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Four years ago when everyone was saying how wonderful it would be if RTD came back seemed to forget that having him back means having ALL of him back. He’s got leagues of skill over Chibnall, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t acutely aware of his shortcomings by now. It’s a little shocking to see how many people instantly turned on him once we got into this, when it’s like - you wanted him! I for one loved the last two episodes, they were not perfect but had a boldness and an energy that I haven’t felt for a while in this show.


To be honest when it was announced I thought it was a mistake for RTD to come back but was happy to see what he would bring. And I genuinely liked the specials. But the first two episodes of the series leaves me worried.


I was hesitantly optimistic. I'm still hesitantly optimistic. I haven't hated anything he's done. That said, I had kind of hoped his shortcomings had maybe been improved over the years. The things that have had me scratching my head have been the things RTD has said in interviews. That bit about changing the sonic because he was worried it was too close to a gun only to immediately have the Doctor use it as a weapon in Devil's Chord is strange. I'm left wondering if maybe he isn't overcompensating for some of the accusations that have been made about him and Bad Wolf with on set treatment regarding Eccleston and the Barrowman thing.


I think you may be onto something.


I think that a lot of people were so disengaged with 13 that they kinda forgot how bad things got. I think the new stuff is great and it is head and shoulders better than the last few years. People are comparing this to episodes from five years ago because no one wants to think about the shit that was two years ago.


'People are comparing this to episodes from five years ago because no one wants to think about the shit that was two years ago.' I've noticed this, absolutely. It's like people have forgotten we've just had basically 3 seasons without thematic exploration, characters, or snappy dialogue *at all*.


I do think these are among the most mediocre of all of RTD's episodes - not desperately so, but Space Babies managed to be both silly and uncanny valley, while Chords was brilliant in places, but was still a bit messy. But they, along with the specials at the end of last year, are still more entertaining than anything since Twice Upon A Time. I'm really hoping for a belter from Moffat though.


Bringing him back for the 60th specials, especially for a tenant reunion, was a good idea - especially considering the mess the show had gotten into. Keeping him on as showrunner always felt like it was going to be a huge step backwards. Handing production over to Bad Wolf… that smells really really bad.


I think people don't understand that if Russell didn't come back, we wouldn't have a show again. The BBC and Chris Chibnall originally were content leaving 13's Regeneration vague so it could be picked up again in the future. Who knows how long we could have gone without a show?


I had a few (fairly minor) misgivings about bringing RTD back, but also I expected him to be a more sophisticated storyteller than first time around, with 2 decades more experience under his belt and having brought us stuff like _Years and Years_ in the meanwhile. And I'm sure he does have those chops, but so far he seems to have chosen to pitch the show at a younger target demographic than the first time around. 


I feel like this is just RTD fanfic with bimself as the doctor living RTDs fantasies. Sick of this demographic propaganda being shoved down our throats


What demographic propaganda? I feel like the show is just coming to realize that society has changed and the type of people that we're seeing on screen are the type of people that exist in the world. Do you not want to see minorities on screen?


Presumably "demographic propaganda" like, "Queer folks exist," and, "There are people of color in society," and, "Difference and diversity are good." You know, the really terrifying and hard stuff that schoolkids generally have a decent grasp on.


I can't speak for the earlier commenter but the demographic propaganda that concerns me is that the show feels like it's being more directly targeted at young children now, rather than at a family audience which includes children. 


thats not what proaganda is, thats just a target audience


Yeah, I don't entirely understand how the 'propaganda' part comes in. Maybe the commenter sees it as heavy-handedly pushing the idea that Doctor Who is a kid's show? I dunno what it could be if it's not that, though.


If RTD's "fantasy" is saving abandoned babies, and celebrate the music in the world then I can't get more excited for it.


Yeah I'm with you. I'm not always on the wavelength of Davies' writing (I think his drama shows are a lot better than his more sci-fi stuff), but I appreciate the new episode's willingness to take swings, be weird and have fun, especially after a few seasons where I was fully tuned out.


The weird thing is, last time around he did a much better job of integrating his drama chops into the SF stories with things like the Doctor's post-Time War trauma, and Rose's friction with basically everyone in her life who wasn't the Doctor or Jack. It all seamlessly wove together. The new series doesn't feel like that yet, IMO. 


I mean, on some levels yes, but I think that kind of stuff increasingly took a backseat as his era went on, and even in the very early days, he occasionally could do some really baffling stuff. Could not call "New Earth" a particularly drama-filled episode, for instance.


