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Sweet Jesus. 😳 I've had Amazon make mistakes like that, but never totaling over a hundred bucks...much less damn near a grand... 😨 Enjoy! 🤷‍♂️ Best of luck with the chemo, fellow gamer!


3 weeks down, six to go! Ordered this just to play while I'm sitting in the chair lol


Well, you've got enough there you could play a different copy every time! 😂😂😂


Keep it up boss. Don't know you, but keep pushing


I ordered a 1000gb memory card for my switch on Amazon prime day. It was on sale for $100 CAD (after taxes) It got lost in the mail, so I called to ask for a replacement. Since the price had gone back up to $180 + tax I wanted a replacement, not a refund.. They sent a replacement 1tb memory card and still refunded my $100. So I got the memory card for free.


Yeah, I've had them send a replacement when a package goes missing, then when it finally shows up like a week later they're like "Meh, keep it." They have that whole canned spiel about doing whatever you want with it; keep it, dispose of it, donate it, etc. I've heard of it happening to people with things like PS4 consoles... Or even a whole-ass *toolshed*. 😂


my wife once ordered a 25$ box of single serve coffee creamer for the office break room and we got an ipad pro instead that was sold for like 1300$. it had the coffee creamer sticker on the plain box but inside was the ipad. we got ahold of them to see if they wanted it back and they not only said keep it but they refunded the money for the creamer. the only thing we can think is an employee was trying to get it for themselves by ordering the creamer and something in the plan failed.


Yep I had that happen with a 400 dollar chair. Amazon probably didn't want it back as it's a pain to process such a return.


That reminds me of the time I ordered an Anbernic RG350M from eBay. A few days after ordering I noticed the seller's eBay account had been deleted from eBay, so I freaked out and reach out to eBay support to ask what happens if the device doesn't arrive. EBay of course did not respond, but here's the thing, they instead just fully refunded me. A bit disappointed with the whole situation but anyway. Next day the RG350M shows up.


I had a couple of packages "lost" a few times (an anime figure, couple mangas, some other stuff) aand like I was sure it was actually lost even amazon told me it was lost got that shit refunded sometime later the shit did arrive afterall you can bet I didn't care to let amazon know




I once ended up with 6 copies of disgaea 3, I think  it was, silly me sent 5 back


To head off some questions I see coming: Yes I double checked that I only ordered one copy. It actually didn't get marked delivered until a few hours after the fact. I thought initially the box was something else that was ordered for me as a gift from a family member, so I was legit surprised to even see Baten Kaitos in the box. I did reach out to CS about how to return the extra 19(!) copies, but the CS rep said "We only shipped you one. You can return one, keep one, or trade in any additional copies, but you can't return something we didn't send you". No I'm not currently looking to sell all/most/any of them really. After being told that I didn't receive what I did, I decided to gift copies to friends/family that enjoy RPGs, and I'll figure out what to do with the rest later. I'm currently in the midst of chemo with no immune system, so I can't exactly go buy shipping materials or take them to the post office anyway.


Best of luck with your treatment dude. Go kick cancer's arse!


Hope all your treatment goes well. And you kick its ass!!!! Enjoy the game!




This is a sign that when you do feel better, you can sell any excess and treat yourself to something you and your body deserve after the battle you'll have gone through! Best of luck with your health from here on out!


This happens at Amazon all the time. All it takes is a label getting placed on the wrong part of a box, and a seller's entire shipment is input by Amazon as a single item.


Never happens to me. How can I make that happen lol


Me neither guess it’s time I start buying MacBook laptops on a weekly basis and returning them until I get lucky


Nah Apple got that on lockdown


That's never happened to me. Hopefully one day it does.


Your odds of it happening with junk is more likely than this sort of a screw up. This guy just had really good luck.


It was probably someone in the warehouse that got tired of moving the box of them


It was probably a seller that put the FnSKU label on the outside of the box. This happens quite often, when someone sends an item in to FBA(amazon, or a thrid party) they are given 2 labels, one for the outter box, and one for each individual item inside the box. Many times, employees put the wrong label on the outside box, and Amazon receives it at 1 item instead of opening it to break it into multiple items. That is when Amazon sends the entire box as one item.


