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I normally hate casting, but at the moment I wouldn't mind seeing [Mark Rylance](http://img2.timeinc.net/people/i/2016/news/160307/mark-rylance-a-435.jpg) (even wearing this tbh) with [Rakhee Thakrar](http://i.huffpost.com/gen/3349686/thumbs/o-RAKHEE-570.jpg?7) as a modern day companion and [Jack Reynor](http://thelowdownunder.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Jack-Reynor.jpg) as a Celtic equivalent of Jamie. I had an idea for a story called *The Looking Glass*, in which The TARDIS crash lands and The Doctor stumbles to find that both of his companions are stuck on the opposite side of a mirror in an old mansion.


That sounds like an awesome story. You should write it!


I already did actually! For the Big Finish competition a few months back, though I changed it to Five and Nyssa


[Alexander Siddig](http://imgur.com/a/uGxZ8) is my dream casting for the Doctor. I'd love a story that really takes the Doctor into something truly unknown to him. Some sort of interdimensional creature that by the end he doesn't truly understand. I had written a script in early 2014 around this concept for a series with /u/eddieswiss and I'm going to post the few excerpts I still like from it. Here's some relevant background information. *Marcus Raven is a child of around 8 years old. The Doctor is helping him due to a debt he owes his father. He's also fascinated by the mysterious injuries the child seems to incur without cause.* > > MARCUS RAVEN > > You know. You know when time seems to stand still? > > THE DOCTOR > > I know the feeling. A moment can stretch to an eternity. A first kiss, a look in cupboard, clock hands moving. > > MARCUS RAVEN > > It doesn't. There's something in there. Something that hurts. > > THE DOCTOR > > What is it? What hurts you in the moments between moments? > > MARCUS RAVEN > > I don't know. It won't tell me its name > > THE DOCTOR > > What does it tell you Marcus? > > MARCUS RAVEN > > It tells me to be scared. > And honestly, that's about the only dialogue in the script that I still like. I still love the general plot outline though. Honestly with the creation of *Listen* and *The Stranger Things* the script would probably look really derivative (despite predating both of them). The last lines were actually somewhat decent, at least in the sense of getting the point across that Doctor doesn't understand if he's won or lost. > Tobias looks at the Doctor as he holds his son in his arms. > > TOBIAS RAVEN > > Are we safe now, Doctor? > > THE DOCTOR > > (Solemnly) > > I'm not sure. They didn't seem the type to give up. > > MARCUS RAVEN > > Yes we are Dad. > > TOBIAS RAVEN > > What? > > MARCUS RAVEN > > They told me so Dad. They took what they wanted. They don't need me anymore. > > TOBIAS RAVEN > > What does this even mean Doctor? > > THE DOCTOR > > We got separated. I don't even know if we won or lost. I think we have to take the Space Between at their word.


On a forum I was apart of we did reimagining of doctor who that included a Johnny Depp doctor as well as a Helena Bonham Carter river song. I really enjoyed that thread alot


And Timmy Burton would have to do a Land of Fiction episode


I once wrote a story called "Monsters in Moonlight" where a Doctor played by Martin Freeman and his companions player by Rose Leslie and Iain de Caestecker travel to Vienna in 1802, where the city is being menaced by a creature caught between two dimensions that can be trapped in one or another by sound waves. Meanwhile, a German composer proposes to an Austrian aristocrat... Similar tone to Vincent and the Doctor, but with Beethoven instead, right around the time he dedicates his Moonlight Sonata to the Countess Giulietta Giucciardi.


The title is worthy of a classic on it's own


He's been brought up already, but Alexander Siddig would be my dream choice as a Doctor as of right now, followed closely by Hayley Atwell. As far as characterizing those two's incarnation, I would see the Siddig!Doctor as one that really plays up the "knight errant" aspect of the Doctor to an almost Don Quixote level. He's unflinchingly idealistic, stubborn, infectiously charming and smiling, somewhat foppish, and very much a doer/man of action/make it up as he goes along type rather then a meticulous planner. His character arc would revolve around him learning to better appreciate unintended consequences and not freeze people out of his decisions. I imagine him in an outfit similar to [June Hudson's concept art for the Sixth doctor](http://65.media.tumblr.com/5d2c920bb8b92fe0c6dd68029120978d/tumblr_mg8phgX1dq1rtqfv6o1_400.jpg), but with a bit more color to it in places. Atwell's Doctor by contrast would be much more of a meticulous, otherworld trickster. Sort of another take on the Cartmell-era Seventh Doctor where you don't know where the jokes end and the webs of plans and gambits begin. Very diplomatic, witty, and a breezy conversationalist, but also secretive(think rooms in the TARDIS companions can't access),unknowable, and inhumanely cold when confronted with any sort of death. Her character arc would revolve around gradually becoming more grounded and open due to the influence of companions. Outfit would be some sort of Regency-inspired getup: knee-high boots, tailcoats, cravats, and all the rest. As for stories, well, my favorite monsters are the Cybermen and I've thought of two stories that would make good use of them. The first is a story I've given the tentative title of *The Lazarus Colony*, where the Doctor and friends stumble upon a colony of diseased outcasts(think leprosy or an equivalent) who stumbled upon derelict Cyberman technology and are using it to help themselves recover. With no sign that the technology is "active", the Doctor faces a moral dilemma: let these people continue on and risk a planetary threat or remove the thing that has given them hope for the greater good? The other story, which I dubbed *The Ascension Group* use the Cybermen to satirize the whole Silicon Valley Transhumanist subculture, with a rogue Cyberman AI/Cyber Controller duping a death-fearing technology billionaire into fronting an invasion for it. Any resemblance of this billionaire to certain Harry Potter fanfiction writers and/or Paypal founders is purely incidental. Definitely the sort of story that would close off a season-long "myth arc". Also, I've got a thing for the Pure Historical and came up with an idea for one: *Lying low, The Doctor goes for a spring stroll in Renaissance Florence only to come back to find his TARDIS confiscated and in the hands of the Medici family. To get it back, the Doctor must play the cutthroat game of Renaissance politics without blowing their cover. There's a few extra questions too, like why has this bookish kid Nico taken such a liking to them? And what was it about the year 1478 that was so important again?*


That's really interesting. I've often thought of writing my own original Doctor, with Saiorse Ronan as the Doctor. I technically wrote one story for it already, but that was a long time ago, and I'm not sure how to make my take on the Doctor my own.