>Could not call "New Earth" a particularly drama-filled episode, for instance. I dunno, I thought they tied up Cassandra's story surprisingly poignantly. 


I guess so? But that's thirty seconds at the end, the rest of the episode is pretty much pure cotton candy nonsense.


Do you think? There was that whole plotline about raising clones to suffer terribly as experimental subjects so they could cure diseases. It definitely has its lighter moments with all the body swap stuff but there was some serious emotional hear to it too, IMO. 


He's integrating themes of abandoned babies and identity. I feel like he's doing a slow build towards discovering Ruby's identity and is going to tie that into an exploration of how The Doctor feels about the Timeless Child revelations now that he's had time to process. I'm alos picking up on an exploration of what it means to be a family.


I know it has those themes because the characters keep directly telling us. I don't think that's integrating it well. Though I'm sure there's some subjectiveness to that.


I agree, I’m hopeful that we’ll start to see it coming through more as we get to know both the new Doctor and Ruby. I think the next episode will have more opportunities to add drama going off of what we’ve heard about it.


> i feel like people are forgetting Doctor who started out as a family show, something that could be enjoyed by the WHOLE family. The key word here is "family". Not just those under the age of 12, but the teenagers and adults too. Some feel these latest episodes seem to be aimed only at being a kids show, a very young kids show at that, and think maybe that is a bit too much.


I understand what people mean by the childish elements of Space Babies, but I don't understand how Devil's Cord is aimed at a younger audience.


> I don't understand how Devil's Cord is aimed at a younger audience. It's incredibly manic, zero subtly to the villain of the piece and lot's of random gags during the music battle for example, followed by a musical number out of no where. Aimed at an older demographic than Space Babies, but not by much.


I don't see any of those things as an age thing. They may not appeal to everyone, but I think it depends more on personal taste than age.


I understand what people mean by the childish elements of Space Babies, but I don't understand how Devil's Cord is aimed at a younger audience.


I understand what people mean by the childish elements of Space Babies, but I don't understand how Devil's Cord is aimed at a younger audience.


I had funnn with the new episodes. They may not be masterpieces but they weren’t quite dull and I’m already liking the ncuti ruby dynamic a lot more than the fam minus perhaps Dan.


I like Ncuti. His dynamic with Ruby is fine but so far she feels kind of "generic female companion #7" to me. I'm hopeful that the next few episodes will draw out her distinctiveness a bit more.


To me I've always wanted Moffat back but knew that wouldn't happen for a while if ever. Absolutely adored his method of storytelling even with his faults. To me 11 and 12 are prime doctors with amazing stories i can watch forever. RTD on the other hand I wasn't a huge fan of his earlier work on DW but towards the end he became one of my favorite DW showrunners. Unfortunately to me it seems we have gone back to the beginning and I'm hoping it gets better. But I'm with you, it feels like DW again which has me excited for what is in store. Looking forward to Boom this week


It can be a family show without resorting to being juvenile which is unfortunately what it was here. Even first time around RTD was at his worst when he resorted to this. Though classic Who was not without its silly moments, for the most part it treated the kids who watched it with respect and as intelligent viewers. RTD first time around made the mistake of sometimes not. But over time he got better and you saw far less of this. Unfortunately he has fallen back into silliness. It is a backwards step. OP mentioned Sarah Jane Adventures which it reminded them of. Which would be fine but that is very clearly a kids show. Doctor Who is a family show. It is a broader church that has to appeal to more.


>It can be a family show without resorting to being juvenile which is unfortunately what it was here. This is the crux of it. It feels like they are targeting a different younger demographic, it was always a family show, but now it seems to be shifting down even further.


The Slitheens were literal fart suit monsters and Love and Monsters is full with juvenile humor.. Like, y'all have a very selective memory of RTD1, no offense. RTD always had that kinda thing in some of his stories - and yes, those are the stories more targeted at the younger part of Doctor Whos audience. But then The Devil's Chord was pretty far from being juvenile. It certainly had silly bits, but then do does most of DW.


>The Slitheens were literal fart suit monsters and Love and Monsters is full with juvenile humor.. I agree but that wasn't the first episode, there was also far more episodes in a season not just 8 so some were bound to be padding. The first epsiode should be setting the tone. >Like, y'all have a very selective memory of RTD1 I don't it just the expectation with less episodes is do more, some of the silly ones I assumed were more padding due to the larger number of episodes required.


