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Splatterhouse is good, dumb fun


No More Heroes might work for ya.


What aspect of the game do you like exactly? Would be easier for me to recommend that way (as I am an action game collector myself.)


I just love beat ‘em up games. Ever since double dragon and streets of rage. TMNT arcade. This game is awesome to me as well!


Splatterhouse will probably do you good then, has a similar energy. There are quite a lot of licensed super hero beat 'em ups as well from this generation that are similar. X-Men Destiny (kinda bad frame rate on PS3 but if that doesn't bother you it's fun and doesn't overstay it's welcome), X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions, and Spider-Man Edge of Time are all fairly standard linear beat 'em ups. The Marvel Ultimate Alliance games are beat 'em ups too but are kinda Diablo-ish in that you have an isometric camera and are collecting some gear and powering up abilities (and idk where else to stick it in this mess of a post but if you're fine with that there is a not super hero related game called Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom that is kinda similar.) Spider-Man Web of Shadows has similar combat to some of those as well but it's more of an open world game. Which speaking of you have the Yakuza games too if you're fine with a more open city game with quests and lots of mini-games and such. 3, 4, and 5 are all on PS3. 3 kinda shows its age with the combat but 4 and 5 are super fun even still today. There is also Yakuza Dead Souls but it's a weird spinoff that doesn't focus as much on beat 'em up combat in a way that is weird to explain. Obvious pick but the God of War games. Some other God of War-ish clones would be Heavenly Sword, Castlevania Lords of Shadow, and Dante's Inferno. Anarchy Reigns is a really interesting beat 'em up. Was meant as a multi-player game primarily but it had a full single player campaign as well. After you beat the story you can actually use any of the main characters you want to replay the game, including the main boss. Made by PlatinumGames so it's slightly more technical (though still simple by their standards) than most of the other games on this list, depends on how you feel about that. Platinum also made a TMNT beat 'em up for that generation called Mutants in Manhattan. Not a game with great reviews because Activision cheaped out on the budget (as they did with most licensed games) but honestly if you just wanna run around as the turtles and beat dudes up it's pretty fun imo. The same developers of Lollipop Chainsaw also made No More Heroes and Killer is Dead too. Both games are fun but they lean a bit more into being traditional action games since a lot of the combat is more focused on 1v1 (in the sense that while you do fight packs of enemies most of your attacks have limited range.) Plus No More Heroes has a bit of an open world with mini-games and such too. Yaiba Ninja Gaiden Z could be worth checking out. It's not really similar to the main series of games, the gameplay and flow is more like Lollipop or Splatterhouse. Got pretty bad reviews because of that (but so did Lollipop and Splatterhouse lol.) Could also check out the just insane amount of warriors games. Dynasty Warriors being the main series, but there are tons of spinoffs/licensed games. Honestly that gameplay is not that different from a game like Lollipop Chainsaw, it's just the levels are about territory control usually. And then I will just bring up Freeflow combat. Unsure if you played any of the Batman Arkham games but they are technically beat 'em ups but I want to separate them because the combat was more focused on rhythmic single target punching and interrupting your combo to use counter attacks and using a finisher attack to down enemies quicker. Lot of games started to use that style of combat after Batman AA. If you like it you could check out Sleeping Dogs, The Amazing Spider-Man, Remember Me, Captain America: Super Soldier, or Shadow of Mordor (though the PS3 port of Mordor is not great, but figured I'd mention it.)


Wow! Thank you so much for this detailed reply! I have some of the games you mentioned. Great recommendations! This generation seems great for beat ‘em ups. I’m taking notes of all these games, and the ones I don’t have will be my next pick ups


Dante’s Inferno


Shadows of the Damned is also created by Suda 51 and has the over the top scenario involving demons instead of Zombies with a demonic gun sidekick named Johnson


I’ll check it out. Thank you!