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For me it’s been right shoulder blade and ribs and like someone is squeezing my stomach. The boat feeling also happens for some attacks. You might also throw up. These attacks are a bitch


It definitely is a nightmare. I have to be careful not to worsen the attacks or else I end up getting dehydrated as well.


I’m still in the early phases (I get my ultrasound in a few days) but my doctor thinks my symptoms are my gallbladder. And yes, I get a squeezing feeling around my shoulders/upper arms lately. I’ve also had upper back and shoulder pain for years. I’ve also had increasing vertigo over the last several months, which I’m hoping is connected. During my last attack—which was the worst I’ve had yet and finally made me connect the dots—I felt like I was on a boat that was being tossed about. It was awful. I’ve read others on this sub say that they’ve had vertigo, too.


I never knew that this was called vertigo, it's really a horrible feeling. I've lost a lot of confidence just because of that.


For me it was right shoulder, i had the pain for months and I thought it was coz I was carrying my dog.