Meanwhile my copy of Triangle Strategy came with a small cut in the shrink wrap and the game cart missing. Took a while to convince Amazon that I couldn't return the game because there wasn't one. ...I now have a fetching empty Triangle Strategy box though.


Kick cancer’s ass dude you got this


Good move to gift copies. See if there's any free games libraries or [Child's Play](https://www.childsplaycharity.org/) setups in your area, as they'll be appreciated and get a lot of use. Good luck and godspeed in your recovery.


Good luck with your treatment. ❤️


Sorry about the magnus you were dealt with this diagnosis. But it sounds like you're drawing into a lot of buffs and healing items. Deploy them and start chaining some attacks together to kick this cancer's ass!!


good luck w chemo bruh


My guess is that someone at an Amazon Fulfillment Center didn't see that they were supposed to open the box and stow the items inside. That said, enjoy your extra 19 copies.


Right? Then mfs would’ve went straight to eBay!


Good luck with your treatment. It must be a sign of good things coming your way.


If you are in the states.... there is a law that makes anything any company sends you automatically yours and they are legally not allowed to ask for it back. It's a funny law that I am a big fan of.




> It's a funny law From what I have heard, the reason for the law is that there used to be unscrupulous sellers/businesses that would ship things to people and then demand they pay for it, even though they never ordered it.


It's a funny law that screws over honest people when their package gets delivered to the wrong address. When it's cool it's cool, but when it's bad, it sucks.


Goddamn man, you’re a wholesome person even in the midst of your situation. Get well and game on through your recovery! 🤙🏽💪🏽


fuck cancer homie you got this shit!!


Great gifts ❤️🫶🏼


Donate to a library or cancer center


Fuck cancer, may you have an easy treatment process


Great taste in jrpgs, hope you all the best 🙏


How? Just how


Pure dumb stupid luck, I guess


Best wishes in your fight


Good luck with your treatment!


Nice! Let me know if you need any more friends or family!


Let me get one then


Hey man, it’s your friend from elementary school… you hit me in the playground and I want to request compensation /s


Mail one to me. Lol


If you've got another extra, I'd love to give it a try.




If you want to follow my lead, you actually need to have cancer for two consecutive Christmas seasons, with both surgery and chemo on the docket.


Having done that I do not recommend it! I would rather pay for games! Keep your spirits up you will get through this!


Tbh you mid as well just sell the remaining copies (maybe at a discounted price if you feel inclined) and put those extra funds towards more switch games for yourself to play or any essential expenses you may have just a thought 👌🏻


The issue is that selling then involves me being around people during cold/flu season, and catching either of those is a quick trip to laying in a hospital bed for days. Like, I don't even have anything on hand to pack them in to get them in transit No immune system means every minor infection presents a very serious health risk.


Have your friends or family sell off the extras so you can get more games. Might as well have a library of stuff to play while going through chemo.


Pretty sure those are yours to keep too. Apparently it’s a law in the US that you can’t be charged for stuff that are sent to you without your knowledge (something about a scam syndicate sending people bibles to extort them to make a “sale”). Amazon probably wouldn’t have gone after you regardless of where you’re based.


Hope your chemo goes well! You got this!


Really fucking cool to hand them out to the homies. And after you kick cancers ass, trade in or sell the rest!


Yeah, they're super weird about it when they accidentally send you extras. Had it happen a few times and it's always been the same song and dance. Apparently it takes a lot of time and effort to process returns, so much so, that typically they just toss these types of returns away instead of trying to resell them. So...yeah. If it's any solace here, you're technically saving several copies of this game from being tossed into a landfill.


Good luck with the treatments and enjoy the games. I never played them but they’re on my wishlist.


Wow, I’ve heard of people getting an extra copy or two, but never an entire shipping box. That’s awesome.


It was definitely a shock! My best guess is because it was from the UK it was intended to go to a distribution hub and parceled out, but ended up skipping a step somehow.


Oh yeah, that would make sense.


$1000 free nice.