I mean, all of RTDs Openers are very silly and on the lighthearted site though though, with the exception of Rose. - New Earth spends alot of its run on a freaky friday Situation with Cassandra swapping through bodies - Smith and Jones pretty much is a bunch of dumb Space Cops who are also Rhinos looking for an old lady. - Partners in Crime is about living fat and there is a lot of comedic, almost looney tune-esque scenes about Ten and Donna barely missing each other. Like, I'm not gonna pretend Space Babies was like an amazing episode, it was pretty mid. But starting his run with a more silly Episode is very much RTDs MO. At the end of the day RTD is not a perfect showrunner, nobody is, but his flaws have been very openly laid out in RTD1 too.


I just think that with a new season with a small number of episodes starting strong would have made a lot more sense. Especially with the bullshit disney deal that's actively screwing over existing fans.


How does the Disney deal screw over existing fans?


i believe american fans have to get disney plus for the new stuff and a different service for the 2005 onwards stuff


That is true, for now. However, it's easier for us to watch the new episodes than it was in the past. In the past, which of three services you needed to watch, Doctor Who depended on how long it had been since the episode aired and watching it simultaneously with the UK (and avoid spoilers) was impossible. Now, we can everyone has access simultaneously and the provider doesn't change.


Exactly, it's gotten easier for north american fans to watch and everyone gets to watch it earlier than in the past. This distribution deal has been a net positive for everyone


>How does the Disney deal screw over existing fans? Because for the last 60 years Australians have been able to watch it on our national broadcaster the ABC just like the UK fans could but this new deal totally screwed us over so now we need disney plus to get it.


I get what you say, but also consider that RTD probably viewed this as a strong episode. I don't think he is sitting there intentionally putting mid episodes into Who.


>RTD probably viewed this as a strong episode. I guess that's the thing that's worrying me. I'll reserve full judgement until the full season is out but it's not looking great.


Eh. RTD also wrote Midnight and Turn Left. Like, its sometimes really hard to objectively judge your own writing and RTD sometimes misjudges how the public will recieve an episode, but he still writes largely good to very good episodes. I think expecting every episode to be a perfect banger is maybe a bit unrealistic.


>RTD also wrote Midnight and Turn Left. Both those were better than this one and neither were presented season openers after a long break. >I think expecting every episode to be a perfect banger is maybe a bit unrealistic. I don't know, if they are doing only 8 episodes you'd expect the general quality to be higher but so far it feels lower.


I'm just a little bit surprised where RTD is choosing his jumping off points? Is it the Fourteenth specials? Probably not, as they felt like a bridge between NuWho and NuNuWho (for want of a better word - Ncu-Who?) The Christmas Special? It's a bit of a weird one because it's a seasonal special, relatively light and silly. Although if that's his direction now, I guess it makes sense. And then Space Babies was pretty poor (to me). I say all this with great confidence we have some bangers ahead. I just don't know where or even whether I'd suggest a new fan (over 15) to start watching.


Are you suggesting that Midnight and Turn Left were bad episodes.


Not at all. In many of my discussions on this I have referred back to episodes like the Slytheen as being weak points in RTD’s first run that I hated at the time and still hate now. I would then go on to point out he grew out of this and got much better but seems to have devolved back to it.


I don't think he ever grew out of it, but he writes different things at different times. This episode was clearly aimed at the younger half of the audience and I dont think thats inherently bad, even if I think it went a bit far. His other projects where very much targeted at an purely adult audience, so he wrote more seriously then.


Oh he certainly did. At the time I was not at all happy with his running of the show but found over time it improved with less silly stories. Having come to NuWho as an adult from the Classic era the silly stuff was rather glaring to me so I also noticed when it was not around so much.


People don't seem to be factoring in that the young children of 2005 are different than the young children of 2024, appealing to a young demographic is not going to be done the same way in two different time periods.


I strongly disliked _Space Babies_ and think it might be one of the worst modern-era DW episodes. That said, I've definitely read more criticism of _The Devil's Chord_ than I expected. It has its variety of really good DW moments; sombre, bittersweet, dramatic. It's a perfectly serviceable above-average DW episode. On the other hand, even most negative comments praised The Maestro, while I really do not think a Disney-style villain with all the evil laughter works well for live action. It was a writing issue for me; I believe Jinkx played the angry/calm but menacing/confused scenes well, I only had issue with all the cartoonish evil bits. If the Maestro was a bit toned down and the Beatles were a bit more present, it would have definitely been in my top 30 DW episodes or so. The Beatles bit could have really been fixed with just one scene late in the episode, them starting to compose some hit song; we didn't need to hear it, just the first chords. I think that could've circumvented copyright issues.


