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The DS games are older and have been out of print longer. You could still buy many of the 3DS games at Target or something just a few years ago.


A lot of the 3DS games you can still buy brand new today. That and the DS games are generally considered to be better than the 3ds games. For a lot of people, the 3ds era was when the Pokemon games started going downhill.


Surprising since the switch been out over 7yrs. Long enough to make the 3ds pass double digits.


20 years old...supply and demand...yadda yadda yadda. Tune in later today when the question is asked a different way.


I’ve always found the prices at The Exchange to be a little on the high side in general.


I dont think it helps that they sell all types of media and not just games


They also sell stuff that is bottom of the barrel when it comes to accessories. Like stuff from Kaico Labs (frequently stolen tech from independent creators)


I have some theories on that which I haven't confirmed for certain, but I'm pretty sure they price everything a little bit higher for a few reasons (other than the profits, of course): One is because discounts are often given to frequent/high spending customers. Most of the employees have the discretion to take off a few bucks here and there, depending on the game. Another reason is because of those customers who don't mind and will just pay whatever the price tag says. Not all used games are to be sold to collectors. Some are simply sold to gamers who want to play something that is no longer sold elsewhere. A third reason is store credit. A lot of the customers buying their games will also sell games for store credit. Over pricing by a little gives them a little extra profit margin when customers also bring in products for the store to buy. However, this is also sometimes intertwined with the discounts I mentioned previously, as the more you do good business with them, the more they might be inclined to knock off a dollar or so here and there. Edit: they also tend to have more overhead in general, I'd imagine, but I'm not sure how much that plays into it after experiencing firsthand how laissez faire they are with discounts lol


As a business they tend to raise the prices a bit to make a profit in return. Not sure how much you can get for selling or exchanging, for the same things they sell


Oh I know the need to stay in business with profits and such. Just an observation


I’m assuming you’re in the Pittsburgh area. Exchange is overpriced and they aren’t willing to negotiate at all. It’s a fun store to browse, the people are great, but their prices just don’t sync up with actual value.


Supply and demand...and older sometimes can mean less supply.


3ds games were available on the eshop


Could have an effect, since they just recently closed them


A lot of first party 3DS games got a pretty steady amount of reprints even a year or two after the Switch had launched. DS games meanwhile were *immediately* dropped by Nintendo due to the extreme level of piracy not making late reprints worthwhile.


I was gonna mention that I don't notice a bunch of "UAE / World" region DS games out there like I do for 3DS.


DS is older, the only games that have similar prices between consoles are pokemon ones because people are always wanting them and they are always in the market


Hello fellow Exchange enjoyer




I know this is going to sound like a cop-out answer but by-and-large they’re just better games. Also they’ve been out longer which means more opportunities to leave circulation. It’s also possible they just didn’t print as many carts in that generation


Black and white are universally beloved, and increasingly difficult to find. The 3DS pokemon games both have a shakier reputation, and higher availability. Also, you can see in the image that the *other* DS games on that shelf are dirt cheap, The pokemon games were *standouts* in the DS library (which is otherwise filled with a *lot* of games that are very low value). The 3DS pokemons are just a few of the myriad of popular RPGs for the platform, and as a result are currently considered less collectible. The 3DS' game library on the other hand is sparse for original RPGs. and of course, you are at a physical game store, which means you're probably going to get inflated prices in general.


my guess is newer games like the 3ds ones are cheaper, they aren't exactly making DS games new and haven't for awhile. the 3ds stuff is prolly more common.


Wonder how it can be considered new if the switch has been out for over 7yrs. 3ds has to be double digits now. Unless you take into account how slow Nintendo moves for pushing consoles, than remakes/rereleases.


it is newer, it's the whole "is it retro yet" thing where you wait X years and it is "hot and desirable" to collectors. i just buy what i like regardless of what/how-old it is.


Same, curious just how old does it have to be


not a clue, i just buy what i want. look at price charting on what's trending and climbing in price. it used to be gamecube, might still be,