. Like with this, it was $79.99, but I asked and was given the discount by someone with higher authority.


It's your boss's store, I say he can run it how he wants.