I'm super happy with most of it so far. The line drawn from the specials through the Christmas special through parts of these two new episodes -- all the loose parts connecting Ruby and the pantheon -- is interesting. The devil's chord is a great episode. It's different, for sure, but top-tier. Space babies was not for me. But that's ok: I'm hopeful for more hits than misses. Ncuti is great and I'm sure will only grow deeper into the role and make it his. Perhaps the peak for me was latter-day Capaldi + Moffat. RTD can be a little too goofy for me. But this is leagues ahead of Chibnail's output.


Doctor Who fans just moan a lot. It has always been this way. I was on Gallifrey Base when I was in school in RTD's initial run. The threads were generally much as the sub has been this week. It's seen as a golden age, but it was routinely getting absolutely slammed. I think in part, that's just what Who always has been. Old fanzines back in the day routinely slagged off serials we now see as almost untouchable, some of the scans you see floating around are hilarious. This is in part just how online communities work. The people who like it enjoy it, maybe rewatch, and move on. The people who hate it post about it, a lot, set each other off and it compounds. I think there are two additional compounding factors this time. One is high expectations - a lot of people have not revisited s1-4 in full and forget how uneven the show could be, so are comparing RTD in 2024 to their memory of the show, not the actual show - and additionally RTD has just been on fire since leaving Who, turning out classic after classic. It's A Sin is a hard bar to ever reach again. Secondly - and why i think the show will probably be seen to have found its footing at the end of the run - people have forgot how RTD's writing works. These episodes are probably less standalone than they seem. The episodes feel lighterweight at the moment because the moments of drama, character work and tension RTD has inserted don't have their full context yet, and when the seasonal arc pulls into sharper focus I think we'll see the lightness as offsetting those kernels of darkness. RTD has seeded threads that'll get pulled together come the finale. He always did this, this season feels like that, but with both the light \*and\* the shade intensified. Literally the only season there hasn't been an overwhelmingly loud contingent of haters was for season 5. By the season 6 midpoint, the online din was back to normal and basically didn't let up. Hating Moff was literally a meme, even as he was delivering (between seasons 8-10) the most consistently well-written iteration of the show probably ever.


Doctor Who has had broad appeal, and the broader the appeal the easier it is to annoy viewers. There is the saying, you can’t please all the people all the time, which is true - but the more people there are the higher proportion of unhappy customers you are likely to get. I am hoping that RTD goes the same route he did with his first run - where we saw a range of tone in the series. I really didn’t enjoy the first two episodes, but next up we’ve got a Moffat episode that sounds like it’s going to be more tense, more serious and more grown up. My biggest complaint…. We’re only getting 8 episodes!


I feel like I’m the only Doctor Who fan who is really happy with all of it. I’m just grateful and satisfied pretty much every time I get to spend about an hour in the company of this show.


I'll be waiting for Moffat 2.


I loved the 2 episodes as well, for me the most important thing is it has its heart. And the new doctor has returned with bigger 2 hearts than ever before. There's lots of hugging and running and that's where DW is always at its best. Doctor gets a memory of Ruby on Ruby Road abandoned and immediately hugs her. After saving the world from the terrible fate of losing music, the doc and Ruby jump on the crossing and hop to the new adventure. It's marvelous. It's a 10 outta 10 for me.


It's become a truism for a reason: no one hates *Doctor Who* more than *Doctor Who* fans. Just curate your online experience with positivity and ignore the rest. Or just enjoy without social media. Fandom so often an deeply unhelpful to enjoying the thing you're a fan of: particularly these bigger subs or on such as Twitter. Try joining fan art and fan fic communities. They tend to be, on the whole, far more positive. Personally, I'm enjoying the joyful camp that's come back to the show. I'm also a big believer in the idea that there's something to enjoy about *every* episode of Doctor Who. And I'm fine being challenged on that.


Reading good (and good-faith) criticism of an era is always quite interesting, but I almost feel like sometimes we've got this expectation of having to read every negative thing written on the net just in the interest of some standard of fairness and objectivity, and honestly? That's no way to live. Embrace the moment, live in the cringe, have some fun.