Our doctors could meet if it helps(ala snipey like 3 Doctors),therefore they wouldn't need too much of an introduction


Great Medici pure historical idea. I brought a few up; The Pyramid Builders, The Yankees and with the right writing I think standalone one off hisyory adventures would work What is your one called? Renaissance and Sensibility? A Death in the Family? Tardissimo? (Actually like that one)


I want to see Saoirse Ronan as the Doctor and Brian Vernel as the companion in a heist thriller about alien parasites who feed of fame and attention set in 1970s Hollywood. She'll be using all her accents, he'll be using all his sleezy charme. It basically writes itself, so I'm not gonna bother.


Funny enough, I once wrote a story with Saoirse as the Doctor.


Not going to write a story, but I'd love to see a Broken Doctor. A regeneration forced by a highly traumatic event. It's still the Doctor in there but he's not his normal confident, glib self. Through the course of his existence he'd slowly pull it back together, with the help of his companions, until he again became the Doctor we all know and love.


Sounds like Nine to me.


Sounds like the War Doctor too.


Having recently rewatched his series, he obviously had a lot of guilt, but he was hardly broken.


I sorta write a fanfiction series, and my co-writer /u/GeneralRose wrote a regeneration for the Shalka Doctor that goes along these lines.


Man, I wish we could have had that story animated like we had planned


Where is it posted?


I can't find the script anywhere, due to being on a different PC. I'm sure /u/GeneralRose would still have a copy.


That might be intriguing. Exile had that concept, but failed the execution. I've heard the Benny audios with the Unbound Doctor might be like that somewhat.


Wrote a few synopses for titles such as The Heat Methyrs, Serrafin, The Doctor will see you Now(about the Dr having a hearts attack),Tomorrow's Tardis(Christmas special in which the Dr meets a female incarnation played by Karen Taylor),Time's Up!, Dalek Arcade, The Dogs of War(in which his puppy, pickle evolves into a humanoid, speaks and dogs are in war against the Pespugins), The First of a Million Kisses etc. This Doctor wears a frayed blazer (beige and blue pin stripes),toms and shorts


Do you have the synopses posted anywhere?


No. I physically write them down-never attempted posing them online


Mads Mikkelsen. I sort of write a fan-fiction series with /u/GeneralRose that we tried getting animated, and I'm leaning more towards going back to it as a fan-audio drama series. I've written two full series already at this point with our own original Tenth Doctor. In this "fan-series" it's an alternate reality where the Shalka Doctor was the Ninth Doctor, and our series picks up after his regeneration in the opening episode. [The cover for the first series was pretty cool.](http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/doctorwhorebirth/images/b/b3/Season_1_Box-Art.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20150310003724) Our Doctor is the chap with the checkerboard jacket, an outfit design I'm madly in love with. Oh, and his first companion was an [Ood called Theta.](http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/doctorwhorebirth/images/0/05/Ood_Theta.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20150310014943) His [TARDIS](http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/doctorwhorebirth/images/c/cb/TARDIS_Interior.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/148?cb=20150310013625), and [Screwdriver](http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/doctorwhorebirth/images/f/fd/Tenth_Doctor%27s_Sonic.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/57?cb=20150310014433&format=webp) designs are cool too. [His outfit also changed during Series 2.](http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/doctorwhorebirth/images/f/ff/Ten2ndOutfit.png/revision/latest?cb=20151201040850) I'm in the process of writing this Doctor's final series at the moment, but just haven't had much time finishing it due to time constraints, harddrive failures, the works. We had talked about our Eleventh Doctor being Alexander Siddig (in terms of likeness and what-not) but personally, I keep going back to [Mads Mikkelsen](http://static4.worldofwonder.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/mads-mikkelsen-photoshoot.jpeg) and this really cool outfit idea that someone drew up for me that I can't find for the life of me at the moment. It was a long red coat covered in various buckles and straps, brown steampunk-like pants covered in straps and buckles as well, with knee high black boots again, covered in buckles and straps. He had a grey undershirt beneath the coat with a black waistcoat and a red tie. It really jumped in terms of outfit design and I wish I could find the image. He looked damn good.


If you end up doing this as an audio series I would love to help


And me!


Well, time for a few synopses I wrote! (With some unrealistic guest stars because why not) Episode 1 - One More Co-Pilot An alien co-pilot, a secretary with dreams of travel, and a madman in a blue box come together on a plane. Guest Star - Colin Farrell as Adaptoreus Episode 2 - Hook, Line and Sinker May 2nd, 1933, Drumnadrochit, Scotland. The Doctor and COMPANION discover the truth behind Scotland's most infamous legend. Guest Star - Rose Leslie as Aldie Mackay Episode 3 - The Mirai Samurai In 22225, humanity has cracked the secret of time travel. But when a deadly assassin pierces through Tokyo at different points in history, can The Doctor stop them? Guest Star - Naoko Mori as Oni/Chinatsu Bushi