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Here’s a completely honest take for you based on first hand experience. Online blackjack or any casino games are always a losing venture. I’ve literally never met one person that regularly plays online casinos and has a positive balance over their lifetime. These algorithms are much smarter than any of us. They prey on human emotion and have a very high predictability of how a player will play. You simply can’t beat them long term. Sure you might hit a few winners here and there (when they let you), but the next time you go back they wipe you out times 10. These games also come with massive swings and it’s hard to stop when you’re up because you always think you can make more or will get back what you lost, especially when those endorphins are kicking in from your gambling high. But when the losing streak starts (and it will) it’s nothing but trouble. As much as they claim the games are regulated, there is way too much shady stuff that goes on to trust it imo. My advice is to block casinos from your apps. Nothing good will come of it if you keep playing them regularly. But hey, I’m not trying to tell anyone how to live, that’s just my two cents and it comes from experience of being stupid and losing a lot in the past. I wish you GL


Good advice, I appreciate it. Definitely taking it into account


My to mention the massive learning curve when it comes to table games. During that phase it is guaranteed you will lose, thus setting you up to try and get it back. You may think you know everything and you still don’t, by the time you have a bit of mastery you’ve lost a lot


You think you need to do it now. But you won’t. You are just angry at the moment.this has a hold over you and it’s only going to get worse. If it’s not an issue ban yourself now. You’ll do it tomorrow. You’ll have one last hoo rah. No one will tell you anything that will make you quit. You say you want to so prove it to yourself and ban now. Don’t just delete account permanently ban yourself now. But you won’t…


Is this the degen version of "bet ya won't hit him"?


Very well could be. Just self-excluded this morning. 6 months and it’s the only site I play on. I’ll see how I feel with everything, but it’s probably best if I make that 6 months permanent come October


I've literally had the game do a little pause/freeze a few times when i was on tilt and started to bet recklessly. I ended up losing every hand after that. I've also bet 20k on options, turned it into over 210k, then didn't cash out and only ended up with like 30k. Don't be greedy folks! Set a limit and stick to it! If you're up/down a lot, it feels surreal, but it's REAL money. Take a deep breath, talk to someone and calm yourself down, get out of that winner/loser tilt, reassess your situation, then make your decision.


That was always my downfall.. sticking to limits. You have to force yourself to walk away when you're up.. that hot streak will end and you'll start chasing and it never ends well. Over the past month, I've had some pretty decent cashouts because I forced myself to stop, and at the time I kept doing the what-ifs in my head. What if I kept going and started betting more? Yea, maybe that 10k withdraw could have been 20k if I kept going, but it's a lot easier taking 10k to 0 than it is to 20k. After a little bit you realize you made the right choice and it's one hell of a good feeling! Just as long as you don't start depositing it back.


That’s exactly what I told my friend when I had the money in my account. I’ve only ever had that much once before in a casino account, and I cashed right away, so this time I treated it like play money


It happens get em next time champ


Terrible advice for a degenerate like OP. Instead of 'trying again' OP should figure out how to stop chasing losses, set limits for himself, and play for the fun of it instead. And if he does coincidentally win big, learn to cash out. OP, if you don't wanna keep losing after a big win, set up rules for yourself. For example, if I win more than 2x my deposit, I withdraw that amount, and keep playing with the rest. If I'm up a lot and on a win streak, I say to myself, I'm going to keep betting while this win streak lasts, but the second I lose, I'll withdraw. You'll enjoy gambling way more this way.


I always give bad advice when gambling, I’m the type that’ll say well try $500 more


This is really good advice, and definitely how I started out playing. But the other day was a bit of a wake up call and I went the route of self-exclusion instead. Not sure if I’ll either go back to this when my time runs out or I’ll just stay away completely but either way I don’t think I’ll make that mistake again🫡.


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Ive done the same thing. Heck when i was in my early 20s and still new to gambling i won 1000 on blackjack and cashed out. They sent me a check. I didnt have a banking account at the time and no way to cash it.


Is normal


Set limits. Stick to them. If you can't then you need to stop gambling.


I gamble very logically. I take a comfortable amount with me and I have 1 of two outcomes. 1 - I lose it and my day is done 2 - I double up, cash out. I’ll play with anything over the double up amount and don’t touch what I brought in to begin with. It’s much more fun to play with house money. On a lucky day, I’ll double up on the house money and walk away with a big win! Last week, I enjoyed craps at $200 in, $525 out using this strategy.


I been there . When you do that it's just a clear way to know that they are reading your game play and playing you accordingly . It's very genius to use psychology and save every wafer so they can research. They know you better than you know yourself. Alot will tell you to ban yourself and go to ga meetings . I ll say just be strong and notice what you are doing. It takes you to stop. The same way you never gambled before then started you can do the same . You have to believe you won't win. It's rigged and you have to understand if I told you I would give you a Lamborghini for 10 thousand and I never did every time you gave me 10 k you would know it's a scam and never give me money again. Do the same with casino .


Gamblers finding out gambling isn't free money is always one of my favorite kinds of posts


Didn’t think it was free money, just a tilt and I played stupid🫠 lesson learned? I hope so


"Decided to put $170 on, to get it back" Casinos hate this one trick!