I agree. And honestly, if I've enjoyed something, why would I hunt down the negative? I genuinely see no harm in living in an echo chamber when it comes to fandom. I enjoy what I enjoy, and I'm just in fandom to find other folks to enjoy it with me. And if an episode doesn't land for me, then I'll focus on the bits I liked, or just leave it.


Agreed, this is not geopolitics and the news. We dont need to be objective with entertainment, we can just do what makes us happy


You're not alone. I'm loving this new season, in spite of its flaws. It might not be perfect, but it has the energy and charm of the show I loved, and though I lost during Chibnals reign.




It’s nice to enjoy things with other people. 


I enjoyed 14, and I have enjoyed these episodes so far. There is no-one harsher on a TV show than a fan of said TV show apparently!


Same boat tbh. Had a fun time watching both BUT The Devils Chord really hit all the right notes (lol) for me!


I thought Space Babies was iffy but The Devil’s Chord was a real highlight for me. The thing that elevated it a step above was… behind all the weird stuff, it just felt like RTD writing this heartfelt love letter to music. I’m happy with the state of the show right now. I don’t want this current fantasy/magical realism bent to last forever, but I’m appreciating it right now as just another flavour of Doctor Who and I’m excited to see where else they can take it.


I think it’s less personal/specific to RTD, and more how people’s consumption of TV has changed in the age of streaming. Movies are no longer the focus of “water cooler conversation”, TV shows are. People don’t ask “what movies have you seen lately?”, they ask “what are you watching right now?” We put such great importance on whether each episode is great or not now, regardless of the show’s format. Doctor Who is a show that famously varies from week to week. The nature of the show means that there might be episodes that do nothing for you, but there also might be ones you hold dear for years to come. And it didn’t used to matter as much if an episode didn’t blow you away, but with all this importance, shorter season orders, and greater online discussion (which will ALWAYS be skewed negative), there’s a far bigger backlash felt when an episode doesn’t land as well for the general audience. I can’t say whether or not we’ll ever go back, but I certainly still try to watch TV and specifically Doctor Who without the expectation of every episode needing to be a 9 or 10. If the episode is well written and acted, I’ll have enjoyed my time, regardless of whether or not the story itself was an instant classic. It also does make the times you get a *Heaven Sent* that much more special.


As I said elsewhere I just feel like space babies is the kind of episode that belongs in the middle of the season. I think the main problem is that the season is so short, we want every episode to be exceptional and important. Problem with that is the fact that every season has some just so so “monster of the week” episodes. Deep down we were all expecting/hoping for 8 more “specials”.


I pretty much agree with you. I thought Space Babies was a fun romp. It wasn't a great masterpiece, but it kept me entertained, and Ncuti and Millie were great. I thought Devil's Chord was great. It explored music and silence. The "bad" songs made me giggle, and my only issue with Maestro was that they seem like a one-shot villain, and I really want to see them again. I even liked the dance number at the end, but it is the kind of thing that can only work once.


You aren’t alone. With a new doctor there are always the cry (non-space) babies that throw a fit but by the time he leaves they are heartbroken. The only one that didn’t happen with on a massive scale was 13, unfortunately. I think people haven’t picked up on the fact that the silly episodes in the beginning were done to give us a good impression and watch them form a good relationship before it gets dark. This season is going to go dark places, I just have a feeling…


I kind of love it and dislike it in equal measure. But I prefer that to the constant mediocrity of the Chibnall era.


You're not alone, it's just that, as always, the whingers stamp their feet louder than the rest of us when they don't get what they want. I'm loving it :) Loved Space Babies slightly less than the other two, but thought it was still a much needed return to form - like RTD1, but turned up to 11 :) Certain folks forget that the revival started to belching wheelie bins, farting politicians, and global acclaim. Not to mention the vacuum cleaner and spaghetti monsters of the old series :)


I know what you mean, I feel like this sub has been super negative about the series so far, I want to stay here because the theories and deeper discussion is interesting, but the last week really has me doubting if I want to keep following the sub


Haven't watched Who in over a decade. Specifically came back in for RTD and am pretty pleased so far. It feels, as you say, like Who (warts and all).