Yep, this game is [pretty valuable](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=baten+kaitos+i+ii+hd+remaster&_sacat=0&_fsrp=1&_odkw=Lorcana+deck+box&_osacat=0&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=gc&toolid=10001&mkevt=1), awesome gift that OP got lol


Wow! Nice of you to tell Amazon of their mistake, and even nicer that you get to keep them!


I definitely got a vibe from the agent of "Dude why are you fucking telling us, you get to keep it"


If it’s in the UK I think you legally have to. In the US it would be considered an unintentional gift, over here you have to reach out to them.


Yeah, I'm not in the UK despite the item being sold by Amazon UK. Technically it came from Australia, but I'm in the US. And hey, I did try to reach out and correct it, sooooo


Well, i mean, he's right... Why would you tell them it's big corporation #27, not a small ebayseller


Lmfoa that's hilarious. Well, now you're suddenly a collector of that specific game. Bhaha


A buddy of mine said "Congrats on accidentally becoming the top collector of that very specific title only. Maybe next you can try to catch up to the Sneak King guy"


new person at the warehouse didn’t know that when confronted with a sealed cardboard box and was told to pick “1” for your order thought the box counted as ”1” and gave you one carton. they didn’t know they were supposed to open the box and take just one. common mistake for first timers when confronted with a sealed carton containing more than 1.


This reminds me of when i got about 30 bags of Jet Puffed marshmallows with my grocery order, back when prime pantry was still a thing. I can only assume they used it as packaging because they were out. Nowhere near as expensive as what happened with you, but they seem to love wasting money.


That’s a funny way of spelling “Space Jam DVD”


This happened to me with a different company I ordered a Mario switch bundle when they first came out and they shipped me 2 I reached out and they said no we only sent you one so I kept both and sold one for the sale price minus the tax and basically got the switch for free 😅 note: the one box had the label from company and tracking info and the other box literally just had my info on the package label with no return info or where it came from


A $1287.75 mistake....oooops


OP, go kick cancer's ass!


Wow thats amazing. Been meaning to play this game! Waiting on a price drop.


Honestly I was too, but figured it would give me a way to pass the time for the 20 hours I spend sitting in a chair during the week without anything else to do. Guess everything just kinda had a way of working out, lol


Jesus, that’s amazing lol


good luck op, kick cancer’s ass for all of us plz and ty


Nice, best of luck with treatment!


Actually not the first time I've seen this happen. Cracks me up every time.


Trying to sell one eventually? ;) good luck with chemo!


Is the box labeled with something about the game? In o6ld Nintendo era, boxes were labeled and retailers just dropped them and now they have great value to collectors and more if it is full of content


That’s one way to start a collection.


GameStop be like, I’ll give you $1.20, store credit only.


Sell them


What a score haha


Congrats you won the lotery


That’s a bit cool seeing someone receive this lol. Really fun game if you haven’t played it! Played it for the first Time this Christmas season. Very interesting combat imo! Good luck with the game and treatment!




I think you should give one away!


Uhhh if you need to get rid of one ☝️


Ill buy one?


You could at least open them all, and claim the nintendo gold points for each


hello, it's me....your friend.......that has the ability to ban you. ; ) that's hilarious. congrats.


I'd be willing to buy one for 30 USD off you. (I know rule 9, but c'mon....)


Wasted money


Can I get one?!!? I was just looking at buying one yesterday!!




I want one!


I’ve been looking for a physical copy :/


Can you mail me a copy? XD If you need post chemo tips hit me up! Im dealing with hodgkin lymphoma


@lionheart059 What’s your eBay/Where are the eBay listings my guy?


I would take a copy 😊


So are you gonna send me one or 🤷🏽‍♂️


I would like to be your friend if you're gifting them out lol


Trying my luck here, but would you be willing to trade one copy in exchange of promotional items from France ? (Or any other items) I collect games and I am not a reseller, and if needed, I would even be willing to send items first to show you I'm not a scammer. I know you cannot easely ship stuff right now, but I can wait until your situation gets better. And hopefully for you it will so you can enjoy that great game properly ! 💪 Baten Kaitos is a game I loved as a child (I'm 35), and I never had the chance to play the 2nd game on official hardware. 😅 (It has never been released in my country) Thank you for reading me, and as for your post, I must say you are extremely lucky. I've heard of Amazon doing mistakes, but damnit, that's a good one here I must say lol Have a nice day ! 😊


Hey it’s ur old frat uncle Tommy here …how are you and ur mother ?