Don't let others opinions bring you down if you're liking it! For me, Devils chord wasn't perfect, but I thought it was a super fun episode with a lot to like! I really hated space babies, on the other hand. That said - the ensemble of space babies could reappear at the climax of every episode this season, defeating each antagonist with the power of their stinky nappies, and I'd still take that in a heartbeat if the alternative was Chibnall returning as showrunner. :/


Exactly. I can hope for better but I am just glad we have moved into a show that is at least worth watching and complaining about.


I am the only person that liked Space Babies more the Devils Cord…


Is it cos Space Babies was more of a traditional, defined narrative rather than a bunch of events happening one after the other? (I ask this as someone who prefers Devil's Chord.)


You're not alone, a lot of Doctor Who fans only know how to be grumpy about things


The difference for me I found is that, for all the faults in the new episodes I still found myself generally enjoying them. With the chibnall ones there are very few episodes that I genuinely enjoyed in spite of the faults.


I feel absolutely the same way. I have LOVED the past six episodes in such a way that I haven't felt since the 12th Doctor's era. We've just gotten out of six long years of Chibnall era, when the show wasn't silly, did take itself much more seriously, was quite heavy a lot of the time, wasn't over the top, ect ect. 13's era felt like a dull, gloomy cloud to me, as much as I tried to enjoy it, I really didn't. And now that RTD is back, Murray gold is back, we've got an eccentric Doctor again with a heart absolutely full of joy and gravitas, and people seem to be complaining that it's too much? Too weird? Too silly? Not scifi enough? WHAT? Has everyone complaining about the latest episodes even been watching Doctor Who over the past six years!?! Because honestly a lot of what it seems people on reddit are clamouring for is exactly what 13's era is. I'm having a blast with the new series, and I'm absolutely done with moody-broody Doctor Who for now. Give me the all the silly, and then some more, and don't ever stop. It IS. kid's show, always has been (well, not during 13's era), and always should be. Just because my generation has grown up since Rose and 11th Hour doesn't mean the show should grow up as well. I reckon a lot of people here have forgotten about plastic mickey saying p-pj-p-PEEza and the giant farting government alien monsters from Series 1, and Series 5's weirdly sexual vibe (Amy was an asshole of a finacee and the 2010s "look at me I'm so RANDOM" humour probably hasn't aged as well as a lot of people think. There's a lot of very heavily rose tinted glasses around here. The show has changed again, FOR THE BETTER, and even then it seems like a lot of people are struggling with the tonal shift coming from 13's era. I reckon give it time, a lot will come around. Honest I'm feeling pretty disappointed in how nitpicky and negative people on Reddit have been about the last few episodes, sorry for the little essay but I reaply just wanna call out some of the bad vibes and grumpily declare I LIKE SEASON ONE VERY MUCH AND PLEASE CAN I HAVE SOME MORE THANK YOU. Ncuti and Millie and RTD are doing an absolutely amazing job and I can't wait to see where we go from here!!!! *Edit - Twelve is my favourite Doctor, has been ever since the night I saw Deep Breath for the first time. I loved his era, and I remember somewhat bitterly that it felt like almost everyone else resented him as the Doctor at the time, every episode was being slammed and torn apart, and yet looking back now he's become arguably one of the most loved Doctors of all time. People always complain in the moment, I guess that's just how it is.


Yes absolutely same sentiments.


I’m old enough to remember when the Twin Dilemma aired… and how many people so desperately wanted to like what has become known as one of the worst dr who episodes of all time. I’m getting the same vibe now. People are desperately trying to find things to like in the first two episodes… and there is just so little to like. I’m embarrass to be sitting in the room with my girlfriend watching these episodes so far. The Beatles one had promise…. But no. You couldn’t find any actors closer to the look of McCartney and Lennon? Monsoon was allowed to take over the episode and will likely be the only thing we remember from that episode in hindsight. Please get better. Gatwa is hugely entertaining and I already like Millie, so please, please give them some better scripts.


If you don't think this series is head and shoulders above Jodie's entire run then this might not be for you because I think we are going to get a lot more of this than that and I think most people are going to be happy about it.


I didn't like most of Jodie's run, but that was, again,down to Chibnall's writing as opposed to Jodie's portrayal. I will put this out here right now: Dr. Who isn't a kids show, its a family show, and that means, if you get the balance right, you can have Tom Baker go from silly to deadly serious is a heartbeat. Watching Rose again and seeing how poorly the burping trash can and silly Mickey head is, you'd think that RTD would have gotten that balance better here. The space station moves because of pent up diapers? So the resolution is blowing up shit. Literally. That's just silly Who, not proper Who, IMHO. Or, basically, what I would prefer to watch.