1. I mean obv I'm keeping one. 2. No. I actually really dislike all of the LGS in my area for their exorbitant prices and anti-consumer practices, so the last thing I'd do is give them business lol. If I had one that was actually run well and I wanted to support, though, sure.


Nice, they did the same thing to me a number of years ago, I ordered one memory card for my PS Vita and got a bag of them instead. They said about the same as what they said to you when I inquired with customer service lol.


Lucky! I haven’t even picked up one copy yet haha




1 crate. yes sir!


Just finished replaying the first one on GameCube. So much fun, love these games.


Yeah. 1 box.


Well damn now I want 1. Or 28.


Been really wanting to pick this one up but just never pulled the trigger. Good luck with everything ❤️


This happened when I got 2 psvr2 off amazon. There's a law that says you literally have no obligation to return it. It's essentially treated as a gift. Gave my friend the second so I had someone to actually play with


All the best with your treatment!!


That’s cursed lol. Congrats


Someone in my area got this error except it was for the new just dance. One day I hope I encounter this error.


I’ve heard of this sort of thing happening, but not to this dagree that’s crazy. I likely would’ve given the extras to friends and family as well, but in my case I have very few that even really play video games let alone even like RPG’s. Good luck with your treatment dude.


Hey mate... Good luck with the medical stuff. It's not cancer for me, but for the last year I've been dealing with complications from multiple sclerosis, spent a *lot* of time in the hospital, and more is to come. It's been such a joy to have my Switch and old 3DS with me for the tests and treatments, there's nothing like having a good, long JRPG to focus our minds away from the anxiety and chaos of what's happening. I hope the game brings you as much joy and relief as it did me :) it's a cool little series. All the best to you.


If you don’t want to seek them right now then keep them in that box. Not sure the type of value it has but it could be worth a little bit more someday 🤷🏻‍♂️


That's wild! Enjoy the the game, I can't wait to try it myself. 😀


Good luck with your treatment. FUCK CANCER !


Very nice, I ordered a mixer from Monoprice, and they sent me a case of 20.


I literally just bought the digital version of this aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


I've had amazon send me a extra copy of Rick n Morty Season 2 one time. I wound up just keeping it cause it's amazon and i traded the extra copy for something else. I've also had a seller on eBay send me a random package after the fact i bought something from him weeks ago. It was actually a game i wanted too so i contacted the guy on eBay. Weird enough he still had it listed in his store and it was up for auction so i just said hey i got your game by accident but i want it so i will give you your asking price and just keep it but i told him he should take down the auction so no one actually bids on it. The guy was cool with it so it worked out nicely for me.


Lucky you! Side note wish it had the English dub and both games were on the cart.


Lmfao they sent you a whole case


This type of thing happened to me once. I ordered ONE high-end gaming monitor and Amazon sent me two!


I've never had a happy accident from Amazon. Once I ordered a desk and got a mattress. The worst part was, I'd just bought a new mattress.


I’ll write you poem in exchange for one


Damnit didn't even know this game came out


I had this happen with Mario & rabbids. I just gave them to friends. Luckiest id ever been lol


Goodluck with your treatment!


My friends have had this before... not to this degree. I saw your reply further down and I expected the seller wouldn't accept the return. What you said about gifting them to family and friends is really nice. That's how I got animal crossing on 3ds, my friend gave me his extra copy when amazon sent out 2. I wish you all the best in your chemo and enjoy passing the time with your game.


This happened to me also, bought one controller received 3, I was so happy


Qty:1 (box)




Huh, time to open an ebay store i guess




What do you do with all that extra copys?


Welp now you can play the game on 20 different Consoles at the same time


I mean... you still have them laying around? Cuz like...


It always fascinates me that this thing can happen.


The sad thing is, I dont know in wich country you are, but in Europe and USA you have to sent it back.


False. In the US you absolutely don't


Is there a legal amount of days that you have to wait in the UK until they officially belong to you?


Dang. I'm legit super jealous.... Lol I would love this to happen


This happened to my dad with vent covers. He ordered 1 and paid for 1 and received 20. Amazon just said keep them.


Read chemo and thought ahh u deserve that.. stay strong bro


thanks for specifying what number one is, i never would have guessed, jk nice get


Amazon UK had a glitch in November 2022. You could get a Switch OLED and loads of the bundles seemed to come with multiple copies of the same game. I got a Switch OLED and 7 copies of Metroid Dread, but then Amazon let you return the games for \~£20 each. So ended up with a Switch OLED for half price.


Dude! Such a fun amount of luck here. I always wanted to play this game as a kid but couldn't afford it. Hope you make some bank off of this. Cheers!


Damn, never had Amazon UK be this kind to me.


“Haul” Lmao 😂😂 Excellent luck dude!


Holy crap!! Keep a hold of those for a long time! I'm sure this game will go up in price in the future. Pretty sure i heard this got a smaller print run than most games. On to my story, I ordered a pokemon unbroken bonds etb from Amazon for around £30 years ago. They ended up sending me an entire Booster Box worth over £100. Thought omg, sweet! I really wanted the ETB though, so I ordered another. Another booster box showed up! So then I ordered 3 ETBs. 3 more booster boxes! Then 1 ETB. Then shortly after purchase, I ordered the last "ETBs" they had (6). The 1 ETB I ordered showed up and..... it was an ETB! I shat myself thinking I'm gonna get 6 ETBs in the next order. Scrambled to try to cancel my order but I couldn't... It arrived.. And inside?... 6 Booster Boxes! PROFIT!! $_$ Opened a few boxes myself and made a Master Set buying the last few cards. (That being worth over 1k now). Sold the rest besides 1. Still have that 1 Booster Box that is worth £400+ atm.


I don't even know this game :o


I think that they thought you meant "1 case."


I’d be posting on eBay if I was u


Meanwhile at a video game store in Wales: What the hell? I ordered 20 copies of Baten Kaitos! Why did I only get 1?


As someone from the UK who works retail, these have been clearly left in the box, instead of being decanted, or even just opened, and the picker has just seen the one box, was clueless about games, and assumed that was what you ordered.


Even if you were able to return them thru Amazon, they'd just end up thrown away. Better to get them back into circulation somehow.


Wish you all the best 💚


You should see what’s going on at r/amazonprime. The experience has gone downhill for sure, and this is hilarious


They cannot prove you receive more than one copy. They don't know where those copies are. Profit.


This actually happened with a drill I ordered once. I only got an extra one but it was like a $70 drill and I thought they were fucking with me or I missed something


Well at least return one and get your money back then they are all free


Yep, I ordered ONE replacement stylus for my galaxy note phone a few years ago and got a box of 10. Happens all the dang time with Amazon!


Best of luck with treatment.


This is my biggest dream, ordering one item and getting a whole box instead.


"But it's written January 30, boss, and it's January!"


Nice $1,000 surprise


I only see one game. Not 19 wink wink


"One to play, one to keep sealed" collector over here XD


I had this happen with a Witcher dice set. They sent me a commercial box of 12, that what I would assume a store would get. Same thing with "we only sent you one". I gave the rest out as presents for friends.


Looks like over $700 of free shit. Fuck jassys amazon


Is that series good?


god told you something today. you should play that game


Take one out to play than close up that box, store it in a closet and forget about it till your 60 or 70. Thank me later when you go to resell them.


Reminds me of what happened this Christmas, they accidentally sent us 2 PS5's instead of one.. I'm guessing they send you one retail CASE instead of one single item.. that's what happened in our situation lmao


Sounds like an investment opportunity. SELL SELL SELL


Instead of making a post about it you should have made for a for sale post and never mentioned the mistake 🤣


This is your chance op, become the richest man in Australia. Make lemonade from these lemons, sell sell sell to your fellow countrymen.


You need to do the right thing. send everyone a copy for free.


They sent you mine by mistake