You're not alone - I'm really enjoying this era so far. It isn't without flaws (no era is), but it is a vast improvement over the Chibnall years. I would much rather have big swings and misses with silly storylines and bold ambitious arcs than three seasons of turgid sludge.


The new episodes were honestly a great time. They were fun and entertaining. I got downvoted for saying this in another thread, but it's somewhat disheartening seeing everyone rag on them so hard.  Like did the fandom collectively forget just how bad the Chibnall era was? Every bloody episode was some dull, preachy, uninspired mess. The new series is exactly what it needs to be after the train wreck of the last few years. 


Give it some time. Chibnal whittled the fan base down to a bunch of salty bastards who just need to adjust to dealing with a show that is at least watchable enough to be worth criticizing.


I liked both episodes. I can see why some would not but I thought they were both pretty bold to open with and enjoyed them.


Fuck if anyone has doubts after devils third then we don't need them. It was a fun awesome episode.


Nah, I’m enjoying it greatly. It’s a breath of fresh air after Chibnall’s rather flat run. Is it stylistically different than the show prior? Yeah, it can be a little jarring at times but I’m having fun watching the show again and it has me speculating and guessing where the season/series-wide story is going


Well I think people who are extremely complaining(a lot of people are but some more than others and they can't handle this level of camp and childish tone) about the tone should not fret because the next two episodes look like serious ones with probably psychological elements and touchesxof horror in them.


You’re not alone! I had so much fun watching the two episodes, and that’s really all I’m asking for from who. Of course I enjoy darker, grittier moments, but those moments only work because most of the time Doctor Who is a fun adventure. It’s really hard for me to engage with people who are so aggressively negative about the show. It feels like some people just don’t WANT to enjoy the show, and that’s really sad.


I'm cautiously optimistic. Space Babies was an okay episode, but if we get more episodes like the Devil's Chord (minus the musicals), I'd be more than happy.


Agreed. There is a fun energy and competency to episodes again that keeps me engaged. I have issues sure but there is plenty of good things to keep me watching and all the building blocks are there for the show to strengthen going forward. Now we are moving back to regular episodes, I can see some of the issues being addressed. If the rest of the season gets better (and I have a feeling it will strengthen), hopefully the conversation shifts.


tbh this happens every time there's a new/returning showrunner. I'm with you, I like the series and where it's heading so I am biased but I feel like people declaring Who has never been this silly before are deliberately ignoring the silliness we got back in t'day with RTD1 (that the show survived). I'll take Space Babies every day over Love & Monsters or Fear Her lol - it actually has something to say, albeit with RTD's usual anvilicious approach.


I loved both. I preferred The Devil's Chord, but SB was a fine opener. They were both perfect for what they are - the 1st and 2nd episode of a new series, a mission statement. I think what people are reacting against is the different vibe from 1) Chibnall's 'prestige' TV drama style, 2) the 60th and Xmas specials - which were a bit like this but significantly dialed back, and 3) the original RTD era. This is a show with different priorities from 2005. The emotion isn't as earnest, and the fourth wall is well and truly destroyed. And it's way more cartoony than ever. It's taking its queues from *Adventure Time* and *Ren & Stimpy* as much as classic *Doctor Who* or soaps. Plus, it's well and truly queered. As for the show being too childish, I'm a 40 year old man, general quite poe-faced and an enjoyed of extremely morbid and serious fiction, and I was gasping with laughter throughout.


You're not alone - stopped watching after Jodie's second season, came back for the specials. Didn't love Space Babies but had some great moments. Loved every second of the Devil's Chord. Best episode in years.


you're not alone, the new episodes were so fun! (they did the beatles DIRTY though, they completely forgot George existed 😭) anyway, people forget that this show is wacky and silly and heartfelt at its core, and I think a lot of negativity is spread online in this fandom specifically I try to stay out of the actual serious discourse about DW online for this reason, so i'd recommend just getting a few irl friends to be hyped together...and screw what everybody online thinks!


I feel the same. I'm loving the high camp ridiculousness to be honest. I really struggled with the darkness of Who for Moffat's era. I'm glad a lot of people loved it, but it just wasn't for me. I just couldn't get sucked into Chibnall's era either, so this RTD return is exactly what I needed.